Milverton Sun, 18 Oct 1900, p. 5

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mn Monday Sth, inti the office of the aa in the chair, mem minutes of former meet- led to make artment, The com- led, two members of teeing to-Interview the] 0 in the matt ockholders of, ‘the gine om] ast returns to his dey s. James Torrance, I Dr. - Egbert one Pfeffer, Samuel G. and eeelcres dre: ssed. Ee oF i, Aerie in the . matte gas lights odie supplied ‘to feats oe at $6.50 each, ee aid posi ats wil ode ba Jamps i Lighting hy ee jllor Spencer ited a committee to. place alco a saliferent lage natin, Tite @ poles should be ‘planted, ate - jpg under instructions given theln b ec i eepaa dar or Gis r the purpose of beta ee yearly Parties having accounts against the corporation are reque: to Reet en oe Saturday. net, 20th Oct. ie Reeve pes, 3 > WEIR, Clerk, Short Stories Retold. re are some times sharp en- unters.of wit at horse deals, says ie Scottish American. hi heard e , lean, it ‘helanged fo ébS ta mini- ace ? LISTOWEL—Friday, Oct. 2.* tain | LOGAN- Bornholm, C. ns ngaxtzaron MEETINGS Association will be held as yet ELMA—Atwood, Tuesday, Oct. 16th. MILVERTON—Wednesday, Oct. 24th MORNING TON—Newton, Thursday, Oct. 18th, ELLICE—Rostock, Friday, Oct. 19th, Monday, Oct. for “Food “Government Your Vote and Influence are respectfull solicited for : George Goetz Liberal Candidate for North Perth. his | _ a Polling, Wednesday, Nov. 7th, ht Keep Sweet. i aot Su Fey a Mabie of ous do uu day by Suppose that friends conilered true our trust in them b nd roc lahnay bruise and thorns may WORN and weary feat, And every day you meet a sn A sour heart will make things worse And harder still to b A merry heart destroys the curse And makes the heavens fai er you may mec Dwell on the e ood—torget the base— ep 8 —Anon. COMMUNICATIONS Proliibition Not an Issue Editor Sun, 0 on ‘your issue of Oct. 11 you say AIL Meet | “He'll | affe« ‘ bei daaed at the polls” ntryiman on o visite Glas Spihie: wale a rayle. etrest, ~ reading t the signboardeg and the tickets the shop window “Hoo can Giada Hxhibitions Of new and tempt- ing bargains in Watches, Clocis, kings, Chains, Cuff Links And the very latest in SILVERWARE - at rock botion: prices pt BASTENSCR Was P, S,— Watch Repairing 9 BSpecinity. = is Ne cE Doos to. Posrorricr. oy ie. wm every voter in exercising. his franchise undoubted!y as been, — Sane main a disputed question of supre- acy. Why then, knowing that Reform and Conservative yours for prohibition and’ Re- form, and Reform, if prohibition. . C. BoxD, Fernbank. Mr. Boyd evidently misses the point of our article, which was written with ng from ve general elec- tions simp e some particular {hobby a para- janount iss c ight be | pardon: Da spoilt child whieh de- ‘clares “I ith you any ‘nore? when banlked of its Will, but never in an inteliigent elector. ' Sup- | poxe i bitionist or the | anti- capitalist o }the 7 gioud fanatic or is oa juestion bes Hore the public het erobodies my paral | tieular views id ae e | of them beinx erysta iation.” Whe would we beat? man who has the ot } try at heart wi t ther sponsibility of de: on ti issics before him w 1 pat sétientiy persistently” agi pes, for> such [measures of reforni as ie considers in the best Sn lead of Hie De opie. us ca fying, is hate of ne . = . hey are y of consideration and Airs, © s- Pa 3 7 tn Cae ‘the tine oor they. Wilk become? nih, a8 the paeat oe aughter, | 3 We also have a good stock. of Wool an: Consa Pa fai danas } people vill not fail} irs. Ve ‘We tilaufer, SGeies Blankets, at ‘yery close prices. *— to express. theinsely if) last. | not they will, like of our hunters went up to! 3 {an undeveloped ee Mtl gue Follarcos op a bigsk squirrel hunt 9p GROSCH & PFEFFI22 € | tae as public is educated to aud rote ht home no oe than a higher standare {doze " \ ¥ thus in all lands ; dt is n ¢{ questions affecting the welfare and the rainy Brogress of our country.” oi that there are many ved in our| one or live wing the foliy in abstain-; 3 (Where the Bye Is _._ QWatford Guide.) The Gee ons on the cob ead and the rye is in t pocket. Potuts of Resemblan (Watford Guide.) This is the season for the wealthy candidate =o the honest corn husker to shell out. ‘Their Day of Sorrow ress Guide.) Nov. h Wed. ley it will be a day of humiliation for many a candi Paddy of Them AI. (Watford Guide.) The opposition in Quebec “reserves ¥| the privilege of referring to Premier Parent as Government Pap. A Poor Cook (Toronto Telegram.) 120 many cooks spoil the broth.” and Si Laurier apprehends that one is fe many of the H. kind of Cool ate’s Duty. . Kingston News.) aston Churchill, speaking of a politfeal candidate, gets peas she lowing bon mot: ‘He stand, he wants to si, mies eae to inson. (Yoronto Telegram.) Fall plowing by the hired’ man more todo with nal prosperity than the political speeches by all the rising young statesmen in sight. No Child’s Play (Galt. Reporter.) se ° 3M als Sie ole oly sh ole she oly whe sly oly sly oly ROR LO NT LOL ET G2 od ROR en S nnn GROSCH & Te Milverton’ S n's Largest Store ‘New Carpets and Chennille Curtains... . Choosing carpets and curtains for the new home, or to improve some room, is a joy and yet a task. There is the eye to please and the pocket to con sider, In’ such cases the trustworthy knowledge of someone who understands thoroughly the different makes and their points of supremacy is: invaluable. Our exp ened is at your service, our goods are here waiting to be spread out before you and you’ will find bath police and satisfying. Best Velvet Car- Best English pets at $1.25 Brussels at $1-25 now in a position to e showing of Be Te I ie I ee Se Sie See eI MS Ye Se Se SSE SI Se Si w 5 patterns, being the product English Brussels, they are oe the best oe designs he newest styles with the t pér yd. $1.2 cod poe Sirens all 5 frame at p est Tapestry B Best 2-ply all Wool eee at 75¢ one Carpet at 75e. onee in ean run,” We notice that Meena he aetna tor ~ ‘A Base tm one (London News) ‘The Hamilton Spectator rejoices to the extent of half a ver th eer will cure 2 so ;wo chronic e: eases Of hiecoughs in the Bpoctator omies ‘A Casus Bs (Toronto Star.) ib fo warn the (prose of ‘the she sis ss she sy Me he SEE SL Here is certainly a bargain, these Carpets never selling less than 90e per yd., special r any room at per We now have in stock 3o pair extra darge CHENNILE CURTAINS canes al: travellers’ samples and ranging in price from $4 to $8 a pair, special price $4.25 per pair. Our stock of FURS is most | complete, carrying nothing but the’ best goods. United t States that a casus belli if ee continue to nee to Mr. Wessels as ax migrant and there are no lies. an e African Repul ‘The Land We Live in, (Hamilton Post.) By way, we who live in this fae land, donot t apprecia is fact that each season as its peculiar sport. Ie i not es eae e t, ough: the sumntner la especiaily suited for athletic exercises season, the eifle coast, ef on: ht else, that is building up the soenetians vigor of “the men of the Northern Zon Geo. Westman of the Herald staff was in the village on business on Tuesday las! Mra, Wicks has lett-o She moved #0 Milverton last araaeiay to ewith her daughter, Mrs, John Wingfelder and Kreuter Yundt, Messrs. seal the Liberal candi- nae illageoit hasilioes On date, w Wetuestay last. r, San d el Rosman has again Y spending & 1 Detr t North Baet- lmcfer <i spending: © rt % zis doing @ rushing business in the e chopping Ii Mr, and 3 aN mene ith a baby girl. "Pete Borrian, of Be ebringville, e ES Me hs PE TeL VY sh wh i he abe oly why she she She sis ay he why hy che Shs obs she whe sl abe whe oe uly she A ly obs nly ls be why aly MM, yh oh whe eS He HEE ee Se SESE ESE SESE SESE SESE SES SL f coats ranging in e Thes prices from §35 £0. 40. guarantee everyone we sell. eae Te ake Te Se ie Se Se ie Se Wh ee Se SEE SES ei ie a Me ad ee see 2. We carry a most com % plete “ae-ol Cape Persian 4 also in Drivers, Gre: a : Nutrias, Beaver s, ea feces Seals, ete. Caperines ranging from ait $7 te. & 5 eR 3 cis Big bargains in clothing. We are bound to reduce cal our stock, and will sell clothing for the next week re- gardless of cost. FARA sasretevenescesestellaes Grsenenolclodcect dl tL inte | SERGE” 2M Auch aid fashionable stock of Gent's Ties came to hand this week. UNDERCLOTHING in great variety, ¢ see our great leader in underwear, underwear, cotton fleeced and good stock. goc. a si ES %& = call end Av ® Fe Ne Sie Se OE ae MSE Se e o Ree We ee ah a Ae 9M whe nly She ake he Sb ERRATA AITR AERA

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