Milverton Sun, 25 Oct 1900, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” “Vol IX—No 38 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 25 1900 RETH,! Publisher MALCOLM | Mac Editor and The Milverton Sun Newapt ise in the County esti ADVE Year. | 6 mo. | One column... be Quarte ath isements are chi tee opeparel, ke te the rate of 8 3 line for each «1 first ins reo = sessive ic Bankin R. RANNEY & CO..Bankers A general peramance ted. r ted at all ints 39 Ca eanardin 1c 0 Io Telephone coun Lutheran Chureb icitor, Ete. Burton’s R. aRMAN, Dei Li ital Su y and Member of Colle a Pete Susgeumeot Oniene, Juiver and Brid ‘Hor 9 a.m.; 1. F abate, Hosenpfiug’s, tailor shop. Mivetton, for Be Honor Toronto, eae of J. ROBINS. of Str DR. R. Se ate of aretk nd des t fi Thursday ot every ie p.m. tho Gr ud otra Hie Nilns athetics tied for pa own and Dye I" work guaranteed mon rth olephone or otherwise, and Chronic Diseases ry 2.Tor sof domesticated anima ue or otherwise prompt Livery iy mana nd rigs at al Jommereial en a vethren nan, C. Re5 Fi 1; post fie walidioe. teats welcome. Chas. “Loth NE, Milverton, tr All ens aud als Pais attended to. Wan. Dorland, Meple St., Hotels Brunner. Ont. aet liquors and class accommoda- saci s and © Good tabling. Tiguors tod cigars i . Base Cigars Ge plenty.of shed room. Henry Rose, proj spending a G y | runay pe .|however, that in the course of a we 4 Shee oes Mixceltaueon JOHN eae eee in paene Bie foam Shingles, Pum, G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton. coixe sours. aes 9: 25 am tne M . P. Roe has a number of horses for sale. short story is like a bobtail horens 3 the tail is not continued. is the man who ie for what he ia and gets what he A man’s sins seldom fe nae ou until after his neighbors expose him. In the country they call fun wicked- ness ; in the city they call wickedness fun. A cynic is a person who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. A number of teac students their Thanksgiving ipa in Milverton, } Miss Mamie Heiden, of Btraload, ent Thank: gz Day with Mis ichrenk, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schrenk en ertained a few of their friends tast Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. few davs eorge, in Stratford. Westman are with their son Half the girls you meet are either pretty or clever, The other hale are vues who would make good wiy woman’s feet feel aa com: fortable unless she bas got them in # pair of shoes tha are two small for them. Mr. John Barr is fitting up. his livery barn and from now out will {a have a man constantly on hand night and day to wait on bis customers. Mr, Phil Christman has’ pureh: ja stock in Gorrie and will leave ‘i employ of Mr. E. H. Dierlamm this week, to take possession. Mrs. Harvey Ham and son Frat left on Monday to visit friends Whitby, r and Toronto. Wi etl in W hitby ae will attend the in ring nm) Miss anaes Waleron; Miss Kaufman, Baden ; uhl and Miss Hill, Berlin, spent a tes days dig wtak with Macs Miniiia Hasenp- flug and Mrs. W. M. Appel. ident of Onondago, Brace og ‘i el injured in a last week, overy is despaired of. Mr. Pair i a cousin of Mrs. James Torrance, Milverton. Patriotic exercise books, scribbling wooks, schol text books and all sup- plies for the school room. Agent for wall maps and all school apparatus.— Jas Torrance, Milverton. sss. Hermann and Rudolph bave purchased Mr. Peter Wiederhoid’s farm lying within the | corpuzation of Bier and consist- | ing of 47 1-2 acres the sum at $3200. Mr. W saa purpo | purchasing a larger farm. * We had the pleasure the ovher day of looking at the Belleville Mute, the little Paper. published by the inmituie and find oe us ae he bax ree for ove cliee that ma: si years which asad: much to his cre- dit as a diligent and obedient student. As Mr. Charles Kertcher was run: meeting he dropped into an open cul- vert and sustained very serious and painful injuries. Besides fracturing two ribs he was badly bri exter ally and internally. Iv is expected, e or so that he will be able to resume his duties. The Listowel Business College and pe Ge opened its coxs, Ssston of fe Cecieal 1: ed Shirk Itt, Fer calalogue, tern: Harte easipale fistower ae aes o ©. , | Mormons i Chain your gates on Hallowe'en. ‘The steady rain on Monday has | greatly expedited fall plowing. Mr. J. Pollock, of Paris, is spending afew days with his son, Mr. Wi Pollock, of the station hotel. Mrs, Sheltard, of Brantford, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Watson, over the holidays. was Tramps in Ontario are said to be 'y scarce owing to Be) met en- drcseane cea vagrancy a Mrs. R. McMeans, of saa ford, at present spending a few says at home of her mother at Donegal. Mr, W. G. Ham and anager Ms Naomi, of Pickering, spent a few day last week with his brother, pene Ham. Thanksgiving in Milverton was cele- brated by services in the various churches and a shooting watch at the station, the arMr. Ratcliffe has been engaged as tencher of Donegal in the stead of Mr. John McFarlane who is now attend- ing the Ontario School of Science at Toronto. Mr. Henry Dee who is pierced of an extensive agricultural plantatio near Philadelphia is at penne Lee ing acquaintances around Milverton. Mr. John Roese las sold his_ pro- perty on Main street to Wi Fischer for the sam ot 81800. Fischer will take possession about Nov. 10th. Miss Nettie McMillen, former. pupil of Mr, Thos. Martin of London, is prepared to give jessons and theory, call at her ine in “ahikveeats ue and MV E. ed in Milverton hay nen, on Wednesday evening ret to hear thie Mr. Dierlamm Pe igen sanetiee indisposed through a slight attack of pneumonia, rR. C. Evans of London, se ay in ty the organization of in Canada, left last Meidas for Ginn Byes Oslumiin hand the Northw. t is not stated that i wail visit ‘Salt Lake City before re- iH. after — their W. A. McKay of Woodstock, will’ on sa SCR, Dee. 2nd, preach the anniversar 3rd line Wel day evening ture entitled Wi a lee- eliver a Ww to j improvement on ibe ORT HsLinuen, ves meeting. J. P. Griffin, of Mornington, s purchased Bie Kerteher ng adjacent to the Methodist ahacih and Will Ute va house fitted at once for pati The strupture ie llseceni italy: eeren bal some oe. nude. “We welcome a Griffin to our busy and thriving vil Mr, Peter Atkin returned from Hath on Tuesday and says that rably better nae erica Oi Threshing operations have been resumed but the eee of the wheat is nyt up to the standard owing to it having sprouted the es No. 1 hard sey be ex- ported from Manitoba this s "Mr. Robert Kines’ of Pa aso. _ met Gaddenly started causing him to fall forward alighting on his head on the corner of a stick of wood, inflicting a ee scalp wound. Mr. Kines did ven eanriag unconscious but be vied profuse! The idee Meeting at Stratford was un acknowledged success, 7,000 people being in attendance was addressed by Mr. D. K. Erb, Goetz, John MeMillan of Huron; ir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir Richard Cart wright. Sir Wilfrid enthused his audi ence greatly while Sir Richard did the sledge Upeah thas Sie Wilfrid is a pleasing speaker and can say hard slugs without aides offence which uttered by anyone else would be great- ly resented. Bir Richard i: eas, eat style, he shoots dt his thrusts are keen and point eae Die can easily understand him being pur- about It et greater acrimony. than Sir Wilfrid. Samuel uw in} Dierlamm ny property | y- Owing to the large increase in our circulation this year we had found it absolutely necessary to adopt the use of that the date of his subscription is not | fj correct we wish that he would molt | 2 s at once and have it rectified. 4 There died at Mornington on S day, Mrs. Randall, widow of the late John Randall, at the ripe old age of over eighty one years Mrs. Randall was the mother of Mrs. James Galop ol of the 5th concession. Her remains were interred in the Milvertop Pres- byterian cemetery on Tuesday and the funeral was quite largely attended. pa ea ae Scumipt—At Milverton, on Oct. 4th, the wife of Louis Schmidt, of a daughter, St RanpDALL—At Mornington, on Sw day, Oct. 21st, Rebecca Hobbs, relict of the late John Randall, 1 years, 5 months and 15 MILLBANK AThe infant child of Mr. A. Dem 1d Mrs. Demert enatramene ahthe Lore Supper bate as observed in Knox Church Sabbath with as usual services on Friday and Mon ‘A large naniber of the Government supporters went to Stratford last Wednesday and returned at midnight nore convince Figoteousats of thei E Hamilton, of. the 108 ly sol has ouse occupied none Hagin re termed 0 Crosshill and is plowing on it present. Miss Nicklin gave an oa number of her pupils on Thanks. giving ROSTOCK J. G. Chowen of Mitchell, was in the village Tuesday last in’ the in- terest of bis company, the Sun Savings and Loan Company. che om vateinaedtatel cas RE Gast on Thanksgiving Day. _W. Weutlaufer has return- ed Tae atter apeading a few days vith her paren Mr. and Mrs. B. ain afer and Mr. Junglilut, were visiting friends Logan on Sun ay. and Miss Zoeller i ee ae in Rehberg “spent Sunday with friends in Wartburg. well attended, the hall being filled. Dominion on Election Forecasts (Taken from the 0 Ottawa Journal Con.-Ind.) LIBERAL FORECAST. i Ci Liberal majority CONSERVATIVE “FOREC cases ee ova, la New Brunswick P. E. Island Manitoba . ritish Columbia. Conservative ener STANDING IN LAST PAR- The status ae the present perio ment just, dissolved was as follow ranking the Gatpined gtependonte! as Liberals Libs. Cons. 51 41 HESSON Z +r, Wim, Gohl has left for Godétich on aicndae last, Some of our political boys took 1 Laurier demonstration at Stratford last w ichael Vollmer give the young n Monday dangerous thing’ that the Tee Rant ers met the wou inded man, just then people are wondering who got the collection that was ‘taken up for the wedding, they expect a V over it they wi have a good time, pecs Ke hallowe’en, what about the eee 4 some ople | Ine getting up their sere ‘ots and ‘angola that W. took a ; that J. was Mr, W. A. Featherstone of | istowel, was in Monkton’ visiting pants Sunday evening, Alex Campbell ‘of Logan, at his job of ee on the: Wollacott, “Toth concession o| was ea eaven! 5. ah, Batardey moriing the a “ Mr, Andrew Nicholson returned (6 ak he funerals left their re- spostiye’ Foslcenees at 10 a. ed th he day being "| fine the chiureh ee ‘Alled to _overflow- ing. rove preached two fine sermons one at 11 a.m. and the other at7T p.m. 1 only Sore -H. Thompsons, the attend, the J As tt

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