Milverton Sun, 1 Nov 1900, p. 3

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mai FASHION NEVER OUTSTRIPS OUR STOCK It is always up-to-date with{the latest and best that the inventive and manufacturing genius of the world can produce in all lines of dry goods This season in fall importations it is Ge ahead ofall former records. A tour of inspection through our various departments at present twill prove an object lesson in Styles and values that no lady who wants to save time and money can afford to miss. Come and see how well you can ae and how thoroughly well you can be satisfied. We mention and quote prices of a few lines worthy of special notice. DRESS GOODS Habit cloth in shades of brown, green and grey, regular 40c, special 3 50 inch ladies’ cloth in grey only, worth $1.85 dark line 12 yards for $1, something. — : Mg Tweed effect in blue, grey, brown, fawn, etc., ai 75e., for nice and heavy in nice pink stripes 8 Camel Hairs in all shades and checks worth 5c, for and 11 yards for $1. 45 inch Matalasses in black worth $1.35 for There is m8. campaign speceh, The unusual warm weather for the last week has ftcteved Saenee with our pla and sales have not quite been up to the mark for October and in order to catch De las : will (with your help) make the prices so low that you cannot aford to miss the chance. Toe gents, have one with me p Casey and the Law. of Law Notes” indulges in this fight! DRESS GOODS DIVISION Perr 7 a3 Canadian ‘gentl leman, Casey by Kipling’s poem on the new Aus-|Hame, a tralian nation entitled “The Young |{ Queen,” though generally well received cf inning in fr on cc ton | lahalty satan | Sue Auth fake ail Cane ae Weayi quarter Shing Witsambaungled 0 F saa iectal goods, suitable for skirts and coats. at 25¢. but withal it is a clever bie of versifi- ie: ita ae to. Mile and::.$5e-- In. checks wes haxe viovely “cation. Peak walk ches examiner, things from 12%c up to 75¢. all new goods you know about law, any * The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1900. FLANNELETTE DIVISION Camel Hair dress -goods. at 75¢., $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75. Black Crepon at 75¢,, $1.00, $1.25 and $r. 75. Home Spuns at Millinery Miss Broderick is right to the fore. Her experience has given her every op- portunity to make suggestions for trimmings, combinations, colorings and all up- to-date ideas. Her workrooms gre li jike a beehive, and it will pay you to leave your order early. A nice line we are selling, 20 yards for $1, a better line 14 yards for $1, a nice: Ready to wear Clothing Space forbids us to go into detail about our prices, but we invite you to" call and have a look at our goods and compare prices. We claim to carry the largest_stock in town STAPLES and HOUSE , FURNISHINGS In days of old when nights were cold, the comforts were not to be had as to-day. QUILT We are ever alert to the wants of our climate and country, and no matter how low the thermometer may touch, we give you warm comforts at zero prices. Here area few of our} | leaders LADIES’ UNDERWEAR adie’ na aibbed Hyesinn Union Vests, regular 40c, for jeeves, shaped, regular 50c, for w ool we geinn eee ieiig Wisetek ALR oes SenHlATNEn Stan HOSIE ae and Children’s black, fleece lined hose, hermsdorf dye, from 12 1-2c¢ to 25e Bio fait ot Sassbciat ves due take cay + sie a Viesotnes su apiicwee ( Ketags anes ok sh yt.” mpl th cn :|Millinery Department ‘who had taken the oath of allegiance, |, 72%, 4xaminer reported, ‘stating in ~ Lord Roberts has not been too severe H putting to death three of the tors who caused the death of so many brave soldiers. Cas You know we were unfortunate to loose our-Milliner last week, but were very fortunate to get Miss Slack, of Clark, Pennoch & Co.’s wholesale millinery house, Lon- don, to help us out, we invite one and ail to visit our. Millinery Department whether: you buy or not, come in and get acquainted with Miss Slack, it costs you nothing. All the leading styles in ready-to-wear hats. = imported honeycomb, $1.25 100 American fancy pattern, large size Pe _ Ata meeting of the Teachers’ Read- j ing Circle in Stratford, a resolution Flannel Sheetin, a. Ladies’ Jackets and Furs = : 72 inch home spun Twilled Flannel Sheeting in white or grey, regular 75c for 65e 1 Fine Elec. Seal Coat, size 36, $45; 1 Fine Astri- was carried condemning the present : chan, a dandy, at $30. In Astrachan Capes we authorized history books as worthless. ha er. ‘The frst applica, have them at all prices from $12.00 up. aaa The education department must have tion gave instant pare ie ‘ive Eee ttles Ve have a nice rtment from $8.00 a arcanunanyanie Uyicd tar aul avers. PiatiewisTeikats a tursnttod Seana oto, ae “ody. What one convention recom a Ra sna a eae aly eA a si i get a try on, no fit no meénds another condemns. Education- Pp You know we don’t do what some merchants _al’men should Bettie on some standard — do, put the price away up and if you can be caught Bid ehide Bh i Tn. Osborn’s “Greater Canada” a well and good, but if you should wait a while you e i 4 - can buy the same coat for less than half of former . ie a othe Bae a peti igh Groceries : \ 32 inch, extra heavy, redular 10c, “i ay |” : 4 : jinually harassed by buying new books. z 5 jacio Site es ill aaah? fig oay Ube Tapa Tent boapliee banter ie ads] . ‘Wrapper ote: beautiful pattern, sae 12 1-2¢ for. i c n . et § 4 vi tte, special wauce in price; Nothing bathe Sena keps Gees Miscvenhs Underclothing Division ‘e carry a complete range, in men’s we have. 25 dozen to choose from, so do not pass us if you Blanket Sold by Jas. pee an wool super, finest quality, fancy border, 6, 7, and 8 Ibs, per Ib In ladies’ we bought unusually heavy, it will pay you to see our leader at 25e, Children’s we ex- pect in a few days. GLOVES Lidioe -bins\ Gacbimiee eines regular 40c Qe Ladies’ Josephine fine kid gloves, 3 large en fasteners, regular $1.25 for $1 TOILET SOAPS Fine toilet soaps, 10c per box of 3 cakes ; Buttermillt and'Gljeerine soap” ¢ per box, worth 26¢; Best perfumed 20c and 250, worth from 35 to 50c, A Cold Time. = ae annete 36 inch Siecil heavy, regular 15¢, for 36 inch Gurney twill, regular 18¢, aD as ing @ is rien you the nsual discount, No humbugging the General Manager Hays of the| ony people is our motto 7 Grand Tronk Railway system has re | to indi i : Flann “aigned his position, resignation to take hed A H \ ee ee TENE Eee ra Ready-Made Clothing Department office. Mr. Hays resigned in order to ees a Boe -F guess Ido! Didn't aceept the presidency of the Southern | the Scie fonts De tee No. 1—Not all, surely ! There was tbat little red cow that we tried LADIES’ WRAPPERS Special line of Ladies’ Wrappers, lovely designs, wide skirt, well made, $1.25 worth $1.75 ; $1.50 worth $2. Other better goods at equal low prices. mee Bin and’twill, special rey, plain and twill, 28 ah We do not care what other merchants advertise, or ot you but know its not the oes and black, 33 inch, very Bia hen that cackles the most that lays the largest egg, you just let them cackle but see for yourself with whom you can be best suited. We handle nothing but Union Clothing Co's. goods made to order. One of the nicest lines of Overcoats that was ever put on the counter for $10. Boy's ehest coats at close prices. CORSET DEPARTMENT D&A special $1 for Albain lesder, regular 60c fe Tea withishveaon aitkuuRaenINR SLABS tar onorus duties and a salary of $50 Towels Though from a shareholder’s point of view his management of the|/and ‘twasn’t till July next that w road was a success, his departure from shaved pee out. A = gent 5 hawed her out? No Canada. will not be regretted, e8-/sir,” Why, didn’t We milk fee cream pecially by labor men whose friend he| from her all that s centainly was not, Manager Huays!when the Child «Plays Hookey.” allowed no bond of fealty to exist be- cae ‘tween the employees and the manage chime coniefunes bree na to be ment. Old and faithful servants were | Hl to escape going to school. dismissed or demoted without any 100 dozen special, large towels, value, 30c per pair, each only 40 dozen special linen towel ll 40c puir, only Crash towels, imported, ea Space forbids us to go into detail but we invite you specially to call and compare our prices, which are just as low,and in many instances Butter, Eggs, and'a ll kinds of fowl wanted. E. H. DIERLAMM. Mrs, John Lawson and son Hardy, | Captain Kingmiit of HS. ML] CO A N'A DAS’ SONS ata of Stratford, were anines eas ‘dura, late commander of H.M.S. Blen Ki: away near St. Thomas last we heim, and son of the late Judge Kings- : : | mill of Walkerton, ied the KOPJE VELDT ae John K, Snyder, a well-to-do wil’ « dey ta en Eke ‘jon J and Published | _ one of Torento’s most popular young ladies. Grain bags, 200 doz. up, See our flannels at 14. and 25c., can’t be beat. W. K. LOTH ,ower than the sale price, of others. W. D. Weir’s Sale Register. IF YOU WANT Something Better Be habitually eon gletee of Headache ee Neuen acs See ; 4 before school time should be put] feo Siegen aes sy tg and the energy of their best years|"™ ened 7¢ not per- | Cwest. Sion y, about th ‘supplied by the octopus, when they ae © cern ‘osshill. Sale to com- 8 ige EXECUTOR’S ant ‘ : jolitude soon become sp irksome that e 5 agate 7 the o Z| ay arc Fon caress dbp ive th Gebers eee eras a eee le MOLIDE £0 Creditors of itself may resort to interminable In the estate of Mrs. Sarah Kert- ‘The LATEST” Shoe \ strikes which will be disastrous to gher, late of the Village of Milverton, ST” S Store : eres both’ it and capital as detrimen ila who i in to a go to scl abaaed: j santas it islessons, is too i tal to the best interests of the country, | be out, er bad: Notice is begin a tae an a he lesson: s be made fi 5 “ S » ‘ Ee cay ee Law, >in his play-ti e fitors (and others having <lains| Men, and “‘ Empress Shoes” for Women, prices $2.50, $3, ney and $3.50. “Tbe Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1900. vee = and highly respected farmer of Welles- | ley tow nay died at his home in that township last week. The se nee! of the Stratford ae Mr. -Torranes;-ck Listowel, Oy legiate Instivute is doing heroic work.Lof O, OWF. was werking in the towards killing the cigarette habit|ests of his ordery all 23 candidates..w' the C: O F. since his iba here. Court Chesley has now a memb ership | 2 of 74.—Chesley Enterprise “Thought it meant Than the general run of Foot- r tee gy GENERAL NEWS ®ULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. An authentie account of the Canadian,Contingents in the > South African War. By J.G; Marqis, B.A. Introduction ~_ “| by Very Rev. Principal Grant, L.L.D. Based on the official: | | despatches of Lieut.-Col. Otter and other commanding officers” at the front. Complete in One Volume, 500 pages, richly illu trated, only $1.50. Agents coining money. Get free Pros- - 9} | unong pupils. iis Blora fall fair directors decline |® \o pay a certain exhibitor’s prize noney because, 60 it is alleged, he showed another man’s stock. Brussels’ tax rate this yoar is mills. Two of the Listowel Banner staf are down with typhoid ae stole a his is do: fe so. that he may find : th f Mai : nought fe meant death | os and the detectives were eee truancy unprofitable. may. bel 1900, ae Faure, Day of Ma ot Milverton, In the Pertin urs ow Mee and 10; Alex McKenzie, an old man over 80 Sat ayes ote Sat miraculous cure from Dgause he left no trace bel ind. pat to. bed. as soon a are required on or before the Z v4 : fage are 53 inmates, 43 mal TE ak eg reli ban Si alg een progr om Tea ae A eto deliver to MePberson & avid fone other day walked to Walkerton and stink tava, om ould keep him from goi To deliver to McPherson & David- Sir Mackenzie Bowell went down to back, a distance of 32 miles. (Hamilton Herald.)~ sehool.— Novenrber Ladies’: Haine} 8° tford P. 0., solicitors “tor ro Carleton the other day and gave Hon. 5,000 people sre eee et aura Pits an co aang _ Most of thé election predictions are | Journal. the undersigned the executor of the) €9 @ : Sok Hache aroaitigadiot Piaf Satan on moral of | year wre dale he magi vie nye ead . coe ee William Stewars has reparchased ied eRe had been a| Sold by Jas. Torrance. EERE ERTS ere ena ae e+ to resident of Southapton for early 80 Be Saerian 8 ato Hyso ie the} made to Great Britain of chickens fat- make it a brighter sheet than ever. years. Frank ‘Tremain fell from the first] The genes to the ground in the new fac- And ask to see Our Men’s “SOUVERIGN ” Shoes for They are the kind that satisfy. The Bradley-Carretson Co., BRANTFORD, ONT: rfckags | Mention this paper. Two Years Abed,—" For eight years | 0 OME men | 7 sack cs ce pan cyne did ee pieatia weary (i any Complete stock cf Trunks & Valises. “ tism; for two years I lay in bed; could not | held by them and that after the tard All kiads of Farm -Produce taken: so much as feed myself. A friend recom. e Fac executor mended South American Rheimatic Cure. bgp Cau ane eae Seceerine seh na, Saye Tore Highlanders badly sheken wp sulle severely losing 34 ont of 52 fou y e ; . Ked the tourist. in North Caroling. | Cua agr Cltton streets Toronto. a he elaims of whic! y then i of j fe i 5 t 5 .. “ |have “notie: T that the yy will aot be ? b S 4 ivi i T dunno erzac hat mya ‘Sold by Jas. Torrance. | { eres of the estate 80 VW V \ K 7 ait ? , =o The Motagss furniture = ctl beseciate slime Pi in se ndorege. 40s chink "gis tell dis: I allus was bab coe at istributed _t person of whos . es g me a -atfor re Babe . markets. fore better dan to try to vote. An Episode in Wer. Gaia they” sliall not have hed notie : é : pay over $40,000 : nd = Miss Jessie Duncan, returned miss- While G. We Ames, banker, oh RGA oe Scapeeoa te reed pat akan at che fone of sa ea ation. y : A the building and ‘eathin ionary fiom Neemuch, India, who has | Wiarton, was out, hunting on urs- Silatcntik cn acouee bao industry 3 Don’t you know that. time has a of flying ? } oy 2 e day last with bis; youngest son, four-} tablsmen? 0 Never before we believe in th Bef sh Wer colds: Ball We hi bah iss The Cosmopolitan Fire Insurance teen years of ugathe boy placed the . history of’the North American co ore you know, it the cold. Fal eat er will be J peing organized with head-[2 70; her duties in the foreign | butt of the gun-on a log where it slip- tinent hes there been such a grist of here, and at that time you will want PZ a i W Ikerton, The ae. fala bn ecaa darts last. - eh The ae striking against | ™° Cabs ciievaa wall ‘ mber, exploded the charge, which 1°! nessed in the early days |A FALL SuIT 3. your young men 2 visions leaned Shall dream dream: Robert Donald, me editor of \don,, i dian Where All Men Are Equal. ecent shipments of ete i te es Ces Star.) “Are you ol jongh. to vote?’ oa portant article on “Trusts in : land,” describing the modus opera Ea atio : at Milverton this 3ist day of ‘The Only Remed: The reported ‘Goes of Tacobsdat {00 fon peak aerala} by: the Boers odiaber, a Wit Keenonen: wife separated in Cleve- minder Owen Sound. uldn’t agree on | Orange Pres t_yet McPHERSON & Davinos, followed by its somplete pacification. -Wolicitors. ays, teh q Mr. J. J. Tilley, Inspector of tet entered std rome side. do fo" auonth. 8. elections are held here ig a Ge enterta’ Bee hbpes of recovery. n Nov. 6, the Dominion elections on ~ Mr. Elstone, 70 years we age, sued, for breach of promise, Geo. King, aged a cancion 84, at the Woodstock assizes. The ‘as garrisoned by a (Kansas City Times!) lal can ‘have no. strageti : Sigeahe 7 RRS, ae oP Seder'kivee aca] FL RST PRIZE BREA but when it bit aie “to an al iness it is not in it with John Bar! Hey i ey " phe Senaters Sphere of Tse fatness, fae aor Herald.) - LE um requir- Why mus: ad at Otta: ae a collection of ie te -sils mt desire, hae ’s the mat atter Lon aes Lived in Listowel? istowel Banner.) Last week we printed a small item seen nt ron Gee ote had pifered. id. on account of SE We ere ie ates evening | thi eae y. attach: ninent of Hie hland aot Cape Highlanders rs are the most A eplarable! results of the eee These ue ised ve the basis of a new attack on eicinberley: ‘as rushed, just as Siting shed an exposed western village. The British aces now had about “time eee to > aclapt t "lI have been in business four years and néver, took second one for bread, WHY ? pecnuee i mene the Seek ‘The public knows this now my Sper realize it, Ask the First Prize Zaker Fe Callime wour house. oo) Ge ‘GUENTHER a OVERCOAT We have just received a new line of Suitings, Trouserings, Ete. Call early and get them cheap. Hi. Knechtel si Now i is the time to order it and be prepared for the Overcoatings, bg " q Sense. youthful dante asked Bs ee 000 dam Shoot stndents in th ovi mi GHthe Dr. Agnew’ ages and received one dol mania would appear to be th most illiterate country in Anes The last census shows that, in » population ‘af about 6,000,060 aeesly 4,000,000 can neither read nor write, and that only a little over 1,900, ,000 have any edueation Me In making its presentioe i: gested that. pointed and “totntained ode ol such crime, his salary tobe coe McNeill and Campbell, the Conser- cnvicton. of anyone bribing or carry- Have ae are generally about 1,000 vacan- | vative and Liberal candidates i in North) e been appointed ri returning istiese: ‘upt practices at the coo1iD | tormed in Bimira “ithe, $30,000. local’ sec, |S*pital nearly a which bas been | ba and polling oa ayes z date as the Domi Alex Merner, se ie A joint stock Company has been | oat of the fiatkee many of hs nauscons old.timers. A better medicine at less than HES the price is all thea fe acgument te te demand: wi it has been—phe- ‘They cure |subscribed. ‘They will be granted o w bonus and the fi wa y is e ak to turn out goods Jan. It will be a ee story ‘yk she liked he) a, to hi B Mark Spee ae in am ae Mark || at since Mark Anto well ae as some omenon, Haseoitubses! of ancien wae import: ce arguing a case of se ii e United States Supreme ropo- ise. | counts soe when te Justice Miller, ay’

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