Milverton Sun, 1 Nov 1900, p. 4

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_ SUNSET AND EVENING. STAR. Rev. Dr. Talmage Draws Lessons coh From Autumnal Leaves. vis ste patch from Washington says: » Dr. Talmage took as his text “are alt do fade as a leaf,’—Isaiah’ Now a rheum: Taxi religious truth that God constantly reiterates. As the schoolmaster take: fatigue. Now a fe Little by little. Pain by p: not so aler {take a staff. Then, after much r brightly, owestly, grandly! As the | leaf! As the leaf? face il As the je fade and fall ane up and they Less ‘come forth,” It would be a horrible pp, ie is eo hard for us to understand | steady of limb. Sight nue ap alae consideration to think that our bodies | ar After a while we were always to lie in the ground. -|However beautiful the flowers you squirrel. ‘a black-board, and puts pon it figures sistance, we come to spectacles. In |plant there, we do! not want to make we our everlasting residence in such a van all through are willing to be helped in. At last | place. _ the ear, but also through the eye, so the octogenarian falls. Forty years of| We fall, but we rise! We die, but we God takes all thie is of his Bible, and draws them o in diagram, , decaying. No sudden change. No/live again! We moulder away, on fierce cannonading of the batteries of | we come to higher unfolding! the natural world. cue oni the life; but a fading away—slowly—jleaf! As the | the famous Frenchman, went down gradually. As the leat! 4nto Egypt to study the hieroglyphics ®n monuments and temples. ‘mueh' labour he deciphered th There are other generations ee ——— -FISH TALES, Fish as a role increase in weight and | leaves to take the place |!eneth every year up to their death. Wisdom, goodness, and power of God of those which this autumn perish. are written in hieroglyphics all over Next May, the cradle of, the wind will |tat cannot swim; the earh and all over tthe heaven. God rock the young buds. grant that we may have understand-, be _ ing enough to decipher them! | i If the tree in front of your Those know but little of the eee, house, like Blijah, takes a chariot of fire, its mantle will fall upon Elisha. others take our The woods will ~ leaves are to follow them. could put on a whole forest of pales lifetime USltaina a substance having jooking upon the miountain. oe autumn about this Bult I shall never forget time se lprekiee re As we get ee as not let us be af- tere een the autumnal sketchos a fronted if men and women |; ee ‘pencils; but thea T saw apage: OfOwd Us a ile, We will have bad etd Uda failenhdug bent ees, oie day, and wo must Iot them have lets stand ‘back when God stretches nvas. A grander spectacle was “never kindled before mortal eyes, 284 great men die. le worry by the rivers, and up and down When some important the sides of the great hills, and by the P&sses off the stage, and s: banks of the lakes, there was an indes- PM@ee will never be taken. "pat - an oribable mingling of gold, and orange, | neither the Chureh' nor the State will crimson, and saffron, now sober. Suffer for it. ‘There will be others ing into drab and maroon, now flam-, [to take the places. When God takes ing up into solferino and scarlet. Here, ORS mare way, hho has another right wy | Manned unless there be an extra sup- ork, we saw the DIY of hands—some working on deck; first kindling of the flames of colour | Sm? Sound asleep in thelr hammocks. God has manned this world very well. Thare will be other seamen om dec hen you und I are down in the cab (3m sound sloop in the hammodks. {ne up its sind to change, snd thang! S60ini As with the loaves, we fade Poss han Cae ee fall amid myriads of others. We ‘Aléng: the: hanks of Lake Huron there / ¥ a in concert. The clock that strikes the howr of our going will sound the t i POEs mcomiod + ata Ab mnihiy. Ehousaudas: camping’ go ‘step Foul FI fear GE Eoeas oko carry. out the tramp of same errand, are not "world: The . It hath mightier population, longer streets, Ay: aes 8 == ee ee lights, thicker darknesses. - | field-marsl ory (bd Babylon, and will swallow a!] our dad dashed its surf to the tip aad ie aoe ee No ae n the Alleghanies, and thenithad come Qjach. fas smiting of hammer. azipping | dona to lowest leaf and deep- (elack of flying loom. est cave st persons. Deca oe this text find only in it a vein of s -T find, t! Gospel harp—a string of sadness, and first touch of the frost, lose all their ‘astring of joy infinite. | beauty; and they stand withered and “We all do fade as a leaf.” uncomely, and ragged, waiting for the First, like the foliage. we fade grad- | north east storm to drive them into ually. The leaves which, week before the mire. The sun shining at noon- last, felt the frost, have day by ae day gilds them with no beauty. Rag- my hand took on its colour in an hour | ters, and fe are or in a day or in a week? No. Dee] ‘prospect of hea deeper the flush, oe ne oe spring was all abloom with bright He eos ee summer thick foliag- tunities; but October @/South American tribe whips the water thi Do aoe me disturbed as you see good P eee i io | Army, as the supreme head, with the jand the Secretary of State for War is There are several varieties of hey are deep sea dwellers, and crawl about the os using: their tails and fins as legs. for in this way. pooee them from the is so tnjored | | until in time slime helps also to increase the speed |p, off the fish through the water. Tulorder tafeapture a certain ticks 8 with the wood of a tree which con- @ narcotic and pointed like a tiger's. lamprey has never heen known toeat t all. It is supposes that be does all his'eating before he odraes a real Jam- prey—in the larva feriod—and is never hungry after wards People marvel 6 tha mechanism of hag 4,820 veins, to say nothing of its 99 muscles. One fish has a brain larger than man’s—the whale. ——s . COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. The position of Commander-in-Chief ig an important one, although not so Army, and defined the duties of i. principal officers. The rank held b; nner in-Chief is that shal. Formerly all the departments of the military service were controlled by the Comfnander-in-Chief of the Adjutant-General as his chief of staff. This method has been done away with, in control of all branches of the Army tion’ of troops, and for defensive and offensive operations. He is also the chief adviser of the Secretary of rie for War. vn Army Board, the chief functions superior rank, and on all proposals for imates, is composed of the Com- mander-in-Chiet ter-General, I tor-General of For. tifications; and Ordnance, and the A coun@ant-General. juiniancas COKE ae ayear, Beas of field and travelling allowa: Will vise. 50 we fall in ver. Now a stitch! = dust only to rise again. “The! in the side. Now a neuraigic thrust./hour is coming when all who are in | wards the sun.” atic. twinge. ue a fall.|their graves shall hear His voice and| 5 kes WHAT THEY SEEM. mne pepper is prepared not from | ains | a name from the sole,” meaning “plant which turns to-| Turkeys do not come ey Pps @ bird is a native of Amer: ths soft, bushy tail of the common German silver is not silver at all, but loy of various of the baser metals, which was invented in China, and used ae for centuries, [eo bag produced Dutoh:” the slates arises from Be German word for “Ger- man”—Deat: rae lai g are not constructed of jeork, neither did they come from ne city! of that name. b word fag | | _ BOCENTRIC MZLLIONASRES. { y whom only very few mised one of the oe sub- As ‘reshdanin’ said in an oble | tuary Bike: “The whole city knew im, for everyone was pretty certain ey one time or another to meet the man, bent with age, poarly clad, pi everywhere on foot, looking like a Camels’-hair brushes are fads from ser, many millions, and the owner of vast Properties in the capital, one of the P| largest markets of which bears hie na Many amusing stories are told of this millionaire in tatters, and of the mistaken charity of which he was the object. ims offered to him, and in ‘e The gotd bath melas x out the western aky; British Meseum. no 0 | One felt unwell. military administration of the British | bis head; amd money fell out of- his People offered him of their poverty he would track them to their homes, and on the following day would send them or without cork legs sometimes pride es arity et they are wearing porpoise. hide Bae S. The fact was that his life was one long search for objects of his great benevolence, and the most pitiable beggar of St. WabEes: was really its greatest benefa: Schultheis yon ete! who died two years ago at Zurich, was a similar the white whale. ee os does not come tou: It ig a chemical pro- duct of wiseh Bngland makes her full jshare. Irish stew is not an Irish, but ee not originate in ‘Turkey, but in c lenjuties Needle has nothing to do with) Cleopatra, but was set up about whose wonderful exploits is preserved in the Temple of Karnak, and in —>__ RIVALS. ‘The rival candidates both drove out to a village near Manchester to de- liver at speeches. as farmer ah held some political sway. When they reached the farmhouse, felt 1 more. And yet this stra His companion bad a ravenous ap-| lived on a few a weel Petite. grudged a ges penny for acandh Mr. H——, said the housewife, with |light af aes some imdignation, I see you are not. ak ee man in Southern: Ari- eating much! I know the dinner isn’t | zon, first-class, but it is the best I could get up. My good woman, the dinner is per- fect; but “Iam il In addition to I have to make oS ee im- | liondire lives with his family of a wife : ; and “T'ean't speak well | and several sons and daughters in 2 after eating freely. mud hovel which with all its contents Yes, responded the woman, with | would be dear at £50. know how it is—an errand ‘The floors are of hard-packed adobe, aicta’ ee the. cane! Seat the windows and doors are of the ve politician was silent. The other ; cheapest patterm, and a drop of paint ously. see iste aie was never applied imsidd or out. pane BS WON BY A HEAD. A Northern canvasser had reason use are aCat- to go to a public-house after some book of recipes voters. f i ) and his solitary ‘The men asked him to stand them |luxury is “plug tobacco. HOW HE CAUGHT COLD. Harry, I dreamed of planting sweet peas last night. m shirt,” the n; that would, be bribery, re- plied the agent. But I will try to af- ford you a little amusement. Getting on the bar, he stood upon oe gee dreamed the ground for you, and that’s re way I got this pockets. He secured their votes. ‘awful cold PERFECTLY RAW WITH ITCHING ECZEMA A Terribly Painful Case of Burning, Torturing Hoezema, Which Was Thoroughly Cured by Using Dr. Chase’s Ointment. The torture which is Soa by the After trying arery available intense itchin, tions o! most distressing ets following oass’ is reported right, Norval, Ont. one which illustrates the extraordis grand success, is it any wonder that nary control whic! ‘Dr. Chaaets Oint-|we recommend Dr. Chase's Oint- ment has ov nt %* eae Ogadersy Ean usc rs Ree and as an antiseptic healer, which ici president, and| speedily and certainly brings the Adjutant-General, Quarter-mas-|a thorough’ cure. are In vain were all sorts of medicines | with any itebing skin disease, or have | will not heal, make a test became so t she wi fectiy raw from her ae to her. ‘Enees, ‘oreats, * ‘ EVENTIDE. Up trilight ways the cattle slowly come; 7 Ts ‘ide. >: in Boy tades the waning O0y- At pasture Genie tnging are, maak ing late, ‘When trysting at the pasture ba { The mellow bells grow fainter, fainter still Mt ii (UST. ASTORY OF WAR IN LA VENDEE. After the town was . Henri made our house bis Hoa tyaave® ‘Those e chased to the} night Ao: still they dragged the petaaners ta raf cat geiad BIER ic der about the outskirts, just when his; inking of nothing but vic- you afterward on the first enied unity.” | On the young chief's handsome face there was a look of cnildlike Seige ment at Ripard’s hatred, bro elouded at my words, but he Haines the thought with a shake of the shoul- ders and gave the order to release the rest of the prisoners. hat ies ea poke loodshot eyes; his face was con- vulsed with rage and hatred. “His life and liberty were given him. off, then turned and fired on his liberators, We dragged his pistol from him. Here it is.” And the man Placed the weapon upon the table. “To the prison,” ordered M. Henri. ams ere to the man, he said, “Your nthe ected grinned savagely. “Take care. My name will alarm you. I ai I trembled, M. Henri looked at the d ‘said quietly: “Well, an med. is I am outstde 1 I ‘shall be shot awit ay your soldiers.” “My word is my oath. You shall not go ried Take your pistol.” Henri pointed to the pistol on the ta- ble. ‘The man jeered. “Do you know that it is lo: Pe a?” For answer M. Henri took the pistol and held ‘it out to Ripard. The Did? er snatched it from ik it in his belt and, lookin, And to hasten my he com- menced to unfasten his coat. way in despair, leaving the t pos cross the corridor which their room opened, to get @ ladder, and climbing up, to oe Ee cae a the narrow cell as or ced hign in the sii my pl failed, Still I nn not t aban. don our guest to the mercy of his enemy. M. Henri’s Vendean soldiers shared my fears, but baht dared not pcwien ihe door, Gerehie'hiny th ang there, ready to break in epi nts done ok tetrad, was still uneasy. Though 1 threw myself dressed sks my bed, nh sed wear- ry the eeateas be- jana 8 from a Rape beet at the end of ihe noiselessly “under oeil de tient oes limbed up Gat Woaked into the? roam. “ine light was still piyoin ane h the house was plunged in s M, Henri was ines on the side of the nearest to the wall, and Ripard, having placed the light upon the table near to the head of the bed, was stand- ing motionless beside it watching the sleeper's face. T could not see his expression, for his back was toward me. He remained thus some minutes, debating perhaps, ‘whether the esa ty of those nob! features were The young chet shirt was open a the neck, showing eae ee ab a eliven cnaia ttt nepes upon his_breast. and regular, his lips half oj Sees happy dream. Ripard’s half hidden in the shado I could see that it held ned Pane te a for an hour or so when a dispute arose I felt the cold shiver hi aac upon me. Ripard maintained hi still he did not fire. eS and stepped backward from the He was hideously pale, his eye- ide ere ene his head, hands before his eyes as ane chusiag ‘some bideous vision and noiselessly placed the pistol upon the table. I waited no longer. ane down the ladder, stumbled to the of M. Henri's Wenaean snoring upon cathless haste bid im to force the leek ently that the Mi -| There was but one window, and that *| it a name or to recall having ever seen lated From the French For St. Louis ° es ntry. % peal are an honest, dinitty be Tere Anepeiedy and proud, e but also full of religious ae and a unsafe. “it you are afraid kill me, for I am worn out. m1) “We There !s a eae lo not know where to go, you may stop here: I trembled at the ‘soph of harbor- est and raised a We had not even M. Henri, “he shall ir beliefs quickly brought forward S ee doubts. Godfather bab; font, ri little ase are exchanged and refreshments of sausages, cake, beer and brandy are served Basis ey ee pat ae room. The bed is big enough wret to with horror. There was us Jape of his eyelid rolled down ie chee sees a ghastly stain wan showing the y heart beat pork, w' h “went. Inside the corridor I opened the sleeping room door and placed the light mn the grin-on the | Marselliaig face froze my blood with ecelves the this is only done wi be the last baby in the family. A grand supper of chocolate, yup and roast with preserves, is served after the baptism, and the festivities os with a dance. ends with a dance { fae and their balls begin at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.—Catholie World. A Bird. Old Lady—Yes, it looks like a nice par rot. What is the price of it Dealer Twenty-five deliers ada fees ae that’s high. Show me Ls one that’s low, very His onthe was calm ped A 5 Spee NE GAZELLE. jami.J Last night when my tired eyes were closed in ‘one I love and heard her epeak— bis And, flooding bis soul with music a the while, peo wet fatmaas, Instructing 8 -¢ is more significant \ HINDOO MYSTERY § BY M. QUAD. ‘coprnicnr, 1900, BY c. 3. LEWIS. DOSDCOBSeD bs For corroboration of what I am 4 of the year 1872. three issues, as well as in others later on, you will find much space devoted to the case of the man who went by the name of Cbilka. This Hindoo Chilka, who was about 40 years of age, came to the canton- ment at Haldarabad as a peddler of of birds, the feet of small animals, ae skins and teeth of serpents and ears and claws of tigers and seater! He claimed that all his stock had been death, wounds, sickness, loss and what not, and the yery cheapest ee corea was a pki tha possesso! would never be struck i Thehtning. The man had been selling his goods he stopped to argue the pe ilka sat refused to notice tl They ied from him to their ene but after half an hour teaaealy saw it he was missing. tah a sentry on the outside, and the pi nad had not been tam; nae reprimanded. fell back on the soldier prisoners. city jail, he was ped searched and his pockets e1 Aside from the fos I have Lt he had with pale pink, and it was framed in silver and worn around his neck. This stone ie had not shown te the renee po the prisoners In the guardho membered his haslie it in bis a bast Ge gazing at it eis as fay Peg by himself. He begged hi Piero ras | : to belong to a sailor. | 3 and wes then pease _ |examination. He denied fetiches. He had the beaks and claws |q Mean mo’ woe him aaa a an cpa ee rseil- | and he was ordered off the is. As eyes eae he tg yor joy and called for € ae looked into the cell, and the ma Dot, ou asta io retastud chan: Seti 7 then Drought Into ae the coin was worthless, others like it were found in his pockets he was remanded to jail to await trial. He asked for the pink stone, explain- reached the jailer, and though he laughed at it be at the same tim locked the prisoner up in a cell by ee the watchman in that corridor was put underarrest. It was asserted that un- less he had unlocked the cell corridor doors Chilka cou! and the singular in of the town and was een om him when be was locked w Tor two-days the rian was quict aad walle, Then he began to shout and scream and rave, and to quiet him the ions wa restored. 1 noon aa ft rau placed t in bis rae ne ailencras i 8 gly it 3 Sates a the ahah. ‘the poate in which he was confined contain eight cells, and in each cell one au eae and an iron door Ae er a sat at this door ea of the lever unlocking aul he cal the 5 o'clock he Tooked in, to ere had been ices and the er had eae Reet Before unlocking the cell the guard called in the jailer, and ceed wae iS off Hindoo Sir up, and, though headed man, he tas at fs Bis the supernatu: This third ary escape caused no end ans who reside in India things that they hinted that the jailer knew he dared sell, meaning that Sune iad money mri he woul of his escape. EO Chiat festa to give it to him. had been taken to lapidaries be gees elers, but no one had been able to give one like it. When the charm was turned over to le was yw taken to a corridor 4 eras: Wee ped cells and all empty. |§ The only window was boarded up, two guards were stationed at the door, occupied by a guard, je jailer him- self Pot ford ata us the inner side of tl passe’ over a ulti ae oe ae time. He ate his food and lay down on the straw as if to sleep. Ata quarter past 6 the as there. So at om it at and a quar- ay Cie he was gone. smile Loe will, Sone the Hindoo fe taken departure out of an. tro cell, ‘ett font iiarde et Band, and in the cells had ard no ee on Sei part. pee) pa ae remained locked, and men could be neared ‘Chie simply sedate spirit. e stone was the charm which De peace He was never found after his last aio ia beep eek ant want to fint a spirit of evil, oq away with the other articles, femained in and a cell each side of the Hindoo was | Sto iat the Tite aan trace of him could be | appearancé fo STRAWBERRY BEDS. Renewing the 014- o1a—setting Out New, Use Stro: Where: cultivating has Toe ‘neglected rake the rows, tearing out all the weeds and with the surplut weed plants that the rake will catch. Looser insects will be destroyed. Jory be a eas Sut ploy: Sabeeat the rows, giving the above treatn t ir the row, and cultivate sugeo RBA ae not deeply, until the middle of Septem then cut around tié plant, iitting it ool. on the spade, and set in the hole. plants oe set in same way. In the central and northern statet the strawberry bed a | efte intor le ieee from sudden cule the impo: t strong Meat mete aa i "fou just be merican gp ther ie ist ated ita “Cvctsin to these in structions. north side of the house is a more suit- able and desirable si josure for this lant than the south rawhe yy ‘its beriscF trials 1900. Ai tere most seriously in this res] ee ilson and Rico 4 tremen. at te and gave rs fruit ear ee one is a fine grower and last es “otcked Tu iy went ne and fully up to require- Backy bvaice out Hardes whe veccias average large from beginning to end of Be Sein tide & yond On June 20 Nick Ohmer was still the ere | largest and best in yield of any. 1 ws : A Dangerous Diet.

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