‘The Future of Bosal Liberalism. But in due cow ei) time the Lib- re democratic principle {of manhoon suffrage prevails. Wur- thermore, the Liberal party will have + a suflicien xeus for existene long as the Tories keep their heredi tary He ft Lords, ib its wi nd re, with several other kindred prin ciples, the basis of a programme that will not allow the Liber y England to perish until its demands ave been satisfied.” —Review of views for November. COMMERCIAL Macphator November 1, 1800 $ 5 Per J. BE. - Fall wheat per bush . 62 ; me ae per bush. 63 Burley 35 Oat: 21 bs 3 6 5 r 1 1 10 4 VTS, 2 Stratford, November 1, 1900 64 6 30 33 2 2 2 1 pie Y ‘Beef, per ewt. 400 7 "THREE PAPERS IN ONE. Pa Bien pages 2 of ee and classified new: Ei cultural and’ live Bight pages of interesting fiction and magazine fea- \WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE 8 Sections. A $1 “WHOLESOME BREAD): Why not buy the best; it ~costs you no more than doctor's bill for treating dyspepsia, Our bread is the best bread, everybody ‘likes it. Do not be afraid to try it. V. WEITZEL, The Baker. “poor stuff and saves you a 4 For Good Government Your Vote and Influence are Tespectfull solicited for = George Goetz Liberal Candidate for North Perth. | Polling, Wednesday, Nov. 7th. Eat what you like.—Give the digestive organs some work todo. These fanctions need exercise as much as any part of the human anatomy, but if they're deli- cate, give them the aid that Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat anything that’s wholesome and palatable— 60 in a box, 35 cents—8 Sold by Jas. Torrance. EXECUTORS : : Notice to Creditors In the estate of Shaw Stewart, late f the Township of Mornington, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased. otice is hereby given pursu aving against the estate of the said deceas- 0 died on or. abot ‘or the Six- fsont Day of aly, AD. at the said Township of Micra airtoa aca quired on or before th 19TH DAY AD. 19 ‘To deliver une at Lis- towel P. O., solicitor for the under- signed the exec he said de- ceased a state iting of their names, addr descriptions lars of their claims tiones late the- sai xecutors ° Dated at ee a Lines tenth day of Oct ae ae uke ELIZABETH STEWART. TERHUNE, their Solicitor. Good Englishmen and Clever William Not so long ago the German Em- perbr happened to beat Kiel for the ‘Limitless ‘Axhibitions Of new and tempt- ing bargains in {Watches, Clocks, Rings, ‘@ Chains, Cuff Links And the very latest in SILVERWARE at rock bottom prices p, H. BASTENDGBFF Specialty. Oe Door to Postorricr. P S.— Watch Repairiog 1 Oi E2885 ne ‘of the bi Sete icing fade acts like nie in all Eoy es : ors, Irritation of the Scalp Paes time. a Soid by Jas. Torrance. FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze Turkeys at $1.50 ach. ANDREW Down, Burns, Ont. STRAYED From the premises of Mr. Thomas ye re Red Ellice, o on or about u 15th of October, brown yearling Reiter showing Jersey strain: Parties knowing of her whereabouts will kindly co: ments sh Davip Smite, Milgsrton: Ont. FOR SALE Bioupe' and lok an Wanie steeoe halt re of land. ame house in go repair with kitchen and woodshed. Four rooms upstairs and four down- stairs. Hard and soft w: Goo stable, barn and driving shed. Plenty of fruit trees. Suitable for retired farmer. For further particulars pply t Wm. xD, Milverton, Ont. THEREa_ Ave some people who put off having their photographs taken until a day too late. You will have an popoeeiity, to get taken on FRIDAY, NOV. 16th As Mr. Maitland is pussys to Milverton on that di Christ- tures. giving you good honest, work. G. F. MAITLAND “Wear. your learning,” said Lord Chesterfield, “like a watch, in a pri yate pocket.” “I dunno how Bill's goin’ to vote in said the campaign work this election,” KGL dollar on the off side @ the tae an’ Bill got dizzy an’ fet! over’ eee AG Millbank, on day, 80th, Mary Gri ith be- { Thos. Miller, aged 5d years and 18 days, Returns teat : Election The following are are e the official figures uarpose of giving one of his little |in detail of the result of the election speeches to naval ets who|in North Perth in June 1896, *Cut were going forth in a double sense to|them out and paste them on a card, fight the battle of life. William IT] they will materially aid you in esti- sired to impress upon his youthful |:ating the gains and losses in the hearers the necessity of being, first ifferent polling sub-divisions on and last of all, Germans,” |election nig end he told them that it, was worth LOGAN their while to study the reasons ‘why a Britisly officer: mae searet as the world that could teach g 8 theni anything, were always “go 2 nglishinen.” "The Duperial orator, | No, 3S 8 in glowing terms proceeded : “Ther 5 are two traits in the English character| 4 Bagh ie ne: Ree with whieh I wish, to ampress you. penne Gen oa ey are thoroughness and straight- shears z forwaniness: d Englishman is} 4 Lionhard’s eon. 6 BE at ; lw: Seer EGbal eet fate. o5uk 359 thorou; yaya thorough and straightforward, “and Tshall have Majority for ciara 25 ie TS al vistO WBE. . ae ere wards... ..5 288-878 inden. weapd Majority for Grieve .. 10 io for health.it teat miata. taken your citadel of health, the stom: x r and is torturing you with indigestion, | 10 Trowbridge.. 100 79 dyspepsia and nervous prostration, Sout! 1 Grange Hall 51 80 merican Nervine’is the weapon to drive | 12 Newry . 69°78 the enemy from his stronghold “at the point | 13 Britton iol. 84 the bayonet,” trench by trench, but swi! 14 Davies 85 126 and sure, it al = 3 Donege 49 4 Sold by Jas. Torrance. 16 Lambert's Bsr OR: ROSTOCK se Miss Levina. Schenk, of Stratford the sges blgiees phe the parental roof Fifteen wards ........ 993 on Thun Majority Foe eee 88 Mies Mandy Scblotzhauer returned home after spending a couple of MORNINGTON. weeks with her sister, Mrs. Mantz; of} 29 Attridge’ 62 Tavistoc! Poole 82 54 Mr. Geo. Baumbach, of Buffalo, is| 31 Newton 62 68 ut present visiting under the parental] 42 Carthag 9 4 3 Hesson 96 Bl ME Wettlaufer, of Hast, Zorre, was) $4 Millbank 8 69 the guest of Mr. J. Wettlautér on Saturday and Sunday last. | Total... 398 855 irs. ‘tsch, 01 Chicago, was _visit- Hajority for Grie 38 ing her sister, Mrs. V, W. Wettlaufer. Miss mane taul, of Milverton, MILVERTON spent Sunday Soper eee Parr, Jou Wingfelier left, for’ Mus-| 9° Hasenpfug’s.-- . koka hunting grounds on Monday Majority for Grie 5 eat His busisese will be ‘conducted Pes by Mr. Geo. Batis “ . 2 The gospel meeting held in the| 36 Gourlay’s . 88 7 Poresters| Bait on Sunday night was| 37 Lutheran 8: 6786 well attend 8 Gadshill . 4246 Th latter “day Saints held meetings} 39 R e111 every nigh 40 Morrison's - v0 54 ‘The children were = eoniiried i in. the —- Lutheran ehureh on unday last. Tot: 304 364 ‘The chiareh was crow Majority for McLaren 10 le are looking for- ‘ard for 2.g00d timenext Wednesday SUMMARY OF MAJORITIES night ata great ball near Wartburg. Th reccestal one sine night last weeks but, were’ sore t the 38 wanager could not be present as some 26 very pressing business kept him back. Itebing, Burning, _oreoring, 10 Crawling Skin Diseases te ‘s Ointment. He ite 5 99 Rolonity for MeLaren be There were 52 rej jected ballots—6 in Ei Lisowel, Tin pie an 2 ington an wee feels ee Mise otlecue toca alse i] aha Paces abe Serer ee SENSE NENE ME Sele ee ee ae eee ae ae ae fe lp GROSCH & PREFERS Milverton’s Largest Store Bese 2:e $12000 WORTH OF to be slaughteree on FRIDAY-« SAT’DAY NOV. 2 and 3 Sale starts Friday. 7.30 a.m. Grosch & Pfeffer. rae in eh BARTERIA BIR IRIE HAIAIAE KIARA AAAI AIA AERA RIA TTA AE AE IER BAER ETAT AEA ICA TRINA TCAC IE HEAT AS TIE TAC ATI ATA AMAA TEI IAAT ICA TA REE