COLUMN OF FI ; EROS ITE UE RI a : ae 3 Ae St Sees — = =e UMN OF FIGURES. Saers Z f j s x reap esarre breathin close bebind nim] volume of songs and music. Ree oo A ton of soot results from the burn- E Sees eee é : : axeadtnlly Dear, te zenity on the: elope cS him. | ing of 100 tons of coal. i St es ve i OE. Stier a 2 Se ; Fustace he hergeaat ° | A million matches are used in Eun a ope every twelve minutes. pigs pes Ss r A penny changes hands 125,000 times Vony A ; a oS or t he same somes t | do = ‘the long, ee was already| went out. the course. of a lifetime. See uehen ing do jo Bol ghulfling of feet and buzz Pa., couple married ing thud on his on which Seisse mare tess of the two ushers were. powe! chi *| days 60. y a se e the brilli: aot i nov EFFECTS LEAVE THE VIC- See Bs lips a iittle pease and i hod T : jssom, jerking an WEAK AND DEPRESSED. pe erase Seole 001 Huskinson, a _ Captain fn the y ier Army, Tells How She jealth Throat the Use of br Aritianie Pink P1 of a spoon is not at hand, BY ly uses exertions, HOW TO GROW. THE PEONY. | the toohbeaah Seegiact pono we The migne Way to Treat bird Spten- ite aia CHAPTE oR = “Taks off your sj Old Garden Fav. ich ce ot going te ‘hike off my'| stand, he went ov adiong| ly as. it started on Mr. n drive in tin tacks oie ‘the same use- elasses, Eustace Venn. j under it pearing wit usie-stand in his hand,' It is seldom ‘that the at. on “nerba. fa. article, panes ¢ fight, if you don't Ti a ang ve oat a8] nod and bow under his ceous peony is seen in a "Then there is the hairpin, ‘The uses to, not mea. fair chance. ght | ar : dition as it is capable emash them ane blis coed ire in a white hea ne ing = ed his el stand on oy iilanit about caaiiy pearing homes, most damumera Je: There's not go'ng z te “er figh Me ete but it is uncommon to find tt treated eee pe st hom ot pier pee es 000. To pt these requires 781,260 coat fort and extract it, tons of. pa: Bt “ “Because, I'm simply going to give) ya 8) eal bala in Me places of (woe, a Many ef Pe imieke five: beateper. : youa Gees suned. hidin, m not go- cid o any Gentleman the Proper; heat a paleo i burn the He anes ee on ——== : : $ ing to fight, ging recision. Wit second, $20 each minute, a Ga i aeat ot places Ford wladit\ Satrorunk: wateale tr hewgay te "have a ek Thus it wil yer pert eee en able to di * q a y ne i largest nail unish the most vigorous : : the Bates wen fact, the loca- , key once a day, taking up afew sec- Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce. ‘ Hate lo ng erowe: pf toterpated. YOUNE:| Ns sop it Venn” he peated oug! ‘ one too wet y tie a aaa “convert iam lump sugar into onds of time, stores up a modicum Tr yes dare any eprrespond "with-us: — We wfant 100 be le i “No he's not.” Eustace pent 5 : emarks on the necessity of open-' plants and still suit the peony. One of , the finest of powdered Sear. hammer of power in the spring which is cut supply our trad é pee eee oe raons ts as iy wrista ” ahaut < deen eed be ‘ rec the thriftiest collections of these plants! th ene heel ‘of her boot and ean con- up into nearly half a million of beats. Co, Limited, 5 Rese saa sos |pain nd’ vexation in his-eyes; “T' fi y ashe I ever saw was tigre in Te tad : same sort which she loved ex If we mutiply the daily beats by 364 é i Pp nt ith yes sta whil been a springy plat of ground, made Woh hee oto chanas $s: the: aaa cease inl tueeaene ; : ae tat Agta a sh finding their places, then! serviceable by running a ditch through’ tuildiag a ne al ath oti e i 2 , = “day.” | ; as he: ited them admirably, just as| on an. unin! ablte san: with nothing Mrs ; Delany MteDteena pubsit ints chi KEY TO THE ‘Working, GIRL’S SUC- | DISTINCTION eee DIFFER : any day- j e he bo} a sign for it, It suite vs Seri ane Pu Es aoe | we ee, that the watch ticks 157,788,- | I rae ; HE ond, bavi vous! Teppnene irises. | Mass ani 6 anak thbr shew he dropped. of the exchan; times, while the earth “Wh: stamnere oan: 5 ee times, brought it on to rhe Let the ground, then, be deep, rich) E sized boot, map “elling the atin ing apatatnchal’ beip catoaiad kaise: atever vocation the girl wage-| .‘‘She used to say aS a a man. Bot = that’s all. Dye wi ur own fault,” Josh st ings agai ‘ush, an and wet to have thrifty peoni iad Hs se SE Victoria. Aeeats . if = “|Worker settles upon she may as well] very strong will power.” ae pak. baune. Sh youtthe as swent with one acon, voices evan he Sacraie ca ua a 5 « Tong time and aithovgh obs re “What a pity: to make 60 generous a accept the fact, first as last, that slip- vpn sate oes one ee > ‘ Seen Ree ; nting that} _ vovered sufficiently to go about, the} ercature a queen!” to shod performance and inadequate | marri ene te Saree me Do equippment will win no favor, will not| “And how does she «put it see — should I know?” are, the only 5 after effects of the fever oftener planted then than} “ihe Children. e tmaportane pone hi is ‘the Sree even secure a foothold,” writes Mar- ow sho says he's as stubborn as : y you, you're always calling Sat any other time, but Jé 4s not the best |- -whea buying shoes. and stockings fot “4 tay, itching heh tine fea toe i Barly fall Is very much| the little ones, he sure to get ; : perce ay : spRat of athe ig 40) at ones sechide Cae sent _|garet E, Sangster in ithe November | an ox.” as Rothery mye tl br aad ge sehe # aa ok wt pom headaches, was’ very} air, n wool saturated ere aoe Ladies’ Home Journal, “The ranks ar Z absorbed 28 ies Sate row | enough to give the toes mets of room Bar ia frequ : (7%. Pale, and the Isast’ exertion would Sierawlicrs oxayeil And the: bovend | Gales cause intolerable, pain. | Holle: ; 5 2 SA tre en whispered ‘ou have forgotten to wish: ight.” Zz Among the oblast and mi iactars residents of Orangeville is hn Buskinson, whose daugh- fi of Papers printed throughout the world in one year is estimated at 12,000,000,- ela ‘after effects of malarial fever. e with Gesree Ill during the Amer- effect of the porter of the Sun hearing of the won-| ican Revolutia derful effects which Dr. Willfam's|, When the Duchess. of Portland died, Pink! Pills have had:on Miss Huskin- bed iabes son, called at her home to enquire in- the rumor, After Q eme eyss > both;wwrists and,” bel 50 ho gave ce the following ‘a = ease ia = = . er ay ough of whatt®, Sine insist. ee “hose sing | ye Goi| the violin, Bis oyes ratte was so quic! ana Sete ‘in pone and any Sisturhane: of) oF ves wing Bars will be fifa solltary boy of ‘the! greatly fatigue her. rate work must go to the wall. In| anit do her good and con- > sequently she went ona visit to Tor- onto. While there she was advised to} i ‘ by tl taken Half a dozen boxes she ae the best of health, and all her|” ne old vigor had returned. Al- shck her work in the Salvation Army is hard and exposes ‘her to all inds of weather, she has since been able to do it without the least incon- time after my ee ca _ gure. Iwas myself completely _ nd | hhave been in the ay of health. ever | since. My advice to all ailing fs to’ “use Dr. Williams’ Pio Pills for Pale | People.” . Williams’ Leb ‘Pills have re- are sold by alldealers or may bend by mail at 50 cents "boxes for $$2.50, by ae img the Dr. Sie Madic Brock~ es HABIT. Si gee ne of habit, ae says, often impels him to make a Flint—its odd that it does ae im- pel him to pay up. Poor habit that don’t work both ways. You need not cough all night and dis- turb your friends. there is no oceasion for e tisk of contracting : unption, | ekle’s Anti-Con-| “This medicine cures ~ cough. colds, Inflammation of the lungs and all throat anid chest troubles. hiotesia free and easy expector sich Immediately relieves the throat and Jung from viscid phle; bina Liniment DE saleeverywhere iosegi ee A SIMPLE EXPLANATION. “why_in “thunder is he firing off pistols like that ? “Oh! 1 suppose both he and the ee thing equal to Mother cnet or ont “Exterminator for Aestroy. No article of its i a has ry im such@aritantion We'thought a| Rot retmove the dr peasin until the ded. tion has subside the countr; corer their children’s ee with flour. In Seay Raat yo. Ning, will sombtinies be suficlent, air is kept away, nature will generally restore the™ timack eine other assist- ance. ‘Table ofl or fresh butter rubbed tmme. ig to do with a sprai to apply anes a Ly Racrurbe boure ae r less a sprained ankle is used, the quieter it is kept, the more wae x it is to get well Oriental Dainty, whi ‘or 1 hn in Damascus gives the following recipe for ee oriental dainty which is ae in that ancient city: ‘at the roses in fall bloom, pull out the| _ Keep cutting the roses off and petals and spread on a tray to prevent! Chi. SO) | ee psd ‘medicine that does = Diabetes| is Dodd's Kidney: Pills. CHINESE RESPECT YELLOW THINGS. “All the government buildings Shina are yellow, and it is Poapital most fields the supply is well in excess ofthe demand, and only the capable, the efficient, the competent and the trustworthy, may hope to find their a grain of satisfaction let it | wanted,” Beware of mene Se Catarrh that contain Mer as mercury will surely fe Sop the sense of ing at through the mucous <1 surfaces: Jes should never be use: ip ions from reputable phys n fila to nem fe ey & Co., Te 8) so ntety, fama le takes tn: the blood and |. Cheney & Co. Sold by Dro ‘ts 15 Hairs Family Pils ir ee —_. KEEPING BABY ES IN PLACE. ‘A hew device for baby’s comfort is: crime for any private person to use the little armlets ore to keep the S| that color on the exterior of his resi-] Short sleeves in place. 1 ese are made Dear Sirs—I was for so” hoarse roel could searcely speak above a whisper. I go' { from Pantie. till I tried ae MINARD'S HONEY BAL- A. i . o . ttles ma paar from se or lung trouble. . F. VANSBUSKIRK, an, ines in on . bool think walls te ‘held together by honey.” ws, however, ae it to. ere who dwell therein. sh Ameri Chinese Woman's Toilet Table. ‘The Chinese woman’s toilet table be ents many of the usual attributes of the orance, the Chinaman has Meee peautitul and poetie ideas. resence of Mind. _igisina Now sir, you must make smoke less. 14 never smoke a! fetes to be conoset— “hia i rratel Tan tho renuing Laxative pee me, make powder saying, ¥ nine Se eee in day Words, u _ ‘THE ONLY POSSIBILITY, He— ae could ever come be- tween vu ut rt Get can’t think of a single thing, unless [ should happen to become en- gaged to some other man. ee LET DEEDS RATIFY SENTIMENT. raaies | of Cani orld paver sew suchen exhibl- iotic sentiment 45 the Af- by side with the British tea planters of Ceylon and India. Anstrali ja drinks the teas of Ceylon | Japan tea should try their green teas. the Salada ly sit-on-the to y the cat will jas Canada, w the Batish planter. pray you aid eras ee MOROCCO MIN Owing to the stubborn resistance of the sultan the cities of the west coast of Morocco are still without telegra- phie connection. Nauseating Pill—The excipient ‘apill is the substance which enfolds the! fogredients and makes up the pill # melee’s Vegetable Pills ponnded ax to, preserve their toany a irc pias taste. eariieleat s shonld long P-) 'The rt a rather fanciful cas and are used in placa of pins to keep baby’s sleeve just where you want it to stay. yea sa Smee 4 (aoa Benen | froable, and Ninard’s Liniment Cures Burns, ete. SRS EE SHOES MATCH DRESS MATERIAL. Shoes and stockings usually match tha dress not only in color, but also in material as regards shoes. With black dresses we see black silk stook- bes. Gold and silver shoes are not infrequently seen with even- ‘img dress, though satin is always more becoming to the foot. ec Gar Accident Thomas Sabin, says: “My ae boy had his foot badiy injured by "i by aearon the Street Railw: al gues commenced bathing Re ook wit ‘Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, when: the dis- coloration and welling was removed, and jn nine days he conld use bis foot.’ We alwayskeep a bottle in the house ready for any emerge Se TOMATO PASTE WITH STEAK. Many first-class cooks like a little ‘Australians and the| tomato paste served with their steak, splendid youth of Natal fought side| This is inexpensive, and is made by boiling down tomatoes to a solid mass. ‘A quart of it will last a year; a tea- spoonful laid on the bottom of the platter sufficing to season a large steak. aes SES They Drove Pimples aber sad he. ian oe are not ng their functions in the healt! way they * to let you kt ole eee ecctable: Pills them all away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try t and there will be ‘another MEd shel” peek: ence. THE ONLY WAY. Parke-There's only one way to manage about money: matters. When- ever I see a thing I want, I invari- ably ask myself this question; H afford it?” Lane—But do you always stick to tines arke—~Always. If I find IL can’t af- tae it, I buy it. = RAR 3 Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia removes the trouble- s ithe | Try it, See aR what an amount of pain is | saved. HE WENT UP. Teacher— y. tell me the name tha belt north of the | equa at Johnny—Can't, si “Correst, That. ‘wil do.” l—College Avenue sanily, Hotel rates $1.50 x & Uo. Montr’l FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Hn HS Catarh MES; WINSLOW'S, SOOTHING SYRUP ihe, een dren teeth ay, rile 3. ito.s ott tar ‘and is iy Sole by: at ar Grout the word, Besure and oak for oe ‘ows Soothing Syrup.” “MUSIC, CHEAP Buying the Butland Music Stock, at 50c on the $, is what enables us to sell Music at lower prices than any phe store in Canada. Special Bargain lots are decidedly lower than any ever xt No. 3 contains 20 pieces of roc Music for soc. This means we give you music for 50c, worth $2, CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING : LWant oy ate. My Li Hane Uae Song Again. Waited Hones Waited Long for You, came Back to Erin is the Song Llove On ths Old Missouri Shor fn thia Biest Morn, cpsy Turvy, pied Wa’ cake iy alk. Marectte Potporrie. Candor. Cooing Doves. Cations Sir Haagen pes rols: Postage, 10c extra. ALFRED J. KLEIN, (SUCCESSOR TO R. 8. BUTLAND), TORONTO, ONT. Ifyou are suffering from Rpetmatinm, Lembago, 9-3 Dr. 'M. N. McLaughlin, 30 YONGE ST,, TONONTO, ONT. when the bonnet clanging of the bell | Si flashed round the yish faces mn schoel created a timely ire 4 the sound of the iacadine epithet ms say that was Whoop and a rush the crowd *why don't broke aa stamped a STE AE tga — ith you. You're the} pastuce eitoaae: We'll settle this of them,” said Josh Tumby | eh . en we come ou th with 30 ee of calm ort eer ss/like| Josh released him and he bolted off ‘hap cre’ Meh] after) the rest, dabbing his face with r delng well past hday; an awkward, ig ed fel- CHAPTER 1 ears suunlrcie ‘ollege, ie sida deatte dee of tan , but was well enoug gh eae | day school. of which Mfr. he wore fitted with anything « proprietor a ey s you can y Prosghiag Sha i upon. having time, short, saunre chin, a a minut on “hia tent with eS thies of robuster | school at eee: asa class, have | Jos) no abpeiefile of such unheroic quali- ing harm the customary ¢ of him mild-mannered, re or less with faded, i wisps of yellowish med alsponsa w hiske ny counten-|the eve of acquiesoent; he 2 had accepted the jibes and ni showering upon singing, and, such in‘ enthnspa ce pathetic nature of a delinquency, and that, too, For ret the nig] ble in be cried softly, craning desk, and dtawing his sharp | with Same pple: tious ty 6 pate sow UE Wanton oe he ad ‘eee |, Buntte “lett hile gest ped. altvanted Haan. ee reluctantly. Appesred: to; bei quite ieplacable, What have you been doing to your end his active resents ont was so un- | face hat it Eustace with a| “Nothing, sir.” Eustace was flus- even alarmed onde lita ‘aoa father small fd} nen somebody else hins been doing air-haired, bright-| Something to it. Tt is bleeding. How did that ‘happen tain the pies of th saw ng, sir. I was running. gir Petia Tact een tv toa, bank ze est And what were with a trouble tag warily as the other approached. “ inning fo: we and red as ite ee isn't fair, You take those specs off, bs it.” on!” ace hung his head and fid- Josh disdained to r ae in how. to. answer A Real mutta lin sida tena tleckty with the cane an =|. “I was running,” Eustace doggedly reiterated. hea | ‘fhe cane and the desk met again ‘Yes Perhaps alittle isis: Mr. Peel eaaceoned help to thaw your | yrbanely, “Give it him, four-eyes !” Pe ‘Leave him -slone, Josh: ; a She “Hit one your own size, patel: fb eSoait ie hed seabed jie caglieesa “Yaht coward |” passionate gravit the ilway aa} “Vean,” “he voallea. wanted permis-| pathetic’ tom inte he had first opened the ything in the God who madest earth Darkness an eht was most ‘thou for work the day hast given, his Pere Hears to its full height Iengthening and mail nistebe. want! licate tha anal ant ‘ Mischievous grin le impart File: huntveg aaa time in the ie 0 compel him to sing} the entire verse through nascompani= if time with et voices fe eer anes teckattge Tinsiat | Ded - with even if I cannot searcely glanced, ath a quiet Bia ¢ every boy hit there ‘was no need to pronounce “a viding the roots. If a large plant is all aeons! tunable, dug up, there will be seen several red- y; “I can oyver- oking eyes near the last season’ | make a plant, if a plece of root ean b spring. "pedates are easily propagated by di- it, see if his elnenten ares not t too tient. m go to sleep "8 ywer stems, Each of these eyes Sat bs The plant should be| 1 a ae \m deg jac 5 fall I shonld, hope ckeney ae the next spri e fowene. Sorts have beel all knew} Genie pte closing id air, £ “Brime fav t ing-up ev ant kas mre acai yeah tie aie: , the boys Hee ey an Mr. Peel threw violin singing wil Lire voic and heaven, ht. ‘an opposite. direction to boyish trebles swelling turning his head aap ir di istraction, he it w net, his mot 1; she. ‘malt entered ping, about, nndoubtedly. in seal of hi geted from one foot to the other, un-| Bei stot he pees attract her sae had in upon Mr. himself to Jan ill h hough naturally with eee Well, Lumby, what | |ttle latent irritation. ied upto him and spake in features ig into ere aed era in gentle sym- o him, tremb- A one sir,” he faltered, “it was jling with 1 apy Spee nsions. Lumby. Sit down. Go to your seat,| “What is. the ind Josh so perilously close,; “Indeed, Lumby? And why?” j demanded. that Eustace felt there was nothii ak 7% Please, sir— ii “Put your ie on, for it but to stand and take his punish’ of Bian) Pena s-runni . Be en ment, orelse to turn ee rvi oo f him and he fell over.” i ang and turn and run he did in good ME won't allow that sar i earnest 0 derstanding of the magic a raced =e class iz at an oat ut away, feet every bey root Terth [mp0 is desk matter, Janet?” he my boy,” said ipo hand rnp ust be t 8, him; | Gardeni pityii eae Sse uttered; rh oegin also, that ae Ile ean a mass ‘of the: | the plant o rable, and, like all double do ul come double again. The nal gilt ia sae the prot, mee of- will be quite double. Earliest of the Yellow "Mums. Fitawygram, known as Yellow Fitz- wygram, which is in its third yeai ved from! rarely use a promoe ingle ones, | itiful. Beatin Ti rena now ad i eeald one The color is perfectly fixed and it is ot} ene “you live ina dem: e flowers on Foti TaN gor. he vchool { ae ality. To me the double ones. they do not decay as soon as some | away any swelling if you are not too sleepy to the bite of a mosqui. _ Natta fully as invitating and ean i Hasting as the stin: i a spo This is the yellow sport of Lady| fectual, ovate out before:the cut onion is rub bed upon the skin. mosquito nefhbor fi vleaty of campers: would prefer the Rueraone Questions of pregere ae “choles” wants to know whether th. quaintances followed s A littl eit is christened CHRYSANTHEMUM YELLOW FITZWYGRAM, a deeper sade than Mrs. Bassett i not so bright as Marion Lender: llows—a fine pebesie e the latter variety and ihe, Witevevgrams ean eaullyche waa in bloom. the last week of September and even as early as the 2ist of that jonth when early cuttings are used and the buds taken by July 25. Most . tales with parti 18. formed of all the earlies, lacking the eS of the Bergmann type, says endy Hostilith Mrs. “aiinalce DAN you voond the steak well? Servant—Yes, mum. 4 steam the bread ith him, ‘and} walked the ae ott the sebool with} “And steam th ” che door, wi sani “Yes, mum.” “Well, put meee cologne’ in the sbutsee Cae Gs eee lers to breakt: Phoebe and week ae made mot lables.- Ge rpmalbtcs The Modern Style. Chistes fa like to see some eg youu shirt w: Cle pels He or female? , oe ated a “Ab” said ist Here’s eae Second “Durdater eine present.” “Ob,” exclaimed the bride, busy in her boudoir, “what is (Se poem of—let seems Lies after wl ave him and his wife y might feat have sent us a salad Sith ora oe wis wae