Ob “It Shines For AIL” Vol IX—No 4 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 15 1900 MALCOLM MacBETR, — \ alitor and Publisher The Milverton Sun G. T. R. Time Tarle Watch for our advt. next week. C. 8. Kertcher. ‘y McGregor, of Toronto, isiting rede in Morningto Mr. Garber, of a, present visiting Pate an this vicinity Ta the best Local Neviapeper a the County | Trains due to leave Milverton. of Perth. It is the tanga ieiee ‘gore Norn co1x0 sours, Medium, Rates Personable, Subscription Ousku Eines. $1 per year, strictly in advance. $1.5 19:40 poms Mived hot so paid.—M. MacBera, PumsisHeR. | Weoress |... 6:44 p.m, Mixed ADVERTISING RATES, srace, | Year. |6 mo. | 3mo. | I mo. LOCAL NEWS, Inmn..|$50 00/$30 00} $15.00] $6 00 fholculsteratafak: Qaecolnmn.- [$50 STD ool 1p Go| *a 50] Il the elected are peartily grateful Quarter col..| 16 00) 9 8:00). 3.50 ay your fowl to E, H. Dier- ‘igath col. 10 00! 6 3 00} 2 00 iaram'e inch 5 00} 300) 200) 100 rt. Fred Hoffert left last week to Transient Advertisements are charged at the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the Mit faestioer aba dc, por Dine for cack uc. aoa Banking, &. RANNEY & CO. Bankers Estarnisnep (895. A general banking Shae saat ‘Drafts issued at ali points in Canada and the W. EGBERT, 7 ot nd Sey uv Beste cal tite cert I Eonton, England. Eoin novo wondon, ier, aoe Tele , Brunner, G Ttieten Unarch nnd Rost ANTON, aii, Solicitor, Ete. ‘Office open ‘every Thursday, Wa. Burton’s Block, Mai visit “friends i in Berlin. Two barrels of good winter apples wanted, apply. at SuN uftice. Division Court will be held i in Mil- verton, Thursday; Nov. 29t Solid satisfaction given away with every purchase at E, H. Dierlamim's. Xmas novelties will be unsurpass- able at Kertcher’s Ked Flag Sore. There is always cousolation in the chai aa it might have been worse, David Harem and History of Eng- nms/and have been out of the library overtime. Everything has got to go in mil- linery a Friday and Saturday. W. . Lou Mrs. Bons of Stratford, spent; graduate 0 ion of tee Specialty. wets Sit Re Haag “aloe shop, Milverton. ee ‘ontO, DR. R, J. ROBINS. of Stra ae Graduate of Trinity Po and. Gradsate of the tal Surgeons, Toronto, third Png, of soe will visit Milver- feu the ftsb nn re nh fo Offic Bees Centr ral eke Oxide and We al Anaesthetics used for pain- tees extraction of tecth. Crown and brid work aspecialty All work guaranteed. ST aa ce You ar ate ario Veterin patie. “Ont rio Cat a eae Dani W. BARR. VETERINARY SUR- gion, Milverton,formerly of Newton(Grad- YOctario Veterinary College, Toronto. ts all diseases of domesticated animals. Calls by telephone ‘or otherwise promptly to. ae connection. rigs at all times. Baggage transfer. nteceat driving a specialty. ,|for the hunting grounds: of Nitrous Pe Mr, bl Saaies Moontlens aed in 8 h her daughter. Miss Mabel Sharing: of Milverton. For sale or rent — brick veneer house, new, good spring, ete. For par tieulars apply to w. D. Wei Mr Wm. Climie of Lieeal, lefe last. Wednesday after # polling his vote uskok! Don’t forget the great aya sale of millinery at W. K. Loth’s Friday and Saturday. bas gut to go. iessnibe eMr. loft on Saturday last to spen eek with Mr. and Mrs, Tobe Schoenhals, of Port. Albert. and Mrs, Ge Wilhelm and Wasarlaic Berlin nad Hiotuc Mr. W. K. Loth has secured the services of Mr. Jacob Wettlaufer of Rostock, as clerk in the stead of Mr. Joho Schelof who has gone home. The Listowel Banner sys: Mr. web Bday seomniaied up hicbide wish Jimmy success and ieee Patriotic exercise books, scribbling books, school text books and sup- plies for the school room, Agent for wall maps and all seool Cems Jas Torrance, Milverton Soeteties O, Fs, No, 99, Milverton, meets every geoond and last Tuesday of ‘every month xt x Sehneuker & 1- ways welcome. W. Zimmerman, C. R.3 Barth, edie peeceaty. . B, “Silver Star Be. Milverton, ry. Friday ‘wight At 7:80 i itr their hall, post office bu Brethren always sete. W. K. Loth, B.S. L 0.0. Lodge,” hi ‘Chas. is eects Gs Business Cards R, eM for de Coun- age Clerk. ice, over Grosch’s Shoe e oe Sten street, Milverton. INE, Milverton. Bu AH citizens and travellers calls promptly ation to. Wm. Dorlkiud, Maple St., Propriet DORLAND'S BUS LL Motels CHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Sebn Gropp, Pzoprietor. Best liquors and -eigars at the bar. First-class accom: ‘tion and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. accommodation fo reial liquors and. cigars. Sad Mill sweets. G: Haveaptlug, Prupsietor. ye Malet: ‘Ont. The for com: ane ray- “Qaly the jars at the bar. wen stables and ty of shed room, Henty, Rose, prop. Miscellaseon JOHN GRUPP, dealer in Cedar Shing, ng. | field, Englind, stating that he Ne oveipied hy Mr. Hg Dobson for the De Hi ien’s, “boys and K. Lo 8 for indies ‘fader clothing. WwW. th. The farm stock, implements and hooseht effects of David Curtis, con. Wed at one o'clock, Prof. A. ‘alee oceulist and sea writes ox fro’ Meccles he con- templates being in Milverton some time in December. one of young men owned and 2 Alb ‘Westinan, Mornington’ 's enterprising has purchased the of $5500. Mr. Dobson we tn- per adits ee for a larger farm. Batter und eggs wanted at E. H. Diorlamu’s. A farmer in a neiborng county says he has adopted a plan of adv tising in his home fs which has saved him much valuable time and brought handsome sta te the muney invested, «When I'm read: 3 S to-sell Tit mee be ‘Tittle ad- vertnemen in the local papers, telling what I hav to sell, and if live stock, _JfT want -to oe a Grae @ cow, each, I insert a little dvactieeiuent that costs maybe 50 cents and inste: bay ing of my neighbors who those who have what I want inate. ts oe pneoteried “} make room fur Xinas novelties * fat W. is John Schaefer pod son Milton of travelling over the country ae beer as If you don’t get the worth of your money at Dierlamm’s you won’t get it ee ae Mrs. A. Broug' of Ene ee Sunday with ‘tetads in Milver Drawing materials among certain artists may be pigments and brushes —or cork e Cathcart and Mr. Otis ponds: of Linwood, spent Sunday at the dence of Mr. E. H. Dieriamm. Don’t you believe defeat ever be turned into a “crown of glory? in the political experience of any man. ae Mrs. Jacob Bundscho of Milverton, is ub present visiting her daughter, Med daha Kelarborr gr Se tebe X Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards mourn Ais teae: af their ae five-year old daughter whose death was to scarlet'fever, “Pa, what is the silent vote any- ve ”» «That’s the yote that ks after the Beso and yells “T ota it "the loud ¥ Roy, the cee son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Denyer,*Milverton, whose life was despaired of mae an attack of in- finmation of the lungs, is now im- proving nicely. can’t afford to the are cutting into in order to K. Loth’s. Miss Nous McMillen, former pupil of Mr. Thos, Maiti of London, miu ahecsiitotiuasioH call at her home in Milverton, 2Mr, Jermiah Say ie Ellice, purchased the hor in Milverton owned We will be pleased mier has made in three years. Mr. Hartmier is = quite a Publie bene. eae selis cheap, thus poe eae citizens to Milverton and giving employment to labor sRege building operations, Between forty and fifty years ngo when this country was almost trackless forest with but little ee ings here and there it was quite common thing for people to get Jost in the dense unbroken woods; and the ringing of bells and the firing of guns was often resorted to ee ae in the cabin or shanty as it more pro- perly called, when en egtabae Ob ake family failed to return before night fall, that he might et digaed home- ward by the sound, then very necessary precautions, fallen into disuse, though the abs of bush and tl verton’s local nimrods in companies of two left oe village the wilds of lm f @ was plentifal and the fae wax keen and it was not long perce hey ae hagyed six brace of ra he darkening shadows of apaeing fal unnoticed when they be- thought themselves of home. It» was here that the difficulty commenced, ‘as thrown away to lighten the bur- ie trees were timed in the hope of low and ce sky canopy flashed svegt more than one mind when they suddenly stumbled into the clearing, miles away from home hone gh’s bush that chey provide sicihatpo with a bell that. anxious W ohiei to have Mr, Kalbfleisch as one of our ny M citizens. t. Hartmier, we unde:- stand, is about to purchase a property and: will build ets _Guring the | Wor! coming suminer, of pro- perty inales the shied Bis a Hart- ag | past summer, - tbe gardon and cut down a fine patch | © Bracelets and ladies’ long chains at us 2 Mr, Wm. Hartmier has purchased a being is on Maple street from Mr, Only 40 ladies’ Jnokste left which we will give you at » large discount, E. H. Dier! A te of human nature, who knows his business never wastes much lume in society. Next are will be our opening week. A call eet C.S. Kert- cher’s Red Flag Solid and a ae watches just, arrived at weno: oN be sold at a small margin above ¥ Mis. Vroman und son of Hannan Gay lay or two last week with cousin, Mis Ollie Bastendorff. Mrs, Jobn Schmid, of King Street, who las been sick for a conple of weeks, is able to be around again, ro, of Wellesley, spent Sunday with their brother Jake, in Milverton, Mrs. (Ri ort reals is pending a fe with he in, Mr. E. H. Milvervo PH. See has just received a consignment of beautiful rings and is making a run on them from now until Christmas. ® Pte. aes who has eh returned from Soubh Africa, is spending a day or two eu ae friend, Miss Dans- more, of Pool The pares on Tuesday was the t of the season and continued with regular all day until it measured » depth of five inches, The - A P. Moore, of Listowel, will eae in Milverton under the auspices of a Church on the even- ing of Tuesday, Dec. 11th w weeks She will spend a onth visiting friends in and around ee before returning, is being pushed forward with all isi busta on the house owned y M Griffin that it may be warm od snug for winter. Masons are busily engaged in putting on a rick veneer while . carpenters renovating the inside. If the weather continues favorable for the outside work the day is not: distant when it will be ready for ee cep! Te the damp the feathers well, the wrap up quickly for a few minutes*in a two eep the steam in and the feathers will peel off quickly and italy without injuring the skin of the fow about those who are sensitive to that kind of thing. ing eae Mrs. before their departure from Mil- * Messrs, Willie and Henry Kelter-|c? ev.) Henry Dierlamm, of | mm - Dierlamm, of | if Mr. P. H. mee tueude siete say, we “hop sho: sister, to her ho: one in houkton last w 4-Our cheese factory finished ti fea ie making on r mber of friends the other even-| lav. an ohn | Ehna., and Mrs, Fred Loth lefe on Tene, for Tavistock to visit friends. nts suitable for both Mees and on a aristgea Red Flag Sto Nex % week: we wil) openap one of the finest assortmemts of China ware: ever ee in Milverton; Red ~ Flag Sto C. S, Kertcher. ceived word from Listowel that his _ brother John, who had been ails for for some time, died that day. Mr, Ci immediately went w id Biot funeral which took place on Saturday- Obituary (Com: municated.) & The death of Mrs, John W. Bi nan esteemed doe! oe attended her during ne short nese, whieh lasted only urn m oc M bein eon ae ata behind to hike larg The husband and family ‘be have the heartfelt sympathy of ti sie large circle of frien ances ae ane hour of thelr Nation and ‘si he us oe speueret these severe iictions Not from the ground arise Bat ottentt lestial Assame this dark disguise, phoma andor MONKTON What the aon are saying: that it is a snowy time; that the election is 07 10" the prote; will ing Toronto next week to purchase his | come ; that the lawyers will grow fat Christmas stock. He intends invest-|OVver_ fleecing the politicians; that | ing very largely in silver ware, he ae Pees OL ee ene Miss Hattie McMillen: left the other | 824 possibly a chivari; that B, will be day to attend the funeral of her cousin | He next, to do the ced near Woudstock. ASE Bie onkton. still on Sunday evenings ere is plenty of attraction yet. r. Win. Hill, of Howick, called on friends. in the Monday while en route for his home after visit- » ing friends in Logan: ohn Hermann, who has spent the summer in Messrs, Johnston a:-d Scott's "brick and tile yards, left for re oe home at St. Clemmons on Satur- ay goin. Lonis Wolff has cold a building lot off vis he chased a his property whi year ago for i who: bought it: a: build a house thereon next su halmers, we are sorry +0 , is on the sick list this week but e that his sickness will be of rb ducation, Miss Delilah McEwen, after spen’- ing six weeks in Bluevale visiting ber ting F hersor, rot firmed atu as been very successful af. our cateorded)aubsidOben’ of management the 16th con. Elma claims that he and | his cheese mak aero sear : . output of cheese for season some) of ‘lis’ neighbors; were .piven |i cause iittic aecr Orica offen an item that appeared in| the pri anees, The evening was spent most noyetly by the young people who in- in various simple amusements » A Rapid City gentleman went to the garden to dig up potatoes the ti eee che had pulled up three rows of towato plants. That reminds us of a anata gentleman in tow somepbing ofa like kind daring the He went out to weed of sweet Beas, thinking they were weeds. Och! Och! »We believe in expansion of trade have the sympathy of munity in their lo loing | Broi verton by at their home| oo, and presenting Mrs, Roese with a large enaycluat wid an address to both, at ‘0 mourn testing to the esteein-in which they |loss her twodaughters, Br. D, Sei ara bold geht tevade bead acquaint: |20d Mr. H. Davis, of Kennicott, the anole pis ellen ‘ot ee was ip and Tueeds: he village on Méndai a life insurance bu: sin >| obtaining the open, | other day and came in and repo: lay. assor we siuare 3 cS Thoughts of emninog iu the woods| there was none ‘under the stalks, | onto, eee classes fer overnight with a r root for a_ pil When his wife went out to see she sieht ae ese factory on ti 2 onkton Public School Eero i E ictober. Sen. . 4th—John Watt. © vo let me know 1n some e way. friends may be able to lucate ir whereabouts. and. contraction of profits, ‘Try us, |Ao*, EH, Distlaniio. Ze, rwi Haury lly Sisnan, Bury Dobbs iy Tony oeMr. A. ae on Thursday last, re