Xmas merchandise far Store open every night. We are the authorized ag: vious attempt we have made. Pieffer, MILVERTON’S LARGEST STORE su ents of Santa Claus. Our display of as es in beauty and importance any pre- : Greater, grander, more beautiful and a aged assortment than ever. Christmas gifts that are valuable, use- ful and sensible. The exposition is ready for inspection. Call early. Great Bargains in Ladies’ Ties, Fichu’s, Handkerchief's, Ete. Fiaving bought the traveller's samples at a great reduction. Following are prices :—1o dozen Fancy Handker- chiefs with silk centres and fancy lace edges, some with fancy muslin centres, a great assortment, worth to-day 50c to 75¢ Xmas price 35¢ each. IN Groceries We Are Headgarters. New Raisins Finest Currants Blue Seedless Raisins in 1 Ib packages, our price Lemons Valencia ' ‘ranges Florida Oranges toc per Ib. Isc t2l%yc 3 Dozen Ladies Fancy Fich- u’s, beautiful goods at half price, worth ‘from $1.50 to $3.50 each. Xmas price from 75c to $2.50 each. These goods are just suitable for Xmas presents, and can be “@ mailed very easy and are ‘strictly up-to- date. ; We also have . beautiful assortment of Silk Handker- chiets ranging frdm sc to $1. 25 Doz. White Hand- kerchiefs. Some with hemstitch and without, regular price 10c., Christmas price 5¢ each Mixed Peels : ‘ew Grenoble Walnuts New Almonds New Roasted Peanuts Extra fine mixed Candies or 4 lb for 25c. xtra bright mixed Extra fine Chocolates Extra fine Creams | Stick Candy um Drops Lozenges A good assortment of 1c goods. ~ Our Spices are nothing but the best. something you can rely upon. Also a full supply of Extracts. 6 lb of Figs for 25c. 4 lb New Choice Dates for 25c. We carry the best 25¢ Broom in Cana- da, ask to see it § lb for 25 14c per lb A great assortment — of Fancy Linens, such as Centre- pieces, Doyles, Sideboard Covers, Tray Cloths, all suit- able for Christmas presents. Ladies Fancy Ties, no two alike, just the thing for a Xmas present from 25¢ 408,50 each, We also carry a full supply of sweet and sour Pickles, Catsups, Relishes, Sardines, Salmon, Mincemeat,. Pine- apples in tins, also Pineapple Chunks, done up in India, beautiful goods, 20c per tin. FURS Wouldn't — a Ladies Silk Mitts in .black at $1 to $1.25 each. Children’s Fancy Woo! Goats regular 75c, Christmas price 50c each. Make a nice present for a child,}¥ nice piece of Fur make a very hand- some mas A sent. nicer daughter, sister or sweetheart than a nice Caperine, Muff, — Gauntlets, ‘Childien’s home-made Bootes regular 35c, Christmas Scarfs, or for your brother or lover a nice Persian Lamb driver, Drop in price 25¢ each. | | and see our assortment. Crekinole Boards We sell our Crokinole Boards for 75¢ everybody sells it for $1. Make a nice Xmas gift. How would a nice Dress do ! or a pair of Kid Gloves! W ouldn’t a nice piece of sil or satin make a very hand" some present.- We have a fine selection just suit- able for a handsome waist We carry a great selection of Perfumes, Mouth Organs, Fancy Small Clocks, Games, Toys, Crokinole Boards, Dolls Horses, Dogs, Soldier’s Out- fits, in fact a great variety just suitable for children. Gentlemen's Ties and Scarfs Neckwear is a very im- portant consideration for a gentleman. Not to have the very newest is considered old fashioned. Every sich - and rare conceit on latest fashions and colorings is here. Puffs, Flowing Ends, Bows, Four-in- Hands, and. Strings. If we cannot suit you, in neckwear give it up, you can't be ‘suited. Our Clothing Dept... We carry the best selected stock of Clothing in town, everybody admits that. Men’s suits from $3.90 up. Youth’s suits from $4 up. Boy's 3 piece suits from $2.40 up. Children’s suits from $1.50 up. OVERCOATS . We carry the best and cheapest over- coats, Ask to see our $8 Beaver Overcoat worth $10, Ulsters from $4.50 up. Boy's reefers and oyer- | coats, a good supply. Weare Apples. 6 paying 8c lb. for Turkeys, rye for Butier, 17¢ for Eggs, 4c lh for Dried Wishing ‘You Al a Merry - Christmas. Call and - one of our Beautitul 1901 Cie = Gr osch & P feffer.