Milverton Sun, 27 Dec 1900, p. 1

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he tt Shines For All.” s C111. Vol IX—No 47 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 27 {900 = The “qpitverton ae Gs the best Local Newspaper in oe County of Perth. It is the Best Advertising Medium. towns Subscription strictly in advance. ‘_M. MacBrrn, Prrnisner. not so ase ADVERTISING RATES, seace. | Year. |6 mo.| 3 mo. [ime 1 mo. {Qnaccoluiin.. {$50 00/30 00] Half column. D 60 16 oO *Qnarter col. 00| 900 © © Bigath col. | 10 00} 6 00 One inch | 3 Ol Transient Advertisement he rate of Sc. per i oe Rektic copa Be: ietese reese Banking, Rk. RANNEY & O.,Bankers transa oer ates offer seanrent rat . RANNEY & €O., Milverton, “ Medieat_ un Milverto ony » Poole, Brunner, a Gavel and Rostock. Bacrert of Pos eppione ane w 4) Luther olicitor, 2 Burton’s $1.50 if | 9) - Ex GT: R. Time Table Trains due to idt%¢ Milverton. Cheese factory pay-day on Saturday, T have 10 good ee Boe cutters | for sale Se D. Sur Rev Dierlamm; wo Port Elgin, was in ae village last. w: M visiting in Detroit, burg ‘and Paris. Mr. F. W. Guenther, of Saulo Ste. Marie, is sponding tue Chvistinas.holi- days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn E. Boectner ere at home: to a number of their Ollie es 1s at present, Drumbo, Harris- d | friends on Wednesday evening. Miss Kate Wiederhold, of Wallace, aud Miss Wiederhold, of Michigan, are visiting friends in the yillage. Mr. Henry Loth, of Tavistock; is sisting his brother, W. Ke Loth, in the store during the holiday season. . Mr. Haig, of Millbank, will conduct. the special services in Barns? church, Milverton, on Friday evening. Mr. W. Hofferd bas announced his intention of standing for tbe village council if the ratepayers desire his ser- i 3 Dei mal urate t ae | station. of =o Hon x tod dinceabnre Sine npflug’s tailor Bip. Miveeros G iGodunie Ontario eter to, treats all discases of domestic avis All calls pe a ane or other wis nd Chronic L J ont Gran yO sis 4g yaa ) omesticated sinimals. verton, meets ev of every. ones at meukel a = 0 p.m. int Visas Byethren aly w. Spen W.D.WEIR, iol dies of Perth and a Slee? € Deeds, Wills and Mort 8 Affida wits mad Bailiff «Village Cl Store, M © PORLANDS BUS LINE, Milverton, SBus nivets all trains. citizens atid J travellers calls promptly attended to. Wm. AY Dorland, M » Proprietor. m | fith Dis uw street, Milverton. Motels Brunner, rer Ont, it liquors and Bits Sees aioe Hon aL, I Bes op “eigats at the bar. Fi iow Fat lage walling: cae ‘EL, Milver for comine Tique aul Mat atreeta, apflug, Proprieto r. QUEEN’S HOTEL, a aes jen for ‘3 Pahel ston: Henry Rove; prop. Mixcellancon - JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Asamber, Laths, Shingles, Pamps, otc. Beanner, Ont » Our furs are correet_ in sty and E. . Dierlamm. > All parties indebted to ne firm of *Schacfer Bros. are settle their aceounts on or eee Dee. Toe, 85 after that date all tiled a ay ay che put in fbee bands Ae Jas Torrance, Milverton . | atuended and ;| Sunday orge Baas, of Atwood, was in the ee on Wednesday attending ike funeral of his brother the late John Burton. Nuts—walnuts, alnonas, _filberts, peanuts aud eyevanats, ull new stock at Kertchers Red Flag Store. Prices are right. Remember that the regular meetings of the North Perth Farmers’ Tustitute will be held at Atwood and Millbank on Jeu. 8th and Sth. Patnotie exe books, seribbling books, schoul text books and: all ne lies for the weliool room, Avene wall maps and all school at The Christmas trees in the Lutheran. Y | and Evangelical churches were largely afforded no small awounv of pleasure to the childrei in whose interests they were gotten up Prof. Reed, ee A. C., Guelph, det will also. tuke parton pus A. Burton, .who for nenily the three y as re. Ade is Nand Dakota, retihed Be week to see his father. “Biff” has not changed mach in Ubrough hi Appearance industry bas aniassed con e Coun-| siderable property. The Christmas Tree entertainment in the Methodist church on Friday evening last was “quite an’ enjoyable affair, The programme which was gotten up hy Miss Sharman, reflected great credit upon her and those taking ¢ quite an interest distribution of The ature, presents from the tree was also a centre of great interest with the litle people. # Mr. John Burton, who for over a year had been ill witha trouble thar puzzled even the most expert medical skill to diagnose departed this life on afternoon with all his. family arousal a exception of hiw son John who is lying ill in New Soe Ae Bao wae Ghia icear vel disposition bat was well and Recvrably ian Foresters, the latter society burying him in the Pres byterian ceuetery on Wednesday aft . Burton though never of the community és family in their dour. of affliction ia sorrow. will Le the eto lecture at the regular or the Furmers’ In-| stiuute in the stead of Mr, Hobson, deceased. Mr. -lames Fax, of Toronto, s|Hoffert, of Wallace, Befo; buying a cutter cull and se lis winter ee Mr. and Mrs Son h are spedig a few days at Mr. J. L. Rue ie Mary aa of Hespeler, and Mr. John Grieve, of Breslau, are visit- ing at Mr Pred Schmide’ Mr. Thos. Green, con. 2, Des has Sold his farmto Me Soha Ranney, the price being $3,000. When a man forgets to ask his wife if she needs any money i iw siga te honeymoon is on the W. Schmidt is «gain busy Se in that line “should give bin a Mr, and ee Wm, Orr on n Tuesday aie daagnter 4 people sroeent epeai ery erga Uitesen a The first. six. months after he gets married a man’s heart is so soft it hurts every time his wife sighs, After he’s been’ married a year shw couldn't drive hatpin in it with a shoe brash Lost--On Mundny, somewhere be- tween | Sehneaker i Rothaern els re and the post office, a half ova sbaped pin with diiger. Ty was Set with stones. Owner! treasar ic fortes amooietintic’ Hise will te rewarded by leaving it at the ce, The ataivenary eoneceuben nts church, Milverton, will’ be held’ on Bios y, Feb, 2 ss the anniversary 3 ox cbureh, Millbank, willle eldeee Sunday, Jan. 271. ress for the » Monday evening, Beb, 44h : 4 Mr. James Wilson, who ovara. week ago had his foot rushed in the cog- wheels of a horve power, i< ni present in a serious condition. Gangrene set in a few dags ago ind it was feared that blood poisoning of the ‘eatire tem would result, bus by attentive treatinent it is now believed that that danger is past_ and Mr. W covery is hoped for. puglas ne Co. mi n should be made of Mr. Jaffray’s rendering of “Don’t be so Anxious to Rup Down a poate also the clog dancing of Messrs. Whitney and Jaffray whic catinot be beat. This Company will appear here on Friday and Saturday nights, 28 and 29 av popular rices. Adalts 15 cents, children 10 cents, reserved seats £ A numbér of the friends and neigh- bors of Mr, ani William Scott, of Poole, gathered at their home on Christmas eve and heing a surprise arty brought their lunch ‘baskets with Mr, pointed chairman and in a fe chosen remarks intimated vhat they had come to spend the evening with aud enjoy the hospitality of a couple they had known and esteemed for 60 long. Mr. Scott feelingly replied after which the evening was spent in chat- ting and social intercourse, A thought ful Jittle act a this is what makes =o world seen < those ie Fie spending the anes holidays ea and. vicinity we no! ng, of Tavistock, and Miss Vina Schmide of Hespeler, at V. Weitzel’s ; Miss Grills and Miss. eee aS Wallace, at C. Roese, of Strat Y son ee Mr. Geo. av bis home; Miss Buchs Grisin, of f Roronty at her home; Mr. and Mrs. Christ “Henrich, of St. ‘Taetincs and Miss Rothaermel, of Berlin, at Joba Rothaermel’s ; Miss Pe Stratford, av her Hanna, vt Orange- Geo. Langford Louisa pee home ; Miss ville, at her ae Mr, lf you want to buy a cutter aoe and children ae ee “tau in Brassels, TB. ‘orrance family at Trowbridge, Miss Evers 2 Peter Schneider any. Hae at Cliffors Public School Report. Department. I, “Bet om six pupil order of merit Lange, A. Tanner, P. Rar C Dear & Tou of the Village re Milve rton wil ic asked at t nuisince on the streets rig thin! cow if allowed to roam at #2" shi ay a good heavy cow tax € morning where the standing pe broken sidew &e, and sand mete church gate Now I think this thing lias been g to learn the cows how to bet themselves on the streets their ow should be -taught that they right. to-keep a cow and yard as ix often the case results of ; Bel eens Sina ttord: fe vats “Stratford: ‘Minale Skel Ouse Sparling, ing, St. Marys; Ary 5 , St. Marys; Ernest Oli Atitcnell Kenta” Dougherty, aoe Hattie Weight, Mitchell: Dow, wel, nt W. vino Miss of Lint Engle a. Grimm's. can have your choice of 45 at D. ‘Smith's. nd — (Emmeline Schmidt Fred esa fing.) “To THE es or THE Sun: ir nd the electors TE «pers is fund leading a horse ar fidin, idewaile the chief it is all every ould: arden fences, gates, on long enough and as itis impossible have no pasture it in his neighbor's garden or in the church- ne farmet RATEpayer. Model School Examination Results. f the Model Schoo! a examinations held recently at Sita fe hell_were published on atford ; Violet Siupson, Sener % a War A Ben Gowansiowns Wiltsld: Fallis, Listowel James F. Gaynor, Henfryn; A. Langford, vertony Andrew ttle, Donegal; Henry M, MeFadden, Millbank ; Samuel J. “Morrow, Strat ii hew MeCaftney. Stratford ; MARRI you aa Scuenck—Juna—At hare Peter teen or ss who Miss Anna Jung, of Kubryville: nin t ly a Sryprneecen oe see ae on Sasn : eee eS jose who a Spcanicn thelr A number of the youth of this . christ het are Mr. and | section attends! the shine at C. . EK 1 at. pe se ee Stricker’s lay evening last, and ie Wan, See at Cargill, Mr. | al} report having a joliy_time 3 Mp. and 5 cn m at ay ea Mes. Stricker are royal eptertain- ein in, jie was so sweet that ond here an and | ni and auld have thought it impossible for g a8 ee nis! music which was done in excellent order. is in ‘essrs. E, pope ©. Gernhael- —O, | der ae Sanday at Sp. Avatha. ory Mrs. Jacob Bacal A. OnEY | spent. Sunde in our: bur; rosch, (Bryce Anderson, Adam Hart- | “P' is & Gros oa Miller;| Mr. D. Allen passed through here Fred Smith. he ouher day to put 9 roof on- his Department If. Jr. 4th—R. Ander-| shanty. David is a hustler and it son, (G, Rae, 8. Naisinith,) G. ats plenty of snow comes aaa will x 1 Noa , Buchanin.. Se. 3 sr, 990n be sapplied with Ou Puiredag ok tase wee auile r, L. Hoftm B “ehiete ni sons were ~ Hart J. B. their. attention Yand, @ Smith; barki es ste Clage-—Gordon dog aud on tna tng investiga Roberts, Willie Hasenpflug, tion found the cause of the canine ex- 7 jaeski, Forest Griffin, citement to be owing the pi esent Tillie Schmidt, Tuclla Appel, ChHst-/Phe only weapon that Mr. Rayorafo Yundt. ist class—Bddie Herr, Rare bad at hand was a gun loaded wit est. Rumford, James Coutts,’ Willie | pigeon shot and the contents ¥w. Honderich, Eva Torrance, Clarence | emptied into Brain who apparently Harrison. “S... Sharman, teacher. [was uninjured by them and & communications further into, the words, Darkness 1 be wy {Substituted the birdshot by a marble which was puinped into Bruin destroy- sil thinking two: to hasty reoneat follow ved “by the dog. Mr. Rayer nay be eed also followed, bas whee the next located the bear it was dod having et brought down by w ave was also on its case \ Rayeraft snoHttes dollar bill.” Mr. John s the hunt and feel tbnt the beat rebefully be- longed to Mr, Rayeraft as his dog was worrying the bear when shot by Mr. Struthers, Had Mr Raycraft. waited for his companions there: is no doubt but that they would have secured ‘the animal without much difficulty and he would not ae dropped the substance for the shadow 2 on going haye ners rs of this section have — weald iiave been almost impassable in the spring. Mn “Alfred Lambert had the niis- fortune the other day to’ dislocate ‘is _ arm while enResed in a wrestle wit! one of his chum: Mr. Charles Aaaratsalieg left ~to- day to spend a week in Goderich. A number of our fair sex are holi- daying at home. 3} Mr°G. Dunsmore and J. Paterson tare engaged cutting wood for Mr. -| Wn, Aiken. 4 Mr. Jacob Schmidt has disposed of the most of his timber which will give employment to many. M Moore ‘hs prt his hee house somewhat puttin, couple of larger viaduwe ean ae the sides with metallic tin. Mr. Louis Beachiler, one of our ev- nay rprising farmers and millmen secar- ed the serpices of Mr Lee the -other day as head ‘butcher and had ‘his prs slaughtered in ¢hort order. Peapte iver, Mit- ehell: Belle Dow. Mitchell; Lil would do well to secure this men st Harding, Anders Beatrice ee butchering time as he is ‘very dex chard, | Seaforth: ‘Louise Robinson, | reroas with she knit Mitchell; Violette F. ‘Thou Sbavia Gy Messrs. J. Johnston and W. Shee- usseldale Francia Mitchell ; Wit ts Hart, | these days, having purchased an a foedhant; Melvin Ji oper, MP4 J. Cockwell's bush, Any pe: ae ate at 3| visiting this bash Sept we id Robertson, ‘donkton Peters Stew: hve hard work to get through as i. is z ; Hugh ’'S. Welsh, Sea-| strewn with woot ppfies tin all dive tio erticates will ‘be Tssuedto the fol-| People are waiting spifiently or + towing oe ere snow as there isa dut of wood uo 5 eee, Hy Willies Devito: ne | trawn out. of this seetion and ie P Biratibed June h agate aks ne for the new sdioul og Hart. i 8e TOS, a

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