Milverton Sun, 27 Dec 1900, p. 2

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- TRLAREY'S FORGE BRATEN. Preach Defeats the ‘the Boers With Heavy Loss. A despateh fram Johannesburg, ; gedacht a few days ago. says;—Gen. French, Wednesday| The engagement took place 16 attacked a Ber force mumbering | miles north-west of Krugersdorp. 2,500, with five guns. They are be-! | than forty of the Boers were ae ted and the rematader were rou igi caleated the Hiitiah otcocit- | i perros ‘Phe British st TT wounded. _ NINE WAGGON EQADS. SHOf HIS OFFICER DEAD. Boers 5 Su siffeved Severely = ‘Their | Serseant eae ge Horse Kills Fight With Clemen an See oe ea an ,_| A-despateh from Krugersdorp says: F Ta Northeaboriind” Fusil —Lieut, Burges, of Kitehener’s Horse, pe eae a iatiad Tie thes bers: ve ont, [WAS Shot dead by a sergeant of the Geko saaae’ aw dagen detonce| PUBS Tecumente The latter was, be lieved to have been drinking too much, and on being ordered out of the ranks hhe turned round and deliberately shot his officer. ‘A sergeant of the Royal Field “Ar- tillery EOnunital aplaide ga tie same ays against suparior numbers, and fought om until-thele ammunition was ex- hhausted. Then, when they saw. that _they were irretrievably hemmed in, “and that there was no hope of assist- valley below, where ~ Gen. Clements had his hands’ full di ie toqrn ia rapidly filling with re- fugees from the country, and every house is utiligsd in giving them shel- © Aeased at a point close to Rustenbure | 0" gle Seaway eae The Bosra lost heavily, They ear-|22n¢m6 in all people living on farms, edna, waggon, eas of dead pak whether trustworthy or not, the for- eacsina aie ties age, grain, ete., being destroyed. This General ee entire force had Ce iceuisels was ales Sie “ag nantow coups from capture, ‘he| bands of marauders nov infesting the Plans were splendidly laid, 1f{UBCY. from obtaining supplies, and tied g|™ust soon tend to diminish their ashes for loot in the vicinity of towns. -eomplete success for the Buers, who Se aS ‘exposed themselves ae Oe FIRE AT AANOVER, ing and Sia their ar cir — pushes were only cones by ae ssa, pea SOAS large . ~ After the Hee: ae the Boers oe despatch ee Hokeie,: Gates held a prayer meeting. Their hymns is town was visited by could be heard by re poebine soldiers. aes Gea fire oa soariaeed aiter- Col. Legge exhibited splendid bray-| noon. origi about 4,30 ery. He shot five Boers with his re- o'clock in the onset furniture fao- volver before he fell with three bul-| tory, one i lets in his body. - Sis SE TS te BOERS LOSE FORTY MEN. |stmmoned trom Walkerion, Palmers ton,, Neustadt, and Ohesley. The ihe Now carrying or Stock in the eae arrived in the course of, a a adybrand District. ror so, but the factory was Alte awe from Maseru, Basuto- a to ies eromrmt Lt eavired aboot two acres of land, ajad not awall is feft standing, About ten million feet of lumber in the yard apd: the caw mill Were saved. The loss was about ‘General De Wet's losses in break- | $120,000, and the insurance $60,000. ing through the British lines on De~ e cember ii were 80 killed and wounded |™es, and P following places were “and 12 men made prisoners. sumed:— General Knox has been forced to| Ber Furniture Company aking establi ° Hee Burnes ie] Be : flying fife vie: ection system in the town, Aid was . Poehiman Wet owing to the situation created in | @ud Company, flour ‘and feed. B. IF. é ‘Oape Colony fe! the Boers crossing the Ahrens, hardware. Graff and ee ge rive pler, general dry goods. “An eee on Winburg is moment-|Plictographer, H. Maurer, ‘arily expected. smith and ae — joepel, flour and fee CARGO oe MULES. The total loss in = town is:about ‘a quarter ofa million dollars. ‘The The ase Are Now. Buying the| situation is. a serious , as: thi mallest Animals. Kmechtel factory. “employing — 250 A resis GO NEe: Orieuna? saye:| homies Westie metas yor Hae aes Sei Hcksne Getaport’: Montecame Veo, ieee population: (ot aptont ieee here on Wednesday with a cargo| 200 5 4,00 mules. A big revival in the s Sipe of stock to South Africa for the use of the British army bas occur~ red, . Nine vessels have left for Cape * cetore) Towa doring the month, carrying 8,-|!™Pressive Service Held. in St 786 horses and 5,709 mules, worth more Paul's. than $1,000,000. Nearly. all tho ani-| A despatch from London, says ;— mals were purchased in Texas and Mis-| The i souri. The British officers bought origin- ally the largest and finest mules in the | been killed during the Boer war. The t. They are baying to-day only|church was crowded. ‘The Lord the smallest animals which would Pe Mayor, the sheriffs, j Brodrick, and’ ex-t Wolseley, were among those eae vices were cOnducted by Deai ge av eSHORS FOR THE SOLDIER DEAD. al they report that these little mules are| The ser far better adapted to the climate of ce BOERS ARE ACTIVE i usules, ta: s0: perfect Here they ine les attacked Kaatfoncetn But Were A mre ies Pretoria The Boers are exhibiting contirabe activity between Kaalfo: Zuerfontein, ae Secret this city and Johannes yofy hd wanteae all tie wintee: FOURTEEN FURNACES DAMPED. Collapse of the Seo:eh Tron and Steet | dred of Trade Completes Tuesday afternoon, but were beaten ‘A desprteh from Glasgow says the | off TOTAL CASUALTIES 126- OF This Number i Were ee or Wounded. ly as soon as the orders now on hand have been filled. Fourteen furnaves| 4 eas eee Pandan will be damped by the end of the year. | phe os SC Toot anne Clyde shipbuilders hav 1,000 ee || aceording to tons of plates from the United States,| yore gz mk we je stn ro abc with 4) thereby effecting a Sx of £50, ae Ba aac ts rin case lots, 10 1-4 to 10 1+ bi them Foun Soames on} x Frices 0° atta, One Chea33, Srain, &¢ in the Leading Markets. BREADSTUFFS, ETC. ‘Toronto, - Des. 24.—Wheat—Ontario wheats rather firmer, and some de- mand from exporters, Several cars red und white, middle freights, sold at ,631-2c. | Manitobas.were Genital, are as \fol- Nod nas Lhard, old, 9. 2 at 870; No. gis hard. ais ‘Bay. 9 MillfeedScarce; mill door; sell as: follows;—Bran, $12 ane lots, at the to: $12. and shorts, at $14 to $14.50, west. Corn—Easy. 1 American, yo- nd mixed, track her ar Peas—Steady, and-in fair demand; | middle peer at GL y. No. 2, ee 41c; and middle a er 400: S extra, 89 1 381-20, mi ‘dle freights. New rye, 46c. west, Ry and 47e east. B eat—About steady. ge west, are quoted at 49¢; and aH t 50c. Gesu ol active. - One lot of twenty cars of No, 1 white, on the oes gold at 270 to-day. ~ Same, middle freights, are quoted at 26 1-2c. Light white eg Oe se oe are | quoted firm a! Flour—Dull. ue Ae a 3 for 90) per cent. patents, In buyers’ bag: gectibe freights exporters bia $2. Special brands< sell “looally from 10 to 20c above these figures: PRODUCE. ae esh eggs scarce. Cold stor-| ed are adie jn demand, and ap Prices are as follows We se cola stored, 180; tet i to cee ee were large Boe but holiday buying set in, and a trade was done. P: i round. Choice, brightu tuckeys br u=ht 10c, and bright geese as high as 7c. ol ise pair, 25 to Wc; duck: 0 Te; eee per ib. J to 1005 geese ee Ib. 6 te Dot Car lots, on track Sales, out of store, are made a 0 400. Field uae cee out of store, 8J0 pel onions, 60c per bag.; carrots, Sas per bag; apples, per bbl, 400 to $1; sweet potatoes, per bbl. $2,50. Dried fruits—Dried apples, sell at 3 1-2 to 4c; and evaporated at 5 to 1-20, Hanns Otley» white beans bring $1.10 to $1; hand-picked beaiid are quoted xe $1.40 to $1.45. Honey—Firm, Dealers quote from 9 1-2 to le per Ib. for 5, 10 or 60-Ib tins, according to the size of the or- $2.40 to de: $2.75 per dozen sections. Baled hay—Firm. Choice timothy, on es $1025. Two-ton lots, delivered, Straw —Searee., Car lots of se ae track here, $7. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS, Dressed hogs on the street to-day were unchanged at $7.25 to $7.40. Car es track here, were quoted at $6.00 7. expecting leer ee are placing orders freely. ¢ lumber i large demand for provisions from this source is looked, for. Quotations fer provisions are as fol- lows;—Dry salted shoulders, 8c; long clear bacon, lvose, in car lots, 100; and c; short cut pork, $19.50 to $20; heavy mess, $17.50 meats—Hams, heavy, 120; Sale os = backs, 1 a mais out of pickle less cae prices quoted for smoked me: ‘Lari yibraea; a nie 10 to 10 i-to;| pails, 10 1-4 to 10 Buffalo, Dec. se pring wheat—No. 1 hard; old, carloads, 83 3-4e; No. 1 o orthern, oe aS 8 84c. Win- ter wheat—! red, Tle; a GS No. 8 caus ‘Bes Sad AL 1-4; No. 2 corn, 411-2 1 $-4e; No. 8 corn, 2 to 41 1-40; No. EGS ie Outs—No. 2 white, 28¢; No. 3 bits 28 fo 28 I- No, 4 white, 27 to 27 1-4c; No. 2 mixed, 25 8-4 to We; i: 8 mixed, 250. Barley— adv, to ed a = in ae 6c jour—Dall ant Soe = ‘Detroit, Dee. 24.—Wheat closea—No reported in pe condition, and a} Th: je | Settled by the Boer war is the, disap- They Numbered bered Several Thousand and Have Given Battle. A despatoh from London says:—The Regardiig the Sedd river ee an official report says th forossed the tiver, making Aer Gils ithe latest depelopmcat in column was despatched from South Aftien. ‘The War Office has erg, and the Boers were diverg-, issued nothing more than Gener direction of Philipstown, 1|Kitehener’s oificial despaton, h they foe Wednesday. vortion of the mando. o¢eapied : Kral station "thassdéy, cuiting in the a sets sulficiy cates the s [teen fills in the outlines. It is learned lfrom these despatches that the |Rhenoster invaders ocoupied Venter- |stad Tuesday, but vacated the place on and’ Hanover road, and it is expected [ite approich of a force, and that the Boer advance will be stopped. went in the ees ‘of Steynsburg, Hitherto (hore has been little fighting, ia which th. éd to reach on. the invade: ng in every instance ‘Thursday. ne retired before the British. iB ere baalked, th At Venterstad the Bees, took 20 of ies as however, they ? British garrisoning |ths pies strongly before they arrived, ; ‘h ial statements add that~ the Havedem will now hava great difficulty Thi eu “ssi the Hegeant eis a to surrend?r, but the demand ja mnoving «any dircetion, us Burgh- was ete: The Boers then attacked: lersdorp, Sturmberg, Steynsberg, Ros- them, and the fighting lasted some jmcad, and Naaawpoort are strongly hours. The burghers ware eveniuaily x {held, while thé Orange river has risen @riven off. onsiderably, barring “their return, Aa uno ie rp ri frem p. Tow They were last reported in the Zaur- Conlirm Pe Sus Cior cae lien: “piacdintely south- west of the Orange WANTS A FREE PARDON jberg raage, between Steynsburg and |1. white, cash, Tie; No. 2 red; cash; 770; 9 Ite, | Li —Wheat closed— Cash; Tic; De sete 70 5-£¢; January, by Wet's Losses ve dae! Very [71 inte; May, 72 3-40. Hea s,| Chicago, Deo. 24.—Wheat was easy {| early to-day but rallied later: om bul- (lish Argentine advices, firm ©. jaias markets, and A despatch trom tendon eae —Gen, So isoher ae he a better cash ar) ee oe Bloemfontein, | dem May closing 1-4 to 3-40: over ates ‘that ve no the Satu. orn closed unchanged to) tacked Dewetsdorp had: 6,000 men: - 4c Pee Oats a shade lower and| and 18,000 horses, aoe De Wet is said the prisoner, who is ip- tS: a civilian, that he lost.more in killed at Dewetsdorp than the en- tis rE i 4.— Wiheat—No. 1 Northern, 72 1-2 to 73ey No. 2, North- ern, 69 to 70 1-2e. Rye—Firm; No. 1, Ble. ee No. 2, 60e; sam- ple, 45 to 5 Tn De Wear Orcty War insoue Hosepentet 1 tree pardon for 1, Sa 72 7-86; No; es Northern, 70} all his ee many of -whom are : le declared that he was able to “hou se till March, The pris- 78 6-8; No. 1 Northora, 51 5-80; De-;oner ‘centirms the See ae ‘Gen | cember, 30 5-86; May, 75 1-86; Cora | De Wet was hard hit af Thaba WN’ “chu, 133 Oa |when his force was trisected. He lose Minneapotic. . Don. ° 24: se prisoners, a number of hors?s, Cash, 72 i-4e; May, 73 3-40; on track,|a quantity of ammunition, and two No. 1 hard, 74 1-40; No. UNorthern, | uns, in addition to hia heavy casual- 72 1-4e; No. 2 Norther, 67 1-4e, ies, = ree fi me —. ENGAGED BRABANT’s FORCE ‘ _ THEIR WIVES QUARREL. Who Were Forced to Retire for a Leo Time. A despatch from Cape ‘Town says :— Ses Supa eee There is confirmation of the news! A despatch from Ottawa says == that the Boers have again invaded ‘Stabbed to the heart with a knife in Cape Colony. A force reported to be the hands of Wmery Curisse, a man under command of Herzog, crossed the named Joseph Laurencelle was mur- Orange river near Lliwal North on dered ‘here om Thursday night. Saturday and started south. On Sun- affair occurred about 10 o'clock. The [day Brabant’s corps and the Cape Po- two families lived ina shack on “the lice, who are patrolliug Northern Cape old Rideau rifle range, and during Colony, encountered the invading com- the mando between Odendaalstroom and tween their wives. Bethulie. They headed the Boers off who was the wife of Carisse, appears and pursued them, but were forced to have been getting the worst of it to fall back. a Herzog’s commando is 700 strong. ance. mare: ‘The object of the invasion is to incite celle, and says he was smashed over the Cape Dutch to rebeilion, and to the head with reergit ae men to help them im drew a knife and stabbed his oppon- the Boer counts ent, who ran upstairs, flung himself on All along te northern border of ihe bed, and died artes Cape Colony much disaffection exists. while every drop of blood exuded from British suffered severely in a nis body. : in a few Unconscious of his crime, pCarisss went to the police station to lay a charge against Laurencelle, and when {he returned home he learned the fatal ey ne —— {results of the fray. He was - ARMY CORPS: DISAPPEAR. atey. piesa under anes ane | im addition to receiving the heart Has No Such Piace in War as stab the dead man’s nose was ere Pritain Now Wages. 4 A despatch from London says :—One of the things that appear to have been y ii killed, 15 wounded, nit 48 taken pri+ soners. pearance from the British army of the ‘organization Enown i army fence. The It puthotitatively lived is a hovel with every evidence of that the division is the largest tactic- distress and pove al unit that can be conveniently em- well known in Ontawas and has al- ployed in the field. The army corps ways had a good reputation. sent to South Africa went to pieces with the divisional unit throughout. However much the corps organiza- tion may be adapted to European war-[| A despat fare, it has no place in ‘such wars as| that during Gener: ‘al Clements’ retrext Great Britain usually wages. With the hat Ce see of the army corp: ‘ps troops will go, and the divisions wail have their own smal) proportion| The Boers mistook the. nature of [of cavalry and artillery. The vavalry ammunition and set'fire to t artillery — will then ae rifie explosion followed, Killing tanec wounding a number of "Bo ced jes Ppiosiion, Kills nds Mf British were foresd to abandon a tity of ammunition. SRIERE after. it landed, and ar EXPLODING ING AMMUNITION. 2 YEARS OF OF PAIN. The Exprrlenct of Mr, William Smith, of ny Peers a) yo Suite for Many* ¥oa rom Kidney Traubic. From the Post seme: Ont. asbuty knows. Mr. William Smith. — He came here when the town was yet in its yillage Jays, as one.of the lumber company’s staff of NERS Tn 1881 Mr, Smith. was, appointed town con~ and filled that position until ae secntlse ‘As is well known to man: { Mr. Smith’s friends, he was abitares much from ‘kidney bate for quite a number of years-past, os the pain in his back was so great that he was almost physica incapable: of exertion. great deal, some getting tem- porary relief, “hut oS cause of the $ not removed, and soon the pains, accompanied an eranes by chills and fever, returned. At las ce condition suffering had not an Smith ultim- aiely prevailed upos ber uusieand co give Dr. Willianis’ bin k Pills a trial “Tt seemed,” suid Mr. ‘Smith tu a reporter of the Post, “that it wasa. y most anything uld bring relief. I had not tHe pills’ Lung before! tnére| w doubted relief, more in fact thaks I had aatien from any other medi- cine, I continued their use, and soon all sympioms of the trouble that had made my life oe of much misery for many years was gone. I feel ihat I arn Seti and haya os hesdiation in that the cure is due to Dr. Wiles Pink Pills, and J never lose am opportunity of recommending the val to neighbors whe may be ail- ing.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure by go- ing io the root of tho disease. ‘Chey renew ald build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from ‘the system. If your dealer does wot keep thems they will the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Oo. Brock- ville, Ont. FLINGS AY THE FAIR SEX, When a woman can’t find any other excuse for oS sick she says she would never. mai a gifl against her will. He—Nor I; but do you suppose a young man real- ly ever did? a a Why do you treat that poor » Wintergreen with 9 little eon se ane clare I'm surprise that he puts mp with you. Genevieve— h Peon t There ere three thiags yet to ing machine that will fly and on who does not face to the rear end when eetine off a sireet car. iss Gay devoted as much time to oul culture as she does to dress she would be a very le an, ¥es. but she wouldn’t tate the sat- isfaction of making every other wo- man green with envy FOUND AFTER MANY YEARS. ‘The Walkerton Telescope tell+ the following strange story. years ago Mr. Perry. Bi put an ad- vertisoment im the local papers: sta: ing that he had found a large of money. No particulars were given | but a day or twoago be reecived a letter from one Snodgrass, of Chica| which contained some particulars ott e money which he had lost here about eighteen years ago. The writ- 2 in Canadian bank bills, but! before leaving Kincardine he exchanged it | yy for gold, Am*rican gold pieces, twenty im number, had been wrapped in some brown paper and duly labelled. , On arriving at Walkerton he had, fallen in with the lute G. G. Babier and had ys He doctored a ¢ 2 tal laboratory test hereafter before using. jira’ Intelligs uring & high windyone ae day rom. its 0 es was kept bebind d blin ae of a window near by ne nate C uepeedne ‘on the part of the parent birds. They in the meantime bad seen the little ae borne aver and ea eg it to hou oust as it “kept near te one Wi ae its apprised thet Es Ww sreepavaite ‘They soon came qe on the roof and hovered aivout it, ite mue’s tallsings and con- sulting togetl er. lly they atighted near the litle one, und the female slipped ber wing ander it and seemed to urge seme : of acting upon the male, who zeted about POUnE. to the tite one, over it, then & spr Saniine his) wings ing toa tree. when he female Asien hin and brought bim back a) again slipped a wing under the little Finally he seemed to unde or ptr ring It to a an ah Aes branches, fost ‘sight they flew to <Dlice o < where pr 8 pr 2 of a ins aad strains owing ios “te po i ee an pie au ‘hority on ihe trom Se Nee oe ful accidents to say: ‘A little common sense treatment Is aries all that is needed when the strain is nkle or wrist and without com- perio It will oat very alarming- dually develop a frightful looking Brahe: but from ene first it should bave complete res a treatment of hot and cold ain the bot being used at first, when the abe o painful, and the cold later on, ort of tonic to the relaxed ae “The hot must be very hot and the cold very cold. as Uae tepid water aoe harm rather than g For first day 0! Pare ies all ne iene anne and mus- cles are aching. elief is found is a poultice of bee and me oa make i beat the white of an egg till light, ae not stiff. Stir in gradually a cup and a balf of salt, or more if needed, to make a thick? pastelike icing. Spread is on a eloth and fs i place. Cover all with oil silk or a thick bath t the sects aoe the After this aa relieved the bot water fonientatioas and wear @ pene! firm except at night. E ¢ Distinct! aa wn town. dir ve ler who a heard the story of the colored wo- ras who ha eS asl Lai for for colored en black f dealer stored the ne box and oppor" ee sel dent al 3 bis ae tal dust decided to use it at the firs oes He AS not Toba to wait, for a nights ago colored girl phe into. the store where be was employed wants some cou’t plas- ter," i iA color?” inquired the clerk, with bated eee nee 2 “Blesh ‘renting A tae ied dna keokiag within easy reach of a heavy pestle, the chet liaided the woman a box of court plaster, and he was sur- pri a at the time: chet the situation af- forded so little humor. The woman opened the box ae a deliberation that was ominous, she was Gy dee she Maes Mie color of the pnts. co es yo’ mus’ a-misunderstood ah. a asked fob ue sa vullah. ae ae done e me skin The drug clerk Ig still little dazed from the encounter, and he has frimly re Idea, A teacher was giving lier class an ex- ;erelse in spelling #2 defining words. she sald to a curly haired i printed in the frout part of the book.” Uaforgiven. “At a recent banquet in Sydney a de- condant of the ™ ole aids aah eae shared ‘a jug of whisky with him i the cellar af the house. Oa sobering wp the money - “was gone. As Eli “found the money on the beam in the there was = $100 in American ose) inthe ¢ he~ naturally jes that fe has 1 ia the ee ful ova FEISS Stone PIANO KEYS FOR) CHILDREN. ized pines are being made vig thectne of child Ss st play octave ade ae Glencoe pass knife “with the blade foreniost” x a Pale of a fa- mous old family abe the historic name of the Macdonalds’ eee Most of those we panes stigma- one of SeateceuDty bad breeding. ~But one or two under aon the significance and knew “that the betrayal is still unforgiven. e jusings by the Seashore. wnat A mistake it is.” observ: ed the eee as they walked along the shore, to speak of this as ee watery ‘waste ‘There isn'ta ars that ‘asted. Wi D e= out the ocea Bean themseives | would soon esa uninhabited des: |. “Therefore.” commented the profess: | 3 ‘saves the | “The recent death of aie Autor known certed by Dumas’ to a certain general who was aiscon- chilly manner. Why do you nof tell the general A PE: Ss, i only one kidney medicine but it cures Backache every time~ Dodd’ Kidney Pills Poultry, Butter, bid aa and other aS Ifyou have any correspond satu We want 100 GARLOADS surely our aadleae The Dawson Commission Co, Limited, Toronto ‘A young woman recently answered QUEER ICE 6 MAKING. an advertisement for a d aing ro Water in a shallow pan, in a shel- girl, and the lady of the heuse eee tered, acelaees will freeze even when the pleased with her. But before engs: meter is above the freezing ing her there wore some questions eal ihe as oo the rapid loss of asl heal : eat of the earth after nightfall. In Suppose, said the lady, now, only | some. hot countries ice is obtain ined in wert: | commercial santiges py setting shal- ‘of steak from | tw| low earthenware pans of water om the ground peoaed from the wind. and never will be, @ would you do in such a case? a ey ahah sens iD one remedy, for all The girl, looking the lady square ir is is the eyes for a moment before asking “J it-a private family, or are ther. boarders Boarders, answered the tsar Pick it up and put it back on the plate, firmly replied the a She was engaged. of many curs 1 ye germs of our aad cereal seated un i eo ee the Tuenes heh ur pine exerts on Nature's own atl ves. They Advertise ‘themsetves-—Tm nmed- jately they © offered to te pubiie. | 56 Panicle Vex Pills, became. ps S a i Be Boar BES Bae ae 133 & 2 land, the recipient already has sonie Last Minstrel Hawick, Rox! sre, Carnegie’s latest itt 2 to: om ONE OF SIR PALO LOCALE grown, a e county, Seot~ |iver and kidneys, rh nk mnece essa i. Mr. Andrew ague end the innui mpl ications sereng hening the frame, aud giving li Sea itway. 0 Which these nilmer is Eive fs to ie digestive organs, shiek matally * Se eee literary eminence, & for the vicinity includes most of the scenery described in the Lay of the the g one bor they mat ‘inpases t0: atation hae im ini parts Vizol ois ae ead which, Betas state, ne hrsea frou ad n attacks of dys: our the rengshening the healthy a Ta the system, on arr of oe ts umatism, fever, and ee erable ing SELF-LEVELING SHIP CHATR. With the idea of eliminating, tosome Bay of ee Spi by MENARD'S GLY. G T was of Facial MIN ARD'S Sec f Wo I was cured of eet Bronchitis by angles to each other, and it is claimed MINARD’S LINIMEN J. M. ‘OAMP BELL. ‘M, DANIELS. hill, N. 8 I was cured by ees LS eee Soa iy ty (a: Ww yaaa th N GLEY. uralgia by | chair is suspen asd Arca two ola king in 8 iT Here's a sermon on “How to Bring Men to Church.” ‘Does it say anything about how to Keep" men nwake in church bh after you, get them there? See the chair will ‘remain. level in the The idea is also spplied Minard’sLiniment for sale every whet FOR OVER FIETY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S, 80 sERUP has been Maio nrtor ttre ta see ASAE i aOR tie child soriene the gums, Als Ruzee bus | GOOD THING FOR POLICEMEN: agits tarsagont the world, Bowute rae Winn nm's Booth! Morocco are compelled trouble Prisoners in to pay the officers for there —_—-+—— pad places. pete ree _ Siberia, was ft is nls 8% watch. the clock.” hoars ata stro os passage of tim Ladi ies of Ci slogan u, ladies: or, “while it laves the land.” Z a Sie especially got Se other TD to Repent. in the sbape of the tots vehich fire kiiowih as Parme- admil it tng vaivections: ade of nts a serlons attack ae Hinard’s Linivent Bele es Newra’gia : sg on a FIRING LINE. Side by sae “sioad Canada’s noble! i brawn of Ceylo: coeds unp! leasant= oa was “help 0 ness. pees “an no one forgot the wile of Canada, havi e time rae Be es roduc ue Rot ge ie rica 0B bra n n would go ships were form: jes of 6! your neha when it criss, ie 2 ja, Mon: 6 ‘ue Ribbon on et Sesion and | Drag Gre 4 1 "3 les Se ere A SMART BOY. : First Boy—Is your father as goed a3 “ his word? é iness, ee oie | Second Boy.—Hetter. He _ often ——_ ‘i threatens to whip me and then for-| — Bickle’s Soiled floor-mattings should ok erie A a cr nemaenesot washed in cold salt water, a pint’ of ~ e _s foe eater Des 1 acts ike magig alt to a gallon of water, egoft| sinned, hve sot the chest isvelieved, ‘) FoR AULD LANG SYNE. tienes or conanmptlon: ts 8: e of Canmia % Tew rile # tn res Fecent ases it may Pan old nicuatet ses “id ee said gee Sports ie as ‘or vituse @ The answer comes mecha ved from 1 r veral me saneinal patsy eet can iy. from every Bil aii ae x should Seat ‘npon for ail pulmonary com- jus Reavis be i emem- | Pris, that on the bloody Telds ai South |” nd Pasi HE KNEW. bo ase Mamma—You kuow, Johmny, when Pape tan vert mamma sri ee little boy she dove tin yout power to ce-) it for his a i thoce bonds. The Green tens of | Sonny 9 ae yap didn't think se dia appeal. tO yo snuch’ of me. iment. By, asing them you ‘ Ribbon, Salada Coal ue Sate had from fy nhesu anh a oF oN BUNDRED DOL» cannot te ach, Eat ae Very + . wa = PRANK 4. CHENEY.” Minard’s tiniweni Cares bun 8, as! Suewgieiee.rarie se al Roe : OTS OF BEREDITY. etary Public. | Students of heredity assert that chil- = tacrh Cureis taken tntornall hy, and the blood and mucous surfaces sie TI s A. Edison’s motto is; “Neve; on Ne Eee A Ed ee ee ee oe of thesysiein she oes catimanialg free. work is he that he frequently. works 16 win of mind or bod without noting the zs pF CRWNEY & COx Toledo, 0. as Ky of Sold, Drea the best. older men and women, while children of old Resale, = usually delicate, se-| [rious and ol ned, manifesting a laislike for Sonate sports. mothers never attain’ so vigor: eae EUROPHAN EMIGRANTS. Thirty: million. persons Teft Europe during the century just closing to seek their fortunes in other lands, i oe TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tablets. All drgsits | ‘to eure, E, Wy Grove jon | T. NU 304 (AVENUE MOUSE Ray arR a t Se WON'T WORK BOTH WAYS. Give to a pig when it eed a * eaTHOLG PRAYER yr ea Bkatoary a ey “Dena Co. and ¥1 ave a fine pig and a bad “chita. ae rte ae ees sonia Banca nD Sneneee ee Her by. ms PILE CURE Atrial package of Cox's Posilive fe ree to Tell, the Be re jouds there oF 2 ee = Byars on ea fot aa No koife, no Da ieaacaa v express to W. agsaive,. Addres; THE HUTOHING FREE, reek 2 D ella Mie f ford, Irelan

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