‘Wol IX—No 48 “It Shines For All.” ial MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, JANUARY, 3, (901 MALCOLM MacBETR. Edito and Publisher The Milverton sun a the beet Local Newspaper in in. the County he Best. Advertising on $1 per year, stri 50 if Toren MacBer, Pentasuan. ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE, Year. |6 mo. | 3 mo. | 1 mo. ‘One column... |$50 00) 00| $16 00) $6 00 ‘Half colamn.| 30 00| 16 00| 9 00) 4 50 ae col. .| 16 00 00} 6 00) 3.50 igath ool..| 10 00} 6 00} 3 00} 2 00 One inch... 5 00} 300) 200) 100 an aaa perenne are charge Hines noupariel, hd 6. perk the rate of Sc. rhe e for eae es discounted and mates Deposits reeeivad. an ed. jedi , EGBERT, M. B., ‘of College of Lees ns “Sf Ontario also post gradu ate. student. of London hospital, London, England. Office in rca of Post Office, Milverton, Ont. Telephone conection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Chareh and Rostock tor, Solicitor, Ete. , Wm. Burton’ Dentivtry N, Dentist, t cL ee of Royal ne of Ont DRG pees rgery and a at ie WES ane Batae Here Specialty. Hours 9 5 p. Ofc wove He enplag’s Filer canons Milver‘on. es ee eee “3, W. BARR. VETE! anon, ilverton formerly of Ne nary Coll f domesticated animals, of | visiting at the residence of his father- - last week was a TERINARY SUR- G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to = Milverton. GoINe Happy Century to you. Don't swear off from anything good. The New Year was ushered in by a snow storm. Miss Belle Rae is visiting at Rev. wood, LOCAL NEWS. Rev. T B. Howard spent the week in a Rev. E. Fear, of Atwood, was in the village on Mondey. . W. K. Loth is at present visit- ing friends in Guelp! Mr. 8 Waele ot Ayton, spent New Year's at his home here. Mrs. Jacob Wiederhold of Philips- burg, is visiting at Mr. Fred Wieder- hold’s. Mr. Charles Wilson of Bervie, spent New Year's at his home in Morning- ton. Mr, Gus Hasenpflug of Teeswater, is at present visiting his parents at the Grand Centr: Mr. A McMeans, Brantford, spent New Year's at Thos. McFarlane’s. Ma. aed Mrs. J. Joyce, of Waterloo, spent a few this week with friends in Alive ton. Becker of af Mr. John Hanover, is in-law, Mr, Adam Scheovhals. Mrs. E Broughton, of aaNet, is been spending a few The poultry show held at Stratford enuine success, bein: the most aieteestal ever held in the lussic city. Mr. Albert Edwards, who has for the past few months been residing on Monday. v. W. ub and Mrs. ee of aceon nding their ae ae Mrs. MeMullan of Milverton, and Jobn Roe of Elma, Miss Minnie Wilson, who- has been spending a few weeks visiting’ friends in Milverton, retur see St. Thomas last. w riotie exercise books, scribbling " First class horses and rigs at all times. books, schoul text Lewee and all sup- Bazeage transfer. Commercial driving «| plies for the schoo! Agent for beeeetty. wall maps and all sla apparatus. — Soctetics Jas Torrance, Milver ©. 0. F., No. 9 ineets every Mrs. Thos. fe of Sebringville, second and lust Tuesday of every month, at) was iia Fast. week by oe o'élock, in their hall over 8 ‘down aiiligtance coh caine: peers. oS x brethnen a al- | Her Tape was injured but it is oa wel - ways Barth, Recording Secretary. Be ES F., “Silver meeta every Friday might at Xe ae in their hall post office building. ren always Ty athe G.; W. Business Cards EIR, pica for the Coun- tet at Dt ee Waterloo, is, Wills and Mort ees drawn al Kins sae, on lit fib Division one fice, over-Gror ae . nee, Milverton DORLAND'S BUS us meets all trains, 8 LINE, All E, M on. citizens aud W eral ‘calls promptly attended to. jorlaad, Muple St., Proprietor. Hotels gee EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. John Gropp, Pzoprietor cigars ab. the bar. First-cliss accomm Be ad lnrge stobling. Bs a he ca ae AL HOTEL, Milverton. First-clas od for coi cial s & 2 § Best liquors a oe nut seriously. The day evenings, playing on each occasion toa representative house. They are a fairly good company ‘and amused their audience pretty wi The anniversary services of Burns’ Suiday, Feb. Kay, D. also on Monday evening, decture on the “ Wonders of the Nine- teenth Century ” and insidéntally will ay is 3rd by Rev. W..A. Me- the Presbyterian charch in Western Ontario and-is well qualified to deal with the vastness of his subject. is also the author of “Pioneer Life in Zorra? and “Zorra Boys Abroad” No doubt a great treat is in store for those who have not yet heard bi very pretty event was Edie Christmas evenin; pg ab six o'clock, 5m ravers and others Tires lure sample| Mr. Robert J. Boyd of Elma, was tabling. Best’ brands of united ia marriage to Miss Jennie SW, corner of Main | Dowd aon Tbe ‘iquors ana sian sa UMi eee Has QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The accommoiation Two large sample rooms. | Wm, R. 0 ceremony wall eee by the Rev. J. W. Caineron, of North Mornington, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr Dowd, in the presence of @ id ee near relatives of the contracting ‘at the bar. Good warm stables and z igs Ghed room. Henry Bose wedding. march, © wey nicely ae i i As Annie henobell, The bride, who wax co sain attended, looked pretty in her sait of JOUR GROPP, dealer in Cedar Pests, [navy bine lad’ Soa twinmed with Kistober, Lathe, Stinglon, Pumps, ot. | white silk over lace and Se very tasty wedding supper was pes fe a °Heart-Sick People.—Dr. Agnew’ Cure as Cage Heart is a heart tonic that never fails ine ereit tds ts. effects— ‘border ant ed by the party, while the eve spent in music sad games, usefal showing the high which the bride is held. couple will immediately occu h esteem in The young cae oe rs. | somewhat i ——| parents, Mr. and Mrs. James awards or aneyoralteyum Stexltan in Ypslanti, Michigan, returned home w o her home in| f g Douglas Comedy Co. appeared |, in Grosch's Hall on Feiday and Satur- church, Milverton, will be ee én | low when | not beat inclined we rather he was Bet during the past year. pre- ener sents were exoeaitgly faidonae bod teach di urastees, The ol re- py their ome near Britton where they will en- joy the best wishes of a host ef friends and acguaintanc-6. : Mr. Fear’s, At Read the Farmers’ Loree adver tisement in another col Y Ms Joseph. cf at of Toronto, is present visiting friends around Mite ton. Mr. and Mrs. Riley, of Woodstock, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ulter. Mr. Ed. Mokr is at Ererat visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Miller, Mornington. “Mr and Mrs. W. D. Spence, of St. Marys, spent a few oe this week with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Roe. Mr. Be y Bennet of Toronto, has been ayed to supply the vocal music a Fe Farmers’ Institute meet: ings iu Atwood and Millbank. Mr. James Kerr, one of Milverton’s tnost highly streeaied citizens, has ew days./ We ad however, to see him around shor y Mr. EH. ree left on Mon- day for Linwood, upon receipt of the intelligence that his Jeither alan, Mr. Jat hn Bundy, of that place was dead. s, Dierlamm was ab the bedside of i futher when he died: were pontneles for on Mon- day, but two have ae leaving in the field Messrs. Jas. Stamp, Henry Baker, Wm. Hepburn and EB. Barnsdale, The mewbers of its Evangelical congregation on New Year's eve as- Six candidates saeuibled al the parsonage and b= ed-the pastor M cee te van address and a pu ontain- ig $15 in perl ‘The erenige was ies spent in the amusements inci- dental to iach occasions. Mr. R. Pelton, editor the At wi as received the sad intelli- gence that bot! wother and sister Bertha are seriously ill of typhoic| ever in the Woodstock hospital. Some three weeks ago his father died of the same disease. His brother, thar E, is making progress towards covery. Lost—On Monday, somewhere be. tween Schneuker & Rothaormel’s hardware store aiid the post office, a half-moon shaped pin with dagger. was set wish stones. Owner treasures it for its associations. Finder will be by | oe e rewarde leaving it at the Sun onday evening as Master inadvertantly small sled a little girl jerked it throwing him violently to the ground, breaking his arm at the rather unfortunate as he has had both legs broken on previous occasions. present or the past year is the first of the century. No less than six or seven letters appeared in the Globe on Monday, discussing the uestion. The sellers foals of Milverton have again gi of paper ne avy di. over Mr. Torrance’s ‘drugs ing diagrams ‘whvcil bail boca vance “Sy the different disputants to aid chem tn proving their contentions, — Although agree with those who take exceptioa to pis argument advanced by M ‘The annual meeting of S. 8. No. 1, Morninaines was tld ‘on Wednesday avid Since r ae daring his term of office made au estes trustee w. < cole ent. cee there bei bank with $52 in the Pans of ae trensores for running expe! Berry, teacher, pee te great The rt is most gratifying to fepor ceived erdiplonta from the Gavernment, accompanied by a grant of the niodel and neat appearance of building and grounds. incidentally we might. ed ‘during the past|¥ u Norman Hobnstein was standing on a | ba | and unopposed. day. farmer ean plow his field by turning it over in his mi One good wa} ce an income from literature is to se]l books. It matters not how good a joke may be, there are people who can’t see it. Burton spent New Year’s with friends in Dunnville. Fy Mr. Mrs. Rothaerme and ol spent New Year's with friends in Han- over. Miss Bell, of Tavistock, is spending afew days with her friend, Miss Jessie Naismith. The man who steels his heart against women should not attempt to steal theirs. oe Ged. Sterling, of the Western New , was in the aneee on New Year's, spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Seis returned home on Wednesday. ‘Mrs Wm, Bell and danghter Kash 1 aE ELiaover, have bess a od-| #! ing Thee holiday with friends in Mil- verton and that he is to be a aed to helo staff there. Dr. ‘Naismith, the stnell-fungus critic in Milverton municipal mai is generally very loud on nomination ae from zone day Inst week as it stood in one ‘of the hotel sheds. aes: around charch med hotel is. V There is a movement on foot in the village to staré # joint-stock company ti the purpose of building or Baeane ing the flax will here. Tho idea will no te meet with ecent approyal- Mir. Bar while coming fone the ve a his house the other ay, fell and fractured two ribs an his collar bone./ It is hoped, however, that the old ee may be around again in due ey ee left last week wind up bis. business Water Conipeny oe which he will return ourse at the Strat- ford Collegiate eee VMiss Lena Schwartzentruber, of visit, stopped off at Goshen, Indiana, where she met with the misfortune of faving ‘her arm broken by being thrown from a-rig while returning from chureh. yher the annual meeting Milver- ton, on Wednesday, Jan. 9th, com mencing at one o'clock, p.u. A full attendance of the members is coc The nominations in Ellice at Wart harg a a on ay were exceedingly warm. s. Geo. Goetz und Albert Sok were Ea for reeve, Messi Sass, D, Smith, A. Foley, J. Kelly, Geo. Brickman and D. Bald for council NOTIN ATIONS In VILLAGE anp TOWMSHIP. Nominations on Monday took place in Groseb’s ball when Me Wm. Appel, lust year's reeve, wi The voting members ee school board, Egbert and Mes: G. Grosch i David Merk- Jin sige were alee put elected by acclamation. the gentlemen, notwithstanding some carping crac that they heen aubjec e given sue ps aiatus: tion to the inepar asa-whole that - | they deemed it w office with as ithe eechiohY as. pos- sible. 3 ES well filled and with the plentitude of cil for the first year in the new ‘ory The a luaiae gentlemen . Ree, ion, Geo Charles Spencer, | erick Wiederhold, Wn mention that Messrs, N. Roe aud A. Didlell are the other srostess. Robe Jae The mereury took a drop on Tues- port to. Mr. Jobn Grieve, of Preston, after | usu: thieving is altogether 100 600% | Grouch a Towa, while op her way home for al y rh them to The field of councillors, however, is material the ratepayers should have no digieni i in choosing an efficient coan- n= were Herr, yy oder Grosch and; 3 g E ‘The discussion of the anditor’s D was postpot until ae when a goodly embled, Mr. Weir was voted to the chair when he did in a straightforward and business- like manner. wher members of the council came forward and gave an account of their steward when ordinary ratepayers re given an opportunity to air their Ginko, Here was Dr. Naismith’s op He hi i with the Acetylene Lighting Company and declared that it was altogether rong as incorporated companies are aactable things. While be was wallop- ing his straw man, getting in dhe Appel sual to though the accuunt was on! | Q he raged about the enormity of the expenditure a1 urged that economy should be practised to such Brett as to reduce it between $5 aad He wie that he had been in cor- respondence with township clerks aad found tbat the price aid yy the vil luge was in en in comparison. only took a minute to eae erent one in the hall ua himself ‘what grossly inisreprecenting the echt as tite yery authorities he was quoting vers, | were thrust under bis nose and proved . nen ay though he is never much in evid-| tion. The ratepayers, he , ‘took nce on election day. no notice of his vaporings as they & Sieh whip, |UDderstood: the narrow uncharitable iarles Schmidt had -s EP lapirit which prompted his juvenile maersind d Herr have retii In the oot the interest aa fested was pretty keen as a. lary number of nominations than ana were made For the reeveship Messrs. Hugh B. Kerr, John Campbe® and Charles Trim were put up, bat Mr. Trim siden and Mr. Campbell was not prese! For ouaailas the following candi- dates were somunated 3—John McCloy, w. J. i D Grieve, Grieve, J. P. eae Jas. Brydone, John Dida and Robert Alling: {ham. i retired rete the other five iv out. Mr. Campbell retires the contest for the reeveskip Following the Siahia aoa w nemabel of | an et | the Mornington Agricultural Society | condi will he held in Grosch's hall, argumentative Mr. "tein stuck to the point James Torrance, ffice of county commissioner, called upon to sa) Ky candidates it would be unfair to enter the Dick’s bridge reference to which was made in these columns before and ‘asked the electors if they saw fit to re- turn him on Jan. 7th. DIED. MoFapprs—to ‘Wellesley township, 26th, Josep! 3 MoeFaddin, . Huntsvifte. en) 2 Whales, after 22 years in the inuber plein) has retired from OW aes. @ well-earned rigs sone mii six ‘and a half hs he this season with only one day ‘owe eh hie isa record breaker among um] imate 4 still SOS ae sor mm Sipst amayor rand six “couneliors, u bce Pa ‘There is about 16 nce ot sgoodsleighingand bi