‘A CASE OF south WHICH RE- ~ FUSED TO YIELD TO THEIR tury, Mr. Geo. McLean has been Sa of the town of Thorold. He mm im the Iumber yards of BMecleary & McLean, and is known not aay to the citizens of the town, but by most of the inhabitants sciatica, and Gmowalsofthat he has been released from the pangs of that excruciating trouble. Believing that his story! would be of public interest, Lean continued; “I was afflicted with seiatica for a number’ of years. ‘The most severe attack occurred sev- eral ‘years ago, when Iwas confined to for fered horribly with the trouble, and the. only relief I could get was from morphine, either in tablets or hypo- dermically injected. I could not put my-left foot on the without undergoing intense agony. I was treated by physicians, and at the hos- | Finally, Iwas urged ta try Dr. Wil- 3 Pink Pills, and a8 I was wil try anything that seemed to lief, but from that on my recoyery was vapid, and in the course of a few months, I was as ne ag ever 1 had it im my case; and I'shall praise them when opportunity offers.” la, chronic 1 las, ete., all disay pear before a ats treatment with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. They give a ‘healthy. glow Ae pale and sallow com- be persuaded fet take some substitute. rinkles are kt ruts made by ive ot th ee _. Minard’s Viniment Cures Diphtheria.) “HUMOROUS. : A bright ten-year-old girl, whose father is addicted to amateur photo- graphy, attended a trial at court the rr day for the first time. This was ae account of the judge’s charge The judge made along speech to the * jury of pect men, and then sent them a little dark room t "develop. TS' Those of Sedentary ero oe a5 Meu who follow sedentary occip qrhioh deprive chém of fregiair and. fe cise, ate more prone to disorders of the fiver and kidueye chan “those: who le active, outdoor lives. The former will find in Parmelee’s: Vegetable Pills « ro- _ storative without qnestion the most effi- eacious 01 eth market. They are easily rocurable, easily taken, act expeditious Fy, and they are mrprsingly cheap con- vernall: irectl | mucous’ stictaces: of the , Hal’ Caturrh Ca e Pink Pills certainly proved a blessing 3 hnmora in the eet Such as scrofu- Sola we) Minard’s Linime ‘ome tablespoon of minced parsley,| te. be tried without juries int! Bh eda one of chopped onion and salt and| queen’s bench division during the : pepper to taste. Fill cuew ‘| present term is exceptionally large; Pee rit nite ay eer with this, ‘tie the halves together,| the jury cases number he place in a covered ith one cup| nonjury cases 190. Even. more str n of water and bake for For upwards of a quarter of acen-| minutes. Serve hot with drawn but- oo Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that ex Mercury. ontain as mercury will +urely destroy “STUFFED CUCUMBERS. Half six green cucumbers and take out JURY TRIALS IN ENGLAND. Ts trial by jury becoming less popu- ing is the want of faith in trial by jury displayed by litigants in the county courts. ‘The total number of er forty-five tried with juries.. The number of ac- the sense of| tioms tried with juries in 1899 was, Back articles should n° ws ee ‘no meroury, ant iy “upon iystem. re be sure you venal J, Ms hg ane Ree :| Minard’s Liniment cures I 7 Population at 136,000,000. pe ET universal par of many curatives being suc! diseases rooted ii Seate, aremedy for, pany, ang By its gradual abd judi trail eer ben entering » eibrough the mucous surf; by FJ. Cheney & Coe To- ine. sais Skea and made in aoe Ofioy by Fe 3. none y & Co. Testimonials | Dr. Thomas’ Eelectrie Oil bas nothing in common with the impure, deteriorating “Sia by Drogeists. price T5e per bottle. class of called medicinal oils. it Hal's Family Pills are the best, eminently pure aud. really efficacion: lieving pain and lameness, sti ol wend nd muscles, and sores or hurts, ea ag he last census of Russia gives the gain of 11 Prose since 1780. A good part of the growth has peen by an- nexation. here never.was, and never eae be, a = Pe Se LB a is! panaces, in one remedy, for all| ay ; S ils to which flesh is heir—the very nature | Minard’s Liniment Cures Gargetin Cows, ea { Je germs of other and differently seaved system of pationy—whae would eetibye bnottll “in ra with the exception of 1897, the small- except on| est for 16 years. Possibly this decline in the popularity of trial by jury is due to the increasing tendency of juries to re ken a i disagree. In busing pl etek aeseeaete ett Set the wont | he Public should bear in mind that Colds, ete. lg cae HARD THING TO REALIZE. Microscopic Eee peat that the skin of th is per- forated with fee holes to the square This is a h that were If poverty is a virtue it is making a virtue of necessity. other. We ee Wine, when | JUST FOR FUN. Ereviousilis,| “Z might as well tell ye before we suse, the nine exerts on Nature’s own which, being stimulated, con: Sut the veins, strengthening animal fanetions of tivity a to the pikes dem: roved appetite. Rortilioy foronto, have given to the and, gaug' this wine approaches any inthe market, wife, haye you sa month.” FOR OVER It is thought that the aA cies exbstty the iteeues week tes Tnrelieyes the drooping spirits of those qhronic stare of morbid des- ing aetivity veces esl strengthening the frame, aud giving life a gas, Whe naturally tla ae Soe AN nae ee: superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, y the opinion of scientists, nearest perfection of “All dragutscs sell ee ge WOMEN AND BUSINESS. Mr. Miserly—"“Now, let’s seo, little saved anything this the expenses| “Give “> s+ worms time and to delay sending hisbill until next SyorittNa SYRUP has been fas? an ure vind Two a N.S, ROBERT ROSS. Sic Gee THE PIPE ORGAN. pipe organ was borrowed human chest, mouth and larayx, eee ures Distemper. Testoranives. grandsons that’s keépin’ me tame ses throu: he all the time. the healthy ym, 4 Srey. pe se hit For Inflammation of the Eyes.—Among the man, Galities whieh ages ting the digestive organs, is their of ce results we}cacs in reducing. inflammation of the ‘iam not or 8. It hascalled forth many letters of iA 7 | recommes rom those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure in the pills.’ They affect the nerve Centres aud’ the blood iu a surprisingly active way,and the result is almost im- mediately & abe SNES Natur> feathers the oars of ‘the dust. has to feather its own nesi. they will turn into gaudy butterflies. ured of lame back, after suf- fering 18 years by, MINARD’S LINI- I red of Diphtheria, after doctors failed, by MINARD'S, LINI- MENT. ‘Antigonish: | JOHN A. FOREY. jaca of the! I was cared of contraction of mus- : eee tha cles by MENARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. SAUNDERS, Dalhousie. - coura| aig tc fund the moves is on each bor. Many due te the toothache. pte SNe CREEES of Bickle’s Ant medicilie of exireord healing “properties who hay ve" flammation of the of eshe throat and cl ifidies and children. Necessity often does the work of ge. ye Se ‘CURE A COLD IN OVE DAY - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All dragzista Acting Sell Qisen’. i a man’s excessive cheek is | Vi Severe oplds are ensily cured by. the tise) 30 y taste makes it a favourite with “Tove brings flattery to a man’s ongue and flutterings to\a woman's heart. journing and King Edward Genuine Photograph fons—ten cents each: cents dozen- Puore JewstLen? MANUFACTURING C0., TO. *RONTO. “Mention this paper. + pACHIES , RewTED, Ou ODE fifut Like and Hwsrions Be + Groves, WILLIAM BRIGGS, Methodist Book and Publishing House, Toronto Tf a fool is lucky he c advantage of wisdom. ki amore praise imself the wiser he 4 is a ae associate. man is dressed to a as is Tt is said that telegraph and tele- an’t see the | | phone wires are better seca ae | Monday tham-on Saturday; ‘because sree hls es ee Aes comparative var ‘on Sun- A rest of three weeks, it is as- mile. adds three per cent. to their conductivit y- This is @ Positive Cure a all Throat and Lung Troubles, also CONSUMPTION THESE FOUR REMEDIES Represent a New system of treatment for the ie wank and for shoes eaitecne fee om Consumption, w: e085 inflammatory Sonniaone of nose; throat and jung: The frontman i ene only to write si Its efficacy is ex] slsined #9 simply as ible below. = 2 ty thi ‘eystem devi devised by DR. 8 new a SLOCUM, the great nite in ulmonary and kindred diseases, all the i 3 of ae sick body are supplied by the Fou: tuting his Special Teeaiuen! it known as. The Stocum System. ‘Whatever your disease one or more of aes four preparations will be o: benefit ee ing You hayo weak, sallow people, vigorous and ealthy constitutions. The basis of the entire System is a flesh. bui fe nerve and tissue-renew- alid and Ss reese needs aa is food ive ther three prepara | tions to their ieientiae e second article isa Tonic. It is good for weak, thin, dyspeptic, nervous people, for those who have no appetite, ‘ho need bracing up. Thousands take only the Emulsion and the Tonic. The yaaa et reny ation isan antiseptic res ¢: > Ac to the needs of your case, Balm o atarch. fully ex; ie ed in the Treatise given| Tt irritation ‘of the nose, free the medicine, you may | throa’ eat and mucous mem! rise It take one; or any two; or a es immodiate rrollet all fouv, in combination, Fai need the A cure is certain if the simple oxofell ana MCatarth wittioet any | directions a followed. The edies are especially. piertel for those who suffer from weak lang ane sore throat, bronchitis, carte | SoNSUME TION, and other pi troubles, But they. are also of woes efficacy in m the upbuilding of wi systems, urifying the ‘bleed: making fiosh, and “restoring to if the other articles. ‘The fourth article i is an seen? Cough ai positively be rel tre absolutely safe for Suite goes to tho very of the trouble, and not merely sie ia ‘The four pre forma panoply of strength xine incase in what- ever shape it may attack y NO CHARGE FOR Bee wien: You or your ace friendsican have a FREE course of Treatment. 1CAL, Co., Limited, 179 King Street West, ress office address, and the "sree medicine write to Tam T. A. SLocum CuEm! Toronto, (The Sic Slocum’ em always menti Simply this paper. : fee Foner in American papers, will S24 0p) ces 2 Noesetpe ea ones dean me cvery apa 4 beautiful si = nt ae re ahand ‘Knife vata et tree is mabe peo he he fot 18 ape p00: 100 ated bi or) ‘a reliable concern and guarantee the dishes Se ‘tall = ‘Address T! 3%, (these seer ‘rea 5 Miben ate sed ts the money, $9, and ive will tend Bot ah ne oF eh } you ean sell them in & Steolutely treo. We MAN FINK FILL COy TORONTO, OVT, if _ ddering their excelle' CONTRARY TO HUMAN NATURE. When a football match was being Played in Englaad aclergyman vam le. cried in a Try us, mister, they breath. : Then you shall; but first you must promise not to shout, went on. the gentleman. , ager ‘light ‘in the boys’ eyes ae out at this and one of. their Tooked ee the parson re CEYLON ‘GRE a. “Pure tea calins, r AND INDIA’ TEA, = EN OR BLACK, : estores and cheers those in distress.” |‘! DRINK IT. 4 A free sane of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of ink—Black, Mixed, or See yo DA, “ rorot ot or Montreal. ss fe ieen ;-embel re than 100 ae top other er Doras et; neay six aad { E ree ei is PuRE THEA. | onere“n1ee AND TIMES OF QUEEN VIC- ga fal account ied we mot fle elgs, nal traits and vcharae red hace to the people: graphlo i hfe ponies yenution os | wile-and mother: wouderful growth ofthe Hritad Een. Together with.x sketch of vengtay of cuateerost ae yep peas ee tae 312 i] AVENUE HOUSE 308 ut.2°s3 TNT Montreal. Am. P. #1. ise Hotel Balmoral ap EP Soe =| JUBILEE. A POPULAR, baa FOR THE Containing all that is re saiping the benefits of $7.50 ver bundred. ty i D. & J. Sapir #8 Moira ‘til PALE Snr CURE ‘Cure for : er pegerrermroervited ese aare Strprorn¥ on. Toronto, Onart Car's Positive Siew. resis Nokuife, 20 Heb Lite and Gi Biographipever =a ao st oe it Will Pay You peed wT rote Produce to the fires TE URCHIN FREE, ? ‘will get you highest possibie prices, ‘ arias oes hora Wet Market 8, ‘Torosto: ‘This ‘A despatch from London says:—The first Parliament of the reign of King Edward VII. was opened on Thursday Senet oe the King in person. His Maj by Queen KING EDWARD'S SPEECH All. the Pomp and np and Splendor of the Royal Court Attended the Open- ing of Parliament. the other powers continue friendly. The war in South Africa-is not yet en- tirely terminated, but the capitals of the enemy and bis principal lines of ee ‘te Duke of York and Cornwall, the Duke of Connaugat, and lay through the Mall, the Guards parade, Whitehall) and Rarlia- ment street, was guarded by five thou- sand soldiers. Thousands of London- ers packed St. James’ pafk, bordered the route of the procession, amd filled windows, stands, and roofs. The cor- was short but spectacular. The postilions in red and gold liveries, and footmen leading the horses, which were covered. with trappings of mo- 8, 2 b I 5 8 g 8 a By 8 Z 2 7 breastplates and red- ts, and a small escort of jemen-at-Armg, in historic cos- le. FIVE CARRIAGES OF STATE. containing uniformed officials and la-| the aes of the houseliold, each drawn by ix horses, with postilions and outrid- ers, led the procession. Next oame the massive State chariot, the occupants ly, and ‘the Queen cession speedily Gabon the short route to am accompaniment of roars and shouts and Beaciod the Royal en- | ani tumes, immediately surrounded the rebi, are in my possession, and measures have mere taken which will, I trust enable my troops to deal effectually with the ae by which they are btill oppos “T greatly regret ee ‘Joss of lite and by Boer partisans in the former ter- “The capture of Pekin ay the allied forces 5) the happy. release of those ceeding gard man | which compliance with these demands | ig to be effected. establishment of the Austra- proclaimed lamented mother visit of the Duke of Cornwall and hee to open the first Parliament of trance. the Palace beneath the Victoria oaee at the aS pointed time. The King and the Queen arrived at Westminster at 1.57, The arrival of in officers of State and the others who, were to take part in the ceremony as-/ sembled in order to receive oe ee Jeaties. Upon the King an alighting from the State stem the procession proceeded to the robing-room, advanced to the House of Lords, and as sopn as His Majesty was enthron- ed the Lord Great’ Chamberlain re- ceived the Royal command to summon the members of the House of Com-~; fhons to hear the speech thirone. Black Red, General Sir oe Bid- of Com-! benaea Pe the Speaker, Mr. William Court Gully, proceeded to the House of Lords. THE DIMINUTIVE CHAMBER: was filled to its apes by the high: | est and noblest of t ete the greater part of the ae space being ene: occupied by peeresses and” tiie ladies introduced by peers. The whole scene was brilliant in the extreme. © Dia- monds flashed out of the. folds of the black dresses of the ladies, and color was added by the robes of the peers and the State officials. On the arrival of the members of the House of Commons in the House of Lords the King took the oath and. "OW! The Duke of Cornwall and York was not present in the House of Lords. The King wore a field Marshal’s, e procession aes re-formed, the es peseiet to the robing-room, unrobed, left ete in the State carriage. E KING'S SPEECH. The King’s ee ‘was as follows: “My Lords and Gentlemen: I ad- dress your aes the first time at a glorious reign, has set an cnhis before thé world of what 4 nionarch should be. It is my ear: désire to walk in her footsteps. nea “Amid this public and private grief _ i Is satisfactory to me to be able to from the was “| can hy hare involved an inevitable i apatich from my son, especially moment, cannot be otherwise hen deeply painful, but Istill desire to give effect to her late Majesty’s| 1-4 triers and ‘idence of her inter- ms the welfare of my subjects yond lithe yisit to Australia shall not be | abandoned, and shall be extended to |New 2 Zealand and the Dominion of| th mi Sos “prolongation of the hostilities th” Africa bas led me to make a Ant call on the patrtotiam and de- a prompt and loyal response, and larg additional contingents from those oolo- nies will embark for the seat! of, war at an early date. “The expedition organized for the ‘suppression of the rebellion in Ashanti crowned with signal success. The ndurance and ae of my native + 20008, ably-commanded by sistance of the mogt warlike tribes of | West Africa, and the exceptional diffi- culties of the climate, and’season of country in which the | were conducted, massie, which was besi my, been telieved after a pro- ‘onged and gallant defence. ‘The prin- \eipal Kings have surrendered, and the \echief impediment to the progress of \the development of this rich portion of my West African possessions has ‘now, I hope, been finally remoyed. EB (by the prolonged drought ina }pertion of my Indian Empire have | beon greatly alleviated by a seasonable tinues, which my every naiengte Ve te ate. iaitig “Gentlemen of the House of Commons:| ™ “The estimates for the year will be laid before you. Every care has been taken to limit their amount, but the naval and military requir iner: eae Paes of the Grape retick it mecessary that renewed provision a) made for the Civil place unreservedly at your ead will submit 2d to your judgment for increasing the ef- ficiency of my itary forces, “Certain changes in the constitu- e | ee ie ©) 3 spring, 55 to eg | Ple, 40 to 56 1-2c. rs are using c andored neceggary. in coned nance p ‘a the increased: re to it whi “yesulted from the expansion of ie ee during the last two gemera- otegiala will be proposed to-you for the area of the law relat- ing “Legislation has been prepared, and if the time at your disposal: proves be pene ie willbe laid before e purpose of regulating the Beale sale of landlords to occupy- and consolidat the factory and | — the prevention foe Stunteasis Tal for amending the law of literary “I pray that Almighty God m: 2. may bless them with success.” r oe . Fire Follows an Colliery at. Cumberlan id, A despatch from Victori .., says: ‘The town of Cumberland, which lies -}acrods from Union Bay, where the Alaskan liners call to fill their coal mining town. In a very few minutes crowds gathered at the pit-head, and workers hurried here and there the_majofity labouring under “great sida voccatte, Gh cheat Grain, &¢ the Leading Markets, BREADETOE TS, ETO. Feb. 19.= L spring wheat, 67 low freights to No.1 hard, old, g.it., 980; No. 2, 940; 7 1, hard, North Bay, 97¢j No, @hard and fir ‘on lots, at the mill door, sell as ree Bran, $13 to P dacte'} and’ shorts. $15, west. “5 Corn—Dull. No. 1 American, yel yw, 450; No. 8, yellow, 45¢; No. 2, yel- low, 44c. Peas—Firm. No, 2 sold, middle freight, at 63 1-2c; and east at 64c. Barley—Firm. Ni 2,east, 42 1-20, and middle freights, 42c; No. 3 extra, 40 1-2c east;and 40c, middle freights. Rye—Steady. Car lots, 48c, west; and 480, east. Buckwheat—Quiet. are quoted Oats—Firm. 1-40; No 2 white, north and west, 28 c. Plour—Quiet. Export agents bid $2.60 for straight roller, in buyers’ bags, middle freights; and $2.65 is asked by the mills, which do‘ not do their own. exporting: ‘Choice brands are ee from 10 to 16e above ese fij Watsabale-Oa? lots of rolled oats, in bags, on track here, are quoted at 25 35 Car lots, ht! 3-80; No. 2 do., Fy 8-8 to 69 3-80;No. ; 3-80; July, Tie. eee 1-2c. Oats—26 1-4 to Milw: fatiktas Feb. 19. Wheat— —Dull; No. 1 Northern, 75 1-2 to 76c; No. 2 do., 72 to T4c. Rye—Steady; No. 1, Minneapolis, Feb. 19,—Wheat— Cash, 74 1-80; May, 74 5-8. to 74 8-40; July, 75 1-40; on track; No. 1 hard, 78 1-4c; No. 1 Northern, 74 1-20; No. 2, do., 69 7-8 to 71 1-20, Chicago, 19.—Wheat — Ruled nervous and irregular to-day, and/@ closed 3-8¢ net lower. Corn est: ed another high mark for the option, and closed 1-2 to 5-8e oven yesterday. Oats closed 1-80 up, and' provisions 2 to 2 1-2e improved. Buffalo, Feb. 19—Flour — Steady; little acing: Nos 1 Northern, small lote, 88 3-4c; No, 1 Northern, new, 88 Closing bids i-4o ander asking priced, which were:—N6. 2 yellow, 43c; No, 8 do., 42 8-40; No. 2corn, 42 3-40; No. 8 jo. tubs and pails, choice, 17 1-2 to 18 1-20; medium, 16 to .16 1-20; poor, 18 to 160: dairy prints, choice, 18 1:2 to 19. 1-26; large” rolls, good to choice, 17 to creameries, boxes, 22 to 23; and pounds, 28 to 24e. a gh itd 10 1-2 to Iie. _ PRODI . Id weather restricty - the supply of fresh eggs, but there is ao Prices are as followa:— Strictly | Dew. laid, 22 to = HARKETS OF THE WORLD}: 58c. Barley—Steady; No. 2, 60c; sam-| men Cheese—Fulll cream, July and Ang: ji tions wi tion of the Court of Final Appeal are Seika f z s ed the ground i vicinity of the pit-head witha ae d_and broken mine timber, men of experience fear the worst. © le expressed that any of the unfortunates imprisoned below will be brought out “alive. Number! Gshaft is nearly 600 feet man place, and a se ie overcome aoe UICK parent GASES, sees the two pits fires were found to be raging, but whether this is be- cause “cokl has em fired or the broken mining tianior is burning is not certain. Regeue parties ineffectually ied | also, from the pit o! x six, to” get down to the buried men, but Ri they were unable to get to the bot | j with safety more than two-thirds of the way down. At this writing volunteers and the Ren are straining oe effort to’ the obstruction shaft, j and oF reach the ca Ae below. The fan and hoisting gear is intact, ° jodk for the mine tobe bot All hope has been. about abandoned, however, that any would be taken out alive. A despatch from Cumberland late pawl! night says a second attempt in in mt thrown off their feet. rhe loing whatever oe - ps which, sad to say, was li se mich, a there came eS nd entombed in this hell of fallen tbr mining nd Ee tie clotobow held Bar NO Hi ~ morrow’ or Explosion in the failed. Al tihe men are out of that $ umber boxes were whirled over a male, which was killed. The m the top floor of num- ber 6 baffles aeecicto bs ye pipe, ‘ithor (OPE ENTERTAINED. Victoria, B.C., Feb. 17.—A second exe the ES cere where havi mbed since Frid meee ae Risa explosion oc. curred in the No. 5 shaft, through Lee repeated efforts had been made _to reach the entombed Second explosion, as janger of that part of 1 ing apparent the mén were ordered out of a half hour eels Everything with) a deposit of black dust toa of several inches, like a pall for there is no hope.now that any of the miners afe still alive. The Stites ‘report states that there ‘were 61 men in the mine at the time of the Selick, of whom 20 were — Bee soy nine Japanese, and 32 China- ies Sead ees Little, Im s spector i mag veto < coming up that they had pro- in fome 800 or 900 feet or more, Ser anere body gas. —-They were with made, and | some Welisve that they will be able te let through to No. 6shaft ted endea- — vout to take out ‘uesday. aie flooded to a depth of 42 feet, thia eee been found sufficient to ex inguish the fire, for the par! aint down No, 5 shaft amoke or sign of fire. bright diock are as follows:—Torkeye, chi Cold stored Wezeass ie quoted ica lb., Cold stored or teen atoske slow gale, Potatoes—Steady at 28¢ for car Jots}'So, on track here, and 85c. out of store. Field ore Sete ee out.of store, 30c pe onions, 70c per bag ; carrot: r bag; ae bbl. $1 to $2; ae potatoes, per bbl. $2.50. Dried apples—Dried apples sell. at 3 1-2 to 4¢; and evaporated at 5 to Bie, Beans—Ordinary white beans bring $1.20 to $1.25; choice hand-picked beans are quoted at $1.40 to Honey—Firm. Dealers quote from 9 3-4 to 109 per Ib; for 5, 10 or 601b tins, according to the size of order. on| honey sells at $2.40°to $2.75 per dozen sections. | ‘Phere was not much doing in sheep]. to fae) the top price must be ality, and scale not. be- low 160 nor sbove 200 pounds. Following is the range of quota- Cattle. Ht GAO $500 - 425 Shippers, per Vinishe | eae apes, eke set eo ae each. 2000 Calves; eac eee SEVENTEEN fess KILLED, Brilliant Bayonet 6 ‘nares bya Body A ae nak eee srs The Boers fired on the scout oi conyoy returning to Modder ae Z from. Weattytoutead, it i ‘Winter-~ hock Hills. Three Cape boys were wounded. Dennison’s Scouts and a party of| Imperial Yeomanry then - charged the enemy, who lost 17 killed and a ni two pom-pom. ‘The enemy ike and fled in «two parties. we. a despatch London Daily Mail from St. Petersburg says that many thousands of persong have died on the Khirgiz Steppes, of what was ‘called hunger typhus. It is now officially admitted that the deaths were caused by a plague outbreak by eating the carcasses of 50 diseased cattle owing to the scarcity of, other food,