é Sani number bide caidas es What the people are saying: That awe are ‘eoind to send invitations next ‘time a Branner timber in proper for the frowers, x has been doing rome Doering. ome. ‘Talk about spring, but it don't look “imuch like it when a iat e dow: mn account What ‘might haye proved a serious ened ie Mr. D, Allan the other Sunday wh: ui ‘ile dene Htaroual “of the | bolts gave way, landing him on the grou! Robert Phelkie and a cs ie pent inday with the Misses Stri rost B: eek to H. for the hanc of $100. ‘Toseph. Ueberschlog. attended “wedding at St. Agatha last week, and ving had a good time. ef¢ on Monday he is engaged in the fram- ‘reborn has left our burg a1 as me ed with W. Freeborn, Peis ing wells, Mr. C. Prost, who has been spend-| nes e ‘yal days in Blyth, has returned To the Editor, punnel aya uable paper to reply to so: to an article ou! suys is he thinks this takes drawing milk Yuany a time before sumer is| over. gone back to Well I think there is likel pe s he passes along singing a ‘carol one might take him for ORGAN Lok SALE. ine large size piano cased organ of Keys as wold very particulars write or reall Ms the ae oe oe ou for space, nak shape 2 2 pe TIER mii as-] time over such a codger. Tremain, Yours miner Thanking -osophy.— e f are pills and pilot Dr. Hes eset Pills a0 ts demand, Sold by Jas. Torrance. Short Stories Retold. ashington, was reels, sien from Aer @ certain tem Willian Gwynn, the color keeper of the State Department. They Me sald later. “That was a cee Lord Pauncefote. “It cured my rheumatism and gaye me the gout.” When he departed for a short tion, a Missouri editor 1h a Plater ea een, last time I was in Loviueton. et any more such letters I a igs down mau ithe minister answered: ant for Ros- then, tees is eis labeet meted of Judge cate E. Ho ne of the most PeSnulay: aiver-dinnes speakers of New| the le boy who was badly puzaled over the theory. of evolution. ent to his mother ered; ‘I never met any re father's people,” Furniss of ‘Pun lestart g before the Hight ‘cone |} 3 ees Institute the other night n 1G) iis eeded to rela ite the following: Roane Can: north, ant them uu are in—Cana- a.” ol Roman remarked, bre thee children, i one is in Can: thouycht oie poate Two are liv ing ai funny.” certain that we should never be able fo laugh at gowe of Mr. Purniss’s “best stori ‘. At Durango, Colorado, last week ‘Methodist Of good th: with the same to the ‘approached e, “O Lord, we thank ‘Thee for MantyStrongtn and Womantl; end on purity of the blood, purity depends on rfect Kidney ie oh organs are di form thet functions, man wil th and woman for beauty. n Kidney Cure Srives out all imparities saree ahs bony 's erers'"- Sold by Jas. Torrance. edy Ge ed door-| ers, you recomended, Will-| a - | tor Climnie produc s but a few days ck” | the T pai my. Riser ouon the pre ‘ihn this timely succor,” and the women jg | 2Pe still in doubt as to what he meant. Sir Nicholas Bacon, the legal lumin- doubtabl sy ao. not Ewan to waste he e judge’s, and o1 ground pleaded for mercy. The judge asked in what Way he Was related. ee ay lord,” said the accnsed, ‘‘ your acon and mine is Hog, and baoon ee hog hi neve salrags been con- sidere are relations.” {pcre “but as is hung, then until you are no relation of mine.’ North Perth Licenses. The Board of License Commission- e ea, feta the British Am-| of McP! lor at Ws McPherson, K. and Wi, ee and In: ness tran no new licenses nine gra 4G. MELecaae Wan closed the meeting, opened, © Inspee- w' commis Jast"meeting were formally: ap- g to Mr. Brandenberger's hotel ae ‘Abwood, Mr. Clinnte said thei his lease would expire on June Brandenberger opportunity ti make another lease and for repairing b jotel. Radia Glimie was instructed to Following sums up what was done by the ‘Board in the way of granting licenses : STRATFORD. Hotel Licenses granted — |. "Young men, young men, | R. y {in the m anidst online you Bae: Do- inion. -Liranted one month’s extension tor 8, George EB. Richardson, Amer- foun; David Murphy, Gladstone. Granted three month’s extension— Casson & Wilson, Cabinet. Shop, licenses ‘Tw F. Quirk and Walsh Bro: JCOUNTY LICENSES GRANTED. Yost, Amul- . Gadshill. ¥ Hill, Wartburg; Jos- eph Wingefelder, Rostock ;Chas. Kerr, piston: Harloff, . P. Borman, Sebringville, Si Natverton stat orman, Hesson. VAtiverton 6. Hasenpilug, “Henry FEhna— Alt Huggins, Monkton ; Wynn, Newry; N. Coghlin, A. W. Brandenberger, , was granted one ,mouth’s © —T. H. Rolls, Grand Cen- eas acon Zilliax, Queen's ram, Station ; @. 8’ Kidd, Arlington ; Henry y Ropp,§ shop license, Wallace—Andrew Kress, A. "At wood. iG Gowans- Aik sp COMMERCIAL: Miivenek Apa 25, Ye0t gall wheat per bush . pring whient, per bush. ae bush ess: Ome pcogae s “ | SSERREEEER g ~~ i 5 ticular. DEAR MADAM, ment. to please the most fatidious. Ladies’ a Tailoring 60 The constant and increasing demand for Ladies Tailor # Made Garments being most evident we have decided to in- 9, crease our staff for the making of that line of work. 8 ~ Walking, Riding, Driving and Travel- 4 ling Costumes will be special features in our establish- Workmanship, Fitand Style a. in every par- We trust by strict attention to he wants of’our patrons A call solicited es placing your order elsewhere. Respectfully Yours, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hajonpilug, Fett ear Ont. m Grosch & Pfeffer MILVERTON'’S GREATEST STORE SS Our Millinery Depaitment is very busy, never have we had so many orders ahead as at present. Miss Pfeffer wants you to leave your order early in the week as she can spend more time on it and give you better work. Don’t leave it until Sa turday night and expect a first-class job, can’t be done, we must have me. We do our work here that it requires time, no hit and miss work done here at all. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF SAILORS TQ HAND 8 Pair Good Fast Black Cotton Hose for 25 Cents. House Furnishings No place in town can you find such an assortment im house fur- nishings as here. In the follow- ing lines we would like to draw your attention. CARPETS We are the only people in town who carry Carpets, we presume. We carry a full range suchas Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry’s, Wools, Unions, Hemps, Stair Carpets, Ete. e do the matching for you, and will do the sewing for 5c per running yard. - LINOLEUMS me We carry nothing but the best patterns and a GOOD SELECTION. Our price 50c per square yard. WALL PAPERS We carry the best selection in town. CURTAINS In-Lace and Chenille Curtains we carry a com- plete line. WINDOW SHADES We are the only people who carry these. have at present an elegant assortment. As! see our 39c blind. complete with border. UMBRELLAS This week ought to be a record breaker for Umbrellas. — 150 steel rod umbrellas, good cloth, fast black, this week for $1. We to 3 spools Dewhurst’s Thread, extra good for roc. Ladies’ Suits In these we carry a fine selection and at prices that defy competition. We can give you a fine suit for $6.50. Ladies’ ee Capes e Capes bought at a great reduction being es neues 20 in We-can sell you these less than wholesale prices. Prices from $1.50 up 00 Dust Pans worth 25¢ each given away with eo worth of our 25c Tea. Call in and see these, In Men's Furnishings We Lead IN GROGERIES and Crockeay we carry a most complete stock. Bring us your Butter and Eggs. -GROSCH & PFEFFER