FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND, , FRAGRANT ee? ae Serene) CEVL0N AND INDIA TEA (NTERESTING NEWS FROM THE »0 ODONT : forte ‘oman a ibaa mhining HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS. er. "Here, boy, he -called to an-urohia GREEN OR BLACK. ar. by, get. my hat for i a ee . ae tho amos of Roby login a pel ot Hquid dentifrice: for the | Whai are Ss offerin’ % inquired the 9 e . arania eette Sona WF urna cnt man| Dont Forget the Facts: The Edinburgh Town Council is evi- ee and out tleman; Tit give you five cents. 25 . . . Wha British Grown tea is uncolored and cleanly. It is machine fs of Although the salary of tae chief ) highest thrones of heavenf Who are| prophets in the Old Testament to COST £3 €s. €d. PER MINUTE. Ey AEGE Moker ey; sanctity the hearts of his faithful al fs 6 naked, they healed’ the| people, Isa. 44. 3; Ezek. 36. 26/27; Joel | p e peeps, 29, and whiob Jesus bimself|" “seeacree iter oa. n. They never found a it ised but a fev be! it put thei low 16. ve hea P m ny mi dently resolved that there shall be no pao sozonowt at’s it worth? the boy inquir- kK rags Sunda; ._ | New Size Li cease i > s : john , © ea re oui ie in thateity, for by a aa | STODONT TOOTH PO: ae el tre) as aus pike: wil ene ese rolled and contains no adulterants. _ Neither JAPAN na Histo: Is Written With Red Ink f we fe. Notably in the long communica- | Magistrate the world’s greatest’ * ult. *Geeidea against taking a plebis. | barge LIQUID and POWDER, tee ten cents if you'll run and get it| CHINA teas possess these characteristics, e ry OL} them. them during and | city exceeds by one thousand pounds cite on the subject. At all Stores, or by Mail for the price. for i Anes ee Hiciat & < ss i, Bl d. ene! tian rapt eats nd recorded | the emolument received Pre- i 3 ink not, replied the boy, I ain” i : 4 whe Wallneuk Convaléseent Home| HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal, |in the business of surnishiat gents | 66 99 Coyion Teas are cold insealed uman b1000. or John truly baptize for Cie atRe Gk oral weoone for Paisley Children at Largs, Ayr- hike solace ilk hats for ten cents. lead packets only, peer In See ee Se yee Ee: ae be Van sates meet all the obligations of hig exalted has been totally destroyed by SELF-MAD! imme 10° per cent. on the value for. bulk. Black, Mixed or uncok ‘A despatch sas Washington says:;they would have long ago gone into - Boman post aking e mi Some exciting incidents eka SO salvage, mister, and away I go. Do ered CeylonGreen, sample on application. Address * SALADA,” Toronto, 1 SaaS mage, pre cached from | appalling dissipations but for the Beta tebe Re ert be prepared to dip protty deeply into { d, several children having to i boy stood expectan| ee grace Society to-day is aptist, 2 is own resources, gays. the London Tudhdeads stise aaa aaa ee eee, Strange Reasons Which Peo-|{till the pentleman nodded. If You Want =“ 1gmag ons ne Seon with the wreaks of gana whe with water was the symbol and type | Daily if Ta ue eee ple Give tor Turning Hermit. z, z Ar fan Co nuiet, ROS, POULTRY, APPLES, other FRUITS end PRODUCE, te —2 ‘Tim i nder the northeast storm of domes- ee he A Bie poly Cat ne Notwithstanding the fact that the Lane Ce eee Rev, Robert | In every large town in England Ti Cone Historians are not slow Banta fa infelicity have been ADHD Oe Pin it cheaen eed UC Iey street Congregational church, Dun- there are many people who have de- HOTEL PROPRIETOR _ the merits of great military DRIVEN ON THE ROCKS. abundance. The Holy Spirit had lee, amounted to over £25,000. Al- liberately cut themselves off from in- chieftains. We have the full-length | There are tens of thousands of drunk been in their hearts before, but thes most the entire estate is bequeathed | tercourse with their fellows, and who 2, portrait of the Baldwins, the Crom- |674s in this country to-day, made suc were to wait for something unpreced- tes eooangeeesonate Soler sti : ; , and WINS HIS (ASE Now the season for painting is on. by their wives. That is prose! But ented, “The “not many daya hence” é : ive dreary, lonely lives, often with- ° Get your house Senet ei wells, and the Marshal Neys of the | ii, wrong is generally in’ thon" wed to “He says ‘not Colonel Macrae, the commanding of-| in hearing of the hum of the busy paint—good paint. Don’t use any world, History is not written in | posite direction. You would not have is-| mamy’ that ee may hope; he does ee of ie Edinburgh Queen's Vol-|streets. | — common brand of paint because i is black ink, but with red ink of hu-'to go far to find a wife, whose life not aay how few in onter that they unteer Brigade, reports that last| ‘The preferen cheap. Don't use cheap paint at all, d. The of hu am-|is a perpetial marty: me- may wateb.”—Chrysos' year the strength of the brigade eo kind A taser ia & aN te Bt eee a pines pa hay Seg le it fs dear in the end. Geta good aye * 4 ‘5 ack eee Neties cae ing heavier than the stroke of a 6. When they Theratore ware conik Gta which haeta becatl is easy to explain. In Eight Years. old brand that has bean known in pe aaa a fist, unkind words, staggerings hom« together. This would s be on. the “strong th oftthe dighland Bats better settled country place eccen- (Ape, ; ¢ fanada for sixty yeai out of silver, or ola, of previous | af iuidnight, and constant maltreat- the Mount of Olives, near to Bethan ta: ricity of any kind is sure to cause | grignt's ibis gtones, but of the bleached skulls of | ment which have left her iv ring ever; erview they i A ase Held the Sentence of E 7 y ‘ivi ae Rainiane Muir, the octogenarian |COmMmemt, and it may be said tobe| Death Over His Head—Suffered all the M ’ the fallen. But Iam to-day to un-| wreck of what she was on that day mn the window, and you wi ‘will find it eee with the ed ne Mee oh sine cheques, each minute of that’ red- president of Edinburgh University, | Possible for any but a very rich ery of Broken Hi oil before ‘yop potoll af; Beroea that accor the ee eee rin endl cider ana ‘chek wit ng openithe SERA Tain ‘tite teotivce “pania the Hee RO Ee Taos enes : : ‘ te fa i » wii > ani 2 of in the} tb bf ‘ a will retire shortly. His public ser- | 02 £0 Reclude himself in a country OSL eee are the oldest and best know: the world has never acknowledged; | fuil organ played the wedding march) messenger that fed Elijah. 7 Do you| Kingdom t aelt “The disciples | “py, Sete toiieig the Crimean vice dates back to the Indian’ mutiny, |SP9t without causing so much: talic nth Hy Csiadat bane nebena they who faced s, ble the carriage rolled away with the| think that the God who grows the| bad not yet unlearned their notions | was saw ashow and banquet costing through which he was in charge of|and curiosity that his life becomes| Dresden, May 13, (Special.)—Allan i\ i preserve the house. We will send bugle-blast, conquered no cities, | benediction of the people. No bitter] qotton of the South’ will let you| @f ® temporal Kmgiols' “poe Ik | about £2,700; a few years ago the the intelligence department at Agra.|more miserable than he has already | McIntosh, proprietor of the well i fou a booklet show’ 0 > chained no captives to their chariot Se he on the rollicking compan-| freeze for lack of clo! a a ee ee ee ae ritual Eerie ves more largely, amount~; CepNS thaologtnal®, teoulty.t Oeeall ag already H he are painted and telling all @ rs o'clock in the morning think that the God who allowed the| 2¢ disciples had muc! spilt it was said at the time Me RE 1g culty. of Yale|made‘it. In large towns, on the oth-|*ROWN Clifford House here, in con- t secant it yaa sell agers 4 wheels, and yet, in the great day of eae the’ iaaheont tae srunk into the ples on Guddey morning to go|dseemmment, ‘but thelr old way of fe 4500; b ae That year it Sipiaonnpels ae New Haven, Conn., haveler hand, it is proverbially possible | VePs#tion at his house to-day, made | card and ask for Booklet “K" free. ® eternity, will stand higher than|front entry, No bitter words when| into the grain-field, and. then. take| thinking led thom to suppose that be | ine copendseaee alas) ited the Rev. Dr. Forrest, of Skel-|to liye next door to t statement that’ cannot fail to car- \ those whose names startled the na-| wiping from the swollen’ brow the| the grain and rib fodn’their banda) £0" the world ;oould be:converted:to MORE THAN £3,600. morlie, Ayrshire, to deliver two lec- a veka ade we ‘ és | e 3 rit, | blood struck out in a mid-night nd eat—d thi iil let | Christ it must be converted to Juda- Hats tues to The Srudente | duelig nest | tWERtY yeats,\ without knowing his |'Y with it the weight and laiuensh}°@ tit Pi A. RAMSAY & SON, Hons; and seraph, and rapt spirit, | O01 “Heading over the battered and| you starve t Did hear the ex.| 8m and if so, why not have Jerusa- xession, September, 1901, to May, 1902, |4me or occupation. of the speaker. a2 PAINT MAKERS, 14 and archangel will tell their deeds to|pynised form of him who, when pha ot thats car ira ie e centre of power, and Jesus | things calculated to take off the edge and he has accepted the invitation, "| The majority of self-made hermits| “Gentlemen,” said he, “Dodd's Kid- PET Bape a a listening universe. I mean the|took ber from her father's home,|bgon young jand mow am I old, yet| the, visible King) | im reregehy.: Pocihe apeetlies off a pebopled Professor George Adam Smith, of|are no doubt people whose natures |€Y Pills cured me of Bright's Dis- Est'd i842, heroes of common, everyday life, |promised love, kindness, and proteo-| have i mever aeen the righteous for-| arbor almilar thougtts totes, pee Uh eaten ad Pea sete yy Glasgow, denies that the churches of | have been poured by love disappoint- | °*8¢ after eight years of torture.” Dee are bores Ta this roll, in the first place, 1| tom yet nothing but sympathy, and] saken, or his seed begging bread.” Get «ines or a nok for you toh the Fath. |aole ala Nori ae, ino woaat chic that city are losing their grip om the | ments, but every now and then acase | 7° SY that bis hearers were sur- " find all the proed of the Siok coo eee ee ee eee a eee ee ee emia eronadi | Srasetb put. in Bis own power, Com.’ |S Se een Dien peor gr Uye ue -Sesler sauce Uae soi up which shows that other and | Prised, but faintly expresses it. NOT A NEW ONE ae Winea eaten ba falled te arerooms |thetaraly wlblovgoes, for ruta “aid'\aaan Kicked andinmtted mpbatuat em: | Ditmas Oe Ree acta lana oon ba eiteecle 0 ehsier a Bib eae eee eae riakresteg re katy singvler cousea.have been at Mr. Melntosh looks so far from an in=| py. ance ae XN. 324. Job, he said to God, “Put forth thy |the pawnbroker's shop gets the last| ployers,0 | ye who. are hard bestead o Aealel thsie belie, Dut a “theis Gel marti oyna reioe nee | eae Sieceee Hult cot os beeen nee Ba ed valldvat tue preccat Heetttal the |e est orenaT neon eae Gand tent fous his Gidces und Bis aeeent ss. Some day, desiring {0/in the battle of life and know not Foyledge had been reached. of beef and other joints sweets and ‘AK destructive fivé“coourred:atar@le | . here Suaie eA tn Shabas oy ws of his former affliction with a | door —A— flesh, and he will curse thee to thy | cay. «wy, Well, eee ne baat eetlioet peo a auth bie ay one,| devout men like God to keep no, ee eenteiee, These ‘form the initial con House, Blairgowrie, the residence | an who for the past eighteen! years eB freecie Mery Mane ah etre plea servile ole Man ieee FREE T face.” Satan has found out what | along now?” and Tallyang | poe Tembie vot | tet Fao ce ot expense avhiob wil, when the of Colonel G.G.M'Laren, ‘The great-|had never npoken fo any human be-| The subject arose from a conversa, RIP gre bare aM fend: onl Fhet sloke to| that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. | Short of £80, er part of the building was Sucked to| ing except her brother. The cause of | tion in which one of the gentlemen | qyey, RE Tog pean ig the greatest test of one’s charac- on him) power is all that anyone wants in of London's Lord Mayors have the groun any valuable paint=|her gelf-seclusion was simply a re-|PEeseRt complained of backache. Mr. UE HOUSE Heche ter. A man who can stand at overcometh will I give to eat of| this world, and abundant power of rom the draper’s shop. No 4 and other works of arti The loss ¥ @ ¥e-| MoIntosh at once advised Dodd's Kid- a that can stand anything to the fruit of the tree of life which| the divine sort would more than|fewer than seventy-four proprietors ign the midet of the Paradise of) resize of Useie dreams of, national of Ruch establishmen Beds and religious greatness. wer | Pied the civic throne, 0. ; wag to come from the Hoy hostage Mercers come next, with seventy- ee timated at. betwen, 22,000 ana {Mark pasced ppon her appearance at | ney Pills, T 3,000. am evening party which she had at-| Following some further discussion(| , 4,000,000 horses have died or been R NTO. Pappnat moja a ou at a Lhe inventory of the estate of the|tended. It was to the effect that | OP the, merits of Dodd's Kidney Pills | Killed in war in _the last 60 years, though it were atc fou , gi Pe os ‘ agi ae Wee i ate Ghlonel hc ees é came the statement above quoted. To any vous you cannot endure the tap o! shall be wvitnseses unto me. " seventy-one olonel 1. H.D. Macpherson, of | Miss—— could certainly afford to | «. NAVE PPD! bre cos tar ayes Sleeplesitican=Wilante necres co nin: we wil give Meceenerie karte Torontoree fa child’g foot; to have luxuriant he shall be witnesses, unto me nare| grocers. Fitty-three goldsmiths have Cluny has been lodged with the Com-| dress better than ‘she did. “If theyl eight years," repeated “Mr. Moin-|St'Ung and the whole body given up to| % distance equivalent to the amount of gente rehion, temp ea bh tite of le De e|tyrs.” Witnesses in the early days|a0hieved mayoral honors; so have missiry Clerk of Inverness-shire. The | don’t like my dress y shall nev-|tosh. “I could get absolutely noth-|Wretchedness, when the mind is filled ‘hate purchas 60 mile return ticket for Sa Ne Se i a were so often compelled to gi thirty-eight fishmongers, twenty personality, exclusive of heritable} o see them again,” gaid the offended |m& to help me. Bright's Disease was with gloom and dismal torsbodings, the | @ purchase Of $50 and 80 on the robust and the healthy, excite our Se their lives for the eal ironmongers and nineteen pepperer: mF OMAthy pecnmrtae ke 08. “Baia gain,” ga’ e offended | n& to help mo. Bright's Disease (yas | result of derangement of the digestive | | In additi ‘ion to amagnificent stock of the loathing and disgust when it first INTERNATIONAL LE LESSON, MAY 19.| that the two! words c came to have the the namo formerly given to chand eee ee ete ne! to id retaie|lady. Bhe gave up all the parish r My bi ij dal oepans: sleatiostness come y Ladl eacine | celebrated. Neweninte Gola Medel (Paris J ss le: land’s most ‘a zs continual ache. My urine was of |distress. If only the sul i Exposition) P appears on the platter; to haye the same meani pread of the | lers. gland’s t famous Lord ers of the family. work, in whigh she had taken a share| that dark color whiéh la-the. most |thero would be oblivion dor n while aun jeer ot used pianos, by well know makers rapier of pain strike through the | plat rune 24, 44,| Gospel, then, is #05; saepend On| Meee ait Righene Wy Aneto ee Provost Chisholm unveiled the sec-|for years, and shut herself up in her | alarming symptom of the disease. | temporary relief. Parmelee’s Vegetable order, which we offer to clear at Tacaee, Coin tiers Peaplegs kee | Peel sete, foe AA Golden Text, Eaxe2s. 51. | 2 monetration, but on|® mercer, money-lender, and: house~ ‘olid dt: Felaurlew of satuval decorative houde, sever beng seen outaide they - Contemen © ele you,.L waniim # pe he mire Cn eananee weer Uae fot zor, of to put the foot into a vie, perulthe We gash iste on tf te PRACTICAL NOTES simple testimony ito: the Holy "Ghats decorator : GRU WG the Sbendueting’ Giall el dour tibithe day of h a way. right’s Disease means Wake refresied and that the subject w: or to throw the whole body into a| 4) Pea OL prcagci ie wilt Both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, ‘a A RR s Glssgowr City ‘Chambers. ‘The panel e day of her death. death if you don’t cure it, and Icould ed and restored to happiness. laze at fa fover Sat there have] Gee Nae Bestney ‘hee heabénd wil vera 1 The formar treatise, Ths | end ial eamieris, and ein Se Ute uae aren econ Glas T 3 i R VAN. et nothing t it. 2 -ToO- - | z 8 » i mos . Beginni . is by Mr.George Henry, and it repre. bE ENE a es. at eee Wr croule aa i Taking the trength of oak at 1,000 ere ea Serge core ie chiestaly riage will be enough for that funeral | Gospel eo ae Ok ames 1 BCC: ot Se voce ie pata = sents William the Lion handing the | Seems to have been the cause why| lieved it. But it isn't. Dodd’s Kid-|°*? * %63, and syeamore 744. ONE FIFTH cnaneed is inrduess.>. ‘Threagh | fore, Corse ip carry the orubans| philes” | Dhe ‘magi to whol tho 89? | try tha bs of the nation, and af-| roll Chemist Discovers Badtum Gt ; le Glasg: ear a burgh oe daughter of a mine-owner in| ney Pills {ae bare it. | They cured} ep, eee, ; pr | original prices. NO HOME, is complete ar: exhausting Eneetinn a sider age i pel of Luke PS all as the Acts of|ter that to the ends of the earth, ‘Out Light, But N a ri moddanie me. I used sey xcellen’ easons t wh i Z 3 ‘i ime. Fi K J : Se renee gue skea” aa uth Wales ruddenly shut herself up | me. ised seven | | whomas' Helectrie Oil should. be used by | Without piano or organ, andon thea ane UE ea art oe sae of, a| tne Apostles was dedicated. It id} and to the end Of time as thoy| A mineral radium which promises . 7 s and remained in absolute seclusion be- i ‘ pasoris eran bikdeeel offer no one need be without one. ‘i ug! :-“Dift| generally assumed that he was a Leeper 2 y i i i The rauueny 6) Varseln’ a'18,076 cand me. Only far Dodd's Kidney Pe ‘oubled with affections of the tresses that ras} eased the nerves, a fe Litt were’ looking. They were closely|to furnish with a permanent light, : Ge ie tace Pi ariasveskcls goto ceo pee uuteh dey; oF BRE sonia e goohie Daca, hefore yout tha Hhetmatle ipa, pores par. She sett NEWCOMBE & CO., aled thi gate,|Greek because of his Greek name,| watching, Luke 24, 51. He was taken| without heat, is being experimented “a. |ceath: whieh happened three years) minute, latea by Mr. Morne | CormsLinjusies ‘Whe reasons are, that it 17-0 CRESSE ore Neverter chee es, sd atooped the shoulders. By é “dame inl 38 but that is not a certainty, for Jews|up. Mark 16. 19. “The ascension is| with in Smithsonian Institute, Wash- dare a RP el atifay Stacie ual tebe by ME Mote pu aHOMecsionable, a the dim light of the sick-room taper = Com fi tly had Greek , as, for | mot recorded by the other two evan-|; i S ih auiieibaoh canaseod abel tosh are universally confirmed by the sihether i taken internally or applied out: of ment a year to Gingland 287,000 tons: y saw on their wall the picture of ee ae inatnce ual gad Raavew: gua that |golistar But iis alluded to by Paul, pedo sere acai en anh Y * | people re; wardly. 3 es land where the people are nev: v Ree Eph. 4, 9, 10; 1 Tim, 3. 16." Aci ie ie the late neventies, and that and aes Mhrough the dead silence of | Highest throne in heavent,” Noman wag aman of distinction, be-| 7 Ptivca ‘him out of their sight... A|two hermetically sealed vials con- her father’s wealth, combined togive HOM A SRERCE View, READY TO USE ‘the ‘night they heard a Lord cow cause of the phrase “most excellent” | bright cloud of glory was the symbol| taining the luminous substance to her many admirers, among whom she sarees Wite—Why do you buy sueh a Tot THE CHORUS OF THE ANGELS. next hie ut | which is associated with his nams God's presence, Such a clond led! Prof. Tangley of tho institution, reigned like a queen. ory that in one form or an-| of stamps quloave The cancer ate away her life from|throne in heaven? \While 1 speak it| the dedication of the gospel—a phrase | 7 200) Cra, al aushte 410 Sobral he| not long ago, They contained asub- (Gas day: ak Whetwaultiring tnuangn'| ober speared in various Pronoh' | “Atoaband- Go thereWt be: ai feyathat ‘This signature is on every box o} tena genuine’ week to week and month to month, | seema to me that it will be the throne| which is elsewhere used as a compli-|n.°). oe inai; such a cloud abode iz | stance somwthat resembling starch. Cardiff hee popy shied at a steam ; dailies, dealt .with Mr. Thomag At-|won’t get stuck together Laxativ © Bromo-Quinine abt | SEO ep bets ame_Weal r and weaker, | of the d: ra dwikeiold abel with | Geen in ‘addceneltig, men’ ot youitlon: | orc rahatoned ” Seana om, “the: Mou ial it is. powdered, and in, th q roller and ran away. She was thrown | kis’ aversion, to war. “The unhapp: _ te eee cold in one doy and every “good night” was feebler.| cheerful patience, endured all her ‘Transti t ther broken i bes, with fi ut, and being caught in some way |men recruited in London,” said ay 7s Raney urities in the Blood — When t than the “good night” before—yet | earthly torture. ag, Cor example, in Acts 24.8 and | of ‘Transfiguration. Linke's statement | ether broken into, cubes, with ta0sa out, I 4 1 a aw mpurities i God Wy Hen she 8G, Si ; x - ‘These fo ine deine pad hee right ear torn | known Paris paper," were frantic on |tion of the kidneys becomes impaired, | A'cord of wood weighs, on an aver- Pecan se onnnaront Hooked ep HEROES AND HEROINES. ‘| 4° 26, 25. — Jesus began a work pal Pa Siiccoenee te anise ete On sehiaa each abot: the size completely away. She was little im-/learning that they were going tobe Inporttes fn the blood are almost sure to | age, 21-2 tons. ; Peed ncaa eatealy. mealies Toss m speaking this ing of | Which wad to be carried on by his|oq,"Imke 24, 60, is of great interest, | of a little finger, throw out a green: jured otherwise, an. ‘as said could | sent to fight Against the Boers. Many spiel ants ie “panels Veuetabls ees ee aautteced:Gaitle pattle-#ietd, ‘ewid | those who, out of their pinched pov-|postles. To do and teach. His| By blessing them he acted as their} ish white light, by which a printed that Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, ete. I jare mot-doranioh [otty. sell others—of such amet ee life wag an exemplification of the | great High Eres ganseorating ee Pi peropies was appointed-to-carry it |n 01 eetion Ser ceil ) oes and heroines as those who in hristian missionaries at the West,| dootrines ho taught. whom he sent for Bs ‘is 5 ate she refused to leave her bed for three ' adopt energetic measures to prevent a beat ete ue emigrants left Europe last Bidet 4 ald they pet a bod Gurtat ( the pede that) 2, The day in which ho was taken | poatg heatese palin were verde ‘The ‘Dowager Duchess of Argyll,|months, and when she did get up, |a general desertion, consequently the these healchy, oF ‘As a restorative | Yea No Muoue pe, cotizmte: to oe ple. And Sole who have| UP: ‘The day of the ascension. He | of blessing—proofs of his abiding 5 who is-cpresentty "in residence at | declined to fee any of her family but | young pines were landed pee these pills are sn the fist rank. followay’s Corn 1 Garo 16 a ppeoltle tor ing, and | only a halt loaf of dread, but give al through the Holy Ghost had given | love; assurance of his éffectual pro- 4 acbarioch, ‘Kintyre, hag just com- é ; = ETO UTA a i 2 tt 1 of cord and wi We have aise willing to puffer, | Blece ot it to others who are hungrier; | commandments unto tho ignstlen tecting p Macacinhy ingests et coment year sefaning crm foe the fun tatooige tai con | ax 18 COLD Weanmun [Wertatl a Soiute Uiemae een io sare: | te of thr bare oy masa |whom er aa chovens TaD may [Hse el seg Y ¥ 8 the worst kin tistay eroes of coal, but help others to fuel; and o: a owa: ‘es Fouts for the erection of a monument e of the strangest causes ‘tha’ : When me re erraees ane nee) Ral 3 oes of spinal com-| those who have only a dallas a their mean either that the special com-| of unspeakable “Geligbt ak eel : ‘Worms cause feverishness, moaningand THE QUESTION NOWADAYS. Pat sick headache; he-| pockets, and give t ents| mandmentg here alluded to were giy- | and sorrow. shold, astonishing to | 1 zosidoansies : =a sae <<. invalidism; heroes | to somebody else; amd “of that father| en to the apostles, not by our Lord | say, twa men’ atood by fend in whil , on eae ae easant, are od Friend—I understand your receive y shall reign for- | who wears a shabby coat, and of that! personal; bat by. the Holy Ghost as | SPHsrel. "Men in white apparel”, is ‘ In | Seok, eet hink to,procure itfor you. a ing teller has skipped out ‘Hark! mother who wears a faded dress, that | P° ‘Le i ze a phrase repeatedly used to describe it ig’ to occupy, be a prominent’ object | the distance, aud he fel yietl g bul : ; Bank President, « sadly,—That’s whatt i be eternal anthem; | their children may be well appareled,| 99 SB¢ney: oF i may fore i ae ng : : to Yessels yates through the Sound |let in-his body. He was carried home| Husband—I really think you might | Alfred A. Taylor, of Margaree, says: Friend—Did he leave much? there a ee pain. Bless fate Eee cle aie Cas ri Lord, himself anointed by # vad ae Ye men cotiepelind 3 iy evidene | BO : of Sanda. and the doctor gave him no hope of | have had that ball-dress made a little | One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT ae gare bes: | ahrot spawe, Use commandments. ee i Sa thay eben : ct bla s See ME aS pcs Sine eed : ie cased Waweling of the gomble fin Minard’s Liniment faite Diphtheria, In ‘hist al aise find the heroes |I call them heroes and heroines. You question is ono of little practical both by their dress’ and their accent. 4 y- » bes : it higher in the neck—to say noth- 5 a may not know where they live] ? ‘o accost them as such “was not as ; SOZODONT Tooth Powder Q5e | tee ihe muscles of the Heart, | oo oe ty, packs: Wile oTN B ig | amd saved ahorse..worth $140.0 or what their name is. God knows, | importance. offensive in that day as’ such fami- and the slightest movement would; @™& of the back. Wife Til have i } ; " z 7 , : r erage : i Rose—Dia you ever faint, Isabel f ind thoy have more angels hovering| 3 To whom algo he showed himself |liarity would be with us. Why stand ' epee certainly rupture the bear's envelope changed i you wish, but this, statt| Thos. SG ete es aE saved: Rk Onipence:s and kamped ay over them than you and I have, and| alive. He demonstrated his lil gazing up in most : CRONJE’S SWORD OF HONOUR, | 9% 00. © oe Al babed tation, ine pa- | Um Hie ait acres inet the | ianbap” nititee Yew. as head so hard that Imever tried it t will have igher seat in| after death; made plain in many wars natural thing tow them to do, so long | Sf interesting conjecture. i i i . 5 gait Heaven. They may have only a of| his resurrection. Pect An old | as they had thorough! ular con- leet is ie be ait from tient recovered, and a few months of MINARD’S LINIMENT. : a oi cold water to give a poor traveller,| English word for “suffering,” here | cepti For a physical man to rise Pg eke a Cohen cate Saat “a Piee te ig Us he ae ae rd ith reasonable | Minard’s Liniment cures Garget in Cows FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS may have only picked a splinter | referring to our Lord’s death. By | from “the earth and to be hiddea by |, a for Cronje's sword of honour pub- He immediately si for, many, yeage. ARS mai WS SOOTHING SYRUP has Lees from under the nail of achild’s finger | many infallible proofs. The Revis-|an ascending cloud was marvelous A NOTABLE PIGEON RACE. lis! in the mTnbraneigésut” of ee a is busi rer Wite—Considering how long ve Met by roth crefor ther enon teething. It soothes ‘or have put only two mites into the| ed Version omits the word “‘infalli-| enough to fix any eyes upon = Once every year, the pigeon-racing : Ro oak i up to mm, and settled in tbgenii softens che gums, alarepai, cues Wind ca oe er ba a ple,” not to weaken but to strengthen | p} a had ‘Aid vig © Paris. “Am Enemy of the English in qoalbtint. “Atraid that the slightést | been away, I think you might have (a eee as, ss bai ae Bee oat ec they, hed, they| the atatement, . Being se ert [eee Sethe atwele question “Wwhere} cubs Of Yorkshire, England, arrange Business,” sent Sfr, “Anti-Ploum-|exertion might cause his end, he) made some preparations to reccive| Miss Trill love to hear the birds | for "Mrs. Winslows ferins un woo have, ever| forty days. Literally, “through | is that er ete hres by this tine | Tace from Winchesten to. their na- poudding,” contributed 5a, while | Hardly ever wlirs out of am, invalid | me. Husband—You dome, inj ice, | sing. Jack Downright, warmly—S ee eraae Re did mote tae ene aren vill tex | forty days,” or, as the Revised Ver- | discover ei” Gat the’ things ofthe Pdelceauty. cs alntanbanierer alee ‘Mlle. A: Ki, twenty yearacot age, |euain: oe et aoe ae aereant ut | my dear. ad: the li rary. and} dol. They never attempt a piece be- rime Marne ye Tip there Pat come awhite robe, and the smali| sion has it, “‘by the space of forty | kingdom of God are not eonsemnise dred and eighty miles. The race orror of the English,” g : 8 room will be an eternal mansi Ce teete oa aig prone aa ay Sram pees he ft th nglis! loctor, id the one servant who yond their ability. run for the doctor, Will be terna! ion, and | days""—that t inti Is duri t my ‘and that it lat for war aumodeat fr ‘Among |100ks after him, and thus he has pro- The child has swallowed the eager the hat’a’ of victory, and| that period. Speaking of the things | necds a spiritual eye, an eyeg of takes place on a Saturday, and late ther teresting persons figuring in| Joneed & dreqsy, existence for seven- here'is danger in neglecting « cold.| you gave him to play with. Oh, iN the auplatse of earth and ali the| Pertaining to the kingdom of God. | ¢aith, ott a Fed an vee jour | 08 the previous Friday evening the ‘the lists are “Three Women who ery | *ee2 ¥ Many who have died of consumption dated your nad aisy, Bridget, replied Pat shouting of heaven wi rowned | Jesus was ing, and might natur- | yoy iq the 1 ‘of God the | “Pigeon special” leaves Yorkshire ih chorus Death to ther Bug lialil? thelr troubles from exposure, red by | It was a bad one, ee od rises up to give His re-| ally be expected to talk of the king- | Pather Almighty. ‘This came desu The birds ¢ imi “An Anglophobe Photographer,” and @ shor tine they se eats ungs, 7 se wrath tices. Initgle Workers ts Fis isciples were to be th Gh conve isi et town in Yorkshire and they are distri- a blood-thirsty individual, = the best phy ‘Via How is This! Tingdten, “and ap koe “Well ambassadors oF Tepredentatives OtEhBT yg eametay Hike tnt tid | buted in three section {he first em: Tbe the modest wish that the done, good and fai te Eingdom.of-God, and would need more braces the towns in the neighbour- bivord may be the means of extermin- Sets cae " eee | any eg of atari taat caso Ce core “But ‘there is frets cxsloment in| instruction, "What they bad heard men sometime oy ci pre hood of Halifax and Huddersfield : 5 is medicine has no e (or c ‘ i 01 0 while Batley, , Dewsbury, ~ Soe eae aectcand all atfecons of | °Y HOh*,GupNeY & CO., ‘Toledo, 0 pee ea ee oee ae processionst| peor come to them with fresh mean- | Si Wes made, almost somata ily af-| ind Wakefield, with other places,form REE ° 3 Why the booming of th ‘4 at great bell ter our Lord’s a “It is no ‘ i : ‘ . ~ ss the thr oat and lungs. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. im the towert It in in the light that shone from Scie tl another section; the third section ‘ WHEN CORONETS ARE WORN. siete Chet, fOr the a ee cee fuaviee vi ErS “ open graye and from the cloud that Le asia oe ies or ccasons.” | consisting of the pigeons from such HORRY We POETEES WORD ALOT OEE is Notvoss Gustine jumping out of | transactiomy and financially able to carry, the thrones, with a ac aE nan received their Lor! ith | and too ‘reoondite study in endeavors| Places a8 Sheffield, Doncaster, @ E nd is ‘shaking. Barber ‘ ; “peer or peeress wears. a soronet: is ae ae ee meat weer e rivboltale srumsiats, royalty? They must have been great ene ing iSpetn Setes on the 9 ascertain precisely whe: vais Siete i Pre vee é At the Gitoadtinn bt aSorertlgns AE es ‘Always ee ee GRINNAN & MAM people on earth, world-renowned Pe0-| Gay" of the ascension, perhaps cisely x Lord will come. Let | yonty the largest number of pigeon : ri whe ‘ve is) Toledo, a Me iz ii ie iy rey {the moment when the Archbishop of apie ag ets 2 va a yatecentibe ate ae ea a1 S84] earlier date. ommanded ‘Rous that [25 Ee eee. » the words of Sorip-| competitors. On the océasion of | the [Canterbury places the crow t mu $ eo Ft e most im-| ta, ‘here were over’ six thou- nlals sent Pe lane edie aie ioe pat ot our | sand pi and probably half a i=} ee Roost were interested inthe }head of the mew monarch every peer ey [present at the peremony dons his own [arrose lives; thea no surprise can be disaster. |’ Minard’s Liniment Cares Distemper, reg Pater ES pe bette," i em wall a mothers. That ‘allt That i. ail, idlers, for their time was called“ Little Mary,” on| prayer and conference. The promise grape has more sugar ia tt peutitish, cattle increased last year eS IS AN EI ts of the Father. The itt of ae ae conn 2 oe other fruit y 15 parts 6,795,720 to 6,805,170... Sheep, om AN EMPRESS NOW. | | ed Comforter, the Hol; in 100 being sugar. The ye h has the olber and jagorensed b ry 700,000, : Who are that great multitude onthe|God the Father had rani by bis poet only’ 11-2 per cent. and pigs by Z Z : ’ x aun ae ati seats ao apse aS: - CR OTS 2 Vl, Oe CES in os ae 2 ee Pea aT *