Ringing. ae Excursions. ave been completed Sees Arrangements who ae on attend the “Ryonate ees of Ringling Bros.’ ‘orld’s Greatest Shows in st this vicinity w here we oi ary exhi ve eae the present season i 0 fail to see it will miss 2 Bee eicteevauiseinent evento of the year. Since last season Ringling ros’. famous exhibition has i is now beyond falaried ee Gearter aia trained anim oe track mission ¥ lua eae ant came before tl alone worth boar? times ite p ee a : ata ig aa ity Be ig So7ki7, an ete ant | that'of 1809 ; that ott females is $278.64, | 77 e r. Me Gy ies thes chair when 2 | Betta cueaners ent! again on the first. se in July. -Jol According to the e | fo the County Couneil, by tnspector win there are, ini 111 gehool Snags in the townships |p aus inerehos Total... pSinieet be Happened at Shiloh. geen shoes. 1% & y wil ee at the expense of, | the oe y.—Can ie RE n will be allowed to go| A to ioe oe the rue pret. ane evidence of success- School Statistics. Hurra! Summer. (Montreal cal Herald. ) cweoee f yonder ep reading logwood trees, And whistle at the ae cmap ple Be his ene brow, pide up the plough. mmer vacdtion e counci - hn Watson, clerk. Hymns Up To Date. ins reper presented) — gy whose occasionally are always tinged vail amor, is opinion of modern phrireb “It's a "very ‘fine. ee said dryly, it; a rene een? iced,’ It may be 00. of whom AS hold jimes. coun an inerease of $3.64 sixty-one hor te ii to SNe? services.a day and pmness imes great trained anitual displays Stith popils rie sed in Be zural three, and they sat on ard penta with © grand free street. pa Bae at eat ails a tovel de- sare et tacks: and sang with all their eben coe Seg 0 ka ting B Of | crease of 217. ‘The attendance for the Se ea the coriagol all 1 fisplay ever eon, Don't anise sees fer cent. of-pupils as] MR JOd toe eee elon lon ou eat sion Tov eee Sonn aren eer it tay 1800: se in softly-eushioned pews ornington Towoship tT isten to the cl po sin; ; entranes pups @ ‘Art thou Weary, a thom Yanguid? ~The council met at Donuelly’s hall] sriverton Tmay be mistal 2h, it, comes + on Monday, ‘a.Conrt of |Mairere) homie to me every ni ana then that Revision. ‘the an ene e signed 2 the iitehel hymnology is changing to suit the Ned Sago The Fat Man. ‘phe man in the Street” in the ion carsman :— paine ice 2, old scien of el ghty- two eynical Bocoohas, eae there’s er: justction ca, but I’ye noticed it a good en: Twas a boy the people went pew. York Times nae this story to tell During the battle, of, Shilol an br GREATEST STORE — Grosch & Pfeffer 2 ‘ MILVERTON’S 7) Wall Papers, | F 10 per cent. off We have decided to run off the balance of our Wall Papers at a reduction of 10 percent. We still have some of the best patterns. left but the stock is getting broken. Now is the, time to purchase wall papers. supposing you don’t need it until next fall or spring, 10 per cent means a big saving in wall papers. Let us have your orders at once so as : fa. ach | officer hurriedly rod ip tovan aide; jem River, ‘Ned’ Hank: the Colum- . . and enquired for Gaunt “Fothat's the | bi: it th sane ith the. Held glass,” said the | single shell ity eae tewiis costume not to disappoint you. + all-the appeals ae pas a ved Mr.| aide. the most striking feature of .whicl ids, eae the| Wheeling his - horse was an old stra’ i. was quietly Ponrt.ok Heyes ly elosed.— eters wae Benerd), Towing alon gside one ei the ‘Byer's ae % amateur champions. veral ‘bal s ithe cout ope vera th ae un aumtionsaneee's.| Ladies’ Tailored-Made Suits at ia. bet ees papers bort : Loreen fe err pe tm ODEEE ES ey temerked e from B. 8. Patton fn pe “peinting ‘hy:| Ab?" sald the goneral.. “How was |*Look at) th tdub- trying to. brus less than manufacturers tes no action ; . Miller that 2 “Jimmy” (meaning the amateur); = barrister, in re ealane Me arber's| ‘Vell, you see, sheneral, der sheces-| he'll tak ew erimps in his fat cost. Ahi filed. ve was author: | sionists flanked us, und der she spite eh! in a minute,” will he dest fe eases ee Cee | etait dar rr ot ee ee Oe ass H hased it 1.00, Ce 10} cent 5. wait and see where “Jimmy” come g 5 Frecbom, 9075, B._ Henry 614.00, J- BENG ea spiked the ie dimny in this ease failed to come aving ates aoe 5 eee Ss, Gruber tbe 3i, We Aig Sal | Vou) exelaimed te ee ta] one ingen rowed away! thinking the demand wou e good, it al 15, tson - aaa a guns ! | rem: ked the ‘old oar,’ he turned bch wise A act § a, satis ey bran new We foie in oe ence ltt ne an go simply wasn't, they must be sold, ard at 2 pone ‘Suh guns F. Martin $3.95, |. revel at ‘he, general, sharply, neve saipped "o ot aint an once. Come along this week and get } at he Me sea, by| Wbop, By tam, ve took dem pack he ai knw abe Fw ee) your size as they are bound to go at Phe My. Davidson, that. saat nea A sath in!” Riddell’s road w aken to prices. ‘The reduction seems large but ‘ ies talvic y we are willing to stand the loss. ales a consider ied. -\Raooiuation te OE Sohoeed end Dr. Bgbert be appointed to meet in _— nterest Income exceeds Death Losses 4Dauring the past ten years the interest: income o} “The Mutual Life of Canada Exceeded its death claims paid by $137,797.28. Large interest receipts ~and stnall. death losses means il yprofits for policyholders. Last yen «was-no exception to this spent yrecord. W. i. Grosch, Local Agent. “Duncan Stewart, Stratford, Gen. Agent. COMMERCIAL. Mu.verton Jnge-13, 1801 ~$Fall wheat: per bush . $68 63 eats bet yr bus 6 63 Bailey y per bus 3 38 Oats 28 20 Peas a 60 60 3) 25>. 20: e we = Gens Saye) se : ~ # Stratford, Jane 13, 1909 ead and Windows : feet “Screen Doors We havea very large stock of SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS also Good SCREEN WIRE. - - Screen Door at...-. 85c. A Better Door with Spring Hinges $1.00. Fancy Door 2.065 essees $1.20. Extra Fancy Door with Hinges, etc. $1.40. Screen Windows (fit any window) 25c. FINKBEINER BROS. Hardware Store. All our $6.50 Suits for $4.75 ss 8.50 af 6.25 ss "10.50 fs 7-75 = 12.50 ss 9.00 15.00 : 20.00 You had better come along early, delays are dan- gerous, Nowis the accepted time. GREAT REDUCTIONS in Men's ready-to- wear Suits, and Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. SHIRT WAISTS Job lot, some selling as high as $1 each. Your choice for 25c. 8 SPOOLS GOOD THREAD FOR 10 CENTS. Lot of 1 1-4 White Bedspreads, : regular $1.25 line, this week only Boe. 8 White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for Worth to-day 8¢ each. 25¢ Ladies’ Fine Tailoring DEAR MADAM, The constant and increasing demand for Ladies Tailor 35| Made Garments being most evident we have decided to in- crease our staff for the making of that line of work. Walking, Riding, Driving and Travel- | Hing Costumes will be special features in our establish- me Workmanship, Fit and Style moewiel in ‘every par- "7 \ ticular. We trust by strict attention to the wants -of eur patrons &\to please the most fatidious. A call solicited before placing your order elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hasenpflug,| Milverton, Ont.) Respectfully Yours, Look at our — WINDOW SHADES, ‘regular gc. line. g oe Carpets and Linoleums at great reductions. Dress Goods and Silks at great reductions and what an assortment. Special line of 15c. M USLIN to be sold this week at 10¢ per yd. Bring us yam, trade, we pay highest prices, give you honest goods. Look at the stock we carry and the assortment. Giveus atrial and if not as represented we will give you your money back. What more can we do. : ANUTRETTTG ETT PT TTT GROSCH & PEFFFER