Milverton Sun, 8 Aug 1901, p. 4

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HARVESTS AND ORCHARDS. |e Analogy Between Production — of Crops and Growth of Grace. ‘A despatch trom Washington says: [ust be sure we sow the right kind of from es ay father ie} tcia stalk will come up- ‘Will it not be sppropeiate it feck all c ‘were nearly |Wheat will come up. - Let us disti 2 © cultivate ground except | @h meee of religion. the rule in a ees 3 ‘0. the mn a though it were an instead of the will never yield a harvest of useful- ae flower eey scratch. ;out of the str me sleep,” aula the ying, oy, the | @ farm, there ae ‘i * Sow mullein stalk, a myl- es, eect ing. lay me down to slee Again I remark, in Kee as in the _ MUST BE A REAPING, y Christians speak of religion as the joy of the ORES ue Eagan this nig) not as ae Cees Tike to have, thank God for what you more. than Joseph, or worse coe than than i and reap it ? dine over your infirm Ww give one round shou Parents Should Nami: ingenuity their hopeful offspring it rarely a curs to initials do no hun~| who signs her name seareely be nee of eae a Respective 8. 0 1 1 the plaintif’s name was Susan gar-" Text of the Lesson, Gon. 138 Golden it | sioi voice ¢ welcoming that t rolling in- the eternal triumph, while all up ind down the sky the cry is hear home! Harvest home!’? ees THE TRORY (OF OF INITIALS. id Be Careful In|% ing Their Children. in’ choosing names hem to make sure that the yr which their children rson will sca initials, Some of the coe ied which | We unconscious prevision, been addressed Pe her lover in scores of amorous letters as ‘my Sue.’ bre Geleidaat’ 4 initials were sadly el: and as counted it ee be oe Tee ea You say | and he signed the initials “P. A, You mi eee wonder THE DIVORCE COURT ave vee is great ‘told trouble corns revel peccrse sou similar sees h through your soil like a grind ‘ing and trata Sith place Ah th at nee pt ‘The Saviour folds his Tittle, enna falted a Hower for the orange blossom for Anything ghostly shout tha that ? Pee te Mee threshed iy elder “Dea Ki Sapa vane ent, I have, spoken (of the Soeuee you apt lenient v ier “Ot the : ssintal aide t's ue nature, put down glittering coulter that will tur the deepest depth. ‘08 rs the cross, but at the upright piece, art of the Oh, “plough up to Uie Bs “the field there Hing, o! ing, “the. reaping: Tees t at aon Se MUST BE A SOWING. wi oe the it foolishness grain, burning agony they deliver my soul.”” They all got over it. remark, in grace as in| eq e old wagon creak- horses gave a struggle the | struck the elevated floor of the barn, seemed as if the joan would go no ther, great shout, an ‘tremendous ean the horses eld |in theload. Then L. whose conduct Searcel have puree. initi By 'tioner in a ae siderable attention a . }ister r= | life Se Rleseate an Zs abolished fprthwith and the Tillow ied. Nepad Heft. the city w ve ana pevee Pigeons, and 9 en ae Tet et | Sanna cicee somé of which are le as to oii Seay fore ae ou re fond vady i the description es a the | - U- the ee whieh attracted c ec 60) ngely described his expe jatrimony with the curiously. in ropriate initials.of F. ce oe eloquence is omepecale orish, Boasts the| eee Christ (Ri “18, Titus, wee step farther, pimseit | may be sure, writes TE Ne t W. BN: ar Lord, give |happy and appropiate change; while well-known society young lady, i 2: don's, preachers, a eee of aieb ops Lom, has the ials S: H. |. W.5 while, aoe is the irony “of yee @ woman at a ees Pole court a bed weeks ago. wit invalid husband, poseted the letters P. EB: T: write himself down a H. —.—_ pe Se THE BOLSTER. of the ne ecting Hiygionte Society M. Feret. an eal to civized aes Feret Dee that the bolster ly diminished to the yanis eee ‘The Mohommedan i the siege oe ant 64 ee “|THE S. S, LESSON, [i — BE hy oul ae eS LESSON, AUG. 1. BS the sel) ci ts are exercising their the only the mighty faith is each of promise case | WFOUEHE in \ = hoe ven!” never, relying | Venward. A ery modest, hard-working min- OS Bum eso this aS times in We New 3 ly. emphasizes “this great Saath; the righteousness which Go | revi eth a ss full initials, which he rarely oon, (settle ends the earliest of this Ce | yet done, saying, year begins in| Talys that rth Persians Ont aoa Ree rab te pines ae, word ‘of d,” |has promise and ering with him in quietness and in con’ dence. RSET LI A REFUGE FOR ROGUES. Outlaws From Every Country Ga- ther in Honduras. "There is one corner of Central Am- en detective s mo} he Tepablig of Honduras, ced of the mm. | Honduras, indee: failings are o our story is finished it shall be a by God s] Hel 81 4-6. ‘And ue he Lord, im for righ- ram is agen that 1 not be any one merely ude of every see at all ti ili, can never become any enn or Mien in om. iv, 5} Bph Sora. i aan should exerything and dispel every Notice it Tee ins oad cur: ture of jungle and Focie forest; of bugs, was life in the day’ and at night one fee es though ity, are madé them outcasts. ee eaten CAREY WAGES. Cabinet are ea Th soma Chief Secretary an ae are tepetivels rated at and £2,. poe USE FOR THE PHONOGRAPH. . voLord God, whereby shall T} by. machin ery. ake rit “it 2’? | Lond cadfast ea birds So pane prepared all ever used as types of the great sacrifice of the, Son: of you ‘ow shall I know?” the answer is, * Lamb of G u in the gift “of His dear Son an S. of coming ancient times the things that 4 are not ounsel shall I will 2, IL Kings as an illustration of itera and exact fuliliment ot ither judge tl iniquity, has oes wget come to pea oar: on an avi dt does at entirely by-means of “pho ane rots’. class-ro' iitue -compartan e dark. chi cae of the darkness. WARLIKE ENGLISH [SH SURNAMES. ‘The rei piers that have been G erset, ‘eioue since 1837 to enum results, of conflict ash, Gore, Slaughter, nage and Cor se eons Son ish Powe ‘Shot, Bullet, Shell, Cannon, Sword and Lance. “They mention, too, the “Gunner, and further specify deadly. charges in Cannister and j ocaem (47 from $5, Lage Re oe ee tting tneeied rill ne MARKETS OF THE WORLD See Z A WO pass uregy 210777 pues Prices of Cattle, ‘ch925>, Graia, &¢. inthe Leadi: ane Markets, _ Toronto, Aug. 5. Wheat —There For ‘Toronto illfeed—The Mmarket is firm, wit offerings small. Bran quoted at 3, middle freights, and shorts at $15, quiet with prices wv is nominal at 48 holders are quoting Rye—The eae is quiet, and cea nominal ot 46°40 4630, pmiddle freight. Buckwheat—Market dull, with pric-| €s purely nominal. s—Trade SuSE: with prices nom- inally, aes ang Trade veontinues ery. ait 42%¢ Ne: id inde” fr relent, ‘August anes Mr ae Pi Manitoba: patents, $4, and strong bakers’ Oatmeal Market is unchanged. Cor lots at $3.75 in bags, and $3.85, eed eenuetloie Merete, 256 per bbl extra. DAIRY MARKETS. choice tubs and rolls, ereumery prints unchanged at 21¢; ‘So. s, 20c. mot is quiet with canoe strictly 124; 01 firmer to-day, Prices in a jobbing way are 1 L04c. HOGS AND eae eee Beet backs, 144c, and ioe. et ard—Pails, A1fe; t ee, THE STREET MARKET. Receipts of grain on the street to- small. WI $1 Straw sold at $9 to S10 Ee Sigs Toe pia, pate noes for new. i ns white 70 $ .0 t, red. 01 Roma oy iss ene wighbosan BeAnsoounorbny ARS OVO p MH Stags, per ewt. 0 is the range of quota-|S hay re erty a Aug. 6.—Close—Wheat 3c; September, 65ic; 7: ic. 6.—Close—Wheat— a 5 bases 70%c; No. 1 Nor- thern, o8te; July, 683¢;. September, 67 ic; Peers Corn—324c. Oats— Toros Ave: 6 tosing, fae rath- hea un of 72 loads of live stock Was. received, at the Western cattle market, including 1,200 cattle, close, on 2.000 Jats and sheep. 9 900 hogs, calves, and a “few milch “Mealy choice export cattle was orth 5c, and for a few lots ten as in a few cases paid, tbat ive ta the rer resontativadiguse ight aS porters are worth from 44 to 4g canis ondinions governed the butcher market. o buvelier cattle apla!at from: 4 to ‘Aho; for selections a little more was paid. Ta Cnc au cattle Bribes anecunchangeds® ‘There was a rather better enquiry for goot! feeders at from 8 to Bie per Bie and lambs were again slow ‘of sale and weak; the supply was large to-day. Calves are unchanged at from $1 each, with an enquiry for a few choice veals. Export ewes sold to-day at from ie worth Pe ey xi $38 Tams are worth from $2.5 5 Tke per Th, thick fat and light hogs are Worth 66 per Hogs to fetch ‘the top price must “quota- Cattle. Shippers, per cwt ....... o., light. “" Sawe eeRRA Suou on a> Ro C4 , do. Butcher, ord. to go Butcher, inferior... S ml Choice ewes, per cwt... Culled sheep, each........ 2. Lambs, Bucks, per cw! 2.5 Mitkers and Calves, Cows, each. Calves, (eae 883s sas eS ae S0 oo : Hogs. Choice hogs, pel Light hogs, per cwt.... Heavy hogs, per ewt... So GRANT TO ROBERTS. House of Commons Passed Measure by 281 to 73. A despatch from London says: Bpestiye of policy? differen aus Liberal leaden Sir tia pbell-Bannerman, “concurred in ha and had ‘proved himself a dismal fail- she measure was passed by a vote oa 281 to 73. oo ee A CURIOUS STRIKE. SS Se Prisoners rs Refuse Fo Food and re Sent to Hospit = No. 2 = ean and July, 68; Sep-|™ , sate: 8 Yes aaa iit iS WA I NUSHEL —Close—No. 684 to 69¢; 68: re—Weak; 1, 544c. B na will “S| THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. iteresting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe, CANADA, * Forest fires have destroyed a thou- sand acres of timber in Cumberland, Ss. + Brantford City Council has _pro- hibited the use of trading stamps in that city. familton City Council favors the Sunday watering of streets traversed by car ‘The telegraph line to Dawson City will not be in operation until the end of the present month. 5 ihe census returns) it We shonght) show an increase of 6,000 in the Ne of Wright Camety: Que- “A Kingston the customs. intpor duties for July were $9,811.48; the inland revenue collections were $15,-|5" 745.82. ; . J. Peterson, rancher, icine Hat, committed s haying, cutting his throat with pen-knife. The Deputy Minister has returned from an Seatsn of the Intercolon- 1 railway, and reports it in exce lent conditio; Canadian Government’ may meee? to Great Britain against its Everctt, a erode ate a ‘o- ronie University, has been appoint- d instructor in the ‘ected classes fw OFtawe See | Ins of ‘Christian sense eet Logan Town- feds vee oS inspec- ai the ‘ani- © coast dating the latter Dani se presineat of the new $15, 008 (000 ‘arecl trust, Soran Galt) end eeeteae is clues tion in the Central and Grammar Schools in that town. Hamilton City Council thinks $10,- 000 is too mi on enter- a Condensed and Assoried for Easy thr eadin; a arrested, tried. ane sentenced to three years o ing assistal ae e tee people to ae settle in South Af The July production of te ere reok Mines was, $2,812,500; July dividends, $692, Robert Crooks. on Co » of Liverpool Gold in the United States treasury pees amourits to $505,354, peat the jargést amount ever held tl a freight tea <a the way Hamb! ui ‘Kan. r prisoners, and «sci Doritossaenle dry plate fac- er ae ies of the United States and Eur- me Lepleyi @ Diackani, was killed by a Dear that is kept on ex- hibition at the Palisade ‘boat land- ing, at Iowa Falls, Chicago will Have an “Trish demon- stration August 15, at which Michael Davitt will speak 0 on Engl ment One of the Chicago fire ‘brigade fell dead while going to a feat caused its death. ‘The men had a narrow escape ‘Twenty of the twenty-six judges in Cook County, are taking vaca- 25,000 civil d Joe Morgan, at , held up and robbed a in two'hours they were at hard 1: 48 years of age, He sed at by the Bors and it 18 hovel he was driven n and two men were taken ieee jail and lynched at. Carrollton, La. They were suspect While crossing a field George Hum- erickhouse, a r of Wells County, Tndinna, was attacked by a faa bull and jand's treat-|'," tions, while i95. Prisoners swelter in Bang i A black tiger with Boas cir- ous at Logansport, | Ind., f enough through the gent father, who held his boy close to the animal’s cage. Mrs. Mary Torrey, of Muncie, Ind., is _violen’ flicted by cies who a pon her refusal he emptied uestion, whether “they? will present the Duchess ot Cornwall and York with a bouquet of red white roses. in ea | Fest of fishy comunity; who’ are 10 cated ij nion Gover ian analysts in ae the idea propounded by medi- nn ined salmon should rt ound that it is liable to deterior- late and become dangerous to health. GREAT BRITAIN. cine Sing Ont Qieln: haye une: to British torpedo boat No. |. No detai ee pee tact enger on the sia, was fined 27 shite is at Belfast for smu none “detay in appoluting/e governor Victoria in success! ord Biassoy “ined heen ter Soy Vics toria’s refusal fo increase the Parlia- sts EvasiOt 851000, whieh Mr: Chamberlain thinks té iL raven lease of the South Bastern way in England 0 deposit $5, 000,000 Eres pak cent aiwiGeng ene APSE eat sind ultisintoly: Ave “pet: cen’ pte Gh ihe Kings ae “A memorial em= ing the resolution will be sé toring House of Colmmons UNITED STATES. ‘An ice combine has been formed at | - iedo, Ohio: rehbishops Brean and Corrigan Ai ‘| will be made Southern Pad fie - to Alig \ its, _fpines oe burn oil for fuel. Bey were” Se deaths aes small in New ‘Yor! uring eee Sai une sl jee half-dozen pioneers of the Mo- akan hi lin, f ging three pounds of tobacco in a} An American syndic: ae is after_a}- ‘01 Ag a great 1 Protestant ; meeting ‘pela ss0- | ville, Ind., by lightnini Beier Walter Sheppard was shot and in- August 20, 1900, at Pittsfiek has withdrawn all pemeees. earar ly offered and substituted one of $1,500 for the fae a conviction ee of the guilty pers GENERAL. Bermuda. care pe ans are barred from office in cuba Wunder the new constitution. Colored people of Cape Town have passed resolutions of confidence’ in Lord Milner. a ‘The British warships Glory, Eclipse oa ae Depa arrived ee dly yy at Amoy. is quiet there. er Paris automo! its - fin ning a motor-driven flying inachine, not a balloon but something like market is a continuance oe "the Rater troubles in Am le la Vaulx, the aeronaut, iterranean in a iddle™ Au Toulon to superintend the prepara~ tory arrangeme: Bight ee of tho commercial ks in Kharkoff, Russia, which taken possession of by the Government inspector, have been | is ich. ae ne of the ae “| amount BOERS 2S. SURPRISED. oA coe from pacer dt “-Pine-CoMin. lett the 9th and 15th Aeine r, Essex Volunteer and O: depgeites ‘details, a surprised Cole Foy. eae Doornko " oe con Doers we Boers’ were” “cae der. which mare had taken "A t the There are 3,000 Boer prisoners in wes: sati al Two Sons of Ge, Prisnloo Cap- | 1m BURNED BRITISH FLAG. Gawd. Gathered Remnants as Sou- enirs of Their Bravery. A despatch oe Rochester, N.Y. ee a large Englis! ig the- decorations 1 combine, pits a igaee of nei Seu and_ parade. conan which pees attached had jus' to Main street when Menride sighted the English a yell of derision, e rass band following thie Sta. rSpangled struck the ou fiat and it was were eagerly sought ane as Souvenirs. 8,000 HAVE APP APPLIED. Alestions for Land Received ‘Vete: m Ontario A Pat from Toronto says: tario when the grat re made out, ene pees THE QUEEN WEPT. ed | Evidences of Ker Popularity Affect« , -ed Her Majesty. _ : Sener Se formal period of court ‘The Czar is getting fat since his | mow Sp Poi Am a their aes lustily, wae numerous small American: flags, — an threw bouquets into the car- atheie a evinced deep emo- tion, and those near the ctisiaae saw that Queen Alexandra i- | weeping. 5 tea LOYAL DUTCHMEN, _ | Parade Graat Reinet Streets on Way to Join ees itch from raaf Reinet gui ‘hese oun, ‘lows 8 ex: pert horsemen a ters oe doin ‘| tioned the sons of aes Bi the Cape Legislative Council ae A other leading Dutchmen. be poraeed 's | accord! ee ee ee aa fens tad raten

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