The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, Bismarck, the great German states- oes peur ated the Munro Doctrine “a piece of. ag seamend There is pete more popular in the United States than the Munro Doctrine whereby Uncle Sam main = “tains that no nation of the eastern _ hemisphere must interfere with an JANUARY 2,- 1902 | & ful At a recent Shou! f the the Keeping live of memories of ting 8 are closing the nineteenth con: tury in a most significant mm the forces of civilization ana | oe ing - siiarly employed i in South Africa. Ud the no ear will" open its portals to many thou- race, mn Cana- | jj Tiehatty, and confli ba Bonne of the close whom press ity oF by ever flinging to the breeze, in de of the sanity of Pane Prosidey = stil near! sieap world in Fee we live. who! eos oe rapa mm & the is great American ‘state. ‘ever, of a clash poe ena ah Venezuela we predict that Uncle Sam will have to goaway back and sit down 4 ae * Just as we heat the old chesnut again repeated for the fiftieth time - that the Boers are in sore straits and redoubtable De Wet as he did forty- hiné times before and gives the British «trimming and makes off with two goon cut out we wilthave the whole she army annihilated ices ‘one Entry. (Philadelphia Press.) ‘end of the store —and when the answer. came, “a crewation m” the questioner ordered the d: Fine Preminms, Sentinel a ised @ very The! both evtubes eee and treate a We understand Habeas aera Seren aes of one of i these th eskena ren “*Joek roi off his peroration with a these lines, pes he ascribed to ‘Kip-| yy “Its only an old bit of bunting, pf. It’'s.only an old tatte: A But soldiers have died for a honor, = ‘Ang ti ime has ennobled the It is our good friend Mr. J. rgan who was the anthor eee eee stanza, and not Mr. in, Mr. Mulock owes Mr. Mota a re apology. y. 0 Kipling is not the o1 perialisin, Wha. was not sing “God. Save the ing”? Shall bang as high as the steeple aa we sing, ae We'll Rs tant the Deople: ‘hat utario Has Left. have been sold or . ‘Thi , 136,422 acres, or 83 per cent., Intarip, sil} undis} ee id in Si gerigry oe the Ci lant roneh, for Drab multieation, far north. But q vastly greater eee are ready to.sue for peace up bobs the | captured: guns. Hf these reports about | yaar. the Boers. sueing for peace are not |’ 1h} Teese: debt | . i) maxes collectable <o| Cash lt “God Save the} . Detailed Statement Of Receipts and Expenditures of the Village of Milverton, for the portion of the year 1901 ending on the twenty- first day of December, together with a statement of Assets and Liabilities and Uncollected Taxes. Reet ce texte) ‘Taxes collected . Alex. Jacobs, labor Freeborn, ro% peneer Hartmier, uniform Samuel ustave Krajaelsi Guen Thomas Atkin James Strong, > Spee Dorland . Hart: ae constable. eee, ‘Well. Enon Alone. Noli & Bell, lamp. Ds elerigh sighs A) Finkbe ros. eniicnenatag ob ‘God Save ape Henry pues or. Suct rd the} County rat ae Schacter Bros. coat . mon Grose ear Rupert caste Shot dood’ a aemon on ir re- site. present rats, does 01 D- eens likely to ses settled for se by the Grown, Af whieh wate ance of the, good land of the De geilk “abt be aldispesed. of Zor =sverab centuries: Mask" ark Twain: wae babe is a. Franeise ely, salary entedibyjone fare, “Bert Har ler. serving on ths er | 4 untourhed thap hag yet been eed : astendor g. Freeman, refund o b & Pre im. Irwin, re] Win. Loree oe bras per last au pal World, supplies oad sera r Guy Freeborn, road scraping . W. D. Weir, selecting jurors, W. Zimmer: WJ. fe Whaiey, ees ‘grave maTians,. Grosch, Sp a of dog tax and pd bali 'y as in solary. ao clerk, nominations ud poits inated accounts outstan: Milverton debt debentures not due ‘We the undersigned Reeve and Treasurer hereby certify that thé aboye is a true and correct statement for the year 1901_ ‘WM. ZIMMERMANN, Reeve. School Report. 3 EXPENDITURE. Pores Wiederhold & Houderch Pia Bae sch, & Pfeffer, ood anit broo sell ‘Telephone 2 bos jah for teachers V1 * % RECEIPTS ~ = 3 LIABILITIES 3 ding. - Hoffman Block, The Up-to-Date Tailor, . 4 > tion, has entered action against the f Milverton a for their support in the ——— — 4 ‘ \ peel canxht was not as it should be, 656 61 : ast year, also asking for a The jury’s finding in the inquest | See * reo 9 ‘ i hice! would re gee P J é g into the death of tbe late John Bart, di useful fora CH RISFM re- centinuance of the same for who was killed xt Stratford, was to | do sent than a pair of é the effect that deceased came to his ov P ; meee ; death by having bis foot caught in an 43-00 FIHE SHOES, or é 1902. enpacked. frog” while attending to his SAG e SLIPPERS... W oe one and alla Lewis Isfanders in protest | against the union uf the Free and the | #! Pen H ’ d P S United Chorch of Seatlind, barred a |? 48 25 4 a an rosperous New Year nina fam Aa _ church. Police as Jd. G. Grosch & Son Ppy P ot dl he é . Paine jeubs shawiaol peed have a splendid range of : g E Yours, leave the island. Troops umy be sent * * ae Christmas Slippers : Wa. ons caches hav oaleaaie § Ff {Guclericly tawnshipy, brought, « lund. of for Ladies and Gents. fs a ‘a #@F Quen Tht a ond sm aderieBy best Sek, measuring 200 bush. and 18 pounds, supposed to Bw Ous stock of OVERSHOES. is largest ever brought to oe I ees It was sold ue A_T. Cooper, complete. Call in and see thent. Os reeeived 25, the Yours ! + bushel. being 45e. : ; 3 x pr ini BEIT for the year § ix $579.29. For the same time $ Mitchell's - Alois not reach $100, al- & J. G. Grosch & Son ek eae i F } done. & A at hives ioe . é i ‘ cerned i ver be done again. for Z |Agénts for White Sewing Machines. she aime swney—McellAdyoose, Gy; Ri ; : : I-Prioe.—The days of f 25 cents BK 08. q cee nui Agnew's 1 i How Joni have your kidneys Liver Pills at oe gevaiinine 1 0 : The Milverton Sun been sick ?—Here's South American | and pleasanter totale. Cure Constipation, 1 00 : es Cire evidence that's convincing: | Si-k and Nervous Headaches, oe eed L : o = - “Tam Lassitade, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Li ass of 5-4 on The fargest and best stock of Stoves ever shown in THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 100,| “Five bottles cared me of Diabet Sse Scraitiaean anor = I verton gg. 200. 5 Disease, but half a dozen bottles di Hist SURE 20 00. a Ese Reed oe 0) 5 as. Torrance. 28 Cook Stoves for Wood and Coal GENERAL NEWS = cage anigerr A ater gy air wa given by 4 z Paris Congregationalists It. was 18 0 greg oe 5: or Woodsonly from $10 to $50: Nerina cae Oe er Stratford, fll up |lfe- bund sin. Back guewt had tbe 7 Tt is illegal to shoot cotton tail hia i 2 a 5 other day, dislocatifig his shoulder. | "ight liand put @ shing, and had : A full line of Coal Heating Stoves and vabbits between Dec. 15 a es — 15.) Brig 5 sedetiee will lay him of duty for |'9 see te with the left, register Jacob Bennett, aged 28 yeurs, of |some tim ae fact, do everything with 8 o | Double Heaters. Biden, met with a fatal sete in the let hand. A proverh Was put on Se Jacob B. Roth's bush last week while Svea Festi who ow ‘shot a blackboard; and» prize was given ae Niagern Falls in a barrel, is sui 1 ho cout h ma | SEE OUR “Aa Pears Win Wawwn ee tial sob es uaecad 7* a ; ortage iam es rexel GF eee seed 08 y convicted of enna. WINNIPEG HEATERS oni nt | se mesacal msn abd by Judge Britto: was on Christmas Day united in| *” ee al See iatey arge one $23 1F FGuaranteed to heat any room, np or down’stairs, as. warm as Kedeay YE arringe to Las Poteet McMillan, of sheen ecallienee aes ese ex 2 any stove or furnace, and without any fuel, for $7, to Be paid athony vall le, an old resident of | orth “Bace, : which: with: a: lively: r. Benin was 1 supplies County pen ES sosat Town treasurer. will be onl. at every one nepa that here-L is DS, x R. J. RANNEY, Treasurer. rio Renh | eh ta “=“'For the New can w And as Heeees and the United States < A Good Beginning 2 ‘Year You cannot spend your money better’at the first of the first of the year than by investing in our : DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS. Why not be comfortable this winter and haye a suit in good condition The cold weather is here now and you need it. for next year as well. The clothing we sell is all guaranteed to be well made can. be sold. stylish, and the prices are the lowest at which reliable goods J.E. ROWE, for only if See Qur stock is complete in all’ Hnes of Hardware or FINKBEINER BROS. Tinware. 4 / 4901 WE wish manyfriends , GREETINGS 1902 CODESOTEROVS - to thank our and customers Stratford and a native of the Goant; of Mayo, Treland, Fae Ss Stratford dee week aged 8 reman Ai sais who w ‘ord, has pea ek an operation for the removal of his wy : a An old-resident of ae township ari a native of the County of Mona Sakases Sakeesey "|away to-morrow, but always here. fer thae Cliristmas Suit. Do as the Trees do, — Change your Garb. That Light Thin Suit was all right a month ago but {now it makes you conspicuous and let’s in shivers. If you get your this season's clothing at KNECH- TEL'S it will be the latest cut and longest wear. Fall Suits from $10 up Overcoats from $10 up. choice is wide. We are a reliable business house, not here to-day and Eeave your order in time E. Knechtel, Come to-day, pick out a Suit or Overcoat eile the | The Leading Clothier: eae Treland, died ‘at Stratford -on =a urday Test in the persOh of Mrs. ‘i Beate McCaffrey. In 1890 the export of hogs Bee Canada amounted to $600,000. In 1900. this had raised ta $13,000,006 This would mean the distribution of $250,000 a week among the farmers of Ontario mainly. q Brakeman Wm. McLellan of Strat. ford, was injured at Forest station on urda He-was manipulating ‘the for over an hon Octave Deel: the foreman of w French: aise. gang of spar Peace! who were cutting timber on -Cros- waite farm in ce Oxford ar Killed by a failing tree on Saturday. His ‘remains were sent home: vo Quebec, bs “The eae County Council haa "petitioned the government to bring about legislation Uo lesse: lessen the denser] years] | my hands aadiface. Twenty: ap —— have been: ofa this year in Roses Ontario, te west of Nipissing and two in Rainy River divurict. Great preparations are already ii in progress for the Suengerfest to be eld in Waterloonext August. The music to be sung at the chief concertin which 500 or 600 male cee will take part, has already been sel Que day recently several Persons in Southamptos: will not forges. oR MeL aa trol the Newton ewton congregation, | _“ Keep your Stomach ae | > ‘working order and your th will take careof itself.” This is the advice Short Stories Retold. ‘and he “clinched” the advice = ‘Von Stan’ . fecpae Stare! |r der worker of stomach orders from the lit ‘fermen! af M4 to the chronic dyspepsia. Sold by Jas. Torrance, _ The West Bruce Women’s Institute has a membership of 6: the Liberal nomi: for the Do- minion bye election in Kingston- The Grand ce Railway an- mounces that the season cl was a profitable one Ry hunters, over 9000 |deer having been slaughtered. ‘The citizens of Hanover have . Dan Knechtel anufacturers of the towa. ‘The function is to mark the completion oe oe new fa erected rs 5 G! o R. Brakeman James Ross, who le ainputa- before and on Mondhy Bineed another into his den, whict they hope to. get. ———— ©. Christmas: tree: festival. wi waa held th the Sinney acumen on Thursday evening of last well ‘attended: “Bue evening wae plessaatlz spentin singlsg and sneak- ay. Charles Donley received « hand- some Chri when his wife! Hon. William Hany has accepted | garetts atin me and ake amy fights you do not mind me not answering eR oie Bete PIL aro} : ae yon 100) ed: make wba? Pees *Rplense don’t use ae soap wh ron washing, as the water is re- | © verse aired for tea”: id P ‘o seize Douglas Jerrold, the rey wit, ‘ant eae was once sitting ‘with beet Ge ieenell ack to be fond of ine how, when n fro nit tnd f To which old mammy ret enough - Ti es aa it it was.time to lawyers infi * Colonel Togeecll Cure the Nerves and you will com trol almost every discase that flesh ‘Tie foundation of health is a perfect stomach Sold by Jas. Torrance. ews Ee Nay’ ie hy consolation share, Till, peeonat Pisgah’s wolae: Sit aie e-overlasting Pie, while passing re Hem ir, eee ees sweet hour os 2. ‘Have you ever seen Heraud’s D = ten-| cent Into Hell?” “No: but I shonld : : Mike to,” tersly replied the wit STRAYED RAM. A bailiff hi having: jens tried in vain, ES “oxreas - Gagheknt last ronplved a ram came onto the premi- Mr ee tit oe ingute of being 8 Quaker ses of Joseph Taylor, lot 18, con. 16, lor of thellonse: He Knocked accord ase ass: ACs. ee se cp at y eS Aiea ea tee] Ce ee » | Ponses and take the animal away. ave | NEW ARRIVALS for “|New Year’s: A Complete Line of Ladies’ Gold Filled Watches peels a Ladies’ Gold Guards om the West, he once’ Ladies’ Silyer Watches Ladies’ Gold Necklets : Ladies’ Gold Rings with any ~ kind of Stone you want. : Ladies’ Diamond Rings. do vias believe all oR ‘Fead ae p ty 80) Gent’s Two-Pocket Chains. Remember I make a spe- - cial cut on everything that is < mentioned above and Soe = thing is guaranteed. nothing fee jort- wd knowed and cialty. is heir to. 4 x a handsome present on lice a of a oup-of tea with the grief stricken. aged’ wife and mother, and in some. tanner the small quantity of embalm- ing fluid‘ became mixed with the tea. | Mr. We atlerali drank of it more free: ly thaw: the others and for several days afterwards he was.a very sick man, as the others: Bis ctoitath: ina short last I ie ind a | care in Dr; Agnow's Sinent “It helped BARCAINS IN FURNITURE Patian = Hand Sled, or - Foot Stool. “Noshing. oda make’a nicer present © fo: . gol friends than a = Beautiful Picture Easeb Rocker, wooden or: From now until the New: Viak we are’ making great reductions in Bedroom Setts & Parlor. Suites. lofty - Ladies’rocket Booksand Purses: Gent’s Gold and Silver Watches & Watch Tepeiring a spe- me