“There is.soms deep meaning be- rato, you no othe <n ity” rina. se I wish it. ait sudden’ snlination. neBut ees among ie sates ot low murmur ran _ through pe eonimecow aig you sembly, atid they si benea' I my brothers: think of the a~ been standing, ad , earnestly his brothera closel nese about him. cu , down upon your ketiees!”’ ho hose wrong: — + BABY IN oe HOME. Natured and Healthy All children in sper Home ful A Joy and Treasure When Good ter why 1 flow i 2 “belli eo ts : 2 (ae ee their hands towards hea- Mag Rape as Eitan ona emotion, but i Say an hour Carlier t! ven. Their were light- ; ‘ Se hide es pt hold Twill be teady. But," cou-' ed up-by the beats of tho moon and e. constipa: herds possessing strains of Blood aud Cibuhied mee Unted the young man, with a slight Gvery lineament could be traced in RG cee cua ie Son nee cane tn walsce thou Thuos, how I rid myselt show of apprehension, workings. Feariul were the pur- ie the cutclog ogee ae See oe of it? Zc not difficulty, after what has poses that lay ‘od thero, and faby’s Sees Berlin Sates ot ¥en tae seat, eee in passing the Gl aiee aan See a ee eat and gazed £5 can casi wrong at had forme urposes in iss: tes: guise, and with you there will be no’ their boso: see ig aid be giv-| WHAT A See SHOULD <Aihat- moan you’ ho at length difficulty. I shall pass out a: |" “By the great God above all gods, |; > 2% ones and relief may te prompt- ek! fat tho same time drawing a Your attendants and they will think’ and by the immortal and all-powerful aa £ eee No matter what Une a tarmier may tong breath. are going on board some of the Horeules, wo most solemnly swear|, N° °F give the bables Speci “pid you. ever - shear of essels in the ha that-vengeance shall be ours. ‘That|*,°ttine mocicines whi h eka but are os F Rcoiihis Upou na nape" yaean Go aes “Th it ‘to-morrow nighty’*| we will not rest from our earnest Ia=| ¢ Rae oe mt sl s€ Wirst he should alse his own mea! return. said the sovbg ‘sino: “and you wWilli/bors tillour tyrant oppressors are soe eee t, pleasent te If his business is cattle 2, » meet mi +. [Tei beneath our feet! Sweart’: corre promot in: acting. Dise sol him supply, the leeal: Dutcher rota’ “ivbat did the reptile do?” es." : part’ sd in water, they will bo taken read- “Tt stung km. 2 tters were arranged f Saad crea perdition seize upon | ¥,0y he Simailect. in _ If he Beene saahives Be wad garpeientn how insigi young Stato visit, and sho perl ae him who waver in his pur-| ae Bah y Bathurst Mi dairy, let. him. put w-emall Part ot ta Pier: asp wher jeithis former employer's | pose.’” Tee, toes baby Was his farm to alfalfa, clover, Pea Peredewith mant Was not-the eu 5 welling and sought his own place of| ‘‘Ament’” responded the’ people, | 70 fF constanily troubied Gots: ea ighomna otc euala for pectin, Gee sting fatal’ abode, ~ nd then, following their leader’s | CONC Pefore igave him Paby’s Own then keep hogs enough to Bees his Yes 2 : see Sunvehieits: Sue to thet foots bits, brt since siving them to Ss NEE ES Mrircnkvmeo= tail: ao ub” CHAPTER 1X: 4 Whers is Gaba?’ asked Uz. Every Select some of the bes “Here,”" returned a powerttt roan, oP hese. tablets al- pi them oa — wheat tit der and then turn neath See still continued to flow | into ence fers, and heavy gong-that hung upon| | “Here, i this Gio. What is it?” the of ern ho rest. thou not see i donjons of the fortifititions sounded| “Gaba,’’ continued Uz, “have you the Bae and seo}heavily upon the air, anne the| had opportunity to pi te =y0' hour of midnight. © The*moon bi ot our business yet?”’ risen high in the wens; and now} “‘Yes, I have gained more than I ed its light in a silvery over } expected. my quarter there are rer. with Bue o his pe the city 6f Tyre. The noise of revel-| OVer 2,000 ready men, and each one 0 the Tyrian as hushed, or, if it broke upor at a moment's notice. wealth nd the air e = it was from © within} 1 have dee carefully: and I know began to grow indolent. ee sustain ealth they became more and loors. es soldiors Papin ent to an cof- more Along tho ir sets and then p| my groun all was quiet. beneath the walls of the a ae ally as piece epplny forth’ by the side of Colds that will Never be Cured Are belng. Contracted Every Day-The Treatment Presorined by an tniaent sedan Author sve ba deere rate “Colds that will never be cured. Action the All is well remember @ newly-contracted cold can, in neglected eer that leads to death—the cold that runs on an 6 but some death from. consumptior ment. It from time to time. But what cheat is.to be chosen from the great in bu: similar pt aration, and have io know from experier to medicines for coughs, colds and similar ailments, you will ary merits which it possesses, and which have be- Important, Point in Treatin: sentence, but you it to be most every case, —the cold tne you can.in the purchase of a piano, a Scarcely = day imilar Siete: etuphasizes the truth ot this ate tis u is added ie by fresh folds umber of remedies ss are RSE Be Soa bicycle or a vin, ft record in the past, apply the reese of time and get the obtain extraordin: ‘Phe sales of large as during the present season. select Dr. Chase’s lleva. the. ar ee evidence that can be produced in verifying the praises of any remedy that has been thor- ‘Turpentine is prized eepecially because of its far-reaching ‘eflects, even and asthma. It is not a mere reilef for coughs, ete pains, tine a, ssa el ans the gen en in soreness Of the lungs av jn-imitation of ortrait and aie much, ts a tox. bey nal ihe Willia ; Brockvit ie Cream Pufls—One ie hot water, 3 cap butter; boil toxsth stirring in jour while boiling. When cool, add 8 ogzs, aetna ers wet, drop by tablespoonfuls on but- tins. Bake 20 minutes in a q Gye: +Be careful ‘not 40 open the door oftener than is necessar. his ure makes 15 pufls. For ES sugar, 1 egg and 4 tablespoons flour. oil as for ly custal and taste. When both t Pp on one sido and all. Penit Pulls—Sitt together 1. pint |° 01 baking powder, $/ then stir In enough et to make a batter quite thick. Put 4 tablespoon batter into 8 until half the batter is used, then-place on it 1 tablespoon Doatnps tt ears or any ind of cann and put i tablespoon batter on the top of tho fruit. Set the cups in a steamer, 20 minu! and serve with sugar and cream rich sauce ot one Gulf of exclusive ° buevs, aud fog signals operated eith- er by steam or clock-w: ing| 21 per cont. roll sane, “Ee hams: and i T, (lard. Don’t eat. fat 7 land Bas £5. Inte {If a part of fof s! 3 bee in Sar ena be dis a Date always of secured in is, way, for it is alw profitable fo rmer to live is inposeile ae secu of meat o 1X tle See: a we for “supp: ee ‘tor jon't ‘forge! FA 8 Miss. Helen rary of 500 books schools at- Horse © the school children gave hor a ee f cent visit t * While” the pop age past persion aS cent, in meen pressed ‘ore, chunce to pick a ficht there was not! explained that e Was wife and fing for me to do but work. I saw ae oe al either give him cage steam oi ‘You blankety a as aliens 0 “I intended to.’ I confounded John. ML Ue NGO 2 ag steam was going to waste, an hung on keep it down. Then I did send her up. I didn’t know. ho: stand and didn't affair, 1k cried, Another minute and retorted, ‘or make pee aes a fot sake down thar ange : jor son, “don't you now fiat Stine a stiff er?” SENDS A STORY. |: ted, trensurer, 22 King Street tant, ‘Toro > se oy Minard's Linlmznt Relievas Neura'gla, Gout is rasely known among working in Irelan Their - |immunity is Hou ught to be aes to the fact that their food consists largely of potatoes. OZODONT to Tooth Powder 25¢ oo cne (to dical student)—| “Mr. Doselets, will you ame the bones of the skull 2” Student Goorin got them all i : rofessor, but I head, pro’ think of the names at the momen: ener ave ee will ba, a universal in-one rentedy, for all ills to which flesh ig beir—the very nacure Inany curatives, being etch Wine “were {20 wermscof other and “ifferent ly di € is ti p- oe ration. The sudden change which| A STURDY FARIER STRICKEN followed was marvellous. WITH RHEUMATISM IS nave, however, in Quinini wen “Square blocks, things in circular CURED BY nopy? S$ KID- ae ate th aveeana areal form, Blass twhblers, and things 6! ‘Y PILL: Sate, @ reniedy for many aud ureviows ils mp bétorpinim af fee finilest sricemearel walesvence When the special- | This Bad That he) gud strength, by the Suede: peitien Que / ask him to name the sh: Was apres it Paralyee wed A Won e's own restorastv cle he would reach| derful Case anda Very Happy FROM FORCE OF HABIT, #but, of course, the physician would|6. (Speci He was able, ‘not let ees touch 1t. som ipeioat to cll the i ei ut T strengthening the healthy [shapes jad names or thin he | happy man indoo aoa fanecions af the exscem, thereb had only oe iheoagt the sense of of ‘ohnston’s appr | activity. a necessary — result, te Hh Itouch. a ata beea | meses panes taking "aeciversaneceseey, neste! Mlnard’s Linlment ant Cures Burns, el, : |colors, Nate PRESET Sexe amienen very remarkable recovery “ihe [to the dizestive organs. which eee Sg es i through the ‘sense “of | most severe case of Rhgimatiom ever |@eomnd ineesmeed, gulscanes Sesuee Na King has had no property in [touch, he was able to name when his | seen in this county fe eerste aan tgs lea iat -seniea venta, plefoaee leyes fell on them forthe, first tim 2 me sg suerea with sigenor Quinine W Ine atthe rasual rate, |OCnog Gleam, Tat gave itt. hie one wrote the speciali $ n He recalled the conversati ile doctor respect) went to t his wife dest ‘beiore he able. e really what could see hot jospital, upon which h he found reached He said he knew woe, ant North Temisoamingue, —At near here lives, Mr. peas Kidney edy he for E on ng he, ao sucl so. easily ste. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure any case of Rheumatism. Cure by This Excellent name. Que the Sougias Bore disposes to $01 nston | }) arts Vigor to the actiod ‘of he Joh who to-day considers himself a very und to be a com- tc ang absolute eure for his mal- ged this wine approaches Tewtest perfection of ill it threatened his life. principle trouble was in his left |#by iu themarker, All druggists sell it. it was so b: t his a ase neck stifiened so that he could scarce-, NAMES OF CLOTHES. was beginning t “ses ne pain would £0) trance Was the Birthplace of ‘any Designations. ait | Some people _oreasionally feel be- Pi i k % + ie articles SE gen pins and needles’ senaniae Seal bear, and will b . ae 2 origin : oe thought thel-perkaps ‘his smoke eee ears Pa with st and fe gave this ui, but re- es from the French word ceived no. benefit at all till he used eae shorten. We have to cor For Ov Over ry ears iecreait aus eemana es wind en, repusica he eared diets ate Shir” Mas uns to : Wise, urrent_ events, wrote : “De Wet is the most chaste man_there is.” Exeellent Reasons exist why Dr ‘Thomas! Heleceie Oil should be wed by ronbled witl aa auony of the tts sore: ate, jure wet tel Tatertally or angled ow wal {Bight million alone of rock-o 4 d2 million tans of coal are pum) bie aug oat 3 year from under the bed: of t impurities in the P] :0d.—When the ac- ts of the kidn ees peeonee. ecuerer tire to mourities in the blood ‘fire almo fellow, aud gener I derangemeyt, of the Pili w the Ride th int Fee con canna healthy prevent the.con ly come when tii ae suderansement of Meer hy. organs, As a restorative these pills are in the first rank. io) which cerbalth: 0° Canada at the buildings tay eat bridge over the St. Lawrence t Montreal. mother RE A COLD ‘Taxe Laxative Bromo Quiniee sTraplets A gengpiata wel refund wwe money it it faite peers ;: ~ : i NO CONSUMPTIVES IN 10 “ene knew te bata Jove they hamed thee Lak.te pre : MOST REMARKABLE CASE. | & 0zO a ont YEARS. pak Re SS : z ; { # aN WHO FIRST SAW LIGHT Statement of Dr, Sohn Ferguson— ik AT FORTY. c ree Consumptive |» 5 Sa ae Ls ; Res Tooth 2 5 Hospital an Hamediats Belper - : moved a dusky figure, with| artisans in my quarter who will not Also Saw His Wife for the First} Powder. slow and steady steps, tow: the | rise agains ir own noble aolgh Time and She Fully Cam The statement of Dr. John Fergu- 7 ahes? eastern part of the city. Soon the bors, but they will not bete io ie eed sor, one well-known . arina: SRE eae [ce as” Oi ac a reesei” | a or Baa ontm jfile cat geal ¢ © same cat-li om, ae an; 3 5 paticnts were properly. isolated and: e e BauEnicr of. and SS ate ing within.the| ~ “Only: 5 Batons Soe cae pie ae a Ree Not Bad for Good Teeth | treated, within ten years from = ¢ Bhi In other parts of the] “Then, brothers, against that we'll baer New Orleans vculist; ulerculosis would be one of the sity’ same. thing appeared. |'raise no objection. I! there’ be a no= a ; Tematgnsetelty aa canes hare aanan | ‘gralont Liquid ase fae Liaw and Ponder se All | rarest of known diseasts,”: ought to Kison Ludim. Along the walls of* tle palace, the|ble who can command the love of CARE OF Cows. bs ieee fire OF eras cou wee: petge2@ | prove an encouraging stimulus™to. ? ‘templ ugh most of the|honest men, then that noble is not é Apfieaces: Bs EL, MONTREAL iriends of the new Free Consumptive f i streets, dim spectres, and |ruch ag thos * Oows-to "hava good. must = a Dousating eects, whici ser ec SS PEA when he wr te thes lines, bat they desc tbe thie del'sious beverage s.ccurately, ree ¢ » f h ag those against ahem we war. |-havo clean, comfortable stables, am fet. to some extent, of least, uie's = towards oi it. Tt th X they et rsh a tee pee te Cee ae foe will-be but | abundance of light, prop(r food, pure = § fliction of living in ness. | he added that she was really prettier. OP i angel oat. gis Soares few such in water, not: ice cold, and some exer- 4 Sam Jones is the ae of a-rather | than he’ had ev: ought she was in cast» vi ay a box of SWEET SONORA ORANGES, orl tare.-Prince’. Phal warleious; With: wealth: ant nee ies 5 en, only). “Uz,"" asked: Aifac, © wWill”G fo; the/volme: By = -adyoen tine ererctse = for : — an ponetory to the efiect thes a| the days of his blindness, and the 2.2 boxes we will make the price $210 per box. ees meine ce trea a ‘Tyre came arrogance ination, and avo ing hee ale ‘ermorer,’ join us, see the dairy cows doubtless many read- man who lost his right 4 n| vision had an ly repaid him for all ince nity patients—and without any le piso ie make her his wile. at length downright cruelty ete southeastern angie of the “Whether pe a re-jcrs will tl I am behi the time. 4 } dent consoled himself with the re) the*pain and expense to which he | charge. THE DAWSON COMMISSION co. Sania TORONTO. e aes ky, says a writer. If I not in a i fection that it was the > ti iat had oye patie under the special- a Ba BLD of Gee i a es: 5 ae a! hurry to ca! up ne my. pine | ‘i he corns’ on tt. r] jaw of | ist’s treatin .jclearly in evidence in the records of Sorat aaa Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, Honey, Apples solic! sf lair; ch ti: nis a gr and ee the Muskoka cottage Sanitarium a x : t the are plier thay sare ing Tie, and imerson’s s uncer te management of the Na |« spgguy rit Shbbers ‘So other Tyro | understand me? ia jolemn ate mtg following tho example of the anan splendid tribute to the principio aia | THE ENGINEER'S FINGER, S C hich are strange,” said Gio, in po-} 1 Gio, Te tas ife by the nce vot the dashing ware who killed the fabled goose. They Rot reach too high d eestck eae caused the Blowing Up of (Under auspice: new F. re TELEGRAPH 3 iliar cadence. **Strato, ht as, Strato, ghoe 2 ada: ‘the people ¢9 an low murmurings of the feed stimulating ods, hou: in “But, speaking of blindness, I Cok: Sunnptive Hospital has been 3 came hither) I met somo of the will not ri breeze that played among the cypress. tee overheated, rly ventilated sta- eal a pian reniariiable ge which a bt oI pui In four years 422 patien USE. TELEPHONE ee anions mel a ‘and they were Fou: vould ae Strato, were you in Doves. ‘To a this spot moved bies, allow no exercise, and, p> i soe ames “ever FARE, benine Zap TS ave been ed and more than to prison two Tyrian iése sceming phantoms of the hour. parently, nev re a thought as to 7 Looe “hast have . or so helped Sp outhinen mao tegen reine crime, joke not, for the one by one they passed through the the effect. such treatmen ak have ane pele Bil ae ae they a go back to work, Bee i PARLOR think you, they had couuiaitted?" meaning fiash- Tove and stood within the shade of ‘upon — their heaith or whether first ber he ere egy {cr ng Aa wife or children dependent | { “T cannot guess.”” He saw ni trees. Ere long a hund their milk-is wholesome or not, ‘The; ine betore ua rid be y | Mpon then E sto AT a | 1 Will tell you, ‘They had beey {What he had never. seen beforo, and them had thus met, and and the wrongs of years are burning |Jmow the cows thus treated produce peste sess jo hd ‘ukeh seas Oapatnah we Hospi very 3 . iator tan usual at their work. Ona ‘too, how plain was tho solu-{ Moonbeams now fall upon their f upon our h more milk at the time than they ‘al is peta in Muskoka, not 7 a of them I knew. He supports by his | 4°" of the problem; We can see that they are all Tyrian| firm, frigh not’ the lion from his Otherwise would and t! id are satis~ from the Muskoka Cotta; age. Rates = re toil an aged mother and sister. They |. “I S¢¢ you understand me,’’ contin-/ artisans and laborers. fair till we are ready to strike; and fe uch treatm auses tho i ium, the two gent ca have | Bee watah C Passing home late ight, ana (ued Gio. after a pause, “but you| For soveral minutes after they were ea be firm enough to SPread of tuberculosis and other dis “li > gona ly borne thie cost. of-con-} ighter” z for this they were thrown into pris- {ave nothing’ to fear; for were “all thus collected not» word was spok- shrink not from his roar. Watch ve 0ases to exter cting the building desiring that | % =a. on. »The king fears’ that a crushed | 0? nobles like you, the peo-| en, but ee they regarded each |OM® another, and iet each feel that} “37 PROPERLY CARED FOR, ith hi ary my aise the sume benefits that have come to| % For SALE BV SRY WHE me People may plot agai , ‘and | Plc would spill the last-drop ne ae other, sionally furtive glano- | the eyes of the other are on him. Ho es that he wonldn’t do me up. If be want ts Muskoka Cottage 4 PEE EEE 14 EEE ‘as another mark of riglty he! blood in their sorvice and defence.” |es were turned buck towards the | Who think of betraying our in tho tall, is ,more her kept hot, ts is her sizaling if virtue of its excel- sive? : aa ad ordered that none of them shall], “But, oh, Gio!” this thing will not | sleeping: elty but. the Fooks and the cause will live not to lisp I ble tien fresh in-the _ spring. tional association of which he was a I had to melt shoul e to the eee “958 ae ne nes Mae OO Lge irs Bac tee TG eat sand spate OF ater es find one of our: brothers. that fo S00r maonthay for ember; aa one of the’ most xemark- ‘Johnson, found. was a man poorer patients shone only, hope: fa, e7 that which covers the lower part : : Pain of deat! ‘These tw chow not,”” returned the freed-| put all eee shrinks trom the work through cow- Grop thelr first, calves and sbie cases in the history of the pro- who had little to say to his Geman. Te ce ‘to the Free Consump- as 0 ert and: the: YP) may die by the, executioners “hand |™mAH,- “but yet I fear that ‘Tyre aCe tangti coeur euaie nears, jee, point him the iron drop thelr second cal fession. ‘The remarkable features of looked like a-man who expected the work tive Hospital. part the bodice, the word Dodice be- Saray Equipment. aor Preparing a scourge tht shall Iashi|ipidaie-aged man, towards whom ‘alt |heel that tramples him in the dus peas Naam ines Vere i the case were found in the ease wi 11 that is wanting now is the fur-|!mg_ the | plural, of AS ie ieee. "Oh, that” as woes, Gio—hore- herself even unto death. Time, how- Siok med, waved his hand in|2"d bid him steel himself to thers EVery heifer should drop a calf % which: the bind ES ene t thin hospital with beds| than one bodice is mostly worn: ‘biel’? eried Str: uddermg ai ever, will reveal it all.” cue. mee more, we are firm ond ‘re She is three years old, though bout in the world 3 lity t aad rhe “ intments. he word “‘gown’’ comes from the} jo mother oan afford to be without picture Sea a a gee: Wega wea young “riatent” pillar croak ste esi? oven. ‘nto pare Wwe end dhohalt yeara is not. tas about in the v , in his ability te nd o:hei 8 appointmen’ Welsh “awn. wat Epa clleadine. Gables’ aac accidents < ‘ " Bs people. {your reason accus mes bout distance and the as of the fireman to keep up steam, ‘jhe National. Sanitarium A: - is 2 . age ne itis horsible; but do you|™#" to Himself, bending his head in Uz would speak to us.” Add Mari hs atone: ss Birection, and in the fact that he bad and he e the steam gauge, I (jen, because of thetr heavy debt, |Zrench word from. “corps,” | he} all ees for cieine, thine’ ‘the scone ends here? No! All| thought. ““The truth comes upo fothers."" said tle, ta’ a low tone; aa responded | Ave shout jone-quartor ot oa able basa: Liv him; Was to keep my eyes on that. I knew are unable to undertake this Part of body, and the dimmmutive - ‘‘ette’’— 250. Druggists or Tyre is ca with such foul |W. Are there movements, Gio, to- hate ahek yet reached all ears,| ‘Now watch for the summons to (ture o cows el Saive, Whe gales Rene OF A Sor and iawily and had acquired [that much myself, but 1 suppos fhe park. aOR the artoge |namely, alittle body. ‘Stays’? ex- aan. Ee TO Gare. : blotches. ‘The _very atmosphere is , W@rdS an insurrection?’ “havi duty?"* Our next meting. and until then the (ioe Giring hay pintee TUNECe.at ten. a ‘SMALL COMPETENC | thought it was nece to tell me. He hearts are touche ihe sing | Press support, from the French word oe ct a m | “Only such as tho King end tho no.) “"Yes,’’ replied they all. gods speed our causo.” onc dpring haying: | Halt. the. “herd 5 si ‘said nothing more to me, and I sai 5 | Nesta.” ‘"Trousseau”’ comes irom] yOUNG. WOMAN —AGED 21— ~ Tenco! Cah such a stato or things lcs are themselves forci tpfaga you lahaiie cateeane As Uz spoke he turned towards the Spould come and re ; He had bought nothing to ne re oe ain pions = eet orrouicted sm marae pee SE ie “trousse,”” a bundle a a a ni cowards the i 3 jt ; ; exist? 1 iS pave rights cat (8. 5 people do rise, it will the poor, oppressed people of ‘Tyre? | ©YPress; grove and pasi hrough, mainder oon after as possib’e. arm. He was aule sweat! ae nee at 31, ee petted Sea no hee cece a just came into possession well as the nobles and the king, and most sree rf “No, one,” responded the| One after another the others followed lich cows went feed and shletor not ‘ et saree work, "““ti-sat on his box, with bis hand on contributta £50, ond novtime will be | Word, derived from, the, Teclandic | $14,000—wishes to correspond with ach -alike shot @ some. pur lay wert such a fate’ er a ee ee A thet “ooking ont of the window, $2,910, or ne og eee core off “hsa.”” ““Stoce" is the Anglo-Saxon. fens intelligent man,2who would) pose. - Fro Ragnar boats ane our ni thi ‘he pone ‘would: ‘Them’ ounccmicl rulers. dial tall J ae ood after the first t growth. m ers My oud Jor stocking, whic! sa tri dd ~ throne to the veriest heggar in tha P¢ terriblel’? Look at. our homes, if homes you I GORE ES We pede mepee’ ane imenatigines Hao i 8 ney ies - r”? appreciate a good wife. Box a5sh treet, ll, all must serve something, “Not o than the present as- can call them, and tell mo what ye ked their feet hares one mic October q 0. the home of y back and i ed and shoveled | Ts not the suggestion a timely one | the French word, GradtD.eintoes and all, too, are fashioned at Peck, of our horizon. POEL Hem ienate Re neers earnings Re Ate Oe ae hee \ cae: tains aenvanorelei aa indicator on the opening of a new year? The | tray . 3 Of the God of ail gous, YOu that foul brawling?” Ler our Raaule sivcn pees: © cows not nearly dry. Scon after a ‘ten called his S was creeping aro dial, pleasures the reason It bel nek HAPPY SAVAGES. ‘end manhood mii do ani “"Yos,”* urned Strat ho “are not our wived:undechildren atarv- of the conn ber the first, “Cepending on \ around him at night with his hun- and about ime I thought bad steam heighte: an easurable de- e iho Sb 1600 fest. If the subjec Caprae ds’ of loud votces in high dis- ing for the want of the proceeds dn, ae ae Ce ieee ig ‘s horn and would plunge into the- enongh a pres by the thought that oae's gifts | ty. Bocket being only a lit Dee Cae ae rae ee eMipen petiic iaciee aust cord were borne alotig-upon the night those earnings? are we not forced| ‘Those ron Cee cu dk ee as very heart of the forest on a coon straighten np for ns have Beem’ of the Kini te Rep. “ogee yuerted in ne tee once chaviae i Ae ike brutes, then why were to. support. x. government that. only [As they alfently threaded their way! to tod ond chatter dane Cone hunt of Jom: chose, and No never x Sond © eho Late ‘mst, peoding Delp cera We derive -patonaise purrteebetiotienetiat ede ated with ho; .d “fears, - “Wout ras be terrible to bare such gives us misery and degredation? But ipa their hearts were burning with a“ the es sesh ly enough in perienced any troubles in getting throtti s finger pointing at the consumptives i ehiotel everyday life and anv Fe “i ' igtit on eee erenir Ace. whieh ino vith @ the fall. They let their cows sub- a back home cither. ye he could dial... was getting mad, can work doubtless the Bt, “*pelisse”” opie for several years, pronounces lacker still is the nights that | bere eae ac Noa oa Saree sist on scanty, © frosted pasture and 4 not tell where the moss mi the like blazes whe Me wife and children seeds Hichows a very intellectual race, cht peepoa. Chena tr 2 ui th from to say som T ‘ores of the blessings ehhoka h many of them sou dwell in en ublic |tandly forth! aa ie Z ‘ oe, he knew intuitively nor “ amet ot iar Macintosh is. fhe name of i ‘at RS eos inuealie HAS vecithehe insheaicithar © ‘To be Continued, ‘.D WINDS AND RAINS, 4 south an 8 got home, even ae whipped him Hatt es and jolne wie: eee to a gat ipa" | inventor, oi rela”? taf irom | caves like Bete, fort Soka ee, : peer C0 u8 See ee Rote alah tepon Cole : He ee eee eet Salt thi Ft ees dalaak solve cine’ ol liatae a Meredl © Outen oueties, 0), eee mane Shade. lead a very” hay tistence, and of fi i himself. e fact is that he exper-j in’ nn » Chief 4 , pee ee qoueh. een he. are gare im rh Sat : sped hing a av ‘oronto; uu: many of the tribes a hight Fr {ised connteien, ‘are “mono- gamists. and many of the worst forma of disease They hold. their r iand ong tl in common and their boat is Indian corn and beans. Mineri’s Liniment Cures Dandi, Gisdias eas What lovers swear—To be true until death.; What husbands swear Unit for publication. Fon me i ‘Bre caine Retires ta << Bae dey: NO ure, No Var- Price #8 ecute, Has anyone ever noticed in playing cards that a good deal depends on a goo! Mild in Their Action—Parmelee’s Vet etable Pills are very mild in their action. iey do not cause xriping in the stomach cause disturbances there as so many ost detiente to children. ties bee foley. carefully ‘eithout imposing the penal- the use of pills nov so She—‘T will never marry a whose fortune has not at ive ciphers in it.” He (tipsy) “Oh, darling | Mine is all cip TAKE NOTICE: We publish simple, \ straight testi- oni not agent’s inter cedt Wont eu ender epeamnes Fi Nl over America they testily. the merits of MINARD’S LENE MENT): the’ ert. off Household “Rens ies. see the English law provides for Sire ee ae 95 per cent. of all the sugar made was’ from sugar-cane. | To-day only 34 per cent of the total product is from can eye ek, Minard’s Liniment for sale everyabere suits -who often finds ‘The wife of a fever fia sadition 6: We will give One Hundred Do=. | case of Deatness. (cat 2 red. by of labour bodies it ane! them of the privilege of ;in- corporation. Deafness Cannot be Cured Ee Jocal aprlisations, as the} eed i portion of thee out Total remodion Detnne inflamed cond! jon of tho mugons as ot ae aa a ate ‘arambling fect. eating, aud when it 1 deafness is the result any waxed by cat rin hateam oe ‘fall's Catarrh Curn. Send 'B. J. CHENEY & 00, Toledo, 0, — Dra Ste. HRAHSmig Pus ase the bens