—_ A 7 ea WARRIAGE LICENSES 5. @ GROsCH. Srrierty CONFIDENTIAL, Che “It Shines For All.” Vol XI—No 8 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0O., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1902 WALCOLM Shae! Editerand Pr The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County erth. It is the Best fhiseruiiie Mlediuin.” Rates reasonable. Subscription $1 per year, strictly inadvance. $1.50 if hot 86 paid, —=M, MacBsrs, PUntasHER, ADVERTISING RATES, space, | Year. |6io. | 3 mo. | 1 mo. ‘One column,.|$30 00/830 00) $16 00} $6 00 Half colum 00, 16 00; 9-00) 4.50 Quarter eol-.| 16-00! 9 00, 6 00} 3 50 Rigath cot.,| 10-00| 6 00; 300] 200 Une ineh 5 00| 3.00} 200] 1 nsient Advertisements are charged ae. per Tine, nonpariel, for he firs insertion, and $e. per line for each sue- sessive insertic Banking. R. RANNEY & ar a ae aE Berapiasen A geveral banking bus RSs transacted. Deposits rec Surrent rates of interest allowed &. RANNEY & CO., Milverton "Medieat iieerton, Ont, 2 wits Poole, Brunner, in rear Telephon tiv Latheran rChacoh aad’ Rosteck. tor, Solicitor, Ete. Wm. Burton's Regain Enea ialty. Hours 9a. m. U Fink belver Bros. hardware Die - sure, Milserca ton, form ewtoal Grad: vio Veterinary College foto to.) so soot: dacesnicase aie Hecate all dis Galls by ‘atepbnas or otherwise promptly attended — to. ry in. connection. First class horses and -tigs transfer. Commercial driving = Visiting “brethren ¥ Ww. ae ge R.; Barth, Recording Secretary. re IL 0. 0. F., “Silver Star Lovige;” Bie. 202, Milverton, i ialldiog z in. in thelr hall> post offs bul kim Vis en always welcome. Spencer, N.G.; W. K. Loth, RS. Business Cards W. D. IR, Aactioueor for the es tore, Main street, Biilverton. DORLAND’S. BUS. LIN! ton. Seat alter: Alt Sileako and travellers calls promptly attended to, ’m, Dorland, Maple St., Proprie Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Branuer. Ont, Job Gropp, Pzopristor. Best liquors and cigars at the bar. First-class accommoda- tion and ie stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. st-cluss ‘accommodation f travelers and others, Three large-ssmple rooms. etabling. — Best Is vi liquors and cigars. S. W.-corner 6f Main scorn and Mill streets, C. Hassnpug, Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTSL, Milverton. Out, The at accommodation for commercial trav: paw be Some Bart Rose, prop. Paes AGelar Posts, Shingles, Pumps, etc. aoeee Patriotic exercise books, scribbling books, schoul text books and all sup plies for the school room. Agent for wall maps and all felon [Sept Jas. Torrance, Mil 4 “| raise the window a neg, |22¢tor for srorth, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. "i Gorse XontH, Gorse sours. Mixed 9:25 a.m Mixed Express Mixed Mixed .. 00 p.m Gout bi 8:45 p.m LOCAL NEWS. Men’s overcoats at cost at EH. Dierlamm’s. Mr, “David ur ace day or two in Toronto eek, Mr. Fred a of Walkerton, is at present actending the funeral of his father, There wil be no service held in the Methodist church next Sunday even- ing. A Reuben in ae car will always look out ie the train stops. Treat a man well-and he forgets it at once, but do bias a mean turn’ and zo will never forget you We can betgly realize that. the name of Hartmier will longer be grad- prefixed by the amgic: word “Chief.” ce O, how are the mighty fallen Miss White will re-open her music clase on Monday, Jan. 20th. Where children are sent for tuition an inter- view with the parents is raid ed. concluded: his hon he is pe is week meetiugs av Ziun church, Wellesley A meeting wiil be hel 1a in ley base- meut ot the - meeting Dr, Ebert, assiste Atwood, on Jan. 7th, pe an operatin on Mrs. Cornelius Balls, of Elna, for the purpose of reinosing a A Phe operation was success d by Dr Kidd of z a tumor. fully performed and the patient is Vi doing well. W. D. Lang! Mr. G. F. Maitland will be in his Milverton studio on Friday, Jan. 24th. e will have on of the enlargements which he Has giving away free. Thos ready gotten them are. highly we are still twelve = given way. Don’t iiss this offer jadie: an jay -evening of last week in his side splitting °That Dainty Widow. their Tabs very for its sirengih vpon the play de- Miss humorist, who, fe his facial con- tortions, afforded considerable fun for the audience.” The wie playing of Miss Stantonne was best ever heard in Milverton. Though the play lacked’ a plot it was very funny and tock immensely with the audience. Men’s underwear at a big reduction t E. H. Dierlamo’s. (Another of the vld pioneers of Mornington, beneath whose stird stroke the givats of the forest fell, assed tu*his reward on Sunday night in the-person of the late James Me- Cloy, sr. McCloy b Mr. MeC! Shey was wm native of the county of ’Derry, Ireland, and w born in the year 1816. He emigrated of Ogdensburg, New. York, when he set out for the west and settled in Morvington which was then a wilder asthe father of eleven child en, seven of whom survive him, John on dargely Friday | Has on exhibition a oumber | Rev. Mr. Hiatt appeared in Milverton on |" eil Burton, the | ' The 3 pet Perth: Farmers’ patient will s{ town on Jan . | Sey. rs, =Ciniionn 's address Ww. eke for. begs wd ils ©. R. Gon. The - | trell, Ladies’ ee, ane Blase at a sacrifice at E. H. Di The question sometimes arises, ‘can & man be a Christian and remain in the church ? Mr, Sanford Barton of Stratford, is t present. spending @ week or tw ea his mother. A very pleasant time was spent the social given at the rectory Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilkins of Wood. stock, spent a te days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. Dacklow. The next of the series of socials. by Christ church, will be hel He at Mr J. ; Hamilton’s on Feb, on A pation of all those ee the recent “egg” case will be held in Groseb’s hare Friday Saniiee Miss D. Snelgrove will. demonstrate captiel blend coffee on Davey Friday and Saturday at EH: D: lanim’s. r. James Torrance left’ on Wed- ae toattend the director's meet iug of the Berlin Mutual Fire Insut- ance Co. at Toronto. Mr. Austin Hasenpflog, who has for sowe tine been employ tock, returned to Mily aay: and will join his brother fasenpflug of this place, in business. adies' far jackets at and below cost fur 3 weeks at BE, H. Dierlamn’s Anniyersary services will be held in Burns chareh, Milverton, on Stang, moraing and eveniag: Rev. W. *|Johnstoa of ischene, will Nothing will ruin a man as quickly couceit. fe - |always ready to lend a hand to anyone s8 Lenore trie ix spending a Ww ies at Mrs. White's. Miss Gertrude bee of Stratford, graduate of Hamilton. College \of Music, and Canadian College of Music, ‘Ottawa, is prepared to give: lessons in terme tay meet her at the residence f Mr. James Torrance on the above paige! day. ‘ARM FOR SALE= That saleable parce} of land Kopi neta 36, con 12, Elma, containing 100 acres. the place is'a large solid brick bore: barr 60 x 84 with stone poser brick and cement ante tors lar pig pen and di goor patie: farm Rieti ea oe well fenced. Appl Tos. P. Rog, /, ilverton. | Yon Thorsday last Mr. Jas. Kerr, a with a com- which gradually at surely bicaghe about his dissolu- aoe t freisshire, Scot! ja between 25 and 30 years ago and for w number of years along with his i Rare wad pederoue ta a ania wk in trouble or difficulty, Though he was outspoken he hud@many friends who regret his demise very much. He always took a great interest in the “kirk” aud the Oddfellows Lodge of which he was a valued member- Though no relatives were pear him during his sickness he was: patiently waited on and everything done sa? preach. Miss Watson of Stratford, will aid-the choir in the-sung: servi . formerly conducted by Miss sidge, on’ Jan, 29uh.7 A oot cited, YThe officers for the t Bi, . E| im ior chine he Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist mesiled on CMaay wud wens ae Milverion, will hold a Pink followes: Clerk, Julin. Watson’; trens.4 White Social in the chureh } parlors gee Gatee. Woe beed iday evening, Jan, 24th, 1 collector areaouth: Ac Tanner eal om 6 WS o'clock, after which oe program will. begin. — One of the pleasing features will be music from a * ae tchen Urensil Orchestra.” Admission 15e Everybody” welcome. T. J. Snowdon, pastor. Special cut in winter goods. aaron the January clearance sale at Dierlamm’s. ot Brandon, in tion to the Su: The weather here has been elegant this winter. 1 merchants complain o£ eoRections “be ing slow owing te the whens blockade. Ie will take the cailways all sammer to clear the elevators. By seed in, Or tather-the liquor bill, is issue bere; the temperance “eee will mi vincial election before eae biek wall mean either dry or wet ot see Joe McIntyre occassionally. anice plant and is doing ® Tusrative ness, He has every appearance of fone nis sleek and pi ees supplementary mi of the be held at Rostock on Jan. 4th, Monk- ton on Jan 5th, Atwood up Jan. 6th, Millbank on Jan. 7th and- Gowans- 8th. ‘The programme for the afternoon. will Lacs follows : President’s address by A. Demp Seeds ; seed grain and_ seeding ; pruning the orchard ; crop failures and how to avoid them by W. NL Se Southend, Oaw > preparation poultry for home and foreign -market to be shown by illustration by Mr R. Cottrell, Mil raged butter making ; t Allister, Covent Breving session try. eee the . ery WwW. S| library board; Hen at 7.3 It to have ‘a pro-| Ps He has | to soon regetable garden De ‘Wace Helen Me-| the alert an to his comfort. He wa: laid to rest in ie Presbyterian cane on Saturday afternoon, the fietal | telag in charge of the Odd- fellow: _ Milverton Council. this rton council elect met Milve am. in Grosch's hall, ree the follow irg gentlemen tock a an i Niam? Zin: mann, reeve ; David Smith, pon Samuel & Grosch re ‘Malcolm Mae. Dr, Naismith, member of local board of bealtl eet os es slopes sremgee Jan. 20th, W, D. War, Clerk CEES ILERVILLE. iss Mary Doering, of p eseebis is spending a few days with b rae Ferdinan archased a rs. Wilso eS the oe: fist at pienent but. we Phebe D see engin around agai Prost, of Of Bebuugville, is journii ning at hom T. st Stricker pe s present mate: for a fine brick summ. a fine young man and it is sane that he intends to get the bird ere long. What the people are saying: that GJ. is fall of og: sleigh loads of youn; pedple of | trom this borg attended thes Mr. Willis’ Buchannan’s to BSlver- ton last si ied Coxson and Cockwell. Some were o: and took in the concert arat ‘aud thus were weveive (ae of both. to nesday afternoon and the funeral was atterided. ; ‘ing Milverton, Jan. 13, 1902. |% ertcher, Jacob Bundstho, _ and Rudolph Miller, councillors. bs }e appointment of officers was then proce: with as follows:— .D. Weir, ae . J. Ranney, treasurer ; hcer, assessor 5 Geo. Leavin, ‘who oars D haswre it pieces, ‘Fie great an ie of fine Fomber a it and is valeeear ic regain, bo: NEWTON. hhweitzer. F Broo. are busily engagell oeiveds ti at the woollén will. =z races je pt present s ostegg nso Bisa rd Business Colle ei" jam Hawke connie’ a osition i a the Lista al ba factory. é vel ecess Billy, 's Inn. f r, D. Ross da anghior Edith are at a: visiting frie , Mr. Phoei as MeDonald is busily 38 g stone for the wall of ae, fale een ay. r. Roddie Jack aa sa ‘of spent a anes as es oot i saw and ni ing it is. all the = at it Some eof our boys tio Mr. ee ‘oseph Geis gpa oe Sree gtk OR orks ‘ udarcasen & quite a re alan Tdtenes ee on Mot aay aftern n, subject, “Good atte Making.” Vv Mr. Henry ‘Hartuier, re is at sent a Messrs, Hi Mi shipped’ a fine load of hogs on Tonenye ee MONKTON. © < What the people are saephe de thie strong opposition 5 vont fae eh the winter army of 8.0. new Dur holiday entertainments are over dancing parties take their place 5 thas - | doing sorsething ; that the Rs long and short dull days, bi still shines—The Milverton” Soe r, and Mrs, Gilbert T. McKenzie - returned on Friday last to their hons at Cutler, after spending-a month with their parents and frien nity. kom . The annual meeting. of Knox church: will be held in the church on Thars- m5 at 2.30 a ‘congregational meeting will be beld. All members _ are requested to atteud. sr Mr. R. Sikes and sister, from near Mitchell, sae 41 on Sanday. On ay evening of las # load of young people =a Hee jends in. My sh pen 28, Social and dancing, Bes the night. soon ay, after ue a dainty aan lunch ned to cheir homes, tired, ee a am H. Merryfield ih issue . on] the marriage license, while any of the residental ministers will be sleet to” ae the knot. rs Jax. art has returned. oie tk WMoube Forest, where been visiting ber mother, ‘The many friends of Mrs. ug: sins will be grieved to hear that she thas ‘attack of sed to say ab the ‘is considerible better icin’ day last ant By about. 9 @.m.on urday gave us a taste a regal Northwest blizearsi, consequently thé sideroad in plates are almist: blocked. Our brick aud ‘tile yards are. busy laying in their *opply of weod for the we! ste trick and tile, which is oe to all quirters of the county of P, ‘Say, Milverton has the agen waking to the tae that #% wants an electric ra ft and is situated $ret