Milverton Sun, 16 Jan 1902, p. 3

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Mr. TORRANCE ADDRESSES RaTE- PAYERS OF ONS OR Mr, Tastien Werenee County Com: thissioner for district no. } Ruinber of the rate] of M area ee Baeton cn Honaay oa th the poe aan toward: Pony of Se was set on fire “by a ieee on the ates of the company wt be : our own forlens saint eis them over for fin! adjadiction to a tribuaal nothing. less |i than those _ which she coospiatiaial rs “the called in Seece shall be nppealable from fs Reet courts, “We hope} iapent’ will abake jevening al J goals ws 4. ertion of: mae nt provi 2 Aameti was to the ince 3 ° at th ay outset mounced that h - he sonaidored byte ate petith Tegard! to the desirability of ere coul two | Spinions Sn Ontario the prednets of of a fhongh ved fin the past te Prousnt than the: Hime 1D years preceding the province of Ontario had ee nd $11,000,000 in Beatie laser aod the results were bot | mac ry. du the ten years preceding '98 the town- abip had spent $33,889 in a satisfactory than Rov it Mr. Torrance said t emi AparcaEeen ROGNat ee to one-third of the cost, provided that carried. on under the sioner. then bronght.. the wf ‘teen | townships.were valuateddo fe Torrance had secuelocied | 8 little. lowance..te; giveroam for) pignts antages to be gained. bai ‘ead ae would s: = jouer: os the fake “it would be - yartion larly ne es oi the that - Rtas easly winter when. ss faxes to,haunt the fence corners for ane see ake not, be so. muah ate sts 0%, for sleighini e ‘would |= also be rae ee inter -avill zemove the cause. the land has dailya.list of sigs «seats which would ry. play..wagsiu: ber of the Stratford. team Your Overcoat Here | Institute held at Milverton. : SS ~ G0oe ADDRESSES AND A Lange “« Riggint isy he Neck.”” That is the place it must’ b = ‘collar or shoulder must fit or the We ask you to call and gct one You will find our Suits one changes of of method In agrivl ic different trom the ordinary meant oa al in aline with: Spe Jaws it ee rite Ba apply the icniet Warm and Bry If not come in and see our stock of Warm Shoes We have acomplete stock of Socks and s| Rubbers, come in. and see our La it should be | 28 Possi ork put on ald given ae or ‘three lane if possible (|Rubbers and se | gull be lanier "tere would be| ithe. cash the Fesblts would he thought 2" eee Wali S would he thoug of Trunks and’ Valises oD to the purpose of is was cay muuch gor conditions laid down by the govern- Sac n choo: at te BS y G. Grosch & Son te Marriage Licenses Issued, ss COW TIES « « prices on Cattle Chains forthe next tw weeks, to ee ous slates stock of best Steel aoe Atlarge-assortment of best BAILEY: BUTCHER KNIVES ust received.i Réallythe best knife on the market: “| All are warranted. Try one,.if not satisfactory. in every way: e | hills and rows a jae a little tbloker con come Pretty wall paved ead tinrdened sihert Che bestente: bee beginning to he WINNIPEG HEATERS. Guaranteed to heat any room, np or down stairs, as_ warm as any stove or furnace, and ee any fuel. FINKBEINER BROS. Two of the piaapel points touch- . upon were the See st time to culfi. ie dieas very pues of the imo of Birds of. [- | aD. should get credit for killing ae cut in moderate oes * should tival ails i (aes its Ss mach, mo} E De hoes Catarrhal Pow deem One for. ‘bees. et have ave along dtstanos £0 “ the cow been re; esas in the Pro-|draw the they in , early of Quolics sibienioe com aoe draw.-the gravel. 20 ne os the, courte of this et aki Ss ane, a in Maite: for we shoo and id while sya which should be frou the Ameri gen ibe clase, the Piywouth Hock and Wypn- ore ae “ae the Droit cf mae should be REDE iueth is NE, Te < aod plenty of freab water eather. a Mr, Cottrell gave oa iaesetiorr tall nd. oa mio cane from the SE imeot fol hie i these little aes They z Some dulged in with Haile that a yet | positively ae Feed Biliousn Special nvitation To the Ladies of Milverton and surrounding country to visit our store on THURSDAY, FRIDAY | Re: and SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 17, and 18, WHEN Miss D. Snelgrove |v will demonstrate Capital Biend Goffee. Tf you wish to try a good Coffee visit our store on above date. E. H. Bierilamm Your account for rgo1 is ready, a settlement|x will greatly oblige. EGGS per-dozen 21¢, BUTTER 15. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1902. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURSES Baden’s beet ome tactory now looks like a sure thin Senator Prowe of Prince Edward Taland is deat The Mitchell fair wilk be hekkon Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 23rd and 24th. Mr. Gilbert Park pole to ae a free ee Y aie at: Belle Fohn Roach: of Napanee Bank rubbery fame, died’ of abscess in| the Royal Victoria Hospital; ete een 400 ar 500 ne sanipots in Ontario me now they are continually increasing in nob wieite woman in Stepher capiahig has spread” small-pox ig breaking away from a Sein house and going araund p There are several aes pare girls in domestic service with dian families throughout Saniicla! ‘They make good servants, are bidduble and readily learn the English language and. castonis, At nt meeting of tke St. Louis Medical Seolery, Wm. Porter, A. -M., pliveulanint-elinrae ok thee! Be it Thomas Lipton'has ‘ordered an Si other eup yacht. from: Mr. “Fife. She will be named Shumrock T ‘The Prince Edward Island probibi ee hus been pronounced.,-ultra vires by the Provincial Supreme Court. ‘There are now four vacancies im the Senate, aud when they are filled the H word y a notion of the fi se will Ge of 18 Conwbrvatsueu| Wifeh tes eiltared erties andl weitens, and 38 ibe vente: before its German readers, British soldies are A number of the Je ae et obbing the dead; Mr. vacates advertising patrons withdrew | Chamberlain's state conch is depicted 3 = cart laden with skeletons, an their support ones the recent a King Edward is shown dead drunk: in aries pes pee ae h d-room, receiviag the- news.of ‘Advocate Rex ‘Billed tefr place wich Cronje’s surrender. But the crowning? new advertisements from ee iece is a cartoon,” enti rendering wbe boycout meffectiv 01 then a les, Queer fistoria and the Prince Ex-Mayor Davis of Mitchell, has] of Wales standing, with the young throngh be olen Mr. Jobn Iding- | princesses by ber sice, is decorating a youthful soldier. ‘The legend under- ton, K.C., of Stratford, served the four sna councillors with a notice to appeae in Judge's chambers t Stratford, on Jan. 23rd, and plead gabe charge usurping their elec: tion as mayor and councillors, BRUNBER: * Bening of last weak, has large number of the young people gathered and spent.a most ‘enjoyable tine in "| dancing oe amusements. a of young A cow eople TroeBeverat passed through: our town on-Monday evening to at- ner gue ee red Sass’; neat ieee eS A Lutheran Conference. -| _ A district aie of phew ecttrn :| Ontario Lutheran church, Syn of living in the United sae vrould die! Las of cousuniption It was stated by Mr. Newman at the-Winrton nomination that five of lies, aed still pay the nigh taxes. in this case is a taxx on in- 2 is a; GC. Rounds D. Lochner, Wellesley: J. @. sf ‘ th "i Ya Tavistock | W. Weinbach, Seb- he ‘ingville, ee "says ee tied rch jJoha oo pay rf Whietniceres is ove of the most fertile. Is for fields under the sun for soe as fering. For fiveyears Twas.a machines with gambling devices will hi Some time ago the License Depa if ment instructed their inspector Wind pda ;| NEW ARRIVALS for alustry edulis the men who are little or no be: to the community; and whose mo: ey is lems 80, escaper with. ont-paying uu honest share. cea est ica of a of snpintensosifecing and constant |. . 6 bottles of South ly opted me,""246 Sold-by Jaw. Torrance. For “Run-down” People there's nothing known in medical eee today jive and certain of a a” magical in its building up por American Nervine, because it serikes at te root of all nervous ailments, the digestiv organs, makes rich red blood, drives away emaciation, puts on @ sh and mak ysical wrecks-generaily,. —— Sold ah Jas. Torrance. The Ontario» License Department has RS, that the “use of slot pave to cease being operated in hotels. redeemed by the bartender. Two charges were brought against the makers of the new uachines, and by a qadement just received by the License Department they «re declared to be |SzrneR—At tenes on tes 4th, the * ife legal, port of &.8. No. 8, Morning- ton, for December. cal, following is ig the echool_ renort the wonth of December: Edna Coulter, Seott *Coul iter. ae ant bre ae , Moraingign, on ue 30m, = ae ; wife of reo. Kerr, of a On) $5 a A ssuranee {jo., “Thereby tty ‘the rape that. ores this date onw: sponsible for any debts contracted. STRAYED RAM. ae stan came outO SHORE By of Joseph Taylor, lot 18, con. 16, ice, about Nov. 10th. Res is re- quested to prove prope! pay ex- eenees and take the Sole Away. THE. Dominion [ite of Mr. D. Seiler, of a son, Su tomdnaton? onaten: ee te wife of Mr. Isaac Reid, he Head Office, - Waterloo, Ont. Minnie Go ek 8rd, Has N Kenr—At Mileerionc: én ‘Thersday,|-. - PROGRESS IN 1900.. (Walter Bene and Florence Coulte Wy |e dan. athe: Janes Ker. aped 56 i 2 aie find iis Gone | Sons Core splendid pos zat Ge | Babies aioware, space eee ipaton oasundays eaitys ‘progress Ba om ain oatister’| Jan, 19th, Jaues MoCioy, s. ALRNet orne Taylor, Wallace Gibson, Gideon | aged 85 years and 20 di Cae ere see ee BO) £3 4400,000 bed Elsie Coulter, dass aaant apited from SUN eee tac tanley Brunton, Short Stories . Retold. ean FE eer Pp Cap a jBustell Beeas, ee ; nite bave eee SF ahold tineinese oi farron, Eva| When Sidney Smit Smith was rector of a per cent. . Reserve dard— ‘ageler, Pred Cox-| parish” in Yorkshire he found a Re than Government . require- Part 2nd, (Melville Kerr and Sarah | vestry were discussin; riety Axons | Moaniater.» ‘Part Ist, Roy Beggs, | of paving uae Heres forthe cared a eae inaseara sees é | “fen MeaiNee |e re a ce with woode: s ies ram Or poe pe German Anglophobia. \ The Londén Times, in a series of articles is dealing with the literature ° #416,897 to rss and means, however, ("Gontlewen.” |" all forme of regular 6 sound jife and 3 Will all all. put your’ heads together, | endowment assurance asthe saying is. the'thing can be ac- complished without mu difficulty. sis Ofties for partic eal of Se matans Ree ways We have oe tee | are any of our aese Se Head Z of German ind the char- mer of the anti-British cartoons, the names of Bersons disting aished in literary and urtistie of Ger- surely: technical bees ny. sean enioe the pape ris an art pro- duction, but it is: djMeult to fea heath yes textually aan English youngest: Oldier do the British army wii cle Victoria Cross, because, elthour ready 01 30 Days Clearing Belo: Stock. must be reduced to make room for Spring Goods. Bt 0 2 re $14.00 Af we $13.00 “ 8) They go quick; the sooner you come the ae choice you haye. ber we have no ap) doing work. We employ. ~ nothing-but journeymen and your work will be guaranteed. E. Rocehel Hew Year’s ‘A Complete Line: of Ladies’ Gold Fillea Watches - Ladies’ -Gotd Guards = Ladies’ Silver Watches Ladies’, Gold. Necklets - Ladies™GoidRings--with any kind of Stono-you want, Ladies’rocketBooks and Purses LadiesDiantond Rings Gent’s Goid’ind-Silver Watches Gent's TwesPocket Chains: : RemembérI make a Spe- cal cut on-everything that is mentioned abdve and every- thing is-guaranteeds : Rockers, Easels, Pictures and Fancy ; Mouldings. , DURINGcee ee ~ The next few-weeks we will oie bdrm in. Rigi ~ ture, We have'on hand anumber of elegant BEDROOM SUITS _ which will be disposed of cheap. Take-asleok at our. SIDEBOARDS eee they are great value, and for style and finish cannot _— be excelled. Our ~ : EXTENSION TABLES are very handsome. We also have on hand number of

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