ar os rs 3 % eS Ks Sash is oT es : oN a bs Ga 2 = < Te looks as if the President, would|iho leave the older settleme es . or NEWS. [ ; EMS. Mais neett e seaeat (otaeat line oresnopt nena moins oe ean agata | warns municipal the Bro ood. of Locomotive Fi a Retreat Gada aces oe: ue. to mee that the securities given “Who wants me?’’ EPILEPSY CUR ABLG eect tees Gunter in stasfaliee thats they con dpa cimexesion |e municipal treasurers are valid. beoee fs : tion on Ellis Island.” Pecotentticn Siihin’ @ueciien Goat: acer inne that in many it the > 4 Often Leads to Serious Trouble ‘mmed.a' : elegraphic Briefs From All aries: 2 1 heed el acts ar rear peep — © 3 The eless -Srprape Rtepe se feet oo A DISEASE THAT HAS YONG ae or outlawed b; = 4 S en to Check it—l This su tr Over the Globe. |, GENERAL. ore tequate caro and maintenance ion of time. y the eflux- | Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc 3 ¢ Ee < < Bist be Dene, ee se ett nah | BAFFLED MEDICAL SEILL, = : z Kaiser is fokine, steps to pre-|en th NERA REISS iy c ra < arina 2 i 3 le that ii dvor, Shien et, Re : oo font cueliog. eigegcs,tho attention of the Govers-l: ‘RESULTS OF TRIAL PLOT. Soe Sars 2 e ¢ Daughter of = tute on ee ann Oisact tered an ME. 3 A. Gauthier, of Bucling- CANADA. French revenu3 last year fell off}for 150 patients has been furnished — 4 ° r) oS sjhood, and w prompt measur ang.r as he saw this| fata, os es His Experience for onfon had 607 transfers of real $28,000,000. by the stmpletion of the new asylum | Bulletin’ Issued “for Guidance offwact take ne en 2 bs 3 Kison Ludim are taken to control it the result is @ «uickly darting for- g/Benefit of Other Suifer estate ‘years Soci insane asylums are shame-| bet wines at Cobourg. This will re- Farmers. Subtest better tox: 2 a often very serious. 1t prevents the a 2 ie and os ie oes eae Ir ane he es ve Legit lully overcrowded. lieve, for the time. being, tle exist- mae ere Sage No. 2 proper growth of the. child id to push op-n the door, bu! alady. aot ore ee en OE aes uel workers’ strike at Bar Ing congestion of the asylums of the| Samide direc rer oeai {dla on low indlght to New ene, and eakens: a eae es eee | B ham, Que, celona has.been se! Province, but I fear you wil of experimental on low freight to New York, and is unable = resist ses Eres to Abal, From the Post, Buckingham, Que. pete at ‘Ottawa cay year a8, again called upon, at di arms, ared a bulletin giv- |} pring at 75 7 eas’ . has e Fortunate- oor f..8 wns’ 2.78 per cent. while the death|- The s eee ae to be adopt-|perio, to consider. the advisabliity | ue, the Tesults of a large number fanitoba wheat steady. No. 1 hard By US PRECEDING #57 He's gue, ae) 2 Ty however, the wreuble is. one that | “at Lose eae Tock upon| We 3.0 ete oY tec: te was 2.444. Boe railways, of malirg further provision: tor pe ipenis eich have, Deuce sold at 8c all rail, Si oH co @.”* : is easily controlled. Pi food- eid zane Gahabitants few busi ac-lhucted at all ies dle, Vise Seay eae ML : Si ia;enalty. commolediy, Ero per. Teor |e: better known than Mr: 107 jail reports show 81 81) will havea fine exhibit at of increas’ z hewPes experimental fa: nia; No. 1 Northern at 85c, and No. a 8, a e—cscaped!”” not <>» much, but absolutely pu: ‘Then ve me the key.” a 4 _ prisoners committed during the last’ the ieee Louis Exhibition. ee of thie afictea class: Spee uta the season of 1901 with oats, {2 Northern at 82c all rail,’ via Sar mea Ae We Js juueeon | Gio escaped!” plenty of fresh airs and Baby's ‘Own | “Gio hes x tA: Gauthier, ihe anne siete = ‘ged pees ‘Phe Salvation ton Army in F palace nats ‘TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Ber Sie acts, panes: sodian pie Prices are 1c lowor via one ne J s . He is inde.d." fPablets, freely administered accord-| The a to n ‘nomea to pose eo Leta st: fain str jam, of Belleville, ik recognition under’ I am glad to ii thi = “ 5, Carrots, sugar) Sey: age “9 by ali the gods of both ing to the directions, will soon put wroe, lut Bi ing the heavy sedge ies “ ship 't Aiphe domeaee hay for the Brit-| An American jee FEA tater iio hak Sere mide a aries ed, pateey, Te plotad of unis [2 Oats Tie aaaekat Ceraatae mith’ a J CHAPTER X. o ON: sheeted the menarch, near the sufferer right, and make both th t sto.d against “the anvii, he puswins eR has seas he he ae . A aden x nd the crops grown under | moderate trade. No, 2 white quoted SE ee tee ancl this be. faother ang child happy. cMa, Wo c.el! « bw upon the dace wich all y supply the city of Paria with gas. promotion of technical education, | uniform conditions. The average re-|"t 414 to 42c middle f ne a On the next morning, King ee a Val- i {bis mi. ht lad the satisfaction, be wasn’t well. Baviog gone into ‘Ab Quong, the Chinanten: sen OY ities fet issued chow 50 per [td that in soveral of our towns und ‘sults are algo given of six and sevon [at 42 3 “atta, 8 crak petnuetiomaiann ym mre: cag cc UR CS LIN ACIS Aa eee aaa etna Dat Ane Naas sing it Lurst from ita boli’ business ere reaching hip majority bis ” fo death at Victoria, Hoey hi cent. of illiteracy throu; fo, [cities special buidings and suitabl 9 six and seven | t_ 424¢ cast. Z : hour, ¢ o,',ou went to the wrong durgeon. the many mothers who has proved |'¢ + oi se ins it Lurst i i ms , B.C., has ea ers y throughout Russia. | cite es ble |years’ tests on such plots with var-| Peas—The market is quiet, with ho.tly afierwarde:he was josncd ©.0+ 208 Went to the Miats Ganeres the truth. of :this atetenients She) 7nd ty cpa tao tet-nt. teciop desire to succeed was euch that Boclared insane and tence is| Terr Bartchnus, an Austrian elec- jetnerously for the purpose Rave been jlettes of onts, barley, and spring | Price’ unchanged. “No. 2 quoted at q Tie first thing the ¢ourd not ha ¢ bro‘en out.” says: ‘Wh ttle girl was about |J¢d the sledge ard jumped through, heed was paid to keeping. ti commuted triclan, in Vienna, hn o {Generously Provided, | ani also that wheat, four to seven years with plots BB fo Pie west, end af-8419 Bbo “ie did 10: Lyeak out, sire, for'three months old, she bh indiges- 0. ldjere,in the etale of tee < the ©: The OP. -R, foeight. aapartnene an-| system for preventing railmay. col’|the sewer parts avelling Ubraries for of "pease, ve to seven years with | middle troight : ue the dor chethe, dungeon was found tion vary badly. ‘She was vomiting thavextr soma Upon the agate new ‘Canada: | listons: i . i. ots of Indian corn and potatoes, —The market is steady. Can- ah hen ty locked.” t= and spring eats ee a ee ce ey eae ee Seer | Ove put-six, years with pléts: of- tur: ate allow. quatadvat SA tBeoDe Skt Ma) eae ietinetent bad ates ee Me on? iba mete een tran vory chin, welghed 0 oa 1 ars; on prsuing open it or nee eo. 7 Pete haga ea © hod eRe gon ee general approval. |nips, mangels, and carrots, and four | Ve5t- qone on Li ts a oF aatiea rome aah yl ahe ‘at next s.ood in lis way, teat i uab epilepsy a “lng sickness Be ncil {s thus made up in| spite of modern drawbacks, growing Bie te tare ie Te ol ane Sone, Saperionee) with sugar Barley—Market is steady. No. 1 Ab! ait a Snee pri Fae a he Is, aire Y saat eg “appetite nee fe ‘as cben dismay upon be= Tesulted, and th : = plleenedtethodiets 7%; Anglicans, | tallcr and str e Province of | beets. quoted. at 57c, and No. 2 at 53 to Yek, end 1 th ms Hts @ good one.”"| <1 aN the dun- i the venerable form of Bal- consciou: mn Ee 7 Anglicans, ronger. Ontario under the provisions of Chap-| “Those trial plots are conducted | 246: No. 8 extra at 530 and No. *\ hat is its +uuject?’? Res Se : Re Sood: hate ah ee, ‘the priest of Hercules. ‘equent he consulted physicians and ioe Sealaiae alltaey ee to|ter HL, R.S.O., has been completed |with th es one Rie Ae tA era rept uh isceme e eines Wat they ‘did’ not hel “y - t me ut without S bject of gaining informa-|@t 50 to 51c middle freight. uhe or mnBrerS « i fer Ebo k De ‘of ars, what unseemly too French, Capt: i and embodied in what will tic ¢7, wil gaining informa- igh “Gg: we: sire lor 0 knows well: her. Ther { Baby’s Own : . , = ie bee, sin Carin, 0 ae Valgiae We ear aaiet eae Cee ee 2 Produntlv: GER ere ee ee: vail eae He eee rot ties vf oni one the prisoner was placed, Tablets, and procured a box. After haste ais Os De: eam enn Willian ‘Pink ieee ae S and a half years’ imprisonment. ae ls cobabl lorie Sith: eros | @eeViness In eo anaes Srepemn nou ee Re ei ee retur.ed the King, with sparkling 71 Low. in the name of Phito’s “giving ae a taples ite ee cain on rded the leader of the in- eure for falling sickness he decided to it is reported from Berlin that the i submitted for ah mulch pate Keer P sal st. ‘5 Dy ‘He is strong and powertul - z mniking ani give them a rial. As to resul ne” consid : ch Variation in the weight les at 554 Lo 5Gc cast hosts, got he out?” urged the king. ;, Ecoles Won" Es is about to. send (yoube will ea with aroat | Of the crops grown, and point to the | Flour—The market is steady. Nine- gow, and that mais nn igus oe eee abe oraitemen « Bie ees se or chee en » a gentleman jtayor by the cofession. importance of care in the choice of | &Y BEY at patents, Te mews His sta ting jnt Migence. her the Tablets now ‘when she is ail- farmer, tl United Si legal pi and ry Jat I think “twill study ieatiais of nerielines ee onmraes cas ee 1s |§3°05 asked. Local f stublormess some: @ muirt have ben let out TY sng andthe result is always £002. |ynow whi hr ears 1 pull re] ‘The at these results giving th oeally and for ‘ znaone who ga'ned:arcecs to the 7, Own. Table w : ees year juct closed has been one : giving the y 2 i Spee wn ‘ablets are—the best pe or ‘Salling fits, which took ence of gratifying prosperity to the /¢*Perience gained undor some of th my ejaculated Phalie. reborn tigsiellee, Jn treme ieciclne have Bie cea ta aaa ae free Pee eliaes ieee ts" without, warning a : iit fo be Introduced jagricultural classes, ‘Tho growth of important @limatic variations | yo nitob, = be a moe stu). born man Uh a ac jenild.” pied can fon wentvadete ogre 8 ib Blaces. D- Hae the Fe eee ote aS ie | the dairy “interests Ate Re RPA vised As fo =a: ountry will prove use- Manito a tone steady, with Hungar- ES rintior are t ay Ant hen were the eae \“orhese tablets will promptly eure all |°","2 poe would fmai him you. must twenty-tour gears at age, tren z ng Sun-|is especial oteworthy, rmers in every part of Can-|'2s Seas “n-my own avartment. TEbo re- % herded eee eet ee ey Se Ie eal casteae of tus cahibttors ot hee Unies Soyer i popente soley tw ‘ “eral. Sit yeas os | iu os to tae ee alent, oud 9 Gn ae Sone ctomaa WSledetion: Marae Soo eee bie fear ot lading operas tte aie ‘ith cons from U ing given to those finding Sunday |the province at the Pan-American + meal—Market unchanged. : Coosek half “ah ittor hie mee th m up as usual in their pro- colle, constipation allay ther ipritas [eens 28 tee Caner Ane Santee ae er work congenial. Exhibition evinces tho intelligen TR. & ck, $5.35 in oe Sar ate ae 1 ei é i othe Be eS Gio is not a man to = igence ADE WI : th hs oe rh wih thivet, 00 r pl ce.” : ion accompanying. the cutting of good for-my constitution, and Sith $100,000 steal bridge. serosa eh va be usiness men warhes bis earn Wile atricalteral apeations of TH AFRICA, Spain eae ee tots, “shen may fortune crown our ef nahn ie fe ‘tra tome tet, cts. | They are go ‘od for child- | °° S28 1 lng, the priest walked Consequence was that on, ra rtising as care! as a carried on within the 18, rp sf es | Pale: , ag, ‘Forming tho cnmeting ik btwn ai bank Shale aey oes (re Scheme to Get S Supply Steamers vMliced iran unchanged at $19 ta Soe ae i ot pain and che | Siacted” oon ems 08 |e me Ae Sean Dogpwge hectic meee ene CU enor eA BOLT eh Serna ae ust ecee Ce ee eae See mee By dewey cdltoy bas. beta. Junpriscny Phot THE 0. A: 0. aye EG ES eS eae tside. thal nt Yehaw! 1 Wale across the apartment. | WOM given with, absolute salety to te aes fe tremb Ing, stcod ee jeaving me terribly sick an "4 ee & redone irae Berlin for callitig’ German anti: |. TRS obetiees cadet fhe sins ene hom Ottawa says =| soronto ‘bran § shores shorts $23, was a fool to lose her so easily be fund, tre keys io morning. “youngest infant, . Ifyou cannot, ob- |i.14 (7 Hat av'a garment they cared Biter they had p 2got te ‘ Canadian Paeléc, yaa besa, completed ‘Sanita cet lnnler: pease College De the arectiog HOR: Sidney Fisher is in communica aan ding sue! fo-e, but 1 hud no thoughis of her slave?’ oe tain Baby’s Own Tablets at woud nt ee ey dread their recurrence very much. I Ma TCyERA DY: He Contin: © AE eetidical ana biobeical labore, On With the idea of getting the ES yunning so nimbly | ‘Yes. fire, where I left them. druggists, they tol See GW peo sau are : ba tee tea contulted doctors and ook tine railway. uy SEE tary s-and-the early /completion of the Citar seats ee ey cond “And you wee foolish, too,” ad-! , Ten ih ee minutes the enreged, at 25 cents a box by addressing: the {he cnt ro. instan ly separated remedies to no purpose, the fits still © During the past year settlers have. Massoy | library end. museum, will other supplies for the British Gov- PRODUCE, “hat you did not push “foilcd monarch walked up and down Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock- Hie a ny guid: erery ndok Sng oC lay troubled. axe. Leaw De > Williams " been entering, the Canadian west a THE. LEGISLATURE QPRI, jaca greatly tothe etictency of the emeOcadie nose” fo load uP} Potatocs—Tho market is steady. cca eu ger es vnee pierce eee aomanties one es et Ae ee F eern ga Seek billy aalverted acd. deters euch i a en oor for sale in| ¢,, a suet ered A GUAR. 4 Oma sy a * u tae ars % Ree taefeyed inate Te sgealtaral eecraree ast South Africa. In ge gee ee usta 8 08: to 700: Dae ie Rhie his teeth grated together Tike hart) nave mae a TSO HY Sees | wa sia Ulva ape tebed 2 ee ee Gino Helped. me He BEM new oe tas the Gonerunent SPEECH OF 5 SER LrEprenan T ash pledsed tocieora (hat tho lec- Gs ey ae promoted Uetwren Pie be ae A meas ef eee aerate paneled coat cater he was as See ee ee Eee wert cee ner ont aun ieee Sea i i = la and South Africa, which fi ‘ ie © ai cb bo Be ie di Ae that let wine s- : 5 a F bo nd ak oe on land a siation of last session for tie et the course of a short time meet ca |, ered Apples Market is steady, fee aso aps ah ameebarpie ct | “Valo,” ho uttered at length, are rio Eidos cccibi hime the tops oi the houses. 7 Se ra eee be properly laid ; Plea cata despatch weatn-(austry is likely to produce the Pe for thee establishment of direct ty ga¢‘ror tb, Mivaporated soll at ang @ soore or tio nt Ft Deine 2 Ne a ee ciuis oticer,/ ae Ores en te ene contain [n'ure aid ths soldiers Pere ter inei: a, epilepsy or the fear ep ship — cormmunicati 5 ‘tress.’ ‘terei (1 n hed fist in the face of his officer, > S er such as y thaw proves!sute Gesired, ‘The experiinents con both countries. In the an he fing, 28 uron the tee) distgured “y. st rdax 1 told Who I would hold absolutely novoplate at Rereole: prea tut peels eek pt tier eles fe "he evhere shmlary aiisiody GREAT BRITAIN. Noe bas co is disikea fe the ladies, / culture conclusively show ae: ig United Stat is driving SS salts Sou. prices h a lim respcnsib’e for the safe keeping gatety to the youngest ape ee: wih a sad, oe heart, the cen- give my story to. th Lofty apartment houses evidently the attraction of the i i trade between Cape Tow ich eal a of this armorer of Tyre. Now Ill Ne = tiricn drew them together, and set ° tm Loudon ape fever opening om Wednesday of the fith|¥5 the growing of sugar tects, and “Ticih, POF ae oe caer de eaten, a aaa {nein Mindy leet ho'd beth your lives till you find me tor the troubles. the sient aoedicine out en Bis water to: ioe, Dali aes Saas “em ke Tmperial army uniforms are being Outncin, Sis grout “for the ta sag (Several companies are now preparing ei Gaui 8 Weta pee a1, 1.50. o $2.50 per Ui Sune. ne the prince, with an impaciant move: {Me 4 Ae nin Fe ae heads; t© Telleve a Pe eee ae ernepitar seine oficer’s “ur. Williams’ Pink Pills area posl- Se He ak = fo undertake the work of st n ould not shares in tia | 225" : nent. and if you find him not your heat MILTON L, HERSEY, 3.4.5: a PdS. tive cure for all «diseases. arising from bn Hes, bers to rite ES th scleai ts rade, and that those wh I emul ae is steady; un “Ah, he the jailer,” hese thall a nner for With a chi ling oath, he oidered the = ging award | tn proparing for ae fees in the field s 0 are early | picked are J jobbing at $1.40. t Se ig ry 1 eta el eparnani? Guabee, fowtunion to ee chown ieto-eonbne: See eens ie ee a re nama crema Jeni SGN in cee gt eves rico ge gy: oe eee who co ea an ek ey a ey na gon an 3 Monto 28 sree Eas ln eee re-40 new cases of smallpox 9! a Played “God we the baila fe fi have ‘an opportunity of doin; bij “*\ alee,” hi continne, 7 “have you fee scid. Go and call Bbo, coun his divan as though he weuld yicn re in eT tisk seas tage King Snes fow minutes aoe foe vig pe RES business in’ that “countr; thot eae 2 Ge era Se seen isis ibis ‘eovninal rch the dungeons through, for die “sre. you sihe centurion?” asked | hive Walie! th “cd him Siiaiveia, meee. fer tine a i “<ion. A. J. Baifour is recovering’ representative, Sir ver Bao. GR tho: ae ils. of what is now 01 ee Pe . Cape Cod at $9.50 to \atey yet—" = wall: th t op o jiepsy; St. ¥! a) a very serious illness, Werms, Mowat,;Lieutenant-Governor ot, On- safety ot Op casaben ts indus tween the Department of Agriculture #20 per bbls “ You “[new he was confined?” Mopen did not, Gnish hs sentence, riotous ue babi ed he | fh tte, 6 fa stammering in oPuePe or sGatica, heart Wil cons of Geaes Voeapabier tp Command carppet as tries of the province. poe ae fat Office are not yet ready See: Ba ae sateeae is steady, “yg; Bo told me last night: + ltor ct that moment a soldier came +] am, sire,” returned he, not a ae ube haste, hacer shall = anaemia, ete. These ork his horses at tho spring meots. Re ee ees oie | ats oratitying le to state (4, Publleat i good demand. Timothy quoted “g his du. gvon stro rurhg inte ‘the ivan, all covered ittle surpil ed that «he monarch (°° the ailments that make the ie x thi r. C. FP. Whitley, of the D __|at $9.50 to $10 o1 < r No. i, > co ngest im Tyr reules. wi h dust and sweat. * ¥ pode I would have told thee ide - ‘The Chancellor of tho Exchequer Oliver at the door, und they made eater Goan cane, peda ment of Agriculture, leaves for | 32 at $8 to $8.50 f . 2 See ee he Teteme Laer “Now, krave, what dire ‘aineass. aan ae ea Meta in avtend you snt tho centurion on his re Hes of they "are Ba ie Se a hinted at iucreased taxation in Eng- ‘hi heir way up the narrow aisle, with |The work inaugurated last year, S, Cape Town next eet is connection Beebe: pmacied. lsidulet ead hight have b at ite wails in vin.” of a airs brings you in such ehape?”” | ance pcm the hing for years Fees revo ea the prines, fa a per wrapper around which bears the ult land: ee people crowding either side. Sir|restocking the inland lakes waa with Sees shipments of hay Hates Car lots on track will bring ‘ocd, See you now that he has crid the monarch Gidaiow wherein; the: ar vee name—Dr. Williams’. Pink Pills for Last year British fire insurance oi) with hig he een proceed-| rivers, will bo continsted maiietic wee to $6. yo food nor drink; and you may go this srurning, your mmosty."” sorer abvem)™ 2 ward whut was sett Pale People. Can te procu: from a sia Pald over #80,000.000 Seta ley Gn asdon om bea aoe ap" | approachi Ss ee ide ees ape oes to him and tell him from the king, breath ssly uttered the be Sway oy a apcaher place sell He Base tn a arco anes ‘druggists or will be sent by mail, = - per ; frozen, scald- that he will parch and aes there raw him whom we too! e dun-| + Prescnt, and wate ii an in! ost paid, at 50 cents a b ene oo the tase op eaiee ce us Tegialae PROPOSED LBGISLATION. S HON. MR. DOBELL KILLED. ci and half-fatted stock sold trom ? tit ho gi es are the intelligence 1 gion, yesterday, busily asin ear ee vetore me" a a aon ca hi a Strato we pret aes ete i Se 000, Measures ~ n= Be. cr ses; a d look ye, Valero, keep a shop.’”” S “ ” sha’ it “aon he lat Dr. Williams’ Medicine ee -000 have been Greoted ip thas sad iar of honor of 100 men trom|ezrning | the sale of intoxicating Thrown From His Horso Near Deena ou: 4 eo un over him. Go tel him. “‘'s't Gio of whom you speak?” Shoe ans Cee tied Ra: Mille, Ont. eee Qiieen’s Own Rifles, with a band; Haworsy mstruction of a rail-| __ Fo! ilgecene? England, ° i Rabbits. q ‘this now, and if he relents €all upon! “The some, sire.’’ sie jen Pie eres Prikl: er ae orig hora, "tis hard, Thatie; aias yeeaieai _ iat ee dondoe } had a lesa num-/|formed outside “the entrance, to re-| Way from Bore Bay to Lake Temis-| “X despatch trom Folkestone, F: 20¢ per pair. 4 me wih the information.” | Then is the very air laden with jour. = be {ear rot, the king. of deaths than In any of the last |celve Sir Oliver, camingie,, “Increased | representation “says:—Hon. Richard Ield ‘Dba, we ; ‘he Jailer bowed aod withdrew. || die ster, and men Breathe it.” Glo, “1 he be in hie-shop, sire, your > calmer tones, but yet. with « deep ae DO HIS PART ANYWHERB mn years. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. forthe northern districts of the Canadian Minister without portiolio aries sr PRovisions ey nape the fellow will mot die till escepcd! Gio at work in his shop! | com” an ahall be ob Saati wike et nde te e funny incidents in the _ England fears being made a dump-/ Mr. Speaker pnd Gentlemen ee hie ineueties sr etd pert on mavinelak geese uke hike a we find the danghter of Kison Lud Log! | pares is’t true what you say?” } sisik His te sion ie Shere bone hess Ln w it; but “tis harder to lose ue at ‘ photo grapher. A man cami sing ground for the surplus goods. of - provincial corm 61 Saturd antes essed hogs unchanged at $8 te $m,"' said the prince shooetitully. av al: eee se wn eyes, sire,’” ‘ Fin day and looked over all eee Ele Legislative Assei porations. f lay ond is dead. Mr. and Copa eon a ve still. another" fni him, He ean ot Teave the elt You the truth, . i? ch td take great ee ti dunia ach eertenore st: the Reveligpptnle pn yor artived Rieke ei weelcago, | Hog. products steady. Biceiiy seria ee tes pre ted he ee rin tae ection 225 have iasu.d oiders to the evect Thal Jt shall ted Hes 28 cou a the some, bday EO A icago ing you as representatives of the/|si Where ~ the; ere joi j ce," of keeping hi, ee Cee ne foe, as rsmenre | m, seeonet to rove he fe Ya ee” worn and tn fone |e" cokland tat i on itn ana ho Po Su ew Sa ONE ly Fama nora els Se at Sn thet 7 Te Hane 7 Ee Since the lest meeting of the|reports of . the several departments ily. Mr. Siar be Tiajor Hull rode $21; do., short cu 2 you g Strato S maouarch, and; Ath ied tro enent from Gio, even though : Eo (etups ois wave best upacred-Dy togetiich to Hy $21; do., short cut, $22. ““Cood—s0 they will y old, fether,"” interrupted the Ge t suceces, hi Meee “1 don’t see nothin’ like what a fcc shelis as a visit from Seen Raval Gishuenon’ Sarr Hen thee deat ie OU er ended Bae bes ae Smoked Meats—Hams, ae to 13 For five or ten minutes the king prince, plccking his parent by the ‘The pane aes anes ail ae set the want,’’ he replic ‘Africa, gaa the Duke and Duchess ot Cornwall} ‘The estimates for the current yo | tee Gh alcove Tie macs Te to ke. Genk aout is sndsnrines) held a zambling conversa- Seve; “let's consider of thie mnt- Sat Se and ag he {Sat Be” seid the ‘prince sa che “passed “T'tolg him Uae ae would Ina thas ond w iy to|prepared with as -groat roxar “to | Feached the foot of Shorncliffe Camp, |ers, 105 0 18k, and ould tion. upon: Wario Nee Se rene ox hed the armorer's shop he |W 97 Oy. loft alone eee oe warping against "toeping Atte che fea Soa ames retention tapos i tconomy as is-consistent with effi-| When Mr, Dobell’s horse was startled | - Lard } was enlargirg upen thene-; “No, not fora moment.” angrily heard ths cound set the heavy ham- ‘he ki. g wes left alone, ard as the renge it. or Ue Re eee their Re esses, cient service and the growing wants. bY ® motor car, going at an ordi re Ravn Bees Sl evssity of al owing eee uit red Map n, shaking of his son’s yor, and th sound of his son’s footsteps died “I don’t kno’ ee te mere fe, rete | Gant oetiee ant the eros ng a Py 8 motor car; going at an ordin: | with tait-< demand. We quoter—ie chan @ power and privileges hold. “Start you, sirrah, and call ansil. aay in the distance, he sank back said, “for I dont, 00 Hr inuaeH age Ca eet dnctat eormittast for contderation ata earl; dates (fel heavily upon his tek. Bir. Do- [113 Lite: tubs, 113 tle: went, the ines hurviedly Fe > the emnturion of the aiet gunyd. No i, and for le cireum= ihe what Twi "UNITED STATES, paca atalnats Ay early. date. s - Mr. Do-|113¢. ente.e foce Tid him hasten h’s men into service, d given rise to al! his peated shat I had already ‘said. it. ‘The ee NEW MEMBERS bell was picked up unconse’ to con i ye _ Saline is spreading in the West: |in. which they received the expres- EMBERS. AEA ee sor onsen —— F was phe by un amwented excite: and the inself to me. Were cauti age ag Este navn ie yet “twas cnouch te, Hie aeked she to sit while ho told —> 3 signs of teyaiey hte their presenea |) Aiter. the Lieutenant Governor ae Sere ke received medi “aera tues THE DATRY MARKETS, ment and he trembled at every joint. there ten thousand reasons hy I eeied furth r he detache in fear and anguish. me. peat hi hh andatot ee edical attendance. 2% : FS oe Eee test wore {°™ Gio wea is and retired, Speaker | ro Canaae S| = patter The a How now?” exclaimed the ‘king, should mt take off the villain’s head men and scnt th. Ree frgot low miny boc s had “You see, it’s like this,” he be- 321.647, On taxes. Year Were ifested in every meres pertaining ane ae receipt ot eas prnecionlig-acinied. by tte cet ee Sith TcipEs fone =e rul a sey, sorewhat startled by the officer’ me ca t them all aside acd have it. tho stairs thet led oO neeth his Dantene aes gan. “‘I had a girl that I loved, and . the prosdeity’ ofth 5 ‘© resignation of Hon. Williem|\ - z Ye quote as fol- menner. | Fhils, attend to your soldiers, and ouget 7 the blood that had we was going to git married. She hero is a shortage of rural schoo! jt ic prosperity of the province | Wil (Harty, the Kingston representative. | 707.01 (¢ IT lows:—Selectod dairy tubs, 16 to 17e “ithe prisoner, sire” 5 stammered | expecite ines” houtete Sea ae ee ncoaered tinted to appenve his hot had hér things made up, and we was teachers in Illini the Empire which they so worthy her foliage the Introauctiog of ———— Bae TeFee 0s Fp te ae Valero, tuning pale a8 3 death. ‘The prince knew his {ither too well at once to the ghar ot tne + seit He open the-aidbty all ‘but rendy when ake was taken 10 ‘An outbreak of Cheyeurie Indians |represented, and in which we, ea a oad. ¢. Goeow) HIALP OP FISCAL YEAR, [igo "ol 18 f 20c: interior ‘quale “Nhs t prisoner? Who?"" fo, stop for further argument, an i Sowing broadcast and died. And what I wanted was a ~ at Fort Keogh, Montana, is “cert. uric ltice aaa dleuply, iatincated. jor West Huron, Col. Leys tor Lon- pee te a ee ithout remark he followed the sol- pusy at his tl hemon hearts. He picture of me sittin’. on her grave Pie tesenbas EY wonaeatlaasegon onthe cont oo0- 2nd Jolin: Leo tor East Kent. | Balance of $8,600,000 So Far On es Ze: solids. 20° ae a = Pa and set of him? Speak} fier fiom the royal presence. It the tramp of aneny feet he raised his only knew that dinger threatened wi ee 823, are Seidl ae nae nae G00 {tinued — prosperity of the lumbering — Revenue Side. ‘i ona anes Wh: t of Gio’ took Luta short. thine to call the fied. A. momedt he rgarded the |imreli'and hs sen—that their inter- I was touched at the homely story verti! CUO QOO ie artes: tone cose Kenetmene te Gi UEetaaiy sacdniee ly frosh, 27 / to 0c: veld te ae eS nie Ole orang torwatd’ nate | Gen Maw naere abi a wieta for Aaty a Cicios GROCER nuUliy laying (eee ee ee ae ane en a ee varid told hint "E epdid: send a trae % A despatch from Ottawa says:—The | to 25¢; Ba eee 20 't & o-e and grasped Valero by the | end ten minutes from the time of the Saal wretched. He thought not of root- man with hi: grave and have doy n h's hammer he asked: ig) [prin ces Sees ler, ‘\.hat seek ye now?” ing up the evil by ese but he the picture taken as desired. eek tou ht to kil ngs. Map- ‘It's. some distance,” he said, prescce o! Guigih aetuviae slow ie pope eee ee mE Sy, Fe Canad: ed, 19 to Shien . F. Gross, MPP. for Welland, | Canada Gazette of Saturday con- ash ef the United: Slaten to bee is Sei ee ere Pe tet Fe lmoved . tha address the) alse the revenue and. expentliture re Cheese Marker ta steady. a iT i quote finest Septembers, Stor to ate 1900, 76,000,000 ; ‘The. permanen speech eit. : ‘Thera is o bill in| ie ee ee eee eo tia [Cole Mutriay. the: Gould Wellington) Heer- “There ts a balance so) far on.) 5 econds, OF t ee Legislature against flirting on »|and a half acres, havo been carefully | MMP Seconded the resolution. Tee cca aide of 32.000,000- Both To: ge: Continual: for what I want. i COMPANY FEES. -|revenue and expenditure show co See ma rious [Sade T said it would. 2 : Sie “T thought,” che answered, “that ————— __> [mete you could rig up a grave here p= en stands not atop: in pace. mode of It’s over in Irelard. I expect it ‘ud tio! cost a ‘public rian als protected during the past season ant ide i The Rome, N.X., Hit shoot Bo no loss of any consequence from ai annual | report. of the Provin-| ;- ores oer te Pe UNITED STATES MARKETS. —pils are ga scike-bece fires or — other causes has occurred. eee cay ha Geen adap Oa oes oe lac aoe oe Roney as a Perfect Food. : Riaal Chore one ot Chant “| Steps are being taken to further in- REEGao aac bat charts at oe eee 856, as against $25,751,050 Becomes Chronic and Returrs Year by Year or ear by Year or Develops Into Bronchial Pneumonia, in your shop and 1 would weep on it, ees ee kee ee ee = in 1900. The outiay for the past Groupous Bronchitis, Asthma or Consumption: Few people know. that’houey pos and-it would do just ts well, = Ite Daniel Carbo pe Provincial liceraae were insted th rbo almost detapitated| sible to establish a perpetual source |1901, two-thirds of which were for) against, hs has been $19,082,231, as sesses a great value as food on ac- oo trouble for me to David Mylimaki with a pocket knife] of inconie feom the forests of the|the incorporation of going concerns, against $17,208,610 in 1900, $13,- | 21% \ ‘Phe real dangers of bronchitis are sometimes overlooked. It is too serious a disease to trifle with, and senna aes Ee Nash, ee ees which were simply itiowing MSFT oS ital aeons eepane Bek age ep se a Biel conde ae pealectcd it chro a ret af jovernor , of Ohio, invites) MINING IND. zZ growing practice of bi limited . The capital account ren are most liable to contract itis, and, if neglec! wes mic, and returns year af- ~S tho governors of all the sta 2 JUSTRY’S PROGRESS. | Zc. ecoming limited) ture for the last half-year has patient out or develops into some deadly lung dis: alt can WITHOUI A CURVE, aside, January 29° as “McKinley | The mining indistey RbiOistig cis |cresze. Spel She thera for | 86,701,208, as against 4, 930: a in ed by chills and jever, nasal or throat email quick pulse, loss of ap- | sar. oe Soe added by the’ ‘There is a railway over the Egyp- Day a amnlehige stead) ciaces Seis 1900. The = departme ees languor. bees this grape sugar, tian desert which runs for forty-five PS Ber Re hme Bae an EY Oe gar coe apwen a Gear ee m by pain in the upper part, 0 ire cle, ot is aggravated by deen breathing | and so prepare BE flint fe Ja aloocat (aallee>in a visaieht Meta this is York teense re 2 now béi - . - 2 SE yee rm ‘and tear the delicate linings ronchial ly for assimilation without any | ea: in Australi ook Tgibicive, the 'aaty ie tow Deing exDlaved @ sallag opera: [ROT ‘inal’ wes tendered for| WOLMARANS CAPTURED. and far th alent lng of Une Deane tt. which gradually jn~ | enort-on the bart of the stomach. ‘wey feom Nyngan to Bourke vm Sew crete x serene cit sine ire. Secs hae ane. ace penton ee : i enacious and is frequently streaked with bloo The -tnpleasant 53 from South Wales. s icharaCrobaestna ducts provin api f the Carnings $75,782 came from Surprised eae = ‘Tock Forty-| ~~ is pain, not unlike rheumatism, in limbs, joints and body, constipation and extreme depression and ate some suffer after-eating honey which is as noala as a billiard: aie Peeclien of the ots = ing a5 ahs ep eitite y |letters patent and Sicreebts ata z ; : the exha' ee stion amounts almost to nervous collapse, delirium follows, and in often. be removed by drinking a@ifor 126 miles in a mathematically E lency ‘Pam: 3 3 $' follow. Tittle milk. trail nes ling. © Theresa Tia fa. New “Work, ands Lewin! Mixon: tae ‘4 from established — companies.|_A- London au Beye Heneral her - aig ae fake: rdly “amt been elected to the office. oe. he ork Sees the agrieul=|Marrioge certificates yiclded $8,217, | Kitchener reports. to the Omics [Bae Rye-Steady; No. 1, OTae. Eas eee Cine and ie ait pang hotakolese Re te Caen remap inpden S : A eae (0 ° of pore been a 3 other legal forms various small oes Colones ving eyed Tanger Ratlay Dall ars 4c; sample, 55 e is farreaching in its _gleets Gia Ate Wcls eysiew; puenny einer only three a ight elevations. the politan “I,” Cl year. Be ae ne Karey * ~ 0 6ic. Corn—-May,674c j not merely relieving the cough, but actually and siete curing the joosens the cough, frees gs 5 a Ermeio, at dawn Saturday, and ni we > ‘a verdict for $18,000 thea e ASURERS’ SECURITIES is a Saturday; and cap-| Duluth. Jan. 14.--Close--Whient— the chest of tightness and pain, aids expectoration and permanently cares: Saturday fs the worst day of th eepra i That lost “an arm and fe 3 iy te yaianaretoly a eens os Neots Fa B.| ture 28 Boorey-ineludinie Major Wol-/Cash. No: 1 hard #1e: No, 2 Nostiw ci a Vinseed put up ia imitation of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin. |week in London for ioe oe 5 Sina 2 caught rey ieee at 5 report, and’ ho abies Sats ees Sorgen 78e; Mag, ‘To bo gute you are Ras the gore ses tie Pe portrait. and “signature y Dr. : Salis . » Oats—# size, three times as much, 60 cegts. paaes records no Bo losses of importance san,