Milverton Sun, 23 Jan 1902, p. 1

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SvRIcTLY CONFIDENTIAL. “It Shines For All” . Vol XI—Ne 4 MILVERTON, ONT,, PERTH 00., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23,1902~ ee The Milverton Sun G.T.R Time Table — |“ Domestic quarrels are the coupons| N- P. Conservatives Meet. Deputy Distrit Grand Master's Is the best kocal Hewson in the County | Traius due to leave Milverton. torn from the bonds of matrimony. ae : fos yon. ia ledge! Bee atc 2 a jon we Ww of Sis de i at ae ising GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. The Atwood Bee has entered upon vert sonal meting ae ener ag ee aay wi Se et | eek Subscription 10:88 a. 1350 if | 3 a0 pom Mivea Mixed .. the pas ye of me eek ion ptr held In rosa sha h up ML Miss Jessie’ Naismith left on Mon-|verton, on Thursday, ani Sa Kes alte & pod re precentarion eeeOe that y onl ever be pul ary to attend Normal School at To jauite # presenta . society of true Oddfelio ao Mr, J, 4 [vm LOCAL NEWS. ron a ADVERTISING RATES. 1 Year. | 6 mo. | 3 mo. SPACE. ©, Minn., is cS a ners iy Austin, visiting relatives in this el ae te address, One coluina ./$50 8 $30 00) $15 £9) #8 © | age tetin Ore vnting. friend in|*2,OT=ACO™ * Dlaining the work of the year and the | Half coluann.| 30 00) 16 0°) "9 00) oa Geancs FE eOe vicinity, ecte.of the future. Mr. Griffin’ eons 10 99 0) 8 a 30 200 Many a besutifal woman is, the|then asked the meeting to proceed ae ne wil tages a 200] 100} Miss Butler is Spancttog Stee weeks | paradise of the eye and the Paresory with 1 on of officers which re- ais t her home in Millban ‘al the pure ie ree rents are charged & oes a for the “Mis sek ent fb visiting | /Mr, ©. Er 4 of Walley, intends the rate of 8c. opening a lumber yard at Brunner Miss Roulston, of Listowe! isit-| station in the spring. inator, ing ber cousin Miss Annie Whaley, Mr. Charles Spence: D.D.G.M.,, is anne kos ‘eros revental NNEY & CO. Bankers! Mr. David Coulter, of Manitoba, is | attending the instailaial OBLOOE Peet ent es boot successfully R. RA ae prevent visiting at Mr Robert |at St. Marys thie wee A general banking "wines moge ak Hones Mrz. Won. Orr and Misses Winifred 1 alt points in Canada and the) Miss Jane Lindsey and Mr, Hnrold|and Myrtle Orr, are at present visit- Woodstock. dc. per tine for each s Banking, Lindsey, of Grantoa, ave visiting in | ing friends in Drambo und iwek, | upon his own ‘urgent request. Ww! Second vioe-president, Mr. ©. B. and aroond town What! Seven years’ old and can’t. Melihange “president, Mr, Me. David Wate ters, of Wingham, | spell your name yet! What 1s your y pre residents, Col. Camp- town, The attended the funeral of the late James ee Iv’s Beheckeckelstopper, sir. ball an ir, BB. “Morphy, of Lis- = paoees Wien. sre tt Serta a or peek Mr. Wea, Burton; of Rexiln, UW.|. Se@etare: -treaaurer, <M W. | ait oF ie Na le ap ! VCE R EE ee a oi partes he = Whaley returned. last; Tr., is at present visiting his. parents ae pie : A.C. B : : aa eee ad trailoabe, aiuduttnt |e nding a week or two| Mr. and Mrs. Win, Barton, of Sfilver-| ,, secutive committee of é London hospital, London, England. fies with frigid da isto wel. 2 ton. = spon eoonestion wh Poole, Brose Mrs. Chalmers of tbe boundary| i Mr. Herbert McLennan‘on Monday : Lateran Chareh and Rostoc a hospitably entertained the Burnt [porchnsed from Mr, Christian Hier Wall — : {ea —— church choir on Thursday evening. | of ¢ ornington, his farm con-|Morningtoy Watso. rth he North - Monageten’ i Ma; Guage dpleok aes eiurcineed RS of 62 acres, Easthope—Wm. We ui \—|terian Se } A. M. PANTON, Berton eon Hite. the 25 acres owned Mr. Johit Diesen | Ex Chief Hartmier likerte tebe es “Hasen oy eet Chm cee sen ci roth on the 5th line of Morningtym.| understood that he still holds the Toth es cae re . : zi S vd.q | County Constableship and violators of | _ Messrs. E. Sydney Smith, K- bine A load of Milvertoninns attended a | Hounty Coustablewlp and tiolators of fore e 2, Sune ae, Ye meeting of the Oddfellows at Mitehell Tee a do. his aa Jon Friday'evening and returned next : es ieee Dearit, Licentiite) inuroing. The Public Library Board will meet | ton were ete ee a a sl M r a Eargeone “oF Ontat Mr. Louis J. Grieve, who has spent {i® the Library Roow on Thursday! ne Gols Sr ie Honor graduate “ Boronto wot Bri some weeks visiting frievds in this (00 Piabt) evening for the yoary her. mene * business egulation 0 Grown “and 31 icini e shi in Gale) 22! ie preparation 0! r rl en transact eeiucialey, Hours Oa m. to B,p-m, | Pieinity, returned eo his home in Gale) BCPN ES ny a red fice above Fiuktetier Bros, hardware jon Fiiday. the meeting and arg a thorough {eal rpt n store, Milvertoa. Mr -and ite Bd Renney: and A number of the young people of | organizatio1 gene re enppor in the the: = = Mr. Mrs. James Hanoa, 3 the village) gath at the roles ‘coming wood, | me good pect fo “rom a Veterinary Suis Go Me Me ee ebiand Fred Schmidt on|J- © Monteith, the candid tf ate Bie | hoe Sh fore on cd Be eos a. a, 3Kb, » Ont. | Cooper, Clinton. Friday evening of last week and spent fon fee tha Graduate Ontario Tee 5 the evening in gun and other amuse- | onto, treats all diseases of d ue animals} Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeCloy, of mepts, eet ees a fessie pitied oatine -on Monday to scientifically. Al i uded | Wirgham, attended the funeral of the . _ |) “Resolutions e je y a to, by telephone or otherwise, day Gr tight?) 16, Jamies McCloy,’ ‘the formet’s|:* St: Andrew Chalmers, formerly |the utmost: ee eere on- | Normal School. Dentistry and Chron iuelons tesee weeks Princip the Milverton public} teith, the candidate, ur nib ev. Mr. Cain z school, has secured a 200 noha selen oe ttend BARR, VHT R ¥ Mr Javob Steckley, of the buundac ks Teader pias: # . ey, Y|the bead office of-the Detroit Street |B = ilverton, fay fen a. of Mornington and Ellice, cold his| Railway. / His old friends will: all. be | guee, meeelh icin Swot Wa A a ¢ domesticated anirials, jfurm last week to Mr. Henry Gropp|glad to bear of his ere TOE eee Beat es Calls by’ telephone or otherwise promptly | for the sum of $5,200. ¥. z asi attended *+to. Livery in connection. Mise Gertrude Watson, of Stratford, | —” ecattadisia ie First class horses and rigs at all times.) Mr. and Mrs. Heury Gillow, ot] graduate of Hamilton Colleze of * Baggege transfer. Commercial driving a tae while ‘on their honeymoon, spent Mosie, ee Canadian College of Music, specialty. few days with Mr. and Mrs Fred Ottawa, is prepared to give lessons in gre Rocleties Schiiae, of Milverton, last week. vecal cea in Milverton every Wed- CHunisville Fore: ster... ©. 0. F., No. 09, Milverton, meets every |" Mr: Robert Richardson, represent: | Det: Those desiring to Know hier A nose f weber of te ola second and last Tuesday of every month, at ling the Walkerton Beet Sugar Co : Hothacting ee Visiti ing Saotrre - pany, was in Milverton last we f ways weleome. W. Zimmer Sheed up acreage for the planting “t | ects of ames ae tance on the al eaanee Barth, PReayiiing Secretary. = He was also eclling stock, Loot between the Union’ Bebool| oo ee “Silver Star] Mr. John McCloy will, on Friday, | Hupse, No. 9 pees oracle DR - rted to the ase : Lodge,” Xe 502, Milverton, | Jauuary 24th, sell ‘the timber.uf the - cake Friday night at] 5¢), tine bike wheresiline deat Ea pea He Bn ees a at : , a 82 bill anc . 3 di ral’ post office buildin 2 Vane mi ilo velo. {be at the bridge at 2 o'clock p.m. ee Spencer, Ns G.; W; K. Loth, B.S. arties eine the timber had hetter x same will be| and meet him = leaving it at Business Cards Sun office or with the teacher S.S. No. 9, SIR, Anctioneer for the Goan Misses Noll & Wilhelm wish to Joun Hovze, 2 2 5 é = 8 5 on 8 te Wills and og erat dr x i: Aiuvita made, Bailif fth Division Court | will open the dessmaking establish this made. Bah Vrs, ear | will open the dessmaking estab Bore stn stieey leet Attridge, on Jan. 29th, “A eall | U y world. DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton, | solicited. *: ied is soppied to heres ‘ad a Fics Bus meets all sis All citizens and box for a cradle, and bout travellers calls promptly aiiende to, Wm,| . Mr. G. F. "Maitland will be in his | cheese factories -and Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. Milverton studio ou Friday, Jan. 24th, | tions e will have on exhibition a. number Ps Fair=and” good rows, | being well re ‘i | iendsip, of the enlargements which be has been g giving away free. Those who have al- as done much for the trade, and ready gotten them ere highly pleased, | the trade is doing very well for hi EXCHANGE HO’ OTEL, Brunwer,” it. John Gropp, P-oprietor. Best liquors and The tremens iry Lodge, No. 275, 1.0.0 F.. “hint ly fro Sigars at the bat. First-class accommoda-| There are still twelve to be given] McLaren cheese is abont as popular Pe ‘District Gran ition and fie stabling. away. Don’t miss this offer ladies," [as Alex. is among dairymen aud the} Master with ae ETE 4H if Co =H GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton.| The anniversary services’ held in| tinel Ru Cosmo iar Ontaaien (hates mes “the First-class accommodation for commercial) Burns nie Milverton, on Sunday meat Aint address, wi appears’ be on eg Bea Sani thse were sondacied ly: Rex. ate ete Heros Mr. Whales wepled Eon : Fiquors and ci W, corner of Main| Johnston, late of Pi i : re ee ge “el Pee EMI Mil strests, C. Hasenpfing, Proprietor, |and were very largely xttended both — : To Me Phos: Whaley, DeputyeD morning and evening, Mr. ieee (‘Too late for last week.) ict Grand Master, "Muskoka Di <_SeeNs HOrmL, Milserton Oat. Thelis 5 fluent and rapid speaker and left present good es oe be i | est. Aecommé : elers and others. es lstge saniple rooms, |* Y€FY Rood impression upon the con- wali DY atene eh ers v : Guly the choicest of Wines, Liquors and|gregation, “The tea-meeting on Mon-| Pooh’ of eo ing a sleigh ri 2 depen dent Order Cigars at the-bar. Good warm stables and | day evgniie; though not quite so} yfics Hatt ae ie Campbell, pa Gee (Ho nniesies take this pubosneityo of plenty of shied room. Henry Rose, prop. fe ely attended as in former ‘years, | town, is spending a few oo. rf Z miele still be termed a success as the home of her father Mr. , Wi eee s roceeds amounted to in the neighbor. | Campbell \ hai deed peers icles ren of the local Order of estaet i wich y hood of $53. The speaking was ex.| ,22@ breth JOHN GROPP, deal Cedur Posts, Forester intend giving’ an oyster! regret very Gadi Lathes hinges: Pumps, ioe ee ae ksh speech being | snapper in the Orange Hall here on ture: from athe a a - listened to with great interest. The th i i 5 a ere oe Siidient ‘officer | the finest : pee: a the pm ramme was|” Mr. Andrew Harvey hi i Lets Retpeliig ur Lodge here during} Monkton is going to grow nedehip ok? Mes Wasser’ the moat Sana aan a has lenooke ' ee re books, scribbling | duet by Misses Wateon and Goodal Foy su u hooks, schoul text books and all’ su 5, Biases eben sand ora:

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