Mr. Henry Grop farm, fo Sire Jeo! ae Ki ana bys istsin Someets a ia wefmnows ‘Toronto free | wes beumatism Scourge my oF and family, illiam Schmidt attended — the}, 4 party which was held at Mr. Scbmidvs. rege on Friday a1 of last weel ~ eome hooting that great sin pS SS iy ; Mona will all have belt be done over of he of f Milverton: n oF be of, osu by y; Ay. by Bret es Tor- vert ired tk as the said Village of Milverton, sinister oF or ie lates Hamilton, of the sat cmt a the exeentors ty, if an Seine sect 7, hel vonicd J that after tie said |g to dis- Mpeg ers partis entit les eret sa cs to the claims o: 1e shall then have nis 18th d: 0 | Hdington wil ype "for Davis. e Recorder :- The Eon re "st Sold by Jas. Torrance, —_— Mitchel Munioipal Pot Advocat ? The fi fun over the against the the Citizens Leagne: ‘ot Rebtel “they are mem 5 before | have” already” been ‘and eles are Martins aud oeaie. ae fendants are unseated, the ie: race by the council on any ire ic act. of theirs ssrs. Dunbar and e hearing of the st “Mayor Campbi eae are ey cann ke a good Riad and bebave rete Elma Council. 1e aoe elect for the townshi ‘income of ™ Mtaal- tity of Gant 5 {qualification the Elma wet in the Agrieultural Ha | Atwood, on the ie aes statute. Mer i, poreant }to aT PDor the Rheu-| _—For 4 years m: a rocate greater saaiepal elections is not all ee yet. | tor <4 anes: Bes been taken unseat i comes | sae Barron on Thureday of next. uy and some sixteen witnesses | y, by loaned aby ite Pour, that ee ‘0 tran; sp | & McDon: “| pointing township = Fead Pe fnaly posed: “Cancied. owed and Sold by Jas. Torrance. ee ap eea neral ae for {302 ae $0, exclusive a aos s and ures. Se Sic each Ww: be ie Teprete ing 1008 as follows », W. Coates; Be Ne. 3 8. one No. Boyk men: Provement of the Mai be divided among the municipalities Mr. Wherry, seconded by. that J. Dao 5 The sustain’ every Our Optical Department Oz conscientious optician who use: 48 this 09} several year's experience and [Boar in Mind: THAT OUR— _ Eyeglasses, Spectacles, ~~ and other Optical Goods ae skillfully and durably made best experts in America. test- of jusage and demonstrate their “ |superior quality to ail who wear |i them Is in. charge of ace skill and best endeavor te fit you properly. You can trust your eyes to him, he has had guarantees to cure all classes jof defective eye strain, head- laches. ete. 5 Ge has watch and clock ose J. Welsh & Son, ratford, ee bicaies fans ‘strictly | cate mae Gran Railway ; apa each, 7 {0 Pay polling places ont. at y, township solicitor, be authorized | to interview the in tl : are early. "!come across hundreds of odds and ends which “/must be cleared. GROSCH & PFEFFER Milverton’s Greatest Store. STOCK TAKING SALE Odds and Ends at ridiculous prices. Weare busy taking stock and This is a golden oppor- tunity for bargain seckers. Now don’t delay so as not to be disappointed, we mean busi- ness. Read over this list. $15 Golf Capes for $8.98 6 only Golf Capes assorted colorings, handsome Capes, the| never sold less than $15 each, stock taking price $8.98. 3 " $12.50 and $15 Overcoats for 9.50 8 Men's Overcoats, Greys, Blues and Blacks, velvet | collars, fae trimmings, some silk and satin linings, real swell coats, always selling at from $12.50 to $15 each, stock taking | price $9.50. $5 Toilet Sets for $3.50 4 only Toilet Sets, to. pieces, regular $5. sets, - stock a taking price $350 3 Webs Linen Crash Towelling ;| very heavy, regular soc and 12%, stock taking price 8c yd se of ee Stewart drai ‘ied. Moved \by Me. Curry, that 01 ey payment of counts: pape eo express Zilliax 2 Stevi 3.24, re anbly $4.70, era’ eo. Si ith ae cleaning hal to receive the auditors’ report. $2 Black Dress Gcods for $1. All our $1.50, $n. 75 and $2 per yard Black Dress Goods, to be sold at our stock taking sale for $1 per yd. 7oc. and 85c. Black Taffeta Silk for 5Oc. tro yards Black Taffeta Silk worth to-day 85¢ per yd., suitable for waists, skirts, underskirts, etc, a handsome: silk, stock taking price 50c. Ww. D. weirs ee Sale Register. Farm stock mae implements Joseph McLennen, lot 16, con. 5, reat, op Wednesday, . Feb 12th, 1 Sale to commence at ee Man and ee in Distress.. aa , giving not gratefal relist Srithin teal outer tig ts —153 Sold by Jas. Torrance. vere oe Chains. ~ Special cut prices on-Cattle Chains for the next two _ weeks, to clear our large stock of best Steel (never All al are warranted. 79 one, if your money ‘bi ok. A large assortment of best BAILEY BUTCHER KNIVES ~ Just received. Reallythe best. knife on the market. got satisfactory in every way safe 2 ‘best bread, everybody Do ee be sae Our bread is} "WINNIPEG | Guaranteed to heat apy room, np or down stairs, as warm as any stove or furnace, and ri ee fuel. ~ Yours. for | SEE OUR HEATERS | Lot of Fancy Caperines at ridiculous low prices. $12.50 Men's Suits for $9.50 Men's Suits, all sizes, assorted cloths, our regular $12.50 Sune stock taking price only $9.50. 6Oc. Underwear for 37 1-2c. © doz. Men’s Underwear, consisting mostly of shirts, BY oealy all none regular 50c-and 6oc., stock taking price, ‘to clear 37%c each 50c. Men’s Caps for 25c. z. Men’s and Boy’s Caps, all kinds, grouped to- 5d | gether, at this sale, your choice 25c. Here are some Fur Bargains. 1 only $22 Fur Lined Cape a a 1 only $10 1 only’ 20 Black Astrachan Gane ae 98 1 only : 25 tonly 27.50 Black Poa Seal Cn $22. 50 Now is your chance, last week of stock-taking. ~ 45 Ladies’ Jackets. mostly Blacks, sizes 34, 36 and 38, our regulas $5, 6 and 6.50 Jackets, stock taking price -49. $10.50 Men’s Persian Lamb Drivers for $8.75 1 only Men’s FUR LINED COAT, Persian Lamb Collar, fine English Beaver, regular $55, sale price $45. = Ladies Black Astrachan Jackets $24.50 ur Accounts are now ready and we would es- ce) , | teem it a great favor if our customers would call and settle. GROSCH & PFEFFER.