York =A 1 t anew is of a Miss Little who. recently. ea her hands : badly bu “gasoli cy Howser i otto is “Lie, ste: m gud ik shine phe by the nm, | “When you lie, let it be down 3 S sae dreams. when steal, let it be-away from Garis associates; ‘when you drink,-let it be pure water; jen you swear, Jet-it be that you hereby. given, - thet: sata Tithe /ter, and farmers and fruit growers are 6s Boss: = pleased. Bare ground 3 danger to the wheat ~ | the other hand, in Northern Manivoba, ‘arti.| 2¢ latest accounts, there had been next to no snow, and {lumbermen were menting ‘at the bad Prospects for their operations. E Bear im ‘Mind THAT ouUR— if Ey glasses, - Spectacles, are skillfully and durably made ‘by the best experts in America. ies a guarantees to cure all classes af de fective eye os, d. owt Welsh & Son, Stratford: ilway Shien fa t ee ‘and e fot trees and sbrubs On| writin: other Optical Goods and Mi atthe poln fot, my bat awit Sold by Jas. Genes It is said that certain members of ee eee of Commons will present 0 address at the coming seston. for tae them for the Proper ena ge of judical function @ care se judges in Oitario: aver aghts years of age. moval of whose tenure of office under the ae stitution is‘only terminated by death is a painful duty but the efficiency of our judical system should not be al- lowed to suffer any impairment. Some of the provincial papers make refereace to the as having been shot, dent, say officials of the department of agriculture, that these owls are being shot wader a misapprehension. Any who are interested in this subject should write to the deparment for the pamphlet on “The Birds of Ontario in Relation to Agriculture,” which shows the great value of these birds for the destraction of vermin. Listowel robe ce ae seine referee has ni Rpeulat Wie tainting ot wallace: and teks the whole scheme of drain- age, s faras it effects the township a Wallace, to be. set aside, te frects the township of Ehna to ee the constraction of the drain in so far as it. purports tobe construct- ed at the instance of the township of ‘The referee alsoiorders the Wallace. for the town: SG of Wallace tpelantas) Me Hi, B Morphy and Mr. J, M. Carthew for the township of Ela, “respondents. w. dD. issn eas: Sale Register. adeeb aia tinplaenGs Joseph MeLennen, lot 16, Mornington, on Wednesday, 12th, 1902.’ “Sale to commence a Real estate, farm stock and’ impley ments of Benj. Balls, Jot 36, con iy | ia, on. Seidel: Feb. Ttb, 1902. Sale to gp onmeee at I o'elo a ening; punine Creeping, kin Dis relieved id a few Bi d all Ghee ‘of th She Bia. 1 orate | aod quieting andacts ike magic in, Jn al oy Hum re evita ou of the ‘uring tecthing tioie, 35 cents a aoe ine ctor. _ Sold by Jas. Torrance. = The Noblest of the Special Senses. ‘Prof A, EA —T fective Vision F cessair 'y not 1 ony we id Sen molog Recent Stati ies of the World's WILL BE AT Grand Central Hotel, Milverton: RUARY Srd & 4th le purpose of making a Scientific Examination of al of CHA ARGE.. A. E me a wwe , bat i803 hag val ‘dense and its EERE imond, M. O., HE— ‘Noted yo Spool ele Speci THE REE njary often re an oe all, absor of Anawmy, Phy-- Population prove in Civilized is Gee ed “with errors ce more or less sopetent to perforin the duties -of Affeotion, which ly cured. oe GROSCH & PFEFFER scold i but come ae = its Eye- Milverton’s Greatest Store, STOCK TAKING SALE Odds and Ends at ridiculous prices. Come early. Weare busy taking stock and come across hundreds of odds and ends which must be cleared. This is a golden oppor- tunity for bargain seekers. Now don’t delay so as not to be disappointed, we mean_ busi- ness. Read over this list. $15 Golf Capes for $8.98 only Golf Capes assorted colorings, handsome Capes, never an less than $15 each, stock taking price $8.98, $12.50 and $15 Overcoats for 9.50 Men's Overcoats, Greys, Blues and Blacks, . velvet f -| collars, finest trimmings, some silk and satin linings, real swell coats, always selling at from $12.50 to $15 each, ‘stock taking "| price $9.50. $5 Toilet § Sets for $3. 50 4 only Toilet Sets, . ro pieces, regular $5 sets, stock taking price $3 50 3 Webs Linen Crash Toweiling yery heavy, regular roc and 12%, stock taking price 8c yd $2 Black Dress Goods for $i. All our $1-50,°$1.75 and $2 per yard Black Dress Goods, to be sold at our stock taking sale for $1 ve yd. 7ic. and 85c. Black for 90Oc. 110 yards Black Taffeta Silk worth to-day 85¢ per -yd., suitable for wai underskirts, etc,, a handsome silk, stock taking price 50c. $12.50 Men's Suits for $9.5 25 Men's Suits, all sizes, assorted cloths, $12.50 Suits, stock taking price only $9.50. 6Oc. Underwear for 37 1-2c. 10 doz. Men’s Underwear, cons mostly all ee regular 50¢ and 60c., clear 37%4c each Taffeta, Silk our regular sting mostly of shirts, stock taking. price, to 50c. Men's ee for 25c. 5 doz. Men’s and Boy’s Caps, all kinds, gether, at this sale, your choice 25¢- grouped” to- Here are some Fur Bargains. 1 only $22 Fur Lined Cape rae = : 1 only $10, 2 1 ae 20 Black Astrachan She ae & tonly 25 1 only 27. 50 Black Giceiland oe Cope $22.50 Lot of Fancy Caperines at ridiculous low prices. chance, last week of stock-taking. Now is your 145 Ladies’ Jackets. mostly Blacks, sizes 34; 36; and 38, our regulas $5, 0 and 6.50 Jackets, stock taking price $3.49 $10.50 Men’s Persian Lamb Drivers for $8.75 enly Men's FUR LINED CUAT, Persian ‘Lamb Collar, fine English Beaver, regular $55, sale price aes eee Ladies Black Astrachan dackets $24. 50, ~ Our Accounts are now ready and we wo uld teem it a great favor. 2 our. customers would call and settle. f