Milverton Sun, 6 Feb 1902, p. 2

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or ee oF Coon “Washi. =. oe aahington says: logical Foes pad in the val- ley of ce : eles "he age b , Strong tree. and | co ‘Mr. Gladstone ask- young men of Elisha’s theological Seminary [corning he their own way. mos‘ of those t pu sieseta iD from | the Brotssons, ting the sick Fr advocat war Preaching | Be Be gospel, f fovsnt thee own Way on ant the world nothing le cwkward ped and they were fe ley are keen en _extemporized axm | They have trees ee The body is the handle aes ‘Gia not ot ‘the he: ed the student young m: _ slipped the helve. ‘Sap. gos out fe the hearing ‘of the oe ta jucation, as ine young student of my text borrowed the ax. ‘It is right to borrow means for the serie re gravitation had been defeated. e Decause Jour nearest. neighbor be et ee miracles on the 4 though Se law fae stronger the Gi and again mg th oti birds of prey, ae in. ‘The law DO NOT FEEL LONELY miles away, the width of fie edntinent say ceparate vou trek: | by lion’s roar or p: God will help 3 you, whether the i and to his labor until - forw: rcs <3 - of tl it fortunes that now over-/ them all is hon cicauete the Iesieees Gtches ody of Be ear riches.” How do you Hike that _ | sublime pastoral ? |= My subj also reminds us of oe importance of keeping our chief back iplement for work. Z IN GOOD ORDER. think that young theological stu- dent hanks banks of the istic Was to: blame for not ‘before he lifted for the fact that they were ip st ho “just zeae to tell a8 t all 2, We must sep anifold are ra inet thou | mo: an ree ae tks: I a good order, having been sharpened peeaneeat gives ee aed aoe ae eek enough FOR SUCCESSFUL WORK, and how it cuts down evil and builds churches and theological seminaries ; - re pos Supossthle Bees Y |thousands of of wu borrowed, and lost and restored ax - | head. pclae s+ Ellas GOOD KING GGRISTIAN. Reasons Why He Retains the Af- fections-of His People. era’ Christian of Denmark is~ the affection of the “freedom with which they approach -| The King was visiting | town in tan Dee trmatively a ana induire ed if ie Goad do anythi UNO; said the peasant, bhmtly. you that you ikiggone of the host we 4 - young man on the street, and hi , asked peed Wy Tae eames what all filled with the spirit, and hence s the matter. The contested that he was in ie: daughter of a wealthy: men: who sould not jet her r tradesman. no-no 1” said the — wh: “She very next day oe ‘Gaae on Ba a wealthy citizen, young man’s case a pore that all opposition was withdrawn. 3S ae Sea LARGE FAMILIES, Few fathers have su than thirty-nine ~ children wife. PrP Bes taba what I mean. £ ee that can Oe |that doeth the in Hertfordshire, who had no fewer by one Ee open she had on one of ae whether she ad any ornaments guias - PRELIMINARIES TO THE CORONATION. ORSING FOR THE CORONATION IN C. NADA: Be Be eh COM. ANY’S TRAPPERS PREP ARNG. ERMINE AND THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL | LESSON, FEB. 9, aeas ee hey Lesson, Acts iv., 32 ney 41. Golden Text, Eph iv., of Truth and the father of lies each desires us, but neither can fill us un- less we welcome them. 5, 6. Dead and buried ina few “With great oe Ns th His resurrection, Who! Christ and not ‘tha. Hie Gf sail. don: es, surnamed Barnabas, son of con- solation, a Levite, and ev: tru i ith, “thi hat is joined to the Lord i one Spirit’? (I. Cor. vi, 17). ir Lord Jesus not only “But Ananias to time until Biv, 255 8 gives ua Iittle ene Tora: 't was about the spi erhaps rin; to lead ese ie AD ene but ae set in her tnspeakable comfort and yet a sol- in id great truth. e before us te te and Sap- ira “ ‘Phe tares and the whet ine we as pees until the harvest. Sursed be he} work of the Lord de-! itinlly’’ (Jer. Ses 10), seems to, wening 8; xx, in say tl eras ae was the work of the of lies, in Ananias, \dver= Sary who in the garden. of Eden lied up oe Eve and has ever ‘ince bes ticing his ungodly. wil Sines helieve firmly that is Love? and“ t willing | that any should perish” (1 John iv, 8; IL aa. 1 great fear came upon ail the ea ‘and upon as many as heard these ed _lesso © eh i ou; es ni Was aa thy punish sinners, Hi tells us that funeral er filled with the ‘Spirit and” pS es Boe she hi ba That's He il 13047). tt vi re witht ine spin, etl | Bouse of find n Spi ie and the high» fesse peopl will not always See sitence an hat jutgmont must begin at dP: May, 7440. THE MARKETS |=: Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade C Centres. Toronto, Feb. AM art ern quoted ai bri s—The ma: mst da is aul, with de- |i white ace wsiddle as, prices unchanged. , and at Ble middle “freight. quoted at 360 wos, oe oi 55k Barley-Market quiet anil steady 5 ed is quiet, and al at 55 to 55ic, ight. ickwheab—Demand prieesipoinalat en Plour—The market limited ‘Oatm neal Market unchanged. lots, on track, $5.25 in bags, $5.40 wood. Broken lots, per tb extra Millfeed—Bran is unchanged ronto freights, including sacks. PRODUCE. atoes—The’ d eee for potatoes track here, and the jobbing pr: TW5e. Dried Apples—Market is dull, |#° er Tb. ‘Evapor- Choice are wort ated sell at 9 to 16c. ops—Business. quiet, panes Coabe $1.50 to $2.25 per dozen. s—The market is quiet, with eh onal "Prim su market is ey with No. d with prices eRe APE at | BIDDLE BROTHERS ESCAPE. me Meats: $1.85 Minneapolis, Keb, 4.—Wheat 75ic; May, Tobe; aay, “Tote: 1 $3: nts, $8. $3.’ 15: first clears, $2.75 to $2. pean a $2.50. Bran—In bulk, elosed—No. hc; Ne ash Y, 884C; May, 874c; July, ts — WieAt oe eighth again to-day, with prospects lower. The run was ogs, ani 15 calves. Export cattle, light $4.50 Feoders, light. 2 Stockers, 490 to 800 cattle, choice cattle, good. common . KaseLye Swwy NNOUCSS SOU AaSSSS3 Ssss Both Were Under Sentence of Death at Pittsburg. A Pittsburg, Pa. despatch says Wand-picked, $1.55 to | Edw; ra a0: Cranberries — ee us ert a Cod Serene is steady, jothy quoted ani ae bring otning Seats ex plannéd the aMair | pected Poultry Aariot 10 young, 50 to 75c; old, 35 to 50cr THE DAIRY MARKETS. s} Butter—The markct is quiet, with |¢a es waist. hurled him over the valine 19¢; inferior cuales, 11 to 124; creamery prints, 21 to 22c; solids, ‘he market is quiet. Strict-|j.o¢ oT ly reas, 27 to 280, held Pre 0 20c. chess fresh, 21 quote, Finest, Septembers, 10% to Lic; seconds, 93 t HOGS AND PROVISIONS. hogs schaiuged, with it $7.75. eady- long cleats, alls at 104 to 1846, 48 ton and case lots. Mess pork, $21; fo, short ext éut, $21.50 to $22. test | tas ade oa shoulders, 1 market is unchanged. wea wi —Tierces, 11¢; tubs, 11 4¢; palsy lic. UNITED STATES MARKETS. 6c; No. 8 do, 62} No. 2 white, 4846; 464 Baits —Nothing doing. “Kyoto: re Pole do, O., Feb, 4.—Wheat, Strong; Feb. 4. ee a 1 Northern, 77e; No. 2 Sic; May, cha 6i1c. ae ate 7" ~ toba, Tike; Tuly, No. 2 Nort ase Oats—42%c. Ci muclianged. ure en, id cold storage, 20c; limed 38 powers at iphursaay morning and escaped. With jaws provided me. outside fri iend who also furhished them with Be snough £2 hrough. men occupied ad= out- seizing the guard around tl to ahs stone floor beneat! tance of sixteen feet. Edward Biddle joined his ad both, with to the first eek ae where they met Guard Reynolds and him. THREE MEN ON DUTY. iat ese nb Oates tac te duty Markes is steady. We |end the thir nthe | dun- then unlocked the outside gates and passed out into the street, was not discovered until prisoners. wher had been ice an iesson-tront the astecen an to the THE ROMANCE OF 1. ‘The escape of the Biddles was sub- sequently explained in a statement. rden Peter K. Soffel. e es ‘The warden asserts that his wife is escaped convicts at a place upon. ‘The a of the matter is bri ‘Mrs. was the only person ad- mitted bere the jailsince last Sunday: | Wednesda; them. Ser. the | ‘Thursday stoning o a at 9 o'clock. She tol that she was going to via McDonald, vag = fail 2 to his owa room, which ia separat nd /45 loads, with 704 head of cattle, ® . 1886 sheep and lambs, 345 h¢ d i he gui {| have with th vir ben Sint canearats era a frank confession of his suspicions. ine tyros euaiis taiucodewle bably recover LATER. ard of $5,000 has been offer- Biddle n found aes ata disclosed the fact for several with dainties prison fare. It is reported that the Biddles, a train at the ee eutside their a of the Panhan is price = lock of the jail, and ieft for t! ee ARE CAPTURED. Biddle brothers, who escaped from burg, Thu: orning, and Kaisbietrich Softel, wits. of Warden about one and a half miles wee are E BIDDLES SANSUIARS: it finally, fe the; finally ‘TH OF TEE BIDDLES. A sama | ‘despatch. from Butler, ement an ¢ | ficting stories ‘concerning the rounded Biddle pace 4 wh tly before four o’clock one of at bladder and by internal Hautor= hage. Ee Smallpox Spreads to Notre Dame A Montreal fad id with the Sone is the quarantin- ing of the Notre Dame Hospital, ow- t= ¢|ing to one of the servants being at tacked with the disease. The insti- tution is one of the largest hospitals e ouside ‘world will be through the telephoni ‘ an : OUGHT TO SURRENDER. Aurion Dining | Opinion on the Boer Resista Ae nd a eae say e Daily Chronicle quotes from an y Dr. Joseph C. nary: bishop of the at Churely in Afr er spirit. or, Hartzell suid fhe believed there ‘would ise: ia rica a wettlement of jaxon cilization wi 5 the Alleghany County, Jail 4a Picts |t dreds ‘Toronto. t the oye ety for the plea- Wott bu HOSPITAL QUARANTINED. | 2," ions: YS: m Caj the co! eeapuodent votes co! ot peril P Pele |THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE WHAT OUR MEMBERS ARE DO- ING AT TORONTO. RAILWAY BILLS Raeren _ The Railway Committee of the Legislatur. fas up the bill ef the Morrisburg Blectric that she had taken-all of her. best jers - clothes with her. t ha Jonmee, or mcKay. Mr. Pardee thought the public selling its service to peng parse a siecle | for. the of its es sesrnien says:—The | Phone ke Southern Railway | er to extend its from Teansake te West ing for aid for a 15-mil of the Pembroke ne ona: Rall mle, “Hugh Bi om | E wood. w. G. McWilliams, Sai John snip railway from Georgian Bay The Premier and Hon, Mr. Latch: ford were waited upon by Reeye Faw- cett, of Wolfe island, and H. of Toronto, asking that the ity of Wolfe Ish lowed to devote any ¥ |under the Good Ronde ‘Act to the improvement of wry service - Spe Pa., says:—At the close of a di lay. OF i oe of oui lacie ail be provided. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT. to ‘amend the Public e |Schools Act were introduced. municipalities to expend monk 8 Conv ce of childre: irban municipalities; ories sand the ‘bill Maite u lege to expenditures: for ‘tae ‘a purposes. * peas Mr. Smith (Peel) introduced an Act to amend the Auunicipal a oe the io’ E roviding that railw ployes, gine a ED. Mr. - Garrow. got be first tendite for ex- ) ate ae > eca in ed, could be given those is were chard -dson qitrouicaat a bill to on. eee for the (ot ‘aking oe aN ‘lands £ to money due a ni the f tweon the island aa Je ingston, the ante al accommodation for 20 | Which deals with the vexed question bet es. and- vith lages. His amendment the peotion aasll aot oem to tae since 1880, i Po) Attorney-General agreed” that | present rather anomalous, pehnrore ve COUNCILS. 5 Mr. Bae (Mert Ontario) moved secon’ is bill to protest against permitting “slept oe m |companies to spring up al Ter usual country. In reply to ie, tho Min- ister of Beare Satet gunvton suse 1 had the the uslph oaity Be: 34; at the Eastern Dairy ‘School, 615. Th cluded ‘students who had t or more od f at the Hondo mines in Mexi piu was received here on ene ‘the time the explosion Cae 5 ot hae ayers 108 ila ne eck e e whom were emtombed by choked uj > by fal A Paris Siac Shae of Dr. Robin ese Soe ae eran ent. tacking Peale the Bac is Site find thay, rs ins the wre eee eli ae E ere without one land burned ee LAS the evening o} ef of the families of the unfor-- ane his anate BOngeS

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