tion there. Annual Meeting of Milvertcn Cheese Factory. REPORT. MR, SMiTH’s The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902 The British Government has ‘replied Pasa to Dr. Kayper, the Dutch’ Premier, eaG at the factory was 2,370,789 Ibs. 680 who has been. offering intervention in the South Altice war and who is ‘fesire to negotiate for. peace, negotia-| tions can be entered into, but only in G South Africa. The British govern- ment strongly adheres to its intention not to accept the intervention of any foreign: power Mr. A. F. MacLaren, M.P., a in he his igiehi rates in ne own particular Branch of the trade. He states that a Canadian shipping: from Montreal to “Liverpool has to pay $2 per ton more for cheese and $3-per ton more for - butter than iis American competitor shipping to-the same port from Boston: Of course, this is true of every other: ~ Hine of trade, and the Canadiwn pro Mr. Mackaren | fae ducer foots the: bill. estimates that the extra ‘freigh eharged Canadians totals ap to over | $1,000,000. Asa rewedy Mr, Mac- _ Laren advovates the development ot i our waterways ard cites’ the great ae made by Americans.-who de- eloped the waterways from Chicago ae seaboard with the resuly tha: |and freight rates today are not wore than ene tenth of what they formerly were. 5 ae ‘s ‘The first shots of the coming — prohi: _ bition campaign were fired at Strat ford un Monday, when ‘the Perth _eounty prohibitionists met in conven- Prohibition is one of the ia 1 Salat and temperate Janguage. To eonvince the public that a prohititory |, huw is in theshest interests of society __ tis not” necessary “to refer to liquor ~ dealers as “agents” of the devil,""ete, €tc. Temperance people should also. refrain froin the use of. “such: hypoeritical declarations as “it | is God’s battle, “we are Bghting for God's law.” Such expressions ax these ee serve to bring into contempt and e appear ridiculous in the eyes of ng men, the cause of prohibition. ce ees should be left out of the dis- eussion altogether. Surely there are enough arguments in favor of a— pro- “bibitory law without dragging in the names of things sacred. = - Warm Enouzh Al Through. 4London News.) According to the Detroit Pree Press the Biddle boys were raised in Hades. With such 4 warm start they “should ~ Rot object to # hot finish. John’s inst Job. Epitapheateotten grim, but seldom grivnier than the g humorous | this oni with gravity. John Ee is eee Bistast cavity. “and the King = Sora ne flutter ereated in LoS the: aanonneencnt ‘that Bayard has appeared in a frock oufis. 01 fuumediately: rushed to. their tailors proino ordered’ re oer ne garnients, in spite | Con OF that ext Sctees Bavelly. organization, sternation now Goodhand followed Mr. _ learned that what the King wore was! smith and stated that it was his in: a frock opeecont Se euffs tention to again remodel his euri TOGhL by. purtiig fire cubceayth ane 3 | Jorge fan counected with’ the $ engine to force eold air into the cur- sige das none ames e 1 room and dra’ ut ¢ (Landon Gove.) whieh will prevent an unneces: is-@ healthy sign th Joss in shrinkage anc t some trade frauds pérpetrated in their count should. bave been di st the English consumer. They seeurto regard.this fact as in ig to the” n inspectors are special. having eee ‘4 r . being only a ‘ace the ity of certain Ba aes at “tude os e e rmina- tign of our Canadian bre’ {even in ESET the be des ~ Mgiger Coun ABLE ADDRESS. oe __ | money an se- ‘The annual mecting of the Milver-| Hertacs Cesmess, 80 far as their a oe yah was held in| dians can afford to live any snch use. pGwreeiiadell oy: Sei ternoon. | Tees and ignoble life. ‘Those 1 perert tore +. ane oe generally make the experiment on TOT He ene Guring the Poneir father’s 1 the earn- from which was manufact 214, Ibs. of cheese for which w: iv est or an average price per Ib “The number of poands of e ibe Coe bald Smith, principal _the Seeauree Dairy. Sel r of cheese tactories for Western mith siarted gat by eonrparing dite eegortof the Milvert with that ae ‘others he BoA wi during the d bat the Ass ree at Milsanae fee cheese tly above the est in Ontario. iso. rel the splendid showing made the Ontario a1 Gains thou; was mainly due auality rat the milk fitniebed by the patrons. ind Pan-American exhibi- market now demands a Superior aunlity of shésea it menos inereased vigilance on the part of the farmers. The losses sustained i district was ‘equipiuent. strated soe of the various nieans by which milk be- | eowes cont: with geri life thro roperly, unelean stablesand utensils, inj sit re. the eat oling it to pre- Tanke erniute tion devclogine: To illustrate the effects of unclean- her contawin- ated ee leh Eeruls frou the stables d also with w ae the easel being that the uiade from the bad flavored milk sold had been. added sold co e cents. here dairying js carr attains there is the least poverty Iknow the couiposition and character of the different the amountand quality of milk given by each cow an jeavor. to raise ra bj more intellizens breeding and better feeding’ thet will giv 8000 turnips a jectionable a more stieeulent and nutritious the food nthe cow the greater willbe the aniount.of blood produced, and the greater will be the| pressure on the milk secreting organs | which will be stimul sotlvity toa greater extent, the result) bei igs mueh larger quantity. of w practical ability te-ec-opération which is essen- ee to secure the great of mi ed !for our’ follies, a of| that any reason ool and In-| carry other io, was present and delivered ae resting address on the care u ‘The eredit for this, success, he | to ‘ied on most f - TE KA. and farmers. are most stigeessful, a one enables bim to e cate ae ae Se a tan. 2 sively in wwixed farming and also to) maintain and inerease the fertility of eR Seats the soil. ‘To attain the greatest. Géss farmers must adopt better busi-| Sure to Revive the Struggie. ness’ me study. the best : 22 ‘oods, their suitability Ase proaiietae toalk ale Hoty oe Tae from | roun lated into ¥! t of developing intelligence, increasing | Agn port, who live simply for amusement, have, asa rule, plenty of can ings of their husbands, and the funds thus obtained soon come to an end. ling to rebuke us to. tell “us the honest trath about ourselves. Cricket d y engaging in the why. people should amusements to extremes that ruin their health, unfit them for daty. their ds to imbecitity? eCanada rieeds & Kipling. ake rE The Signal Fires of Freedom. fo you Swant to. 0, doa something to help the world alon: 0 a oinicriioe to Bt ana break the ues siehine that man- lactures hypocrites Do on pe ee thake the the bribed one, t To fry Hee oe in their gra: Go heap the Laltoe: bones ie thee «rease and build a 0 hee ods and burn that. mountain down ! We boast we're Anglo-Saxon, we brag that we are free; An Anglo-Saxon voting, isa woeful Ho winke anne s cabtiet nib franioh ice there to see! Like a ebjoken thief, a traitor, a cow- ora sneak AB eeices ashaniefol thing orsome- thing to be As ifit-~were an et ot ‘bis that might be hissed or jee He's" certainly ‘a free tuan on the Anglo-Saxon plai Hits Savanna a votre bit T- wear ‘He's uot aman! All the boodiing and eorraption that rots our nation fe Game in with Malle ten the cheat- ad their drawbacks beyond our view, spotted lars and they who Was W cones you're Angto: serous bnehiare y baek-hone? Now, can voit call Your ttle piiviver: your own? Go burn the bation boxes if you've got f freedom blaze iaecuptony< our Ppative jand! (Goldwin Smith.) That the attempt to crush the inde- pendence: of the South A Tt seems too likely Government will again have to ee ® % e eee 26 PE: ably protest. against being burdened with taxation by wars for the purpose Statesmen should have failed to see! that the: first objeet, one far more an any Carry the largest and be: assorted stock of Boots & Shoes in town. A full stock. of TRUNK and VALISES just recei J. G. Grosch & So’ Tssuer of Marriage J. G. Grossh -& Son ed. pa Ghee ds 9 Derren Doninion [it Head fice, - Waterloo, Ont. Peete iW 1SGo0. The 2th Centa nds this Com- pany ina Seendia | per Security, St solidity, progress and equity are our sed ae Subseribed 7,600 t creased 01 @ have nat4 percent. Reser higher than. Government S| ments. We have increased our Surplus over all Liabilities from $21,210. to requ’ We have incre: eased nn | $415,897 to All forins of regular eee life and endows ment assurance are ed. fit. You will find ou fit different trom the c Hoffman Block, Milverton. collar or shoulder must fit or Ae Sts om any of i amentson We ee WHEN YOUGET = ——«~* Your Overcoat Here You get it “ Rightim the Meck.’” Tir che plese iGnect be HeRE That fhe -coat don’t We ask you to call and get one of ours. r Suits and Overcoats ordinary kind, J.-E. ROWE, The Up-to-Date Tailor. we are going t months? If not y those we have in stock. Do not miss this °. |FANGY GROCKERY h We'still have a nice assortment of FANCY LAMPS, BERRY SET1S, which must be cleared millinery. Gold snap .» Are you prepared for the cold. weather PLATES, LEMON SETTS,. VASES, See the Prints we sell at roc., gg 2 o have’ the next two ou had better get one of ni Mice Astrachan Coats Now is your time to buy, every coat must go regardless of cost. chance. OVAL BOWLS, ~ BREAD EEC., all of out to make room for spring W. K. LOTH. worth 12'%c, abroad, was the thorough and hearty Prion ofiie sanpleot tas ewitalaacia. A Pleasant Duty.—“ When I know anything . worthy of Teconappencatioos rt ier it: my duty to tellit,"' says R Hambu: e in “five minutes, Sold by Jas, Torrance. tessa OSS Executors’ Sale Of Real Estate 3 mee village ee Milverton. The ‘cutors estate of the late ae ‘Kerr, in See tor, i regula: ing the mi in, fature -deyote. more ti ry than formerly and asked for Bonet viciermersot ne diteia to that enable him to maintain the reputation. en attained best. factories ir it to be being -gi quantity ot wall preserees Speed oil r sale, terms cash. For farther particulars. apply weeks, to clear our'|: break) Cow Chains. GOW TIES... Special cut*prices on Cattle Chains for the next two. large stock of best Steel (never Just received. Really All are warranted. © Try one, your money back. . A large assortment of ‘best BAILEY BUTCHER KNIVES the best knife on the. market. if not satisfactory in every way Torrance or Inilton, execu- to ‘hos. Trow, See A.M, Panton, executors’ solicitor. _ Yours for. business, FINKBEINER BROS. HARDWARE... SEE OUR WINNIPEG HEATERS < Guaranteed to heat any rcom, np or down stairs, as, warm as any. steve or furnace, and without any fuel. “ing in Stratford oa Fe EH. DIERLAMM'S SPECIAL BARGAINS for Friday and Saturday Qdds and ends of after stock- taking. Come early gain. and get a bar- E. H, Dierlam:m’s Milverton’s Great Bargain House. Ghe _emtiverton Sun THURSDAY, PEBRUA RY 6, 1902. CULLED FROM ALL: SOURCES The S Bet og is going in for goo d roads. The Oxford Somaty Connell bras made the village of Tuviswek an én trance examination centre. Donald Brown, « farmer li eppel, was found dead ne with his throat cut last week. Some members of the ee wrio Legis lature believe thay the sessiuD will last until the middle of March. that Hon. David. Mills, will accept. the the Supreme Iv is said Minister of Justice, vacant Judgeship in Court. There are 73 inmates in the County of Perth House of Refuge. ‘Ten died during the past year and LL were dis- charged. Dr. Bryce on his report on small: Pe during January suys uhav. over es oucursed during, the mount in Ontario. Hon. G. W. Ross, prentier of Ou- tario, bas aveepted the inviustion. front She Gutduial shies to Reena ne King's coronation iv June D>, >} the ge A BY oh Miepute ta Piniadelpaingcate, Ate hit by tnorninig at fees and seriously injur ight say isa ERE) to. the ifouiae race, muel: ss it kills off the fulish gids aa leaves the wise ones to grow into wowen. Some tunicipalities have been’ us- id machine to pov. their cuttil down’ to the ieee tered a the pitch holes. “Hon, J; Re Suatton, Secretary, will addrese'a. pu 1 ay incial may be accompanied. by. Hon. J. L Tarte, Minister of Public Works. which has Germany, is 3, far we liave The financial Dees not been affe: GENERAL NEWS ‘| # Takes One of Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pills efter dinner. It will promote digestion and ‘overcome any evil effects’ of too hearty’ eating. Safe, prompt, active, pain! pleasant. - This effective little pill is sup- shaatieg all the old school nauseous purga- tives. 40 doses, 10 cents.—1 Sold by Jas. Torrance. The Mildina: countrynan drinking a balf ass ot bese at one drink recently in’ that own. Some other’ fool will likely: cae trying to break this record. E. J.B. Pemse, editor of the ston Whig, was e ition uhe vacancy in Legislature caused it by the re-igoa fou aia Harty, of Kingston. Gazerr> tell King- While we are shivering from the cold winter breezes i in this country the thermometer has reached. there. According to the Mail Empire the Ross government have decided: upoi the adoption of the Manitoba prohibie tion aet, to be submitted’ to a referen- dum requiring per cent, of the vole cast to give iv effect. Tn a byt election in Vietoria, ht abyat by the unseating Gol. Prion, Me. Riley, Liberal, de- feated Mr, Bernard by about 50 majority. Tr is the first time a Liberal has been elected in the city. . C., ing of e latest claimants fora share of Baker millions, “property now in eluon of the Atwoo a veral chundred heirs in Canada and. ith United States. The police of Toronto the other day took into. custody a person “of the name vf Win. McKibbon who is saict to be one of the most audacions black mailers tliat ever struck the gmmie was ty eall upon piadient Gites aitend his wife or child and then call ound ahecentn an etacetn money from them on the ground that pad acted ineber ly: towards his ke trapped MeKibbin s languishing in jail. indi- they. o6 a now fe lie Nervousness, Dyspeps' kindred ailments, take wings the healing melee of Sowh American i joskins, of Durham, Ont. Rheumatic Joints.—Mrs. George Smith, 62 pee street, ‘Pint St ‘Charles, = good results, ent nothing short Sold by Jas. ei a Blowes Stew: and Hai mayor and eoun- el bell, ., the unse w] ted cillors of Mic, have appealed from i KO, is acting for them. ee An expert. farmer says that the only way to get rid of the pea bug is} to stop the growth of this crop in the infected districts for several yenrs. It por is a radical cure, buvif likely to be} ci effective, it ought. to be tried. The loss in recent seasons from the rav- of this pest has been great. ones is being sone in’ flowers used coronation next wil S 2 understood that the flor many and Holland will aid in. supply Think the | jp, awonder."—10 | sv echased millions of bulbs, and balb growers of Germany institutes of the Province are ‘| the agricalvaral. classes, ~ | Following ompinten taken frou: the Lilies of the valley are to be the at the time of the King’s} to, British fforists have the and Hol- ud are eens a handsome. protic. the demand. Stich the teh vohane bad collegiate Serving we give the if the Minister of Bast: 6221 al, 6,3 commer: sal TBAsBy ncchanie. 5,054 ; profes sional, 1,953, and without occupation, 1, Tn 1892, 300 pupils Jefu the £ the extent to|” The Rev. W. H. Hineka, of Toron~- , has drawn a nest of hornets sponte rial Truth; it Sean read ‘Mosque of Men- dacity’” This is equivalent to a state- that the average of the press tak as good as that of the eaiaie in» ee < ee Chatham Banner. and. John Biddle, two « She eae Thomas, who were + lying in Bashir Pa, jail awaiting ~~ ler, amade their ®s--< harsday by steiner : them.in- i p for $l.a a prize a cr bbReeDe ae with the init- jals of the purchaser on it. He. de- livers the soap, which ia fraud, omises to deliver the, wat when it is manufactured with the initials, millents the one dollar and vanishes —Minni dosa Tribune, The Conservatives of Ellice re-or- ganized on Friday, with the following offic President, W. A. Giahons vice-president, Joho’ Baumbach ; executive sal G. Bhyoie and Be Beaune John Beary, | Ce Sichert and s. ner; No. 3, A. -Middleditoh, G. Serene Siner N © Maleh and H. Be ted : Yo. 6, Wm. A. Smith, Jos. Phat and A. Smith According to the im hitherta, an v sho Later-—The: Biddles have both died ¢ from the effect of the wounds they 're- _~ ceived during their recrpture. Wellesley, Friday, NOT! TICE! ¢ Lhereby notify ‘the ie’ publia grat from , e ki on ‘any claims held against Maat Cacti crip en a ee of een Grorer THARE, Brunner, Bo. attempt to kill a ident, of the United States did oe subject the offender to the death penalty unless that attempt was suceessful. or: Haneef ord tunately, such it otherwise might have the need eT been so far realized that a bill is now before Congress providing the death penalty fur nay attempt on the tite of the Py AEE or of anyone in na line of suet ion to the Presidene: The following 4s from a Ea if Surattord, who is entsidered ee adthority on arinivipal law: “You asked me by feleplione senda: eh Campiell, Stuart and Blowes were dis: {- qualified, but you seemed not to have Seat my answer. “They most. cer- tainly sere else they could 8 Was heen ‘eated, and. the unseating | don't lift the qualification . It appear they were connected with sume suit against the corporation, and for such offence the Statutes prohibit. them. pal office the following year. Tt was not eee for the Judge to refer to. their dis- ait elected, “iy Canneshold fd sents should. Obje be taised,’— Gicieil eens ew's CurefortheHeart S all signs of weakness, flattering ink ing, -smothering, or palpitation. | This cure is the: sturdy 30 Days Clearing Sale. . Stock must be reduced to make room for Spring $10. = $38.00 They gO. ate: “if sooner. YOR, come'the better choice you have: Remember we have no apprentices doing w sptme but journéymen and. E. Kneehtel, : Goods. 2 «3 At our values ; and agree, that . “no other: “place- in town is offer= ing as good val- ‘ues as this” Up- . to- Date Fit-' . form Shop. at” Las 00. S100 Es 00” $10.00 > work. ~We ed 7 your work will Be guaranteed. ¢ usalih, jeart disease in 30 'tminutes—1r Sold by Jas. Torrance. Just to Hand A Complete Line of Ladies’ Gold Filled Watches Ladies” Gold Guards Ladies’ Silver Watches _Ladies’ Gold Neckiets Ladies’ Gold Rings with any kind of Stone you want. Ladies'vocket Beoksand Purses Ladies’ Diamond Rings Gent's Gold and Silyer Watches Gent’s Two-Pocket Chains. - Remember I makea_ spe- cial cut en everything that is mentioned above and ‘every- thing is guaranteed. Watch. repaii ing a spe- cialty. . Calf at Tepommended i to other rates with gratifying results, Ive a great nerve builder, ke Sold by Jas.. ae P. i. Bastendorfi’s,| ¥ THE JEWELLER, Nextdoor to RB; Wynney’s bank. shingles oe you rself. British Columbia Red’ Cedar Shingles Arriving in the course of'the next two , or ihree months. ‘Have your orders booked at once and save delay: in the busy. your supply: while the slerghi Last year we ran-out of thi Order. at once» eine Dealers and Uienakers., season... Draw homie . is Good. Ss S quality of * and age