Milverton Sun, 13 Feb 1902, p. 3

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é Z . * : : ~~ Left no | : 4 ) —~ - Joints.—Mrs. George 5 z FEM VE Ye oe SA SS Se =| smith, G2 Charron street, Point St.Charie, | While handling a bottle of acidin{ In April last. the Canadian Press” + ‘There is not now ow living a single de-| 3 *% S Que., says: “Rheumatism in my joints | his drug store on Monda: e | Association ted to 3 eaeres ror Misstep Benerto| Heigl ng 1 ah % a Gauscd me suiferings that” words’ chnast | Shior met with a severe ocident. Whe] mont there ote oie eee ai aay pies pp a 2 De hakespeare. mn; Cowley, Butler, C Gescribe how terrible. T took four bo bottl S combine: £ylaeet oy peper as dens Boe, Couper Gia | 3k ss bottle exploded with terrific foree and| A commiss ; The Milverton S treha wheiber the’ general was “not 1 Moore, Bot one of Sir Pbil:| Se : aa * Milverton’s Great a ee ee TEN uy htc wantha ie aacod toe face | tigate cote avatar a4 - Milverton Sur tezrbly annoyed by the monguitoes.| ip Si alter Raleigh, | 7 * Bargain House... others with as good results. Think the [and bands. ‘The wounds were was banded it to the government and 4 , sah, - na: 2 ah vernme! in’ Marst'sco’toxieated he don't niind omrell Hat: = We are going to close out all our Winter Suits and © eld ee pa ees ae oo Me Shier wile stated that ther was feason to belove THUBSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, tooa/theskeetoraan’ in. the mornin’ the one of Boling-| % Overcoats during this month. See our * Sed alate aid up come time. Some others who| that = combination existed, ‘The gov- mind Marsa.” z Bi anes ea Bese x $7, $8, $9, and $10 Suits, all or prices. * We have been selling all Winter Goods at a big ice County has 23 public libraries were in the shop -s the time also got | ernment the other day passed an order- ‘illiam — Rickard, warden of |» The obliging clerk had taken down | of Bacon, Newton or Davy: | . yall One. price, $6.90 reductfon, but find we have still more on hand be ler namber than any other coun-|Slixht cuts. The xplosion was heard | in council reducing eo care news: = é 6, $7, $8, and $10 O 4 * iece after £ not oneof Hume, Gibbon or Macauley:| 3 7+ and $10 Ovorcoats, all one price, 5.50 ty in There are 432 libraries | in several shone on 1 Goderich street.— oa from 25 to 15 per cent. Northumberla: ham count yp piece of goods. until he e, Gibbon or Macauley; B than-we can carry over, hence these special induce- i nd and Dar es; Feould hardly see over the pile ob the | H0t one of Hogarth, Sir Josuua Rey:| 5 Eo ) P in the brovinte Port Elgin Times : counter. “I don't cate to. purchase | D0lds or Sir Thomas Lawrence, not| 7 YOUTH’S SUITS % ments (out of many) for balance of February. The De Game:Warden taid a| The pei of the Canad Ati irae in which some * to-day,” remarked the stiopper, ‘*as| One of David: Garrick, John Kemble} F $4, $4.25, $4.50, $4.75 and $5, all i wcisHA a ee Aap: bok ou cebdaren aces ring from ap. © she torned sway i uly Took petted is 5, $4.50, $4.75 and $5, all one; rice $8.75 pampiaioe ee ey ee Tustic i Sunn had acatof @ eon ee focua. Phare eon i GES CHILDREN’. . against a man for shooting two which the children were very fond =; more piece on the toadain.” ar Gaimdhioarex 3 * 'S SUITS partridyes out of season. He. was bri: 1 ge 2 said the clerk ; sland. v ae . e rs = ¥ Le n- | ile the were co: industry, the planting of trees along bebind that.” "your rtrd aaye be aa = = $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.25 and $3.50, all one price $2.95 x #P a7 a ae a ae a eacke ee sickness, puss came in for ~ > ‘our concessions, sideroads, line fences} A rich citizen of a nearby town was fete nator mee Sohn Barney Ls om Special New Prints 10¢., worth 1214 x poate apd said thalig cs spamiainnd ne {0m _ of anioaistrae “Wed the tataral beceace ance ty re eae BH and:on land not otherwise valuable, pase nOr ay eis Shes haale cle brood Peltes Rinne a # : ee Ye cts. . » Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets which we shall give bat hoaidener thnk gene. See opportunities, is the nee wai Do Have Wie rs Se ya! ea = would be of great. benefit ravi him ina law suit, says| , Flushed with warm suulight glow ;| 3 GROCERIES € you at a discountof 33 1-3 per cent. for cash. at the time. —Kiaeardine Reporter. | ¥e0 not yet see the diamond decked | case of aie was ence : country and people as a whole. ‘They et na Soones: Bales ee eemee sick & Ala eneny pce semaone as FH ribs. roasted Coffee for $1.00 20 Ibs. Red Sugar f $1.00 © 1 Ladies Cape, regular 00, for - $11.00 The Berlin Christian Science church pend of on: southern neighbors softly | Mistress Grimalkin’s Gawd Gree onondo=< improve the appearance’ of the land: |he sent word to the lawyers, acking Fe, Tar the eiffeeounds fine e 10 Ibs: eae Coffee or. 00 2 Ibs. bright Yellow 8 ar Leo 2 Men's Petsian’ Lamb Caps cegular recently held their sixth annual meet-|St¢#ling over various parts of our| erful size, itingityerndene Site : to eee x See Dominion, Tf not, jump on yourself ape and render land more valuable ;| them to come to his bedside. They > a 1.00 ‘0 for ms 10.00 ing be church was organized in oe eto x ie resut wilt be. burried to bis house, and when in the spicy waye and Indian isle, orien ina is De Chrrants ‘for % : 1894 with a membership of twelve, Tn [224 g&b someone to kick you out.of they act asa wind break, very much|b use were motioned to sit one on Sneh strains utyligeeet the day god’s|. 2 and EG@S Wan & 2 s_ Persian Lamb Caps, peelae less than seven years this little band {2°U" dream.—Bobeaygeon Independ-| Snow is decidedly de ane in this Rescening the woplessantness as well ax | faci side of the bed. He ther ee Break the bold Briton’s rest, # Baie 2g agents for the hoe $1 per rear or fe. per copy, a $10.00, for - 7.75 has built and paid for a chareh_ whieh |" ee Sg Ceoeds poe esa Oe the dangers of high warids,. also caus’ }"you wonder whet teen cee eee | Fort Willian s stern Reveis beate 3. Buttrick Pattern Sheets for March now ready, Get a copy free. 4 Beaver, imitation, regular $3 f 2.50 cost over $9,000 and has a seating just the thing, but out here it is an~ x ing-the snow of winter to” lie more|tO-day. Perhaps you. think T have Sree gan brave sound| 3. : a SANS Ord SION Bvt capacity of 500. The present attend. ~ - rou; f Mies 2 er, 2 - re 2 i ' "evenly on the ground; greatly im- But, no, that Ass See Over er the wil A aeeor 8 te pees # Ww. K. LO Ti % 6 Cape: th all th from $: 3 af the Begin “in Ceram se King : proving the condition of the roads, as | t0 die like our blessed Lord— 2 pees s Bene nes crests PUT RERAAAAS IRR IY perines worth all the way from $7.50 to $17.50 peoples ‘ “Wats i ples. and is rmwn from both Ws cis iectng rite ces ke thleves.”, And then te died Acton Silla ie Cope BRI RENTTASS IS AR annie will give you at Cost. Sr naR Beni, om both Wat. mene soos eee mas we in Seige Wake, Moant of Lions, stern and = ‘ ae $8.7 S on ses ae eee ae "Sunder oh Piet : the’ eamntall here Naina Weather Forecasts. cst, 0.00. says there is a great tendeney in these = a : i ‘Lis morn on Afrie’s golden shor days fy : the fertility of the soil and. resulting ‘Then the bold BS . bene ae a gl : in a better yield ot crops in general ; es aes Bee preetions for Feb- Ans’ wera Sth fe Spaniards aerial = g rh We sek ae diodes Saceue a het ese: ‘ conden te stores, daring the very years they are 26 will Bole = that io Yeats Broin ist 1 giuitatin barometer Gray = = Prmbeot neti: ait, Ladies Jackets needed most iu here homes, Most of Ladysmith, B. C, coms wi more and more valu-|® q oine’s isles of song anc |, look fe rk with in others; followed by. sh h i able. Townsbip councils could aid in }to colder. Botiailindd Gaye notte ea eAthena: Ladies Cloth Jackets at 25 per cent. discount. dreams of having homes of their own Gouge we te Pe x the on g a bonus to|be numerous. ‘The Sth is the centre| Norsilentsleepsthe Atlantic waye— = weried the prerelies cote Cd eee ail tree planters yatting in the groper [2lgigtorm Deriods from 7th to 10th un-| The choru 2m ‘bursts once nore > 7 = could they Ui Siig beer ee : seasonably rise in temperature, and| Up from e. ic Thunderer’s cS ted to when th obs) 3 Winicameraae storms of marked energy will Torin , Men's @ verecats Lae oulloca oetea of die where pleasst. This lective lit pill is sup- poe and eross the country from west to| Bermuda's snibiner shore. : Head Of W; and ibi! he homed. There Planting all the old school nauseous purga. - yey cast. Brot Sth ta 10 look for wari | Fair England's voles is swelling n Gal Ge, - aierloo, Ont. : Sea an itiew ofthe bome 1. ‘Ther soutuaed i ‘ wave. From 10:to 18, _north-westerly fee d old Quebee's embattled ed brow s Mens Overcoats at 4» BIG REDUCTION. was great danger of their losing the Suigonserss! Kasei ekaiarie: les and cold wave. From 13 to 15th| On, on the war strains sweep. J. ¢ Grosch & Son PROGRESS IN 1900. Get yours now. eae thinking there was Sold by Jas. Torrance. (Seaforth Baier f “ge |oratore followed by change tocolaer | © m Lirfe's wave, ofer soft St. Clai aoe ‘The 20th Century finds this Com- something better:thau home. | Was it _ If the Americans. ihe last ‘half of : il Fresh clarions w vaft tl sa de a & ine, pone reno position. Ber curity, e for seciety to look on com: bscr apy othen country ee rt se aoe ee io ALLA Ger Hatoe’s ciant bs, wurden there Carry the largest and best|¥ folidity, pr qnity are our Just a a few words in regard to Spring Goods. centiy and see those who would be | aa sypeag elite taal fi soecladincaee aie wet P| indieations are that some of our hard- Boreewnctand inl the glad sounds assorted stock of we wordy ereased our Subscribed {on't buy till you see our New Goods which will Scie ies Wemecngt a lata . 5 wi i - J ic hes! the name of all that is sane should’ we Gebriacy aun carly i March Tete fri Colunibie's gushing viv, Gi ; 600 to $400,600, astonish you for NEWNESS and QUALITY. veeoe ne ‘i ties. cat : the lighest. Spelice cive titeat StL Ore cape fine 2s look: for snow bilzzards, with [Sweeps tts tribute! song. to tenain| Boots & Shoes iat oi 884.00 100,00, ie oc rar binge tie Cale : tient we ean! It tatters not one |fevethat Apmh, Maye Sunes wil Go Old Bostaod’s might for pease ieee alt out od Do your Trading at man teingin cis world? | BOQ) Days Clearing Sale ; straw to the People of this country cneuitiand pe eee eae will be ever. in town. a. a oe eae aa 8 roman with a little boy and girl Pe. hether our allways.ure/owned and |for agricultural mliche <8 ay ee higher then Ee tera require- : Boies nthe train from the north : . or Canadians, The |rain fall of these three months will |EVeryone Can Help the Gon-| Ai full stock of TRUNKS /|ments. Palinerstin’ on Thuvada; it Stock must be reduced to make room for _ he is just as apt-to skin the public as [hot be up tothe arate Sie < ~ |. We have inereased our Surplus over > 5 | last. week, and. took a seat. with th : RS ARE Btn |S Paar ee ie nee aod VALISES jist setcived | stysbiitonzoe t0 0 Sc > ah. Oe eee Oe wires extreme north and extreme south a oan £ hi her. er re have more rain than desirable, | the New Free Cousumptive mespital win J. G. Grosch & Son eat teonee nas ound life and Milverton’s Great dahaes thes eon ae ; fsemn Ohioniohe - ampiives Absot endowment assurance are issue 7 ‘ ticket, saying both the childre Here isthe late she ante tp|TE Greatest Things In the SS Sou ne ates once any of our agents or write Head Barsain! Store ss 5} un rong 1a her At ues. Senator Hoar mache: : Denier. ice for particulars. the roles re our values. : tied a the ronerabe sine wan The 'greatest bell in the world is in| the new tree ting SE ees ae came ea ee eee te oe “poe i i THEY wid BS nee isin e ne’ er i —-_ = S = : : ~* _penidieitis last summer, and aici es tee lastadiios wetare whe wreae cabnie sel etiie canter ioe Sete The _uiverton SU Provineial elections will tke place} °°" woe bse ee ne Be ee 5 = ‘was beginning the joyfal|Buddba, at Tokio. It wenghs 1,700,-| National. Sanitarium Association WHEN YOU GET | aout Sune 10h. Roing to he farher, cand: bad: paid the}! + no other place .~ artived. that: the illness was not }000 pounds, and is four tines: greater | the first Pree Consamptive ‘Hospital agent all-the money she’ possessed for Z 2 eee actin, bat merely aoute. indi [than the great bell of Moscow, “witdce [In Canada. is one eens apnea "FEBRUARY 13, 1902,| Andrew Kress, hotelkeeper at| ler own ticket. The conductor then in town is offer- = Goqtion. elreuinfereuce at the rim is any te the heart-strings BE Seay ma Gowanstown, died at. his home on| picked the boy up ang carried him out ARK ee ; ace s Rood news,” said the sena-| feet, and whose height is 21 fee woman, and child the broad Domi our vercoat ere : Sanday ‘of Inst week, : aid, him ing as good val- a the fa of ontents rather tan are ener cenelin “the sori fargrear, without sa pectecer ee : : GENERAL NEWS Mr, Justice Lister, of the Court of | eld, The mother Rot 6 ileal Meerea sie ig Nees the appen ndix.”” Its length 1s 95 miles, its depth i 36 dread white plagu ue? ov ‘aré ‘all GULLen Pade mcecoases | DE thay of heart failure | 2/89. but when she could not find her 5 ues as this Up. - ise Hisiength 15 ue, ee depeh ts a6| fen arent ps lage? We ar al : atic home in Tordata ‘on, Sends | Silty beeme hysterical Avthewraint SU RPRISHD: Was eacueeae AG ifs cost was $100,000.00. Tie stock: 12 rest coring then to hee emily; and You get it Patterson, N. J., had # $10,000,000} morning. = moving out # passenger asked the : ~ to-Date .Fit-Re- - (the Globe.) Hive Siges eye Valea: nod the suet | On iusportavl stan ja thie direction CE ired leaped atrac oe! form Sh = = en to pass through it is = - 2 s Two d orm i= ua fet fei Prope [anti eine mca elt! treat | ev tome Semele Bona auc “ Right in the Neck.’’ Avni sent S000 men wo South he cmpernce peg atthe Handa | wa sop wa tie Sil a pet = pes 3 ves e canal si Ps = ocd ‘Se y 2 A 2 a ‘i 2 meee. Onterio, Ie hot prohibition, ata cost or si 0 0 pent cased to. the van ehiea a Now noes ; Arion while Canada sent 5,000, Oar Bout OGoel ae i =p us ie Ga saan fs ngest ca e Imperii ni - Be . D e F ount Forest, on a Suni hen the litue gi > | Biatintnetey esr |Chow wis ion ols o0 isn” |apurias, Wien th erkeey go] That is the place it must be right. That Beer hee 9 ne ee ee Sate that reve 95h ae as af inn 7 hotels. ts permits the uninterrupted | The greatest empire of the world is| almost fanmade all that is want-| 1 ; Sarnia. Rev, A. H. Going. and Measrs, her of, Triendlens and slone;-nt Diny- fi $16.00 sie00 eee “in the province | the "Ba ish Empire, extending oyer|edtoimake it ready to -reeaive the|COllar or shoulder must fit or the coat don’t Buckie stem and. Dave rey | on. che. travellers rege Ho $12.00 = Pane eee otnea rant tca A eopennivave fs abae ie be supplied : Hon John Dryden predicts that ee a and. Davidson are ect before witnessed such “ $12.00 in $10.00 re : ay rivers and| with beds and other furnishing’ ap- resees prime beef cattle will ‘ere long bring iscussion in thel duct Had‘the | f $10.00 . $8. agentes of Pe TUEe LE NGRE nee kde bee the Ai tments, fit. We ask you g 8 Suratford Pe ad ‘the least:bit of time been SRR, Seat “tiga rere ie Base a wy fea ae whatever being you to call and get one of. ours. fe eee ae ae ea pens hn Ona given a subscription would have been ee e ants the sooner you came “ es you have s re in population, "the Spanis! e National Sanitarium Ass i . atford’s citizens b F aken up. ve no apprentices doin Eupire in power, and the Persian| tion are already carrying too easy You will find our Suits and Overcoats divided ia weir paste eile ae Bia ties nothing but journe: case our Ww E will b i oe < than a measure prohibiting manufac Buptre in arena EEE bona oe there trier tek eat tie: fanttahing 5 % 5 to accepting the Curnegie gift for al Hon. David Mills has been a sation eet bi piace le s e oS : lation of | thero: opting ogi I en ap: ee = ture and sale throughout the province. | the Empire—402,515, Sb a7 percent fenstvons te hi elp ihe ray chen fr fit different trom the ordinary kind: Ebb libraey: pointed to the Supreme Court bench, | Pefore the healing quai of South American of the population of the world; the|000 needed for this purpose. ‘Phe Solicitor-General Fitzpatrick has becn| Nervine. ‘Thomas Hoskins, of Duwham, Ont., n = F11,430,316 square wiles of imperial ter-| sum is not alarge one,. Teo thousand Hon. James MeMullen and Wm.j advanced to the Ministership of Jus»! SK TS preachr' avi, flowed etna ° : Seen ee. itory ory te 21 per eeut: of the land of tho individaal contributions of $100 each J E ROWE 3ibson, the Gefented candidates in| tice snd Mr. Osrvull, of Kamourasks, Neves Poatiorsutgeens™ ert ee 9 5 - rites a corres- out of a population of nearly 6,000, e North Wellington and aa have | has be winted 2 | recom ggndent peter er Be grater son depth known to Reople would aecouplish this end. : Sse ppunnten qo" the Bares sit sprint Nolen lenoral- | Trrmeeriel i aes eaves So aphg bh abe Sea expose | wen isin the South A an, | Somme, of course, with their hearts) Hoffman Block, The Up-to-Date Tailor, Doan Kilroy, of Stratford, _ Sold by Jas, Toranee “, ene of the Denia ah on of thelate we hee island of Tristan fens: Or fellow-citizean anc Milverton. gue cnet eto ane ins |emeaid A mortgage of $2,000. he Me paeeah ea ately ane dit. out of the Rio] (yen cello stage wove : Soman nd highly do the covnel| held on the Stratford Separte Schoo J ad +, Brighton, by. the mid-day train to aie nee at a depth of 40,286 fect, or] Fifty dollars will'furnish a bed, .W. prove of h that they res/and made an. extra cash donation of ust to. -Hand my dutics. Just ax the train was eight nd the-quarter tiles is needed is that the amount be yaised os eel eer eee 75 oy for the purpose of liquidating : S starting ei te pater ty the sam ga cat té a; gurls, eRe inany knocking at to $20 debt. which “amounts ee Shite A Complete Li a Cc i ‘ r throwing in “The. fence in the world is a| the doors of the National Sanitarium omplete Line. of E eae ; small portmantean . wire-netting { lia, 1 SPEGIA L T. Lancefield, lit $0,000, eh: x P. eee Fr ee cs ee tone ing ange keep a eee eee Benibeadt obi Westy: tetdeaari ee The new four dollar bil perch Bes 5 is loads of ~ had been Lae armel tata the rabbits from tie cultieaesd fields, ae ie this Purpose. S$. y «| E for parts unknown aud has left likes ae se ee ee Ladies’ Gold Guards astonis| 4 re by Si sie ait ic le ees Rieeeans, sae longest. word, in the, Bnglah 4.90 oF wore wit Beeeived by SI £ a Z shortage in his aceounte: af between likelihood of one being mistaken for Ladies’ Silver Watches British ( olur ae extent. of saree irt, and fone jointed word of 28 letsera | hawport Ave., Toronto; W. J. G A go the ouber. However, the $4 nove pos. ; : Bree tele sly aes hf ransulstantiationableness” is the | B64., 34 Front St, West, Toronto ; ur : Fred Schutz, alias Lindsay, ex-/¥*88 one tedecming feature; four and Patties: Cole Nee i fe porsnggtent. “Front aret to next fougedt- 22 iba St.’ Kast, ‘Poronts. Wnty We have only cne large Hagia patiated “hie grime. to warder onthe Bve dullar bill wil py any bill great- Ladies” Gof#:-Rings with any| lust (.e never togk the slightest notice SS doliara- will farnish'a bed Home double heater C reore. ek gallows at Sauls Ste, Marie on Friday |@r than $11. ‘That is why eattle-buy- 2) ar SS ergy Sa Se kiero 9 eg pices wil ceca Baraat: mornieg. Te will be reiembered that] °S like & fat purse of fours and fives, Sind 01 See 22 -y behavior. fe i 1 < i % To! Known the man Estiould bave| a. toon took Dr.Agnew'sCurefortheHeart| (afl Feo Bannd Oakes ior ccd ig August lace Schults ‘shot Mrs! ‘The County-Orango Ladge of Noreh eeu «coe ee At ke base te tia bet ments of Edward ‘Thoupeos ior 9, | 2°, directly and quickly, stimulates the wo Round Oaks, for coal and: Yraig, the woman with whom he lived.| Perth met in the@range Hall, Listo Ladies? Diamond Rings rriving in the course of the. next two , gon. Welly (weston ection), on Testa acai slgge tet eesti csp wook, elegant stoves ata very Low Englind’s Wesleyan Meshodits wel, on Feb. 45 Gent’s-Gold and silver Watches| Or three month = ‘Tuesday, Feb. 25th; Sale to com- milssieie a Cahier wine te ear A ell Price thee failed to ratce “the? sancok he the Glia es were electer Gent’s Ts — oF : weSThie object of the. tuetamorphosis mence af ne o'clouk pan ge bags beo ears m = : mi lion guiness they undertook to get | County Master, Thos: Crookshian ee Have your orders eakedk at once as Was noc so obvious Shenae after-|_ The farm. stock, iaiploente and | heart-sick patient into the haven of radiant This is a chance even if you do not to celebrate the 20th century. They |Céusty Deputy Master, 8 S. Ro Remember I make a spe- del an ab attired gaat Bea iar | too ot baact diakage eine ee Get need a coal stove before next svinter. have obtained, however, subscriptions els eae. ae Craven iets cial cus.on. everything th ae ee in Be busy season. Draw home 2 it; when. by Toe esooly s 3 “Vou wil amounting to $4,500,000. of which | COUsty eile no. Taghen; Coun. ything that is : 4 Peles SN se ano Sa eas 3 Sige > ae ee ee ee $3,610,000 have bean paid in : Z Chains das. Os arson: County D. of} mentioned above’ and every= shdets supply while the sleighing i 1S good. tary black £1233 Ss : Ea seph Walker; County Lect., Robi saee a af 1230 aan A. Cow d Amo niadsdm | Prices : "His sfenagecleddhrace ot ona ee ; County Leet, Robt! thing is guaranteed, Last year we ran out of this quality ae pe ete ahar SoGiiel Ande Ie amie We must and will sell these Stoves as the rural public schools of Ontario is Watch repairi: ; shin les earl oO: d. = Be eae Sate dee ped gecNic bak WEE stack oni Gave Bper cent uf the otal muinber of _ A Pleasant Duty-— “rhea a epairing a spe- 3 ry. rder at. once and secure: ferineretahyde: add-ameotier ot Bino |<, over the season. ee ae eet tas fond Cn zs eaet ee ee AYOUr self. pa ed was refused for him. Mr. Crow is: ance) Jas. Murdock, of ~Hami Pa. “Dr. at 2 e ees 4) ing 0 ing, or icing Pies. Dr. oer at Known as a breeder.of. 290d hurses, = A Renee tea teint sandiego ee frie, <4 Fpmogsta sets, "T ce Sag re ot ie brow FINKBEINER BROS. Eo irr ghey me eal er 115 Bastandorts J | agcenty—15_ sum, of $3 when 4 oue.and-a bi If plea ie Senefited’ me in five min a} : = * fi * utes, ee Saget htae Dirperiag =: years olde : HARDWARE.. 2s THE. JEWEREER,. eet a % s SS . . aby Jas Torrance. Next door to R Eepapey's = i a oe se Zs Paks Eeeikes: Dealers om Voter,

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