Ri ae MARRIAGE LICENSES J. G. GROSCH. SrricrLy CONFIDENTIAL. Che | “It Shines For All.” Vol XI—No. 8 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1902 The Milverton Sun Local Newspaper in the Uouty Iv is the Best BATE : Mediam. reasonable. Subscription st ee doap strictly in advance. $1.50 if aid.—M. MacBeru, PURLIsHER, ADVERTISING RATES. sescz, | Year, |s mo. | 9 mo. nt Ad ments. are chi Se. per ine nonpariel, for tt tion, and 3c, per line for each Banking, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. GorNe Nonru. corse Social on Thursday night. Any man can be brave over a telephone. New wall papers for spring at E. HL Dierlamm’s. Possibilities of genius are few when compared with impossibilities. Men’s spring hats just opened. R. RANNEY & O..Bankers Get. yours xv once at E. H. Di Estraptismap 1895. “ Jamin’ e busi t uct we FS seer aaee aren Miss Lillie Eoster, of Me. Forest, is y to loan on notes and | spending a month at the home of Mr. Notes discounted aud notes and | P. Dacklow. d. Deposits received and surreDt rates a interest allowed. poned social at J. G. Han ANNEY & CO.; Milverton ston fae alae on Tharsday, 20th, = oe == 15e. admission. “Ww, EGBERT, M.B., M. D. GM. grad-|_ Mrs. Martin Berger and daughter nat ta of College Mee =e \d Sargeous |} Pauline are cee few days with aes tario ; also ate student Leke aoe Et, ee in rear Milverton, Ove. Telephone: Smith jon with Poole, Brunuer, Lutheran Churel and Rostock. ANTON, Berttr, Soliciter, Ete. aa every Thursday, Wm. Burton's Main St. Veterinary J. W. ENGEL, Vis, Milverton, Ont. velephone or otherwise lay or wight. | Dentistry aod Chronic Diseases BARR. anon, Milver es oe of nate of Ontario Vete treat NA Newton(Grad- terinary College, Toronto.) rigs at all times, gage Commercial driving a specialty. “sectetiex €. 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets every second wud lust Tuesday of evety, monty at Bovclock, in their hall Vv Perera R; A. 0. 0. “Silver Star) Boyle each recently p ased ror a Yo. "302, Milverton, nak aaa “every Friday night at ; 30 p.m. in heir hall font ‘ie bails: 5 He (pedigreed) ten months old Z BY . ns bs Viste b brethren always are visiting friend 8 and rel lati in Spencer, N. G.; W. K. Toth v y Z prevent tee Mr. pee —-|* The Tavistock Gazette publishes the Vaughan j qutende taking 00 ‘one. ‘of the Business Cards list of relics unearthed by the Weilles- § pro a. | 8rd line girls back wi ley Meple Leafs’ hustling young cor-|rc1.- Mile re Unie W. D.. WEIR, Sueno for the Loe y . tely, Mi aioe has ees even the ties of Perth and , Conve; indent at Lisbon, and wittily {rumor which is almost as as the whipresis Deeds, Wills and ieee ages git seg aud adds: All the Gazette has to say is eit But other places are suffer- Saat Afilavits made. Bailiff Ath Division Conrt, sae if tat 40.yenr-old egg liad been | jng because such rumor, and we. di We regret to chronicle the death of pT ieeeteree biterton few weeks ae is nly fir them tomy that Uere| Me Se! Gordon, which tok ple iohorieiaccs ices eraaid atu amen ig no éaure for panic even if a case of|°% Monday afternoo er home DORLAND'S BUS Dorland, Maple St., Proprie! - | graduate of friends in Listo: od time is ee all who attend the social on Thursday night. Sleighs leave post office at 7.30. purel r. Fred nou ae lot on Temperance street r $800. Christ Church promises'a lecture by . A. P. Moore, after Easter. Mr, Macre pleased a great taany whea in Milverton last ye: New lace curtains at E. H. Dier- lanim’s. dt ¥/ Mesers. Wm. Opper and E.-Sehm iy: ee finished cutting the supply of ice |! for the coming summer, at Poole, having cut over 1500. blocks, . P. Griffin left_on Monday ‘oronto/ where he will represent Te : fe Mornington, Agvieulivrsl. Society at the Provincials Fair Association. See those Leautifal muslins at E. H. pee \/ Mr. Milton Bundscho, on Monday last, purchased the conifectionery. busi- of Mr. George Guenther and will run it in connection with his barber shop. Messrs J Ss on Bal Miss Gertrude Watson, of Stratford, Hamilton College of Music, and Canadian College of Music, Ort i s in Hotels EXCHANGE WOTEL, Brainer ‘Ont, os Gropp, P-oprietor. Best. liquors and ; agate cet the but First-class accommoda-) oF Mr James Torrence on the above tion and large stabling. mentioned GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. d Nes Henry Denyer, of ccommodation for commercial Elma, on Friday evening last, gave a e ee bet Party to the young peuple of the ighborh Man; i Tigi SW. comer of Nui sil Mil streets, C. Hasenpllug, Proprietor QUEBEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The ‘best. accommodation for commercial trav- MiseelHlaneom JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Lamber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, ete. ner. it Patnotic exercise beaks, peribbling books, schoul text books and all iF: were invited and two loads crepe tw the invitation. All ‘cl have ha 00d “¢ Social for the benefit of the Church Improvement Fund ov Thursday night. The authors of “The Kentucky Babe,” Mesa Buck and Geibel, have effective song and will achieve popular approval wherever beard. The maga- zine also includes 22 pages of enter- taining wusical literature and half- pm tones. jlete pieces fur the 10 gana ie ee cents. For sale by all newsdealets T Mr park Boyle left on Wednesday | ; Me. : Chir les Kletick of Brunner, has 4 M Diesenroth’s | ng Stet arriving daily at E. ee pee is A Sig but. another name for contra Mr. David Sais oes spesaee rip to Brantford on Mond: a sare you buy your Wee a t EH. Dierlawm’s, Call and ‘no oh Adda Boomer, of Berlin, is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. G m. Mrs. Geo. E. Goodhand spent a few days last week with Mrs, L, Pelton, of Atwood. Mr. David Cartis of Bfumels a few days in pgton and Milver | ton last week. ve T. J. Rootson, bee preach the an! enue missionary sermon in the Mil- verton Methodist Sage next Sunday evening Mr. M. Grimm left on Monday for Manitoba uncle, Mr. They have taken two carloads of horses with them and expect to be away about # month, ‘A specinl meeting of the Orange County Lodge of North Perth, will ne held in the Orange Hall, to atte special meeting of the} tion of ‘unfinished general business Blane qeceuth Sebel oA Bulb btoadunies ane Ss. . J. Humberstone, of Ripley, |C2swell GM, H. Willoughby, ‘secre: eee few ies one dry eet week | f0Y- 4b his sister, Mrs. P. Duc y¥ Mr. Thos. E. Gibson has purchased |, 0 acres from Mr. Andrew Alexander Britton, for $5,900 and will tek possession about March 20th. The place is Sone eaEnHY situated to mar- ket, schools and cheese factory.. Mr. Gibson is an execllent farmer and has quite a host of friends around Milver- ton who will regret his departure from their midst. Hall, of, Bond Head, ulpit of oe chureh, both m eda Beta vecupied the Milverton, on Sunday last, ae gregation. fall is FE evangelical and while he is concise he retains the strictest attention of his hearers. Quite a number in the con. gtedation<ould no dualit™-be “pleased to hear bim again. New laces and alls overs at E. H. Dierlamm’: is a good deal of unnecessary small-pox (such as it is) exists there. e are all indeed fortunate if we were we never quarantine it. Medical science may ever be march- ing onward. but there are localities where its spell is not felt, and the mystic methods pursued by “ the rude forefathers of the hamlet” “are still doing duty. in all the light of modern ‘as only the other day tbat a “child fell I sick i in one of the town- nd ships when a doctor was ealled in a ronounced it a e of pnevmonin ter the learned mat ‘eribed an mediately adopted. A hen was pro. cured and cot open alive bof the child; wate stinved inside tee ‘oper tare and allowed to remain there until the hen died. we operation was re- peated daily amil all the inflaiamation not being so much-inflm imation present. This mode of application in puemnonia i: ‘common parte. ai an this one. iberculosis. is th a thousand times more dangerous, but| © was drawn from the 5 hen . Dennison, C0 F. organizer, ix in the first. instance Jived three] in the village in the interests uf, the quacters of an hour, but in each sue. cessive instances did not live so long, there not Men’s new shirts and neck ties at} E. H. Dierlamm’s, | Mrs. F H. Kenney, of Palmyra is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 5) Row ae Parcel of Linwood, is spend: | { inga fee = diye with Mr. and Mrs. G.G to borrow your after this. Pte trying veigbor snow Pineal Tvs len: Mr, — West, of Granton, is at present visiting his uncle, Mr. Thos. Westman. We have opened a new department in carpets, etc., no larger choice in town thin at E. H. Dierlamm’s. Miss Rose Trim has ‘been spending a week or two with her sister, Mrs. Frank Syers, of Bartonville. Miss Florence Nurse : of New Hambarg, spent Say abe Sunday at the residence Miss erton. ber of Milvertonians attended ee, Fouhe ciaugoae ball at Atwood eek, They are highly pleased | ! vit Die people of Atwood as enter- aes City - Council: is are make an effort’ to- gett Harvester Co., of Chicago, to cnedblich a proposed Canadian factory in Strate Mr. Edward Denyer on Suuarday eit pecdltuba hip tortn ot Me Folie eats lot 30, con. 17, Elma, con- of 50 acres. . The- price paid we ened aaa was $2900. Mrs. J. Le. icker were called & > Stratford for a few days last the former’s sister, Mrs..R. T. Nicklin, of Newton. From last accounts she was slowly improving. The purchaser of the property of te late James Kerr, which was offered for sale by public auction on enay last, waa Henry Schwindt, one of Milverton’s capital ists, He paid $850 : TRALEE. Veccwaean rady ee moyed on his farm near Dorking which he had e tented the past four years to Joseph canoe cae fasts T. ani Ryan of ich., eed Ele days last ae at James Mackays. Mr. Ryan has store al id was on his ish them a man ing tour. happy Journey 1 through life. nly one from -wtor i got throu, he blocked more or less by the storm north of the village. ‘The decease was highly respected by all who knew hildren who have the sympal he community in their loss. funeral took place on Wednesda: afternoon at one o'clock to the Pres- byterian cemet Mr. Jobn Smith, who has been con- fined to bed for some years past, is_re- ported to be seriously ill Miss Ma f Moore. field, is visiting friends in Use village. Mise Porter is visiting friends in Sper ike cLennan gave 7m pleasant egies on pesple a Friday evening las pnan will move into the wallage in a few days. meetings held in Kutox church vee! Mr, Hardy is « prvachne of exceptional is drawing large crowds to Saaae at this time would do well to with Mr. Dennison at is. being | £0 To| vicinity on Monday. Mi : Sete NALCO. machtTey ¥aditor and Publis} BRUNNER. = _ Mr. John Grop) shat a large bee_ ol mas ste oe er ig iis ‘brother Chal len”. cn — ziger, wi marriage to Mr. os, | Ne Schule of ‘Wellesley. Wm. Mantz, of Berlin, has re- home ave flee ending some ees Mrs..G. F. Grosch. tortied oe imored i Mr. ~ Con. selinat Intends te sell his farm. re glad to state that Mr. Peter sehoaa pss ead again. bse bil WES NEWTON. t ‘The storin has now abated; thé pest & abn paw and great is his yard is con pletely filled with a choice stock auras and Mrs. Stewart, of Rat Port- revent visiting at the hothe of Mr. D. B. Grie Mr. Noah Witt visited at A. Ruthig’é last week, irkland is putting in @ here last. at. ate Be on Satu Seale a ve opr sister tin’s iat week, r, Munroe of ease, is visiting in this communi Mr. John Grieve, of Harriston, was in our burg last, week. Mr. Henry ub wes in. Healdichors ath cui of the farmers 0 se a sicinlty attended Mr. wee! ‘at. Ross bag home teed Mr. Setantay from a short visit down country. Messrs. Willie and Morvine Esse Sundayed under the pare ‘Mr. Hugh MeDonald i ie Basi ene gaged delivering ice to o ies MRSS MONKTON. Mise Nellie Merryfeld is visiting friends in Mitebell this week, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Chafie will give. alan at home to their young friends in ie pe on Thursday evening. — . John Berlet, con, 15, Logang & 2 ind wheat and died of indi School Inspector Wan Tr ‘win, of Sano wan hee alge ‘and of Ethel, was in Monkton lust. week moving some buildings Mr. Anthony Kuhry from the village down to his farm. less an and Elma council less Log: © work at once and 1s terrible grayel road they are likely te hav damages to w accident should happen. Why not put—ro om the townsbip. road grader and cut down these drendfut pitel or get a snow plow like to sein the pay out for shoveling. ely to have a telegraph service cetablished i in Monkton again in the near future. 3 Mr. A. Bannerman, we ai say, has n somewhat during the last. week wi vy cold but at present Le is considerable tier. Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg, of Ox: ford Co, Jaxt week in Monkton with he latter's brother, Mr C. H. essrs. Hy. and E.G. Zieman, of Atwood, were in Monkton on Monday on busine, A large lond of Milverton’s young men drove into our quiet village on — Sunday to pa John White “a Seay visit. Sohn entertained them well as te cou Whee the ae say; that Monks lon hax now gota fi uae were no Valentine's sorry to adi the] Merrytield. t E{somne of the Valewiues received ; that D. dees, Hike tobe sat upon but he cnald not help-bimselé whew lie tipped over 5 -that if Carnegie give Monkton a library” eee we would use it; that the key to happiness is not always found on # wediing ring.