Milverton Sun, 20 Feb 1902, p. 4

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Sa es hes Rin as poet fac ie a tet Eien perf -a-| Ar buck, ‘or the mig! | God unto salvation te every one - the & ‘many mel has no sweet sound Tor them. ‘They live in a quictude |th that will not be broken one heaven lar ar cee of 0 ith now Bi _porselves un- and and ‘our es the in- See wide which our mothers {i put. us ‘fo sleep, and the voices of the prima donnas like Lin the sound of | the |ear et about pind Tiaa oe sin what he mean’ e talk- ‘vith the hand of Morgan onation,' ne eo hear the crow! coming © do’ oem Bt at the seat of Tela 3 the blast ol the ram’s igs |horn, and explain us that miracle |—how the sun ai still without demolition of the plane- nd story of her banishment Ewitice how many more are than foul, how m: yz |good people than bad you mi coaxed, x oe creeping people to esis soe mt of ten * srings jike'that Was accustoi > and ion. - Have you ever given Siva eyée media bet side ‘that no. oe but Goose ee all @9 picture given one hearty = tude for “reasure of sight, nha see’ Of hich is the ssi- | [follow. had harp in- in. hand and swept strings of gratitude Hees under ii of the | mete hear music fall. cavenda eke does “not exw. ‘The air infinite God 02 Tho ove, = window of | “Bittosopters e a years e astr wt eleven yt Ee then lors march, f the aout Without of us expression tempests | w: ings and flying fowl Mountains and the hills and [bi text David cals upon mca ith an ine} w; ae re ee ntpRints Sicptesose our misfortunes to ere as David American disorder. ae a i his “dark s: mot touched you and you eee s without aa Been ree Mide here- him tat slttetb. ae the iene and unto the Lamb forever. { s fair days m. i, 16), and ne abe ached the Spirit works, iFOR FARMERS Seasonable and Profitable Hints for the Busy Tillers of the Soil. of tae thay gro) 25). Let us eee Pfaith in, God that 5 d had promi: which no Rae sary one gainsay or ) as wisdom was ie spirit was the Spirit of God. As id fe simply sai Ww backward was the .the leper, and moon could stand |word lexperience him and he yy infamous Ahasue- | qj g according to His working |{° in me mightily ?”” with, and so he and the Beopee to lie about him and up false wit- ee ee oe LESSON, arene er, let “us grat ateful a edge a. ie baer ot “onal Rees Text of the te RE Acts vi, 1-15 ES Golden teats Matt. =., 28. “It is reason hee we should leave ae wor of God and was the decision uring am concerning the Gaily ministration of ‘tem ween the soul the world outside, media vocal. thunder ox ros is sie a polonge sil- lor ee on eae limits and ame i fer i iat weather from e instrument of ten | murers. , 4. “We “will give ourselves ee for te has a substitute sages ee is ous instinct, an atten Sel noe ie “for the insane, Sieh ‘all the employed jn many | mi or she the pet ee this country there ae ee oe ae rain de-| mel age. bere day, but last in all enatiere of tut successful life. It would id je-| unlike the shaking of hi ¢ |mentia of the world tetris sporeciate Sy are in eq string of the See and }and of faith Eee 3, 24). The reason SHY each believer shoul o- | not. be So. fil erie the good ; rou .do not ronda: Switch will take whe multiplied greatly in came believers. “It was wens |have only one good frie apostl essed in Sse Set pomsesinns ‘With |serve tables, a cS a can dely the | working = |THE S. S. LESSON, = fairs they es patient with the mur- « 1). ands: ae ou any, es not oi and a nspration a Barn ane eee ear, of eae a great company of the priests. be- | and. sadeanehty work of the oat ibe a ore thai they thas would “destroy: Me: _ wrongfully, in heaven’ we shall reflect ——_+——_—~ MOTHERS OF GREAT MEN. very delica’ ounod’s: “mother Re ppainting and music. ire mother. was pues ‘of music, but Milton’s letters often allude, to his imo ter as peculiar as that of son. deportment, the character dicated one of his r. ‘Smith’s mother was wer _conversationalist, tee, a | Gibbon’s mother fo uraged her amy) 5 mothe had a de- ded taste for all branches of , {tural history. iN EES “Why, Bridget,” ny a did you di eck di yk wonders and mira oo by. fox | ubless cab, 0 a elas ey bad weather was fond of terms. Wordsworth’s mother had ee charac- sifted Raleigh said that he owed all his Parone +8 3 Polttenss to his it Goethe pays several —— He his his increased value of the firs said her mistress, du rally her for the | the farm just as cert VALUES OF FEED. mx e words. and eal, wpeas, wie middlings and pe: jet, red top, ofthe horse if given as a contin- uous food. HOW TO BE A { Goop FARMER. *Sfany think that the farmei oN jable one, that he is awa te homie; searcely having tim aya neal, ¢ | the: matter most tndependent man on eart much ore attempted. Schumann's Bee was gifted with | very few ea |musical. abi Chopin's Bother, ike himself, was @ and more eee stantial returns. NRICH THE SOTD. One of the ways in which i to most that a farmer can iiceoaes it a ape is to enhance the value oe he tills, making it — ther in ap it affectionate = Bat pore and you enrich it. 2 — time inc ane pas But i yO cr os ihis land while he ‘A considerable part the manure he applied d in the soil. It appears in te ‘op, often much other soil fertil of fi ost. pestis: ane main busi ¢ instramental compositions fing 9 1 he er fertility OF eaitives a |crops rather than a dae abe and very oe Even whi ied i was pemoes ely the crop that is ortant..-Whe' ag ward and only aim to make ctive, we can increase the value of ain secret. about the value of land, as to Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc |PPst, 3° <9 THE MARKETS 22 fest lard, 124 to 18h6; Seo 140; bacon, eA to $8.6: Staou, to eese—Ontario, 10° to 104c; eastern , 10 to in Trade Centres. Teronto, trues J i Flo} aed is tario 90 per cent. patents yee sacks, olfer at $2.90 middle freight, but arate rol: Jer: in 20 to air Gig balera’ ot @h0n eee To- tonto. Oatmeal—Market unchanged. Car track, $5.25 in bags, and |car mn qwood. ’ Broken tots 28¢ per {quant is. dull at $17 to LIVE STOCK )OK MARKETS, whores pombe! at a Toronto, Feb. oba shorte $22, Toronto aaa ied ure stock came ing sacks. attle, 186 sheep Wheat—Tuere is a limited demand, hogs, vero and mi with millers ae only buyers. - Sales 4 Norther ePollowink 49° the tions:— Cattle. Shippers, Ber ort “esol ord. to good. No.2 swhite:oflered outelas-et 1a eer TEE 74c, with 78¢ bid, No. 2 mixed |Stockers, per cw! ed at 7c, G-TR., points with- Shee out offerings, Bar ee No. 1 offered at 58¢ middle No. 2 at 55c middle, extra offered at id, and No. 3 freight to New | Calves, each. d a at Soe outside, | Choice hogs, per and 8,000 bu GPR. west, | Light hogs, “4 with 79¢ bid. Ten Thee ‘of | Heayg owes pe a No. 2 ea Co. en route, and GT-R, with 79 bid middle on OP. R. PARES Oats—No. 2 white pene A03c sia” "Senex THE ONTARIO. LEGISLATURE Die Gilead. at Lic seat ws Bartland y without sas . Corn—No. 2 yellow offered at 564c west, with 56c bid, and 60¢ was bid ‘horo! No. 2 mixed wanted at a west, but none offered 2 sold at 55% ; 8,000 bush offerea'at May delivery, jon offered at 56c pees OUR MEMBERS ARE DO- iG AT sence ws # Mr. Mutrie (aoa Wellimgton) troduced a bi it the Coun- red ~ Bic middle ireight, wile Base was bid middle freight, either road, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dried Apples—Market is unchanged, With offerings small. Prices 5} to 6c ‘aporated — sell at: 94 pres ete an elector has the option ig two" votes for one can- oO quiet, ae Prices id ‘ops—Business he We We tai the s in- Yeeree Ybor i chat eenelnter Ok Oni iont-Market ‘steady at $2.50 to wo parts, and $3 per barrel. "223 eee ‘ay, baled_—The market is steady, ‘hich actically an moti qacted Ron’ hae providing | fe fae Hie and $8 ; the ser arket is quiet and ote on track will bring m steady, 0 to 55c; duck: second Tuesday abbee Pires salling ‘at <65" to 6Gc per bag, in car lots on track, ‘end smaj} lots at 75 to 80c per bag. | the lists of Thee ralititied t0 vote at a next general election of mem HE : serve in the Teg ila voeAmoentbiyr THE DAIRY MARKETS. at bee uit te eoes Butter—The market eeraniorieg ate the votes ones. wid are in favor o} to 18¢; eee Biel 21 to 22c, and solids, 20 Eggs— sith prices tly new laid, 25 to 27¢; Giiee eeeay a Heese Market saslet ott ; Prime Septembers quoted at 10} t HOGS AND PROVISIONS, Dressed hogs unchanged. nominal Be time after the refer- Ps of the Act defines as hibited liquor all fermented, spirit uo1 d iquors, all drinkable liquors which are intoy cating. 1840; ane shoulacia 0k Druggists’ wholesale market is unchanged. ‘quote:—Tierces 11c; tubs, nar pails 11} to 11%¢; compound, 9 to 9c. BUSINESS AT help beens Montreal, Feb. 18—Grain- 06: ysis ly, at_47 to ATA, ager a retail \ sick person ior is th and sie Nothing in the Act shall prevent 5 pre to | the manufacture of liquor ee espork to another — provi or reigh col pours asks for sale to a te ne the clubs and eiate are poten from having liquor on contains no. provision importation of liquors G mption in a. private dwelling house ‘of such liquors pur- share ‘outside the province. Board- ss lodging-houses are defined pubtie places, where consumption is Probibited. i QUESTIONS TO MEMBERS. Replying to Dr. Pyne as to whether it was the invention of the ment te aetiog based upon he facts clicited by the Assessment iange of quota- Severn pri sion of eietel energy. J FUNDS. CIVIL SERVANTS. asked :—“‘How many public servants in the employment of vernment of the Province ar or removal | stat tates Saas st oo eae vil i Sis ‘Ichealth, ¥ were Seiad 40 a gratuity geo: ay service. In tan or dente the cir families were en- titled to ratuity. Under 61 -atuitic vant appoi 1898, was Sutitiea to niaks a ¢elaim. THE MARRIAGE ACT, ie that, ‘pose it was aubtantialy still in aS STATUTE ee oe t into oe on wn Unis Ae S for the revision ee the the subjects fected that ahosverasrcdstis Gow to those oe historic Acts. FREE HIGH SCHOOLS. of Eduéation ouhig” Gounbil Snake gate fount nanS GP such high settled Py | SERA pac ta eo spotliad = an ere fore. THE cost OF snore ‘atton re] G|exbenditure by “the Brovin os cee oe Pe en is eae to tad scribed for | The fe Premier replied that under the |© one month’s ti : rapid growth on to | ther revision the reference tio A BRILLIANT SCENE IN THE _ SEN: aes CHAMBER. An Ott ttawa despatch beantiful wi inter’s oe the vopecne ct e_ impossil mnie to coneciva nmnere 5 ee eon act |dences of warmth and color on every hand. THE VICEREGAL PARTY. as accompanied by Mrs. Maude, et sjor Forester, , Lieut. od, A.D. ¢. Pol. risen: eneral of the United States, France, d the Archbish- In meeting you again at ti ther session ae Par- ar, and par- the exeuptionally, boun- Manitoba and the Tt was very rallying ep ania ihe ptio: ‘by all Prine ceeding year i | without farther delay. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT,| ss itating [with — other aS ss _ edi ere ae wi asked consi the desirability or cmaking — Saaitional, perma anetes pur os vitation from my. See to “attend a note | t- | Fondon next June tion of trade, peer and teamshij Africa would enable country a proftable rane for such a Majesty haan pee graciously ite th e this occasion will afford an portunity for the ssion Be cine fects of mutual interest: which may — of our. trade one erce e ure a eee and with our ance avons Ce Gentlemen of the House of Commons: ‘The public accounts for the last eer anit estimates for the suc- be Jaid before you |October last, the only the limited time at ‘their | owever, a great faction to know that, thelr “ro Hig joved th though Canada and ex led it St pe aaiiscsace ot their acter, proximity of ‘the “Tnited States. in our eforts or writing, incite fanatics to. the per- petration of such horrible crimes. INCREASE OF een ‘The returns of the than occurred . during e period covered by >the last tw ication havi = ine goer ot Pacific ee Oo ers availed opportunity to pe mes ninth ies ny, is presence ele as, ulting in which, should ‘the 1 ae ac astading rates very much fea those now | York, pucceods to LORD DUFFERIN 1 I AD. 4 London despatch -The Mai ania of Dufferin, former Governor- eneral of Canada, and who has fea any, AE diplomatic posts ied Jon Davis, of New tith See a Eaves A es te . ea ig patch

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