WARRIAGE LICENSES J. @. GROSCH. SrricrLy CONFIDENTIAL. “It Shines For All.” CONT. The Milverton aur. Vol XI—No. 9 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1902 anton and G. T. R. Time Table your spring shopping at E. H. v3 Mr. ee Isley oe Hesson, bought}, WELLESLEY. Tn the best Local. Newspaper in the inty | Trains due to leave Milverton. Gor Do Dierlamw’s. 6 re farm, Jot % con. 14, Wellecley, for the sum of $5800 Aa oe pe aes Sale: - MeFedain, of oe Well Rae tat Kiversenn}” coemu meee sovrE. t Sledium ates feusonable. Subscription 0: 9: | Sunday + Hlonort Of Eee $008 gs vip Sh_cooterion lesley, $1 per year, strictly in advance. $1.50%f| 443 y i eee ae 3 eae omens not so paid.—M. MacBeru, Puniisuen. For white wear try W. K. Loth.| v1 have for the past year been fread aan oyster supper on Friday ADVERTISING RATES. Special siding in Owen Sound, returned toj evening pera he epee was SPACE. Year. |6 mo. | 3 mo. | 1 mo, re is eaeine wrong with a} Milverton this week Mr, Schaefer, ; few hours were pth pies. —|—— | Saas pie if a small boy refuses a second |since locating in Owen Sound, Las ese pen eee anes Saeed ; | $16 00| $6 00 iece. isn ing, al ii Acer 5) ool oo} O 00 % 50| New spring hate at W. K. Loth’s. |P'°°? re haying Se poor health, to their various homes, well pleased Quarter col. .| 16.00} 9 00/6 00} 3.50) yy, felt hats f E. Mr. Lorne Munro, of Stratford,) What is more rare th in| with their evening's enjoyment, Eigath col..| 10.00} 6 00) 3-00 2.00 ‘en's new felt hats for spring at oe abe! with friends in the| February: Ladies of Milverton they er Desinch. || 8.00} 3.00 200] 1 00|H. Dierlamm’s. ul : 5 ae = A boy’s headache is always worse a adie Geeuccoranedie it verti gi Sect es goa ft | just about school time, David en to play on Friday dunes f| Miss Ida Riker, of of, Millbank, spent Brst insertion, and 3e. per ine for each suc- ve those beautiful new prints and | his deliver a : vate Hen est ee ot Guhday sessive i nsertha flannelettes at E. H. Dierlam: Mr, Bik io ont shes: ran beeeik At Sanking, R. RANNEY & co.,.Bankers pence United 286 ortgages. . Notes discounted aud notes and yendeany collected. pia 8 of intcrest allowed. . RANNEY & pods Milverton. Medical W. EGBERT, M. D.C. ad- uate of College on Physicians ‘and Surgeons of Ontario; postgraduate student of of Milverton, ‘Ont. Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Church and Rosto PANTON, arpa Solicitor Bite. open ever: Thureday, ¥ Wm. Burton’ Beak, aie 8 a M. “Dentistry RM AN, Dentis' DR. B. LEDE! t, Licentinte of Dental Surgery ‘of Roysl and Member Colle; pe Deutal Surgeous. o Hones ste obi atorato Dates Regula ation. of teeth, Crown and Bridy Work a Specialty. Hours 9a. m, to 5 p.m. Office above Finkbeiner Bros. bardware tore, Milverton. Veterinary ENGEL, V. 8., nialy Disvasos. & speci Dentletry and Chronic BARR: VETERINARY SUR- Ww. treats ull diseases of domesticat Calls by telephone or otherwise _bromptly attendet ection. Tit clash tiocees andres at all tiniee gaage trenster. Commercial driving a specialty. 4 hoctetles ; No. 99, Milverton, meets every nd day of every month, at Bo'clock, in. their hall over Schneuker & Rothaermel’ Visiting ren al- ways welcome. Roe, C. R.; Barth, Recording Rene «Silver “202, Milverton, night at, ting brethren always wi Spencer, N. G.; W. K. Toth, Business Cards W. D. WEIR, Aactioneer for the Coun- neet; | ton, occupied the pulpits of Boron and tore, Main street, Milverton. DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, ere Ont. fiquors and jodla- tion and large stal GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. | be 01 First-class accommodation for commercial travelers and others. Three large sample rooms, tabling. Best brands of liquors and ci Ss. W. f Main _and Mill streete._ C Hasenpfiug, Proprietor. . QUEEN'S Sere agers Ont. The mimercial trav- accommodation sclera and others. ‘Two large. sample roams. Only the, choicest oe Wines, Liquors and Cigars bar. Good warm stables and B planty-of isd tig Heath owe eek Smith when articles se in tock may “| fever and also contracted mila week Remember that Mr. T. P. Roe’s sale will take place on Wednesday, March 5th. Mr. and Miss Berlett, spears, spent, Snotey with Mr. Mrs. G of Shake- and Mrs. ae Te of Listowel, epent_Rriday with and Mrs. Samuel Wats Mr. pa: of Guelph, spent day or two last week with his brother, Mr. 8. Rumford. We have a world beater in a inch heavy Fone regular price 12he ogee W. K. Loth. ember you ean get Crums aes priuts at W. K. Loth’s, price saine as common prints, 12}c. oad from Wartburg and another} t from Sebringville spent Suud jay at the residence of Mr. P. H. Bastendorff. r. J. P. Griffin, president of the North Perth Conseryative Association, attended the ay Binney banquet while in Toronto last wi (Mr. Henry Albrecht, of the 9th Tine, Mornington, hs has sold his farm to his in-law, We NE lerstand the price Said to be $5,301 Everything for spring at E,. H. Dierlamoy’s. s Belle Turley, who has been ber friend, Miss Lily At- ie. nner, for the past month, ead returned to her home in este eye Grody, who served se apprenticeship — wit te, Has seopflon, left. on Monday oie Warerloo, where be has sued & job at blacksmithing. Pnets wool sateens are lovely, try them. W. K. Loth. be,obtained in due r. John Martin, 3 Tralee died on ee He leaves behind him to loss a widow and four sin: mall chides Rev. W. T. Ellison, of Southamp Zion churches on Sunday ided in opinion bet him and Rev, J. T. Hall who el ago. Cofiee 10 cents a Ib, at E. H. Dier lamm’s. tse to the fine weather that has prevailed during the last week, the sagitay & is done for, and as the snow ces wheeling pes ie to take K. Loth pe your wall paper #04 ieee patterns. annual meeting of the Elma ‘armers’ Mutual Fire Insurance C0, was held in Atwood _tecently. The auditors’ showed olicies in t sl force on Dee 31, $2,279, 518; receipts for the year, $9:393: 31 5 expenditare, $1,506.44 ; balance on hand 87, 816.87, ie $188.39 ee collect. The retiring Mixeellancon directors, R. Hawmond, JOAN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Bessel “Meals and 8.8. Rothwell, Peis: atiie, "Bitogiany Pama’ 2) ere |. The aaditors, John A Bea Turnbull and John B. Code were aiso The following officers were elected: Pres. J. R. Hammond ; Patriotic exercise books, scribbling] vice, Jus. Donaldeon, sr. ; see.-trens ‘hooks, school text books and all sup plies for the school room. Agent for wall maps and all school apparatus,— Jm, Torrance, Milverton. BR. Gretand. aie ode tac tnar. ance received and accept ssabsen to: $71,800. laom’s. i|Mr. Adair is stopping is + | quarantine da: Now shirt waists at E. H. Dier- farm at Musselburg to Mr. John|;p Alexander. r. Thos. Daily and family left-on | sho Tuesday for Trowbridge where they will reside in fut Mrs. Andrew ae of Birttord, spent a few days week friends in Milverton. Mr. David Swith will offer for sale a|on Friday on the silat” square ten or horse twelve good No doubt many cases of measles throughout the province have been diagnosed as smallpox. The oldest inhabitant does not re- member ever having such springlike weather in February, The svasons m to hase been urned around and we are now w having Mareh in February. Mrs. J. K. Schmitt, of Mordei Manitoba, is at pr nh visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Rotlwermel. Large Hees of tapestry aes ab 45e., 50c., and 65c, W. K. Lot When the young girl says they are engaged and the young mau says they are not, it takes a jury to decide. The pulpit of Burns church, Milver- ton, and Zion church, -Wel ly will be occupied next Sunday. by Rev. R. Mana. Tf you want a nice black dress ‘try Priestley’s, . Loth has thei. Rev. T. B. Howard left on Wednes- day to attend Ss Sonne Volunteer notion at Massey | ,, Mr. David Smith will haye his delivery of Massey Harris agricultural ie at Milverton on Friday, Feb. Mr. - c Griffin returned on Satur- day from Toronto where he had been attending the Provincial Fair Associa- tion, an account of which will be given later Mr. Geo. Kaibfleisch, of Brunner, has purchased a pure Durhain bull (pedigreed) from Mr. Peter Me °|Pavish, North Exsthoy The social held under the’ anspices |-= of the Women’s Guild at Mr. J. G. Hamilton’s on Thursday evening of last week was-a genuine success Nothing adds to character so much asa reputation for speaking well of others. confirmed gossip despises other gossips in his heart. If you see this spri pa at Borders all width from 2} cents a to 20 cents a yd. at E. H. Dierlamm’s, Milverton and | Niclaiey was given a small-pox scare week when it was noised abroad shee the dread disease had broken out at Mr. Wm. Holmes’, ¢on. 17, Elma, a distance of Dee ve re miles from Milverton. month ago Miss Mary Ellen Helen then residing i in Oxbow, Assin,, wa: united in marriage to Mr. Samuel free Adair, of Monkton, who went ‘out to Manitoba last fall ~The young couple then came east intending to settle at Monkton, Mrs. Nien in ns mean- time thought to spend a few days with her brother, William. She broke out in a rash and a doctor was called who stated that the disease had sil thi the symptoms of small-pox. Anothe medical mast wak calen and SAGHind: By some oversight it said that the Elma Board of Health are going to paper your] ou vt, in another kinds as wi column. Board of Health. Milverton, Feb. 24th, 1902. The local Board ot Health met in W. D. Weir's office this p.m. with the following members present: A. D. Naismith, Wm. Zimmerman, J. Band- scho . Weir. On tion of Zimmerman and Bundscho Dr, Naismith was appointed chairman for the year, immerman—Bundscho—That e been vaccinated. at oe vaccinate an is motion be P i petition, signed by payer: asking for the abatentent of the Huis: | wi an existing at the pi yin nection with the cheese factory, Vie and . On motion of rs. Zimmerm: and Weir petition was laid on the table until r, Bundscho ae next meeting an as delegated to inte: Hand as to his intention in the mean- "The Board then solourned, to meet at the call of the chaii Ww. DW Wer, Sec’y. oy, Eresentation' =: and Address. 50° Monsey sgrening shout 75 mem. of a Mrs. Thos, Daily, of the 3rd toe Mornington, and presented them w n address and parlor suite as a token a the esteem in which they are held by the congregation. For and Mrs. able in their efforts towards making all church functions a success and they will be much missed pastor an congregation. The uddress was read b; Py Sein a wane followed hy shot speeches from Mr. Snowdon, Messrs. Large and Long, testifying to the worth of the family who were about to make their departure. The choir was on hand and furnished some excellent music. After luncheon was dress is as follows: Mr. AND Mrs. Soon DAILY: Dear Friends,— members and adherents of the Mi Milves giving it uncom Christ’s sake at stances. Your fonee at- tendance upon the the sanctuary alm ‘without onteion beni in: ail ty race r has: less an more i be forgotten, but beld in rance by us i we, on the other hand, wish gotten by you, therefore, with thie S ro t day may have the ing in ron ee home and in x 801 “[Bigs. eres pastor, J. P. Griftin, $. Doetlow’ is] Sligned in} John Dobson, the con, | {ohn MeCloy, scp ie Riehard Coulter, Lee Lo se) ° onald | of ast ears Mr, | confin Daily bh been indefatig- ily have indefatig-| months. a ness trip to Peterboroug] r r was seh acre attack in fature | met for-| whieh, however, ode Miss Lillie Ruthig has returned ~ Bone after a few weeks visit in Strat- W. J. Zoe; made a business tip ‘to Hamfleng and (peeontorae! che fener of this week. Syl Langley is visiting in Strat: ford’ this wee! Ger hae arch services was held in Donnelly’ hall on nner even event re people. eek ser- Our. tallor: ise care orn a at ed with work 1 Misses under the par sree rson Log 3 mealueble nt visitin: ‘Mosers. Dunbar & Ruthig are at present taking out the timber for R: inke: ww barn. Mie Charles Ritter weré Fr. an the guests . C. Yost on Monday: he prayer meeting held at Mr: Geo, Kirkl: noon as largely attend FERNBANK, bert Robinson, of Hamil: fine visting at his uncle's, Mr. Wim rview Mr. Good-} Robi eile Mr. Hugh rahe who for the last ‘our weeks has been confined to the ~ Mr. John tewart, A 01 of hom are in very poor heelth, par- ticularly Mr. piewart who has been his room re ineveral tl ge fire ij eC at as burned, so fora time they will reside with Mr, D. B. Grieve of Ne While drawing logs at lew days ago : Mr. bert Allingham met with a painful accident which might have roved rathe rion réunat ely, escaped with a sprained lay him up for a Else, ankle Srhich will time. Mr. rose, of Elma, spent Sunday at the one ‘of Mr. Neil: The many friends of M bel Nicklin, who has been very ill at the home of her father, Mr. Tucker, of Stratford, will, be I she is recovering, though slowly. A number of our young Rog ne have n attending the ith meetings which were held in Mi slereies Presby- rian. chureh an Bl: con- ducted by Rev. Lis tow Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of Seo to pe is visiting Mrs. John Ni a8 eons on “ ques P. Braser, of Elm formerly lived here, was renewing old ces in ovr last laining about the scarcity of water 3 ib tee wells and was left for ibe, the meeting was adjourned. resident passed way at her home on Monday, Feb, 1th, in the person of Mrs, Samuel Gol ‘The deceased fave had been seriously. i for only a short time al- though she had A ng, 8. Rumf Bove