Milverton Sun, 6 Mar 1902, p. 1

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MARRIAGE LICENSES i 6 one: Srricryy CoNFIDENTIAL. The “It dailies For All.” Vol XI—No. 10 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1902 : The Milverton ae Isthe best Local rare. in G. T. R. Time Table Vounty | Trains due to leave Milverton. of Perth. It i at “A dvertieteg | “377 aout ome ficiiec aorere Mevtium. Rates reasonable. Subscription a pe 1 per year, etrictly in advance 81.5058) 34 oh .. 845 p.m Sot sopaid.—M. MacBurs, POMASHER, ‘ADVERTISING BATES. Year. {6 no. SPACE. 3 mo. | 1 1 mo. One column, Une inch ~‘Pransient Advertisements are charged at the rate of 8c. mpariel, for the ane seed and Ee for each suc- United Statés, Money to lo tgages. Notes discounted aud notes and accounts collected. Deposits received and seeoant rates of interest allow R RANNEY & CO, _ Milverton NTON, riton Sten Ete. ursday, Wm. Burton’s Dentistry “DR. R. LEDERMAN, De ist, Licentiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeous Honor graduate of ‘Torout Rogalation of teeth, Crown an work a Speci fours 9 m. aes Office bee “Finkbeines Bros. store, Milve a rton, Ont. Us olleg ge, Tor- Se Ut domestic aimale 1 calls One attended wise, day or night. os apetinlly- ‘ERINARY ‘Sub. 3. a. ty V Graduate Ontario onto, treats all” diets soon Ly. to, by telephone gee Dentistry and Chronic lilvert oof Ontario Veterinary Gates, oro. .) 8. First class horses and rigs Baggage transfer. Commercial driving @ ty. G 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets every second alla Tuesday of every month, at Sovclock, in their hall over Sebneuker & Visiting brethren al- ways welcome. Geo Roe, O. Barth, Recording Seerotary. L “Silver Si Lodge,” No. F500," Milverton, 7 mects every Friday might « n. in it Miele Had i Deeds, Wills an: ee ae Bailiff Clerk. “Office, ee Grose! pee: Main fies 3 Milver DORLAND'S pee LINE, Milverton. Bus meets all trai All citizens’ Sse: travellors calls promptiy atiended ta mt Dorland, Maple St., Proprie Motels TEL, Brunner. Ont. Best liquors and -class. accomm EXCHANGE John Gropp, Proprietor. | cigars at, the bar. Fir tion and large stabling. “GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First: Pe accommodation for commercial travelers and others, Three la Be Good, tabling. _ Best Brands ‘of and ci W. corner of Mai Hair streets C. Hpianilon, Propanoe QUEEN'S be vse! Ont. ae best. accommodati commercial tra Piet and others, ‘Two large sample roo Ty the choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the bar. plenty of shed room, Henry Rose, prop. JOHN GBOPR, dealer in Cedar Pos Lamber, Laths,” Shingles, Pumps, ete. Brauner, Ont Patriotic exercise books, scribbling books, schoul text books and all sup plies for the school room. “Agent for wall maps and all school apparatas,— Jas, Torrance, Milverton, nd <!| Mohr are?well known See P. H. Bastendorff’s adv, this week. No inan can be selfish while he is in love. Love is one kind of praise and envy - | is another. Carthage a erect a new public schoo! this yea pire ronsted le, tbs. for $1.00, Spee izzie Sar is spending a week in Harri Me Sa & Etefcr abioped a a ot potatoes this weel Mrs. Charles Bina of oo present in a very precarivus state of = eae r. David Curtis left last week for Southern California where he intends reside in future. ae pulpit of ane church, Milver- ton, on Sunday next. will-be occupied by Rev. Orr Dee. Mr. Chas. Loth, of Tavistock, spent. Sunday with his brothers Milton and W. K. Loth, of Milverton. ou wake eS fine Seg H, Bastendorff sells chee Mr. Benjamin Balls has sold his farm of 129 acres for $6200 and in- tends to et in future in the town te [OESt. Mar: y Mr. Austin it Hace Bile has secured @ position with a werchant-tailoring tirm in Toronto and left on Tuesday to commence work, Miss Teenie Pfeffer left last week Torsnta sete she will-spend a the work rooms of the wholesale milage establishments. © Mr. ane Whaley, of Guelph, is wing acquaintances around Milver- Mr Whaley, in the course of a couple of serie a make Toronto for rs | his place of resid those — aN K. Loth is selling at 8 ct The west es fs Milverton band gathered at the home of Mr. Theodore Pfeffer, the fesse of the bend, op Friday eveniog, it being his birthday, and presented him with an address -|and handsome ink stand and hat brush. Mr. Pfeffer returned his thanks to the band by proceeding to entertain them right royally. & Mobr wish to Baris Weitzel and grocery basiness, ce (BF alt kinds will be taken. in exchange i rs. Weitzel a business me) we ee for them a wide asin: y a sample of the coffee W. K. yee is selling 11 Ibs. for $1.00. Those Stratford papers are the most heir class ; if another town for goods. s Mess had a real small-pox case in the medical nado cruelly turned ea divs by _Singoosing the case r what they will try ‘s eo iiesula bere up/wih nese expect a large a of clred shirts in a few days. Wait for W. K. Loth. A ee sleighload of Milvertonians early on Sunday S people left oe home, some citizens were eee to exclaim that “there must z ve a lou of people lives at Midgeste after all.” It seems ae Tere folks of that place decided to enjoy one more “sleighride while ie sleighing and the moonlight were , a as they expressed it, they wanted to visita good town. Come in, Milverton, and welcome ; but let us uct ahend the next time = we'll try ‘and better the prog ellesley Maple Leaf, Beautiful weather these days, that is, above the ankles. Get the Deaber Haein watches at PH. Bastendorffs. ae and Mrs. Geo. Wihlt of aes visiting at the residence of Mr. Robe. Hunter. ie first-class, up-to date pianos _ rgans go to T. P. Roe, Deerii On Milverton, Ont. Mr. Andrew aE Males valu- able mare on ay bh an attack of acute ee A stray dog in an stare to get out of Casey’s notion store on Friday ever ing keer a Sitio full of fancy china’ Jas. L. Rae and son Edward returned from Oil Springs last week where they disposed of a carload of potatoes, iss Emma Langford’ returned to Milverton last Thursday, after spénd- ing a month with ia in Granton, Stratford, and Londo ames ake on Monday last, sold his residence on Kin, to Rev. Geo. Finkbeiner, of ‘Alofeldu. ue Finkbeiner will take possession in a Dierlamm, of Port Eigin, Sede or two. inthe vil lage last week after returning from onto. Mr. John Evers and family, who ave spent two or three months visit- i friends in Milverton and Neustadt, left for their home in Burford, North Dakota, on Wednesday. recital at her home last ed ueetey evening. The programme was long and varied. A very pleasant evening was spent by those present. Mr. Wm. Zimmerman, who was to liave had his dulivery of harvesting and agricultural machinery on ye 20th, lin Cee ituntil the 27 The di ‘y will consist of about 1 anphiose: Mr. got in 115 it Massey-Harris siachiaes shee delivery on Friday of last-week, but owing the impascable state of the roads only 13 were taken away on that date, but a large number lave been lifted since. Another arrival of men’s youths’ felt hats at W. K- The Wellesley roller mill was sold to the Bes Milling Co. last week . G. Reiner. The new pro- ae are to take possession early in ie when they will commence re- constructing the mill, enlarging the building, increasing the elev vator space for storing gl é< and ith’s. and engine room, and Btti night Bed day .o1 New organdies, Irish dimisies: aud muslins at W. K, Loth’s. Rev J. ann, of Toronto, oc: cupied the pulpit. of Burns church, morning and evening on Sunday last, occasions preached power and telling. sermons. Mr. nn is above the average in so is well fob? physically. the poss bass voice be enables ‘hin to make tie 5 engaging the attention of his congre- gation and of ret taining it throughout. aa the teualies of the people cogent and philosophical reasoner and rests his. eens on the eternal verities of ‘the gospel—the great Tondsmestal traths that e mistake ‘pot, ii mal no doubt like to have | a ano! ity of listehing to Mr. the Prohibition Convention at Tor-|Sidn piles Miss White feiaiee annual piano |™ stature He | Th the | mi P. H. Bastendorff has received a stock of ‘ladies’ gold guards and neck- 7 Me. George Capling moved on to the farm that he purchased from Mr, Thos. Daly, last week Rev Monsinger, minister at Linwood, has iuvitation to remain for a fitch year, Mrs. Dan’l. Poeller, of Buffalo, and Hise brother Mr. Dan’l. Evers, are at present viSiting their sister, Mrs. Bisnan Rupert. ‘eather is so mild that some enter- prising gentleman may get his imagi- nation in working order and see the first robin of spring P. H. Bastendorff has just Poot a large stock of wedding and ei ment rings. ; The managing board of Burns church, Milverton, has decided to renovate the Heudine | and improve the general appearance by papering the auditorium and painting the wood- work, Ras ae Milverton School Report. patel For FEBRUA! Ast dept., 6th cl Henry Grosch, M Peters, Adam ariaier, (Edna: Duel low and Willia ; Alfred Hasenpflug, Hugh Burton, Evelyn Roo, George Ree. Jas, H: jan. 4th—Gertie Weir. Georgie _ Smith, yn Coutts and Be Tl, jr. ,—Ruby wos B SROy. ‘Miller, ETHELYN MASSECAR, TRALEE. ‘A. Cummings has moved on the farm he recently purchased - from ee 2 AVord ived from Colorado Ue the death of Michael O'Grady, of the old pioneers of who sold his farm, now owned by A ‘ood, and moved west about 25 years se ‘James Ryan, of Toleda, Ohio, pass- ed through here last week enroute to jas, Seott received a paralytic stroke on Saturday morning. saeche ian old woman, havin d the reand ten Years, her recovery ipmoubera It is our sad duty. dea th of Mr. John Martin, to chronicle ae , who dies th n Saturday, Feb. @ Seth year of his age. Mr. had an k of grippe about a month ago, but was getting around nicely till he was D fever and m | pret 1 behind him ills, and the aethed ma} sree a BP ede Pr 'y: expect! day to the h Church cemete (es ee their new Wellesley oil was very largely attended, there being of its capabiliries.— | over 70 ri ie sion, ‘The Wellesley, Maple f Sealy ne teve Povey ene community in their sad bereavement, BERS BEES Milverton Council. Milverton, March 3rd, 1902. Milverton council met this p.m. i ae councillors present: C. 8. Kert- and Rudolph ee nae of tw be printed on S. Kertcher and R. Miller. ratepayers was presented to Dis cil asking that some eae with regard to finding out the cost of efficient fire protection. Moved by J. Bundseho, seo. by <C. 8. Kertcher, that the Reeve communi- cate with the mayor of Waterloo and »| other towns ete a view of ascertain <| ing cost of f ta The Giveaon: eragh Tae: Water Company — presea' au account of & 2.23 for gas supplied the corporation for the snore of Jansiry and Feb om saute ere pai aNeet 86-and sr were read a chird ee and finally passe y ©. S. Kertcher, seo. by J cement ‘sidewnlk'ns provided’ under] sho provisions uf By law Nu. 86 eived an | Fi 2 of Mornington, | week w Dorking to visit his uncle, Nicholas h el mi the office of the clerk, ve in the B A petition ‘signed ae i cle the be is Se Siig MALCOLM MacBETH, _ Editor and Publistee¥ DONEGAL. Miss Nellie MacFurlane, of Toronte Normal School, speat Sunday at home = Hamilton, of McGill College, lontreal, spent a day cor two ee week at the residence of Mrs. Mac ‘arlane. Miss Nellie and Mr. Robert. Me- Mane, who have been visiting friends in Perth, Lanark Co., returned home lasp wMr. Wm. Scott, who sion 4 number of years has been residing ii his daughter, Mrs, Buchannan, e-|generally broken -up by disease. He was aged 79 years and was well and favorably known in the sopustip for many years. oe MONKTON, © Mr. John Scott, who has been visit: ing bis mother in the village during the lich lefe this ae for Duluth where his occupation as cage ona canted Our saw-mill auenel cutting lumber on Monday Mr. A. Hoggins got in gant gt ice crop Thursday last before the rai setin. He will oaatre a lot more we have his usnai supply. The late freshet has filled the: wells ai ea Michigan, visited some of 1 | bis old friends in Monkton last week. Mr. and. Mrs, Jas. A. Goforth, of © Mitchell, visited the former's brother’ J. 3 Mr. Alf. Saas on Saturday last weighed a in - Monkton which tipped an seales at 1,320 pounds and Bee) okt the property of Henry Bros. ton. We would like to hear of Barone who hasa colt that can this. Mrs. . Henry Ferg, of Brussels, spent last week in’ Monkton, a guest of Mr, a. a takes his Sunday walk as usuai; that there will be a hot time in_ our. town this summer as there is to make ice-cream. eee BURNS. in Tnesday week one of the oldest residents in this vieinity. died in the tery and was largely . Re’ Mr. Cameron conducted: appropriate w red~ owd has been wee ae doring tie dest-tew weeks the townshij meetings ‘were , nel ld last day, evening an rs. dneeday evening. Both gather- al tog were Turnbull hiss ‘oid his farm on feat ee ine 9th line, ine nesting of the ea: of 8. “ie in the hi ° Pilley 5 e| Bundscho, ie the reeve and clerk Sav ot thoes ate Sent thek ask for tenders for the construction of | the dione shoald be settled at this sli Weir, clerk. but the majority th tae + t should be Teft wit with the rare latter decisi: was spted

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