apes: about his own neglect he put of a party of ig in the pat a hich ss ceiver toate en the ae at) again, and then turing to Esther, [he remarked: “Your features ofa ‘Tho girl made ae 0 repli and after a ed: Wha’ gave him bir rth?" ‘|. {There are other cities in Phoent- steienides ” "Tyra; and 0 same fy then, he is ie Phoenician?’ TY yor Gio first eathets ~ im start the atmos-| and an a epne Feria jown the | wy, bata ara Hea egeee ‘At the distance! of neatly two |, ns ye plac were the ts” "search he found a stall SU eae evel ee pt cautiously forward | . towards - ear steps, to see Erie ched. Ne ° see h t a he « nor could he| ‘detect Paraniae ot ‘the | ee Suited his purpose, which Ww: muly RO oked into % the L astence ‘3 ee alow him, and ere eth seated in the er aed ided Seis armorer.in your = chgth id ith each other?'” bec and asked the old man of n ag that, my Jord, | or y chan ings the world or Iam oe al others. and up fave asked ber the sine nvestions | ate een kind hough from that time ihe alluded not '}to the subject agai che matter 3 therein hidden seemed heavily m his mind, for he showed it in all mie ‘agovements! ho barge now approached Ape city of | Tarsus, and soon the fugitives were sailing — ‘past the place wher ‘they had” been exposed for public my fathe Strato, be ‘chose ast. e to were ees you otice the |i eee turn of the reply he had re- sank into a sort ceived, ant of troubled re ‘Look sone, Way ford,” uttered Es- a during the mt ur father's — ‘bond- || man raised his head and found ther. Hae the b the shane was hauling ihe shore. Wit in Con ith an eanstio At :Kngth ate nares bade a mur- the cool waters on a" mi as it then that. a the tablets, oie A Bes SEASON. eae the Remutt is D: ‘The little ones are apt to Ser’ py tai not wear ier chi 8 is Bets ep ant Brockville, he fen = my lord, when when they have a cold, I always-use always pleas a certain cure for ch, ““You said the nem priest. of Her-| indi - | simple fever yent croup ean allay: the irritation uting of teeth an absolute Brockville, Ont. where = the coast of Phoenicia and ther de yre apres desire to escape from ee ae his mind only gettin peers in such a sea-w: it was so dark that ie | though the seit that stared ‘hem in be- ome ie Waves, and akin its first gray streaks tit up up tne ee zon, Ludim strained his eyes about Er on quenanes ta oust &S land, but naught save one ratery expanse, capped by it tear Ble gre ay his g The as running ifting ond pi the light vanes ‘upon its crests and in its billow: rocking and oad ie mpnte his vee ate. ce oe a Sineneaae pe had timate it would be to. ‘names those who eee ‘escape. of earth now held him, te of = now enthusiasts in praising this - Ont., states:— Persons who ioe ‘been cured. . Chase’s jes. by Dr. Chase's Kidney- great metlicine is Mr. WwW. a the ey-Liver Pills in the There’ aS no. doubt about the kidneys, liver and bowels, ond many remedies, but ee dasy-Liver Pills, marie did so, - with great raatlotacs ter, and now realize that I have entirely reco: jes when. this. ee oes and proven icine is zens in nearly every city, town f good cil = ae ene tha‘ Soar cee introduced into ‘this coun- eh een ae & Co. oe a Sibiect to to Colds ce « while Eaters 5 {soothing tones she tried angement of th eevish or fretful, or ray: t the coast was “The light han tos- power . caidas an oat neat cath the power of slghnsss and. fax his tly upon him, in a aed ting heart, ined her sharp eyes over r, We are lost!’’ murmured tone ae seemed to E 1d man, with painful hesitant, t I should be so thoughtless. And thou, too, my child! have mercy on us!” Marina’s noble heart threw off its whole load of fear as she realized the bursting agony of her father, and in to assuage his grict. “Oh, my child,” ie Teburned,. while mbling hand and wn ne: ti Te uetacel othe ene sun risen and: its Ughtie: upcour cold resting plays We salt inde Ee tee ee aint’? old poke Betacovec sus barge, ‘drenching the he Oars ‘Ss “nat cir- ngth the fair watcher raised sea, she huaesthet ae aoe ae upon a sail! As she Hee upon the seat by the of distress, tle from his sho Secured it to tl ere ust he ran it up. crimso: bu ue thetic fag itives ae Suen the firm deck o yrian war ship. thronged the decks and bright spears and buckles gleamed in the morning un live,”’ cried the captain of Une. ae “Kison Ludim has come to id roan Teas about him, but child, sir,” sai im, “Ho, there! let go your - laziness jad spring to yout posts. Our hen is now tor ‘Tyr ‘yre. “Can you not land at Sidon?” asked Lud: kling eye. “We Ree ey ve nun oe pieces ae gold are es aS = nm beauty Sao to Piha was a resi ing among the ee Sppping of ‘the sale the dri jentent as she lost Bee headway, out then, as the broad can than the frail ther, whose Tighted up with radiant fect—it is 2 habitant of the skies!” Se THE. REVERSIBLE. PURSUIT. : fy idea. eo suecess ? Well, it fe Sane Moons mn after me who uséd to run Soray sok “Algy, . dear, should be ha throngh Alife eee aovlousig ‘asked: bappier ideo could ride.” ow they opened their’ ° ee “Paul— Rese what is your idea of rather enthusiastic in the praise of Dr. success ¥ San ‘good ‘reason to be. “Wor several years I was a sft sufferer a cons . I tried a great ; |ning- h 2) HOPE POR GONSUMPTIVES, Gow THE RAVAGES OF THIS SCOURGE MAY BE STAYED. pen arice Prove Th That More Deaths ‘om Consumption an Contagious ‘Best og Combat the Dise: The of consumption Hieoagibut Gpiatla is acuetntogiads Dale in tha provines’ ol-Oatarie, hes ere statistics of deaths from all 5 is tuna a6 Ko pelesaly involved and the hop conelusi symptom they, build en and invig- int where roof of this ee George, o ago Tbecane gre feat ly run ae Oost color, suffe constantly irom Laie and Pe é 8 att me, and Th S ate liams’ Pi oe my appetite began to this seemed ‘to_ma Bee ae peek + about Fink Pills saved srstatprieabavill induce shnilar Ape em. are also # certain cure ot la. gtippe aS ged the health seek protect’ himself by that. the full name, Rene eh 0 wi illiame? rockville, ——_+~——. GLADSTONE AND DISRAELI. Scene in the British House of Commons Recalled. A dramatic scene in the House Commons between Gladstone Disraeli is described by Harry instantly denied having uttered the ds, No," SRS captain, with she But habit ly. hi neighbor during any Inerripton of no si sed, ‘ut the sphinx ed Disraeli, but he motioned back. “Mr. had forgetfally The ‘Teason for Mr. Disraeli’s wait- ing had become apparent. He had simply-gained time for his mind to begin with the Feeall the context 0 e Pickevaua tcour tha. bed io: toe borin’ the British halla terling. ‘The value of exceeds $15,060, crucial quatstlons pe Two washings entail less cost for the same. result than one washing with impure soap. REDUCES EXPENSE $5,000 willbe paid br LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, ‘Toronto, m who ean prove th Bas this soap contains perso Reward © any ym of adulteration, or FOR “aGOx 32 as chemicals, 3 EARNINGS OF GREAT es Millions Mada. 01 Concert | Tlatfor: Just look for a moment a the fossal earnings. of of these fe | be es of ths seurer’ Sictord Ws os the eS h. rn Pattl has earned five million aonars Sieh her gee voice; and yous “a ct that during an le yea part o} tye oa aired oe ey. a fat? could have © heen uld ae mate her a millionaire vithin t yea: : a sain, “take eae famous bro- Res: j once omn their wars with the singer last twenty-five year: eee $100, eS a yest tee ‘the Lo hat: meGe we t De Reszkes have not ae eat their or portunities, Be their 01 Cc Mii pada; the, meswwedish fashtiaenie” what \Surks: for thi Fecently traced a number of these s0- Jed slang “phrases through dove, languages to their ‘ogianines. rtial list of them: Ap zibah Merton, ja. eens Gost in the h of baking 9 number of apple pie every Saturday, which eiiee meiner che faraily. through the day in the week. antry arranged was said to co in apple-pie order. “h ther in One’s Cap.”"—It w: ¢ Hungarians to wear feather in thelr caps for each ‘Park When the Horse St. James's Park, a of bootblacks al- esis to black their menial work. Rae Brauients av (ne guard TOUR OSHAWA MIRACLE 1S EXPLAINED Pea flow a Remarkable Case of Paralysis Was Cured, INTERESTING + MAN IN CANADA. THE MOST Joseph Brown “Miracts Attention of Physicians, Soientists and Sick People, From = Mal and Empire Feb. 17.—Joseph statement, beae. s Kidney Pills o ioe a and given up by many LO Many “people have been puzzled as JOSEPH BROWN. Seventy-five per cent. of all ner paralysis and brain iweak dangerous ailments, generally spoken of as kidney dis- eases. only a brief oe career iy she i aid to connaerasy over Se 250, 000 ty her singing. hat ne incomes arb; ie ouse, even supposing you could get her, you miust be pre- pared to’ write a cheque for at least 000. Such 8 popular and oe sing- or Miss ah Eee! ‘singers Ww thing like doubt it is worth it if you ford i Popular musicians are at least equally fortunate in coining money, For a Pader: voor ‘$250.0 ‘sonally ci ther wiil he eke our adits behin Gs in the race for gold. apiece ng Ciecs ANCIENT SLANG PHRASES. have long gone by the name of Pompeii people ny “deadheads,”” becausi ESS used for admission were small ory death’s heads. Sa SSE et—Mrs. E. J; Neill, New Arm) Q. ‘For “nearly. six tenths T'was troubled with burning aches and pains in my feet to such an ex- tent that Lcould not sleep at night, and feet dly allen 0 ae wear my poo zota bottle of Dr. Thomas? Bolectris Of sod resolved to try if and: to.sny astonish ment I got almost instant relief, and the one bottle «iccomplished a perfect ente., Mae. Fe “To think,’’ said the prison visi- sent there ain’t nothing I’d like more to be !” ‘To CURE A COLD IN Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Taplets. A] druggists tefund the money it it ‘it fails to oure. B, W, Grove's signature ‘Be. teel continues to increase as ae ior shipbuilding.. Of # svorid built , 72 of iron, and posite. \natd’s Une Cures ita ae wee es m= t& Zearned German Tells Hos! _ Mantes Brand pans and eich ee They Originated. Many of the familiar phrases of the |; _ day have been in use since _ remote £ me ed learned German philologist has er ate but won't: = WORLD'S LANGUAGE. Ss f all the letters which Abo 75,000,000: French, 45,000,000 Shani 35, 00 10,000 Po ee = hi the English language. LOW ene RATES. ar Apri, 1902 the oe Pacili y ets to Northern Pacific good for stopover west o} Idaho. Fo ‘or example the rate to, Portland Ne points will be ailed information about these pate ar prosperous and growing. Ranch lands, farm lands, fruit Ja nae timber lands are all to be found. ‘© go where irrigation =o Uae of mat = important valley: ro it a favored ‘The liquors consumed last year in 78,977, oe gal- ether, average of 2: 8° gallons per head. pe ee oS OVER ‘That the nee BOS central ees Grand Central Station the on- ly station in = city of New York. This is the’ route of the famous Empire State Ex- press. Last year 100 ton tons of cats’ tails | were sold for aa ing women’s dresses. alculated that i,- 792,000 ae ‘amuse haves been Ilied to supply and so used that they can at any time without re- turn of ie alcnieste ose euey ware used here is nothing eos makes a ‘There oe was, ai OLS ere will be, a universal remedy, for ail ills to which ies is tsi, very nature of many curative: h that were. tye germs of other sa evenly seated dis tem of the eins, ster animal fonctions ie ‘oronto, Have gf ope hoe % Soust Laxative gnaseerin Wetieee ‘cure @ cota tn one day. No Cure. No Fay- ‘Price 25 cent superior Quinine Wine ‘attic usual res, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, ig wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market, “All dragghets sell it CONSIGN 1 DAWSON COMMISSION Correspondence Solicited. | Butter, tter, Eggs, Poultry, ‘Apples 2 HEM ‘TO TH! co,,. Limited, meanest man in the world is in us could not ing without liberating a mouse. CALIFORNIA - OREGON BXCUR- SIONS. nicage, tourist cong cars to points in Cal- ifornia and Ore ersonally conducted excursions Se mak jeago Si na scenery. quire oe sie or write '. Ber street cast, Toranto, Ont. front of the fire, “js it done it’s brown (inare’s dna at Cus Distempe consumption is_ killing ae 000 a i France ear. ity. ea , of Toulouse is yearly ee out this disease. ti we, ie lard Mne. Mee Tee e eee tacts cit Ttsoothes the child, coftens the gums. win colic, regulate the stor miedy for Diarrhess. “Twenty-five cen Bold typartesists throughoat the work. ee ere as ask for Muss. WINSLOW SSCOTMING BYRUP.” xis to say)—"‘I wished I had ie tly days of old.” Wear; fo do 1.” table Pills, distttea coe roots an herbs, are a sovereig) Mil digorders of the digestion. ‘y—‘What would you think, Borate e or ointments for nen ontain me eur’ enrely di Smelland comp Hately aera mhenent entering. rout sever rs ch Cure e res roe sotto tn sae y & Co. Testimoni ‘ice 7: bottle Hits oye She bese, He—‘‘I told your bers Reese I couldn't Sie e— Whi fos he 8: he same d expetienad’? ate by sa aliagnpainy curet ‘aympaine core | ‘sod na and fate ng de Bore Ghunting for some-- curing Why will you aliow a cough t our throat and apes pate ran thease cat a3 Consuinp: Fay the “| healing and curing al “ae aa eotlams of ee hroat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron- shitis, ete., ete. zs “A Nite quarrel mow and then helps a love affair.” “Yes; the lov. er lave oe Diyiae rose a ce ance up with the ta ore bill! ‘The Publisher of the Best Farmer's i Maritime cee in eneahonds ever since I can retemben, rand has outlived dozens of id be competitors and Peo Al 6 7 SRIESMEN oo, “AUTOSPRA peas: zee Wa, i ea tune” aioe ; itor, A the 1 Rint $ Lniment = ea ih ne one :| TE FROST STEEL ndle a large of them yearly. Evel m1 ‘Lighter’ ” write us about the oer One agent ip eac! Write for Catale, ROST WIRI GATE soa sotietct rnown ‘Good agents. can If we are ni represented i ia-your dis ict, 1 , WELLAND, ae