Milverton Sun, 6 Mar 1902, p. 4

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ek or three in ages: rate overwhelm- pie oe of martyrdom ta Bene sane 8 mae oe sas. “Oh, yes, that’s gain, T remark, we the religion of Christ into our mn,” OUR COMMON BLESSINGS === ee life, oe dest nase it may see! ennesaret. If ing water, then he will help you, as phen die talked at th is not lars. ‘here are those SR in occasions very devout who do most grasping of dealers. ‘They are arpets on the street. p they sees = the las: ae ears; every Seen doles they have in many Christians who say: We need to bring the reli. ion ae “Christ into e a OUR eS, TRIALS. For losses, for be- strike harder?’’ On? nea ers would shat- that are chiseling out Our: 01 nature. 1o- of Christ into our commonest. bjess- ings. fe hay e his dog before we begin to bethink ee eee ce vbats arena th ifas kk have undimmed evesight., We On cruteh or. his empty coat sleeve Fennel up. Telcre we learn to think what a gran thing God’ did Aiken Be Pete guma ot money ‘ot if he have no ex- ive th Sub. (9f-a World's. conflagration, in|Who thanks Goa for this wonder Physican organism, this sweep of the ee uy Eases eee, eck into be, God is always there to any you t of a work is draw- e well eurb to fieton that 18 ‘not good gee place | bath, Fs 0 nm his pocket, as: certainly nee guidance igion as he could abscond with a hundred thous- churches who seem to be o1 pints not. ut tho principles of Christ's outa Paes are the most in- | 5, expastie or uate muy "are tke ee catch. It wheat in the churches mould be put into a hopper, the first i the-crank would make th ee ay, I tell you. Sor are m: “We are aie to serve God, but We do not ant to do in these =| spheres: about which wa are talking, and it 0 insipid and monoton- ous. If w some great occasion, ompanion, if we could serv © a great scale, we would do it, but e in this everyda; a admit that a great deal of the ro- mance and knight errantry of life have disappeared 6 ance of this practical eis, how- ry r im, there are | an fires to brave, but they are all rag ahis 'e the hardest |ter Perrin Wor trouble that shocks jers ing His salvationf rom day to da: (Ps. txxi, 15, 24), how soon the gos- might be preached to every crea- for < |ture! id | 5-8. “Then Filip went down to and pi mi Again, we must bring the religion to Eve in Eden. willfulness and sel: in the endeavor as ak eat fan on a hot summer’ Teotstoot on which we '|sit will be a conqueror’s throne THE S. 8. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MARCH 9. ‘Text of the Lesson, Acts Golden Text, Acts the lions hurt Daniel and his friends. 4. “The tent to do th: ordinary work of the daily life, the Lord wil! , nHis own i lead us int er service. hee helpiul words on this are found uel xv, 15; I. Chron. Spirit Christ 13 aay rorstved Diet fellows joy and peace (Ps. xv, 13). the front ever since he slandered God t is seen i-assertion of Cain, of the Babel builders who shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, so that he, W fed ee the ape in the sod to the seraph on the throne, so we go on eating, drinking Raa oe but or seldom thanking, aes or, if thanking at all, ur indifference to the but pata 24 araier the Ido not know but that incts, i a “the fean tae of ue the bridge sunbeams; the ee of sol pian, the ear, this soft tread of a eee Hasligutacayenratha wer us ti is rolling of the crimsoit| ‘* right, you must live right, Nogli- co and indolence will wi of e ting scorn, while faithful- its garl wi e and sit jon its gun age march. You go home to- d Every one in his place. oO Our patent step. in oNite shall be a tri- march, and the khumblest 8.‘‘As for Saul, he made havoc of | °° the church.” ‘The Revised Version any more than the fiery furnace or they that were scat- ith firming the word with signs 0), tent the messeng: d Samaria or Philip the evangelist, if Christ is preached le God, ‘Gott chowita himself ee ae 13. ee eons at Ji the others. ‘Thess, ii, ounce to o1 intervals al with thii just given ‘out that fe = Elijah. Ber captivate uch vmurtitudes. A the Jeanette EME Sharcare Tow lowers negessarily = Pep cette the Jeader is Wrol ‘Simi was baptized, continued with Philip he believed, git c ata Holy Spirit he was in the eeues it es fe ie in ee to serving Goa that his heart was not right. Sim 36 6 g ey tien the ee which at Sa- Giatia had Sev at the eee of God, apostles and specially honored said to His apne on, _thenight fore His crucit them’? (John xvii, Be We r tee. fall ane y forth (Jas. i, 21; 16). 15, 16. “Who, dued with Seana to live the life faithful testimon: 17. ‘Then laid. they their 0% nee Bg 5 a? much more shall your heavenly Path- ¢ (St sive the Holy Spirit to them ask Him” (Luke xi, 9, 18). SSIs SS CANKER SORES. This disease invariably appears In so1 form at the end of the snout and eat ‘These eelaone should be apie’ 2 days. fore using the solutions. as possi for i or ths Soin. ie Busy ilers We all know that it is very desir- able to have a fertile soil in which to grow crops, for success in farm- ing depends largely upon ‘thie feneliey of the land, writes Mr. . Peck. Everyone knows of aes ne fertile farms which are now ae producing BS he soil oi its fertility and i ie ieve the is our greatest soil renovator. should ain t FEED EVERYTHING, er neisly everything pcan on a little bran concentrated ie. io thie ration of refully save and ure, it is easy to maintain and pro- bably add to the fer Gee of the soil. wing under sald not have a pens tend to a On this we can grow a or peas an as will make a Ia n. mus_of ten carry ig or ae Fouate Wendie ‘with out injury. Ba 1 ell At, should ‘bo. our aim te es or neal G asain tor the purpose Huei lertnity ol the fant, lieve it to be fitable {o sel? ur. pence in “te form of butter, ete. 0 soll 1b in the e our proi good stock, will bring twice what it Bee ket.” For n feed a ae oa ise tee ing i cents or more per day for pater Se gid 4 believe: the:same to be true with all. othe: KINDS OF STOCK. Many advocate the use of commer- cial fertilizer. Of course, the basis pil orm fersiiky. i ake emonai potash and pi D5 bushels. ee sere rami of these elements from om nearly see crops on the market and time be losing heavily in the fertility of, the soi! T would ‘not advocate vend eae nis © grow all the forage crops we cam and feed them on the farm. Sy aes save and return the manure we have but littic fear about the fertile ity of our land. FEED FOR DAIRY CALVES. Begin with sweet milk and gradu- ally replace it by sweet skim milk, adding a tablespoonful of oil meal to take the place of the fat removed. As the calves increase in size, keep oats, shorts and hay before them s that th learn to eat all of ul ¥ calves should ne’ be given cold mill under any circum- stances, nor should lk be given. Foi rts twi day is Ee ui ic ly sufficient for the first month. me that it can be gradually in- ——— “Your. Neale Mr. Hevvi man,” said Miss Peppery, suppress ing a yawn, “reminds champagne.” a cxciatand yviman, Se pleased ; 4 sporting 8 ne that 2 No, bukit ary.” HOW TO eee IES SOIL FERTIL- No. ed at 86 en raute No h Bay, | i t 825 t 88$ce Sarnia tunnel. hile 8fo wee ae Bal 78ic outside, either roa ; ed at 72} outsidem No. white | In offered at 73ke outside, and No. 2| at 78c middie freight, without |review of the fence Sarees, without bids. and prices unchang 52 to ie ue Ib. 9% to 1 Choice 1-Ib dairy prints, 19 to 20c; ; se ;|SALISBURY WILL NOT GO. ‘We qu pails, Sta Pie. Shippers, ight... THE MARKETS: Prices of Grain, Cattle, ete | Lesate DG ia Trade Centres. Toronto, March 4.—Flour—No buy- at $17.25 |Cholee hogs, pe en route North Ber rio No. 2 red “winter offered at either road, and No. 2 goose, at 684 sow freight bids. eee Xone without | Feed offered at 49¢ outside ids. r of No. 2 sold at 793¢ high freight, aoe 794c was bid ls more, low ireight to New York, ngs. auts—No. 2 white, 404¢ bid in and ten cars ofiered at -40%¢ Jow freight to New York, with 403¢ 424c was aa ie Ne: On track here hite. low offered at 563¢ ushels | COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dried Ae Eos is quiet ith sales me orated sell “e Spe auciness _julet, swith prioes ye ig ateadio at) Combs, $1.50 Beans—The arkeb vis gull matees 1.10 to $1.40 per bush, as to quality. Hand-picked, $1. Onions—Market steady at $2.50 to oe led—The market is firm, market is quiet. Car pen lots ack quoted at $5.50 to #6, oe: Tater for No. ‘oulta ‘The market | _ nus pate Fre: killed ee 12 to" 430 per mt geese, 8 to 10c; chickens, 70 to 90c; ‘old hens, 40 to 50c. Potat meas" car lots on track, 65 iL to 66c per beg Small lots bring | scarci 7 to 80c per bag. THE DAIRY 3 MARKET. Butt ere the ee are fair, and good qualities. 22 des, in rolls, 15 to 16¢ i to 18¢. Cheese—The demand. is and prices emery Abs Se to te 4 ee Tb: HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Dressed hogs unchanged. Car lots rerathe d c, and | is unchanged. te :—Tierces, 11¢; tubs, 114¢; UNITED STATES MARKETS. Durmth, Marck “4 -Close Wheat 2 T6%e;. ash, 71% a NSrtiees 6Bge. ffalo, March 4.—Flour—Quiet only steady, Wheat — Spring Cit.; 7946 , 884¢. Corn— No. 2 yellow, 654¢ 5 6 2 corn, 64ge: ic: igher; No. white, 483c; No. 8 do., 473c: No. 2 = No. 3 do, 46}c. Barley =663¢ to 69c spot. Rye—No. 66ic. Minneapolis, March Wheat—May, 73% to re sal T44c; on teak 1 hard, 75; Ne 1 Northern, ake: No. 2 Rortiens TAZ 1> 72k. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, March 4.—At the Pikes cattle market ‘this mornin; Geld were 53 carloads of fice ok. cattle, 165, sheep and Bows: 30 calves, and 30 h cot = ets is the range of quota- Cattle. pee owt. good... a 3.25 8.75 Butcher, inferior. 2.75 3.25 Stockers, per cwt. 8.00 3.50 SI bs. 0 ewes, 3.50 3.75 an 4700 5,00 wt, 2.00 2.50 Biter and Calves, ext 80.00 45.00 Calves, one 2.00 10.00 5.75 6.00 ight hogs, per cwt. 5.50 5,75 5.50 5.75 3.50 4.00 - 0.00 2.00 No. 2 mixed | to 11}¢; compound, 9 to ant o a 06 are Botha, Delarey, ‘De wet and Cape route North Bay: ae 79¢ bid. On- Colony Rebe! A despatch from London safs his latest report to the War 2 —"The enemy's force: four definite areas. In the Bastern ‘Pransvaal the personal influence of |General Louis Botha continues to lhold together a considerable but. ies nipleniag foree between the —bor- 5 E each ee oe for Delarey and Kemp Sen She Barking Railway line and the districts of Ora: Sin Riyer Colony De Wet and ex-President Steyn still con- trol a comparatively large and de termined following, who have qu recently given proofs of their hold. WAR BARELY AVERTED. Gigantic Plot ie italy Nipped in Time; The only ne’ road has been. of the mobilization of nearly 200," Maas troops, ant assul tion of control on all the Sante Government to avert a national strike of railroad employes. eat th was suppressed, by ission of alarmist re- Ports . would be ee by severe disciplinary mea: Italy is in the ree of a Soci ist plot of enormous our: The Socialist leaders have within a strangely enough has not. mate any interference, being apparently s<- norant of the real objects of Be i chi created in every town, and a greal number of leagues of resistance. Bach leag nest and initiative in attack, and in| is, body. est in the useless struggle in which they have so long been employed.” SCARCITY OF HORSES. uy A Corzespondent § Says the Army I Away Horses. A despatch from Pretoria to the London Times says that the supply if is lamental because many horses are hurried on 4, | the treks before fully acclimatized and a by une sey hard treatment. ne now scott od se to Atic Teck ing experience of hi on es. nabs indifierence to the welfare of m important factor in the icienc: the arm: ms to have permeated the ae army. ‘imes correspon says the Boers are thorouglily Fae alized by constant hustling. The arise The British will lose a great opportunity a ane fail to take advange of the Ee Taste aavanteaitea’ eave hanson ce ee of pote will be ai Rumors of Reporter Are Foun- tio: A London. despatch says:—Hall- political crisis on the eve of ‘the cor= are bent upon keeping him where he constantly es ee ae cea roups,-and ther eens one Minister after another t ion cat 1 | assing debate. ets diet FOURTEEN MEN DEAD. Sates pe in Vicinit ity of Liberty Bell Mine, Colorado. A sPulturide, Colo., despatch _ cele ; | —Four lead, as many inju Gea Ton shines minnie aa Cie feat far as known, of the series the if aes Hela of any Riowaatic order, of 1 tural life of the count A. correspondent, hea wnat warni: authorities, sent a telegram from the Swiss from Socialist Fen ar Turin, who, six days pointed dats, ordered a general picae in that city. ‘This opened the eyes of the class of 1878, pumberiny 30. oe plotters are ee to what the overnment hopes may prove to a permanent inaction.’” panes he ° | NOT WISE TO STIR UP STRIFE | British Press Attitude on Prince Tavolvar belonging fo one (0! ths Beal sas ‘ary’s Visit. liceman expli A Lon os says *— titude oF ‘the English newspapers to- ig) _Savs the Gazette, ‘to ited States of obliga- inde. WE: hevee ae Hee gaD nue Ly view strained relations oceasioned by the zig-zag policy of the Government, which threatens to place Great Brit- in a position of antagonism to both Germany and Russia.” eee ‘| WANTS TO SEE THE WORLD. A ‘Trappist Monk Renounces His s After 23 Years. A Dubuque, Towa, despatch he astery, and is now looking for some Be living. “Ais siame from Ti Tinos een tron ieee years Trappist A ft id. ween here and the y Bel He wante, Fe are almost impassible, and details of Teis is stated that his petmission to t ident are hard t in: -T€ | teavel the. monastery seems that no less than four distinct | Rome. ides occurred, eacl a ste 0. or more victims i 5 ies have been number of the known. dead are aul buried under tons of snow, rocks ai timbers by which they were se a < Taking. advantage of the enthus- insm over the visit of Prinee Henry to. the States, -steps-are Salecaaly f= ing taken in Berlin to form a societ; whose object will extend the Gsndly fosting betwoar daieriea Germany. FOR HER OWN PROTECTION Europe Must eager 60 Commercial referring to . the industrial production of the Gaited States, Said the necessity arise some day for Europe .to and fat -in foree a commercial Monroe joctrine against that country. eu ett is not dignified, and is scarce- |- tai aS 7, or SiER to. fe peer oe nM. aA Dadar despatch PST Bs belar. a del REPORT AGAINST CHINESE. The .Commissi: op Declares They’ Are a Nuisance An Ottawa death a eur ese Inhorers into Canada ought, to “|be prohibited,? is the finding pe three " con Qo. lute, Munus he Christopher Foley of Rossland, jointed ¢ Dominion overnment to enquire inte Chinese d Japanese immigration In e sare oat a Se ined the tax be Taised to 3500. i to which the occupant crawls o7 ~ |hands and knees. ae <concluston of the ©o! ommis- io) representations of the Bri British 1 Columbia v ean! lature to the effect that the ese, as a class Al E : 4 g é ch, urgently call for a remedy. the Japanese is not yet see of ee EGR UNITED IRISH LEAGUE. Mr. Wyndham Says Crimes Act Will Be Sternly Applied. Pea ete Cant hs DESPERADO TAKEN. Dawson’, via Ashcroft, B.C., des- a ee, PRINCESS IN DANGER. Almost fae Dome ine a Frighten- d Animal. A special cable tothe New eee Herald from London says:— i ad a very ae at two ‘only. Jt was only. by. the skill of the groom, who managed to Dull ale ncimet 26 one side aera Very seriots, ana Gopintable Iaeaane was averted.’ + WANTS RANSOM BACK. Unele Sam Broposes ae Turkey Shall P. Cons' stantinople See ore Says: Pe is understood that the United eee ‘will eo, ‘ee Beas: to ob- the se ransom for Stone ead Madame Tsilka, holding Turkey re- blame on Bulgari StS ees BOER CHIEFS ROUNDED UP. Influential Commandants Were Captured. "he correspondent of the London ‘Times at Ermélo says that Col. Mackenzie's column, boca» near Lene Chrissie, South-Kaste: small laager, capturing Stephanus Grobelar,* Corps. ‘Vandermewe ts Sehatlemeyer, and four’ ot! 1d Schalkmeyer are oe ie Enea men, who eave been joer resi: jistance in the. Finale district. Russia contemplates a system of fortifications at Viadivi rostock = und Poi exis! Notorious Robber Caps Aiter a Ten Weeks’ Hunt. ‘Trans- i Sent Hane Grevelar's R THE ONTARIO LecISLATURE, WHAT OUR MEMBERS ARE ee ING AT TORONTO. . FOUR NEW MEMBERS. Gibson introduced the 01 said the bill proposed to add four nel embers fort o Algomas and ea 7 iL Drove there shall be two members for West Igom: eather t Algoma and two for Nipies ‘Algoma, be said, sould be di- to north and south. and and 13, ann for the nort roma is to be divided into- Manitoulin 14, 186 an 096. Nipissing is (2 be Byes ane east: °-|scparated by the, Canada and Atlan- te Railway, which formiorly } belonged to Nipissing, added t Hastings. Mr. Gibson said he did not intend 0 discuss the bill, but declared if the ee eee of the Mocenert district: : STRIKES ce DECREASING. ‘The report of the Bureau of Labor e Legis Condens United Trish League ee ehal with a sie or previous period trong terms, declaring it to be a ‘of strikes reported political machine, which constituted | peing 19, and one lockout, involving enace to” com-|64 establishments, an znity, He said the 1 had cor- | aggregate of 488 days, or an aver: I whole moral fibre of Ire-|of 23 greater land, and declared the only course of | number Seen ‘but a few days f dealinj 0 © |settlement. ‘The oe to aaetla u i ct, ciariter between employers and em-_ which he purposed to see rigorously sation: th during the year, ant tent removed this misapprehension. a rough Brophy’s abdomen and em-| nh. Hodgetts, bead ping. Near ene Sete ‘The police |p,6 Governnient_did not intend té have spent over $10,000 in the |repay all municifalities theif search and the capture is the most | <malip Manditanes nae Sei a preg: ince that of murderer O’-|rew small outlying ones, wher rien. disease had been brought in by out: siders. ~ : - ‘THIRD RWADINGS. The ie bills were given a third readi To divide the District of Thainy River for the registration of titles and one —Mr. Gibson. ting os establishment of the - carnegie Libras the City of Ot- RENE o furties nee Devolution ot Estates Act.—Mr. Gibso oe. ae K FISHERIES. f $22,000 for sundries cae ie Fisheries Department d for the better protection aquatic game. GOOD ROADS. ‘The Premier introduced a signed to encourage = : roads fund provided for a year ago. Bap Dia tg ot egies aa readings that ie should ey to as the capture of | ¢ ‘once. ‘The bill pro- aries was «effected on ¢ Turkish soil. ‘This! question ot fo. re as ne oe Boosey Beat have serious devel} oicd of 20 years to 30 years. a ce Turkey Bev hatica Uy. so sed t rmit County disclaims responsibility, and lays Councils to issue oe debentures ithcat submitting a ae eg LIEIE) A MAN’S BRAINS Marvellous copes at J kins Hospital. In one of ae soe seria inble ors erations known to surgery, says Baltimore despatch, the brain of

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