Milverton Sun, 20 Mar 1902, p. 4

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Tne wonae: si Gatigat Sele Gea REDU: < better work-than Two will with impure Soap. “EXPENSE name and address, and ap ito yout ef oe cas THE BUSY ANKE SPENDS THE DAY » Property faiher ok 3 State ox- anpt ‘has increased BB; eater New Yor® is _ Kansas has just completed its for | res State, and ane and the fversary: was observed! “et several’ |3n sting the publish ee is still increas- tthe rate of some 2,000 sta- in the United States 100; aie Euan the iin; Gull of Mexico, and ae ates / ilusiye of beacons, tliny ind fog es “operated ane ca lock- ‘ground that. hi de d strong and aule £9 Work for ox [tora ing, Whereas male to work. z One of the men ‘employed at thé “Zoological garden in New York has ® black snake Sy has the run of as the reputation ig the best rata St borough of the Bronx. ‘family ‘he is sickly an pet. weeneral TeG: Siar “ago at the Socks Kea Seeks : is supposed to be almost | on unbroken lesert, "It has the la ay aber is usually, found at an ic 0! between te af whe dica = home - ans _ NO MISTAKES IN THE BIBLE. Ph priating of Fe Bie SE A Sate es ona 1 the two f Oxtors Cam- to the world all the Bi e question arose whether th the “ord oh rit’ Mai fark j, ose wrongly printed, ‘ aiter the ruling powers. of Be ‘The Great Western carri ried lions. 5 Monkey » Brand Soap wi a house fro: to nee oeaee ‘wash Some “The muster rolis of the — Uni sof the rehellion ne out 10,000 i »| tries Sia 000—in all ds 500,000 - SETTLERS’ LOW RATES WEST. ery ban ia one-way seco ee lass ets, ery low low to points in tana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Wash- ington, California, Victoria, Vancou- ter, Nelson, Ross- eral Agent, 2 Bast King Sti, ronto, Ont. To- Russia exported last year 879 mil- lion gallons of petroleu erica exported over 901 pullin. aallone ‘The Publisher of the Best Farmer’s eee peed in failing remedy in our Siapiechold over afiice T can catveniber and has outlived dozens of would be itors and imita' vertise Themselves. —] ero autem tie pee ctable Pills became pot tl report they made eTieat Eepuiation has + inet Jes Burne My, ‘lar because o for CEES ‘grown, first ‘medtnes f for use in attacks of dys- pepsis and biliousness, complaints of the ver and ‘Eldneye: ehcuinutions, dover mud and the innumerable complications iS which these ailments give rise, tleman—“'So you think my See deceit loves. wish to out what. T called to see about. is there any insanity in your fam- me a ‘old & Gentleman— there's not going to be ny = is bases during | man ae Dea 5 is Patel experiences Ls , he finds this an tate Mr. Allin is quite is Mr. Brown himself, an tires telling the story of ee Dodd's Kidney Pills conquered disease, and 5a Y i this wonderful cure of pai thee tid no othe ral -as enthusiastic Sause his atlment render joomy. ‘The complaint is n le. tee pele 0 one need paper-makin; control 221 paper mills in pngland. Scot- jand has 61 mills, owned by 51 dif- ~ OREGON _ Chicago & North-Western Ty; ev- eu caw se and] ve ‘om COUPLES. per, Monsignor Fea FS $33.00 TO PACIFIC COAST. ea icago & North-Western R’y; dur- East King s' tea “Toronto, Ont. two cities of Manchester in Iso very nearly alike. Dati sever will be, a tie germs of jorher. and differently seated nase: in the system of the ficious use, and strength, by the atone which Qur nine exerts on Nature’ e’s Owl Testoratives. Itrelieves the droopiug spirits of those witl a chronic state of morbid des = and Jack of interest jn ite is ‘a by tranquilizing the nerves, ‘9 sound and refreshing sleep— impars, esr tothe action ‘of the. blood, actiey a necessar: Soengrbening tis frame, end giving He to the digestive organs, which naturally France is the only ee in Eur- ope that ‘has increased acreage in the Jast year ‘FO CURE & COLD IN ONE D. | ake Laxative Bromo Qainize Tablets. 41 re ‘refund the, faile to aure. SEW Groves sicuatare son onch box. as been agreed that the ee Six >| will eae help. ~ Fer Over Sixty Years a sonstna Benue tas bee illons of mothers fe ee: children while teer scB and bowels, Dinh. "Treotr-ve cea a bolle nae thi id. Ee sure and Worsiowabeoninxe Sar.” The latest battleships = the King Edward VII. clas: have four Resa ich, slang teu Sade went t O'S, and ten six-inc! Beware of Ointments or Catarrh that eo! = ae sept on table physicians, as the Ramage they wil aos 19 Fston fold to the good you gin possibly derives mthem. Ha. tarsi Care, oy aso contain mucous ‘you get or sf ine. Sr ire aac es = Qhio, by. F. Cheney & Co. Sia by Dro Bribe 750 per bottle, Hall's real Bare She—‘‘It is coniforting to me t ust: not forget Ss man 2 emaea holds. it much of the ti MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER LINES. ‘That the N:w York Central ssesses. it over other gainsaid, numerous to enum few of the principal ly station in the city of New York. ‘Bild is the: route ot ‘the fenots, Seley The hottest es on earth Jas demand increa nee substance—result, im- | at wheat mi you o Tel aj thlack: tized 4 leylon, fron . ae 53 - eas esti Teese Phas Pera Write for Catalogue. THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LTD., WELLAND, Ont. « YOU WANT coop PRI —— ES FOR ¥ Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples le Produce CONSIGN THEM TO. DAWSON COMMISSION GCO,, Correspondence Solicited. “Limited, TORONTO Every te AAT Match pe eg “Lighter” vse EDDY'S MATCHES TELEGRAPH TELEPHONE PARLOR SOR SALE BVSRY WHERG. eee “Are you @ marrying asked of a sombre ooking. gentleman @ recent Pr was the pee clergyman.” ‘tna’ Llalment Cures Diphtheria uu like oe SAE a Re Husband— free fromm’ the distressing complaint for nearly. eighteea months. I) continue to recommend it.” gzie—“When you broke the en- gagement aud yee ‘return. the dia- d ring he gave you? ethe—“Certainly not for Harry any more, ings have not changed towards the | ving. Hinare’s Liniment Cures Gorgel In COWS. London Bridge is at present 53 feet wide. This will ‘be increased to 65 feet when the proposed alterations are finished. LOW SETTLERS RATES. ‘ing March and April, 1902 = you Want to go where irrigation ren ders you independent of rainfall or drouth come alotg and we can the. important ralles reathed by the Northern Pacific arc the Yellowstone, e of it a favored ope you will nu mdon’s fire brigad it over 2280, 000 last year’, and the staf ie jow 1,125 men, and has 211 horses. atte Pin om the c Laxative, Bramo-Gainine sabi ‘euro 0. ocld. {mone day. No Cure. No Price 25 centa. Dar es Salaam, the capital of Ger- man East Africa, has eee ae se- yen years from a ailiees of am tives, to be a to’ ae #00 oan peans and 21, (000 nativ |i i Cs Colts, ete NATIONALITY OF CRIMINALS. alae een con- than the Welsh and five tim numerous than the Scotel e great lung healer ts found in oh exeolitc mes ime sold as Bickie’s Ante 6 wup. It soothes and di lity of. the membrane a passages, ign remedy for all ec pain 01 : romcuitie Bex supposed fo be far advanced in er hie “Oh, doctor,” fe matic patient, ““ 1 sulle vith my Baad and f dear sir,” ea the phy cian “sust try to think how. much incon venience you would suffer without them. = tas Liniment Cures Distemper The girl with one beau to her string ds a better chance of not being an old maid than the girl with a dozen. TN. 0 ar eudtuly “Bui SALESMEN ... ‘“AUTOSPRAY” Bnaching frees AVE GILEADINE Led = bok as bat jal preparation. it Ohapped Hand: Hoe HEALER. joxes gists, or The chien ine Go., Teronto. feed at Ge. n Pound, ete, all {or jon in Canadian OD Marina: e Daughter of Kison Ludim. . oes SIS OF PRECEDING er ae be Kine Mape is Marina’s sca, ae . ig SES SHALES sues to marry Marina to his son. CHAPTER X1X. It lacked hali an hour of midnight. been piling them- avons until they ae ae ‘through the Geane the c: s of rain Tee to descend aad shelter of roe PAW SURES. where thei occasionally i the walls but I would save e you. to lose. this genase TER is it?” master, th ble?"” ced you's Strato, canes a Com Pict ies. ‘women?’ be harmed; their sex is sacred. quick!” follow. Strato hesitated no longer, Strato speak. fe |Meditated upon it angely against. the rocks without, ‘and their shop, Sigee the sable wall of single point near the temple a |". footfall might have struck on an ear aear enough to have heard it, thoigh ‘nothing coul been seen; and pa sued Tou might have ness with which — peared in’ the sami how you that constantly passing between the two joints. But this pattering of feet was not ion—it might beams of a large lamp. 's_house. exclaimed, the young mer- thant, starting up from his seat and ipen thocainbldden intruders is you, Alzac, and aoe my good lord—flee at ur treasure vault beneath ato, ing with surprisé and alarm at his de- eans that you must seck a place of safety. Bap weme to the Sault end 1 will Jock you in. . means this seaeee request? are you thus ee aad 2 sword? Are you mad, 2b . SNe. Es lord; I am not mad, you seen Gio lately? a si “Because and some say he is dead.’” “1 have not seen him,’? @ moment afterwards he was safely and jew “Ah in a tone of some surprise, he asl ed: “What is this, serene are to ‘MALTY, 80. hasten monies. “But the ae sir?” “Is the daughter of this old man.”’ The LR a jones upon Kison Lud- ly pointed to the drooping form of Marin: ee old man read his death war- at look, and, with a fear- ied ie towards the spot where Pil the manufacturers have tmonials in the daily press and ask your’ ont to you that Dr. Guanes ee Ointment ise certain bors Ww! that she had a Fight there and-again his lips separated. “Hark!” suddenly. exclaimed Phal- Come! there ce Shi - Set “Ho! without ve the, avenger is let loose up- fea a kind bere ee is a hand to To the vavit— As Alzac- Bese Spoke, ae nok the d motion- Gitesntingly. -to and led the way, ae ee pe did “Fi fas io ‘aught to do ith this?” not been in’ his bel returned Strato; but he said no more, and in jocked iugitinors Mare tects gold eve conics ie yudiertoy sald ors were cath be with a.jeven while he did so ste : | the slaves. Wi Tt brawlers, mo ‘Ha canuicke .| with the ceremony. a by: the hh nwa of Hercules om se the wo “Ye haes night raving in that! ing the bri his head lark and “Hear e | by the pe Pluto, there's Spr ee of steel within the the eet?” there, tendant “This tg, but no one cam bois OF rehaioni aaa ne: claimed, trembling with. a fearful foreboding. farina looked upon her neers) as a5 calm and unmoved as though | she had been alone in her own c er, and hurrying to her side, the Poor girl laid hor head’ ancl ‘turn to where, at the is trusty tools—slaves, Who did his bidding with ready hands— tones he ordered firs tne. neesertion of the prince had now din, and amid alla, and. shoute’ waa, plaily shar] See children! king “Pleet”” said Phalis, grasping his verempant- jag forsee and in a single min- ute the last man oi was borne Back on the sword-Point of the. citk pen begged — bi He swung his short iy in the air, 1 of Ui: Dibsee fall Benen oly ae lang aw Gras, avengers looked rau who sid eaulal tit “touch “the girls 3 re their oath, but upon old Ludim they looked with flashing “Who have we here?’’ cried one. ~ ith ‘imt’” shouted: those ther, springing between Ludim and “Down with him! He should n the old man's “Fre of Tyre, stand back ame in deep thunder | he eyes in the divection trom whence the, yoice had co stat “the people seem to think that it fa Lee. Prove the truth of this claim. ‘These are interesting Jetters from one who has st Mr Sherwood Walker, a fireman on the eka ae wae es “my everlasting grati aa 1, 1902, evens Ointment as 7 cure for piles iow take ple ni of Dieeding piles. ee ould as ror sone: you can us ie benefit very severe cise ee eee ‘So far as w there is is too much to claim that Dr. Ch quite weak, Ii Dr. Chase's Ointment , we feed ‘o following {etter tron Mes ee t distressing form. . ou r pemomber, you sent sed it fai = and le to tel you. “that it was a eipseae ee ‘al people heré who oy ry Pastaiviece 48 bleeding piles, jase’s Ointment will cure every form Railw: living at Mada- the ero uiine Piles come nd_they bleed will ¢ pee piazza of pal- | in slaves!” he | he door. in thunder tones, he cried for his a ov Mar sto: back of the throne, stood a dozen of ways | 28°F when they hesitated and turned I t low sound that attracted | 77 enjo; Beg ae at that ie: I felt ru HES On—on! ‘The king— tho & a Roce enne an tie 6 [giant form of Gio, the armorer ingurgents fell | om - Protruding Bleeding Piles. “Two Letters from Mr. Walker Explaining the Severity of His Case ana vee : Permanency of His Cure by Using Dr. Chase's Ointment. yet el S6Id aye and ies pare “weight. a3 | Thave long seen the. trated tl ful condition: is tergoly due to a mis- ng of the proper manner ure for female ili rep ae “be in ea ‘should who is not perfectly hearty and strong. Mrs. Fred. Mt phy, 9 well-known resident. of Pub- nico- Head, N.S., cheery bears testimony to the great value of Dr. uae Pink Pills in woman's ail- Mrs. Murphy says:—‘A few yours ‘ago my health was completely en easte nou eat ie Latinenpe . eng tion | ee the Superiors—at greatly redt tes to © nearly all Pointe its m 2, branches and ci basil lines, Dak _tick- a rs et ; Agent, Nor. Pac. Ry, St. Paul, cat have not yet ar ‘to buy homes in the North — is is a rare s oporbintty to ga Sut ‘to Montana, Idan i = = alleys Soe te She Poricee Pacite are the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Madis itter Rot Fork, in Montant, Bend, sae, i Vall ‘Washington,: jana: British 2c ‘the ce -bottles, I was fully etre ith, eae that ee until the pelea heir. wonderful health restoring vir- | tues.’* ‘Dr. agers 2 Aas Lae go anes mire funetional ail- ments of women, restore the glow of | h heeks, land, y See BAD FAMILY ©: aes rown—““T don’t like to reas ete aa? turn’ out °; SpE Sas OTOL E THE BRITISH AMERICA. ; the “sixty-ci; ighth annual Bee Tick Sood and tatorne hate trib same field, by) business ng aa Government reports, a one the passage thus formed stalked he: ‘Tyre. m the instant Fete sprang eee rand fell. upon hi eheld o: - | her. oh. God!” fell in peees uecents agai ie ames But how are thou tellites. T had ‘qedifierent. dower fe Ae to Pee Lon re back oa ether hand,-aad ap Gua | : ‘tuainted mith REFUSES TO DIE. ‘The creature most tenaci one who was able to deliver +\'€o1 as. Soe oe Wend Pee: a eople pastes Browi wn's ee Jaw, | ite Join Allin whose | place of business: Lee wrong—the |as Mr. ced sai nt ve aueoagle ie Tick ‘aloud ee a pil =| years since, and as

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