Milverton Sun, 27 Mar 1902, p. 3

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A Melle of the Reveltion of Milverton Sun _ BHUBSDAY, MARCH 27, 1902 British but some- f to deceive ‘their fellow soldiers. = te at Deelfontein two parties of the enemy met and mistak- ng each other ‘for British troops ex- ‘umber are wounded. ‘Too Smart Now? (Toronto Star.) abont spending money to educate th ead y too smart rt for the police. A Warn (Bobeaygeon cee ter ane hener should bear in mind that atience of the Boer has eine, shooti ing them sure as Before the the Bar. the Montreal Herald on hi; advertiser. He has succee tive seats Dy of Quebec, be ie with contum: ing the Broad Church. (Manchester Guardian.) 12 8 ae E = ae a z 3. & o nd replied gaging simile, “we are what you cai farendl hare We profess 5 to. believe and do noe itechisin - fae > pringhe to an the pred: witht 2 abrupt doneluston ~ babouchere Again. Gs ~Ewantto know whether the colonies intend to pay their share of our ont- y on ships of war. They are blatant i es, SO long as it ts em are hey are sis 5 ey to think that ladies should. not pay the Teckoning. Thi em to me to oor relations who sponge upon us as though we were a rich uncle in comedy.” A Trotting Steer. [Swan River (Man.) Star.) weral snapshots were taken by amateurs on of an ox be- nging: D. Byer, hitched to springboard. ter caeee: hace ere he home jour- eed that. cont make a ES pace. what Saint will_do. “The aittaat ‘Ys Tei ily as ahorse would : io balked at meitbel Tgad op tha spring- of flour, two 2, EWo iange bos boxes, and two He Wanted 4 Strefant Answers (London Express.) To Mr, MacNeill, the ts mem Seer. ie due the Mr. Semler ie neaoee with a ignity, is that tom guestion, ‘When he correspondence be pate 1 should have a plain A Daugbter's Crucl Joke. (Palmerston ralgeg ee A story is being tol a of a lady Deb eiaity uiles to found a a ‘he dau; ae or feet and aeoned | daugbtel z witha young man who would write sickening and By. vise ‘gab the Bosse. akon hanged fire with the result that a|® Over in the States they are talking 3 is House and 14 acre household effects in Mns sselbiure. 2, Mornington, Fri- a ‘We congratulate Editor Brierley of x is su S. -| 80 st priest to do A called a pianist. mber | particular redit for | a ‘ajman who 2 Creed and delights ia war’ W. D. Weir's Sale Register. oy Ape 4th! Sale to ontnnce at pt ee as wee Teo Much for the Sheriff. An Trish widow with a qu one day received a call from ashen who had a writ to serve on her. cording to the “Pilot,” the widow saved the day courting. which hio: n, I have an aeastiient for sir?) she said blushing, “your attachment is reciproca: evouvoun'e understand ine must urt,” said the sheriff. “Well, I know ‘tis leap-year, but I refer to let you do the courting your- " ch. better at that helan, this is no_ ee for SS School Humor. An English paper sivea some fur- ther examples of children uncon- scious humor in tape exawmina- tion: nice of liis parents. e in Magna Charta pee than plonla beat te Fdeathror ihipeladtied without his own consen' Where were the Kings of England crowned? On their heads. Whit were the three most inpor tant Fendal dues? PBriendship, court- ship, marri: and 2. Mil- sirote a sensible poem ealled the Canterbur ails. ne nates of five ees plays? Macbeth, Mikado, Quo Vadis, San Toy, Sign of the Cross, A is a man who. looks after. ‘son the Quit side is eee SS No Use eee e ‘3 (Ridgetown Dominion.) their worth. Dr. Agnew's Li ge Charles Grawburg of Howard, on ona gg Ah agen Seponbes ak Binars tai anal oe ofc office to show| Sn, “aad ao Gente a vial Sted es ieessag a disordeted liver, | Seaeirtrs &¢ grandfather ae part in| Keer aiotbn oe the rebellion of 1837-38, was taken| 5% _ in ‘Toronto jail. : his} Sold by me aa Xx out of a block np in his cell. His) | A you narrow escape e arts siting nic Bicely ie oe We notice that Bei she a ner | ¥en! apymber of sina Nor Duieictinn eee Bildcas atiuie, snemecives during the gent as token to the prisoners wife. evenings by’ playing the square. e writing, 4 E ich ie etill, decipher |E2rents should find some other play Wixon, ‘confined | ground for cea egy than the in To) itoden for four months, Apel thoroughfares ey are con- plain. It is needless| tinually in einer ‘of take hart. by thot this crane box is highly rem AE for its as- EN@ of land, and by some rapid-fire | ¢ Syou an eaudes the Great was born in abse Shake- poles Sick Headache, be, Biogsaees/ =a Nase, Con- ipation and ng ad in being run over the other evening BORN WEISGARBER—At Ellice, on Mareh 13th, the wife of Wm. Weisgarber L—At Milverton, on gan 14th, the wife of Dr. J. H, Eng FINKBEINER—At Milverton. on March 20th, the wife of Charles Fink beiner of a daughter. Ait BURNS. ne Mr. Boyd.a solo. Everybudy seemed 'S> fied that a profitable and enjoyable evening had been spent. MILLBANK. The foneral of ans fate Mrs. Alex n, took place# vo Presbyterian’ cemetery foston Monday afternoon, atd was one the largest ever seen heve. ceased was only mirried and the sympathy of the comimunit goes ‘aut to e sorrowing hu: et | Millinery Opening Miss Ferris: will have ‘her Millinery Opening on Saturday, March 29% lady is invited to Every attend. Bress Goods We keep a nice line of Priestley’s’ Wool Sateens at 5oc., 5c, and $1 per yd. Priestley ges at 35¢., 508 i . Priestley’s Pop pling at 75¢., and goc, White Goods 4 See the nice things we have in Skirts Night Gowns, Drawers, Chemise’s, C Sorset Covers. Ne received our import order of Taffety Silks last week. Av special line at $5c In Corded Silks we have a nice range Navy, Cardinal, Blue and W hite.” SPE CIAL for Men and Bays SATURDAY being a ladies day with us, we want the men to give us a call as well, and toeach one-who favors us a call need of a New Hat we will give a percent, off all our new Soft and Stiff and spe Tats. relatives, Me J. Cee leaves thie week for Manitoln. Ed will be SregaiieaGe inaojiak sud’ Barecick circles. Mr. Frank Livingston, whose illness lins been ca friehde ae uneasiness for some time, to the Berlin hospital on FS ‘iday tR We sell Groceries as cheap us anybody. W. K. LOTH, Potatoes wanted fop*treat ment. Mr. Edward Thompson: is moving into the house Intely oceupied by Herman Abell. ¥ Herb, McLennan has moved to. his farm on the gravel road and gut HED Sata evel wide she wil reside in future Mr. Geo. Butler, of the Tth con Wellesley, who has been. suffering frow an inflammation of the foot ail mr and McNaughton. After eivalts tion the doctors appatarel the foot between the ankle. ai knes tf , Weltzel @ Monr’s and Confectionery a full Groceries, and we are now ready for business. NEW STORE We have added to our Bakery Batler indoor seil Wetean ‘bas ex. 4 Ibs. 35c. tea for $4 seh co in Weekty Sun.) peeted and hopes to Le about again in 3 Ibs. best Raisins for 25e ie 0 _ nize creeds, notably that most |” ee 3 lbs. best. Currants for 25e irou-elad of , the Westminister e Tearing the Heart oidctice. Basel utehe we tes ks | Bteiniee-ccle aie in Ciscoe to Ibs best Washing Soda for 25e modernize- the Mezathe Tt is| tion of fan to measure my groat sufferings 3 |bs best Prunes for 25e not only that. partieul: es re-| from beart ‘E endured: 6 Ibs. best Figs for 25) eall with startling force the organiza-| slmost constant cating “and tea tearing pains . Sapo tea Cc "Y [ton of tine wh n Proloeutor| sbout pele a 1d 4 Ibs. best Starch for 25e tuitaiet welcom . = Eeahee ease ratly OF epredestatariag for the © bars Oatmeal Soap for 25e divines; the whole tenor and spirit | acle.”—Thos. Hicks, 6 bars Castile Soap for 25e f the docament belong to an irrevo-} Sold by Jas. Torrance. Sa sas le past. B ee ig Prices paid for Farm Produce very fae Christians without tmtracles, : : Weitzel & Mohr F ioiatelcecaeenten tenements We Lead... NEW SHOES FOR EASTER . Ga Grosch &. Sen recites the can Bream e bs Fas mes in ‘medical a science and ce arid permanent ‘cure growing’ Bikes, gee — * Sold by Jas. Torrance. BE vas Oks oo have just ‘opened New Goods for paster trade. Call and see them, shoes for women. d. 6. Grosch &, Son GEO. A. SLATER shoes for men and, EMPai E : “Agents for White Sewing . ». Others Foliow y WHY ? Because our fits are unsurpassed and our Stock is of the Newest Pattern for Spring and Summer Suits. Our Stock is in such: shape that we can ive the customer just what he wants. If he wants a Stripe he can have it, ifa Plaid we . can give it to him. HENNE EEK NEE . Galland see our suits for this season rang- w ing from-$12.50 to $23, the latest stripe for $19 + ane $20, you will pay $22 any place else. The Tailor. J.E. Rowe Te Pees Ry *€ IITA RAAB RIAA IIA IT 4 stock of _SAAIAAIBIEIEIEIEIAA A wisi alias tails é 3% b 2 6 * - The Great 3 c/a a S e = Bargain House : x > e 3 * # %€ # Lg a %|! x : ; % es We invite the Ladies of Milver- = 3 ton-and surrounding country cordially * Ea #€ % to our € E ; * “3 . % = Spring : _ Openings * > % # ON %e a se 3 Wednesday & Thursday Be TIARCH 26th and 27th, # When our newest in New MMW estate aay th will have a complete showing of the , Yor Miss McDermott k and Paris styles. She Me athe he the Mle Me Hh PL ALA TS TS TS AS AS AS AS HS TAS AS AS HS AR AS AS AS Th dhe Mh Ale a THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE. AER ER RUPRECE ARES SERED EE SS IED # kb LAMM Pe ae yy ee <i El. 3 3 fe © sin The Milverton MARCH SDAY, ee GENERAL NEWS GULLED FROM ALL SOURCES When. prosperity falls on the evil heart it iat nourishes its weeds. Wentworth County Coaneil is 1 pared to od $100,000 on the ee in the vount ae call: bachelor name it indicates that she first mam igns on his The township of Dunwich, Elgiv Hangman Radcliffe w: at Hull last wee! mobbed Pe es Jas Lacroix, cuier ele maniedl Ge wife and an old man over a year ago. __ Rev. Father Walsh, the elergywian an lust’ week, and in each case tsfore P.M. O'Loans $20 and costs Quebec Presbytery bas Sey its diuapproyal of the action Whit dealing in ee a margin. The improper Exc TaGe RAR DAG such traneactions. It may not be generally known that Co., will be 100 years settled next ren y ede ae yene, Col. Talbot having tanded in Teele tak we 4 BOs. ¢ City, bas, it is cath tor one of his wives a Stratford Tf the weather man bas another 45-| weigtonh.’ Sree Led het: Gin chek Sortinent of weather like yesterday’s| family, but left them become a concealed about him, we'll: Gee aD} member of a Mormon household. She other belping, please, was well known here, and older rty of unruly hoys recently | citizens will probably. remember her. hata poesiin of the Palmer |The man in question is charged w ston skating © were brought ees GAG LAC hinly. ceuled oul of c A cor aeied to an English new- paper suggests that “co would be a good term to app! e the Marcont sent aS of exp minaon wo xi invento Strarford lust one of its most enter- prising merchants and energetic citi- zens on Tuesday throngh the death of lornton of the firm of Thornton t & Dotighns. Mr. Thornton was sub ject to kidney ae lat not until noon on pets e an acute foi ulting in eli ig aes ee Duncan, Collector of Elma, ie He first time in the history of the township, collected every cent of taxes on the roll. This is the more remarkable as the township josides a number of villages where ome- times difficult to ove ae wile roll, Tt shows that Elm: Sua peradh, the ane shee is wot Cai farmers ate getting rich over it. And in ie a Test dl made in. Qunada| mended av that. haying four wives, and is a jiave ihiiylive. children Surwlord H raid company prohibition of drinking ess of Ube world, the evolution brane must be preserved ut any cust. exactly the same t the use-of tobaceo ri Ee is ee fuhree men bad ‘the right to dictate to cwo men that they shall nov drink beer, wine or whiskey, ther have eric the same right to dietate that they shall not sinuke ars, cigs or chew black plug. This new calls on Premier Ross wo in a bill. prohibitan; : enforee thht the vital interests of the Gakdian: Gok ach.— Bobeayzeon Independent, ing diges palin they est 35 cents. eT a eel Peete pal “ton hand, _ Dr. Agnew’s Ointment Cures Piles.—Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. ‘Comfort in one apflication. It cures in three to six nights, It cures all skin diseases in young and ‘old, A remedy beyond compare, and it never. fails, 35 3. —63 Sold by Jas. Se It is somewhat humbling to our. pride to know that the aon speed attained under sail that of the, vA ing proa of Pacific savage the adyent of the turbine motor shes tiny craft, could outsail any ste: German credit them with more. In view of the generally established | { belief that the barberry ings of the Wellesley township council there :— Moved Lichty, seconded by R. J, Kerr, that the sum of $30 be granted to Jobu Frau compensation for the removal, destra ing, me fence, and that the Brea issue his order for the same. Carr Hist Beckford of Bieitead answered at the ie court the otber morning to four charges, two. of dis= orderly conduct, one-of breach of the peace, and anouhet of mali to property. ‘These depr not committed at one De tte have been accumulating since January. wa Sie desde his ‘good conduet tbe will The Luther Telephone compauy has been organized with a capital of $l, 800 Dr. Campbell, of Grand Valle is the president of the company, w hick intends building and operating. a telephone line between the bustling have to repair the damage. village on the Grand and Monticello, tivelve miles north: he head office the low rate of $10 per ie ae atong the line subserib- d stock, and they ae ‘fellow farmers applying will have telephones placed in their residence Its foliage used to be the summer glory of Buffalo. Old residents who bave returned to the city after some years of absence have been shacked to Why Bo comfort in the idea, ‘There is. all-year beauty in it.—Buffalo Express, Kidney atta fh akcgeeliin ‘sno time for experimenting 2 di covered that you are a victim of form or another of kidney diseas Wheels Wheels . Wheels We have just received our first shipment of the celebrated Berlin Raycycles and Bicycles Hyslop.Wheels, all grades call in and see them. Bicycle . Se alw: ways | Second-hand , wheels ought and sold. Repairi ng. don shortest -nouice. PL: He Bastendorft _on,. the amer | ine! o any travelers shows the work has already began} of the gr and keeping the same so for all | w time vo come, of his barberry hedge |i The whole thing isa humbug. TE 1 the n roma natoral standpoint, Throw the tomfoolery and -humbug to the winds. eliod derieh Signal. Commerce of London. Porsome pS centori 8. the com- le. Margaret The Grand - Obje (Bystander in Weekly Erejeriok Green ‘5 | Acute observer, gives merce still drifts, and ts stee the world have ica is achieves saving, perhap: .| Hill. The amount of g et no means over such ‘a crow ininerals wil me being reduced oy the peal Faas Afri r, Greenwood seems to mall. the April Ladies’ Home Journal, iy cae Nineteenth Centu: meets in what. will ‘follow when tee conquest of ~ fo be enormous. ‘The immediate < result, as Mr. Greenwood sees, will be ; a tremendous ‘nash the ‘general - ondage of the eee aaa ent uaaies fa the dreams. of | pro ¢ Britis liberties an Tt seems by will be able to uasntatn her dominion - gol wanderers trom all siete a agriouee value of the con: ct. Sun.) matinent ott id-seeking © gt will very - danger °o! izious yield: allow, nt “WE'RE CONTENT TO TELL THE TRUTH.” Spring Suits, see how miuty of the ancient trees have been uprooted in the process of s the city’s growth and bow niauy nore] =f That are chuck full of quality and suse sige who can Sat it? ave dyin: Ty is a mistake thus to Who can make words express a graceful ora superbly sha disipe oor arbateal wealth. ere els or ee But you can. reeounize few he n you see it, You work for the- Society for — the you get one of our suits on that style is there. You can Beautifying of Buffalo. iv plane ian it lite aly sticking out all over yoo : trees—trees Lo replace the Red: and ie and ‘youne wen’s sultein a erand range of pak diag snamarehs nd hardy. Youne |= terns in desirable clothe and.colors | Sack casts, High saplings. whe! newer grew, cbe euty Splendid linings an i ‘The best $18.0 for There is summer ed at. by long odds we ever offer “Cornwall” suits for wen and young men are the best rice. Hyery wanted pattern and “Hghestclass making, suits in Canada at the color, in only desirable qualities. trimming and fit; to o1 <“Jmperial” suits for men and young men, highest-class clothing that’s produced sold to yon S14 to fits z ot all prot nae that cost nu $18 t 0 322 al er places for . EVERY Suit GUARANTEED E. Up-to-Date Tailor $7.50 to $25.06 Knechiel, 0 6.00 $18 es " ZT fran SHINGLES Six’ Carloads of Cedar Shingles or three months. Have your gore booked at, on save delay in the busy. season... your supply while the sleighing is good. se early. - Order’ at: once. and WRDERHOL,& HOD es. B ritish Columbia Red’ Arriving in the course of the next two - Draw home. Last year.we'ran out of this qu ce and}-

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