It will ere ‘oes for the practical THE BRANTFORD NURDER- “NEWS ITEMS. ~ in ae Fact Has Bh _ 4 sulted it ity of ts , ad “ cove Inspector evict . Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc|tme tray may took for hgh price] A Sk. Tomas, Ont nol Telegraphic Briefs From All 2 % s r - : ; peerage Neh s i ry_remains Over the Globe. Iphater despatch from Brantford says:— ; in Trade Centres. — _ Our Business Enterprises. gt : KINDNESS OF THE GOSPEL 2%" rraol nc naneene 7. " ; ; ead COR, a 8. What Ji | GOSPEL. [= Eee NTRS OW . ae i - : fis a ee WHAT HE Has 7 as aoe BOUT A : that it) will gi i 5 ae: The Spirit of Love Should Enter Into es comfortable sustenance i ee ee blind he} > as dmitoReable- sutnist world shut out, the bod: rti Pro-Boer Slanders Against pastes through, ana it will be us | dying to Self, God dealing wi hie = and ae owe to. direct the mana; the a e peri: fod Contradicted. caper fic, to oe ‘a our ae sine : bens xi other day of high’ prices at the To- / ronto Cattle Market this morning. ‘The. déalers aro all persuaded that | Fatal Coniston < pede es ‘arvis. the wast runs of the inten have hat will enlist all the energi =A i Surman He bad ot your body, mind and soul!” Di 7 of Toronto, ‘gent pe business, fervent in spirit, importance, glorified ai = “ees te Peer the conduct nada Life Assurance moe SS Depeecan ae at = ron ssassops aire 1 Perc mnte upon cabo Chalatian ane Slanders agai ‘pO: Donelly, a brak Sunes of the crime Th Sou sat at 7240 outs and | Dorte customers. ie eects broken ‘ribs and injuries | ifMeulty was, experienced | pany aro © erect « large blod Seen sak: plas: i sses in ihute circum: ¢ this summer, A seebatch. trom Washington sas: e back of the idler and s 3 the dr How can yor : ‘arsus;|tion ari earing on con incidents of ae te was Senteieee ‘ 6 preached from bests down he shi ot os of =o i sae e i gs Conan Doyle in nights Catharines e year in the the feitowing ert a Timothy, iy 8, | ostle as man will * has been Mexcer Retoreaater? foe perhaey Go tenes ys not work, neither shall he eat.” ably refuted by Dr. his latest book oF rtling fact that ) ln offered “T went to South Africa with pan 01 e i ders at : os goose at 66c middle|ket. Th cop and lamb: 5 pre- om phage Ss jugs prowles Srtae : h Ber befo: reba Ne ae nd 7e low | Was. di w York, without bids. rk offered at Soe *out- targe stocks. side, without, bids. white ofiered at 80c|ing. were hea’ No. fe eyes at |Sales at all, aiougs outside, ewt all round. 87¢ outside, Ene bids 6 heey al 0 “A car Se f No. 2 white sol = chotes ct 80 loeast without bi perorey) stay Reece Toranto, ae toba white eats, testing 37 of- fered at 450 North Bay, nereieat wide. No yellow at in reat “with “see bid, ne 56ic was bid o COUNTRY PRODUCE. Brees, -_-Dried Apples Trade is dull, ri a cons ni os ope ine > pin ee Jardine, new ly appointed sat ‘Trade. Commissioner for Canada in All thos wha went the second week the crime testy mu He siso probably. turned on ova Scotia Assembly has t beforehand. This|presented an address ‘and puFse ta played a part|Speaker Robertson, who goes there. | Burepe for his health. ; S, is feared that uve send aie ed i tly, his {im ally bili E foe Afr body being later found in the’ fire-|@Md. was 4 unsuspected. He} as i ‘onati peey or hiseengine, but Charlton lived |must have A Quirk from the| may interfere with, the holding tor about-aa hour affer tie had eed [P85. Pechaps: pointed! out thesmlenme the requ gular summer camps of of fight which would, slow fa intly | struction. the wind the manner in NOSE eT, ee See Sees ee bung, ep-ovidence destroyed several tue sates Ne ard Laurin, who quently are ssce father’s colored coachman, of nith is oe, | euilty laughter on § ede og ot teat wea is oH ‘There is a gloomy and passive way ei waiting for events to come upon Polece upon sete ee bloment of paseo od) have in the business firm frugality, industry, perseverance, ec- ‘rm medicine is the |ance ‘SCHOOL OF CHRIST, \e theacoball est the religion of Christ in his heart and the other shall not one who becomes a son |Want religion to-day in tho tains chili Lord Almighty will live the | of 1 - “With long life will I satisfy and show i e postpones religion to sixty years of age gets religion fifty years ue He may get. and un lor a whole ritetime comforted ? 12, 15, 1 d a all his future snatch ny. (Gal. i, 11, 8-16. He is a ne vessel unto ~| sympathy We. rie snulyidual oe oe ena time I only“once ‘saw a mat aoe ae, heard of a ee strtkin trrenty Boer prisoners within ime minutes pf their capture. eu a litle aa ae rune ie each rices _ steat +5 to 6c per exp. won, eee 325° 38. - a Taey, ai 2 gs, ewt 4.00 52 The. b Aa aoe is a |duced t ‘ Expres aul of Hi steady at 13¢; is spl ach. pee erate per Honey—The mar} it, per emt et So fe “f 7s dull at Hogs i pee will oe new brilianey ae the intel- 0 : e hi S| Canal, is. Luke Dill n i ich is” a eet Neste te ais ag sate Novant win < eed. Guile vident ‘ai |leader, and member of ‘the Clann tion, new force to an will ere ‘aple sai ahi vata $1. fo. ara ne dead. were’ residents .of St. ‘three times in sick succe ael. t as well as of t] Lape ita ea DEATH OF CECIL RHODES. |, Thomas, and were married. ‘Tw chet or an| Solomon, — the Galician murderer, whic is to come, mes, sciGiil and Chariton, leave {iron bar, an 2 body papad the Tete teen ie at Winnipeg te Seale that godliness saieporeee position found, by. the murderer. : said the admit that godliness ae NYMOUS LETTER. SS age es im h 1d the 3 is important in re. Bot of cars sae ise dly Saul is not only bear of Christ, bute also to suffer e religion of hi ‘ket is quiet. TP: Bris .e market quic ri Christ is the fountain out of which a Great Financier a Gasen Mees at lta $1. P30 to $1.30 per bush, as ee ee ee Handpicked. $1.35. t $1. Cecil Rhodes Grenbertics — Market unenhanced, 5.57 p.m., on Wednes with stocks ue Cape © to me more difficult and. his $10 ing Aieatanlty gh at $2.50 to sizenath cece, diminished -until he pas: $3 per barrel. feck paled—The | market: is quiet, ith fair demand. Be thy quoted “ “p10. 50 to $10.75 on track, To- enter for Ne. 1, and at $0 to $9.25 great surprise to those ne *Btram— Tho market is quiet, Car|London during the wint on track quoted at $6 to ie was due to © long siege of Kim! ave Fee ti limited, and cecuseal teed anxieties Seer We quote ioFresh kill chickens, 70¢ to $1. “Potatoes—In car lots on-track, 58 to 60¢ per bag. Small lots, out of “tore, bring 70 to 75e per bag. THE DAIRY, MARKETS. ter—There is le fair trade, with best qualities: :—Choice, a secondary <rades; ore ee to 16c; low ge S creamery prints, 22 to 0, ae 21 to 22}c. Eggs—The market is weal aker, with oe offerings large. Sales in case lots at 12 to 124¢ per dozen. me! cheese amarket is quiet and steady hse to 1ije per Ib. choice ie to {his extraordinary car with business. Among his associ- HOGS AND PROVISIONS. ressed minal in car Hor products. in talk demand, steady. Wa quote = are 10 to 10}c, in ton and case Mess pork, $20.50; do., short | South African compan “i 21.50. ae if lmnselt ap Smoked Meats—Hams, 123 to 15 unfreque breakfast bacon, 133 to 14¢; ea fe utterly denied himself to al ; 184’ to L4e, and should-|eept to ali a dozen favored is firm. 0. 114¢; - , LLic; compoenee 9 results, a! S, teeta so Ma pate a ee their inception ee ona thanks te tis very great success ‘Wheat—Sp Lot Beers mines, the hern, spot, T7jc asked: eise Sacer South® African 0, 2 red, 88c. Corn | and Rhodes’ eee had ee er, ‘but no buyers; fle No. 3 No. | pared with the many mixed, 47 essed. He never lost: hi pot, 664 “to [handed somewhat. reckl handling money. ates oa —_+-—_ Moe esa INO SUPPLIES FOR AFRICA. | ti Canada Asked Not to Ship During April. $8.55 tc $2.90: eee, “ene, $2.10 to $2: 20; | An Ottawa yulk, i ee to $12.7: jartment of Agricole: has Sioa i ised by the War 744c; do 73he; Manitoba, ern, cash, 70i¢; Ma: 2 Northen, Gre. Oats—| until this congestion hes lieved further shipments from t Sauce Dominion are to be wi pene is not unwelcome ee to the| Service bela me some- what disarranged “Foun, to es loss of the Huronian, and ing April. 1-—Wheat “Olssea joners ve been suspended e, Eales No. 2 red | cash and May, 80¢; St Li “ion 3 Whi Closed May, 77z¢; July, e the Huronian’s _ SEDER Hae ees A Cape Town despatch “s Rt. Ned we voscetaly fe He |, $9.50 a ng the afternoon, but aed renth He Left It for Ssheine of Imperial jin the The sr by anything of hin: during his visit ‘to | vast hether | The ae embr. his exper ences during | the Briti cen ee intellectiial the sh Face throughout the nn -ac- and the fostering of Imperial senti The matin Tew days by the executors of allow bodily ailments to interfere in the city he never prenannee British = |more warlike than those fighting. oes: millions he ae | Quebec es ities nate cided n= ess methiods ing cities froin the danger ots ron despatch says :—The|® M: such. ines a another vessel could ho ete runn: as geo Bees |_4 ew developed! i he re- | tr : his life so RH 7 cei a another anonymou rb) that fis childrew ODES’ FORTUNE. the time from Buff essed. nis ts the thir oe the C rier oe Woodstock, the GRE. d by Too! 1" BRITAIN. The Cunard Steamship Company eclured a dividend of four per ondon desi to be written by the same | n, and it looks as though thes| The Most Rev. Charles F. were intended for a blind. | Roman, Catholic © Archbishop | Scotland, is dead. St The King has ee a. an international ht race PEACE IS NEAR. Harbor a ae ent yr this year’s oae . May mee competition see a new in ta War .s the Coronation. fred Within a Week. be known roposed west a ie ments. The details will be POS Past Shot his y | wi ilt to Oriel College, Oxford. Me. A Patis despateh sav : ‘ miter ; i nie his return for the coronse ake the| the United States. He declared of |s omni might me of L ht | Ss Santos-Dumont, the aeronaut, ins put the interviewer remarks up ends to ch xil around the dome of St. fe e furtherance, of mine |» |Paut's cathedral in his airship on e ventur c : cittiouct: tho latter cou raged he tion Codie, aiare In’ thé fen tenstae-| Wessels denied England, which has beer tions. e death of Mr. for sightcen years, hae not admit that Mr. Rhodes was the|cost over £80,000 REPORT OF SEALERS. : of ine irensseel: sand Ino ladies havo just a embers of the Mr. Rhodes had t vor lived, the war oF | Brit aby ere ersce re? the a ¢come Jus alee aInnAse Guero camiteed: ‘They Have So Far Caught About Boat Saale have yielded to | pei a iene 120,000. mptation of the mines. Of 1,300 Old Htonians who have Hine present: Biiotieeans were taken part in the war, sixty-three Nenfoundland, des ious. Ss ‘ Ik have fallen in battle and foi te eeamen| et [ believe andl lope, be added, oe died of wounds or disease. 4 peace is dfawing nearer. I de ay that aa ideal, Dut. 8 satis: ae factory, 1 be secured UNITED STATES. gee eee eden fon Ses ate | whe threatened strike of 16,000 pard account for | eee ae ed. is [cotton mill operatives at Lowell, far. ae is refused to ating He | has been postponed a week. | Frank ‘Moran, possessin dine | ana bank deposits estimated ai 000, died in the county hosp! iota ‘added that | Omaha, from starvation. te| | Floods in riddle resuited of Peterborough been aleees reps ace ‘trom Fone New- T Southern Ss at the garding a st: on- Se aggrese were ne "igh, Character. Jollars. ‘Twenty-four —per- iy @ resources they can i eons “aIS0 have Se drowned. ran au st| Goal. operat: at, aS not) predict that if “ane strike or En-| comes general there will ae ee aepes Soul be | ame in aU te large asten no oin- ustrial ¢ Z eS SES danger, to fight TO CHECK SMALLPOX. ti - 3 if orable peace might be si J siete — NADI Baie’ a guns ver | oWner of y Quebec eg re Co-operate eer) that M. Keuger [ow wast portion of the city. of § ide town, N.¥.,and a meu leading family in een: {died in. the enenaes at Orange NJ: 1d approve ‘it. Soares 135 PRISONERS TAKEN. mall shan men re-| Lord Kitchener Reports | Opera- ebec ~ tions Designed to . ae The Turkish Government ened Petra ded to eall 90,000. irregular Sone 2 pwning of sianem a coe. Sibvationt, ueeee Tt is said. sas recently show: tan inclination toward R Ottawa despat a co-operate mitario in protect 1 Sm GENERAL. Ameer of Afgha wh a favour fale ttawa = logne, and W: The result i raphy ne ae ei . y be to greatly peer srork in Gee nan: peitiebe a the line from Commando Seana ae s the Lichtenburg blockhor The troops moved rapidly caaleards dant production uk peed oer = ae alg the ene Heh tbe | “tno Oficial Messenger oe its that e 9: dents have to Run) the nfo rorciog An peo oe, tie mech Sai,3 been bi a, ‘rom = Montreal. io The sult has D567 have beet piece eaies he} A Boutreel despatch say: full tif} in May a direct line of steamers ‘i nlgt ae two pont] ih hundred mules. waabe deneral W. Klichene's “column aD gareiso tured. 89 pris carts. and| A mae piani waggons and a played for, 7 hours, “The a ce ered: 80 priles in tervalet exceeding aD The total Montreal and Rotterda me = aaa #5 wardin port Company, will consist of four essel3, the Rodney, Teer, Sa Sanford, oe Geyto ton, agerogal great deal in rae inetines about coffins and that godli bondage 3 oS is cere conducive duces ndvet , whi Ree te ich is the founda- Turkish, off DVGe its eternal relations, bu’ at clear as a al. on the hills of heaven He his names. ciel SRrURRiGAn sae hie near on the straight road to right he will ow, in, the a feet Place, I remark that" tuoyanty of spirits) 28 “Obst Merchant!” good pats data a De Toa chante eo, SEO rON, other wi wordy usiness @ man has the ae ome Ww, ee if it be a or if it be tis conducted. If you tell 1 Zoo; Suen ve that godliness in- * [learning has draft. No’ best para lettres Agait Doitable for one’s disposition. Lo; NATURAL pea feettol agree '» rat out | fetta iv er he becomes. & armed aj iced that the Healthy Ohriss bmg cman to Sx years ot Ais the throne of God low, mend godliness as the mental: diseipline, all thin ite which poe is. as well as of that THE S. S. LESSON. See tones Be eM as he calls them by; thei in T remark that godliness 2 piety will and tian he will always have to be against the rebellion of those has pie tases all as oe wider the prince of the Power of 1) a Si ‘q|thou me? ae oe Jesus of Nazareth to xvi, yaad HF wy |career, for God. had mee in his “ ‘Biowranhy Brew in grace, th words, the more | Sau) paige will hinder swer fills Text of the Less: - Golden Text, disciples What an evil bri word translated ann “Saul, why See cneen your whom ist pers business le recognizes a tee se nd good bu stieas wrongly | Who art Thou, Lord?’ othe ee hi pictus truth “godliness is profitable » having the promise of. son, Acts ix., 1- iii, 19. Saul yet breathing out hreatenings une ae agains e Habre language. (00 ee | said, t am ‘Jesus, ise is eae speaking t © be ind whom they pierced, they shall ed with siah, p |the nation (1. im. | re being afraid. some Hl say: this i: God. We heve waited ae will save us” Sa Hin, ae 9). Sar earth, seeing -the light aa im with tcembling® and for lazareth deed™ looking upon Him I~ our e of the an of | Without nor ape 10 were with him fel oihey also heard the ‘one speaki dia 0 eB our ind Dan x. | e pier one 17- 20. filled with (ie life. mnected present. while the mote World lieth in Vv.) 1, 83; ‘Philip. 4, 29; II Tim. ii, 12; a but be cnecuraged by Rom. weg pee x, aoe. both natural and spiritual, Me | confessed Christ, : 00k food for the body and was strength- ig. vi, 84, R. V., mi ni ene he peered cases of the Boe: : 8 but one Mi white flag, 20 | for = Him is ready. ial evil age, the |. i, 4; I John v, 19, io John xv, 18, 19 ; among Se tig a sight and _ be| They refused to all. em Holy Ghost. | quarantined. Reina Se as,| ‘‘Boer mothers, ae a natural in the|stinct, preferred to cling to thel his oe and to make it difficult fo: result Was a rapid spread of demic, which was ee a 2 ny the sul in baptism, avoidably endured hel omes to BOER MURDERS. ‘The author bas investigated ant 2 of the Boer abuso of plun sent inj olay down his | 28 ‘or British w i mes Sri oe ‘hile cashmere, henrietta, albatross and simple silks ee are all in vogue for frocks. The skirt is circular and flares fr will be required, with 4 yards of all- 3 over embroider, of insertion trated, rarning, ‘Th still noticnble, and the use of the eye piece t Saul really CHILD'S FRENCH DRESS, 4 to 10 Years. TORE as —-+—__ ee OF THE EYER. A rom a trustwi BRS oR the Sanger ta i tee very bi t lig] aw at Gras se ‘Finding we were Raabe a ant up, the same bullet hitting earse in the nose, and killing Pte. Harvey.” pons RESERVATIONS. nan Do; ng otis iat nen eee oe der the British fag: esr compinte en ion from the miner live their with some simpl their of Id ne the heavier | with tho British could Sunt a home es inches wide of edging and 24 to tei as i king af 3 cireslated in t with tnshield: The. publishes “every ci may cost of producti i Reet ion, see is pa IMPOSSIBLE. roma Do vou think er gir ae oe she's ea elev Smit mam! Rather too 008 reoking. den rou think?"? effect. is | work has b