Milverton Sun, 10 Apr 1902, p. 1

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WARRIAGZ LIOENSES J. @. GROSCH. Srrietiy CONFIDENTIAL. “It Shines For All” Vol KI—No 15 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O0., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902 MALCOT Viateor ana Publ nee | The apitverton Sun the Cou One column... Half oN % 00 i ‘Quarter col... SRA, ool sient Adverti ‘of Se. per Ane pariel, aati ertion, ah 3, peeling for ach sue: io R. RANNEY & CO.,.Bankers EstaBnisneD (895. A general banking business transacted Drafts issued av all points in Canada andthe Money to loan on notes and ane a i interest allow ANNEY & con » Milverton Medical GB D.C. nate of College at Physica ang and Surgeo of Ontario post. graduate student vot London Hospital Honton,, Bag Off A ee, Milw Telephone con et isn with Poole, Brabeer; Lutheran Chureh and Rost M, PAN’ ofc open every Thursday, Block, Main St 5 ‘Dentistry DR. R. LEDER! of Dental Surgery College of Dent “Honor Regulation to 5 pu, beiner Bros. hardware store, Milverton. "> Veterinary 9 to, by teleplione or otherwise, lay or n Dentistry and Chronic Diseases a speci “J. W. BARR. VETERINARY SUR- lilvertausforwert of Newton(Grad- tario Ve C il dicaectok domes s byt velephone de hieecece prance, attended to. Livery in connection, ‘rst class horses and rigs at all times. Baggage transfer. Commercial driving a ectalt, Visiting brethren al- Geo sy C. A “Silver Star Mitseston 8 ery night 30 'p. in their halle fi ‘oftee bong Vintang brethren, _always welcome. Spencer, N. Gay W. Loth Business Cards w. WEIR, Anctioneer r ties of Berth hand Waterloo, Conve neer, -Deods, a ills and Mortgages drawn and Aflidavi de. Bailiff fith Division Court. las Grosch’s Shoe NE, eitieede aoe travellers culls promptly attended to. Wm, Dorland, Maple pri Best tg a Gir, tae elane acemTisOae: d ieee stabling. AND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton, and: cigars. sai Millatracte: ©: Bokenstlig, Px QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Out. The best, accommodation for commercial trav. ‘ oe and others. » Liquors and Cigars at the h tables platy af chedstoaie.. Alpaty osteo Miseettancou JOWN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Poste, *Lamber, ‘Laths, “Shingles, Pumps, et. Brauner, Gat Patriotic exercise Books, seribbling +hooks, school text books all sup gplies for the school room. "Agent for wall maps and all Se By hae #3as..Torrance, Milvecto! th — oly means for euccessful_ advert rietor. | age reader who detects a oot G. T. R: Time Table y | Trains os to leave Milverton. Next winter seems to have sét in already. Cod fish 10 cents a'lb. av” Weitzél & Mohr's. Bastendorff keeps a fall line’ of bicycle sundri For new and up.todate millinery try W. K Loth’s. The snow. storm of Mondey has left the roads in a slushy ucker spent a few Gerda aoe sa uataniganieeek, o/ Mr. Wm: Gropp. took possession of the Brunner Station hotel-on Monday. Order your route bills at the Sux office, a large assortment of cuts to ad choose from. en's two-potket thains, a great assortment to choose from. P. H. Ba: sued rf. L. Livingston attended the commercial traveHer’s ball at London lash week. ted ela Goodband has secured a ation. as cheesemaker in tli Siecaiee: factory in thevcounty of Glsogarry for the coming summer. y Mrs. Tsaac “Parkinson, of Elma, re- ceived a message-on “Monday convey- val ing the intelligence that her sister- - | in law, Pf ¥:| Granton, had. died. Mrs, Robert Langford ‘Mr.-and Mis. Jobn Rowlston on Wednesday atteuded the funeral of the Inte Samuel Swith of Plattsville, uncle to the latter and a brother of Mrs. John Kinkead of the 7th line, Mornington Factory “cheese always on hand at Weitzel & Mobr's 7 Miss Dierlaam ha home in Port Elgin. the store has been ret pen d to her siti football team. The executive ‘committee of ae North: Perth Conservative Association met in Milverton “s Thursday of ‘eat week. Among those present we noticed the Ses face of Mr J.C. Monteith, the csadidate for the com tions. ‘| ing provineial general « Berlin'News sere Mr. Walter Dumart has gone to Piso oO aa in a ge He bas feured i in many a hard fought battle with the Berlin club and bas « He ways given a-good account of: him He-will be of good seryice to the ML verton club. People of this country “have been | educated to go to the newspapers’ to find where to go for what they need. This is so true that no well informed It follows that. the} hewspaper is. the in approved | ny some who. believe in it way eniploy “other methods well. Ali belive in its merit, “while all do nov give pees to any other one meth None but the initated know the -ac- office, aver- misspelled word or a letter upside down feels that his mission on earth is not fully accom | Plished till he has called the attention rked editor to his glar- loes “not notice the spelled Sbat-his cnt eye is, the-one ont of place. rour deeds. flashed all overthe world. A lif may be spent in’ building a _Fopatation that may be wrecked The world-isa harsh cte Seats, to-a fault,,and if the Father of al] does not temper — with,mercy, we-mey ‘fuil of heaven . | maker in Mr. Goodhand’ e assessable: property is |demand. to ly | we have to buy- our. butter and eggs rom | Gor them she oie about the | # Two tons of vew® wall paper at‘W. K. Loth’s. The latest style of rings just receiv- ed Bastendorffs. m Miss -Hannab Bayoratt left on Wednesday for’ London. Catsup i in Aes none going at 5 cents each. Wei zel & Mohr. Phe worst at if “the season raged in “Mistagae the beginning of this -week Mr. Joseph ‘Kerteher’s summer cot- tage fesoutally situated in the park is for rei The conference of the Churel: of the Evangelical . Association . will meet at esley next week, Miss Maggio Bell, of Blyth, spent a day or two in the village:as the guest of Mrs, John “Barr last week. Wheat-Os is the best in the market for breakfast food, try an 8-lb. sack for 25 cents at Weitzel & Mobr’s. A finer line of ladies’ watch guards was never brought to Milverton. Call and seethem: —P, H. Bastendorff. Mr. Ab. Morrison, .fornierly cheese- 's factory, ae in. the ‘village on Frid He: wi work in a Blunshard factory iotoe the coming season ¥ Me. Wan iepstae last week pleted the assessment of the "allie fon this year. total amount of 5 5 ora gain of $5,280. ‘The population is 700 or a decrease of three from last year. unfortunate accident oc: East Zorra-near Tavistock T.R. a BS Killed a ma farmer named David “Brenneman. he team the y ts man veaedaving was also killed du Mr. Thos. Connell of YThere will no doubt be considerable building take place in tee vertoi ing the coming ~semm those ‘Who have ‘signified Nheir ‘bane tion of erecting new dwellings are |.Messrs..Wan, -Hastmier, T... Roe and Henry Hoffman ; Mr John ‘Bare weather is favorable. ‘oseph Kerteher also intends building a large stable, Fred Schmidt of Milverton, agent for the Dayid Maxwell & Sons Manufacturing Oo., of St, Marys, had bis delivery of arresting ee on Friday. ‘The delivery was a very jaigee neni: reliéges een upon the industry of Mr. Soa as well upon the enterprise of fi turns out machinery ie h in the possesion which was headed com-|enee of NB | Witte of the “6th There were over 30 teams! p, ‘Mr, Thos: ‘Atkin. ae a patch of potatoes on Good Frid: n Sound ee has been eavily Gned for selling Jump jaw beef. Ladies’ and :gent’s gold “and_ silver watches in great variety at Basten- dorfi's Neyer hit a man when he is down unless you are sure of your ability -to o - down vation HA Stratford ne ve aed not to pres: vaccina- tion question ae oe a Se Miss Pearl Tucker and Mr. ai Mrs Ralph Tucker eit Sunday-a and Mrs. Robert Nicklin’s, m1 Moatoadste. Mr. Bacttiany of Toronto, ‘has pur- chased th will operate during the summer. If we could read the -secret_ history |” of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough | *" to disarra are hostility. coming ‘A convention of the North .Perth Li bing will be held-in ‘Grosch’s ‘hall today, (Thursday,) commencing at 11 o'clock a m. Miss Flo. Nurse, of New Hamburg, and Mr. an Jos. Nurse, of Lis- towel, spent a day or two at the’ resid~ Mrs. Nurse last week. Lots would leave their foot- prints time’s eternal sands to grace,’| had they gotten mother’s slipper at the proper time and place. Samuel lee in the face of A. Buchannaie den in last -week’s issue, wishes to affine his former-state- ment, having the papers in his posses- sion t st Tavistock Gazette:— Black white are the colors of the Marlboro | Football Club, of Tavistock, of the Night Owls, of Milverton, of the re- cently organized club in Hickson, and are also much in evidence in this’ sea- son’s ney. Ho, for the black and w Vie. Witte, son of Mr. Joseph fine. Mornington, while working in the stable on Mon- day morning, received a kick on the chin. from a-horse which rendered him, for a time unconscious. f Dr: Eg! was called todress the ‘wound whic necessitated: him putting in. sev stitches. The se aoe is proirete ing most Saale be eae ouc enterprising ween has purchased from. John McKeever, of Listowel, uhat ae clydesdale stallion, Bright Star, for which he paid the sum of $1500 Bright Star is of a dark brown color with a large white reatch on face oe tour legs “white alinost to knees. jas foaled May 8th, 1898, and was by. the b: Mr. David Allen, to meet the dele mands for his services as thresherman, has dealt of his’ port aol engine and purchased a new i “power loco- | motive ition engine. | By the aid of it ie ‘Alien expects to Jase less water, consume less fuel, and make his moves. wi ts ib td be bigger dur- ing the coming year. There is noth 1 ut Davey except his prices. The Pleasant Citizen’ met théeRe the -matier?” she’s’ grumbling as usual.” about?” And the Retired Farmer veld this story. whieh isey illustra Human Nature when wi SBA onthe ee my oe pee sll her butter and: egas tomers in Milverton, and every time she comes home farmer who. bi split i it, team it into~tewn, feels that be is paid for his work only and is od ting nothing for material. Differen: in opinion fe caused largely by, dir | ences. in view paints. = _ | culture Farmers desirous of improving their stock should patronize this fine auimal, P.H,Bastendorff is agent. for the Berlin and Hyslop bicycles. Read his ad. in acotlenealanne it is probably the be Mr. K Wilmot Young takes an Mr. cha partand-is certainly one of aoe Pisce and is at home in the heavy -as in the heroic. — Mrs. Marjie ay PT -Yuung, is, however, probably the greatest favorite er part as the irrepressible -in’ “Phe Wife” reminds oue of Sadi ie in “The Red Spider.” in -was also a ee favorite tress of sm tha Bal v e Ellice peat works which he “An old bachélor says. that -marriage is merely a hitch and a kick. ‘ Folks will remember a good horse as long us a member. of the ily. Bring “your ‘coupons and receivela 17. peice Force Food for 5c at W. K. Kou OM By die Torrance has purchaséd Mr*David Smith’s handsome Leal on bes street“for'the sam of $1! r. Frank %A.*Copus, formerly. at ae Sisto Hera, ee secured +a porter ~ the ~London m. Johnston, author e “The bi was the which he is in the act of compiling. The council on Monday evening offered to supply the material fora eae 2 ee street from ‘Maple-street, provided clist ah partes benefited agreed to lay it Wm. Tuesday Mr. Hartmier seel f y especially delighted _ with caer Upon the “day of bis arrival in that town he was offered a job at tinsmith- ing in:e large hardware establishmend at ten dollars per week. can be procured at sixteen dollars, pér month, roe The Galt Reporter” has ‘the “follow- ing rematks as to the prospects of foot- ball teams from this vicinity" in the: "Ac—As to the senior series, of ey WwW. course, Brussels is not in it, Lut then that town was never seriously con- sidered in the running. Seaforth will play this year about the same men as last, John Jackson, otherwise “Stone- wall,” will be in place. “Stratford. has an untried eleven—anything is pos- sible. Milverton-hassignéd a number of good ones, among-‘them! being Sam best-men in the West. Lederman, D-D.S8, the forward line. number of speedy youngsters on the front positions. PRLeR RVR eas -TRALEE. [Cob inte tt Vast week.) V Sonn’ Veidenheimer and. his brother Charles intend going to New Ontario ri om from Wiscon- rs. Thomlinson is visiting her mother, Mrs. Scott, who is very ill. hos. Faulkner has gone to Mani- < {toba for the suinmer, is Urotnier Hess remaining at home in his place. John Welsh is prenang: for his hi of Lis- the rad wheat sip es oe Bessie Dedvsen) after spending he Easter holidays with ye Ve lethodist fternoon atte John White eae eaiday with friends near Milverton. The public- schoo? “ppened oa Mon- day “after the holidagsswith a good Meath entered the” home.of Mr. and 7 who is only six ‘years -of -age, “drew | night cee, loud applause in ber singing and dancing... With reg: Mr. Row- |_| land it is Cincy for us to make had no tronblestinding st tlie ‘itch: A. ha te that J. great conrage.but h houldn’t firighten the ladiess#hat air editor less an .J00- miles ror Moakteen hey t| he was bi in ‘the euler tuerss whan hy an ral ks yardor king up his

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