aS ie MARKEIS = did. fered = Tlic midale eae G No. at 72¢ east G-T.R., 2 goose at 66c middic freights on either road, without bids. arley—No.. 3 otters at 49¢ out- side, without bi Peas—Ni “2 white offered at 41¢ outside, at 403c east, and at atl track Toronto, Ser outy 3 white offered To- ronto, ean at 89¢ igh freights Paci- 4c bid on track "Toronto. Corn—No. 2 yellow, 56c bid west, R. and No. 2 mixed 55}¢ bid G.T. + without sellers. 2 ee PRODUCE. ee Apples—The arket is dull, d prices are FREE at 53 to 53c. beveiorsico. 10 to 10}¢. Hops—Business quiet, with prices P ~$2.25 per do: Maple Syrup—There is a fair trade. We quote :—Pure (new make), impe- ial gallons, $1.05 to $1.15; old, on if ate oie "@5c to $1. Sugar, 8 to Ss Besua=he es is quict. Prices $1.20 to $1.30 ¢ bush, as to $1.35 to quality. Hand vpiaked; ~ $1.40. Cranberries — Mar! unchanged, with stocks small. Cae Cod, $9.: 50 ‘to $10 per barre! Onions—Market “steady at $2.50 to Hay, baled—The market is quiet, | F iS qui Tots on track quoted at $5.75 to Ase ‘Poultry—Supplies are small, prices firm. We quote :—Fres! ch killed | turkeys, 13 to 14e per Th; chickens, | Gving 70c to $1. Ducks 1 T5e ti Car lots are quoted at 55 to tre & track, and ey lots out of store {quart sell at 65 to 7 THE DAIRY RY MARKETS. Spies ee market is ae | prices firm. We quote as fol Choice, 1-1b prints, 19 to boc. “eho | lary large rolls, 17% to 18c; sec grades, in rolls, 15 to 160; Tae Erades, 12 to 180; creamery prints, 0 2 iT Sales in case jot ae we to o 12ke per zen. Cheese=The market “fs quiet and firm at 11 fe Ais per Ib, the latter for choice m BOIS. AND PROVISIONS. hogs are unchanged. Dresse pee in fair demand atid eat Bacon one come 9% to ots. Me: We quote :—Ti tubs, 11}¢; pails, 113¢; compound, 9 to 9c. UNITED rae MARKETS. isu April 8—Flour, quiet and So ste No. 463c; No.3 ‘tic. Darley Spot, et ta 700 ask ed; No. 1 offered at Detroit, “April 8—Wheat closed— No. 1 white, cash, 794c; No. 2 red, ar April and May, 783c; July |t is STOCK eras , April 8.—At the Toro: cattle vai cae only 44 reales found guiltyo $40 cattle, 950 hogs, and a small run of sheep and lambs, spring lambs | Smith, i Ive small stuff and hogs were quotal ik. unchanged but. weal Good export cattle were firm, with, | d % if anything, an upward tendency, but | Gordon first shot Daw while ue a price 5ic issevai * iso- ut “from ‘Tuesday; indeed the ¢ TWELVE | HOTELS BURNED, | Fire S eens Partot bey City, winter of |Stockers, ee BR. QC! PB fo. 2 offered at 80¢ outside, ids. Terrible Accident at) = Sse Foo me atch sopaliee peices occur edt at the rrested during the day for robber: COURSE OF THE FLAME discovered shor’ oy Ae ‘led the Stratford’ Wotel. which w: oe i neo! the EY ieee while vebing te scenes rs ao Most ee FORM OF CONSCRIPTION. The British ey and- Military e He - | mittee, for the purpose of promoting as Fred. Heintz of Nor’ ‘He appeared to be about a Jacob Various Corp: lived at ee eal accom- 3 m Halifax to. Win- : KRUGER’S 'S SON. a confession Gordon | i ger orton, disappeared after” the [iy 2 name, are among those Gee taken tle oath of allegiance) DX ? destruction. swept along a beach front. wil The OUNTED RIFLES March 31 in the prlahbornosa eaorhea Hart's River, in the south- western |ieft” their baggage in a laager extremity art of Genefal Kitchener’s. force and the force and Kemp, resulting in the repuls' the Boer “‘General Kitchener ee Kitchen-| s brother) sent Colonels, Keir and ;|Ceokson from Vriekuil, ster pe ‘Maren Bis to, becomnolter effective, gene Sens shel failing struck the track “of guns; All of the ' burned buildings were rie ht fli miles, following the track thegeat mae by the Boers to break through. amazing a Hotel was soon a pile of debris, and | nthe small stores land Booty reure Illinois and cacy Ba ene e y st | Rentuckg Avenues, until thes ae “noel at’ close” “quarters, until the | vere fet general for fully Sere Weroptenuiees op All: sileg | hut after the British had entrenched, was unable to cope with the flames. and it was found ‘necessary to send i Paes miles in 55 minutes. ‘Their presence local Rest (74 pis Si, and jnour alter their arrival that the fire could be said to be thoroughly under | mitrol. he iron support: th: {Fe as Daas and boarding houses. peepee is WENT OVER THE FALLS. here eA eed Man Commits. Suicide From Goat ciraordinary scene of Cam | A Ningare, Falla, Oat. despatch | 4 ee five and six o’clocl s und Swen? hoa Wednes gag evening, while EB. W. i an “roma Nt dift-lGnbreon tof Laneiuge “Mick. y Was |Boers had 187 men killed’ or wound- hoe ho: peer e the Horst Falls. irom to) Goat Isiand, at Ter aS Poii observe n act rangely on Point. enquired i the naive nda. = 33 years old. eepation official feet to the lower river s iorating: = ue +. Pe: that rat Gan pe obiga-| CANADIAN CASUALTIES. The Lives Lost i ES South Aitica| i by GORDON FOUND GUILTY. As ‘Obtawe goes si 207 Canadians have "ied South Africa from bullet wounds 70lc; May, THe: sorts a wee ae Murdered ee disease, the proportion of deaths Novenern 8je. Oats A030. Corn— -—Waltei ed at Halifax | eo Seendion Regimen’ S On| Canadian Mounted Rifles, "Dragootn Mounted Rifles... ‘| A Pretoria despat Great Britain “Delar der sees seeenpeed Fe perana set tein jfepelled: umerous and determined acks ‘ oo heavily, and cleared away to the | ed kas the I fire department worked well, but/nort to Philadelphia and Camden for Ath distingwished in A London despatch es per tack, co: Nothing is leit ana ti ee seat | oy ma This is the) patch, in which portion of the Wall: that is used | |Jarly to the bravery oe Shap ail founted ~ Rifles. ‘Be ree’ officers and ten offi nd have been provided for in other | hen wounded. ‘The Boer een | = well supported by the ar rs were Delarey pee aS held their ground despite the serie: "s. he | Britis h had three ‘officer: pos men mileas and sixteen office: N SEVERE BATT Splendid Bravery Shown by the Canadians in Fight with Force Under Delarey. ‘The Casualties. A London despatch says:—There j Boers arenes a strong attack from was ant points aie three ate aie spatch si severe fighting all day long on | diffe Ls | charge of the Canadian contingent and were galloping across the opel pe with ine ston Fion of copearing a Boer et A Oh been dis: of the ecient, between of Generals Delarey overed fi ead. 's alter heavy losses om | sh retired ste ily. ae faving ae de both sides. | mounted, opened a return fusila THE OFFICIAL REPORT. lon the Boers. While the Lapeclaoee in . freee oe eC a Lord Kitchener's officials report, lion, the’ wriish formed & dated from Pretoria, say: \atarted dipping we santa ing. of sea" Bog tampeded the a ¢ ae eae ee 8 andy be | fusion, ese ee Seve e¥ 8098 | to explode... The Canadian front was ae. |e: acked in strong ers, hey gallantly repelled every attempt iL running fight for ei; Spats Ange n F | One Si pus ie |untsl ral ‘were killed o entrenched. Pighting’| proke er ers | 5 her leaders! and the guns got into action, they ti To: but. they had ‘suffered | wards att the fre, eaten ceas- ite ps ish ther ice aphed for aid and fur- Br losses. were also 4, | thee ait one ched their camp for the The Ca nadie Rifles especially | O await the arrival of mselves, one part, Kitchener, but the Boers Wnidue |The former city sent three engines, Commanded by Lieut-Bruce Carruth) attempt’ to renew the at- | nd two eame down from Camden. [ers, holding its post, till every man| The engines ¢ brought here on| Was killed or wounded. me casualty list of 174 killed and Pe |ico special trains, furnished by, the ea Se lence awed Agest isdn Ween oe ae of the Pennevivanta Rail Company, | steadiness, allowing the Boers to ad-| es Hautinn t betwear the ti de the run of nearly 6 penS ae fe feared that the official ip ttene witha oe | finy, be incomplete, as the cas- i g the Canadian Mounted FURTHER PARTICULARS. | ine ho. bore the brunt of the at- serious: than was an’ e has issued a li uch: details as have been the Tent between ‘Delar y. that Dela and Kemp and the Br: Sal under 4! were in hiding r 0 n Fr he refer ed_ particu: 1. | British forces, being paesure ‘tr ‘OOP: d-and sixteen eran from 0 of fal ee assaults. Delars 187 ‘cas-| sustained not only severe losses a decisive defea' Kler sdorp- fe atch. saysi—‘De-| The Boers attacked with great de | tails received of ‘ire battle at Doorn-| termination, but the Canadian con- it Fi nS “ 31, in which is ei ent and two squadrons of Yeo, and twenty-|manry, under Colonel Cookson, and 2 ig @ 131 wounded, while the| der Colone stout front that the burghers wert ed, show that quite two ‘thousand finally forced to retreat. the bese teadive to the Observation jon Tanaay on the transport’ Can: ada ali] | Just before | Heinte took the leap | evarded le} to death he was seen gazing upon | the cen photographs he carried. Swenson reported the facts to the re-| ! Ss. old b him to a passenger on the boat, di ers in many particulars from + the point from which the man|¢'s, oe have leaped the fall is 158) ‘The pro: pects of the body Delng recovered are|¥ uharmed Boers were SS ad Hunt's unifoi + > | hopeful ul by the War Office nator MORE UNIFORM D | Dominion Gonterence to be Held t Hie ayanions Pega being as ak Caspar, the Eldest, anes Oath aie Allegiance eldest Ss oe former as sident Broger. and 24 other relatives MASSACRE 0 OF BOERS. DRIVING OUT SMALLPOX. nd received An oaedpseee! "Officer Gives His | Will Be Reduced ne a Minimun ersion. Mon’ A Toronto Bs. says:—Dr. = despatch to the London Central Eiheybe, ie secrotaty Bee eee os says Lieut ‘Ser-|ing tothe spot’ ns | W: Eta: an _Austratia ‘Officer of the} cial Board of! Hea ers, indicating that pane neers, gts was found | Port immerse the name of thr icide, must | guilty a ' participating in the killing erat? i at ‘an influential com-| have leaped over thi sseshoe Falls oF Bo bey pie sk ena tari at 5 Seger! , es = jsonmen é > enn it these will be reduced to 50 by the summer. version which was to the efiect that ending March hundred were scala “to London hos- d heen ae vedere ns captured = | pitals. Boers, one of whom was wearing | ———+—— Cs orm. ‘This man was tried) 8,000 STILL IN FIELD. court-martial and shot. | Despatch From Pretoria Gives Es- \ imates of Boe: jed at something over 8,0 10. 0 ‘0 jed from Zoutpansbers, on the north, to Sutherland, on the south, and wa despatch ference of all the dai : Dominion for — April 26th and. 20th. \Gr country where the Boers are The abject of the conference is to dis-|f, wander, and says that while it i ques prevailing systems of manufac-| gimouit to feize thee is $e x a more/}, @ Boer commando that is not ‘ying, which feck te dist url ‘bed any day by the Reaves ure. This ‘British: column r|tonference will bring-about thir 2 dairymen to’ the city. Mr. ee Wardell of Dundas who chief Conservative. Whip. i ‘he beans tsi ‘Town Couneil| the Lenistature, died in the eas ae passed an assessment bill to levy at Hamilton on sore while on Jan ly. |dergoing an operati el as our world Bees full Se Diudgeons ae DISAPPOINTMENTS OF LIFE. The White Hairs of the Aged Show Where Trouble Alighted. eleredeccortng to hott. the asa it has a great deal better opinion of Sey ‘Ero, by, Wilizm, Bally of Torgato, x A despatch from Piausine says > the cummin wit! Bread | God. ing rod and — wees corn is bruised ecause he will not | Bot en on as wi rar hottbreching. xt.” ide on to this: world: with i Look, thea, ‘to this neglected alle- God comes along with some thresh- ° thr gory of my text. ing trouble and bests us. loose. We h staff t them until the seed woul e | mations elgldeant | Fe a Separated, but when the corn was to|world. and it ie snoprasih ee be threshed“that was thrown on the| the . time as a spiritual _ property. floor, and the men would fasten oxen |Ten per cent. off, 50 per cent. or horses to a cart with iron dented|and there are those who would not Ir: wheels; that cart woul i : give ten cents for this world—the oT on eee, apes 3 entire world—as a soul possession. ‘is! ther thing m: epee ange ae for dif-|is hat Christian Saar ged re products. fit] a rt | ing to threshed with a threshing instrument ae “cBread See neither is a cai eel turned about | bruised . beeaus: ill > 28ge the cummin, but the fitches are | ever thres! ing it.” Blessed be God Bente out wi staff and the cum-|for' that! Pound away, ail in with a read corn urnon, O 1X _on, ! Your Ww eat ee he will not ever will ‘soon be done. ‘THe will Pa i e ever threshing it!"' Now, the be ubject, in th2 first plcce, | Christian has almost as much M; teaches us that it is no conagiian mit A the organ for the stop tremlent a BE ESCAPE GREAT TRIAL. tee awhile he will put ie last ae The fitohes and the cummi! one to the portfolio forever Ba gaye ee lool the corn on another. threshing floor|Will be separated trom 80 ae or; miser-| 25 is chaff, and there will be ‘no blossoms fe OF our gorgtous Cc text to make a plas large en- eal all to thresh 1 Jf| When a child is hurt » the “totter | oflis very say to it, “Now, @leth in the morning.” You is sunrise! Gorgeous sunt see the light now Purpling the hill, opened ‘and ‘the entranced soul, with the acuteness and power of the celes- cessi river o! sbimmeri: oplenboe aad will cry out, Zs ine Maphaeee OR: Ae “WHO ARE THEY?" threshing. nstrunienta that God que And the angel of God, _ standi suits to ase. There is not a|close by, will’ say, ‘“Do vou dollar cot Bad debts’ on your ledger|not know who they are?" a isappointment aout goods “No,” says the pirate, oh, 1. at ae te -guess who they ai ‘The angel will say: “I will tell yor then, who they are. hey * ar ey who came git of lation, uy threshing, » and eee je}robes:. washed ‘and tu: ‘made’ white in the Blood of EES lamb.” oe ae story has. HO: <IROED: apotulasoty oie oa ni 2 cheat th ing: ine of th pans athe does the [nels ttmy upon Lucknow. Indi ~ bal e corn thresher, but after A few ks. before a. massa ad Uareshed rae! winnowed Fee at Cawnpur, and 260 wo- Tie the ee foor of blood. take wae “owing f m1 of sSe8. bee iP et in Biba they had heard of gad are untold, wait ns : ters of the aa “Goa Almighty! CHECKERS AT ae STORE. climate like our June. before the t | tober BEFORE THE LEAVES SCATTER Is there not enough salve in this Goa oms all our trouble: nthe hush es Ben the su this great promise. ‘‘Weeping may ipper vie epproaching, | 2; ou. |'They may Boast of golf and a Preto atlGae a fanily sofas hien _ chters—w! and- the clouds flame with the lay.”” Then the gates of heaven will be o _ Bove young married couple ie F “What is his excise. for oe ing?’ “Says he doesn’t want to wear dso men and children had been put in ‘ a room. Then five professional. but- THE S § LESSON. them. ‘Then’ le We the bodies en ny ash ou: : aa SSS ae LESSON, ent 3 what a hovéitie scene! | Text of the Lesson, Acts ix., 32- megr 43. See text, gees! ee és ate “gsuasaek 18 the leep . e ” ? soldiers walked on their Ae across|, ‘This is written of Peter as he merged passed i le _ heroes of the English ar-|expects each of His redeemed to live o the same life that He lived. 33, eneas, Christ maketh theo whole arise and mi thy diately lie was whole, for Jesus Father is very 1e compas- siouate, ll ‘powerfal Savlour as ‘When on fe went about heal- rtal body is more important than slonitying G 87. Now there was at Joppa a caus disciple named Tabitha. She, like her Lord, lived for others ©! and for the good which He might be se ar pleased to accomplish through her, i active, self ‘ing life was manifest. Some only talk of what they would do if they could, but this woman did what she could, the Lord working through in midst of her busy came, and enemy, was tng! te the vik (He. viii, 8), and His | ‘© make that | SP a ee oh does right (xviii, 43. ofaderamtaitars © fom ke raising dead or simply tarrying with te er, dW af Peter. He does not want work so ich as ftuit, and much fruit when one compelled to live-in: apparel 1eSs. ib 1 rd Jesus glorified the Fa- faz- areth as well as in the few years of His public ministry. —_+—__. DRILL OF THE CHINESN. They Are Admirably._ Suited for Perfect Discipline. Phe aptitide shown by “chinese sol- <4 6 & 3 Fy by thrusts at the throat by the whole battalion. The native character of tants ade dril ommand 1 he 85. And all - that walt a Taydaa Spe perhene, [a egidis the Japanese, can Seiten hee ‘to [soldiots. ‘who ‘are. alréady equal: to tho Lor ropean troops, but the Chinese ‘The Lord saw that in the healing |oficers ignore the art of wi of Aeneas He would be glorified and |¢' Ne On rhe ee ob PhP eee aaa tities be led tortuen | during. acill hile the military a Ht ‘or their own g f mandari sip ¢ seated in Bis glory. While I believe it is |fomfortable armchairs in a corner of high and holy and gracious priyil-| the drill camp quite inferior officers @ to trust the Lord for the body |8ive the direct pea cee a aa the soul I cannot sya |Teal command. : pais Re vie Sat A ROLLING STONE. gin & recently published book on the the author eeseeiie me ate ieee regiments in these wardai—= and, of course, many Duteh. Here o rd working each Pekan yaa hey send for h 1 hi come quickly to them, which he did, and he soon found in tl of a lot ved again even though’ the hearts ach and ‘the tears would eome hecause of the lonelin opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter. ro = ie 8 & 2 8 i a eff 8 & é Ee a oe B these two cases of God near to Jop-|U™ the 40. But = Pete put them a bog Banite and threw is thein eo oe t's. Hor: ra in whose San been 01 everel; Aas he ig till: emailed. rs ea, ——+ PERIODS OF GROWTH. Children born between Septem! id. Febru: some authorities ate, not so tall as those b the sum d spring months, and growth ‘of children is much rapid fro} eh till August. ‘Th a seventeen “he fourth peed gee .: up to slow ft e gave her his hand ana|thirty for Naight ae ity fo Lifted her “f and when he had called | chest girth: the Ath period is one of the saints and widows presented her | re ive % ‘ixtl So Dorcas came back from the ee in all wet of the body. COPPER-LUAR CIGARETTES. One naturally looks in . the di- te have to go at it again for ‘their: rection of Paris for the Jatest in i ites. fur I doubt not but His grace would be|Perty of impartin; t ig to smokers ‘an in- §|suflicient to enable us to say, “Yi Yes, tense dislike for the flavor of aha Le eee ix, 8). © lelgarettes may be purchased is hav- was known througho: it cee some diffeutt in 35 i al Joppa, and iany believed in the and. tiki oa Oe END OF THE TREADMILL. cordance with nstructions and ras act (the re In the case of many ron the Home Office treadmill aut Britain, Of the pees sire that others should be led to be=| treadmills and cr: 7 a a ‘anks in 1 lieve inthe Lord, or that they them-|in 1895 only Koes ie os bolished as soon Pause can nee tr 13: I. iv, 5), but we may be rc zi year which pevtsty ware shat ths SSudherk ait Ieee oae gs or Queen “Viet eee tee