Milverton Sun, 17 Apr 1902, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun - THUBSDAY, APRIL 17, 1903 For a course “in ee apply to the Herald P vaition free, ote In the death of Rev. 4. DeWitt Talmage, millions will. feel thay they have lost-a personal friend. ate Tt is not likely that Canadians will lay much stress on Cotonation Day oglebration with our own Natal Day so close at hand, ee President Roosevelt made a speech ‘at Charleston lately that is not giving the'trusts and monopolies very. much i comfort. The Presidenc realiz*s wnat the high protection tariff of the United States is making the wealthy richer ~ eb and the poor poorer. pee OLS The Passing of Talmage. ant e Talmage, the Re great American Presbyterian Divine, who was probably better known on this continent than any.other meztber of his profession, died at his home in ‘Washington Saturday after a lingering illiess. Dr. Talmage’s doe- trine was of the old-fashioned ortho- Ject ier Repri dox type, but it fell with new attrac-|he -tions from his eloquent lips. He be- Jieved in'a Bible “inspired from lid to lid,’ and many times during his - eareer he came to the front as ade- fender of the integrity of the Book of criticism” a8 a, menace to the old religion, and impious 01 Gospel which the multitudes appreci- g 0 3 ti His sermons since 1885 have been syndicated and furnished to over 3600 | i newspapers weekly. It is estimated than thirty millions, an audience «far: more. vastthan- has ever been- ad- dressed by any other writer He repudiated the “higher |itvee nad setting sin profes leasu: preacber in the world, ancient or| rel modern: A celebrated orator, some years ago, glow i and the nations gather around) b his oS and feel an uplift anda holy th: A Spring ¥oice, th There's something in the gentle i rim That seswes toning this sltaple Bing; “Don’t shed your flannels yet, Piyed Eor_Kiitin: Robin, se Cais Canadian.) e before Police Magis- % trate SMiler oe 6 nly | 5 lay morning in| $1 ce given Oa hers Sabbath ut of the chur Higae sel Ibiede, eid <doutroy their |B An Old Sa! Wellesley Mapte “Resolved, that, the umpire’s a Must Reform: (Phe -Associate Presbyterian Maga- zine (Continued from Jast eae reaking seems to be the Christi aetiaty talk is sane aiveneaale mothy, third chapter looks’ the going on sccking plea is ore ing, jnted by Request. principles Nearly all that gh ett | taries charge t 4 | Beople, add the Seoretaries, are mada) | delay an bour in putting yourself Pes great Soath American. re. ri wy {countries ; at a Propsy is Kidney Di aoe ive Sign 0 isease.—Have you any of een le signs’ der Chance ot ndencyand you , Sold’by Jas, Torrance. Mormonism. ;? Puffiness under the Swollen limbs? & Smothering feeling ? ae larvel ous Inc ease haustion after least exertion ? I you ba ve there's if In Business teresting and important state- ing pressed upon the publi Whatever modifications timené ot ht extractive of nee morals, trines_ are antagonistic to e secure. pale of State: after possible. their held in Berlin a ‘hundred and lente Fr eyerywhere.. With most we should neither over to pleasure seekin, day, in =e church and ureh, fine music to tickle c ADS the; Sal sents is fh “500 HOGS Weighing between 60 and} Some people wonder why we are al- ways so busy. ‘The reason is simple” The Best possible Value for the cast Possible Price. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT This department has been Kept very” * Busy: since the openings. For exclusiveness, beauty style and clegence of our New Millinery i is aiall worth-a. visit, in fact worth several visits. You will not find the style and quality elsewhere at the prices we offer. READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS A nige line of Oxford Greys, Navy and Black at popular: prices, $2.95 up: SPECIAL THIS WEEK Venetien Worsteds suitable for’ ladies’ Suits, 56 in. wide-at $1.25, $1.50.and $2 peryd Our importation of Taffety Silks ‘ure the ~ best we ever had, popular prices at 75¢., 85¢., $1 per yd. SATURDAY SPECIAL WATERPROOF COATS 12 Coats, were ee for $i. eo 350 0% 2 we 4.00° “ ue We sell Groceries Cheap. Butter and Eggs wanted. 95 90 50 a “ ‘whom were working in Ger- many ;_ they. separa ee pinaac via. Mormons hostile Dathée tres’ pollisel Gatien tions and toa Christian faith. What's the Trouble Headache? Isit 1 ish Liver ?. Is your ekin sali strong drugs» D ‘Agnew's Little Pills, 10.couts for 40 dose aa will work wonders for you 85 Sold by Jas. Torrance. Wanted BY THE FIRST OF MAY 100 lbs. for which the highest market price will be paid. G. E. GOODHAND, Milv -rton, Ort. to id the Gaited "States Weitzel & Mohr’s - NEW STORE Has a large assortment of Fresh» Cnet Goods. on hand. Finnan Haddie in cans Isc, Oysters: : Lobsters Pigs Feet Potted Ham Salmon Sliced Beef * Chicken, Ham, Tongue r5c. Shrimp ° 258. Highest Prices paid for Farur Produce: Men’s Suits Weitzel & Mohr. Now For Bargains We ges, an which wi Bress Goows Black and Blue Goods in Cashmeres, Ser- next two’ weeks at a big i reduction, goods for 25¢. © 19¢: Cash or Trade Only... have too many Dress d- Fancy lack, é will sell for the viz: Hose ere is where you find the best for the least DEY Hose worth 60c for 45¢ i 5oc.. ~~ ene joc “ Special Hose at 25c., abe bargain. I Garp See ours and» then. y: home. $1.50. ets yourself where to buy your Carpet for your We have them at .16c per. ‘yd.. to ou can judge for Curtains n this department we have the largest choice we ever had. Very special 3% yd long at 89c. pair, others at $1, 4225, 1. 50, 2 2:50, 3) 4-251 5) $6 pair. ISM NESE SL SL AM Ste SSM SI SN OL SSC SIL SI MSY SIL SSL SS Ribbon very little money. We ha Neck Ribbons; Taffeta’s all shades, reg. 25¢., they last at 18e per yd. This department is al- ways well assorted and you can buy a good Ribbon for this week a special sale on whi ve in ile Hats... We have just received a large ship- ment’ of Ties and Hats which would astonish you- at the beauty: of them, and price ‘the lowest. Milliner. Get your Millinery wants here, we have as fine a showing as can be found anywhere, and our prices are not fancy prices for Fancy Goods, but the lowest a good hat can. be made for. Try us this spring. Corsets We have the best either in the long waist short waist, or straight front, at 50c, 75¢, and ia WallPaper . Over 3000 Rolls:to select from: Get “your Wall Paper where you ‘can get choice. Prices from 2c up to 4oc per roll. Last but not least is GROG: Here you will find us the lowest always. Fresh goods at close prices: a us for your Groceries. = Space forbids'us to say more. with the crowd and shop with Come SESU SL SM ail sie Se aM fe SY ae BAA ISIE AIR cue GREAT. id _E.H. DIERL JanananntaantennnnnEneneDATREnATAAOAAEMAAAEHAAATEENS Pat hes . HATA RAT ARIA IA ee - AAI The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1902. _A Sour Stomach and a esurt Permporteaiduancintadd aataragied precursors of méntalsand physical wreck. ae feo ferment (indigestion) is the c: Dr. Von Stan's Pincay ar Tablets krepithe GENERAL NEWS CY¥LLED FROM ALL SOURCES The Rowland Comedy Co. broke up at Tavistock. The Toronto- horse: show this year was a great financial success It is expected that the Provincial general elections will fall around about the last of May or first. of June. Mrs James McGowan, of Tucker's Corners, New York, gave birth to five female children on Sunday last. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt has been chosen as the Ounservative candidate in North Toronto, and -will- oppose Mr. Marter: Mr, Dunean McKenzie, who was malttented some weeks ago at the! pees 3 pai edtion stables, Lis- wel, is recovering. Rev: R. W. Williams, for many years connected with Western Ontario Giniferenoes of the Methodist church}! at Loudon last week in the 54th r of his age Rumor has it that a bachelor mem- ber of the county council, from this neighborhood, shortly. intends taking to himself a partner—a. thing -he You a Skin Disease ?2— Psoriaats, or other eruptions of what Dr. Agnew’s Ointment has doce a centres well Balaneal™ they're nature's pan- and harmless. 35 cents.—88 Sold by ae Torrance. o et ie gave birth to quadra- plets; two boys and two girls. The aioe ot Miele is * 000 and the assessed ae ty $673, “8. ‘The Militia Deparemene’ has’ issued A notice stating that ea men ar widowers will not be accepted for the South African contingent The Mitchell Advocate has ii ereased its size by eight columns and is now one of the: largest and best: conducted papers in the- count ty" Ontario farmer, and liberated, their being exte circumstances in the first place; aa a | favorable repor: from the judge. He’ will be forwarded.te- friends in’ Eng innd= pardoned increase in the death rate in Othe during thé Tust-ten: years has been from 10.28 to 13.5. | The Regis- ter-Gencral gives as his reason ‘that the settlers who came to Ontario in large numbers as young mei a Mrs. ff West Virginia, on] taken over the property of the Domin- ad ‘Arthur Prentice, the English ja Tiaies. (for use. The ‘n|allowed to settle by payment of costs othersit can do for Jone ere, ‘One ap- plicada gives reliof — —87 Sold by Jas. reine! © Dominion Steel Company bas —* Our es Spring Shipment OF. ion Qual Company, Chee mys Tental equal to eapital stock of $20,000,000 ot ee Coal Company. FURNITURE The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir a | Hicks-Beach, has brought dow udget which provides for a ay. ae pence on. grains and flour. Fall wheat and ‘clover seems to have come through the winter well in this district and the late damp ese has been Spueh ine favor of its continued th—Port Elgin : Issarriving daily, such as Bedroom Suits; Extension Tables, Sidels is,.China Cabinets, Lib- rary Cabinets, Jardiner Stands, Foot Stools, Ete. Our Price® are Right. hard: McArdle of the Crown tse been charged The Rasae ws Mon- ‘Wiederhold & Honderich | Furniture Dealers, Und + ker and, ie Contractors. iy “nex: _A resident-tf Pulmerston bought a: thatthe pies log had beet that the tneat was discolored and unfit vendor was summon magistrate but was ‘to appear hefore a. TTT “WE'RE CONTENT TO TELL THE TRETH.” — Spring Suits, | $7.50 to $25.00 int are chuck full of quality and style. Style, who carf define it? make’ word express a graceful line ur a superbly shaped phoney ors) shel But you»can reeogrize it whensyou see it. You of our’ suits on that ney le is there Youccan $10.00 ~ $16.00 ae should have done twenty years ago.— t Wicked are -¢ Trembling: Mitchell Adyocate. and burying the meat. (Stratford Herald ) ee been giving to Order The Mitchell Advocate. announces We show all the New Stripes and Drerpiauts that the second protest against Mayor, in the Spring Suiting Materials. Pie bell. and-Couns. “Steart and i z While ‘strolling in the woods at- tached to the old park on Sunday last two of our citizens were surprised to notiee a full-fledged butterfly flitting about alone in all its glory, as if pro- Saag ihe advent ae ccinner. “This "No se me ee 8 suite i in aero range of pal isa rare oecurrence for the. fret week |= cnt vests. Splendid linings: a and t ite “te & of April, and looks as if the insect had | = bv long odds we ever offered a merged from its embryonic state, |. several weoks in advance of its time, and was rushing the senson for all iv was worth. It also shows what an ®| exceedingly mild winter-the past hasf=g ®| heen — Waterloo Chronicle. SS i ce saliteat oreenn eae &t suall profits.” Sults that cost you $18 to eet other places for families whos emigrated to the western counties and thus. prevented their ie up. ee April Ist the Grand Ti Zones have been eee a new order which has caused mach cee from se traveling Methuen-tmust.bea brilliant mark| whom it cam ted: to trast with an army. He publishes aftera ae will Be ands for cal it as an extenuating circumstance pet ing baby carriages, .go-carts, baby’ “his: baggage train was six mi jsleighs, ete ‘The demand seals cow- when Delarey rounded him up, ae ¢| pauy does not seem ua gyrates on the Stes te of ene eee we often a We will make you up a suit in- the present- New . York ° ing six miles of luggage wagor le The-charge is governed style, finish it in first na style and clare aS no more than. 4 ee t ne ae you Taogh “Tot se bee ae the sacks Pa bought, aids is us ‘made by poor mechanics ; | columns trying to, corral the: flying | the ordinary excess rate is over 50 Dutchmen with six th, miles of | Cents per huadred pounds, the rate de S saan: will advance accord- Bt 5 iy Gve cents will take # A Bese et . ‘al judgments ountry is floating y not be far away. ue oe ie You can buy nothing more aodadae in the exclusive around in ther sanctum. Wellesley a : ; e council:and the Sporting Assi stores. _ ‘tion. NEW. SHOES .FOR Srorld ever sav EASTER: Now, let the Associate Church hy 5 ‘ Hic heed to the doctrines. 0 G. Grosch?& Son f mega ‘New The news of the combination of the 3a ree ey, Brown, Black and White Stripes with Overchecks, in the best Imported Tweeds — and Worsteds are all represented. + “Cornwall? suits Lo fe and young men ate the best pote in Canada at Every wantéd hattern and only aedrabie: gualities “Bighestolnee making, have just. opened’ Goods for Easter trade. Call and see them. loating, as it must mean a chat e mat Pee lightheaded.- Perl however, the faple Léat imagines that we have a sortof Drain aquarium in.our sanctum where. we_ display oui -ponderou toile tee ibis This refere: leart Discazo | Reliered 11 Biss the stotnach Bhs Wore? ie vod heat | QEO- A. SLATER shoes for men and tres grown tired. ens are yo at A fh Ameri Gi eae ie ‘with nervous tn Amerie | EMPRESS shoos for women... WiC. Grosch & Son “4 Agents for White Sewing. in al bat pay | carriage es ee could be taken, fyr_20

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