= "Eggs —The market: is Shere at 12¢ bebe raod Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc az, nse throng of soldiers, civilians |lished in registered _as Harry in Trade Centres. aha aaa dy of Cecil |News, whose editor is in close tou 0s ep kis ip ge Over the Globe. Rhodes was commi to its roc wit ir. Kruger, declares on rei ‘Oriental Hotel here noon ‘Toronto, 1 eae es cates tomb in the Matoppo Hill: he jhighest guthority that the Boers are|on Thursd: Ly. yyd arriv on Posthe Sees it,|ceffin was shrouded in a Union Jack prepared to accept the following com- the 5.85 Grand Trunk train Wednes- CANADA. ue dit day evening, and was around the fixe faag (They will not make absolute inde- hotel during. the event tin? noe Peer eee toa been ed endence a cardinal feature if they |known at what time he went to his * h rte can come to a satisfactory agree-|room, his mornin cham-| Col. Pellatt’ ns gn on bs oad F 2 goose at G67e on Pacilic, and at |Puller’s trotel ly Thursday morn-jment as to future internal govern- Derald, making unsuccess.nl efforts | Coronation foe c. Bed oe Midland. ing. Tl ion was five miles | ment. © gain access to the room or arouse| ‘The Unio No. 8 offered at 49c mid-jlong as it wound through the The banishment and jaca esa of Se inmate, reported the fact te the | $25,000 ee oe pasties fant ae se on © and gorges. Ever; rt of convey- Looking into the room ‘the | toba. nce W: mado i were hotel clerk saw eee unfortunate man| ‘The Welland cae opens-for navi- Ie tealenlat A white exes at ‘ee middle freight without bids wagons and carria; COUNTRY RY PRODUC [pr Dried Apples—The market. is gait, 5t to with prices nominal at Evaporated 10 to 10}¢. ‘Hops—Business quiet, with Pages: steady at 18¢; yearlings, at market is d da at os = to 100 for Acces , S115 t $2.25 Maple Serre Supslies fair, and Pure (nger make), im- Beans—T! a aS $1.10 to $1. ty. pee says:—On see others wi RHODES A’ AT REST. A Buluwayo, Matabeleland, des- bicycles, while still ares were in When the a aie from the grave dismounted and isoachided coffin to ‘Thursday, amid an| apparently authentic ation proclamation Rol ers of war will POSSIBLE PEACE TERMS. THE MARKETS| tir pee excl mers ere nome = A London oe The laniguage page to aty for Cape ers A date ‘housands of white persons Africa. ated around the wind-swept hill. |- The offices of one or two encircled by six as sen Powers to be accepted to superintend |to the firm’ address in Boston, and —In an it pub-| says :—A commercial traveler who is L. of issued by Li rebels. the release of all ‘political prison- to be fixed when all prison- ill be returned to South STRANGE ‘DEATH. Simotnered ina Peter- borough Hotel. ‘Traveller A_ Peterborough, lespateh inside, and thrown | NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All fish hatchery at London, Ont. ns upposition is that “| tego IE ages: Gna the the man wit eR eR E pree encanto termina "of the Canada Atlantic Rails was ngibecd: it was considered necessary. the bed He his face No inquest friendly no a summer cottage closo of Sir Willi ieee Van Andrew's, arines has decided to have a paid fire department to consist of His papers indicated that. he tra- welled for the Chase. orpora- [one chief, seven regular and twenty tion, of Boston, Ma: he con- |call m R soe line. stranger | Sir ‘Thomas Shaughnessy will erect © the home Horne at St, The Criltgood drydock will Handpicked, “en 35, fo boulders. | The ‘ment SE ee carrying out of thi ply was. re inthe iereanpe cola nied length, of 525 fect, ely _ impr: ip 5 ay = . F saying that d s friends had with stocks Poa Soe ‘Cod 39. 50|March re-echoed thr rough the hills, Ot these, the pear point and the| pean potited ‘and instructions w: x ‘a ee aps in the, vasgest fresh water to $10 per barrel and the natives stood like statues, |hardest for Great Britain to agree) sojio: y! in Hay, baled—The market is quiet, | Tears were in the eyes of many of the te is the EE of amnesty to the Sixty heads of eens from Ne- ith prices unchanj ea ‘Timothy is [cate foc Shans aa pe rebels, not so net on scopy x —— on pe are Spe ae Tr ¥ 10 e ashonalan of British opposition, but owing to LITTLE FELLOWS WANTED. lands eo a dy sate pert quoted at $10.25 on track ip tes pet Ney dr eur at $8.50 to $9 ‘Straw—The market is quiet. Car Tots on track alates at $5 to $5.75, 7 We: qu Eanes, w48 to 1c to $1. yee S Tse to $1. Gees Ky a 10¢ per ipbiee Acickot unchanged, with |and lots quoted at 55 }in Saul. with wreaths. offerings fair. Car to 58c on track, and smal of store sell at 6: 1 lots out THE DAIRY MARKETS. ee prints, 22 to be and solids, Bf 225. per dozen ms case Mot for ser gS with |South Africa, It is definitely ‘settled ‘aga us fo" 126; the latter for also that Major Williams of Tor: ‘best mak will get one of the regiments. C Lessard was offered one, but declin HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Col. Tumer of Quebec would like to Dressed hogs are firmer. Hog go, but is debarred by reason of his ducts in fair demand, and firm. We} wound rocei in action. . It sees quote: Bacon, Jong clear, | 106, almost certain that. one of the reg’ ents will go tov Major Cameron, so. 0 do chart cut, $21.90 to $23, [now with Col. Evans, but Major W. meats—Hams, 18e; break-| Hamilton Merritt will be retained in dee tadin (oe tolls Gi bas thle. precobt: post th 14 to Ldde, and shoulders, 104c. Colonéley will go to: either Perry 0 marl Uinchanged,,|Saunders, of the North-West Mount- with a4 de We quote:—Tier- |ed Police. ior Morrison, D.S.0., - ees, 11 to 114c; tubs, 114¢; pails, |of Ottawa, can ha jority if he 11ic; compound, 9 to 92e. cares to go to South Africa again. UNITED STATES MARKETS. abuts. April 15. eee but rm, | Whent—Spring steady: Borlnéon carloads, 773 1 ine 1 fie No. ae ed at cay cot billed. ‘Toledo, aes : Detroit, “Arit 15.—Wheat cl No. 1 804¢: No. 2 red, 7c; “July, = oaks apa ang | TAzc. LIVE sT0ck MARKET. here here he Sieea, ae died for the eeiple When the coffin was |the tomb chisolled in the solid rock, |may be modifi “Ol he thought, lowered into ft 01 uunted Infante fe $150,000,000 V WAR LOAN. Further $200, 00,0 000, Euradiont URE Loan Expecte: ndon despatch ing to the Daily Telegraph, the sensus of opinion in Stoel ediange and banking circles is that the Gov- o| onerally PRENTICE E PARDONED. Sentenced zie “Years Ago to Life risonment. Toronto, April 15.—The gtk at et 50 calves, 50 spring lambs, few milch cone There was a light everything prices all round rere ateuay “ond aie | changed. his to all intents a: ‘run, a brisk Cattle. cwt a hae pe ge CUR Neste aasess ss good. fatesionse Stockers, per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. Choice ewes, per evrti 8.50 and a| qual de- sold early, and ton Ottawa ‘eine teh says:—Arthur | Brentice.'s youns English lad, five ee es tice and Pehe. a |death sentence soot see in Wi her there is also reason to b was covered |} Blatherskite oes cial summary of the Boers’ ied. only recently. went to Holland a1 crewed former present iruger| eee th contingent Will be 5 foot 4 in- e Transvaal. ‘Most inten effect that }the 18th : “th mg ee come intasthe|- No particular quota” will be as- CONTINGENT C COMMANDS. oes Spmpire, as junior Paes) signed to any one city or locality. give up.their flag” and. becomo|'Thus, if Toronto can furnish 500 Col, Williams and! ‘Major Boulang- Be of an African éonfedoration, |good men, who comply with the eon er Appoii ee own, with a Su-|ditions of service, they will __|preme Court feat exe practically an {eapied’ Deny reuoris of colitmmont n Ottawa ee says:—Major | American constitution, will be sent by telege aph to head- Boulanger, of Quebec, val in Oltawe quarters, and as soon :000 on Saturday and ay ved "trom. the od oe len nS i 2 : ey ea cement a DISORDERLY SCENES, sos enlistment will be telege phed | rm Platfor ‘The President left by suspending the sitting. me jolougt fai against, tha colonel iaciten has never attempted to t. seat in | expired on, Saturday e ashington. prisonment na life, hi to-day and forwarded t eee ones MEDALS FOR OUR HORSES. ndon aaa Will Be Awarded 3 at Sonar and } See ta then the family had dai pecting his death. sndon pach South Africa ¢ is no reason t pelieve that ‘this is not a sem demands, think they et Cee! one pence rumors the ag ‘0 the Members of Austrian _ Palieane be Sto: A Vienna despatch says: —The Pan- LYNCH’S SYMPATHY. S Sues His| 30 n peas says :—Col. the House of Cormons. Bt See aS DR. TALMAGE DEAD. arepte from Washington say complications, ily eee A PRINCELY GIFT. Lord moses, Stephen’s Present to .berdeen Infirmary. ysi—Lord the former president, om | Small Troopers 5 and Light Horses for uth Afri An Ottawa see saysi—As the es. Reeruiting will commence at all the ee points in Canada about what lighter e idea being that with light men Gna smaller horses, greater mobility can be. secure it ia ale that Major Merritt and ‘ameron, now out with Col. he ans, will each be given a regi nt. tee gar ee LACKING IN DISCIPLINE. seemed to esses of instructed sion as to ed in the losses to the TO ENFORCE | COERCION. Six eeutere 4 sae be Sent to Ire- and Within a Month. banks at Port Arthur. fs Mr. Norman Buss is ba rrested Om Suspiclon of renee! the Place on fire, and con- fessed. The contract for the ie OLD t : in time for this yea ri award C. HE: Haglin of Minnear « polis. It will be ¢ “GREAT BRIT re Railway waggon builders in Eng- land are forming a tru : The imports and exports in Brit- ain for March shows a heavy decrease. ‘The coronation naval review bo Meld ay the original fixture, of eres Hanes will Lord Salis- oe list include a dukedom o No less than £50,000 was realized by the Send ay in England during self-deni: He aS serena are ee ering ft e raves of aa ae naa to anova in sone ands. Sic Witten Deinky ter, the olde: living judge United Kingdom, has just ealctstea his 90th birth- day. An iron and steel company, Miethuen’s Report, of the Twee-| with a capital of 200 million oles h Disaster. is to be eee: in New Jer atch from London sa. one wel The Official Gazette contains aleng-| Tho re-entry of South American e| Eby report from General Lord and Canadian live cattle is being ag- huen in regard to the Tweebosch itatod by ‘tchers’ association disast General Methuen says hein fase of P: found ar screen of the 86th Tm- pore nbeAiherse Sheset Han he Suey here: perial Yeomanry lacking in fire dis-| yeen formally handed over for the ust ¢ knowledge BS W jand énjoyment of Londoners. c "The Duke of sGonnanghe will have aL supreme control of all the troopt which will he PaeebL SE for the cor nation. Seven thousand men em: i: ‘shot. Se line ‘the ni ployed from Alder: streets on coronation day, a sim ilar number from various. southers ‘The gifts received from the holonieg by the Prince and a Be incess. of Wale: on their voyage x fo he exiibited stitut nd the soda art Ae the Imperial In bei ne teh ti don Pall Mall The tenants belong to the fisher | 4.4 arth Be aoe eaten lacs, and are_all poor people. They ene asked the magistrate to allow them | DRttalions = be embodied sd ent Se cn te “thable to fo Ireland within a mon sunt ae Page thei roqiiet. oD unable tO ance of the British Peer eae ae eT aae indigation = S to apply the Coercién respondent of the au atl Gazette “understands that the Post: tmater dence | tee hi Night in A Detroit despate! ue ene and ain, and sin HE ages been ex-|% ised ‘by ist whom enone him : io 2D. DUNDONALD, See ndon despate — nil ee fo nisior-General 0°G "Gra a ae whose term eo The Music =< Punished for Mur- |bas shipped Dei say: J. H. Miller, the Cohan who irene con-|ing public he | wi three alien-| will be operate He Will Succeed: Borers ‘he ap- peas a STATES. J. Wy) Paper max ade Aueistaitt Postmast | Robert has eon seas havior Bionehard, once an heir t¢ nee 900,000 8 confined in fhe infirm Seer Beliiore: sa | Mayor Harr (half of e Relief camuitise in we ae an effort to a in one dollar aonatioans Sas to two officers James ee seg oe atte oa s fun Have ese her eer 72,000. mules since the jnore than s to Sou B Abie pertiniue: “of thie Boe A new telephone ioe is plac pay telepho: ased in small boxes and ted like slot machines. A judge has granted Dea teas Rec ab oe uilding Trades fused in Sew tite een: “Phe Fopephovies will be e1 MARCHING IN THE SNOW. WHOLESALE DISASTER cVER- TAKES SOLDIERS: gam Expedi tions ee Have Proved More porary, cone On the even |g of Mareh 31st words of an eye- halt sections, — disappeared without a was dark and bitterly grave in See Jelalabad. In the old prerailroad days in In al- logether i But. the follow- ing instance is strictly tru 80 LIVES LOST ON one MARCH. On July 19th, 1842, the 50th reg’ a by boa: and yet another by bullock They reached thelr destination November 15th, having lost mean- while hele drum ns 8 xean y-three pri women, aud ie euilarens ;w be accomplished in about forty-eight hours. So mut! the effects of heat, and the avoe wrought by discases incidental to exposure to a tropical ima’ con eal 0, anit ‘i corded in she annals Guards. {t was bela Tine ao the regi- went rtable winter quabt oe not far from the town, when Some person, with power to en- ‘ jorce obedience © his commands, ronceived t ae men would r off at Breme It was the depth roi a bitter win- sufies eee mediately. The regiment was jotelly, unprepared for: the rigours of e, and, be- sides, the men were meine by the pease they had previously under- Day after amid the icy day they struggled on sh seem to famished and rived ut thelr destination, that nearly one third mr re ebtiny seeimanay att perished COLD AND STARVATION. Perhaps, however, the m some instance of & a ‘This remarkable river jon med ors southwestern scenes of tion such a8 have their ie slesola coun! sah ists, who, _ their| carriers imbered about three joined the main hres hviidred miles 3 een navigable wiver,, witb a Ronstteranie voat trai on it, at an elevation ae little Below the aia of Mowat fore slaw GENERAL. ere two fatal duels in = ¢ says that the = Paris on eat Beppe: nets born is inst -disaj aieed through the Himalayas in a Sie the savages who cipitous bank two ounces of common soap. SUNLIGHT 0 REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Ociagon Bar = 20 ng 2 |lish destroyed his power. Sask Sie ye germs, of other and oan seater 11S- | this wine approaches nearest perfe: PREMPEB’S SACRED LAKE, Sheet ee That the Ashantis arded as Fetich. About prety ive miles southeast of as: \d capital of Ashan- ti, is a little ike that was held in great awe he subjects of the cruel Kis until the Le wi, the word res cred or fetich, The Kings of ‘Ashanti probably encourag- eae it not single hut seen anywhere along the shor The natives were it to believe that they woul perish if tl itted the sacri- lege of swimming in its waters; 5 ani gaze upon the placid sheet-drom some hill top. at change has occurred at the taken far away to his days in eile: thought no power was strong enough f nger a sacred mystery to them. They have planted twenty-five vil- lages around ee 2p ores 0, with a total The large supply by means of huge aise er_baskets. mn cottonwood logs, the fishermen paddle about, sinking their askets n pi b 17 , and trapping a fish or two-that ventures to in t the interior of it. People come from far and wide to hee Jes ae antain: pe the ie rry on no cultivation. ue the little lake is very useful, ‘folk, cue ina te hills, which above the level-of the water. ot many curatives hat were ‘ooted oe of - ii Quinine ww vine men tain able in and sates ares Gricanemtencvioestie: B: d fudicions use, Eebilest Stevens are lod into am and strength, by the infiuence wfeh Qu ine exerts onNattre’s own restoratiy Tieelleres the drooping spirits of -those m a chronic state of morbid ides Suethe veins, strengthening the healthy imal functions ofthe syaten hereby makin; ivi jecessary Hrengthening the frame, aud giving ee to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, Wad Appeites -Nerchrop -& darian of ceo RES: have given to the Lene ee uperior Quinine Wine atthe usual rai Gail, ganged by the opinion-of scientists eoiona? any inthe market. Al! druggists sell ic. Mr. Philip Snowden of Keighley, was adopted at Wakelield as the La- fF efiuliiatesab-ene forthcoming election. Mild in Their Action—Parmelee’s Veg- are very mild in their action. iSoiitdren Pa imposing th iets ch follow the use ofits bees Satunepentee ry Shorea 4 has been in ast if, relief ean the Bide- (Devon) Guardians for many 8, ‘Of Minardi at h the # Excavations in Greenwich, Par rk e resulted in feats ees of the 31 ie “ot a —— villa. One ounce of Sunlight! ay Sdap is worth more than fe _ CORONATION BIBLE. ugh the Bibles used at modern coronations are lost to te pane. he nation possesses in the Cotton om Library a volume assert used at the coronations of Boglisn sovereigns years befo! the 6 mnatio chair was brought to England from Scot It is a Lat useript of the four gospels, on whi -adi- mm asserts the anci of a quarto volume of leaves, ritten iepvarentty: to- ward the Ot the ninth century, Sais Aa LUMBAGO CURED. A SERIOUS “CASE OF THIS INFUL DISEASE IS RE- STORED TO GOOD HUALTH. Satistactory Tpprovement Leads ued ‘Treatment Which tee in eu Bempincs Ctire—. resting Sto: Which Will No Doubt Profit Anyone Suff uum- O. MAPLE SYRUP The Dawson Commission Oo., Limited, Toronto. Ornamental Gates and Lawn Fences are a specialty wi THE FROST ornamental gates are the hi best. Write for catalogue. us. We are handling large quantities, We can handle yours to advantage. Prices on application. \dsomest: . THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. LTD., WELLAND, Ont. Holyrood, Ont., 24 (Special). Mar. —Mr. Bat. Pinnel), of this place, hi him in st, and he became very oa At I corms = ggested Dodd-s Kidney Pills and Mre Pinnell, al though very tkeptical, thought he would e trial for a cure to use all boxes, when he was s delighted to o find that every symptom = oe Lumbago pear th if much im- JHE BEST PAINT. showing cuts of beautiful homes. A. RAMSAY & SON, "™-"** MONTREAL _ it made from the best Bout for use in can, containing the best paint pig- en own, mixed by ience vent cracking, blistering or chalk- int mas Paint Makers to-day and the Royal Artille found a connie 2f skepticism, strength. which pe Lumbago is a direct result of dis- ordered kisneys-and should eae ar be treated as a Kidn eee Efforts to cure or relieve by outward aplication are invariably unsuccessful. bbin self for the ase iene produce’ 5. ieee relief, but in order to secure a com- hoe cure it fe absolutely necessary to go right to the reot of the trou- bier. The Kidneys must be restored to spare their normal condition. ‘This is just what Dodd’s Eee belek nny inflamed port it is applied, ion of the deepest of Eng! Moni like gold, tin like like tal. pees See easy NOT A SUCCESS. in the grocer’s. Said ie a blind man about aware how de- Ticate tie coveh at Hime sxaan 38 When Nature deprives us of one iron amount of nickel, Ssh for Mlnard’s and ‘Twenty-seven papers They the fae Tet | OPE: tion of the kidne: pee Pills they v ita? whe ese healthy organs. Soap Se hould be iat aaere 2 kes is at should be itu has high again as Mount | Ever- inone day. No Cure. No P To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinive all rind the matey if it faite to ouee WeGroves ‘ienatare sen each box. established 22 countries. Lhe whole earth were reduced a jal tableland, its ngs would be 920 feet above sea-le vended “pon for-all pulmonary ‘com-|in the | country plaints. ~~ agent for tickets by. You to > like his: attentions. fort. Why dont ¥¢ *Be-| Fare same as by o} yu marry cause T like his, attentions ? by Eepee State Exar Jeet ag th oe ic Oil | py rs ee which cau ibe upot res of various kinds. Lake Wastwater, in Cumberland, ie ow sea level, gen its surface is over 200 fee nkey Brand Soap makes copper marble, and ‘windows like crys- teors whieh : Reach the ear: a ne contai in Eaglish on the Continent of Tu- Impurities in the Blood.—When the ac- becomes {ion Of stain the bigod ave almost sure to follow, al xt 2 revent the sam piica On iet which “ceria the these pills are in the. first rank. r hot water will spoil co The Lei nie own tains t Steps the Com pile in the One it tima: ana works a Cola. 0 be 36,000 000 feet in height, or a} Lezative romo-auin The ee ciag Postal Union in 1875, and Somes ced Minard's Liniment Is suse by Physicians ‘The longest alphabet in Europe ie that of the Slavonic language. ‘entral if you wish to travel in com- “Up to the Pevinnibg of fe South e Beng: 1 Staff Corps | id the oe for Victoria Crosses, |boys ery came next. seep wat is -unhappil at Dn ‘Thomas’ of the ae to which 4 above silver. crockery and a auatee tafe no other are published impaired, ‘The Eton, School lint, fut publish- led, conta’ ee oe vs. neeaes ; prevalent, as mai Po ae te [ing sufferers: from this complain e Mivaid’s Liniment at Lunkerma’ sien out- Last year the world’s wine~ put was about 3,600,000,000, 2 i iti 1-a00th' of the w! woammess Cannot be Cured FS FL a RE o. Droggiate, 75c ami.y Pilleare the best. ae r of the sea is the iiosteainen: in the “yoni t ahouge only four feet long most wo wide, $750 is soinotiracs given for @ in. Asa rectoraaye sponged wit! cold See was Bickle’s Auti-ConsumptiveSyruy nd e 5 ai tho head of the Hist foe all disennoa’ of | ec yD. EXERRSS ihe throst and lunge’ It acts lke minal : in breaking up cold. A cough is ‘This is a large subdued, tightness of the che relieved, trains each way etme Buffalo and ioe Hea of constipion is ve: e all (ee eve - tise Mines except ven ‘atism, and n of the pain for Ss. ‘The above facts are well-known to everybody 18 this village and neigh- bor s gratefully, A. DAIRT. St. Timothes Que., May ‘eth, 1899. TNO 372 yates WANTED