WARRIAGE LICENSES J. @ GROSCH. Srrerry ConFIDENTIAL. Che “It Shines For All.” Vo! XI—No 17 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1902 MALCOLM “Editor and Publi G. BG R. Time Table Me. F. W. Guenther spent a day or The Milverton Sun | uae evita Lutowsl thic week ne bunisess Is the best Local Newspaper in the County erth.. It is the Advertising GOING SOVTH. | Messrs. eS eS Pfeffer shipped a Medium, qaees asonable. seer eary 9:25 a.m | carload. of pot to to on a 00 P.t | Monday. 18 345 pm |” a No other tree‘on the farm bears. a: : ; so meh fruit for the foi as the sracz. | Year. |6 mo. | 3 mo. | 1 me. ; Je50 00!830 001 $16 00} $6 ov So ao bowler hats are likely to Piuif Suiacna|°30.00(°16 00| 9-00] 4 80]. Ladies cowan howe 4 pair for 250. |come iuto Eachion epeiw aa the Briss rter col..| 16 00| 900; 600] 3.50! a4 W. K, Loth’s. of Wales continues to wear ane. Kigath col. .| 10 00} 6 00; 3 00}. 2 00 es One ineh:...| 5.00} 300) 2 00 1 00 James Coutts has leased the! An organization meeting of the agricultural show. grounds for the| Conservatives of Mornington willbe at eld at Seyeen on Wednesday even- brane Aaveriiaseiss are cates the rate first eee pel , and 3c. per i Sanking, R. RANNEY & oer EsrABuisieD ral banking business transacte Dral United States. mney te loa Ae yt counts collected. “Deposits reecived surrent rates of intrest allow . RANNEY & et line, noopariel, forthe line for each euc- fe isoned at alt pr Sina | in Canada and the pas on naka and discounted and notes and jsaminer, | Mr. W K, Loth intends shipping a Peel of potatoes to Sarnia ne: Tue: Mr. _ Weitzel, baker, has changed his route days to Tuesday, Thursday ted.|and Saturday. Before a girl throws herself at fous man she ought to be sure that he is a good catch. t. Haddie Goodhand stood. seco} held at the ee ay an School last week. G re M. d- : ers or enllenes f Sees ‘and Surgeons | The way to tdi: town—buy ail of Ontario; also-post graduate student of | You-can al and give your own London hospital, London, England. Office | business men the cold Shawldue rear of ae e's: , Milverton nt. Fo with Poole, ‘Branvers nn Gropp, of Brann, lost a Telephone conn Tater Chateh and Femvoe ver Saino hoae ta e day last week y having it impaled on-an upturned Pee A. M. PANTO: . Barca eS Mr. “Tatiee Torrance left on Tue: searing peck cea ena: day to attend a directors’ ee Bock ne see ee athe ees Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Dontintry = ce “ Mr, Sumuei Petrie, of Donegal, has entered Mr J. Torrance's drug. store, rio. | Preparatory to taking a course in the School of Pharmacy. good coffee. ‘onservative mass meeting will DR. of Dei College of | cure: Satya tal ‘cnet gtuduate of Toronto. University, Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge Hoare 9 p ‘store, “Milverton. a ss xs B. ENGEL, Ont. Graduate jai Vawenbary Son ege, ts all dixeases of All calls promptly atte fe pectic abe BAR GitoN, Milverton, eae of Newton( f domestic animale thy Pn ialty. n ie heldain the eity hall, Suratford, on Thursday evening, April will be addressed br Mr. J. P. Whit ney, Mr. J.J. Foy, Mr. Laren and Mr. J. C. Montieth, i . |eandidate 3e. a dozenfor eges, and ite. per Ip. for nice Lutter at W. K. Loth’s, ad | Set se ocean Toronto, | S ‘uesday. morning of last’ week treats all diseases of dom bine animals. | Mr, Daa Wettlaufer of Elhce met Calls by telephone or otherwise Drow pey with a serious accident by falling from ate ey oe alt dines, (2 load of “moving,” through his team Banase transten, ‘Commercial driving «taking fright. When picked up Mr pecisley. ttlaufer was unconscious and it was : ——————= | found that his arm was broken and Societies _|that he had a deep scalp wound. Ne, 99; Milverton, meets eve Barth, Recording Secretary. the year so far. here was a balmy. feeling about the air in the afternoon *|which made one feel like sheeding his est protector, lew more days a2 L 0.0. “sg Star|like that and the merry whirr of the E Lodge,” No. ‘302, gets lawn mower will be heard in the ae ie: Pall peat oti adie Another mouth or two and thi 720 p.m. in tic ial, po ling. | will be hiding. behind the burdocke, fea ae No GiW. K Lott and our friend the iceman will_usur; ia the place so long held by his com Business Cards panion in crime, the coal dealer. ‘ Virani Wateclooy Coas able letter from the pen of Mr. Peels, Wills and Mortgay al Peers errs ete tee ae Atiidavits made. Bailiff fitb Divisi in the Toronto Weekly Sun of last lage Cler! ce, over Gr Eee ta eeoly Store, Main street, Milverton. BORLAND'’S BUS meets ecapellcry calle provently auinided Ys ilverton. ‘izens and system of Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. Smith argues that the creamery s tem enables farm in “their eet, milk for the purpose of raising stock EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont.|@nd that, if properly cared for, the John Gropp, Pzoprietor. Best liquors and | butter made from the gathered cream eiyars st the bar. First-class accommoda-|is equal in flavor to that of any other tion and large stabling. and cites instances in proof of his con- GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, hier tention. st-class accommodation for commerciz NE seater ¢ large sample - K. Loth for your new hat, feos. - Good. stabling t brands of prices davan right, lignors and cigars. S. W. corner of Main gad Mall streeta, “C. Uscenpitug, Proprictor: ery tragic death took place on Aw the 5th line of Wellesley on Sunday rs, then moving to Branner_ where QUEEN’S HOTEL, Pei ie Ont. The} morning, then Miss Sarai Ferguson eer have resided ever since. ‘The Bere accom moaean fer eommerdiel Mey sodk:her own ifs by i She | union gave issue toa family of eight eis ths choicest of Wines, Lijnors ani [rose in° the morning ‘at the -usual|sons. and jnughters, seven of Cigiceat the bar. Good warm stables and| time but complained of a headache, | whom sarvive their mothen namely, Plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, prop. | and intimated her intention of going |Charles and August of Penetanguis:| 2" pack to Her brother adyiced|chene, Henry, Jolin, George and Mixcellancou her to do so, saying that be could get} William of Mornington, and Mrs. breakfast eee went do the; Wm jimmermann Milverton. JOUN GROPP, Ri in Cedar Posts, | morniug chores. Returning in less| Out of 40 grandchildren 36 survive umber, Laths,’ Shingles, Pumps, raner, ete. than half an fants he had occasion to ‘ooks, schoul text books and a plies for the schoo) 700 Patriotic exercise books, reribbling sup nt for Real en pacha lls solnicl tuaen Gla = i Jas. YB les Milverton. nity where Miss Ferguson was wn, Weitzel & Mobr’s is the spot for 24th and | + | Studio open at 9 o'clock, a.m. Saturday was the warmest day of |i, govto the cellar in the preparation of | mother of two children, was a his meal, and ran into the lifeess form | devoted aoe and even at her!/i of his sister suspended to a joist-}advanced age thought Pe of bridge. _ She had apparently stood on | walking several miles te church, aud a stool, from which she stepped after | rarely ever missed a was r| adjusting the n The sad event| borne to the grave by her six sons cast a deep gloom over the com-| who acted as pall bearers, and her last ing, April Lost— Milverton, on Friday, # brown leather horse halter. _ Finder wil ase leave the same at this office for the owner. Aman stands about as much chance to get rich by acting crooked as hen does to batch a chicken from a porcelain door knob Nice raisins, 5 Ibs. for 250. at W. K./Loth’s. Mr. Jobn Baer’ has omni building operations on his new. liv barn and expects to haye work com- pleted before July Ist. When gentle spring comes Ttound gain and distant fields grow bazy, that. tired feeling grows on men and ules them good and lazy. Z r day, with ex- pectation of ae oer of 50. tons per}, day. before fa a game of checkers) was n for Mr. iiller and a 2 boxes scaled oe ae 25e. W. K. Loth’s. Mr. G. F. Maitland will visit Mil- yerton to give the ladies a chan at Tharedey, “May He will dive apenas ine May ist, and conve early for best eae oe of the members of tion of press men who Siu theestoen States this some congenial Where ‘is delega- visited the winter met 6 are the retaragd the dele- ride, yes, Canada, say, who's keeping hotel their now P— Windsor Record, A very sudden death occurred at Milverton on Wednesday of last week, when Mrs. Henry Gropp of Brunner, ruptured a blood vessel in the lungs and bled to death at-the residence of v, Reeve Zimmermann. been a very robust to be inconvenienced in the least. SI was a woman of sympathies and was highly respected in the com- munity. Her death is yery much taken co heart by her daughter, Mrs: Zimmermann, who was very much de voted to ber mother. Gropp the same ie opiiple acttled fees yenrs in Logan after which they resid- td near Sebringeille i lee, for_sbx her, and she was the great grand- ‘he to hav ted a held in the Evangelical, Church tj order with us and see how Mixed pee Ibe. Weitzel.& Mobr Rey. ‘Walter a of Weston, Ont. will occupy the pulpit of Burns church on Sunday. a quart at It is also a sure cinch that these April showers 1n addition to bringing May flowers, will do as much for w Rev. H. Dierlamm, o Port Elgin, thas been stationed by the Evangelical church stationing _ committee, at Sears n; Mr. C. H. Trim left:on Say: for Ladners, B.C., where he will resu) his.duties as book-keeper at the Bruns- wick canneries, . H. Dierlamm and R. J. Ranney were out at the Ellice drain angling on Tu eaday end secured a ten «| quart pail of solid ti number of Metin foot-ball Scas ae we out to Stratford on witness the Stratford- Tavistock league game. “The Doctrine of Grace” by Rey. John Watson has been out of the tib- -y long qrettine ee arty having same is kindly requested to return it. Messrs. Melrose & Co, who are drill- ing for Messrs. Roe and "Schaefer have reached a depth of over 160 feet, but sofarhave not yet struck a sufficient supply of water. Mr. and Mrs, August Gropp and son Roy, of Penetanguischene, were in Milverton last attending the pets of me former's mother, the opp. sy = F te Mrs. G: orm eS of Sebring- ntion to leave for Prescott, anne where he cy to reside in meeting announced the citizens of at town, cots so. stacla we have not heard of the Milverton council doing anything. Wakeup, beara Tf you want to sae good bugey to T, P. Roe has. two car- loads to choose from ; he’ also ive the long distance axle, and bellow: back cushions, full leather tioned and everything up-to-date, He also has — and hard ie tire bike bug; go to ie rise in the price of beef, butchers claim, is due to the demand | ¥ hort corn crop last year and the consequent de crease of fat cattle’ ay morning he aitenipted suede shanging himself to a beam in the barn. He was discovered and cut down before life was extinct. Medical astistance was summoned and the un- fortuvate man revived. Little Friede Schinnerman, an eleven year-old daughter of Mr. Ohris. Schinnierman of Elite, was very badly hurt Satire of las was Pe eT land roller in i eee gage wee) ally torn from the ‘The statutes of Ontario provide that if a person driving on the highwa: oyertakes another person who is also driving, and wishes to pass him, the erson in front must turn out to the office in this county b and isespesially adapted for card work ae letter heads. Leave your next well we remains were laid in the cemete Moserville on Saturday ‘can please yuu. cla nae on i ae alin, s a car ote choice i right. and allow the person following to | in qu plate gothic is another admirable letter There area lot of sissy young mek joo feel more at home in petticoats than in. pants. Louis Bolton, P.LS., of Lis- towel, was in the yillage on "Poesday es the ground and making ob plans~and specifications for the new prauslichie walk on Main’ street. Mr. Davipsox—At Mornington, on Tues- day, Say ee. bans ref of David Dayidson KUEPFER—. Aa Bis se} ‘on Friday, April 11th, the ae oat John Kui sel nay son. seen: GRopr—At Mil on Wednes- Henry Gropp, aged 74 years and 6 months. Sc re Notes. The Tavistock Gazette says that the local foot-ball team of that burg tends running a special excursion train to Milverton o earry the lo that town who are desirous of witneesig the finish of their crack elev Betting is even in Milverton that the miata k team do not score at all ager nd: Patt ie put in his first night's — ‘with the team this season on londay and showed up to ad- tage. re is no getting arou: the fact # Petrie.is one of the ‘best foot-ball men in Western Ontario. Pei the sare forward, makes mistakes. when he shoots on goal. Sua nase a wears down Dumart will. require considerable staying power. a Louis Pfeffer, aulverbatts 8 big goal- Keeper, has improved so from last year that & goal has not been scored on him this oe poteee your eye-on Milverton’s da and forward lines on Monday first match of the Straifora aint ay the W.F.A. on Friday evening at whi Fank| Stratford. on Tuesday by the ‘Wa: to Uelivert ier ress has been | team and Tavistock, thee re eae postponed to Thursday ereuine Miya he Pe teyor ol, the Rdg tees bs ea aeons is not coueidecsae tad seriously The Mitchell a os this = Year lin the f dase wen acesiveswery again distributi he: catty eupe 4zemthe tawn who: sporting men pare more interested in lacrosse and hockey. soe, Tevstockers rounded up the ion easily enough bul thels irumph will ond thers es Serra sachs progressing very favor- icinity and if pois present inues will be auty i in thie vd valuable driver fe peakav a hhedecar ees Your Popular shoemaker, F. Tank, has pu nd new bike and arent ara fast riding this summer. John Brler has his gang of masons at work, John has‘ large number of contracts for this sume) . Annie Campbell went to Glenwilliams past He to attend the funeral of 2 William MeCaffrey, who, lives on Gamble’s mothe K the 4th concession of Ellice, has been| in Mee Hickey tn visiting friends in poor health for some time snd) “Afr. Adain Schacter, of f Milverton, afflicted with nervous dise: Mise in our village last. w ¥ high. ison has, -we Mr. Morri ier stand, been offered 104, for bigs Apa pet Se iahhide olonge Heankiiy ef timber which whe Golttee nee Winter was loaded i wel pee rs. Hawke & Mitebell siitnped hogs.on Wednesda «. Henry Ruhl retnrned home on Mon nday eon vieitlng Tete te Hare Martha beraletree has recover- ed i an attack of inflammation of the lungs. > ork tbo ntertainments giyen in con- with the Home+Cirele were fay well ations a new i Meet ve bee: de Bett Ruthig ie is busily engaged, kitchen to his pass on the left. ‘The person desiring Girodat lett for Sb. to pass must, however, request the on Mondas to attend the other to give kim part of the road ee Te ae oa ies e have just placed in the Sux] f°", Waterloo with 'n choloe lead of ee department t¥0 excellent eae Cassell, Weir & Waddell reries lor five work The} shipped a load of hogs,on Wednesday plate text is the latest thing out for} In reply 60 your Fernbank scribe of