4 London despatch '3:—The | vo! the negotiation in South Af be a submitting to jis of terms of seseaes aca is ex- ing terms wil of consulting with the le "Thi vet tooks Ate “thoroughly ‘democratic nature. ol nment, which sets Sehatkburger: Sak ale colleagues from formally surrender- ‘ é Z unavowed armistice. expré the Lenny of Parl Kru uger, Mr. Leyds were aparently ctaeuted ey in the present negotiat The principal the London morning papers is de-|r THE WAR HAS Boer Leaders to Submit the Burghers. says: Ministeiat announcement coueerning| bility of peace... Hach ag the two points that the ari ogni leaders did oe feel justified in mae | t,o hopeless struggle to a conclusion i and that they msi- | Kitchener that they at least are in oe owe ves eal day afternoo Balto oie cut leader, made this Petes mel taepinten for the election and mee! P. ing 0! ment that neither ea prea in each of | pe ENDE ted to 8 discussion of the Sach paper dwells the necessity for bringing have satisfied Gen. | Pi MR. ‘BALFOUR’S ete see! ‘rie the mt:— “In conformity with the pledge I grounds, hi 3 si representa ves of the various Sarenes consider thi fon, ‘The Boer leaders have left Pre- esumed in Jess than three weeks,’’ in Trade Centres. Toronto, April Z cent. Ontario patent, nominal) Z tb $2.75 i sacks, middle , $4. 60; Broke Se ei ie sae Market is very, di . No, 3 extra quoted ee 50c, ahd “feed aeane satan res Sue t—No. 1 Manitoba, hacd sold © shipments, and No. BS ees at 78ic, ie ieed—Bran _offeret dat $15.50 ids. 2 white offered at 80c Ae freight, , on Pacific, without 2 white wanted at 40¢ ee low freight to New Yorks but none offered. BONG. 2 aollow, 58c bid west, d No. 2 mixed, 57¢ bid west, with- a oe ipoeieee Rye—No. 2 offered at 57¢ middle freight now AES to Portland, without bids. THE DAIRY M MARKETS, li croamery solids, 20 to 21}c. + Egas—Réceipts are fair, and demand good. Hound lots sell fe = -A8e per dozen; No. 2 eggs quoted at ag ae Py cade oa pares teas choice lots, 114¢ per HOGS AND PROVISIONS. tee ae , long: Sere 10e, Mess pork, gar: A ma 48; bre fast. bacon, rolls: ls ee 14 to Lage: and shoulders, 1 3c. is un pce te ae whee uot Tiercen 11 to age be die < ~~ pails, 112¢; compound, 9 to 9fc. ~ COUNTRY ¥ Propuce. tvia apples—The mar! is featureless, with anal lots Sele bi orated, 10 Honey— Sate strained: combs, $1.15 to Mee syrup quiet. rices unchanged. se Cee sli, 908 ¢ to 3s old, os , 65 to 9 to with make) saa aes market is dull. $1 to Lc a per bush, as 51.25 to iti a ie juality- h prices othy aR tae at $10 Sree 0 2 on track. Fee $8.50 to Toronto, for No. 1, an 7 THE MARKETS wits ya Poul a s pete Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc | tu", 3% tole porn 8 to 10c rin it 28. —Flour—Ninety} Oe to 58c on out ng 72 to 72s¢ ¥lour—10c higher; ote er;_close,. April B: market is steady, with | Bu’ Straw—The market is quiet. Cat |” jots on track quoted at $5 to $5.75, 1. small, and) 2p: es firm. We quote :—Fresh killed |" S, $1. Geese, per potatoes Market See ae with es fair. lots quoted track, one small lots, of store, sell at 65c¢ per bag. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneap: olis, April 22- —Whea: 3; July, 784 to 73te ; on ard, 754¢; No. 1)th, 1 Northern, 784 to Tie; No. 2 Notite atte are bur rn, 71} to 72kc. ir 3.90 to $4; second Saeets, ee first clears, §3 clears, $2:25. ee bulk, $12.75 |pes, Pe deal ‘tw aukee, eee Le Sheers No. orthern, a to errs ‘stage Crate. to April 22. Wheat, 1 hard, 764¢; No. 1 North- Northern, 702c; May, Tae; Suly, 73% to ie ae toba No. i Northern, cas! 72: crn, 696. fone 48ic. Corn—6lc. CATTLE MARKET, Toronto, April 22.—Receipts at the head of cattle, 231 genes and lambs, al nd tattle were sold at $5.90 to $6, somo ey choice cattle in one case fetch- 6.30. Butcher cattle $: See export selling at 84 $4.75. ecu se to $6.25. ed is, hi heavy, owt fino tockers, 400 to 8001 2. 20 0 Light stock bulls, cwt 2.00 Milch cows. 30.00 lo. bueks. Ce Soke FES Se SERRE 2 MORE ROLLING STOCK. yes. for $5,000,000 carers of a treme: in traffic to and rom the Northwest dus coming summer, Canadian Pacific Railway Co. ae just pl orders Jue of $5,000, for additional locomo- tives and cars. Delivery must be made before the end of August. 2 UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION HALL. The Secretary of the Eee of ae Terms to tfom aay possi- | los! Boers | an ith bed when | Phi water the smoke, the baron their statero: jump from the stern’ end, and trying to swim ashore ni ° clock in the afternoon, a: gers, Ww! Bee and Capt. Philipps say, oe Two at | but will recover. t pens were first Beene SS lore ist can be given either of jo erent eal - | HOLLAND'S QUEEN DYING ? pease can Me iad in C: STEAMER BURNED. {TENTATIVE PEACE TERMS. Pretoria is Certain = That End is at A despatch to. the Ea Stand- ard from Pretoria dated emmy A wheel steamer bette - Sabin ‘om. Cincinnati to. Memphis, was ten the water's edge early Sun- ning at Turner's Landing, a, Ills:, 11 miles from | w fost of the passengers Second _ ik "oliver De Wi io alarm. President ESehatkbur rger larey will lea dorp, Gen. Lucas Meyer goes to’ the Lyndenburg district, State Secretary & id & = AG ue He ¢ & ES iui gers frightful anic ensued. oro could ee use re reservers or ng e ete "the 3 Bri ly laid before them. ifcamhio thers begging | is e of an armis ers, an ing ci piteously, ed and every dates o} While it is possible ee State burghers will calcitrant, it is confidently expected, } ‘Transvaal Boers almost to Ae iste @ man will acquiesce in the wishes er avers tenders: BREAD HIGHER IN LONDON. eee eed Bakers in oer Poor Districts Raise ‘om. ce living t arrive till 2.20 and passen- who wore only night clothes and were Without food, suffered ter- ibly. Thirteen A London cae says:—The bak- raised the price of bread one HAE pains on quartern loaf in a poor r on Saturday, Ae ‘pretext the new duty on members of the crew are an paar” ace -mineini ips © London Chamber of Commeres Sgere Gone severely: burtodl F t take place Thursday, en. ve the red ae eee Hor. NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. Nominations for Ontario House , May 22 ; poll- ing Thursday, ‘May’ 39. Major-General O’Grady-Haly will continue in command of the militia in Canada until June 2 es! remier Haultain, of “Norhat ‘Territories been voted $5.U00 eee to the coronation. Marcon ess tele- poet will bo wo: between ( Can- ada and England nf four months. ——- Roy Williams Se Winona, hung @ waggon, his feet a the rear wheel. PR: path his legs wer g 3 cn total een asked for Pa cific Bouter ag branch in the Miss Pipenice Sena daughter of Postmaster Cameron, of London, i i se at Dur of 180 new eleyators have from the Canadian along F. J. Webber, of Buffalo, the com tractor for the Mo: ntreal elevator, as also secured the contract for the jon of the new elevator a( Fort William. Lake Erie and Detroit River increase their business. GREAT ; BRITAIN. King Edward's dinner t poo: ot Sie has been fixed ae tthe “atth of ‘The eae Admiralty will be as ed to provide a navai dock at K ston Jamaica. Si Persons death in a fire burned ta in Hackney, London, | Eng., on Saturday night. were ‘There were 70 So iar ty and 7 ‘Thi Tew. er imposition of the The trades resolutions tax is a fy of the | essing ‘As the ened {that this victims in consequence it it lot the nner ee double n half were sa’ ie oe Antjuress e regis was mn impossible to get ci Captain 3 ners Nauta, that aU the amount se ead on the SO NOT A SINECURE. First Yeoman Has. “Charge of $10,- 000,000 in Plate. Londond espa says:— Bulletins Mininsize Sevloneeese of Her Conditi sore ae says The ecaele ‘are gloomy and anxious, believing that the bulletins. telling of Queei ee condition are minimi her illness. pee te inquiries re- ccived on Friday s8a.ges from King Tdward end Queen Alexandra, William, President Roose- a and President Loubet. eet Cae Loo have been read of the gold pantry at Windsor Castio aS) tired from the service of th King Sean: © the uninitiated the title sounds like so Greel phe matter: of fone first y: arge of he gold plate erty velonge to the f suid to ing was in compliance se exists . 000). to post a notice to that effect out- quaintily named post is by no means side jinecure. » >. ‘The question of eas reanes Panty eeinelaares TO TAKE OUT CONTINGENT. The Steamer Hee Has Been Chi fi be summoned in a, joint session an early date to take action in the matter. So ee IMMIGRANTS E FROM U. s. wa. despi a Thousand anada Every Yionth. » Ottawe deapeieh sate Three | the" C; cans a month is itolgration ‘into Canada W. J. White, contingent purr poses: cargo of ios at anon: says the Canadian agents are setting fie is a sister ship to the st hi a Se Wediern Stata “bout land Jill ont Janu th i ond bait of the Canadian “The ‘movement of settlers to Can- Hitles steadily growing ter,” e, reat en | camoieion 8 the Doane aoe ‘ji, the Governor of that fetand rs Chamaseetite = ¥ fected beyond even his most san- gaine expectations. A a ibe DUGRE for a rac will produce, ad that it oil bear its ue ch says :—The a cable War| A poor,. little; jouth Afric: Dr. Borden ‘tired 8 the captain. of/eral ‘plectric oe now discharging ym eamer Victorian, which saiied from Halifax | the li uary inst. with the sec- Mounted 35| WILL SOON 90N BE 2 PERFECTED Wireless ieeeranby Bound to: Be |i yeault of the graphy, which is aes ake per- Great Bri the hemp tariff Philippines by the United States. arton has challenged M. San- via .airship ion London te Bainbusgitor any sum up to $50,000. Preparations ‘toe illuminating ee dog in Juno have eady un, bls O- of 6 fallen will rivalry to be s port of the new a Gani fast Atlan He services : of Reading — seedsmen © are presenting to cach of the — block. jouses in South Africa a box of botk and flower seeds, a a cor the English bakers havo ralsed price lana of bread a penny a Cobden Club is trying to in Manel ester against the grain tax, yndham has declared in the the a & reland, the lives of many pers: ro being made Bee by intimidation and buy- otting. UNITED STATES. Frank R. Stockton, the well-known novelist, died suddenly on Sunday at Washington. heavy rain and hail storm has swept Nor! xas and in the Indian ‘Territory, Sracn damage being dons trae unknown hunch- bask ‘gal killéd herself in Central lew York, on Thursday, by o| Park, faning poison out 1,200 employees of the Gen« Compan; 8 struck at jaturday, but Ss ees a torn by a eaten in SS on Wednésday. me Court of Tilinois finds iene doing per {Unconseititional: epper as a means of defence may remiums to be highway aihew which have occurred ney ‘ere Haute, Ind., ier: et Instructor at t1 oc e Ti ‘mal School, me be is spreading all — m-|ed to London. In view erican West, and every month the|janding he said the reverse of what /fatally injured. ie being aosinantally number of inquiries above ‘the » land the chairthan of the Marconi Com (struck o: e head with a 16-pound increases.” pany was reported by the Central | hammer er which an athlete was ——— ws to haye said in regar Mr. | practicing. CABLE FROM FUL — | Morgan's i his work. Mr. = ea Marconi says that he believes that GENERAL. Canes oe fie the Resco Mr. _Pierpont Morgan is connected! Rebels in-Kwang-Si Provinee intend st Britis minio! with: the: Europes, {pte of the) to seize three provinces in Southern arconi. Company. He (Marconi) | cp: Sina. on eet = Attacked a Russian ba pores ae Novena, ees n officer and four privat et t Since the from oe Fomotest British, the aie t meters = ee “£6 i Germans: are importing oie from ‘Under-thr 2 tol sumption of gas eae dominion beyond ~ the clycing replied ites a suitable omen Baie hes increased Ree eoadee 708 thanks — ‘per-ce: J 4A Scourge of Doubt. | and there in theigayety of youth and joys Gingicins (on pink gown, enriching Kitty's Uingering salty in Gretchen's ys aveet homes of love Did ae tie eles ae conar? TER I what did pu ine of him, Gretchen?” asks Iie itabente han| Gretchen, a little Am AIS been somewhat silent since her re- nd apparently full of | © depressing,” remarks Mrs. sae Reniigiksee ‘what to | ber ut | two or three sores sit upon mn grass Apes cf Pa ‘garden _ flushed He is pale es, well; _ ut know, and—hopel yeas meters ewekin Gretchen: gold beads into. ner quietly. © “But this is a most miserable state Mr. Tremaine, ¢ unneighbor- not working at all; work and Gretchen are deadly foes; i racef attitude drive him melancholy mad cae: her, is a man,—one ths | a Scarlets or: Scarlett More, a devoted majes| e going to prop6se 501 and Miss Sanya igi g meat Gretchen's slave. address a word or |, “poor Dugdale,” ting t from them, sti himself listening to the wise and sil- ly end merry remarks that fall from ile. you gues what 32 4s?” with an answering smi ree a ought to invite ; bim here: poor Mary *s sont > & is that it? You see I always know ‘ self, and now knows he has pier during the past few ee ee ve |ne has been for months. He is Gretchen's, special charge. With her whole heart—the tenderest pities are’ close to his and read ee him hour t seemed cruel to fo! Btrons and healthy, when he was 50 afflicted.’ ce “Phe library would be a charming place for him to lie in all day,” says Kitty, wi es ‘ a pretty ¥ we occupy it so much a ee “the. morning and nearly aul the evening.’ “But oom,” ponders Mrs. ue emaine, thoughtiully. 3 25 good service. To him est hours in all the Lee: four a bo reads to him sweet. voice, most. “excellent, thing in wo- man. Just now she raises her head and my meats room,” | —_— = conty is off 5 and he oes is easily ‘ ee from one room to the oth- stairs in a : “But you will miss your room, ee. dearest,”" says her mother. § For the time — being I shall pestareg oops doom ® inact ee n Kitty. Sea er ind, do you Kitty?” all go. over to-morrow n his coming,” sa ne won't hear of a WS, Dugdale!” he a angers with mil and as ‘etchen proach, “Remember how sad it is for ae aie fay clever: he We boat such Bidee mat who can go about . ara and the flowers, and all there is’ o : Seven long days have cae ae s ve 1, of course, it is hard on him,” says Scarlett; growing repent BEES be able to. wal and that. peasy shouldn't like to be a cri aie you nid-autumnn = a know; ou Id you?’ 2 Le Vii iswer_Vexes Gretchen more le roi In the library at the Towers both the clocks have ae chimed four one ‘begins pre: cisely as the other “inlshes; Che ener Sonaaeing Jittle touches of light, yellow as gol-| It deed, len ‘re deshing ‘madly here|the approach of Brandy, who comes ee when chairs) wit wi very now and then the roo out- ac-|sne says, - | el —foolishly, ‘perhaps, cerity. th erica: ; | with them. TJ tol t eS. -jand years. eisurely 3 enact rn ek across the |” is not alone; the pas' er Te new 4 iain Dinmont, afriend. of Brandy’s, friend of all the Tre- He he tells iimeclt ich, and joes nsidering he is ri ‘creeping ‘horror, and without that ‘ @ guardia: Gretchen is not altogether ple by thi ot pana sokers dy ol Kitty, rising suddenly, in: ans en. and come in with them when “T almost begin to envy Destine, says thé young man, yet with an Sasamption 0 of or plata ‘that He new mde it “aimeuit to real- and girl together—is madly in af intense amusemé geese oa invalla, unable eetly. young man tells her sbe the deepest si the arm with her fan n in doors. ue gdale, having seen Scanett. ahd nelleving ‘her fret comes in. a little ‘The e for the bias les Cree we jesides, mind is now \an andy cue rota while Tom him to we all “A wise ‘ion,’* “What shall I read?” ask: shelves eroeee be “May hesitation. ache, Bary ‘Tlike to tee your voice.” creates likiny you a long t “Oh, ond tn friends. and some others next Thursday. ery rash of him! may for if it can be really eight o'clock. ‘The hi sto sorts of day sy and full of calm se-|madnes: a by, ee rs as| awful things for the. beginning renii sunbeai re throwing | close to. Gretches as circumstances | September. flickering shadows ‘through the trees;| will permit, “Nevertheless we are bent on defy: i with rapture he hails/ing them. ey. Ti sometimes,” says .Gretc! the teamsters, farme sane a auflen back, over tl an the for very severe pains across the turn to camp, entirel, -Tplnding thst e uniber of tiie ae in camp used D De case's Kidney and did so with splendid ee oe ey thorough; ke good as the next o lis are the ers, Failroaders, lumbermen SOE all apes nis ns ace Dr.Chase in the Lumber Camp The Exposure and Hardships of ‘Camp Life Bring on | Kidney Bieease, Backache and Rheumatism— The Lumberman’s Favorite Remedy Is Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills. Cia Whitey Liver Exposure to cold, equestly being om in back and limbs. ey disease, in my en down the hips. yin tn the woods oor ang dee ane these pane would come on me with such force that T would have to give up work Liver Biter 3 1 decided? to try them, Pee If again, and can” aie Dr. Chase's, Kidney- gest sale in Cana ada Sie apsailics one me asea | Pale, listless, ness. He has been so long her friend be ae ae her the Duk tial Gretchen easel sey him lightly | jiame! on i and warns | him he must not Aatlen ation while is way to a inet thipeavement 8 preventing bloodshed—she parts irom her pass with gone for to the house tary door pens eter have at gone 25 Pr i do.”” cory uch rel aust Sa eviabates trying to atone chen, glancing idly at the ae ‘oiled to tal me a little instenae® isa Dugdale with I have a slight head- i vo, SEB EierS aso iation ae Scarlett known , Jene.—vears 2 great! Secale eoind to ask tn us to go to a picnic with his people He must | ‘Be z sao those en Americans have | Other: must be anon: hen. Then, A TALK WITH GIRLS, ROSY CHEEKS. Pale, Anaemic and Easily Tired Girls Often Fall a Prey to Consumption: In young girls we Digek tor, abt dant health and checks, con- sumption de not speedily follow. Dr. Williams” Pink People Me oeical and sure weak girls. ‘These pills Ted’ Blboa’. with every strengthen the nerves, Rinkler, South ee we and i Mrs. Hiram Satan “It ie with ea In a ment did not help her then acting on the advice of a faunghe bor, I her Dr. give Pills. ‘The confiden: with which this medicine was eget upen us was bee misplaced, as I soon noticed a the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Brockville, Ont. after a little paus¢, she goes on;‘“My only regret about it is that I fear you wi very lonely all that #1 “shall auiise mnyeelt lookiag, for- ward to the e oe, when I shall ex- t you all ae s thing cannot "oe that happened aad “a that was said Scarlett. is | "°) will ee much “to tell me all Beanlere , for instance,” Dugdale Jestingty, yet with Jas ae intently fi <Swoula you call thet “wor hea es 5 "avon y pees: “Thi — with an Bee n pe than I hae. However, if it will ee ae bes shall" certainly hear all I can remember.’ ee That. 18 a promise?” eniger!: replies she, ¢|tent upon the co! T _|the only chance one gets so nice Be Mistic ie vorstiat pienics’* s Mr. Scarlett, gloomily, who still consu uumed ane jealousy. “They table, and one never ‘That is the point;’—or nonanthiig? = ‘Where shall w fest Bisniee> Gut as the, point, 1 think” [Scantete, with a view to piaveniies ther disen: “rely you _-what,”” a exclaims etn =e sudden and. mioied es e you Sau “dusase su, my. grounds. @ near enough, and no — : eerie HOW TO OBTAIN BRIGHT EYES AND e eae pefutifully less,” a plira ic. ‘| “1 adore pienics,"” says Brandy, Me wi i i Bal “They » [wien jaugh, anda a glance Kitty: who vs say tracing a pattern the _ of Trimmer, her tox t will be aia ‘too charming’ - says ao Grerrhon with a quick smiles and then - say the same in different language. "To be Continued: SS eel FAULTY QUOTATIONS. rere Phrases ‘That Are Often Inw tly Repeated. Rect cer one is fond of qi and dramatists ot a Seaaralta 00 yas Gear ihieacasons ‘All of us say “the sss tener of their as when h iseless ‘When. Greek from foe oe 3 what Gi tenor ot ae way.” meets war” 6! Greeks then was the tug of war.” say, “Welcome the coming, speed the parting guést,” w! quotation is Butler wrote in that complies against bis will 1s of bis wake opinion still,” but oa ee ue of convinced thes same opinion still.” How often ve hear, people, quoting the passage on mercy from “The Mer- chant of Venice,” say, “It falleth aa the gentle dew from hea’ th wrote, “Fal sic in himself.” become in popular ale “Staal aap a and beautifully First Lighthonse. \ he firet Ugithonse built on this con- tinent was at St. Augustine, Fla. Its to loot the town and destroy what he could not tak 4 “Our Lnpeyed acne eakihen sald the agent as he set the little wonder clicking, “can pe ‘handled by a child, it’s so easy to seains eas! ad said the wife of the ipecrmenbes as she watched the nim- ble -Then a e agent slowly and sadly loaded the machine back on the ay ind) drove ‘ay. wagol Self pistes: ou che svat 5. id the person ieee, “is self eon- mie reeds your cl said the chee aohen ‘or @ number genaiges in the oh of etait weather reaction “T reart help it? In Days of Old. ot must Shave bach: wind ‘0k ales, bein’ an old pee a eh Tittle Sree as he gazed at the icture of and Gees and Cates ig rege mother ask Z t cut down: Late pants: tor Wille 4 acs days.’ A slander starts in a whisper | ends through a megaphone —New erald. —_+——_ TEETHING TIME, Is the Critical al Age eae the Life a During eye hws ese great; Heige vot should be taken of a 's healt! the: unlimited fi eet jdhere are few things | pap, me's li hare pee many a ' through death of a little one, ey, would b be A ogee ah wars tablet eer I them b: : best doctor aa would not be rife! ‘ out Baby's. 's Own ae when given_ in e directions — pre;