Milverton Sun, 24 Apr 1902, p. 4

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WORDS IN A LEAD PENCIL. The average penc pencil used by men great deal is one-twelith oo ae ike ad Considering the wood ax represents the leas i breaks and scratches, quarter of an pes of lea two columns: of matter for the cil is seven inches ong. The average diameter ‘of the A copy of illustrated booklet Weekly Expenses Reduced” sent free to your address by writing to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 203 him.- But how he did make me Poa m his box, with his hand on Mie theowte, looking out wi ye window, every time I looked u his first ‘ges was PoLASing at the dial. mt my back a yell. ‘THE NEWEST DISEASE. ba Me alk Sam eg cla, bm frown. In hi ch: si i over pedestriai co! ith ther vehicle: enh: by the. rapidi f riding, the wind striking th the eyes from dist and currents ir which irritate them. PULP AND PAPER capes is Pre-aminently the Great- Palp MAPLE SYRUP OnrLow rma. We are handling large quantities: We can handié yours to advantage. The Dawson Oommission Co., Limited, Toronto. Consignments of Butter, Ess, Apples and other Preduce Sotiotted. ste. . Suk Seohoed. . Andatntertoote aadigoksdiand Shovelted and shovel- Meet eee t+ t ist led and poked. he indicator Wood Frod using fe creeping around the face of the dial, gp in in the World. Non: the wertdjmadetrem 4 of atter, land about the time I thought 1 : ae =Eddy’ Ss fett corky pine, and paper of seven oes to the page. | steam gh to satisfy | prospectus’ of the Atlantic Suiphurous. fers ty eultable would straighten up for a breathing |Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, | 4 33 demestio uso f is RAIL 2 see him still with bis [just issued by the brokers, Messrs. Qdorless. ts Headli ht prtpjanagcaimen a ‘ . hand on the throttle and his finger | Sutherland & Cameron, Ottawa, con-| qs ea inting di as getting |tains some interesting,reading mat~| 7 Stiok— bex eontaining , and I can work very hard ses r.. The mills of the Company will very A Match P ] our “ahana sen season Geno hay UEScE Re ed, Sar cared Onin: 8 situated on tho Little Cascapedia tol ar ‘hepabasen wapeee ANT SYMPTOMS OF KID- something to me. If he had, awe vad Bare Ne sage tt on Hes jastoh age. 4 have whipped him right there and|des Chaleurs, where it is proposed to Every Mateh— = eee fe NEY TROUBLE IN THIS quit the road. sg erect a paper mill with a daily capa-| ‘A Lighter atches BIL Aas Mee 5 CAS: when hs! wouldi'® give me a ity of 54 tons, a gro pulp | Ant Firet Class. 2 pick a fight there w: mill with a daily capacity of 50 tons | Dealers, 7 thing for me to do but work. oe and a sulphite pulp ith RARER LE RoR, FokeTuk ey ua, Tortured by All Kinds se Pains|that a i team was going to sky capacity of 40 tons. The wood | "S™ LBs i And Aches He Tries Everything ste, and I just hung one of my |" will be principally spruce, and memeoneot > iS but Fails to Find Relief Till a) hooks on the valve to keep it down. it is believed th ulp and paper * Advises Him to Use|Then I did send her w I didn’t }can be more economically manufac- PAINT It will bel ae you to see how it Dodd’s Kidney Pills—They Have|know how much the boiler would|tured there than at any other place looks, how it wears, how easy it de ell Man of Hi: stand and I didn’t "That in America: ‘The properties lim- works, how cconomiical it is @ He is Grateful. eeeees § affair 4 kept hy Siero ase, aes by ieee SURPRISE when you paint with’ Ottawa, Ont, ‘Mar, 81. iaj—|his finger, and wh it point- | abou' square miles je. com: ee He ee ing ae ihe dial, yoked and shovel |Pany has reports on the property yi RAMS. AY’S eehauattionia’’ ni e0 Tie, Chaug. (ed. T could never get look |made by five different rangers, whose 4 heaees HP eee ete rien Mt mas ae bem itee a every |Teports show that there is sufficie "pedals Hidhey Pile exe dow anere {me 5 stopped: Jong: enough, to.look | Wood to elford a perpetual Supply of PAINTS fe him th at him, and he hi s ha on tl ne rangess who has ae ae ae eaee ing cea in oy throttle and that finger still pofnt-|traveled and examined limits in the ee otdest and best known paints Nufercd with baoksche ad: was ak [ine at - ttle mayselt | tate] OF Mine ee reas ana in © to-day, made from the jays drowsy and had a very heary| (own at last to either sive SHS ee ee eer aula ost, paint material to ght fecling in my her up. Sar ae ani gaeore hot sun and storm, to eutlast all “Thad frequent severe Resincten melting f the sieat ‘about the fire-box aD Ca ae ae others, and at just’ the right price shar; PAG eS a _and more tim pains the top of my y head, mihlet eareet ae and occasional pains in the loins. wes dizay, So apelle and blort fecling in the region of m oF ry ki @ littig with | dragging heavy oeDadd’s ee Pills were recom- reness and terminnror will con feeling across the for pure pai eeteba blanket black Fob ied “RHEL as fou Geen? Johnson | ican) the “Little Cascap River Drop us a Pes Gad tae tae Sue and you would have blown | being: fed by springs and is suitable BOOKLET “K” FREE. 2 Sar eeey gate pS Drop us a card and ask for tA “t ste \ded- to,” I retorted, ‘or Der without the expense ol ae of| Make you take down that finger.’ eat edward: A. RAMSAY & SGX, Eoteb, 1842 {| “| ‘ou * confounded ass,’ shouted |Edwards & @o mee Paint Makers eee ‘don’t you know that that’s / men, Ee ae es ident “of the a CNTREAL A jo . e Be ee ante Ww. ii & Co e triel of Mother Grave's Worm Ex: “After Pasi ig, which now bas 2.714,- 373 Wor rings you that br bas no equal as a werm medicine Bay a bot tle and see if it does not ee ase Ye a NOVEL TAXES. In the Isle of Man roads are main- = mended to me by a friend of mine | * ea wall” tax upon eve ho had been oa waat Tegan ‘wheel and shod hoof and a levy upon “Almost from the start I began to |@VorY | Bate ssoenanareea Suaiot ite lel the wonderful hopravement, Clee Ge set which continued as reatment | CTV alent mn ce eeded, the re eae ined o ae ae acy, pulse be Fagen way ts eu formation ant application for is hep azar a wonderful cure in aT | flop e modes, may be obtained. from the office of cannot eee to0 highly of tl this at ae conaiion oft mugs ning ‘ihe Sutherland. & Cameron, Ottawa, Can-| reland pays only £2,200,000 a and good r. il gonna or inp ada, or the National ‘Trust Company, oe towards Tmper: al _ expenditure, What Doda "Kidney Pile bave i ential closed |Limited, Toronto, Montreal and ine ‘ora tees eset lone for Mr. Chartrand they have ee armed | Wi S ree population, - done for thousands ra, and | mao uote ee wee ee eRe they’ll do the same for you if you € out of ten al Miss ae “Ab, those — senti- give them a chance. lenothing but aa%-| ental songs are so dear. Do you| Why go limping and whining about here are many railway men in| Ion See a ere aus. | Knipe Sven W _ Were Sweet Bia Sous ports A en Pe ens et solto- |r -Canada to-day who find Dodd's Kid- | cave of Destuoss (caused by, entatri) that cas teon 2 roth Jack—""Yes, I Cort Ci ey Pills dndianenedtle!< <Taay ace at be eared by by aalle Beat | eee. bat don't ween wane iea tal, and yo the railway man’s surest and best oo FS. “CHENEY & ©0., one o tang any one 1"” ety ia by Drogsiae The Mother—“Unele Charles asked 7 Phe constant» vibration on trains TEASER Piva 4 the best. THE WONDERFUL X-RAYS the baby what kind eH it had. ‘and engines is very hard on the kid- ANCER CASES. The Pather—“Just ai the “el a jneye and Dodd's Kidney Pills make| She—'“Tell me, aE pulos: George, it Httle thing could tell him, “Wall jthes ese reg well and able to resist ‘diseas. x os i THE ENGINEER’S FINGER. %t Nearly Caused a Locomotive to Blow Up. © by ono entirely disap- wveainess Cannot be Cured — cessary, Edith ; in that case, would probably do 1 do the asking. A Clear, Healthy Sk Skin.—Eruptions of 4 thle skin and the blotches which blemish “The closes cam .. | beauty. 21 impure tie re aca he canced by unhealthy aetion of the Liter ; % ant ineys- - when I was firing on the J. for | healthy action aad Seetortng: the organs Bill Johnson.“ it was my first trip|to their normal condition, Parmelee's on that engine. a braking |Vegetable Pills will at the same time before that, and I. knew Johnson by.| cleanse the bi and the blotcbes and reputation. oy onal he te Sravsions wil aleappens without leaving hardest. on his firemen of any en- gineer on ti ad. He j it that he wouldn't do me w wanted her her si ate 5 “J olmson, I so on found, was vhe-| has decorated im I made up my mind if : kept hot, I would sices izzling if I had to melt the bars. z “KAISER’S DECORATIO: year the Kaiser fewer than 2,473 persons With either a star we a rib- 0} bon—a greater number year since Wilhelm IT. thro: During the past no than ascen dea the For Over Sixty isk wissewe tecresne bent bee see ected fa | Billous of mothers for thelr children while teething: 2 | Eesoothies tke child, oftens the lays pain, cures aces the stom eee eet ty drugsiats hreughent ‘world. Ee sure aod ak fur Mana. WINSLOW’ wacom (0 BERUP.” Geectalad ia: whet CORONATION WEATHER. we met on the engine it was| A Dulwich meteorologist bas the oe of the firema: keep up| dicted fine summer’ wea’ for Jun He said nothin to me, and staples. lay |. Diamond Jubilee celebri antOas, is confident that his present. ng ae E said: nothing to| prophecy will’ be fulfilled cabal fadco, gates, nallg emeef ia your guarantes of quality. turing. jewelers, is the and gin other dir = Cl e Waterous, Heatiege: of the Water- s Engine Works Company, Limited, Dranttords R. H. ‘Thompson dt, ma facturer, Charles Lyman, president of the man-Knox Company, Limited, Mon at Limited, Montreal; E a Me Intyre, paper manufacturer (ate me- chanical superinten: Taurentie Pulp Company) ane Ws er, barriste ron’ i to. The eaieecnslons “books are now pectuses, with f ee a have appeared in al John had cancer rat ‘ea tried cat cals treatments without avail of a wonderful cure in the City by Dr. Cummings, fs; Caen eet bal his hands, wm opera’ eas bv; Plaster, found” the disease | recul ph; recom-| made = ummings and she is now. permanently cured. One after several eco an f EB pecans of Medical Seience. T 19 eprinc tne British Empire—i0 in Britis! merica, in Australasia, an: Sout Acep Minard’s Eine ant in the ae Cannot. some Saye one tell us, pare oe wondering ‘mind, i wiphat dive? people find ? t 3s There are cases of consum _thel piles, “and gives"the dise 000° peo) ace is Sy ltarbeilles, For Nine’ Years—Mr. Samuel Br. For eee Tes (ising it intern ally complete eitre eaeiae in the wae and I wi rite the e i pets othe ws know what it bas done for she did. She said ‘goo, goo.” Lever’s Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfec- tant Soap Powder eerie. in the bath softens the water that it disinfects. No known land “whose fete is deadly ames Mint’ Liiment sed by Physicians He—“‘It is se Sag around owe we are engaged.”” She—“Ts it ? what idiotic snieee people do ae LD IN ONE DAY. Te iE y frome Quinine Tablets Al 2 refund the money it it fails te: j= signacare is en ench Dox. wendoly n, . WB; my ardon me. T forgot ; 1 was simply "choosing my | bridesmaids.”* | ption so dvanced that Bickle’s Minet Consumptive none so Bad da that oi it will not give reli and all affections of the throat, fini and specific whic est, it is 5} [know = fail. It promotes -etoration, therel removing the ased | chance to heal. ae marrowest t part of the Daitea is from Loch Broo: aida Firth, a siaere o = se ¥rori Dumbart a’ the 9 Alloa on’ the Firth, ‘of. Forth ang Ask far ae tale ao ther 9 aise et Se 494,- AGENTS WANT he e same time in, nimal has nett ee iscorery a ‘keep 0 thekod up o conspicuous Cown-and country. Steady ens! Piombion or Maley $63.80. par M0 =A Expenses, nett exceed for par:feular INTERNATION L MEDICINE con oTONDON out | Chaffing ne Sores. aoa % It refieves pain at ones and cures the . ae tea eget itianty ‘Any mother whe tries Gileading witeaty Seo nat A tiger has beon measured 18 from end of nose to tip of tail. N lion of such a size has been killed. Five men ca > takes nine to hold a ad Regulator.—To bring the minetrical work= is pur re than eiigiain Pills, which will be found st icin rp 3 ng the Te! ti oct cclorng te only can they perform thelr duties properly. France’s _newest prison, eight miles from Paris, is the biggest in the world. It covers half o mile, has tain 2,000 prisoners. & pees fer tory pee I ‘ocured more. Five bottles comes cured me ani T have urn of the pain for cighteen months. e above facts are well-known to cversboug in this village and neigh- bork — s gratefully, A. DAIRT. mothee, Que., May 16th, 1899. li wees ere ers, $98 men. jo Took er enttp and tender: ora ‘ood eet 1,574 in rcharge of port eae Nokes Cold. ive Bi nine at cure a Bio cr aoa paris eee Fes : THE POWER OF SILENCE it Is Better Than-Any Sarcastic or Bitter Answer. cake ae Revelation, vill, 1, about | others, aeet of the United States, tl saint ant sy an catastrophe, betw tinge at of your life. Gy mine sere hy PREACHER OF THE GOSPEL, halt hour when bate in wi certain. tence in heaven Ghace the 1 ace ae half an hour. forget the name of the exact year: | And, first of all, we learn that G o most of the eovaetent events of these half hours text, what there had not = sound. World- i day occupation is in dohenval, gelation, wor! epibtgation: worlds in Sebati at spared thirty never again In worship in churehés where e owen a quiet heaven. rears I have been rats ia crowds and un- ues oR: SOLITUDE. Chen there art whose earing is so delicate “at ¢ thoy Se istaction when eg oul our.” ears, fe mil- lions of ages past it and the ‘uittions at |th® he ase especially fe of int the Bible But the halt ‘so = ove : 22 2 IMMORTAL = rhe aa Pes ot eternity that| and « scar was ever measured by earthly ti ‘a grandeur | over- had on, 0 Architect that my son was the half hour when I stood on teed jou ia nich I stopped on the chief times a my Atte: You may yu descril eternal “orchestra, Be they goo 80) is | tho Major Merritt E Pack Saddle. rites Ta to Lord SStehanes the Use This has the Cana- Spaaed: es the — South Africa. ) ¢ half hour arsonego vot * country can now. Remem! a will | to ich immortal, uery Ww! you will do with the. “ewentioth cen- | hal! at all I think half hour in rece) robes The worst worrying, ov Tene sandwi reme! cvelonted’s stomach . Stimulants and narcotics in the end aro sl whole sul main ret in wha eran stated ver TOO wills Blin woad, and) thi see | wealthy Itallan manufacturer, and o | the second largest $20,000, piesa it lon She-“What was the happiest mo- 1 And deed “Closed for repa: “Ed like t enraged client, “Ye Ae What Fas does Ble: oe, sir, AS, her fellow~ allt by by 0: the en this Saeed, ‘The day will co ber wi ortal cannot endure, the. full om cannot th great “tbat Ge pices oF tae tae ; + ENEMIES OF SLEEP. Sree aoae and the habitual a ich is sensation la felt. to Pasa ee ea THE POPE'S LEGACIES. t is 300 the Pope dj the universe into homes, v aver | Text_of the Lesson, Acts xi., 1-18. a Golden Text, and heaven in au blast but not | car made it possible for you to get there rest o.|the communion outside of one's own u-;from the begi rae the Victoria Cross, the Water- our first half hour oy tion. enemics of sleep are erwork, overeating, in-|=! ugs. icpetetas jeeping-roor, ht exercise, ike a walk after | 0! ft cep destroyers. When bject is weighed the medy is seen to be good hab- mind. y that pee the year throughout the Cath- vey Tighe Eo feel ‘the; them oe yer t you got About ail ae ‘of it yet of receive the} Not in the fight’s a jin me feels eee what sas \t that THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 27. fulfilment not have them. ‘Yet: it te mai Propbicies stilt spurting fulfilment hen fulfilled shall greatly surprise se bost of stl cts x., 43. 1. The Gentiles also received the of apostl tes ee brethren seo editors LITTLE HART RIVER. March 81, 1902, be-| Not in the blood of battle, — Not in the rage of strife. Not in the muskets’ rattle 4 fenl Caren like burning Peter be-| | That mingles death with life, .- im some _unci | cisod pgobien had received Christ. We|Not in the victor’s story, result, Not for mere empty glory Bo wo this xult. e Somparatively, fae do it.|But because far from our borders, lo give joy to our Lord} Do arg 3; Jone Suit, 8), ci When And poured out their lives like wine. é ‘ust, of themes, Ahey mustered, ~ used and untried, Ha pred rz on the veldt ae unflus- Determined to stay tll they died. ‘here all about were the horsemen, tireless Boer Centaur, Bold as of yore were the Norsemen, e}| Toughened and seasoned in war. denominatio: Here Sy the oe Dentaee 410. Peter rehearsed the matter Africa's flerce hussar, inning. watched with Caradian vale @ sharp, fierce shock of war, eee sixth hour Peter felt a = eebiee swept from wind- Dawa aicthe’ inp: be caine, es-|Rein-free the steed unhindered, Leaped as if fresh to the game. e o But the Metford’s bark was steady, Steady and true and straight, And the galloping foe were not reat % P _|- £o rush in the face of fate. Aas it hers, And the. Sane seaabote his words, As the lessenii of brothers \ Sighted for a pee yards. them, lads,”" cried Car- But the lest fusilade fairly stopped They staggered, then halted, then — wi And Johnny just said, “We've stop- ee Godsaad Saale da wen an i a sunk in the spot where Working ES that men may “ale riches of God's grace and eee ares 13, 14, Who shall tell thee oe whereby Pe jou and all thy be Beter why hs he'd” "Twea victory sure, Ree meet 3 Forty were bleeding Nine died, but their ee are im- Jory’s immutable rolls, ime | yar within death’s dark portal We follow these dauntless sous. o Piey sat ae, but they could rot render, ore not ‘smirel Canada's name, gee eee ald ace said, “2” am dohtor bot to Greoks Pde ei ase cette ag and to barbarians, 40, es much "as is,- eady to preach ths ospel (om: i, 14, 15). to speak Holy Ghost tell on them es om at the beginni rai A. Ewan in Toronto Globe. ee ig ee MUCH IN LITTLE. Religion makes good armor but it's ® poor cloak. ‘There is no place too lowly for the ae of Mies sie one us was still pea? and just at beginning of are the 4 kingdom at cea’ ng Bak aed mere- ‘Prayer is the pulse of the Christ- iaaie ite cee Thin ate alne, He Bes God. - moving down the stream thing in all pg got up by man, elthion’ the Giscoures nor the feailte an uncommonly good prove ise more wi that He sald, John) Sy, 2y, Your e008 Seats than, by indeed. aptized gti water Bak “vel” ee nee’ othe Snes Rie euneds shall be baptized with the Holy |nard things He gives hard teaka oa proof of his love to ae whom He trusts and honors. <The, Christian who counts on the au ‘These ascension words (Acts i, 5) d therefore only a fulfi!iment Ber and tke covenant He *Jobn xiv, 36). and He is now Goae pro Sonne ‘aud inv. doing this: with Peter. ich “then as God- did unto ua, Telieved on the Lord Jesus T couta }‘

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