hat swe hada m be bere and there be a cxinetery,, { ‘allo = that therests sothin doing aboot "the iti a oe sel oe People gi Bice ehureb. hes. . Ferry’s mat some backward weather this is very early Realine mn White is enlarging bis e errytield’s ol ice. John is Enos ‘the needs of his c! omers. is. Rock song placed ani ni ull blast » youngest. ebild of Mr, an eary ered died on lends an bs ith them nthe trouble} so) than their ee etal nese "cleaning E and- the | es are in full blast nee of the far- gon Sere eins : fi finieh this week. Conside ee the. Mrs. ney Tt had been ailing for some ASES. : ‘Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhat Senegal ihe cigteracn i Lermadin ci “ant tb ath lipshirvati 6 from er late residence on, Mon- for the Elma Centre a Ese C1 Is and ni e) to a hele sore respects oO Tespec The sig have ne “heartfelt sympathy of the com- Poti friends Riots on bbs ard hear Le that their eldest “iangdter, ioe vel ecarious condition. She rlor | Kenzi tion on Sunday. den | “= pepe nursing and hee T| cal skill she will reco: ao Sadie EB. Bannerman was hom: itchell and spent Sunday ‘with con. 14, toa birth- Ss day Bake on Saturday afternoon Jast. -|-They had a ye peat rs and Re ater oy started to work again ¢ have just received our shipment of the celebrated “Berlin Raycycles i: LH lop Wheels, all grades Sundries always re cs = Second: aooe ought -and sold. ena: ste on the shortest notice. PB A Gastndor THE JEWELLER, Great Solieitude for ies 5 (Toronto Sta yn. R. W. Scott nid the other day ir te ribet ‘Besate: that‘he was not in sympathy with those who opposed the Bell Telephone Company's application for législation. He gave as his reason that the shareholders of the company NG) should be considered, many of them heing widows and orphans. , It is gan. -y Dobbs ‘entertained about th enjoyable time play-| 4 ing and ot! 5 te it. I haye hesitatea imes about writing to you in tee way, but I find that I cannot neeal my Hone. longer. I must and will tall you all Here John’s bair began to rise, but. Sr bee pa seine over the page e potatoes have a bag. arte you would not fase he potatoes went up to the house es morning. be likely to Short Koh ced Retold. n "Thompson says that the late ice vene Field was fond of relating the following story of James “To beguile th he tediousness sf aa a very busy season ahead of | ¥* MILVERTON’S GREATEST STORE NEW PARASOLS The finest assortment of Ladies’ Parasols ever shown by this store, direct from the manufacturers. Beauti- ful steel rod parasol, nice handle, for 75¢. each, nicer ones at $1, up: to $3.50 each. Call and see these: Another arrival ot Dress Stuffs Delain’s Waists, Applique Trimming, so much in demand, Gloves, Hosiery, Etc. The finest line of New Short Corsets that ever struck town. Made by ae celebrated Compton Corset Co., large assortment. and handsome. Just the Corset to give one that graceful OL Bales Prices from 50c. to $1.25 per pair. New Neck Ribbons, all Colors ‘creditable 16 humanity that there is always somebody to stand up for the widows and orphans who are share- holders in. rich. companies posttest ublic monopolies. ‘There on che staff of a rich thi ia tian so useful as a weeping widow es a di: consolate orphan eager! nace their share of the dollars the nowopay wheels] cau extract from the pabli ges Rises “EAS She Got the sae chlaataags The man who fireeta the soar in the way of shopping impose bin by the women of his er ee je leaves the house is not rare enough ull ue excepts Hes splendid | $= W. H. Grosch, : LombAgenby esa Gen: feel Cs Canada : him a sealed letter, ) with great seriousness not to open it unuil he reached his plice of business. way down the strange request, and he no sovner entered his office than he tore open ¥ —— ss jany People Dally With is Moatar hele strikes one like a ihunder- ae es wit ty that no other ee paver 4 Catarrtral Pow ick, safe and Neasant = is, 2 se the . ee gale Bout daly cut Cateehe inten minutes. 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Torrance. The Dominion ce OMMERCIAL "LIFE oo C0. - Waterloo, Ont. WH IN: 1901. Director's Reports. the}. cent of applications sos on ane. "0 9842 7 539,266 615,690. rat Ss £39, we "Phe exceptionally strong sommtnees of nits oo ma ‘that oe ada at <0. Our eomputed t | overnme _ points town he-thought of | 5 THE LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION —OF THE— Township of Mornington Will meet at NEWTON, on WED- NESDAY, APRIL 30th, at & o'clock p.m., for-the purpose of organization. * full attendance of the Conservative workers of the township is requested. Ww. WATSON, ¥F. W.ScHAEFER, See’y. Pres. One| Carthage, Aprsi 2ist, 1902. New arrivals of Carpets, Linoleums, ee Curtains, Floor = Muslins, Ce NEW CLOTHING No finer stock of clothing any- where. In fact we never had its equal what we call high class clothing, fit guaranteed, grand assortment, all sizes and prices. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING Probably no finer clothing in Canada than just what you will find right here. Mothers bring in your boys, you buy the suits and we'll, make them happy. FUR BARGAIN 4 only Caperines, our regular $18 ones, your choice this week 10. y 75 Dinner Bargain for Quick Buyers 4only Dinner Setts, 97 pieces, new goods just in, our reason for sell-. ing so cheap is we have no room, our regular Gio setts, tor quick buyers $7.95. Jewelry Facts It isa fact that every article in our Jarge and assorted stock is thoroughly good and reliable just what it pretends to be. Jt is a fact that our guarantee es behind every article we It is a faet that Quality con- sidered our prices are the low-|} est of the low. ay We have some very neat de- CHES and oLCU PE. BUTTONS for sum- mer wear, also any exquis %\ and dainty line of engagement signs in BROC Rings of all the latest designs. J. Weiss & Sos Son, oe 8 Cans Corn, Peas and Tomateces for 25 Ce Redpath Granulated Sugar $4 40 barrel lots Golden Yellow $3-90 barrel lots _ Extra Special—3 boxes Gillet’s Lye for 25c. MILLINERY'’ Leave your order early this week orwe cannot promise you your hat for Sunday. Never were we so crow rded with orders. For up-to-date millinery try our Miss Pfeffer and get a hat that you need not be ashamed of in any large city. Grosch & Pfeffer