WARHIAGE “LICENSES J. @. GROSCH. BrRICTHY CONFIDENTIAL, “Tt Shines For All. es Vol XI—No 19 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1902 MALEOLM MackETit = ‘Editor and spunea ~The ADilverton Sun Subscription | - GT-R Time Table tei om to le SORTH, am 1200p. Mixed Bien adver the rate of Se. per first insertion, and 3c. re chal ines nonpariel, per line for each suc- WW. EGBERT, “ad uate'oi College es Pigdictans ‘and Surgeons Ontario s-also post. graduate ,stadent o jon b ital, Es ‘ion, Eny aes cok Pos ace” aeer ‘cia, Ont. Telephone co Poole, Bramier, Lutheran eon pe Bostick. Legal, NTON, Barnistor, Solicitor, Ete. A, M. PAN Office open every Tharsday, Wm. Burton’s Block, Main S ie = Dentistry DR. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate of Dental o Fyn ick Menuber’ of Roy! in On Dental Sa ate of TL a work a Specialty... Hours om. ym. Dice above Fi iiieinge Bros. ‘ania store, Milverton. bi eng rwise, day or night Pe Chronic Diseases sepenaly. . Xen ‘ton(Grad- gall pit es of af esata imals. rigs First class. h Baggage transfer: specialty. G. eT ak it Pander of ssa in their hall the Schneuker & eee We store. aes ting brethren al- ways Geo Rue, C2 Raz Bavth, Recoring Secretary. 0. E Laie Se 36 ape wicin theie ball post ‘fice building. me ete : lding fie “brethren always welcome. Spence N. G; W. K. oth, ~pBesimew Cards W. D. WEIR, Anctioneet for the Coun- ies of Meerth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, ortgages dr Pith Di vision Ca lerk, Office, over Groz Store, Main si Milverton. INE, iiverton. DORLAND'S. BUS 1 meets all: trains. travellers calls prom Dorland, Maple St . AG ptiy attended to... Wm. ® roprietor. $1.50 if} Mixed 0 pate Express » Mixed | 845 pan 3 mo. LOCAL NEWS. ae Ascension Day. we iss Aggie Rumford is visiting 200 friends in Port Huron. h 3 sold at Weitzel & Mohtr’s. Ir. ed. | days: in. Colliugwoud last ‘J interest is usually pretty Leavy. ys| - Mr. Hofferd has rounds and reports that things renee calls promptly attended loge, Totonto:} eaeukcal deveg = A. | section of: We: The © that Mr. Bryan ghoaid now tide ss ne awn end |}bhé meetings at. The: 0¢ | evening io cnmpauy with Hon. aud You should try the 25c. tea that is al services a te in the cburch on Sund Messrs. Pfeffer Bros. are pat up an-addition to their mill stables. Same! Grosch spent Sasol week. When one borrows trouble the Efforts are being made to rua excursion to Tavistock on May 6th, Messrs, Grosch & Pfeffer shipped a carload-0f potatoes to Sarnia on Wed- fesday. Mr. Stmon Barth, who wént west in March, has opened out-a shoe shop iv Okotoks, Alta. Mr, Julius Guenther, of Listowel, spent. Sunday in Milverton visiting his aged parents, ber .of Milvertonians are sig seas the Ross, meetin, at Stratford on Monday evening. Mr. W. K. Loth has during the past season shipped to” various ae: poi tario, fiye tailed op Ww. his au aily are in good sanitary: conditi think speak and nine times out uf a possible ten is will hase no occasion to say a word. Arrangements have been wade with the St. Marys a ale ton on Mo Gaitiwilbsbe called gh: 6:45. Robert McCloy arrived at Mil- Duesd jay—to visit his wife ill he resid- ‘ohy ee the: big advance thas has been made in the price of beef, |* Milverton butchers are able in their pric Ete surrounding cities and towns. St. Marys’ football team is one of the strongest teas in the southern estern Ontario and the ae them on. Monday evening rward to with interest, match is looked: fe Kansas City J ournal suggests eorcraehas like a true plu pais people for, $l, Mr, A. F, Pirie, the eloquent editor of the Aitidlie Banner, will address Aiba and Beraiturds on Munday WwW the City fall, Ross. The beautiful tina barebe hack fey stallion, Guelp! imer. owned by Hasungs Brox, ee Grosshill will be at the Queen's hotel stables, Milverton, Hotels CHANGE HOT ohn Gropp, P-oprie cigars at. the Dar. tion and large stablin L, Brenner. Ont. . Beat liqnors First-elass accommoda: Fists travelers ani ae rooms. G Tiquors and cig: Hater riseste C. Masco lug, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milvertor acconmolation for commercial trav. tiem and others, Two large sample rooms ers. Three Only. the raieest GF Wikes, Liquors and Gigars at the bar. Good warm stal plenty of shed room. ‘Henry Rose, pro P- $s and “ There eee ot} alright, doctor,’ he ns ne! Proprietor. m, Ont, The was a witty fellow eut in a “| Michigan hospital,” said Repretsite tive William Alden Smith ‘yesterday, “who es 16 be fad on a daily diet f egg and sherry. hiw ae es liked i " |ledge of their whereabou: 8 $450 heifer and sell the ‘beet | te te b every Monday evening “during” the| ve — | coming season. a rs Pfeffer’ Bros. have ‘purchas a handsome new driver. Mi 20c. at Weitzel & Molir Miss Boomer, of oor is at pee ‘sent mutnk her sister Mrs.- M. Grim V Mr. Maynard ‘Trim, ‘of oled Medical College, arrived home on Tuesday De. Frank Salah of Bi gite nt aday or tw Milverton last wy Rey. Mr. Taylor, occupied the es ‘of ae pte on Sunday and preached an able dis- cotirse morning and eyentn, \ The Tavistock Milling Co, i in which |& the Pfeffer Bros, of Milverton, are largely interested, has incre: capital from $20,000 to $60,000. The largest 10c. bar ioodey soap inftown at Weitzel & M vv Mr. Sanford ‘Burton, pe re the past year and a half has been mackiag for firm of McDonald & Co., Stratford, has secured a situation with The many friends of Miss Lizzie MacFarlane, Dovegal, who has bee seriously ill through an attack of appendicitis, will be glad to hear of bercoi If this thing keeps on, only million- aires can to has bill of fare, and poor people will have be satisfied with sanvesiae and terrapin. —Hartford 2 afford store painted, ise and oe renovated, and completed will assuase @ thorosghly Dright,and leat | ing appear ¥ Mr. Heni ges has to the echacrauice of the Queens hotel by putting up a large aoa 5 balcony. is massive in desi « Do you think oe father would you don't say something pretty soon.” New York Times. the prem Joseph Albrecht, lot 11, ee 4, Mornington, on the 1 ict ril, three sheep. Any per amination. Tf you want to select a good buggy go w T. P. Roe has two ear ii; loads to choose = he also keeps the long distance asle, hellows an ack lirica ‘Fall leather Pe and everything up-to-date, bike buggi A yaa improvement society bi bee: view of instilling in the minds of n he committe of management o} whi ey. 3. one Torrance sec, treas. of “which will ‘be named later. Messrs. Melville Large, Poole, Lovg, Dunlop and Moore, of Listowel dental students, were quarantined # Toronto for two — week: was as new as the sherry, sherry as old as the egg.”— ton Post ‘A football match will be played on Exhibition grounds this (Thursday) | © afternoon, commencing at three o'clock between the following picked teams. MiGeotlancou “= W. JO) x GROPP, @ealer in Cedar Posts, | pj. r et Sieietaee ome Dierlamm 5 Lamber, Laths, Bronner, Ont eS TT Patriotic exercise books, scribbliog and all, sup for ce H. eg eee The losing team to pay for luncheon. G, Hasenpfiug, sr. goal Mulligan Rig PaaS igner (0. Fiakbelper r wing (a. Bundseh jachi J wing Gt wobe Referee, R. Lederman; time-keeper Grosch Neeson; J. Torrance, ~ ES Roesgoal umpires, H, Rose, Dr. : Egbert. Bastendo1 Set | through a medical student with whom e | they associated, being suspecte' sina pox. The disease turned ‘ were liberat re, Lowever, permi in getting through this y: Wellesley tio 10, Ratz Milling Go, of Tavistock, purchased the aes: ae a 1_ the mael led | those who kad | responsibili ty seg of “bimselé. . xed peels in 4 Ib. peckge tor ve beef on their | duck ten gene . H Dierlamm is see bis |F, hi added. coal ly al Messrs. ages & Honderich a analy. there's no telling what he will do if jises of ienl_and~ Kiectrical Engineering at Toronto, returned home on Monday after concluding his second year ex- ting paraiatic und ‘aed ee organized in ee with a é oung the advantages, of Rededliars, ich oward is president and have d e best kept beds.of lowers, varieties Ed jot to be smallpox at all and the boy<| £6 fore their} , The a meee examination, a, ire succeed Some time ago the tegicene won st |S who | wit the $500. Be R. C. McDermid, of a will een at the re-opening "services in Burns:church on Sanday, EN ee and evening. ~ De Weir will sell by public ne tion on Saturday, May 17th, at tw o'clock, pm., that excellent building lr Price material thereon, the ae . W. Guent sae next the Rites Hall, Willia Miss Margaret ea was alee ated on one day last_ week by D. se ome near | Egbert, of Milverton, and hea ae pases for the removal of a tumor be om. the breast. Since a patient has sessed enjoys her usual health. ¥ In Saturday's Globe is a gravure cus of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, of North Toronto, which could be easily je the operation hoto-- as that of one fellow. to Ww. K. , who has moi been kal for the same Dr Nesbitt. fe ane once Beattie ‘That celebrated stock- ogeny has ‘again on the road this season and will stand each Wednesday night at the Grand ntral hotel les. further particulars constlt ronte cards or apply to Mr. C. Heng, ‘proprietor. The pulpit of the neppeaen church was pica toa of $125, has dsome, ter pholstered, alee and revolving, bydraalie are set on & the intention of Mr. See at an early date to place in t cabinet. a two-chair For ae ue ane or three days Mr. “1 Gu, aldermen, and we may say that if they Provincial Road Inspector, is entirely wrong, #8 he ‘claims that under no. circumstances should the earth scrap- ed from the edges of the roadway be ;| Put on the middle of the read on top of the gravel. SS ila, CARTHAGE. * School Inspector Irwin, of Strat- wee! "Phe masons are busily engaged at Wa. ieee cellar, z ergott. er- gott was formerly a wagon-maker in our vil Arbor Day was observed by the teacher and papils of our schoo The April 2 ieeen #old to fie tagerioll Packing 06 ,tive pies paid being 10; Mrs, John Gamble and Miss Annie Campbell: ret ee ¥ r frou raising at Wm. Meadows one day last Moore left for Amulree on Mon- day to work in a sawmill the Perth Oounty Wills. ‘arye. gentlem: real; Donal ud A. Oliver Be nei ss mal Page Wa bly Milverton, far widow, $9,768 rapidly and |jng : ha f ie is hel rex eee palmed off an an, unsuspecting publie were -getter, Scott's te commanded of Mr. 6. 8. Kerth oar enterpris- | 22) ford, visited our school one day last a Following are ee iits which Gave oe ‘at the | Matthew! T, $1,450 | are ‘Lavistoc! Esther’ Lizare, ford 1. personal, no es a eee et The Game a Tie. Keenly Contested Game sults in Each Side Scoring . Two Goals. A very keenly contested eof football was po on Exhibition iday evening when the raip-an’ forty euine pet seribes of 1) PETS, a bo ted ap in chet fountain pen shades to give arrival the teams at ofter Gosterity and ease with which ae ‘opponents circumnayigated Shortly after the led, before the home tea fairly down to basiness, 1 scored for we was had got sient ichol ie home early oF as often they are improving and. age arte ted that they geal ‘backs ued BS Weir 1 tas hhalf-backs aninchibes uhder- tlie inateuctione at caf peer eak Jutaiter ‘MeLaughlin: f He Eascon Sinclair ‘Travers ME She ee Su. sath S. Smith Lederman} 16¢¢ wing Dee Dr. Rudell, Bertin} goal . Brown, Berlin, and Har- mea "Station “Uihiekeeper, Chas Welsh, Stratford. THROW-i datas Fas t team opeaticalle Feith ten then, The SES wees taken all © are a pretty strong aggregation. Motaaghlin Stratford's half-back, is a good’un. Mi yerton’s weak ‘spot is on the for’ re lin wers scored on @& kee side wick bat the oan L struck: standing in Be not co neon cae fhe Milverton. goal- eeper is said eee that Le 5 Of Berlio.. the yet pei ontalds of the stakes. ‘The (Reet also claims that the dall oa go throng! Phe renee ae Te should play wider oun nations on Friday the; yesieo poe ee ee Stratford ae Pe eeniy yanayed the spec tators a a jimely arrival of eooler heads prevented what might have ne a general fight. ‘The grounds after Friday were in a horrible condition. po one side run a series of fi bodes eae Well, well, well, out one dwelling all his nati by, the bulraushes and f oe ja Lake. jofty air Soine people abso iceTencte ae few nite from home. foot-ball prorhet predicts thet Milverton is vot destined to Le wiles Milverton 2 <. win mech ~ Raneiage ie ese ‘ ‘Strate