Milverton Sun, 8 May 1902, p. 4

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: Memorial Sermon by f ie Sane aoneies i despatch from Chicago ly tribute to his late dis- Gigli “ather. The text was I. . me, I pray thee, Bet to catch thg. «first tor fell irom. those wondering is tho2gh the buildings in reached in our own and Shee Tands ere always cone grea’ brought to sociation for Chr Frank De Witt Talmage. in his heart ne: dd Pa His Son, Rev. tive years of his life’s ministry, yet for years. he was-a misunderstood man. WITH ONE WAVE OF HIS HAND = i perso! he brok hack yt ecclesiasti- cal slav pro’ the world that ministers of the twentieth _Jeentury could plead with sinners to come to Christ with the energy enthusiasm and intensity w: lawyer could plead for the life of as it firm and the gown. and urch the old fashioned pulpit, but. he still e the fe was ‘every one of hi cross in same cheerful, hopeful spirit as terre: ee thousts the _ wound Yes, he ha but he always main- heart and made the wmon was the hich he lived in his own the ime that I kis et fa the Brooklyn Tuher- pacle, where. ne passed the most: ac y testimony to» . tae that from ae bazhood until the entel id, he give, but he would go to my o} ege and was ordaincd Pe ue toe seven inches aire four yards of goods t} wide. set before them that of a con- ated Christian gentleman always anxious to do what Christ would hi ‘Phere was no bitter- ness he nursery. From him we learned how. to forget as as to rgive. Among all the men I have known arious walks of life I never ki uma: who was ais one. An en thing in his power to destroy Btiots: Inthoe nevecenteack weck=Ti would not only any distance it S$ Ser- ons were the products of a Spirit illions were able . Whenever be trip the people ould crowd about him by the thou- reeting: read your sermon upon ‘Recognition of Friends in Heaven’ to my oth “Tread this in ain sermoa broug! st no hearer or mon think for one instant that my tather’s work was a ‘ork. My father’s work a divinely inspired work. He as called certainly to do his work as Paul and Peter and Joi rere called to do theirs. He inspired by prayer and communion it may Ly “if f material land #4 bust measur wr quire three and one-half yards of goods twenty-seven inches wide. 36 bust measure will require three Fards-of hoods will We for- SERVE AED HELP AN ENEMY. Son of Text of the Lesson, Acts xii. 1-19. " Golden Text, Es. xxxiv, 7. . Now, it that time Herod ike eee aaesten forth his hands to vex certain ot rch, and killed James, the brother of John, With the ire From a one the d re the ir John dy i rd in the enjoyment of the vory Tar better, 35. fae he Droceeded further to ver time, he kept Peter ie Jews—som 28 S 18, been president of the council rusal brother of by | OF Great Benet ¢ te of the Country. at doubted! isa. vill, The prot Joe Reading Cam | Jer mes John having been slain (verse 2).|nesS of the convict Every redeemed soul hi deliy-} early pa ered from prison = leath far worse} prisoners workil ae any Herod c afflict. with, | at d how gladly we should tell of the} across ¢ [Gotlcranoe Gud hae. erduent lar uabports always @s xi, 1-8), but how few seem glad! sely Ww the authorit come orning only the ante aoe forev« , R.V.), eel Ee Poe READING CAMPS. jo the Lures oe published another pempnict on “Li-’ id because he saw it pleased} brat lest -kind of mental re pny ‘we in -om ee ‘eter, earn : estly and unceasingly cry unto God straight Limbs tenia ken the golden sou ot ne peniietsion ne. tebo: pls 2 for g of the Holy|and be ready to lay down our lives| formed; re sds e = ; Eee for Chri Whom tho lot fell and fighting our with a pen guided A be a ‘spint-apria and night found him in his study:| Would you go with me the Ted with the bloo the. He took physical exercise not for|death chamber ? His sing away 6. Peter was sleeping between two every eee: re aves Pleasure, but to fit himself for _ the} was as he himself peut hauehed fc epics bound ‘with two: chains. message to millions upon millions of /Pulpit. “He lived not to eat, but he|if his own wish had been consulted. rab SARE | @. Chose DIisO readers who were wearied with sin|@te 50 that he could live. He practically died in the harness. |°h@ims, gates, and, as far as human and heavy with trouble. My father’s) his Standard very high, and into ev-|One Sunday he 4 in| vision could see, death for Poter “ot work for nearly _. twenty years has ery sermon he put his best thought. | Mexico, the next on his deathbed.|the morrow, yet Peter slept, and been=the pillar of cloud by day y to “Frank, do |For five long weeks he lingered, but | ubtiess quietly, for -he was the pillar of fire by night to guide |ROt make the mistake of many liter-}God mercifully ‘benum Se egies [iar ano an nine ames ene, MAE pa. a eo ee ney say to themeelves, F[out and tired brain. Ho suffered not of fire was round about him, and “wil of foward the|Will save that thought and put it/at all. He awoke long enough to {ith P was well whother he re Berens of Se article. Give} recognize and at times call for ‘his HRS Ee AE to the world ife and children. conversati ee pei Sie PROMI AND. reation - Meany ae ee SD 1d aa THE BEST YOU HAVE. was an impossibility between him |10)- It is grand to see God = and See eee wrneine cals to Grove everyting in that strain [Rd fhe members of ie tally doe Hot eireumstatioes nor peapl8 ; £0 #00 Talmage. Perhaps a few words may a ST eeunen pee, always. strive) ing the weary days and nights he} orough God and be s i and iow be welcome from hie son Tepes | for quality aud ‘not Jor quantity.” [Was sick. | We were all there ;_ all | HOME Ce oa eS or one having authority. For over twen.| When. a theological, eat -I want- aes. pose of the. aay, who had | V5" 98, 99. ty years I was his constant com. ° for some weeks him. to the other ‘side and [7 7" 27 oi, the angel of the|camps and adapt them to local con- i hie th {| pulpit of untry church.| Who were waiting to gi ®liord came upon him, and a light | ditions. rarely left his study until after the {He uttered his protest, saying, ‘You | Welcome. We repeated the old verse | shined i is : Mr. Allred Fitzpatrick, of Nairn it 60 often spoken by bis own lij ise AS Dl Da ee AO uae dni Twice with him I ought to spend at least three months | 7 Cound my dying bed assemble | Before Peter. could realize it ‘his|Centre, secretary of this: movement, a eae eda ae Peau ae Aa pe Avie 2 those love: © chains were off, his sandals were on, |stated in last year’s report that se- sireled: te apes Bonethecwc aniea Seen nate Le aree Nome a neta One tam friend tered a his garment about him, and he veral men had learned to read with Sbpth froin, elie: Golden: Gaf<of hel C9 Nee ed os frou |@méee Draver. waa all, We |following the out of the pris-|comparatively little assistance; fur- 2 Sasa een by ‘side we have seen the cold” pe wien 2 nck ed. waited Ay his morta) }Om the soldiers still ly sleep-| ther experiments this season, he ight at the entrance of Ne 2 Te ee Hed ee ee nate mortal ling, but Peter thought it was all a|says, have fully demonstrated the os harbor beckon us into the Nar- segs Came Wet ee eas Pahoa - ave cars, a fem cali, {beautiful visio Bas ion Sea Dee nono! Jnetenetion Ti eve- 5 US as. was rs; granted him. How great and glo ning classes are rable in towns of Bethlehem to the three astrologers |for the young lawyers and budding | “188 of goodby. | He slipped away lio 1. is the iministry of Shs Fane ities qllere thre ere Sanseriey me co fhe threo astrologers|-.tiveamen who. maintain that the|e© quietly we could not tell when he |iONe 16 the mlsisiey Of Af Swen no ‘more will we have sweet pan_|ratorieal art is a divine gift which was gone. He was asleep. The tir- ists va a he fits Gh Sel vakiGnt SO MANY PRIVILEGE fonship. The world becomes instant- Reed for struggling upon the |€d heart | ceased to heat. ‘The old |(07-15 740. Deter wag come to| they eannot fail, he : ould ‘becomes instant-| ogi mountain side’ of drudgery. |2€eet. restful look came back to the |, 101) Vinen Eater Was come helpful where there are no social Ut- Pelled to let his parent sleep among | What @ clarion note it i3, su loving face. We | laid him away for - "Lord Lath cont, His |eTary. or religious opportunities. Mr. Sha: flo Soe Whbcuane ee ig all men and> women to do their |® little while in the family plot in angel and Latktaaivea Cie ouk ¢| Fitzpatrick claims ‘that ‘pictures, - mons to more strenuous service. Be-|best under all conditions. ‘The les-|Deautitel Greenwood. | As T lifted |the hand of Herod and musie, endive. aloud, trom) the Pest fore I start forth anew son is as powerful for th | sauchend: «oven, top tee 7 to ati f th le of the |@uthors, innocent games and the use He's work I would, with Bligh emo | of ten talents as for the clerk of two srpuoene te scott said t - oxpes ation of the people of the | i; magic lanterns will counteract , i talents. To him Sh ve” .-an the Beran sees of hard la- tion, ask 8 moment for the tribute of [TT ‘ng taken away even that which |1@bor. that when our work is done| On they went past the first wateh| nor, and awaken the necessary eh to: Blijah a lalaredee 46 GLb bere (Bebaths may go to our rest in the full |and the and the iron gate|tnuciasm. ‘That the ee in Pai opel sbelye ttiea™ Kise sy tae There is, however, a warning that | Conviction that when we awake it |opened ot i own accord—perhaps| ine umberiug and mining industries. ae ahora volige tee” comes from my father’s intense ap- | Will be lke _ this glorified spirit in other angels swung it open at the| src themselves the principal promot~ iy father was the most original |Plcation to work deserves | the. likeness of bis roach of the angel followed by| org of this work is enough to prove and yet the most natural-mnan Fever | the attention ot 1 those who are Sh SOs See it its” feasibility. mew. Original in the conse that he| bending their physical mental and through one street, w ay wer one-third of the revenue of the. always did everything ina way dif-|SPititual energies accomplish the “prison, before the angel left| province is derived from the woods ferent frem anyone else. He wrote |S0mething in life’s aituaales About Peter. Then, being left alone and| ang forests alone, to say nothing of differently, he lectured. differently, he " 0. thi dan- finding himself in the night out on @| thot from the mineral resources of preached aiffersatly, POI mal was lifted when insomnia, strectcot the city, tie Beren Poroak tne. eounte ¢ is all right to en- stood before him at the eroar ae at ize that it was no dream, but that) dow jibrarics and schools in the old- eas, his ahaiwlane-eerclibtig! wes. ae d fetuses: bo iet he was actually a free man by thelce Warts of the Province. says ique. It was impossible to compare i he asus power of an angel of Go Fitzpatrick, but why should the met him to anyone else. The mold used es came to the house of Mary | who play so prominent a part in the for the Ses as of his charac After aehile the the mother of John, whose surname| exploitation of this we ot was a spec to it. We was Mark, where many. were gather-|share in the direct benefits as, welt i ‘There has nev been apttier like unto it since he ay é I - ed together praying. as oth free reading camp, - in his humble cra‘ metiiers how Baee you Glee ae ape he fie a ae Be on Sieg with duly Satie inst pote oa BOUND B : very come to himself, he considered the| be a most useful adjunct to the tree U! OOK PARMIOUSE. pit matter. He knew just where to go,| school, and free public library. we, = : On a prev jon when iat ie sak he never trove! Uo ork mld hat he had and John - bad been’ released from|and the Ontario Teachers’ Associa« ees slept better than he thought he did. prison and from the power of the} tion, at their Sessions, "bat Tews dierent: oe ruced to Soe it is written that ‘being let | passed stro: lutions wu Se ae ver-estimated o they wont to, thelr own comt/on the Department of ‘Education the street_as upon the lecture platform, arma Bang” (Asta fv, 28) Ss He es S 2-16; Thou artctad=: Wtetahis natural char: he Bagi aes st words a com: ¢ range _ ee ee strength the best years of his life any of praying believers ee pede might have-been those last Afteen vetold that their prayers are en uttered theme: CSP: : = Sete swered an is at the door ie dos iniitariiye ED VERWORK. Knocking for hoda wa the notes of t D jo glad that'she forgot to open the Sanpnle aig S ee calicaticr ag the Brown are A ded Napeecies ay aoe ace an’ “Gun they were so|to John Dougal & Son, Montreal. his treble not: pilates emetic bad an oon ee it ape aerate ——_ + dy the rising sum, ption how deeply the iron had en pS ae ENE OR Wisner , rups when hopping betwe tered hi 1. Whe ‘ther was the “worl it the believers iad PUNISHED FOR. FINDING GOLD. den rows, as a Balti dying he continually talked about Gsa. i Seat Ee NOE al: the old. Gacnments. and 2 hen he swings ba the boy d been his pride, his John x, 20), but, for believers, and! cords relating to the early history ard a dest son, who-is now sleeping by paee ae ee ee each otber| o¢ Australia haye been destroyed, at overhangs the brook, eacl his side_as he once sat at his feet. aaa ts gre ieee we not| many — suppose, a recer elodious in his own way, yet ea asa noble lad, a brilliant LEIGH SHIRT WAIST. be so slow to act upon Jer. xxxili,| search among’ some fainily papers @ singing a different son: young lawyer. We ‘ied him out 8, or to live in Ps. Ixii, 5. item was brought to light different from o' one cold winter day- and Jaid him Leigh Shirt Waist is the 6: 17. Go show these things un-| bearing upon the discovery of 0) Sana gate Ws away t under a soft quilt of | model waist of the seaso is to the brethren. at the antipodes, says the London ‘could not under: snow. My father went back to his|quite plain and has three forward| Peter continued knocking, the on-| Chronicle, According to this, gold work. He sai are not lay it|turning plaits on the wneckband.|1y thing he could do, for doors did|was first found by a con’ ear down even for an hour lest the effort |There is no yoke or other trimming |not open to him as prison gates to| Parramatta in 1789. ‘The unfortun~ to take it up again shoul or complications tit. the angel, and in due time they op-|ate fellow wae at once charged with as him and “‘boile re yellow metal, but the re— sree cal a = he Src in 2 ntres. Se eas United Kinedom, bad BILLS a yeaa SS an interview with te Chancellor of - s p terfield ae commando, numbering 200, will be ol. the Echequer Micha‘ liver intradured Sis et extends inland for 200 miles, t. It is probable ‘that. the ae May 6. ‘Plour—Ninet¥. Ticks-Beach, on Wednesday. morning, | bill to Cao Sane Bishop |is navigable to Its farthest. point by Tnal vote on the question bE peace oF per ents Ontario patents frm 7 to protest against the taxation of [of the Orthodox Russo-Greek Church | the Steamers. Favorable $2. iddle freights, in oe " ‘ consideration mas traight rollers, in Wood, |Our iy. allee pager Saree of Me Fraser introduced the bill in-| pill of the United ‘Gola Fields of Bri-- ~ quoted at $3.20 t $8.25 ior: eeu Hootie agers porating the Western Alber! ete ish Colt orizing hh patents are fir a by Raslway_ Company, which has passed | struction of ie from Frank, Al- eee oe strong baners! at $8.7 Senet tas aenetatins sonnet berta, to Grassy Mounti y in favor of peace, though possibly —e: Stet bolsty © wheat four, and th Richard Cartwright introduced| The bill to amend the Yukon Pun i meteonalivies may Hold Buckwheat—Olferings small, and |i" yas impossible to consider the |® couple of bills. ‘The first. Was tolritories Act, giving an additional out, oy ar ea Prices nominal at 60 to 61¢ east. ’ d neal duties entirely “from d the act respecting the pack-|judge to the Yukon, read a 5€-| fered. Oetiesi—Car lots, tn Dbl Fee erat cowpoint, It was impractic-|ing aud sele of certain staple com-jcond time. The bill amend the|' A’ despateh to the Telegraph from ge: Spach, cand Ls maces De fm imposing duties on grain,|modities, | which, he explained, | Unorganized ‘Territories Game Fre |pretoria says-that the Bor roken rl brought the deaters in servation Act was -hroug! = e Magra a ai 15.50 out [40 diferentinte betweon grains The under the penalties provided for Six Me rerortat — punent ia a bisa eas ihe atore orts, $18.50 to out-| 4 roper packing. ‘The second Dill, : side: Ae Toohey Bran Aas ABe BAS Tay Cin ea SOG Ws eae NS eneral inspection ee a veteran shorts : mpplemented the first by ‘adding Wheat—No. 1 ee poe dium st rosie tee Bellet ee finder Prine he i of articles en i Rimemr car. One 64c, Toronto’ and ple of the country. “He had . ro-|pinder aye atanena Caria a tas frankly ta in his opin- Sirk, ne bene aoe NVorine | duced the duty on offal, ng Raa > | a withdrew the bill, cf which|' ‘he bill to amend the Civil Service | trai ah eth is oe pats : t 80}c, Toronto and west. For | four impo! ETE SDE tine had given notice, to amend the tak A We TE ES reas ; than under the late Mr. Gladstone's notice, Retirement, Act was taken in commit |an finding in "transit, ge Wgher than | 22" snd ho doubted whether they |Chiness ‘mmigration act, 1900, and] teo, Macdonald (B.C) said it s. No. 2 2 10 | 2 intimated that he would move e re- pill <r bold at 7A}e, middie right wore entitled to further advantages.) ivtion to. the same effect wat ome, of the most peers’ | CORONATION PARADE. wei 2 white quoted at 80¢ Sears 0 rr. joyd inquired when ef any years. The bill was reported Si ty, LIMI ‘ATER IN TIER. {amendments to the grain act would) without amendment, read a third| Prices for Seats—Places for 2,000,- Nese Pt eho ce ween TW be brought. in. ‘The Premier replied time and passed. ‘The pill to amend “000 Spectators. Has Am Which |that the bill was in course o| the Rocky Mountaius Park Act wa Se : ana Affect, sided Ast PeARER, = would be introduced in taken in committe. Mr. ‘Templeman | A London despatch ss : THE DAIRY MARKETS. a day said the town of. Arithracite and |@tions for, viewing the -coronation = Bniter—The market is unchanged, | ,AB Ottawa | respetch - Serr ae EMPOWERING A LOAN, Banff were within the park at pre- > with receipts fair. We quote choice | Department cab Peet ihe atigtt Rielding gave notice of the|sent. ‘The park now- covered so 44D rolls, 18 to 19¢; choice large | Soren Ste sehr ss gh rs following See tion 2,500 miles, and he biest of the rolls, 16} to 174¢; second grades, Comme a i ee riculturé for Great Brit-| “Resolved, that expedient to| present bill me to: increase it to. ee ie rolls and tubs, 12} to 4c; low | SOMA" & “Agricy lations under the| Provide that in aaltion “fo the sums | 900 miles. Srereivan did “ne grades, 1 12¢; creamery prints, | 29 oat? Ged aud: Dea, * now remaining unbori and ‘ne-| think that this: “pil would Interfere 21 to 22c; solids, 20c. Te00, whereby, if a sample of butter {Setiable of the loans vquthorized by|with any settlement or vested inter- Bags The 2 market is steady, with | 1/94): Wierey) 0 @ in over 16 Parliament Act heretofore | est. a goo and, Sales at 12 to'| {9 {00N" ter, ie shall be considered | Passed, the Governor-in-Cou be] The bill was reported wi thiout 12ikc a Hoss for new laid, and at Se s ti 3 less ed to the Bathoriesd to Fuieg by way Of age +{amendment, read a third time, and 106 tor No. 2. pes iecceotaae aba Baer tak) a) Such gum or sums of money, | passed. heese—The market is firm ; finest ae aistuion, says the regu-|2Ot to exceed in abe whole the sum| The Yukon Pacific Railway Bill September 114 to 120; under grades lation will not affect the Canadian| 9! $15,000,000, “as ma; equired | was read a —— time and referred elas 104 to 11e¢; new, 11 to 11tc. | ~ opp tan a * uen|for the’ purpose of paying the tioatel en coment (oe thousands of along tutte tiade z ing indebtedness of Canada, and of hy the. route, vexperieios, having shown a : less dealers shi require @ guavan’| meeting any expenditure anthorized enormous ene can stand HOGS AND PROVISIONS. tee that se eae ey “produce | "the Parliament of Canada, an WILL ERECT SANITARIA. Pie a Six-mile cow ssed hogs are firm. Wog pro- ioe ee eae oper cooling “fa-{_ (>) Such sult < ceums ov money a8 z a gees ducts in good mand and firmer. may be required from time time! Two Citizens Will fil Build Them at We quote : Bacon, Jong clear, 104¢ | CY ae oe ee ma seb: the| over and above ny available sink ‘Their Own Expense. GERMANY WANTS HOLLAED In ton and case lots. Mess pork, a ing funds, to pay and discharge the $21 ; do., short cut, $22. eee i low eerie there |tunded: debt Of Canadn,, or. any|_ An Gttare. despeten, soy 4|Fear of Queen's Death Causing _ Smoked meats—Hams, 13¢; a in pubducing & butter | Portion thereof, It of the recent tuberculosis con~ Bae climsaton fast hacou, 14 to 143¢; rolls, eae canner rar raat eer eae and becomes Payable, voither in Pee WOR oy Semen. Tyr packs, 14 10 144c, and shoulders, gers f water in-it.| England or in Ca’ Meee gee Pea ee a e a se. oe © market ACEO MEE tr a tO 2 a Daeeeent Je, consider sep wae 18 TO ACTS. 4 oe "Montreal, Pwho: will build one pro” with track guoted at $5 to $5.50 ; a to be abel Pe ee ae © amend the bably in the of Mon: the latter for N RIOR OE renee ‘Territories’ Game Preservation Act treal, a place where such’a building Pon y=Rocipts Seal We uote te es was read a third time and passe is Badly “needed. ‘The other Fresh killed turkeys, 13 to 16¢ SG Wh eg ccuieetietipgr eel an Btn acane sani- oe Ths chickens, Ts to $1. Dneks, 95¢} TAXES AND REVENUE. See oy aa tae then Stee ‘the “helghborhood to $f: sits ernm ‘ awa. Potatoes—The eee is quiet, | Britain ee on Ecos One Up oe ebiietish ry cates Aer a cn Sa yet care ots guns eit ase e : DIPHTHERIA I DEATH RATE. cession, Pe STATE 6 Ee (84 1 white, cash, 88e ars April, 4c; Louis, page cash, 784q Ma; = * carTLE Mi MARKEY. 2 Seles per eat ep and Lambs. Choice ewes, per cw! Serie, and aaeil lot at 850 754; on No. 1 Borie 2 Northern, 74 THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc MARKETS. dull, to, May 6.—At the Western es “cash 8883 Hicks-Beach ae Deputation. A Ande Baers liamentary shows a total esi to March 31, 19038, pate ed at £152,415, ‘oye tiny at Nagalband, at. Relugal of People ay Demorauze mn_despatch says + auentiat ‘legato, ono the lee the o! China, af total of £6,010, the cash Seed ot which are stat * ce A CITY DEVASTATED. More Than 23 Sane Persons tie Sieteashar aie ceral ra warchiouses were les RSF Sati bie eee DEERE the cyclone poet ees and roofs of houses, and were carried Into: the: air ike pape ‘Thirty-one persons were killed Samachar, 110 were Killed : near thick a, 175 were Bengal, iites Visntioast ot Calea-tas REESE MAY BRING TRUST TO TIME despatch TURNS DOWN FLOUR MEN. (Th en Infiu?n- Nee operations in 0,000. eS Cate apa sar A as bes hich while 100 were is 150 =A Par. | 8s. am published jaednted. phere © ori) Se account Be ae war in South Africa, of £222,970,000, was Faia ee ‘NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS THE FEDERAL HOUSE. ‘The pill was read a thir passed. IN oe See ene d North-West Railway bill “was is shgaeea by the Railway Committee of the Senate and approved of. ‘The proposed Line lL aug from the head of ¢ Chesterfiel rie The bill was held over to allow the ernment. eonsider La nt mmber™ of proposed minor % “3 sulted, . gocond table shows that the pro- |'2& woe ocd ‘Berivoriee fo statistics just pushed, in tie low: Stare ie new taxes fron 1900 t0.\cives the Government, of the Terrl-| Gouin in the year 1901 ever record enone 8,-amount to an in| tories control over the roads which : : . rease in the revenue of £76,025,000 | ,o%e” Cont Manded over 49 the “Gos ed. ‘The deaths from diphtheria were te eg the greatest be is 8UP-|orpment. os thes Boe ett ue introduction plied by | income tax, which agere-|""the pill to aise cocky | ot Professor 3 a g's serum gates £89,377, we sugar uty. |arountaina Park Act was read a | Seats SS ae poems, until March, | third time and passed. It increases a el to produce £112 very substantially the size of what is generally known as Banft Parl HALIFAX BISHERY AWARD. - he proceeds of _ Mr. Barker called attention to the An Extension of the Rand Main eaves lan ‘statement Peters, “Reet. 2 to be charged to abies of. Prince Edward Island, to the ei account, of £165,148,000. fect that jominion Government wirban, Natal, despatch say: A ae ae table sets down the total} had pers = to refer to the Siprins Boeri with the announcement amount. borrowed. at_ £159,000,000, | Court olan of the: islan of the extension of Natal, informa= $1,000," G00 of the Halifax. pea award, with interest at $30,000 2 filfrid Laurier replied that award was held by the Dominion or See FOR. oaeee informed by emoria! in-Couneil has front tb suggestin Gernatan veran in Si ronto post-office larger inion, ad is considered the cities. JUDGE'S PENSIONS. ne interest Sir ou it sk geen = North-West.” Legisia tute mn drop frevenue than any other post- Fatheet in e two-cent rate © be a: unfair to A Berlin despatch says of Professor ea serum eee ede NEW GOLB FIELDS, tion is a extension of the hr not, remain: is to be proved. sibatieniniy trsae ts THE KING’S CHOCOLATE a Londen | to be Given E ‘t the Dinner: Poor a 4B se Lee The ple: with cee | victoria's a ie at chocolate to the troops in connection coranation propriately decor for eens have been ee shel eee te for the order are now being mai Pea ee ERIC SHARP COMMITTED. ‘The sei Fay Must he Dill to amend the Act respect- to Eat: 3 a 0K: i ae ing the judges pease caused a So ie Ay Kingston -despat The | Saved says' 7—The pes as ‘ge of mans! jateaer® Pemee (Erie al of the cae judges eat meat |tire on two-thirds ws tha tae salar it aa Bollea, Baa Mr ushels of talarily seine to it had i in the 3 ini inion published of the discovery of |¥ Rand main reef ce ee Professor Bebring’s Serum ‘Proves|i th les ‘town, dre Jae expression “ ‘of 0 this t not to Me — por uel A Me A Yokohama despatch say Hundest and itty Ahern rted to dr Pehieashay cance uaeie eee te fishing fleet on the ee coast of A lespatch to. the Li Nee from. sega Pure ‘that at @ eed of 15 repres reseutatives of every ‘Germany's natural: right. STABBED TO THE HEART. o{italian Ice Cre fontreal dreds, fainted he jiaecnone, an Ital few minutes al and he me ee ed 250 FISHERMEN -DROWNED. Fierce Gale Works Havoc Among Lal Japanese. ies have apa e Japanese ct tet fans cae out the Struggle Is ‘Hopeless. m Central ont ereeniging of Hol- ded as Vendor Killed itreal. despatch say talian ee cream ven- trampled were “+ & pane in a *,

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