Milverton Sun, 17 Jul 1902, p. 4

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Disastrous Fire. Lerorsnags despatch says: Never when the wall te before in the history of Toronto has |hose on a Wilto 6 such |while he Gerace Patt ue Foe tired from the ion on of part of ie Aten dein man, the second fall had not yet tak- are as follows: hieeo. en place, and he was threatened street station, ‘ith another avalanche of brick, Single. iam | while the flames were ‘pouring ‘trom Hoary Oly, “Lombard street sta- Mast prcaan. id thes wal 1a) 4 ents tion, 27 years ge. ied. | mas: ae Kost, See tole BeHou | CHARLES ‘SS TOPLIS HURT. pana cane street’ station; 32 pbarlhe meee of the Cowan ave- years. of age. Married’ W. 0. Col-|nue fir thrown poe © lard, one: anus station; 38 years | hose evan hile passing tl _ of age. gle. lw The safe Read bre) “James Cook, Bolton avenue station; hit in jaw with brick from falling wall. Chas. | moved in ca bulance to his home- t, 25 Elm Grove avenue. THE BURNED BUILDING. 1e oe ig, telling. oft teal: The McIntosh building was a 3- 1 LOSS $500,000. To rect. Railway Company The loss of property, while a min- oIntosl ‘ons. ‘The i i nd eatened hay ¢, and a portion of the stuff nag Grain, which fed the furious Siena Hep ogo Waren hake j fast, fre, |" the| FUNERAL OF THE VICTIMS. its way up he gathering twilight of 1 spreading to the peacetl Sabbath, the remains of the east to George strect and west to |five ‘Toronto Bremen who died at ithograpliing Com-| their posts on ‘Thursday morning were laid away, each within his nar- STAYED THR. FLAMES. |row bed, in the beautiful cemetery Jo of Mount Pleasant. It was a funeral in keeping with the roic conduc! of the men in whose honor it held. All that a great city could do to show its respect for the memory g: of these brave men was doné, and 7 it is doubtful if it has ever been SN re On it Company, surpassed by any similar gathering Cement, f- | ages i ico iy MS iter an impressive service in Si : James’ amid out Mount Pleasan A ch builds diately qareiebne soem strains of the “Dead March in ante ” yy the of the Hough an t wind nothing could have saved e St. Lawrence th )THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade de Centres. Toronto, July pea eat ale o. 1 hard quoted at 82¢ Goderich ea Sound; No. 1 Northern No. ‘2 Northern at 78c, id. 80c, as Godevieh and Owen Soun the market is quiet and Cae aiioted at 444¢ h Market is-qiliet and firm. at 62c west, and at Male gest = “vada quiet b rollers, In wood, cnet at $3. $3.40. Manitoba flo’ Hungarian patents, $8.86 delivered on track, Apronte. included, and strong bakers’, $2 to $3.7. Oatmeal — Car-lots, in bbls., § rack, and in "ack hes 90. Brok- is at $1 and eu 20 in bulk. Mani- toba bran, $18 sacks, ane orts $22 to $23 in AAS Toronto. THE pas MARKETS. eked, sweet, good aalbe 18 to 153¢; medium grad les, 18 to 14¢; low grades, 12 18c; creamery prints, 193 to 2030) solids, 18} to 19 bc. wees — The market rules steady. quote: Se ietly fresh gathered ks ck, 18 to iD4e; ordinary candled, tsi tolddes seconds: end checks, Ae, Cheese — Market quiet but, steady: finest 10 t0 ‘L040; seconds, Yao HOG PRODUCTS. 184 ti oO e ite; Arai bacon, 15¢; rolls, 12 , 15¢; shoulders, 114¢. i gorans ed. quote: Tierces, 114¢; tubs, 114 pails, 114¢; compound, 8} to 10c. COUNTRY menue ied apples — There is Hee and ee are nominal. ada, quiet, igh prions ieouih, $2 Phe market ia quiet; or ai nye 900 to $1 per bi ies Gene ot ee aie were banked yes THE Been NOT KNOWN. cause of the fire is unknown. |there was a hush of * No colierent, statement, could be got | NINE, CARRIAGES OF FLOWDRS. ten. poendliarl isi is the only plau- - sible on Delore Chief ‘Thompson had nine carriages bearing flowers, their own ate shag directed their movements. At 0. th when, witho' the wall on which they had * citizens ent were i— va, Tarte (who attended on the Aaj ony ane 3LP., Thomas’ crawiord, MPP. Dr. Pyne, M.P.P Beattie Nesbitt, M.P.P., the con- x trollers, ‘members and ex-members of KILLED IN THE LAND. the City Council, representatives wide runs through | the "Sel hool Boar ials, ayor Armstrong and Council of Toronto Junction, representatives of o'clock before the r e on the shoulders of + | of noticing the position the men were in, red | repr’ the Retail Merchants them to mount to the top o} iati Co. one-storey build: || ‘The ‘procession took three-quarters f an hour those in front walkin Both in the numbers taking ona in the great throngs attending wall will ever rank as one of padieg fea fallen, and. Collard aid| greatest publ:e funerals: ever weld” in Te was DAS beterel| Toronto: RS AURnIRY Merc S. chigak ry carpenters are on strike for higher wages It is said on Paced thority that, ject. to the approval of King Ed- was working ee, rr ward’s physicians, — coronation sclera and had just stepped brok: will take vine August 9. % picked, $1.25. Hi baled — The market is Dressed hogs unchanged. Hog pro- La BRITAIN ROARS’ WELCOME, Magnificent Reception to Lord Kitchener in London. A Lor e ce ndon Radian sa: Lord | the glittering Seon and come of hener arrived at Paddington | medals, ene ondere A De ses at ees Bader oe 12.48 p. m., on| ia a UN pli the etoption ee PR CR plea Mi antes, when fee aes ee as greeted by cheer-| the Prince of Wales, and other mem- ad f he Prince of W: pete bers a the Royal family drove off. i comed: Lord Kitchener at Pad AFTER AN INTERVAL a an address was pr lto Lord Kitchener oud Generale French oi al.” ‘The lgbter |and se ‘an Hat shut, es started ior St. Tames’ | Of the Ho; Palace, where he at 1 by us 5 | i brilliant Headquarters staff a Ritchomse” eeeched nein at | headed by. Lard Roper ar D. _Hlis progress through | cort, s ree years’ | cl ar, Was one Kitchener and t goveeke bie of the past | his companions name in sight ot the Th . nall processi Le at gathering inside. ages con as the In spite of his hatred “pala- and i staff, in serviceable ver" the general was Ree a to 3, incket eyes av fea=|submit to the presen e3, but, ayes the crowd was| Coming addresses at P there ae aie! tens of thous other points James’ Palace, hort as Politeness permite and he showed lent) signs ae, art AR ENTHUSIASM mer t to te overshadow the demon- yleome, tho. hte dee Re i ey eee traped and troops Tined Ree 2 and Indian. soldi well as the local ay for at Paddington rail- Dy ad ation, ‘when Kitchener art iv : Nd A Point, even to tho gach! Corner and the. space Bu a a ented an address: to hero, exp te Palace Queen S are “Pains appeared . nv and rema there un- pean v Hoots til the victor of South Anica had Francis 1 Mba on his trivmphal jo as oC the Soudan Were enone) heer ee fancomannted ent who assembled to greet the luncheon in the rina II, where ‘covers. When “Lord Kitchener's train The Pr rived, Dire aay on ee ae Soret cheer tod th as he emo opr posite. were th wo Wa with the large prowa | belpa with pictures Sateaeaae war sin helmet de familiar by bh | port cattle sold at $5 to $6. Fthar B Light export at $4.75 to $5. But-/ interview with Mr qu Nites C Bie eer Son as Mut ca fair demand; timothy, ‘or No. — The market is cake Car per 1 ens, 75¢ to. ‘st: ducks, 80¢ to $1 per pair. Potatoes — This market is quiet, with car lots quoted at 90c per bag, and small lots $1.10 to $1.20. UNITED STATES MARKETS. anita pty 9 aoe Sp Wheat a sh, No rd, 78% No: 3 September, 784c: hranitoba, cash, 76% 2 aio Stepuamben aye — ‘Close September, ,1 hard, Northern, 79e;/ No. 2 Northern, 74%. Milwaukee, Wis., July 15. — Wheat Thc; N September, Rye—Steaidy; Steady; No. 2, 70¢. orm September, 60. 15 lo. nal freig! hts—Stendy- LIVE ae MARK 15 eee at aoe «few | Galfour having then Bs Hing to $ Goninon puteher eat- ed by the King on Sunday a tle ight stockers were quite | Buc neha Baler te off. Sheep and feat trade was dull, |e post of Prime Bietyies caevek being steady at Lord Satisury. rruneoln. WORKMAN KILLED. being left over unsc OF abouk, $i @ Wadia, selling | 3.2 $4.50 per cwt. Hogs were) Fellow-laborer Fused Dynamit) ‘Tuesday's quota- To. 1 the best and § 1 COS ONES Es 1 4 °O Ss cattle, choice. 10) 0} conitractors cattle, med ‘alls. An Talia named oy a5 Florine, wllose aiity ie wes. too. to; nese: the the dynamite car 3.00} tridges in: the bias: Hole wen town 5 00 45.00| in the liste ton tbat parpog befor out to give the ‘ gb” elgnal 49 ‘Chariey ‘Wrest; at Italian, Frost turned on Pe 8.00} electric Lopate “TLS, 2!50 8100] two pounds of dyn Spring “lamb oh... 2.50 4,00] ine’s fect, killing him instantly. 2.00 8.00 foreman of the work, Joe. Dower, t. heen, reenor, ea Common noua cows and bull 2.50 SALISBURY HA HAS $ RESIGNED, |? Resignation Accepted at Audience With the King. with: plewasees ane it waa with great difficulty he was res- eae and -plaed fa the “lock-up for [ara of Satchars, who. ies Ss s|DEVELOPING THE SOUDAN. nister since June, 1895, Suakim to Be = an Ocean Arthur 7 allow z t Lo! e ‘Treasury An Alexandria despatch says: Soudan Government resignation was ten-| Ministry of eee for £2 udience whieh he had the Purpose aking. alterations Saturday re alfour visited Ae ing and aecanted, tis’ Bpanleralie ‘The following communication was aed from Downing street on Sun- evenin; ‘on Triday: lest the Matguid. ot) sbury had an audience of the Ki ihe and tendered his resignation, which was | gractou b, Petrol his Majesty. His Bs which expires this Hons for” =| quently communicated. ‘with Mr. -Ar-/o! --BRITAIN’S HEIR APPARENT | PERSONALITY OF THE PRINCE ‘ OF WALES . He and His Wife Are Exceedingly Popular in Great ritain, George Frederick “Ernest Albert, Prince of Wales, become i: empire in award ie was tales of naval urd of the mysterious eos PD, which he absorbed from hi and eon others, Soe noted his s on ‘tims Beinee George er father decided that. fhe should apetecinca for Gs lavy, but _ orde redthet, his general sducation should be made ea broad is possible, GIVEN EARLY TRAINING. Within a few is ship Britannia yas a cadet. wactly like his idice renee with officers For. vabout wine peace a served ri apes e the vast foreign se aoe ot “the ae 8 me a lieutenant, aod"in 1890 wad imtrustad with ‘the {n 1891 he was raised to the rank of sommander BECAME HEIR-PRESUMPTINE ‘The sudden and tragic death of the Ader brother, the Duke of Clarence, during the pneumonia and influenza pidemic of | 1892, made Prince orge the heir-presumptive to the iron. He was York, a title sega, and forsook active service the “As heir-prosumptive it became high: y important that a suitable ma tiage should deorge. oe susan nt to Pi Mary of Teck, oy his grandinother, aueen Victoria, ey agate nly 6,' of the ee year, the gh ae wae moana PLEASED THE PUBLIC. the public the marriage was TAKES UP CHARITY WORK. At the age of fifteen she was taken young face, became cottagers, and of their pfficially, only confirme veen months before by ite tourt circle. TOUR OF THE WORLD. e Duke and Duchess of York and people of the ainion: be In England they have been, since i Edward VII, t whe accession of epresentatives of Disease. liseases are breathed ff wonder _ disea: Prevalent! Users of Sunlight Soap Bar—know the difference it m the vegetable and pure edible fats in OES he fond of out-of-door life, and each S third chil of Wales is the Prin Mlezandra, Horn “Abril 26, VACCINATION ‘vaccination shic the curse of man who first hit the own arm out and strips of porous Blaster plaster almost drew bi the: eioulder, bib that anes the i things, the Ke Bhiew or that vaccina- tion mark ii HAD rm 10 BE LIFEBL. A HELPLESS CRIPPLE IS STORED i HEALTH AND STRENGTH. Lame Back Had This Man a aig Given Up by the Doctors. Ont., 4.—(Spe- dayne. doctors told eins War- n saat treat: ade with no good was a helpless cripple with emity a friend’s This man had su: fered with baokacie oes but ral ured by od to ne home and recommended this to him. rner and his good wife were d been cured. Surely it must be » after some deliberation they 5 te nt enjoys round good health he has had many years, There is net a trace of lame back fastht a aS ave used. se a ut as strong in their Pecotamedadtione as e. n certainly highly recommend and I never heard of a worse case. LONG. DISTANCE HEATING. ‘ie works, and, _of course, ocial aes of Ces on all but cstablish tGionilar races in other | It Bears the Eegend, “Prinee of f aan they discovered the inscription boasting that there| f SHE'S BEIL FOR THE KING. » 1740.” en the Peet schooner Attrac- tor, Captai Sc Jersey Ci cocoanuts from Captain Gee Sou a bearing, the in “Pri 740,"" which ' to bo 60 ec Edward Vit ob Pagland Ww mea judging from its,size and rly a ship’s bell, formed bat of the treasure recover- 1 fro i iscovery. This spot, Hough a bit-of Sea ae where, was calm this day, fishermen gazing down saw nore coins, an fishermen, being a loyal subj eluded to notify the authorities did so, and the Brit- investigation, By BES ‘ock. Thi they concluded to send it to ward, believing appreciate — it a: The Attractor bell were taken from an English ship by pirates who, upon being pursued, to dump the plunder oard. They, no doubt, selected eet as the mont Weely spot, be- oe able to recover y didn’t come bacl PTR cnn a ase wouldn’t Steape: to explain.” When washing greasy Alshes or pots and pans, Lever's Dry Soap (a pow- Sill eeenaragiie ous with ‘ue greatest ease, Father—‘Now, remember, I hav to go out with yong don’t let me catch agait.<( | Daughter—’ No. 1 try not to. Fer Orcr Sixty Years. AS OLD AND Wevi-Taizp Remepy. — Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty yours BY millions of mothers for their hiidren while softens the guy, claye-ail pala, cues wint o a softens the gums, olla . cares , ‘Suh best med for Diacthos. isa ea ES ‘Pwenty-tive conta s wala. es Barre ana ak for Me Winslow's Soothiog oy7up, {Life insurance people are queer.” “Are. they?” First they convince you iat ou may die with: in a we ° will live fifty years before they wal issue it.” The great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as Biskle's Anti up. It soothes and di he ne Mount Ruwenzorie, in Equatorial Africa, has 20 square miles of glacier é _| Kiord’s Liniment the best Halt Restorer. uring the nineteenth eontury the world’s average yearly production of copper was 81,000 There js nothing equal to Mother Graves! Worm Exterminator for destros- ing worms. No article of its Kind. h given such satis faction. know the gentleman's see Aunt Ellie four or five as running. Tate 's what ae name y. the 60 eee st ; ‘ ‘ablets cure ‘tm one dey. Ne care. No Pay. Price %eents, Pa, you a ooder jevin n “me when Fea =o as little Pa—‘'Yes, indeed, Dicky. ee always a very good hoys but fouehow "or other T great serious and | int dnlovnder: Standings with my paren state occasions. Both are said to Joy cities of Germany. n he wrote these ge accurately : LEMONS “ & Non Every * Sulphurous. rol a Ey B. Odorless. = Evory Stick A Mai Every Match— A Lighter ’ the world, made from Eddy S] oft corte, pine, ane pecially suitable enc opaete® ae! “Headlight” | meme toh Parlour Miatches ‘d Ronald har oRer tells a po: ‘well-known Stafford Northcote, | as rather boring Me f weariness. s only four athe time)-turned to him Ruthoritatively at the conclusion, le How’s s This te [is Sve offer One Hundred Dollars reward for ,, any case e ee that cansot be cured by em ‘atarr! ae al CHEN! & CO., Fmledos | oO. We, un dered have known J. Chene; oo es the last rr and vetiovs bim perfectly ponorabl in business Sie a faanelany” able to cal y cat sy by their firm, Ore eae NNAN & M. lig, | Hall's Family Pills are the best. you tell a bad ege?’” Hit you bave sivthing to tell a bad ofa, prenkett gently. tressing headache one can have. are headaches from cold, from fever, ‘The Prussian prayer book: enjoins that the whole cluding the Berspen eer not take up more than an nae | Wlnar Lininent is i the best, Mr, Siimpurse (atter a decited re. fake what the matter | It’ You ch.” —""Per- would have to be y, writes last winter, sulted in my becom- ing totally deat in, Sue. ‘ear and partially other. Aft various ee calen aagien consutting: even I doctors, without obtaining any’ relie ad: vised to try Dr. ‘Homa | "Felectric Oil. I wa Land eee a Hide of it Gestures being rected’ by. the, ase of this medicine.” Rae ace ae age birth rate for al Europe is 32 per 1,000, that sf ‘Austria is now 42 rer 1,000. TO CTREA seg IN ONE bai ‘Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A’) Harare Pome, bey itt fubate Cage. . Grove’s Lasgpey +g on each box. Only halt of the 1,170,000 over 21 years old who live in Lon- Son axé on ke register of voters Minas Uniment Sues nla d as Cross and the service, in- fi HumnaneSwine', Bebiornes ‘Stopsiy Footing, Rakes ba Testimoni i | wo or Srhiunsisind Boek Marker and te Some thtee must be done e boys mn ie college,” clatnied a Le ave izen. ilder 1 ae hares and in oe welt all the Wi ieee ances, man? "That's what's heeping ERY = Il-fitting boots and shoes eause corns Holloway? ’s Corn Cure is the article to us Geta bottle at once and cure your corns ‘he best paid non- ~commissioned ees “ at world is a chief gunner in . navy who gets $1,800 a IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The quality standard from prea to ocean. Your ee sae if ni sati Ross & Uaflammo; me, Agents Montreal we is. still eee eae The decre Jas She—‘‘Why, Chante, what a_ pile 1 “Bille Tite, dear. Billies ders To Those of a aee Occupation. Br Men who follow se oe ates pro ocurable, easily taken, act expeditious iy. and they are surprisingly cheap eon sidering their excellence. “My wife is going to fx wp our ioe? aS.a summer, resort "How will she do it?” e' ome hard beds end eu See dor to \f-rations.’ SCNARD'S LINIMENT is also good article to Kee; off the mos quitos Yours truly, Harbor Grace, Nfld., Jan. 3 1308, Mistress—“‘I understand you stood see whole hour in the doorway ent tallding to the policeman, — “Shure wo! slant have me shtand there jiet an hour and say nothin,” ma'am $50.00 ROUND pre TO CALI Meee Chicago & North-Western Ry fro Chicago, August 2 Overland Limitea, ery-day ivaled s Drawing “Rooin Sleeping Cart is~ ones ta srame “KELPON” = enay best English medic: dadtieernt is plied to British soldiers in Seuth Afri ‘and Gland Treubles, Lumps, , Folens, Skin ts, Pr oH "guts. "Sore Fe Sold by Druggists, tbat ‘Linen ft far Prenat ti ‘nett, 2 | personally condu |cursions to California, Oregon Washington. Apply to your nearest eket agent or address B. 1 Bast King St., Tor

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