Milverton Sun, 31 Jul 1902, p. 1

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gre: MARRIAGE LICENSES J. G. GROSCH. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. “It Shines For All.” “Vol XI—No 34 MILVERTON; ONT., PERTH 00., THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1902 plac The Milverton Sun Ta the best Local Newspaper in the County Advertising Transient Advertiements are changed at the rate of'Sc. per line, nonpatiel, for the first insertion, as 30, pet line for each sne- sessive ins Medical W. RGBURT, M. B, M.D. C. M., uate of, College of Physicians ani Surgeons of Ontario; aleo post graduate student of London hospital, Honion, England. Oifice in rear’ of Pos Milverton, Ont. ‘Telepho: ‘cole, Brunner, icanboran ‘Church ee Bostock. ‘A. M, PANT PON, Bartstr, So olicitor, te. Office nies every Thursday, Wa, Burton's Block, Main St. R. LEDERMAN, PRS Liventiate of Royal 0. DR. of Dental Surgery and) Membe Gollege of Dental Surgeons nor graduate of Regalation of teeth, Crown specialty Difice above Hiikbeiner store, Milverton. Will visit Monkton ‘th 2nd und 4th Tuesday ot-each month. Bros. tied ware “Veterinary ENGKL, 8. Gailiate Grist vaneriaty ea to, by telephone or otherwise, day Dena tnd Chronic Diseases a speci 8 ‘ton(Grad- bons BY M ile gta? ‘on! ie ) nate of Ontario Veteninar treats all diseass Jalls by tone or otherwise spromply ect jimes, Bag ge, Rae Cantar giinng & specialty. 00, Milverton, meets es every raat i ovey eeadotiel & Visiting brethren at Roe, C. ek, Rotheonel store, come. Barth, Poets 0. fiver St 5 tage No. Milverton, ery Friday, night al 7:30, ee in theie halls post office building. iting brethre: ue eg ‘s welcome. Chas, Roser Ns ‘Toth, Bf hie ‘st Bert a Wat eae Deeds, Wills and Mortgages dran Affidavits thats Bailiff fith Division Court. Village Clerk. Office, over Grosch's Store, Main niroet Milverton. RLAND'S BUS LINE, Niven Bia wees ‘all chines All tL ens and travellers calls promptly aitende a Pin. Dorlaud, Maple St., Propr Moters EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bennner. Ont. ohn Gropp, Proprietor, Hest Tiguors and aera at tiie Wa, -itst-clues ncconsmoda- tion and large stabling. “GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton First-class accommodation ie commercial Three large su 3 ce i UREN’ ist HO1 ae Milverton. Out. for eae ercial, vas la the plenty. af shell roor Henry Rowe, pro Miscetlancow JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Rethee Lathi Shingléac: Eatips; Brunner, Out ete. plies for the school room. I] maps and all eehool apparatus,— Jas. Torrance, Milverton One of the giants of the earth died sin Chicago bespital the other day. tuwior of the brain at the age .cf 30 years. Shoe, ° |The | remains were-ehippe G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton. QoING NORTH, GOING SOUTH. ixpress . LOCAL Sag Read the Sovereign Bank advt. on another page, Miss Poslift, of Wineles is at ee yisiting Mrs. H, e Weir has the heaviest crop of ga ai be seen in this vicinity. Glance over Schneuker & Roth aermel’s advt. It will interest you. Em ily Large, present visita friends Mrs. C. J. Wynn spent a few days during last week with friends at Nev of Poole is at in Stratford. Miss Jean Waters, of Gorrie, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. John McCloy. The people who saved money for a rainy day have probably spent it all by this time. Mrs, Robert Dera Kerr of Ethel, spent . Nelson Hunte Dr, Jas. Turnbull of Goderich, euta few days this week at his oe | in Mornington. and Mrs. unday with Mise Edna Ducklow is spending the emainder of her holidays. with faeads ty Moodie The theme of Rev. Mr. Barnby’s | discourse next Sabbath evening will be “ Giants, iow to kill them.” Mre. Wim. Bell and children. Hanover, are ab present a sede th Milvetion ane thorerneahy Mrs. Nellie Bunton and daughter, iting at the resid: Vilson, Morning A man may dress very quietly, and yev.use very loud language when a collar bution hides itself under the dresser, ; Miss Minnie MacFarlane, of Bran ford, returned home for the halite accompanied by her niece Miss Dorothy: MeMeans. Rey. A. Blunck wishes to announce that service will be beld in. the Lutheran church, Milverton, next “) Sunday at 200 o'clock pan. as usual. The Coronation aecor A to 9th. Esai ohar ch, ‘Cher ch, Milverton, i Elma, Ea chia. on August sh. The Galt fastball tent is st a short tanr senang, ae isto Lowel, ah ad xet ‘Tham, Brussels, erton and Mild jniay... The; finer game theese will be played at Listowel on Monday, August 4th, at 630 o'clock sharp best played in thet town for years. As anticipated, Fitzsimmons went aia and out before the burly Jef fries ttempted to allow ap opponent over fifty pounds in weight and a score or even has to stop to wonder on top. of it all how he lasted eight rounds; he the odds against him were tremeuduus. There will ben lot of sympathy: for see pao WT. companied by-h sBraval nto ae her seyen-year old. son, had been spending the A Hidays. with Ed. Glenn, il and Bee ai arene aingnored the cxse appendicitis Fraser, Stratford, and Bickaash Tor. onto, were culled: in -coneulta ion’ or Mant, when it was decided to per- rm an operation Though the te abignrmppeared. successful the child s too weak to survive the shock ‘iit did Tuesday morning. The ~*e Sees on Tuesday’ aftertioon, where they wil! he interred. Sach syimpati a felt for the patente.ef therchitd, ty: | present. mateh ‘promises to be among the | Pa _ pthey became tangled up on the Miss. Liz: enk is at Lenn visiting pees in Be Mar; Miss Ethel Egbert is at present visiting friends in Dunnville. Mrs. Jno, Wilson and Miss of Atwood, spent Sunday v Misses Trim. Bella Goodwin, of Toronto, is present the guest of Mrs, H. ‘Mu. Picts Miss Rosella De of Port Albert, 1s visiting her cousins in Miss Wilson, of Toronto, who called home on account of her mother’s illness, a returned Mrs. Watt of Wiarton, and Miss Beck of Sebring are spending a fia Dive at the residenue oh Mreavia Holmes, Elma. . Eli Milhausen and are ee a with ee son John, G. T. R. agent at Milve: The London ome Press. suggests that Hon. G. W. Ross is probably so- journing among Norway pines in order to spruce up his majority. Mrs. W. Gibson and daughter Fern returned to their home in Chicago after a three weeks’ visit with her parents My. and Mrs. 8. Ramford. “Mr. Fred Doering, of the 16th of Elma, ¢ ed large straw shed on Frida: gave the young people of ae settlement a party in 4 evening. “Sweet clover” is mow put on the list of pestiferous weeds, destructive of pastures, and for neither man nor best. The advice goes forth to root ivout along with the so-called wild “Canada” thistle, ox-eye daisy, wostard, &e, Weeds aid profitable Srop cannot flourieh on the same soi Vutr. L, Sohide has, just completed is now bauer in erecting Mr. Har- vall, i: Narth Mornington: Me. Beawide this suminér complet nine barn walls and already has nine house | walls ahead of bin, A family reunion took place re- cently at the Hatlenes of Mr, Joba Schmidt when all bis. sisters and brothers with ‘the exception of two were present. These present were as ay aw ark, Chicago, ‘Tl; ech aiNares Reed City, M. ich. 5 Mrs, Wr tune Philipsbarg ; ve George Schmidt, Suntrd: Emma Schmidv. an ts. ” tile, and Theo- dore, Baden. } chmi iden, mother of ae — was also On Thursday night a valuable mare ing colt. belong to } bert pasa in parsuit-and after tdlewien devious them safely housed in n gome manner or cle ‘ahee got on the railroad: track and were chased ‘by the, morning ex- press for about two miles until finally ‘fhe train ste with the pan ois Meese succeeded tn‘ weseuing the not wudh the werse df their ha hal ten wonder ps on sending Paper wien the selseription his ex- pired, An explains the matter — We paid to a ceri pires and nea looks as if the ea nin ahe eateeedlter will ss out of tue editor a etiling down for in- ing that his credit was nos good. Balher linn ens. aes tefieuui against » neighbor's honesty to pay a partes | it has been customary. for the expired. do not le ws cleir sub- The city seh sand dailies lily follon seribers are Ae a know their Biaaged standing. should deem it an honorae his credit’ is not duals the publisher continwes ‘tb “séafl. the paper. Should the subseriber desire to have his paper discontinued “he hy Es ic} ny ‘effort to save iim bat fow il] t it was t | mer Horses ror saue—Apply to T. P. Roe, Deering agent, Milverton. Miss Zeta ae of Stratford, is spen nalog 6 toe ith her friend, Migs Carrie T Mr. Arthur pe of the Dunn- ville Chronicle staff, we regret to hear is ill of typhoid De. Frank Turnbull, of Auburn, spent a few days this week at his oueae Mornington. A meeting of the Mornington Con- servative Association will be held at was | Newton on Wednesday evening, Aug. ‘6th Misses Edna Dorland and Edna Weitzel, and Master Cliff Dorland, of Stratford, have been visiting at Mr. J. LL. Tucker's, Many sporting men in States are of the opinion that Fitzsimmons “ laid down in the recent fight. 5 Aes Hanrilton Spectator: Miss Carrie saliacs de Stratford, is the guest o! r cousin and aunt, F.R. and Mrs. A. Porter, 227 Herimer-st. Mr. R. J Ranney went over to Brussels on Saturday and brought back a handsome three-year old driyer that, in a pinch, can‘turn the mile in three minutes, ¥ Mr. Ralph Pelton, editor and pro- prietor of the Atwood Bee, has ‘sold out his business to Mr. D. G. Ander son who will take p na week two, Mr. Palin’ wail te tuldre be identified with a Stratford paper. Mrs. Peter Wilhelm was. the other k “companion Wilhelm and who was bathing with that unfortunate y PapneA se Wilbliy snbk (6 é good sya atds he heard a ery ai saw Wilhelm go down, nian an too heavy to pull up. Wilhelats remhing were sent home to Milverton, arriving on Saturday evening. They were i terred the same evening. in Tuesday evening es Mr. dohn | McCloy was returning home from the village he jumped off his wagon to head off some cattle when ‘bis team, which isa rather spirited one, took ad vantage of the opportunity and ran away. In their mad run of atuile or two they turned into several farm: places, Gually winding up by running into the fence at Mr. J. L. Tucke new wagon rack was peel RE gearesira is F as off at the whiffe-trees and the point the broken stuinp ran into the hip a the mare, inflicting a without a single spoke and. ue other as badly damaged fea wtred amore or les contact with barbed wire fences, rail fences and other obstacles but are not likely to suffer any permanent. injury. Those witnessing the run away claiu: “fierce” Rev. N. D, McKinnon, of Glen allan, woo has been called to~ the pastorate of Burns church, Milyerton, and Zion-cherch, Wellesley, was born | ™ in Brace-connty, and is of se high: land stock. At the age of twelve years Iris Father died, wud Hag aah time he bas heen, widowed mother, who still him. His path was mot svfewi roses as re had to win his spurs. hiring out with farmérs in the © jie was enabled to earn enough to muatptain himself at‘school during the winter months, “writil he 3 ly sue ceeded in securing a ‘teac seertili cate. Tn 1880 he heeame Principakot [2 the Underwyod public school, which position he held for ten years. » In 890 he Wile Knox Callege, Tor onto, a cuaginte ed in 18 same he was called to minister t the spi il wants of the congregn tions at Glenallan and Hollen, wh a tioned ever since. Mrs. is the United |B" » ‘bO" to Jeffri ries | O ofl hie 1 ou s by coming als n the sule suppart of a], bak Seth nbs Dominion aes ment ‘oclaim Soguar§ abe: aba sholli in hae nor of the eorge mua f Sa a ae home from Manitoulin ia, pending stew days with ‘her dialer Mee (Dr), E; Mr. Archibald Smith has just fe turned from Winter here bs au Beak acting as judge of ucts. He says that the an, Tie: this year will have heen placed on ex- cellent financial ae ML, ai Leitch ‘ant, family th ‘tae Tosdey to, spends x, opes to be away about four ane aes bed Beacon. Mr. D. M. Stuart, -6f Toronto, General Manager of the sovereign Bank of Cai ‘a day o impressed with the thrift and appar- ent prosperity of the village which he says is one of the most progressive ey th e that he has seen on hie travels, PRONKEON: s Nettie Terry is ecoeacine . week “with Triends in Brodhagan. cones tip 89 is. James Tidlmes, of the |aoth hee of Elma, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Buchanan of the 2n con. of Maryboro, on rday ani sunday. ‘Mr, Holines says that, with- a doubt, the crops je at section the Best he has seei F. erry, Li itowel, spent Saaday wittrhis parents her Master George Sf Giourte. spent Su nday and noe in Monk- ‘ton. with ‘hls eousins the Misses uart. The brie a ‘on Mr. Ohare s new store is being vigoronsly pus! bysheeenteactorand | pee Ac obont Hue Mr. ‘will be doing -busines: therein The recerti hexvy rains has almost put the onikenalers out of business get clay, the wate’ icine. filled the pits. many friends of Mr. Will Robe! wil e pleased to. heat that he is able to be out again after nent to his home Ys ‘heevy thunderstorm coming on about six pan, the monster aie fe they had to leave as the first heavy rattle of thunder warned them of ait ap aching storm and in uiintttes the grove tothe village and farm-houses shelter, leaving the ‘poor waiters to their fate. J. says ker. h st ne ‘and 100 yd. son, ist ord ob ntl A Hoston.: boy's 100-yd., 18 R. Robert: om, 2nd Bricker, 8rd A, MacKenzie: *s race. tiuder 32, 1st Aaa 2nd Willie ae bra. ie st Bti fie TBraare Bet etteer ; 2 mile bicycle road race, Ist ala 2nd, ee Robert- fiehas beew son. ‘Tn the hurry t get ‘to ielelter MeKiunon ica dauzhter.of Gra. 1. two, bagaies were driving ee a vers Ne of Undersewot 0 p n ug the corne M one iy Didar Ee +e ft Us Hey Aree: bat dy into the Rays of Burra. Tn gen. The ‘vat escaped with there eg ft jo and two ed Srery's Mr MeKinne held in high Mr. “and Benjamin Appts, cbntion by che Deo af oe and Hollen, and w a greatet ace ce io alt infor the waite ‘iid omit 0 date, if aay‘is owing. igs laborstit® Stifrectdh und Well Soliade Bondy with friends in Weller wk Woo, Marshatl, painter, of At- is dois painting 3. 2 this weak, a‘ wus hous vi Mr, Stuart expressed himself as much - ae

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