cher face ‘to chis with an teri raises 2 expres: ssion Kitty even at this marks the pretty a and draws her beath quick- Gretchen, with her great Be eves OR. “THE ERROR OF LADY BLUNDEN. PRECEDING }easily be replaced; but faith a Gretchen | trust are more difficult, to” estore” charming} “They ‘are impossible to restore.’ aie se are ne Oy ind, I can- not hel how cai Lever forget “mnie hour?" ace Sg age oreo qvisenty, heel. restrained admira- ti The demon, not, yet slain, moves ‘ancy Charteris, 3 lips pai of Sir John's prior to his | th is ye 00 But | smile, tie very faintest an eke es he way slowly — pointing with one exquisite r 4 B ly rounded bare white arm to the one door; ‘you have no heart As dinner, hour approaches, Kitty |, ‘at thet Js, s0, 2m hi to. be “Slants. A sort, of tender coquetry |happier man than I am,” replies he, er orebaese bitter cHAPTER XVIit. mi anes iar mie Bile smile. ane eee tl her- wife? Ppitninide shina verycaner andl eee ee oe Beiy other man’s wife ieee tong h ight. at variou: referable. .,.|No? He dovan't admire her? Hoy aye Sir |strange!. But he is wit ae taste; o dinner, and, | Jo! and | every one admires her.’ nee still constrained in mi of iressi aan ES may admire pee if they n spite of herself is almost happy 7 forbid C tOl choose; he di he is a no Be jead ‘will carry ea Be too bizarre, h ym, a |yo more than me \ when | canno think ie is ae ate taste. He Bich i ivi, ae pink blos- | you. cake’ ae iis own ideal, anh aust wor- dai that tts white almost to pallor. ship it, not this or any eee man’s wine nee AE to | The ing on the back of the And so on, and 01 aim a kiss or at least’a caressing |chair is tightly clenched. are Kitty listens, a c approve: touch. rf : sig ng to the opera to-/and in her heart thinks him weari- ck! “After alll, ho is she says al] not £0-|some to the last degre grieved at this horrid panne be- na bo p you.”’courages. his vapid t; nd he has: pean these ie F John notices hot earnestness istrait, ed close of the evening he forgets to ler his arm i are, say “he will |reluctant little beauty t ie riage in spite of herself, Dandy has one on With Las clamen, and t with some. hesitation born o resently the house, in a most | Bie seni. wekrag hie. way to “the a estrangem tnenviable frame of mind. hall, finds Kitty there with Launces- ‘Tdi SO ‘ish Pink | Ki going up stairs, with her ton, awaiting her carriage. Gret- _—"” ni still de her, — es and Brandy have disappeared. ub v t liant, hoes jgently, SNe alee Lars igh her delicat aca draws her hand within his 0 1s, — finds upon her Launceston bows to some one essing iaiie. tie: Gawers J bantod! a tas erowd, fen to es They are—she has to co! 1 : retire ‘ack, $s this truth even to herself— i 5 to Un atalne-roome 3 eof scweat 0. altogether © be made oF ie eacuse her Sos ‘hingin the fio ak tare. cuat one caot vo she places m n, makes him no answe) upon them and tramples ‘them out but e » fingers u fall ue aie ti m., ressure is warmly re ‘You are mad!’? says her uae e Nee el turned, and then, their names being a ae is Ptit iae ohn’s dressing room and Taye them he charm of the flow- table. Se, SE ee “1 ‘Throwing her cloak round her, she 2 ou that Dr. Papas ae ae aie rl es eres Giatnzat tesa her carriage. and ee Stott She finds Gretchen before her in i er fora of ein her box, and Brandy. Dandy , has fone over to harteris ceive some maginar message from | get your money b: chat reduate . 'y Message from Eoonepere: Bares Fancy, in oi of her-rupture with Bre ‘Chase's Ointment |. lover, is lookin, : The | eau What! was leven re 01 ‘igaonte called, they enter coats peouehat, should ri a Her golden hair is carefu oe she re Ber bats ly arranged; a few simple eye ms all the ins SI her “Yet let no Oke think “bat the glaz- ; r Lau presen i; he has Cyclamen with her, what you “hould. haunt Hoste place andy, who 4s vlainly saptur may be at; ut his happiness is | f ses, and, 3 roat,—unable to © the cru ane oe et at cher feet, Eanes, as ul death exhale r heart of hneart laughs aloud; tell me you -are hold ‘Mr. |self actually ent Blunden. mi in ing Arthur's as: ’s | the moon i | patience, or at east. pretends to. gazed jand impo: ion, for e| “What brought you s ile she | to-night?” she Kitty sw | y make thei aha lens iigeaatae ht g 001 support, “Have T sot land accepting anon tenderly. ngers for the future; m??? | flows ae ee lays before her, a fac-|I am no wit better now than ple tor belief,”* ae of, those destroyed by Kitty's | this morning, when or these,” taking up | demo: objected and casting them into 7 eT pitt stoops to say “something | Art ilen’ Te evidently through the window, |—no doubt uncommonly flattering — castes ieceetio%) when a “they are of no account; they can jas he presents his debt; .|woman, the better part. of- valor. A Great Cure in Welland. apes Old and Highly Respected Resident Cured of Kidney Disease and Liver Troubles by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Xr. John Witron. poeta carpenter wis ins liven ts Welland Ont., for 80 years, writes :-—" rent ago I was't lown and emaciated that ay entire ap pea and became com- plicated with liver trouble, I had bad pains acros: the spi , bad spells with my heart, ae ue the right shoulder, , los headache about half. the time, indigestion, fever and reat aoe ares raphe wn for cna and had spent probably one ares dollars in different medi- likewise of no began. taking Dr, Kides-biver Pills, and in a short time “the bad iptoms bi to gradually disappear, and by ‘the ral a ive or six boxes I was enjoy- ing better y health then I had in Boca: yall of Pana ig due to ia virtues of Dr. Chase's ‘3 Kidney-Liver Pill sie Se recovery T have advi ised others to profit. by nee ite: aaa have done so and are well, while others did not and have suc ‘this ness to the as fi this Breet Bee and Tam full of enth wae Gy Ab | in, e tled, “And why at you offer: me anes, Koes on she, k were determined to compel me againet my will to accept your ser- “Event at this coe ee ne Blunden declines to speak. “Are at?” ces- | in. h He being of some small just now. After all,’’*—mow rnfully, “I should have been wiser had I oe myself upon your cousin’s Yow would ee, "= remorse- lessly, — “ r,t be 10, earnestly. There is a humility, a want of pride, about this speech a inently ae ‘ing, turn, is silen Piet aga tun cosciins vecomie more crowded, and she having _re- lnquished his arm some time since in the heart Pi pen esisnent Are thur says, gently: “I think you had better take my arm again. “No, thank you,” — coldly; “I like walking by myself.’ “But not e, surely. A, Hittle farther on you s ould ee te uated ian Beh up eagle he Cone ah the air of a ae child,—which she ntly, however. getting ne. es hel fast,—unrebuked! Jess. saps is ahi relieved other tha’ on ae so perempt- ovily aiecbeyed ie ae ihe hall Sguentee is nowhere to 1 nH She has gone; eye she Dies Pons nee oeana a of her!"? turning Be two distressed blue eyes, that sparkle i eect a eae will allow me I will see 1 for the world would I give you so much trouble,”’—cold- Iv. "Well, then, may T try if 1 cannot carriage?” —q ame in Cyclamen’ 38 eolaing dejectedl: ho I 0 get home? I said “ometbing to and I t] derstood me. How awkward i *ty be oughain ig re is erly ear ou ane tania Ree pose I must. ungraciously, yet alacrity, and presently suflers Balt to, bo ceondusted” Sauna. See ill-used young man Tav s his hat says ‘“‘Good-ni See oe that the door may be closed. Bu eaiiiy. se 38 Shoe ae Mr Chart fie most "aneepocted concern in her tone, — surpris ee coming too?’ ou, ¥ should ak area. ot aieuaia ourself an instant’s on Neel aeeoun “How unkind of yout’ says Fan- a charming i » towards: him, un- ‘ou know how J myself, and how I ght drawing back as though to make for him, and a sudden ee she says, ‘‘Con ‘0 Be Continued). + jorge, you must div “the eae plese with your broth- should divide it honorab! - Beeler—‘Yo the last man ~ I should have Pepactal Vo: habs onbae? ing the pensioning of Government emBtOee Sis lol a : e can’t do what | jittle job touch- | pale | taken out a8 | en HOT WEATHER AILMENTS. Careful Mothers Should Kee Hand the Means to Check Ail’ ments That Otherwise May and pro. ailments. their prompt cious little life. medicine that should always te rit in the house powder youngest b Willams dici , Brockville, Out., or Schenectady, N.Y. : yeas BITS BEYOND THE REACH OF IN- SULT. A musical unization, eee to give a performance 0! orio, began to be alarmed enone the probable cost. of the oy oduetion. ccordingly the direc’ of the clioria/aaid-Yo tite ‘leader of ths wh 5 promseibaal mue to keep down our ex- mii you to leave out the tr fore tligy Tuer uly solr menses the entire oratorio, ena if reve ‘he out we can at 2 Haine rab paekay, The jeder a ue orchestra, ae Pea be an eile ‘to the Sse director reflected a moment and then satd, Seen “Oh, never mind him; he’s DO THE DYING NEVER Ww “1 have stood by the bedside meee, of dying people,” Phy the child— catia end our last naeeciige “moments.” PETROLEUM DRINKING. e Metical Society of Paris is Shel th against th eroleuits drinking thought that t ee eae the Te: ol imposed by ent, bi ed that this ‘oleum habit do t fa only. morose. among. ph; efie jan of petro! human system, but a agreon Me i rew Vi SOULD PREACH ECONOMY stantial benefits oh eine farm, sliglitly taken down c sion by. Hs Trish ploughinan, who his plough in the aed gentleman, , said, With great 8 Ww ould! : it be a good plan te # pair of pruning here, and sheleithint a a e tenet a the hort. time 2” hor: John, wit countenance: as the divine iugelty aid ‘Look here, t it be well, r, Tor Sou to ave a tub ot pate tocs in the pulpit, and le they singing to peel “em dwhile to be ready for the pot e reverend A ea ee heartily, and left: oot Tights in the -heatre set ‘ood example; they seitow Bans eke SROkc nae cae fe ‘ eax 3 = es : | Northe 8. “78}c; September, |. , ' NIC : a eG pees p THE MARKEIS co See T Fa ; Batley Sta “0c; sample, | Gloomy Feeling im in the Distt at] Cold Caing ‘Statio: oro Ee 1, pa 0c. "Cora Sepiemies, “o0rc. ath, July 29.—Wheat—Cash No oH te Prices of Grain, Cattle, ‘etc 1 hard, 783¢; No 2 Northern, 744¢: : éie im Trade Centres. —_ oronto, “July —Whi maken is firm ong to timited of-| ings. Sales winter and hite are Saptk eS millers at 79 & 80c east. Manitoba wheat is _ good demand, with sales of No: 1] ae, an le make is fir, in 5 in sacks $4. 90. “Broken COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dried apples—Prices purely nom- 1 in pops rae cae with. prices ne seer 9, Te dull, Comb, $2 to arket is qu Or- 0 $1 per ines “hand- baled—The market is quiet. demand; timothy, $10.50 5 for aL Fee rarine as quiet. Car isis Gone uate skeet at $5 to $5.50, the latter for a: | archer, Tate: ici De Bate Bull uly 29 w heat -Soring auiets garloails, 81c; with | 40. white quoted e of toes—The New potatoes, 50 In chon and 70c per bus! small lots. THE DAIRY MARKETS, Butter—The market to-day was quiet, with receipts of tubs fair. ice 1-Ib rolls, 16 to 17c; selected dairy tubs, 154 to 16e: store packed, uniform color, 144 to 15c; low grades, ; eream= try prints, 19 to 20c; solids, 18 t market is unchanged. quote onds, 92 ti HOG PRODUCTS. hogs unchanged. Hog pro- mn, do, short, Ae 28 50 to $24 moked meats—Hams, 18} to 14c: breakfast sano 15c; rolls, 12 to 0 154¢; shoulders, 01 tubs, 114¢; pails, tiie compound, 8 to 104c MONTREAL AL MARKETS. Montréal, July 29.—There i: kind in the demand at steady prices, and fs ge in ae is quiet an 1 by Teading millers for foreign count, at tee highest Cntr eh ae for Manitoba. Provisiot re. pee ee. though in fair items, but chee: Bee 54 to 86 patents, $4.10 & $3.70 to 104 to 10% ; sec- Oc. ew, Septemb: Cloverseed—Dull; aieeay; October, $5,125. wr ~ September, 724¢; No. 2/c ern. cash, vate, ‘Oats—September, ay se oul . 1 Northern |t e PY reds cash al rl (ees Bias cted @ works woul \* Wheat—|p $3. seco} 80; first clears Be eae, Drama LIVE STOCK MARKNTS. e Western the receipts pe cattle, 905 sh¢ gee 44 ci -trade is not d ccasionally pai tcher cattle weld wah AER “3 inter, temang Tight; | result ie 2\that the — a situation in 2| two nickel t * Oates| |good ahage a ¢; No. 8|Stocks in the early part of the se No. |son, expecting & good aun aoa aight Sey |trade, ant they ats disap- eat—I | pointed. on be 5 the cep and many changes are side oa peter July, 764¢; Sep teeaclia’ on comber, 70%¢; Manitoba 2 about 76ie; 5 eke and Copper Cliff have Stations for the curing of c eda Success. - An Ottawa despatch says: t Se Saneeille, gain by, the peers Copper Com- |Q) lied concerns. A r—Firm. aes at: these have ry to get oid oy ‘The gentleman said tt was gener, e full ope oy ery i mines of the West- ly e mystery about the down of the huge |i took place made. aracteristics of e Sept “ths axa y ae cool-cured cheese were found aa a inti and more agreeable: flav- loss from shrinkage & is ate in retty general, and’ only 0 few hun- Eked-iten ere at wrbek: ae cas TWO SOLDIERS DROWNED. A Third Who oh a oe Placed Un ate C.BLR., wi boine River ciultatad oe occupants Espiel and Davey, who shore atter a vory hard struggle. yy to the barr Wage ies re- 5 |placed good cows will lambs and sheep were firmer per sheep aie price is from cach. Lambs sell at from 5$ to 6e . aiotad at cas ye ea $10 ea or from 4 to 5 w ee in eatiaeent until tn —+—— COREA’S INDEPENDENCE. ecial despatch “reser at S Good oe ‘choice ieee and eaives are) so s remain unchanged, The top mu: di not below 160 nor above 2 Following is the range of er tions :— Cattle. Shippers, per ew ight... . grow ee gas See sks Butcher, choice. Butcher, ordinary yd. abo ao good. Stockers, wt. Bue: ‘and Lambs. Cheice ewes, Ee cwt. 3.4 Lambs, per cwt. Bucks, per ewt. 2. Culls, eacl 2. Milkers and Calves coe WS, eat 5.00 ‘alves, $ a aa Oh io exe Sass ies: S00 O50 2° & SS tags, per ows vo | ELEVATORS IN THE WEST. Capacity Has Increased Four Mil- lion Bushels in Year. , $8.60 iB 8870 bo Seah “$4.10. Rolled | jobbers, to| © Feed—Manitoba brat a Shorts 23 to n ions—Heavy Cana- s avy n short ‘cut pore, $25; selected, compound refined lard, 9 d, 124 ti Milwaukee, July 29. = 2 wet Gneluding five 6, with a Se clese 380, oe eee 2 S$ r ze A councilor, Kato, special advisor ‘or, on the other, defence. ; abe Ss QUESTION OF TERMS. the is An . |letin giving the census” a ee this eet number of elevators whee, had sed to 544, with a age pane ¥ ae 23,100, gn bushels, an increase of over 4,00! —t BOERS TO VISIT CANADA. 12%¢; haut Will Be Sent to 0 Study Agricultur- ° ovement A somone despat 3 f ment has Reet Soren 2 Boers to Canada ‘ feautt rance the m: sion of the Lepisiatur ——+ study agricultural ppli 4 improving their own fir penne s ie of the an- | closed. conthern, 784 seu 108 No.- er wenn and Au: y sh ming. uae been reported in Z T1 ing fountains have "The epidemic is o! girache. seoal 5 are placed oe virulent chara‘ ‘Many o! 5,000. A ti (die in a few ked in the streets a Britain moe ee oe to New Premier Bond’s Speech in London Much Canvassed. i) to a temperature above 60 eres. Since about three GRAIe of the yee eese manufac- a al hat se ts to would be the case the hee use of the corny methods which al present are gener: o | OFFER FOR FAST SERVICE. Four Steamers ae Speed of enty Ki A de: ae to the London Times Seon Montreal says - is runderstood ic says a go! Proposal emanates (yoni a. co eady given proofs that great ocean ice on sound business lines. ign - WHATJOHN CHINAMAN PAYS Increase of One Thousand in Chi-| nese Immigrants to Canada. despatch says: - the tevioak fiscal ee sh increase of $186,268. oF 08 to raising, the poll tax from $50 to 00. e same time there an rian of 1, whi was 8,5 were 2,: alk including 26. exemptions. BLIND, DEAF AND INSANE. |p Bulletin Giving g Census of Infirmi- ities Is Iss Ottawa despatch = ee was issued t shows a rat tal number eh ee a CHOLERA RAGES IN CAIRO. Sesoring ie oe putea ‘thre io ne total of 35 948 in Canad: (ication enum a I vaiue will be pcatinan eee the “mk during these three ths than | ¢y Prof. hte from a cit has Site to. tion | the following particulars of the « Pacifi cheese. Comparing the cheese cured at @/|service, as t prese! ese from | Canadian Government will hay Homerise alot £17 en yea It is expected his. will be uppiemented by! half much from 1! e finer and richer texture, as well | Of cot are still in London are vonsidered. designed ‘They will be eae ships. -|be provided for a large number emigrant nts. “It was not found possible to av although winter port. FREEDOM 0 OF “OF CIT TY Colonial Premiers Honored bs “City of Edinbur, mdon despatch s A ilway Danaea nded: an enth has Wists el e to Sir Wilfrid Laurier and tl tertained nable to return to London uy day as he had intended. + by Ss Wilfrid Laurier was, ae t DROVE HIM INSANE. fter Six Months in Jail Valix court’s Mind ay. A Sault Ste. Marie ae saya” Six months in jail, during | whic” is wife has eft fo - peau vi in. man, Valincor woe is peat - No heal thier Me ould be found anyw! D ual as } r teen when he Lee MTC by th judice Corea’s scheme for stig Sear thin neues nly due side of his sick w’ nded tamnietanee and sail room, Be ely anid rry have prover nuch for aaa Tse ‘dating CHIEF. OF POLICE KILLED, she ‘Three Heads “of the Department Murdered Within One rae ee Va.. t He was-in the act of an negroes oitieg a fae man shot jim from ambush. A posse 15. 3 Bans Sailors have been vise ae great|suit of the murderér, ‘and of Bronx lieved that he. tie te winched it. ne ceof the he third mur’ der? shrike bird, their sinieal” destroyer.