Milverton Sun, 31 Jul 1902, p. 4

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poreet con otrhngs | uetin in peek rae apart UREEN FOOD AND ROOTS ; the redeem be-} from Hh cept- 3 Tm -no service can be ac slo ed. HINTS ON ECONOMICAL PORK 6, 29. And thou shalt set the altar PRODUCTION. of the rot offering before the door ee {3 oe Frank De Witt Talmage Gives Soranace = an (om vo oe eee he Went Of O° | aye Farmer May Make Forags 5 J aie : : z f Christ ? Wi w{ This brazen aitar or altar of Plants fp ee nea Item o i a: i ¢ nes th nt i nt f ae : To Recognize P ri : ring i . urity. Them Encouragement. fen i that” dodiea on cane “ths| Christ on Calvary sullering in Our] tm the pase. some onjections have To ocudnize Publys ioe 3 es ing ‘of your life’s blo: ; as j = oni : To i gi aR REND oT you be willing to suffer for Christ as|in the court by the entri : ene Pes os oe | fine ext, that it 19 Se = rine past lives haye been dissolute? ve the pleasure and the| th and at th egouction: ‘ oA PRR rte pees ey ae id Hi , abi joys he Christian | foot of it. . : ge ae ea both a r in an is ife ? Are you. ay 2 aponlder- tor er he thei renee - a: I da y ly = chemleal analysis, will ipaoa dara 889 he : adulteration, Prof. W. Hodgson |*dditional clauses that had bé him, th ; a , aa Tea Ss He Nios Eile, Omtetat Analyst to the Bains (added to Sain ie L carsale B, ill wi wi ler Z a r bi + fluen: of a si ri rti A ei je wo ion Gove ent, aftei y TCo atch ‘from, Chicago says: |have the yy. person. th he bac! ; ABS Dorey entor ites or suGtB ins the vation 2. rid produces, r 8 nun THE TREATY UCCIALLI. 2 -analyses, reports that “Suni itt Talmage preach- |mi ! mi; e he 2 ES ‘And ‘thou shalt set the i f and is sold only in fead made prac 4 mother of Ras Makonnen was ing text: Philip-|lead my ohildi ere| I woul ou it nd - baser ten lik ene ee ae : = saints salute |guch ip L would dis-ling t ke these sacri gregation and the altar and shalt | skim milk has a m ficial i ; packets. g to mal . aes-|miss them at ey, Ch sail esar’s | Put_w therein. flu rift of the por! E 1 reen. | But Soe it as so difficult for a es a i OU! altar proclaims ality . of th r ven 8 jack, Mixed and G now better than is he _ While tt q : 2 hrone. He i arded 5 —— 1 sent: the salutations man to a Christian life who | thei ifces that Jesus i Ds | AR LO OS Ste SEU enESe OE | ediaiett jount fed F : ‘ran tea drinkers try “Salada’” Green tea, Wey nes genic oat 2 Extra Fino ‘Stool sab cS ete ms has had ‘an = vil ae here toc, reward’ aaa ae standing in Christ pefore God (Rom. | ond reot eg iark pss os but also stupefied i hold : ina 1 : hilippian and roots seem in . : ut also stupefie now holds, is gre i prea he salut ints of|Rome, but upon the golden bo 9; Heb, x, 10, 14), the lave i he . : AAWAII'S § SKILLED DIVER: Bike heen at fis aad mage 300 or 360 size, 0 pate. the Salutations , aulace. wan 1 ven. It is 01 ster |Points to the co ne jew of the tri lou: = x would be the end. A noos i 3 ° Ces bb PER BOX. : no being’ iperor s im. Uniil I rs ig the, salu¢stions ‘ £ |Gaily fe by the word of Go Bay le ae ees : : Biphel ver eee siains ee oe an oe enuike| The DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO. r the encourage- at the greatest’ of moral “he: (tue gale ard. ly a|xvii, 17; xili, 10; Ps. xix, 9). dustry,—quite inacequate supply < ‘THEY FIGHT “SHARKS UNDER feet, would up anchor we has never set ‘ Sara w : = g THE WATER. e shark ci ill- |elaiman ento, I want - court round about and Ban ing. ‘The far i : risoner, being fed ‘with more [been true to the interests of his able {°% I'm a great coward when’ ie) "NU ly death by the power of sin to the |hanging at the co; : ti i y ¢ i uncle. Pine e sammie ihe ‘redeemed | ‘This linen fence hung upon wooden | than "to ‘ Mies ae : 3 Bees the Niuhi, and eee f me, a Prisoner, to 80! rs a by : » > ae nou 6 to maintain your Chris- yom p from the Rom ver h anding in a| make them th te : Bxecuvion tat integrity eenta t the bombard- ts 5d esar’s palace, be- | w! clk vere torn of brass and kept up it h careful t goo! . : The shark now, as he has always | rive) oe th by at . ngly overwhelming i , into |e a : ion of ee right, be Bmneror, and that | ie aint worldly “aisieaties, vet there are ined, tho man wha has Been loath |tho green pastures by the sid : e barley), du 2 last’ month of ‘ = thes tha will sit on the thro Minerd's Liniment Cures Colds ete: mén who are maintain- i tl i here tl ifed oe ty pes di riot ee A ais ae Teg Se Sostances in which he was habati captor, Fie he ip ut Me is to tag vnote Chistian integrity against iol, mi 8 for |saints shall foreve with t rus al As the season is rather far ad- age trea a god, and it was sup-/noose over the animal’s head, would i in his} “That's th : CONVENIENCE FOR VEL- rt < aa CHEESE rlokties Hh to feed also, ever after, be always Victori-|,2RdS, and it is no ‘ in| you use the heey sas cha TERS. er id's "soul ous. Ab} 4 | Human Bosh was also formerly |°¥e", have a ce aaa chance of be- re jused as bai r vi e comin terete 3 3 "t you some tk SEASONABLE. ‘ riend to the fami As up an lett: to geeky iy ie t Ras ‘Makoungy 1 is tall and thin, Oe Bf sae Cee sk ee : ns rarely cared in the rae | |three days in a Saat ef be yn very. dignified in earring imes have the headache ? _ The Plame | ese teket love: ey y bothered with raising Jorden times the use of this kind brown tnceola) th 4 : s to b the finé linen is the righteousness of 0 pigs than ae < thelr children, this was a convenient | oe ; land. Selgeas eae eee For oven se aes i a, Seamer al lee? tt S183 ‘ MDGiee wer | Bee : and comforting belief. Kings and chiefs, it was uion fy|teliious, atte optic faith, is | a xp Rete, — al east. of Burtalo, including could plead, who was once the no’ i sden as | 9-18. Both the high priest and pi si y : Although the waters surrounding |eause it was much che he eaten niyo aie eect ce “isin ebidres wt d Blue Bird, the mus oat ee the ‘the pala‘ i ns and a tabernacle an cae RG the fok gee Fe edneed os the islands are infested wi i fermen easily secured than si Eat Werle cast Te toinan Sa York slums. ugh eli bi 18 0 soter. : @ native’ fisherman | 5 rd. G ch one | Wer a be ho of good pei ibits any fear of eae and th perere wi oi aus Holy'G Ghost, Dee a tenes tain e |Lord and nini Him His | Repe—Of all ‘the orops used er i < Christian “men tlio. sie ep uin: Hest Davanpa aE Eure aie IEE At in- for a little while on earth |spec Ei set aaa ‘or go far for pasturing pigs, rape quits } 4 most desper: chance t- who was’in his way or to ‘ather loose m a phe- | exltuke nave kind, i eee eee leep, shoulder fluential, that the rich and the poor, jin one of Caesar’s earthly palaces ! i t is Ny tai ¥ i ‘ ing: Be islike, a - is wife even years eee sylvan pect oe deep, ae deep tf the quicksand of| the pure and the depraved alike, the He Vi Fe IL. 21). points in its fa re rk i t ra moment. th mu Pte Rakes FS 3 es : s: madaipipel in| ssyp—“Cholly-is. well provided et Nam Sark Conte Were Shore. difficulties who can yet look up and| old as well as the 35. The. ee of tho Lord filled 3 Ss e i 5 ture of his own. especi as | wa: Ss an Hy jeannot. bi i i i Saat Ocean Cea e it oo b, great si , the necessaries of life Yes ue rtaeananics rows well in almost any ki ho compunetions about taking some his victims enned up near th t is 8 1898 he re- thi Wallkill Valley. BOBBED OVER Ole eee, THE S. S. LESSON. So He will fill us if we are willing 2B, may : other man’s. neians . of Moolani, nae 0 take another wife in spi nectar lee thing for = seuas joston & Alban You can speak from the bi at and obedient vholly. set e sown as late as September | : ‘The natives divide the sharks fre- | Kawai Tawa Be . of th John B. Gough spoke to the drunk INTERNATIONAL LESSON, Hims ies a living sa He Aes ae & quently found: in ae wale AUGU: 3. r and | roe: been physical weaklings, a es t (8 PERFECT I~ tim uld be Ted into shallow] Ras Mangascia, the natural son |/™ ars : lenehing gas and i) ss: Welet and iabers of the ae King John, on the other | %! : might be happ; TRANDED AND KILLED. hand, 4s known. to be dominated | WitH ether. idea that he should, confine my. remarks t Tt Ts Found in ie interchangeable Sharks’ teet bigs are hi, ui (man shark) aie naa ives, while le oy seen as Olie $50.00"; ROUND | TRIP 00. CALL a Phi ii, ete. ; : god of the ancient Te tee lis maluahic sud ota good quality. |? Laer Text oe the Lesson, Ex. x1., 1-38.| 36-38. The sine of mie! was to ig AS j e Mano, ge W rk, and |The fins are frequently dried and fo in. hs. Chicago. & NosticWestern ae from olden Text, Ps. c. 4. the le, a ligh' shield, i & § ‘ ipped to China, where they are 10. Staging Christians, you have had ve Mixa ie recareneusl oracle avenge) ‘in| f ; r all. , two are rarely seen in considered a great delica y be. evil past, you can plead for : : i i 8 < a Rake mito 8 a ol Of Hip presence in tho sight 80 : a fos seed along ane el i vets ENCOURAGE Eade eal Oe cae si eet up ey ur the. peor! aes when so grow ) night by the Bright Bi eenish Hight oe FROM DEATH'S DOOR, 5 le of the tent of the i s its ens te h feared a x “those Christians, in the first place, an evil pas ce gives 8 : f veballs. nly is much feare E aro struggling agaist “the phy- ju ii i a ——— sical depressions ot ill health. Life ‘ ma HAMMER: -HEADED | aN OTTAW. . brightest of condi-|tion upon your head that you a sper LOVE'S DISILLUSIONMENT. y three pow seed Nata ee 3 : (OTTAWA MAN'S WONDER Alexan- go forth ana save your sifful fellow e penned Ace ee 3 per acre. An acr eal ‘ f iM nets, seines or bag nets with| "U+L¥ NARROW ESCAPE. = salen aes A little time ago a domestic ser. /to carry from 20 to 40 pastas : “My son,” said the go fen verses vant gave notice that at the end of |through a season, depen { : an X nd 11. " ft them eines Opelgie Crankset acral ated - Thi p the u ‘usual month she would leave her season and the ion of the y , ‘as in Convulsions and _ thely ae na ime casera : not only regular rad al idge of time. Up-| howe *Christlans alice Be come eS i Fop when the pigs are turned in. 1 : fob geri en Doctors Told His Wife He Could| to. bi the t . Cr urist ‘car ex-| 0 many” families that travel ere ’t you comfortable, Jane?” ‘etches.—Vetches also are valuable LS . sir ‘apes OCS RES Ee! Not Live Till Morning, But He) ished. ut pose I i ii asked the mistress, sorry at the pro- ri ¢ Swit imiiy be, un- y alls at : Recovered: to dig a well 7” spe ect of losing one who had prove s shai pointed hone fetel a Ont., Tuly. ae Soe ae a, ‘ , 2 Bast King St., " the stove, is an infidel; perhaps some p hereslt to Hera perfor — Salon at E . Especially i tovthe end to form the tip. Bow of =At nt "Gime Ke hie ety | Em Deo es . colt re nett, 2 Bast King St., Toronto. ( eartaching ee to halt for anjof your classmates at school and ath bee y i" . @ hooks have a barb. ire veel dogg cen okt dias tee t's health: u1- | rebate: in athe M able; but, please, I'm going to get ee, { But frequently the fishermen take] nearer the hous ane article of death tungs, and you will soon be carried to an | “Of course, it's a healthy, © well-| ne A aanene Hive a|married,”” was the reply. © f : Seath | untimely gra this eonntry we have |formed baby, suey," said the young s tl drew ee for the m down. swith: ede iving el a n a sudden ae one expect to have ——————— e : : 5 ‘aboue ave oa at 2 i eouzhs and.colds, We cannot avoid then, het eeitlendioe ing hi Why did you let me mal e" essed her | ly no green 4 at eee in| He 3 “Kent, —a| but we can e que by using Bickle’ |p peer gee = Wibsed vies % and middle aged woman or Heros iy cha ae i istre: ie at er ims ina C i he employ of th K Anu-Consampive Syrup. tee : i ‘ s se, , have you got a ; i aus never been ° BE | cule your Bible. You have fo ac i Ni Ror ih aise ests Coat ae <3 hue ee epee Vou Nellington St. Jing eouglis, colds, bronehitis aa ange | but it’s awfully ww."'|was hopeless until after you tottering centenarian had tumbled si ur husband is found in chap’ er t,’? said: her mis- Ey ewante Zar. sthe- shark en ep pear. ight ye r. | fections of the throat, Ings an‘ chest, “Dear litt ooed a. nei made love to me.’ through thé broken planks of that] ing a perniciou: iri 7 7 3 ‘No, Jane, eee yet,’" ‘sai pes one ie Be. ae b bridge into the dark waters of the ey ildren, sainerti ie evra eee Ls g és - sible. | ea a abi pn re Sie un. oxy. iver of nee lowing below. hat are you going to leavi ‘Bees oe am, it yor # y 8 pes Seay he had to quit work and was a: alls on 15 days of | age of its papa.” © CURE A CO yh ey ough life 18 such an aw i! i i I should like to sta i Heatape oe ane d the spear he watches his opportuni ae year only: at Moscow on cae Apuaplite Tofuind tho money if it falls to cure, i thle. i Bi l- i ie i s i vith | e some 1 lays; wate in Ireland the average is Won eack bez. ie. stout tor the broad cl poe ap: c] urse is possib 3 i acai SP SuLON ee spe Se cecal 3 eS, i ead ae gon ‘ 20} brie age IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. + Grove's signature ‘¢ on eacl sn Lashes Pa eae ty nae able ees ieee ave | ood Himis lone, was | tress, littl ed, “I rtichokes. —— Another Oss 5 : ; ‘ters. Should shar upon him, but instead of _ |The quality, standard trom ocean to ae, Jack 9 sr pivsiates, the mightiest Christian he- oul ‘ 4 é 3s Sidi EE enoalac be ile he is descendi Pr as-| proving iy RR ate oy Se ae back if not 2, t 7 : ; ; é om the Cold, satisfactory. ait Bree Gani Ro Tap"PaceBedne | Rose & Laflamme, Agents, Montreal h f appreciation of their great ——+—__ ss commanded, undertake T saw him for eT Gist tine: gitee. His tace (was d on i c > ear ‘ SI st. trus % ‘4 z De Dos “My, Boy: dome you without washed I felt T couldn't love him|epring. ‘They will do : ae his ‘knife. at close uarters. As the ions, which incre in a a Poe One cee mee Ha cigarettes ara she ton money aS oat if | bringing Kchant Xxxvi, S any longer. thi is appai $ quency F 5 Da! e- s Bo; ‘ junno. honor and self-resrect. |""3'3q. AGE Ginone: shale put rop for brood sows in spring and 4 \ Bie the sur: s above ak 5% of those heel the ark of the testimony and Pe ee | dutimn: = ‘ se agate aera au. arl DIFFERENT. Almost all varieties of juicy forage Suland SEBS " are Wea a suk Hlies neve deal Sot his wonderful skill sometimes saves| that he was barely conscious. | Boerne: Promoted to abe ep rach'| ictetioerine emokin! Zant ~} alnord’s. Liniment ues Garget in Cows. 4 after a particul mt ly hs 4 ‘ for a humming this not, crops are suitabl k produc- : Diquckily th : : any «e #9 wevamees mR : ‘ s 0 ly the native seeks the] sp physicians told his wife fl age’ ¢ “ 5 ru n “It would be cowardly ir fi joke is tion, the oe mentioned above be- shark in coves and eaves below the| that he could not live till morning. ley istiowar en Gots Gale Neem tT KELPid ewruer.) felt ta a ereN neu en Grae 0 forefinger of a man’s desert r. | sa hear BAMSRER ate Tw ing probab : surface after the fish has gorged it- messenger was deqpatched for a jever, and uo luconvenience ip using ft Feary Ane ane ee Opole hand. ae ie here, we aehovis THE “ FOR CANADA. self and sleéps with its head forced Dodd’ Kidney Pills which SupplfedtoB r a os hollie Tha! Fe would bane dreds isa ris. ing tor cousness ery believer. e hy ‘tha Sanisapil q the sides of its resti ing place.| were immediately brought to the Mamma—‘‘T’m giad you didn’t ac- ro: Lom i Yaas. tians also. who trying to mair : 4 t Uf: : N ing’ pigs raze, or shu: a0 iver gently slips ose | dying-man. ape eee beal Old Sores, Ulcers Skin ous apple x od their Christian intogrity in| by the wild beast me of the FoLee a ) : ft all pigs to graze, Ee Be re REENC Sad ins daa Vn RD j He’ Bissases,Eore Becca sien poe: eae Sean t the knees om. iit, 25, y Y bse ¥ in about two months he was ied eo | Bhewmatiom combage, spuains, Sislees | rioting, Bal Saye i God can he sin- Ve “Ee een positively se yet, By ¢ st. false ement. of the div-| at work again in the shop and has | ¢p, 5 ack m| Sold by Drageists, 25c, Try tt once. over | most: of them also ae : c ma; nen ‘ His| | A p 3 fe been: DORI e a ie : ies : ver Ww rtle and he would prob-| not since been off work for a single y to keep on < i * 9 % : attacked. Yet | day. F hich persons acquainted with the site 0 r f | Body oon Z experts have been known to capture} Mr. and Mrs. Kent are naturally ie ee ria Ho ee ject agree. namely, thi jomas! é six or eight sharks in a day in this ‘y gratefu ark of their Mey roe is Eclectric Oil is a ‘met Which ean be aclabor for cutting and eae Sd Poegtek i Beeak BEE HW i jore We were mar-| relied upon to eure a eonah, remove paid, carrying the forage. Le, ze BCE bok es Space , a year “us cl heal sores of various kinds. and paren Another item of some importance 3 IN THE OLDEN TIMES fa s ‘© them sens 9 years a ra in his a i any inflamerl portion of the Aer 3 Se to the feeder is the comparative & es Dis catching of the Niuhi was made peak Saget Vg Pod af Kents “You must always have the great- i s, and| it is applied, much harder must it be for a Rite Beary in one of the Roman cemeteries os chureh, and our oneness sr Alor @ cisnany of winter aa summer feed- e oe royal sport, but there has been| PY, Me. Kent vs a Ege S. ae r se pa nts,’” Soe no} says it tires him to hold the is Toes $ fae * “t (pactbessh cake | ae Ate on} With Him - Late of pigs cording to various _ Gj i no re path fishery for nearly Fries ‘4 the vi tr baby.” ieee “Pa,” said a ie BOY, 87 Horse. 0 be Boot ene tre ei burs | teatime: words: eRe rane 4, 92-95. And thon shalt bring in oyna! eppoceicets sondueed ele Gece We z Be ene hanred [A large quantic| ep seciting the dutalls Or his casa nd weted Abe ami freckles. is i f = f t it, estate (ct ctrsad in c a crooked) Be aS -" | the table and set in order the things pork may Be Beaeeed’ oe avant Ze : : : shark | ® f “vhy om hip me How’s This ! broken | by treading thi fod] Now aaerent risti re to be set in order it, $1 per hundred pounds, live weight, ce a be obtained, aa these, with eS oe vith one hand.” = «ot ous Habe tins - aa) tr i ing i less_ cos 4 i ale Of the: NOT DAZZLED BY PARIS. ee re tee One ena jars reward for |. deuinarionscot ackonad ty the thes ee eeet GES cheoe at ata : : : This seems to be duc to less Z Pose te the Jenves of the 4 plant an + | Mtiia-in Their Action—Parmelee's Ves: fate cue ee oir pg Rela Gl chat ee en eg anny Re | In these v “ s ter , fe re as 5 a Z by Besa unslereround. ot time pi Wonders of That City Fail to Tm- stable Pills are very mild in thelr action. honorable position in -so-|tyrs of Caesar’s ancient place . a cm eae hg toca a re ee tty i my Abyssinian Gen ores “dicta Miiane ‘tere te “ie manny is i see 5 4 ‘ ” 7 ese Z ills do: erefote, the most delicate Ps all WAS ‘SHED IN a gt sBie 1 Aes be fr y Ce a Spe : 2 se ith ence yen ‘London rele ole “the ean take them Ww mithout. feur of mnploasant ad Saunelay able to. 0, CLEAN AND coop, Bid ehba>.-persccutt ee Wonatt (Solu Sar eb) 12). We griculturist, iy quaitics of the pounded: oot | Souishament “thet tne smoilitary cies | sects HOY can, to ce on any Sighted rade by thelr 411 3 ; death and ‘resurree ion FB: 2 f » Ott Z large 5 e children without imposin: nal how much more difficult must it be influence of 3 ‘ ate ante Sane ioe Con irel oanenvel a aan £ P the aw with a. lito soe ellen the a ots tain an honorable Chr was sta Pr hose ‘ i set for e ‘ i our “to is unl appily anave SB aepneme hae tusrats one polar apa ugelits, panghin ‘a horse with a - Toledo, ae <IN] MAR: en incurable ringbone for + 880, "a0, + his term Seoautione were lighted the - ° Grins eat refully prepare adialt'e, Cai h Cure is 0 hed: his ta| frees which are to-day. sheddin; i : : y ms . NEW AILOR’S STANT. : shes ses inlet ered new a2 Belge . faster—““Mary, 1 wish you would| surfaces of ‘Be Weatieas restimonia(s| seat h It : os 3} 1 ha the Niuhi ae a Ps Fre ‘ ji “ é iz ee Price 7c per bottle. Sid ty ell drug | «4 Cre ‘Liniment, $54. ings are also see M Wy ta vanz Dolezal has pe Nivhl yaa ny to appear, | nen, who is ere. reful. ry s to | gist : 2 a fee tere es bruising of the olives to obtain ol sats patented a device for measuring a 1 Band, at a comparatively xpected, d my. ee scold s Bail's Yamily Pils are the best. ; feat for the lamps. : a Person oF a gee! of clothes by pho- , q hallow te , anchor. his admiration s a} off ‘Oh, don’t me | Phi é a i, 5, a Ae And thou shalt set the i = Ly h,| .| togray ‘aph; Ac wire network ¥ z a “Then the baked liver and meat|he says he is going to get awa tice oO} jones— What did you think of my} St. Philip's, Que., Nov. let, 1901, altar f gold for the incense before Z ov with square mies is photographed _ auld be thrown overboard, a few | Switzerland among the ‘quiet of phe argument, Fogg ?'’ Foge—“It was the ark of the testimony and put the 4 S with the subject as a stendard, an 3 bundles at a time, at att mountains. I th eae very sound (Jones ioatiences) So it you, 0 od Nees 8 ae Coe ente e gg the person to be wlenterea 1053 harks. After y days tl ase| Ras Makonnen is the Abyssinian | worm, give them Mo raves’ [nothing but sound, in fac tia et fe. | anaee sort of 1 . intended ark , meat General and Provincial Governor | Exterminato tia unkard, a liber-| pel faith in nacle HAS : Nee - ‘ev x ES 2 : g certain im meet points C spread through r many is’ st to the Emperor Men- te foe Gemeente Fteg inte ” hi ‘ocial ae st! | you are stationed you m This was the third and only oth body. spe relative. positions A miles in every direction. About the lik in famfly, political and military oo | aay je = af Henly aprile andl poor rather ananany, even ae rote & subject, camera, and network, are 3 2 ; fi rth the Ninh would |relations. He was sent to By ge meal are | it ‘is cruel of mo to take r = oy adjusted, and then 8 : - " appé: ae bundles of the baked | to represent the Emperor at the BS Landlady—‘‘T'm oe. con ject to mut fatl pore te Ripienta tbe: = : al ‘are taken from : j : by rou she thro a onation of Sora sand he, is | De Do Spiude 2° MF aoe asap k 1 - t swallow them. ter. a| now on a tour throug! soe M ( Teena i _ Aiferent oe eed 4 sae pie the shark as get compara-| countries of the white races. He is|mistic boarder)—“Very seldom in| Mote te Sor it eee coe eet ot cf é ‘ one : es fs “tive tame and would come up to|a remarkable man’ who in power and| this house, madam."” fat. ‘In this condition Parmelee's Vege- | ee : fe ee eens : ae trek: 3 i Ara Tadenine a ie feed tas be asjeenen | iG second in Abyssinia: o1 2 ee le Pills w: ane eel ief. ‘They will as- : 3 : = ; : ane 6 ao himsel y he of your 0} eats may win thousands upon thousands allow reform-| of of lnmortal souls for Christ—beings | (Bx. xxx, 7, 8). It sis: ed servamts in your home whos e yoy names “you Have pever read, jmerits and excellencies of the Lor tee ke oS s

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